Scenario for children's birthday Luntik 3 years old. Scenario "Luntik and friends". Animators for a children's party. Luntik and - youtube

Scenario children's day birth with Luntik

For younger children

Music sounds, presenter announces: Once upon a time, an unusual baby was born on the moon.

Appears to the music Luntik and hides behind the trees.

Leading : Guys, who is that hiding behind the trees?

Children in chorus: Luntik!

Luntik appears:

Hello guys! Of course you recognize me? I'm a moon bee Luntik ! I flew to visit Baba Capa and she told me that today birthday with the most beautiful and smart girl in the world. Today(child's name) whole (age) years! And so Baba Kapa prepared a gift, and sent me to give it(Name) and all her friends. Only now... I hid it in a safe place, and then the gift... BAMS and disappeared! I lost it, it turns out!

Luntik thinks sadly.

Luntik : I know! I guessed! Vupsen and Pupsen took the gift, wow, how harmful...What should we do? I can't handle them alone. Guys, can you help me?find a gift?

Children in chorus: Yes!

Luntik: Then we are going with you to our magical country! Everyone get on the magic plane!

The presenter turns on the musicLuntik gets up first, the children line up one after another, spreading their arms like wings and flying, first slowly, then faster, across the entire perimeter of the hall.

Luntik: Station “Climbing through the tunnel.” Guys, let’s climb through this tunnel like Uncle Korney!

Relay race “Climb through the tunnel”

Luntik: Guys, you are all so great, and now we need to hit the road again! All over me!

Everyone is flying.

Luntik: Dance station! Guys, now we will dance with you! Take the magic plumes quickly!

Dance with the sultans.

Luntik: And now it’s time for us to hit the road again!

Everyone is flying.

Luntik: Station "Collective". Guys, the harmful caterpillars scattered the magic berries, let's collect them!

Game “Collect Berries” (balls) 2-3 times.

Luntik: What great fellows you are! They helped me pick all the berries so well! It's time for us to fly on!

Everyone is flying.

Luntik: Surprise station! Guys, look at the magic pot! What's in it?

Luntik opens the pot, and there is a harmful leech.

Luntik: Oh, it's a leech! And she wants to play tag with you!

Game with a leech.

The children run away and the leech catches them.

Luntik: Guys, look, our leech played such a prank with us that he was left completely without water, let's bring her a drop, otherwise she will completely dry out.

Children bring drops into the pot.

Luntik: Well, it’s time for us to hit the road again! Guys, let's fly!

Everyone is flying.

Luntik: Station "Rolling!" Guys, take this rainbow in your hands and we will roll the ball (strawberry)!

Game "Roll the Ball"

Luntik: And now we have a game, “Run under the rainbow!” (Explains the rules of the game).

Game "Run Under the Rainbow"

L Untik and the leader take the fabric and make a rainbow - the children run around.

Luntik : guys, we continue our journey. Hurry up and get on our plane!

Everyone is flying.

Luntik: Station "Bubbles catcher." Guys, now we will catch soap bubbles!

Game "Catch the Bubble"

Luntik: Well, the last station awaits us: “Congratulations - round dance!” Everyone form a circle and congratulate our birthday girl!

Round dance "Loaf"

Luntik: Guys! And I remembered where I put the gift! Let our birthday girl come to the magic pot and open it!

There are treats in the pot.

Luntik gives the birthday boy a gift and distributes treats to all the children.

Luntik : I announce a disco!


Birthday boy

boy, girl (universal)

Number of guests

not limited


2-4 years

Duration of the holiday

2 hours


Holiday colors

Soft purple, pink, green, red


Candy, cookies, juice, nectar, grapes, strawberries, cheese, cake


Balloons, garlands, a tree of photographs, bright sofa cushions, colorful ribbons

Themed entertainment

Sand pies, bell orchestra, tug of war, blindfolded orienteering, pebble throwing, cairn, drawing, butterfly dance lesson, grandfather Sher's exercise parade, folding paper boat, labyrinth, balloon flight on a parachute, etc.

The main characters of the holiday "Luntik and his friends"

The idea of ​​the holiday "Luntik and his friends"

Organize a tour for the children through the forest where Luntik and his friends live.


1. Invitations to a party with Luntik

The printing industry is also trying to keep up with fashionable (and very popular!) trends among kids. Coloring books, books with colorful illustrations and stories about Luntik’s adventures can be found on the shelves of any bookstore. The same applies to postcards (including invitations).

But our holiday is special! This means that invitations should be unusual, characteristic only for our exclusive event! Since we planned to spend it in the forest (where we thought, like the cartoon characters), to collect strawberries for delicious jam, we made the invitations in the shape of this juicy berry.

We cut out berries and leaves from thick cardboard, and then glued the strawberry into a single whole. And on back side- posted the text of the invitation:

"Hello! I am Luntik, Moon Bee! Soon I am going to fly to Earth, to the Magic Forest (it is located at _______). I’m going to visit little _________ (name of the birthday boy)_____, it’s ______(date)____ Birthday! Only he doesn’t know yet that I will come to congratulate him! It's a surprise! And let this surprise remain our little secret for now! Exactly at_(holiday time)___ we all together (if you, of course, also come to congratulate our little birthday boy!) will go on a journey through the Magic Forest. I will introduce you to my friends, we will play and dance! And also eat Baba Kapa’s wonderful pie! Come! You will not regret!"

When my strawberries were ready, I also found this cute sketch of an invitation card. He also perfectly conveys the theme of “Luntik’s Adventures in the Forest.” Perhaps some of you will like this format!

Berries and leaves can be decorated with stickers of cartoon characters (they are also on sale in abundance)! It will turn out very cool and close to the theme of the holiday!

2. Decorations for the playground, decorations for the holiday with Luntik

Our scenario involved a “travel” through the Magic Forest. And in it are the houses of different heroes: the spider Shnyuk, the bees of Baba Kapa and Grandfather Sher, the grasshopper Kuzya, the ladybug Mila, the fireflies Dina and Tim, etc. In each house (which we “built” according to the characteristic image of its owner), new things awaited the kids adventure - game. This is how we designed the “forest houses”.

Mila's house

For Mila's house, we chose a wide stump in the forest (it later served as a table for us to have tea). And around the stump they placed small wooden stools with soft, velvet covers to match the color of the ladybug’s wings (red with black polka dots).

In Mila's house you need to provide a small sandbox (where the children will build Easter cakes and sand castles). A portable option is a box or trough with sand.

Shnyuk's House

Spider Shnyuk - one hundred percent creative person. This means that his house should be decorated beautifully and tastefully. Bohemian sofas, carved chairs, feathers and inkwells... We decorated the home of the spider-poet with homemade balls with glued white thread (the technology for making such a web is very simple: we wind a thread around an inflated balloon in a random order, then open the entire structure with PVA glue, wait, when it dries and deflate the ball).

Kuzi's house

The house of the grasshopper Kuzi is decorated in oriental style, and in the light green tones characteristic of the style. For Kuzi (after all, this cartoon character is an adventurer, dreamer and traveler), we have selected a collection of items with different corners world: shells, boats, pebbles. And also beautiful small sofa cushions (as chairs at Kuzin’s table), drawings, tree leaves and wild flowers.

Dina and Tim's firefly house

Fireflies do not appear in the cartoon as often as the main characters. But they are also Luntik’s friends. And he really loves to play with them. We decorated the firefly house with garlands with small light bulbs. It turned out to be a truly fabulous spectacle!

Butterflies in the cartoon are airy, very beautiful and very arrogant creatures. They are proud of their lightness, beautiful transparent wings, and all the time they flutter from flower to flower, looking in the mirror. We decorated their house in accordance with the image - bright fabrics, colorful pillows and many, many bouquets of various flowers.

House of Baba Kapa and Grandfather Sher

The main decoration of the house of the cartoon nurse, Baba Kapa, ​​is the stove. She bakes pies and bagels, cakes and pies almost every day.

And so - for the house of “grandmother” and “grandfather” Luntik, the surroundings are quite simple - a bright rug, a wooden table. Well, maybe also a honeycomb and a spyglass for General Scher.

Luntik's house

Remember, at the very beginning of the animated series, when Luntik was just born and “fell” from the Moon to Earth, the guys built a house for him from branches, leaves and flowers on the shore of the lake? We decided to do something similar in the forest. True, for Luntik’s light house they used not leaves, but multi-colored ribbons. This house seemed more festive to us.

3. Costumes and props for a children’s party with Luntik

Since we envisioned an “adventure journey” based on a cartoon, we needed a lot of different props: a ball, a rope, an easel for drawing, paints and brushes, paper for boats, molds for sand cakes. In addition, to participate in our holiday, we invited the “real” Mila and Luntik (actors and animators). And for the children, they provided wings, ladybug horns, ears, and butterfly skirts (little things that allow you to quickly transform into a new hero in each house).


1. We meet lunar guests

We waited for our little guests in a clearing near Willow (the main tree of the cartoon).

This tree became the starting point of our journey. We decorated the clearing by the willow tree with this wonderful thing:

2. Games and entertainment with the lunar guest

When everyone gathered, I said: “Our holiday today is very unusual! Why? Look! It always happens: when someone has a birthday, he invites guests to his place. So? Here! And we will do the opposite! Today is _______’s birthday, and we were invited to visit (in honor of such a holiday!) by the inhabitants of the Magic Forest - Luntik and his friends! Are you ready to meet your favorite characters and see where they live? Then let’s go!”

Stop I - Mila's House

(brings the children into the house): Guess who lives here? (guys guess). Of course, Mila! A kind girl who loves to treat everyone to cakes. Do you know how to make sand cakes? Then let's make a surprise for Mila!

Task 1. Build sand pies

When the children finish work, mom suggests calling Mila. A girl appears dressed as Mila.

Oh, how great! Thank you guys! In gratitude for your wonderful gift, I want to treat you to sweets! (treats).

Do you want to play with me some more? I have a labyrinth.

Who will be the first to try to walk along it? Who isn't afraid to make new discoveries?

Task 2. Labyrinth

Mila, come with us! (a girl animator joins the journey).

Stop II - Shnyuk's House

Spider Shnyuk is probably working on a new poem or painting! Let's get a look! (enter the house). It’s strange, he’s not at home! And he left the picture unfinished... Maybe we can help Shnyuk finish the picture?

Task 3. Draw a picture

On the easel there is a sheet of paper with a bright color abstraction.

Exercise- draw something like that.

Little guests (those who were 2 years old) used their fingers and brushes to draw “scribbles” (and why not Shnyuk’s abstraction?), those who were older (3-4 years old) already depicted quite meaningful objects (the sun, flowers, grass , stream, tree).

Oh, what a beauty we have! Surely Uncle Shnyuk will appreciate our creativity when he returns! But the spider has prepared one more task for us - a musical one.

Task 4. Handbell orchestra

You see, there are small bells attached to Uncle Shnyuk's web. And also bells, this is an interesting musical instrument.

Let's all try to play a song together - congratulations for our birthday boy (bells are ringing to the beat of “Happy Birthday to you!”

Stop III - Kuzi House

And Kuzya, as always, is walking around somewhere! Oh, how many interesting things he has in his house! Look! (Children look at the objects on Kuzya’s table). And then there’s a note: “Guys, I’ve set sail on a real ship!” I'll be back soon! Kuzya."

Kids, do you know how to make real ships? Now let's study!

Task 5. Build a paper boat

Each child is given a sheet of A4 paper. Mila shows what needs to be done to make a boat, the children repeat.

Task 6. Throwing a pebble

And also - our Kuzya very accurately throws pebbles into the pond and calls them “pancakes”. Can you hit these buckets with a ball?

Task 7. Cairn

Remember how Luntik and Kuzya trained hard to become stronger and win the caterpillar tug-of-war competition? They carried stones to a high mountain and built a pyramid with them! Do you want to try it?

Task 8. Tug of war

Now let's check how strong you have become! Let's split into two teams: Mila's team and the birthday boy's team. Whoever wins will be the first to try the magic Kuzi juice!

Stop IV - Butterfly House

And here our beautiful butterflies live. They have some entertainment in store for you too.

Task 9. Dance lesson from butterflies

Our butterflies dance great! They are natural ballerinas! Do you want to learn how to flutter like butterflies? (Children put on lace “tutus” and imagine themselves as butterflies, flutter around the clearing, dance, spin).

Also, our butterflies really love bright fireworks made from confetti and balloons. Let's make such a gift!

Task 10. Tossing balloons on a parachute

Guys, take this huge parachute by the edges (and on the parachute, in the center, are air balloons). Now, on the count of one, two, three - raise the parachute up!

Stop V - Dina and Tim's Cabin

Fireflies Dina and Tim light the way when it's dark. But one day they were offended by the caterpillars Vupsen and Pupsen, and did not leave the house at night to light the way for passers-by. All the cartoon characters had to navigate in the dark.

Maryina Svetlana Valentinovna,

musical director

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 178", Novokuznetsk

Scenario "Luntik and friends"

Presenter, Luntik, Vupsen, Pupsen.

children Hare, fox, squirrel.

Children enter the hall to the music.

Leading: Spring day, golden,

The sun is shining!

We congratulate moms.

Child 1: What did the little sparrow sing about?

Outside our window in the morning?

That mother's day is coming,

It's time to get up!

Child 2: What are the icicles outside the window about?

Are they ringing, ringing, ringing?

What women's holiday has arrived

They want to remind us

Child 3: What is the mustachioed cat singing about?

Purring at the door?

That mother's holiday is coming,

It's time to welcome guests!

Child 4: We tried today

Carefully combed your hair,
Washed, got dressed,

To make mothers smile

Child 5: And today in this room

We sing about dear mothers,
Dear ones, this song

We give it to you from the bottom of our hearts!

Song 2 ml


Children sit down

Ved: Spring has come, the drops are ringing,

The pipe sings in honor of the holiday

And I hear guests rushing to us

They want to celebrate mothers' day.

The screensaver plays “Once upon a time on the moon a strange baby was born”..

Vupsen and Pupsen (caterpillars) come out to the music

Ved : Oh, guys! Who is this? Did you recognize them? Right. This is Vupsen and Pupsen from the cartoon about Luntik. Hello, Vupsen and Pupsen, how did you get here to us?

Vupsen : Well, we got bored in our clearing, so we decided to look for something new.

Pupsen : Where did we end up?

Ved : You're in kindergarten, today the guys and I congratulate mothers, grandmothers and all women Withholiday March 8. Did you congratulate your girls on holiday?

Vupsen : No. We didn't even know what it was like today holiday.

Pupsen : Here's the problem, Women's Day,

A too lazy to make gifts!

Vupsen: Yes, without them we need, friends

You can't come to the holiday.

Pupsen : ABOUT! Look, here's the package,

There's probably something there.

I guessed it , I'm guys

Vupsen : Let's quickly take the package,

We'll take it to Mila and Baba Kapa!

Pupsen : Exactly. Grab it quickly. That's great! And you don’t have to think about what to give. Gifts they fell into our hands. (Leave).

Ved: Ah ah ah. Guys, did they do the right thing? Lazy people don't even want to think about gifts. Here we are preparing for holiday and now we will give a little treat for moms.

Hey my friends guys
We'll dance a polka for mommy.

Polka 2 ml "We are for our mommy" A Evdotyeva

Wed "Merry Polka" About Kienko

children sit down

Comes in Luntik .

Luntik: Hello guys! why are you so smart?

Ved : Hello, Luntik, today is a holiday March 8?

VED: This means that this is the first spring holiday - International Women's Day and all mothers, grandmothers, girls should be congratulated on the holiday and given gifts.

Luntik Yes, I remembered, Kuzya told me and even prepared a bag of gifts and said that he left it here. By any chance, have you seen the package with gifts?

(Children's response)

Ved: Yes, Vupsen and Pupsen were here. And they found some kind of package.

Luntik: It's always like this! These Vupsen and Pupsen will always ruin everything. Oh, oh, now I won’t be able to congratulate Baba Kapa and Mila on the holiday. What else can you give on this day?

Ved: Guys, let's tell you Luntik about the holiday and give poems to our mothers and grandmothers.

(Children read poetry)

Luntik: What beautiful Poems! It's a pity I won't have time to learn it. What else can you give?

Ved: You can give flowers! Guys, we will help Luntik collect a bouquet for Mila?, and mothers will help us.

Game "Collect flowers".

Give mothers a flower each, for example, lily of the valley and rose, chamomile, mimosa (others). Children with flowers of 4 types walk to the music, and at the end of the music they collect a bouquet around the mother who happens to have the same flower.

(You can collect flower petals by color.)

Leading: Well done boys! Which beautiful bouquet it worked! (Luntik presented with a bouquet of artificial flowers).

Leading: And also, Luntik, Can give a dance. Our boys love to dance.

Luntik: Dance? What dance? After all, I don't even know how to dance.

Ved : Well, don’t worry about it. Now our guys will quickly teach you how to dance. Guys, get up, let's teach Luntik dance. Get up with the guys for the Sponge bow dance.

2 ml and avg. Dance "Sponges in a bow".

Ved: Luntik, do you know how forest dwellers congratulate mothers?

look here.

Squirrel comes out. hare and fox. poetry. from the scene.

Luntik: everyone was congratulated, but the grandmothers were forgotten.

Presenter : We have not forgotten anything - after all, our holiday is still ongoing - and congratulations begin for our grandmothers!

There are many different songs in the world about everything.

And now we’ll sing you a song about grandma!

2 ml. " Grandmother's dance.

Wed: “How delicious grandma’s pancakes are ".

Leading: Our grandmothers, as always, left balls. We need to help them reel them in.

Game "wind up the balls"

4-6 colored threads of 3-5 meters each are laid out on a chair. On command or to the music, children take the thread and wind it into a ball. Who can do it more accurately and faster? ( maybe 5 boys and 5 girls, then other children).

Ved: We will also give grandmothers a dance.

We are funny guys

We guys are just great

Let the music play

Let's dance merrily for you.

2 ml "With ribbons"

Wed Dance "Matryoshka"

Luntik : Well, what should I do? I don't have any gifts?

sat down, sad

Ved : Don't be upset, Luntik. Maybe Vupsen and Pupsen will come to their senses and return present

Vupsen and Pupsen come in

Vupsen: What to do now?

Pupsen: It's all your fault.

Vupsen: No you.

Pupsen: No you.

Vupsen: No you…

Ved : What happened, Vupsen and Pupsen? Why are you arguing?

Vupsen: We decided to see what was in this package.

Pupsen: There was a box there.

Vupsen: Then we decided to see what was in this box.

Pupsen: They opened it, and there was a pie.

Vupsen: Yeah, the pie, it smelled so good that we wanted to smell it.

Pupsen: we started smelling it, and it just broke...

Vupsen: Broken? It was you who broke it...

Pupsen: I? But it was you who broke it...

Vupsen: No you.

Pupsen: No you.

Vupsen: Who ate it?

Ved: Have you eaten it yet? After all, this pie Kuzya and Luntik prepared for women Kapa and Mila.

Pupsen: He ate it.

Vupsen: No he.

Pupsen: No he.

Vupsen: No he. Ah-ah-ah....

Ved: Quiet, quiet, don't quarrel.

Luntik: What have you done? What am I now I'll give it to Baba Capa and Mila?

Ved: Don't be upset, Luntik. Now we will all bake a new pie (gingerbread) together, our children will sing a song to make it more fun for you to prepare it.

2 ml Song "Pie", music by Kartushina.

cf "Gingerbread for Mom" " lyrics by N Solomykina

Ved: This is what a beautiful and delicious pie we made.

Luntik: Thank you very much! Now I have so much gifts: song, dance and pie. I'll show them the concert first, and then we'll have tea and cake.

Vupsen: Ah-ah! Forgive us. We won't do this anymore.

Pupsen: Yes! Excuse me, please!

Ved: Oh, and you are smart here!

You need an eye, yes an eye!

Well, shall we forgive them guys?

Vupsen and Pupsen: Thank you, we will definitely improve.

Vupsen: How are we going to congratulate Baba Kapa and Mila? After all, we have no gifts.

Ved : It is not at all necessary to give expensive present, Luntik already knows that you can recite a poem, sing a song or dance a dance. And it will be very good a gift, really, our dear guests? You see, our guests agree with me.

Ved: Moms have been sitting too long, isn’t it time to wake them up?

Enough for them to sit still, let's dance instead.

Dance with moms «» Spanish Yu. Seliverstova

Ved: It's a pity that our celebration

The end has come!

We say goodbye to everyone.

Luntik: Wait! It's not time yet!

A present! What a surprise!

You're in a hurry.

(Luntik takes a tray with children's gifts, gives to the presenter)

Luntik: I'm so good kids I'll give -candy everyone! (hands out treats)

Well, it’s time for us to run and congratulate Mila and Capa! WITH holiday! (leave)

Ved. Our holiday has come to an end

Today we tried for grandmothers and mothers,
We sang, danced, joked, laughed.
And in the hall spring has come for us,
From the light, the shine of my mother's eyes.
So let spring bring forever
Health and youth to your homes!

Gift distribution

" Luntik visiting the guys"

Musical composition with balloons.
Presenter. The sun is shining its beautiful light,
Birds are not too lazy to sing songs,
The snow is melting and the sky is clear,
Here comes the holiday - Mother's Day!

Children :

1 .Mom is a precious word!
There is warmth and light in that word.
Good day - March 8
We send to our mothers
Hi everybody!
2. How beautiful mothers are
On this sunny day!
Let them be proud of us
Mom, here I am, your son!
3. Here I am, your daughter,
Look how much you've grown up
And just recently
She was a little baby.
4 .Here I am, dear grandmother,
Admire me!
You love me, I know
My precious one!
5 .May our mothers today,
It will be fun and light.
We want mothers to know:
We love them dearly!
6 .After all, today is a wonderful day,
Smells like early spring.
We'll sing a song about mom,
O beloved, oh dear!


Children sit on chairs.

The melody from the cartoon “Luntik” plays.

Presenter : Guys, it seems that someone is coming towards us.
Nobody shows up.
Presenter : Don't be afraid, come in, no one will hurt you! The guys will become your friends!
One of Luntik's ears appears from behind the curtain. Children recognize the character: “ This is Luntik ! Curious eyes appear from behind the curtain. Luntik hides back.
Presenter : Guys, do you know who this is?
Children answer.
Presenter: Oh! How good it is! Then you know how to handle it! What's his name, you say?(children say ) Luntik, don’t be afraid, everyone here is happy to see you.
Luntik appears timidly.
Luntik : Hello! And here I am... I don’t know where I ended up. They say he came to Earth... They say he came from the Moon... But I don’t know anything about it...
Presenter: Don't worry! You ended up in kindergarten. Today is our holiday, we congratulate mothers, grandmothers and all women on March 8th.
Luntik: I didn't even know about such a holiday.
Presenter: Listen, now the guys will tell you everything.

1. Mom, mom, mommy, my sunshine,
How joyful it is to be with you, how warm it is to be with you!
2 .Without you, flowers don’t bloom in my soul!
I will be happy when you are next to me!
3. Mom, mom, mom, always be like this,
You are the only one who is so kind to me!
4. Congratulations to my beloved mother today,
And I wish her an obedient self.
So that I grow up as an assistant, always listen to my mother,
So that he can take all the toys and eat all the porridge!

5. I will sail the oceans, go around the whole world -
There is no better mommy in the whole world!


  1. Presenter: It is also customary to give gifts to mothers during the holiday.
    Luntik: How is that?
    Presenter: Look!


Luntik: How beautiful! Well done! I like it so much! Can I be friends with you? You will be my new friends. I already have friends! You probably know them? Listen to the riddles!
Puzzles: 1. Her outfit looks very beautiful,
And everyone calls her ladybug...? (answer: Mila)
2. He collects nectar better than girls,
And everyone calls him...? (answer: Little Bee)
3. Underground he moves faster than anyone else,
And his name is Uncle...? (answer Korney)
4. He is the only spider we have,
And his name is Uncle...? (answer: Shnyuk)
5. Her smell will be with the pies,
And her name is grandma...? (answer: Mouth guard )
6. He knows no limits when it comes to eating pies,
And everyone calls him General...? (answer: Sherr)
7. This turtle aunt lives in the pond,
And everyone calls her by the name...? (answer: Motya)

8. They are each other's companions,
Green...? (answer: caterpillars)

Caterpillars appear to the music. ( Vupsen and Pupsen)Caterpillars greet each other with their right palms - with their left palms

Vupsen : Are you having fun without us?

Pupsen: Yes! Not good!

Vupsen: Let's take all the toys from them!

Pupsen: Come on! What for?

Vupsen: We will play ourselves. Let them be bored!

Pupsen: Yes, let them be bored!

Leading: Wait, wait Vupsen and Pupsen! You don’t need to take away your kids’ favorite toys! We can't be bored today! We have a holiday, we congratulate mothers and grandmothers.

Vupsen and Pupsen: We also want to congratulate you!

Vupsen: I'm first!

Pupsen: No, I’m first!

Ved. : Boys, don't quarrel, let'sTogether we congratulate mothers, grandmothers and invite you to play with the guys!
Vupsen and Pupsen: We agree!!!


Ved.: Luntik! Look today, not only mothers, but also grandmothers came to our holiday. And our guys also want to congratulate them.


1. Very much my grandmother,
I love my mother.
We are such friends with her,
Where she is, there I am.

2. Our grandmothers are friends
The grandchildren love us very much.
They buy us toys
And they take us for a walk in the garden.
3. For love for them and for affection,
And for a new fairy tale
To your dear grandmothers
We say thank you!

4. We are our mothers and grandmothers
Happy Women's Day!
It's fun for them today
Let's dance and sing.

DANCE “Pancakes”

Ved: Our children love to help their grandmothers and mothers in the kitchen. Look how friendly and cheerful our girls are!


Ved.: Hey helpers! Well done boys! Now let’s give our grandmothers some beads.
GAME “Beads for Grandma” (4 grandmothers -4 children)Grandmothers sit on chairs, children bring them beads (by color). Grandmothers collect beads on a thread and put them on.

(Leading: Great, well done. Friendship won!)
Luntik: I really liked your gift. I’ll give Baba Kappa these beads too!
Presenter: Of course, Luntik. She will be very happy! You see, you already have a gift for Baba Kapa.
Luntik: Yes, I'm very happy! How can I congratulate Mila?
Presenter: You can give her a bouquet of flowers. After all, all the girls love them so much.
Luntik: Flowers? What are they like? After all, I don’t even know where to get them.
Presenter: Well, don't worry about that. Now our guys will help you. Guys, let's help Luntik collect flowers.


Groups of children collect flowers by color.

Luntik: It's great that I got to visit you! You taught me so much: now I know how I will congratulate Mila and Baba Kapu. And I have a surprise for you, I brought it from the Moon!

He takes out an unusual box in the shape of a star, it contains gifts and treats.

Luntik: It’s time for me to go and congratulate Mila and Capa! Happy holiday! (leaves)

Leading :
Our holiday is over
For grandmothers and mothers we tried today
We sang, danced, joked, played.
And in the hall spring has come
From the light of my mother's eyes
So may spring bring forever,
Health and youth to your homes!

We recently celebrated my daughter Vasilisa’s 2nd birthday.
Vasilisa (as well as her big sister) simply loves the cartoon about Luntik: he knows all his friends and quotes phrases from his favorite series, surprising those around him. Naturally, in our case, the theme for her birthday simply could not be any other.

The entire decor and scenario for the holiday was designed personally by me and my sister, the godmother of the birthday girl. I think it’s too early for such kids to invite animators - for example, Vasilisa was very afraid of Santa Claus. Therefore, the holiday program was not long and understandable even for the smallest children; we also had to involve the birthday girl’s dad and uncle (more on that later).

The little guests were dressed in accordance with the dress code of the holiday - as Luntik's friends and girlfriends: the butterfly Elina, the cute ladybug Mila and Little Bee.
First, Luntik met them and found out who they were and what their names were (I voiced the toy Luntik). Then Luntik offered to find his friends and the treasured room with refreshments. First we looked for Little Bee, who had a note in his hands about where to find Mila.

We found Mila in a flower meadow (the picture hung on the door of the children's room) - the image of which was drawn by the children themselves in preparation for the holiday. Mila asked to help make her Easter cakes from sand (we made them from special kinetic sand, which we just gave Vasilisa for her birthday).

Then Mila sent the children to Spider Shnyuk. The children helped him complete the picture with paints.

Here's what we got together:

Spider Shnyuk said that Leech has the next note. The leech is known to live in a pond. The pond, of course, was the bathroom. There we enjoyed popping soap bubbles. And they went to look for Kuzya, who was hiding in a tree of his color (in the Christmas tree).
Kuzya and I played edible and inedible (ball). Then there was a dance lesson from Butterfly - we repeated the movements to the music.

And finally... We came to the cherished door! The key to this door was held by the harmful caterpillars Pupsen and Vupsen.

The children were delighted with these caterpillars!

After the children guessed all the insidious riddles of the caterpillar, we finally opened the treasured door... And there - a real surprise for everyone!

Other photos in the album of the same name:

To decorate this holiday, we chose a bright and cheerful color palette: lilac, purple and light green. The decor of the candy bar contains recognizable elements: Grandfather Sher's bagels

, pollen from Little Bee in special bags (sweet corn sticks)

, “Luntik” cookies, Kuzi’s sweet tooth candies, moon lemonade, Mila’s shortbread cakes and real strawberries - like the favorite treat of all Luntik’s friends. The cakes are decorated with cake toppers depicting Luntik and his friends, and each sweet is represented by a themed sign with its name and favorite cartoon characters. Instead of the traditional cake, Baba Kapa's famous pie was placed at the head of the table.

The background behind the candy bar is decorated with an exclusive themed banner “Happy Birthday” with the image of Luntik.

The large lilac number 2, reflecting the age of the birthday girl, looks very gentle and festive.

In addition to the candy bar with sweets, a separate bar was set up for the birthday girl and her little guests. children's table, which does not stand out from the general color palette holiday. Children's chairs are decorated with special covers, on the backs of which sit real cartoon characters.