"Santa Claus's mitten." Scenario for the New Year's party in the second junior group. Scenario for the New Year's holiday in the second junior group Dance: “Tumbler Dolls”

Characters: Presenter, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Parsley, Magpie, Bear, Hare.

The hall is festively decorated. Under the branches of the Christmas tree lie three bright mittens. Cheerful music sounds, children and their teacher enter the hall. Everyone stands around the tree.


Winter brought us a wonderful holiday.

The green tree came to the guys.

She was dressed up, toys were hung up

Everyone will have a lot of fun at the Christmas tree!

Let's look at the toys, guys.

They hang everywhere right up to the top of my head.

Quiet music is playing. Adults and children look at the toys hanging on the branches and name them.


Our Christmas tree is fluffy,

And slim and green.

Just something with lights

It doesn't burn for us!

We'll fix the mess

Let's make the lights burn!

Let's say loudly: One, two, three-

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

Children (together with adults)

One, two, three, come on, Christmas tree, burn!

(the lights don't come on)


Nothing works.

The lights don't come on!

Come on, girls and boys,

We'll shake our finger at the tree

(they shake a finger)

And now we'll all clap

(clap hands)

And we’ll stomp everything with our feet (stomp).

(the lights don't come on)

What's happened? How so?

It doesn’t work out, no way!

Light the lights on the Christmas tree

We tried, but to no avail!

You know, children, I figured out what we should do.

We need to quietly ask for our Christmas tree:

“Beautiful Christmas tree, come play with us,

Beautiful Christmas tree, light up!”

Let's say together: One, two, three!

Our Christmas tree, burn!”

Children ( together with adults).

One, two, three, our Christmas tree, burn!

(The lights on the tree light up)


It worked, it worked

Our Christmas tree is lit up!

(everyone claps their hands)


Let's go around the Christmas tree,

Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree.

The round dance “Ay-da, Christmas tree” is performed


Our tree is a surprise to everyone,

And slim and tall,

Let's sit quietly and watch

At her from afar.


notices a mitten lying under the tree and picks it up.


Oh look, guys.

What lies under the Christmas tree!

Mitten! Here's another one...

(picks up mittens from the floor)

And there are three in total under the tree!

Come on kids, look.

Maybe yours? So take it!

He shows the find to the children, passing in front of them, but no one recognizes his mitten.


Who was dancing at the Christmas tree and lost his mitten?

A Bunny (child) approaches the presenter to the music.


I was dancing by the Christmas tree,

I lost my mitten!

(shows one hand in a mitten)

There's only one left

The other one is lost!


Oh, it's true, it's a bunny mitten!

Get a mitten

Don't lose her again!

(to children) We need to feel sorry for the bunny.

We need to warm up the little bunny.

Let's play with the bunny

Let's jump and jump!

Come on, bunnies, come out

And everyone dance together!

Children , in bunny costumes, go out to the Christmas tree and perform

"Bunny Dance"

(sit down)


I wonder whose mitten this is?

Who else was dancing here?

Lost your mitten?

To the music, Mishka approaches the presenter.


It was me who danced here,

I lost my mitten!


Oh, really, this is a bear's mitten!

Get a mitten

Don't lose her again!

bear puts on a mitten, admires his hands in mittens, turning them in front of him.

Mom will be very happy

That something was found missing.

Come out, little bears,

To the Christmas tree, let's dance!

The Teddy Bear Dance is performed.


Look, children, what a beautiful mitten!

Blue mitten,

Decorated with sparkles.

Who lost this one?

Near our Christmas tree?

Music is playing. The Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Stops at the Christmas tree.


Hello, Snow Maiden! We are very glad to see you at

Our holiday!

Snow Maiden .

Hello kids!

Hello adults!

I am very glad to meet you!

(to children) How smart and beautiful you all are!


Of course they are beautiful! After all, we have a Christmas tree holiday!

Snow Maiden.

Yes, the Christmas tree is wonderful, fluffy!

And there are so many different toys on it!

Forty balls hang here

And twenty-five lanterns,

Ten gold cones,

Six blue icicles,

There are also exactly six birds,

Yes, you can’t count everything!


How did you know that?

Snow Maiden .

I decorated the Christmas tree myself

(looks around)

I lost my mitten!


(shows mitten)

Isn't it this one?

Snow Maiden.

(joyfully) This one! I found my mitten!

(approaches the presenter to pick up the mitten)


A mitten to pick up

You must dance for us.

Snow Maiden.

I'll dance from the heart

Together with you, kids

Let's go around the Christmas tree,

Let's dance and sing!


Snow Maiden.

We've been waiting for grandpa for a long time,

Maybe we should call loudly?

Oh, I'm seriously worried

Where are you Grandfather Frost?

The Snow Maiden invites the children to call Father Frost together for the holiday: “Grandfather Frost, come to us!”

Father Frost.

I hear, I hear, everyone is screaming,

Music, fun!

How many little grandchildren?

The Christmas tree is a sight for sore eyes!

Hello children,

Hello adults!

Are you excited to meet Santa Claus?

I admit, I'm glad too

See the little guys!

The year has flown by like an hour,

I didn't even notice.

Here I am again among you,

Dear children!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

I congratulate everyone

Laughter, joy, health

I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Quickly everyone get up in a circle,

Our round dance begins!

There is a round dance with Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus, let's play,

Amuse the kids.

Father Frost.

There are a lot of games in the world.

Do you want to play, children?

Snow Maiden.

Everyone knows: Frost is a joker,

He is cunning and mischievous.

Take care of your ears, nose,

If Santa Claus is nearby!

Cheerful music sounds. Held Game "I'll freeze"(children hide their hands, cover their noses and ears, and Santa Claus tries to touch them).

Father Frost.

Nice, nice game!

I just see that you are tired.

Yes, and I would sit,

He looked at the kids.

I know that poetry taught -

That would surprise me!


We know a lot of poems

And now we honor them.

Children take turns approaching Santa Claus and reciting poems.

Bells are ringing from behind the tree. Parsley appears. He quietly approaches Santa Claus from the right and rings the bell over his ear.

Father Frost.

Something was ringing in my ear,

Maybe a fly flew by?

(Turns to the right, looking for a fly) Parsley rings from the left.

Father Frost.

And now it’s ringing in another...

Who's playing pranks here?

(sees Petrushka)

Are you being naughty, Petrushka?

I'll grab you by the ear

I'll freeze your nose!

It’s not for nothing that I’m Santa Claus!

Trying to “freeze” Parsley. He dodges him.


Grandfather Frost, don't be angry,

Don't be angry with me!

I am Parsley - a mischievous person,

I, friends, am used to jokes!

I hurried to your tree,

I decided to put on the cap.

The bells on it are ringing,

They make the guys happy!

Snow Maiden.

Hey, Petrushka is a merry fellow,

Where is your other shoe?

Parsley. I ran to you for a holiday

And my foot fell into a snowdrift.

He took his leg out and ran...

Apparently lost there!

One foot stomp, stomp,

With the other leg, slap - slap!

Music is playing. Petrushka performs several comical

movements. Finally, he bends down and finds a shoe under the tree.


Here's my yellow shoe

There is a bag next to him

(cunningly) But the bag is not simple,

It's not empty inside!

Snow Maiden.

What do you have in your beautiful bag?

Maybe some candy in a paper bag?


But they didn’t guess right!

(approaches the children, opening the bag)

Look in the bag

What you see - take it!

(children take one rattle at a time)

Now let's dance

With our rattle!

"Dance with Rattles" is performed.


How I like it with you

I wish I could play it now!

Father Frost.

Well, Petrushka, play

Have fun with the kids!


I'll play blind man's buff with you,

I’ll find out who’s clever here.

You, Snow Maiden, bring the scarf

And blindfold me.

Let the rattles rattle

I'll catch the guys.

The game "Blind Man's Bluff" is played to cheerful music.


Well, guys, I have to go!

I'm playing with you.

Let New Year greeted friendly

Both adults and kids.

He runs away to the music, waving to the children.

Father Frost.

How fun they played

It even got hot in the hall!

You, Snow Maiden, are my friend,

Call your friends

Spin around, dance,

Blow the cold on me!

Snow Maiden.

Come on, snowflakes

Hurry to the round dance,

Come on, girlfriends,

The Snow Maiden is calling!

The Snow Maiden and snowflakes perform their dance.

Father Frost.

Now it's cooler

We can continue the celebration.

Would you guys like

Will you dance with me?

Father Frost.

Well, let’s get together in pairs,

We'll hit everyone with our heels,

Near our Christmas tree

Let's dance merrily!

“Pair dance with Father Frost and Snow Maiden” is performed.

Father Frost.

Thank you, kids

Danced from the heart!

And thanks to the guests too -

They clapped their hands together!

It's time for me to go home...

Snow Maiden.

Come on Grandpa, wait!

Where are the gifts for the kids?

Where is the beautiful, bright bag?

Father Frost (Looks around)

Oh, really, where are the gifts?

(both are looking)

No sweets, no chocolates...

I need to return to the forest,

I lost my gifts.

Be patient, friends!

Adults perform the skit “How Santa Claus was looking for gifts.”

The bag with gifts is covered with a white cloth - this is the Bear’s “den”. The bear lies nearby, also covered with cloth.

Father Frost (walks through the forest - around the Christmas tree)

There is silence in the forest,

The young snowball shines...

Animals, birds, respond

Show yourself to Frost!

Magpie (flies to meet Santa Claus in front of the Christmas tree)

Who is that making noise in the forest?

Screaming loudly to the whole forest?

Father Frost.

I'm the one who got into trouble

I lost my bag.

Magpie. No, grieve like that, Santa Claus,

Raise your nose!

Well, I'll fly higher

I’ll see your bag right away!

(flies through the forest looking for a bag)

Here he is, in the bear’s den!

Rolled off the road, you know.

Father Frost.

What to do? How can we be here?


We need to wake up Mishka,

Bear, Mishenka, get up,

Help Frost!

Bear (wakes up, stretches, rubs eyes)

What's happened? What's happened?

You don't give me peace...

Father Frost.

My bag is in your den -

Rolled off the road, you know.

Help, be a friend, bear,

The kids are waiting for gifts!


Santa Claus, grab the bag,

Bear, help me from behind

(Father Frost and the bear, groaning, pull a bag from the den. A magpie flies around).


They pull, they pull, but they cannot pull.

A hare peeks out from behind the tree, throws snowballs at the bear and claps merrily.

Bear (rubbing his forehead) What kind of naughty little girl is this?

Did I get a big bump?


This is a runaway bunny.

Come on, bunny, help!


Magpie (leads)

Grab the bag tightly!

Bear, help me from behind!

Bunny, for the bear,

It's really hard!

They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!


You, Soroka, don’t crack,

Better help too!

We're still pulling, we're pulling, we can't pull it out!


Well, Frost, call the kids,

Both girls and boys

You can't get a bag without them.

Father Frost.

Hey Snow Maiden, my friend!

Do you see Mishka's den?

Come to our aid!

Snow Maiden (children)

One after another

Everybody get up

Walk along the path into the forest,

The snow is deep, so what?

We'll help you get the bag out!

The children follow the Snow Maiden, raising their legs high, and approach the den.

Grandpa, we're here, look!

Father Frost .

Come on, together, one, two, three!

(children help)

Well... one more time,

Here's a bag of gifts!

(put the bag out of the snowdrift)

Oh, thank you, dears,

How strong you are!

Take your places

I will give gifts to everyone!

(gets treats for the heroes)

To the bunny, so that he is dexterous

I'll give you a carrot now.

To the bear - a tuesk of honey,

And for the magpie - a spikelet.

Snow Maiden.

So what about the guys?

Father Frost.

Sweets, chocolates.

In bright bags

Delicious gifts!

Distributes gifts to children. The characters in the scene help him.

Father Frost.

It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye.

Congratulations to everyone!

Snow Maiden.

Let us celebrate the New Year together,

Both adults and kids!

Everyone says goodbye and leaves to the music.

Father Frost: Hello, kids!
Hello, dear adults!
Your answer is wrong!
You have to say: “Hello,
Grandfather Frost, my love!

(children and adults answer)

Now it's a different matter!

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy,
A hundred years of bright life
And a hundred pounds of health!
I hear, I heard, children, I,
That my mitten was found,
Granddaughter, give her here.

(Snow Maiden gives the mitten to Santa Claus)

Snow Maiden:

Put on your mitten!
And light the Christmas tree for us!

Father Frost:

Hey, flashlights here!
Come to my aid.
And help me light the Christmas tree.

(girls dance with lanterns, during the dance the tree lights up the lights)

Father Frost: Thanks girls for your help.
(the girls take their seats)

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's play with the Christmas tree!

Our Christmas tree is standing
Everything is on fire!
And the heels will trample,
And the lights will go out.

Oh, look, the Christmas tree was scared of us, the lights on it went out. Let's help her. Let's say the magic words:

"Clap, clap, say:
“Our Christmas tree, burn!”


Near the New Year tree
Miracles happen,
Right now in our hall
The fairy tale begins.

Father Frost:

I put on a mitten:
I invite the children to a fairy tale,
A fairy tale, a fairy tale appears!
Fairy tale, fairy tale, show yourself!

Rings the bell, which is located inside the mitten. The hare enters the hall to the music


Bunnies - runaways
Lived and lived,
Bunnies - runaways
The dance began.

Dance of the Bunnies to the song “The bunnies went out for a walk, to stretch their paws...”
After the dance, the children sit on chairs.


Thank you, my friends.
I danced well.

Snow Maiden: Sit quietly and don’t harm the holiday.


I have no patience
who else will come here?

Leading Hare:

Well, who’s coming now?
The little people will recognize it.

Father Frost:

I put on a mitten:
I invite the children to a fairy tale,
A fairy tale, a fairy tale appears!
Show yourself to the guys!

Parsley runs into the hall to the music.


Bright red cap
He moved it dashingly to the side,
I'm a fun toy
And my name is Petrushka!
Come out and dance,
Entertain our guests!

Dance of Petrushe with rattles and cheerful music. After the dance, the children sit on chairs. A growl is heard from behind the door

Presenter: Oh, children, Santa Claus, Snegurochka, do you hear? Someone is growling...

Snow Maiden: Yes, we hear. Who could it be?

A bear enters the hall to the music


I'm Mishka - Toptyzhka,
I live in the forest
I really love honey!

Presenter: We'll give you honey bear,
But dance with us!


I love to dance,
But for this I have to call the cubs.
Naughty bear cubs, come out and dance!

Dance of the bear cubs to the music of Avdotyev "Dance of the Chocolate Bears" after the dance the children sit on the chairs Father Frost:

Stand up, guys!
In a friendly round dance!
Songs, music, fun
Let's celebrate the New Year!

Children become in round dance “Like our Christmas tree.” After the round dance, the children remain in place.

Father Frost: Guys, now I want to check which of you is the most attentive, let's Let's play the game "I'll freeze" called...

Father Frost:

The old grandfather is exhausted!
After all, Grandfather, I am three hundred years old!
I'll sit for a while
And I’ll listen to poetry.

Children read poetry


Walking the street
Santa Claus,
Frost is scattering
Along the branches of birch trees;
Walks with a beard
White is shaking,
Stomping his foot
There is only a crackling sound.


Why is it snowing?
Why is there ice on the river?
Winter has come to us -
There was a lot of snow.
Why are we visiting?
Christmas tree with bright lights?
Because it's coming to us
Winter holiday - New Year!


Winter before the holiday
For a green Christmas tree
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.
Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.
To her green color to the face,
Yolka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

Kirill Zh.:

Beads glitter on the Christmas tree,
Firecrackers and star.
We love our Christmas tree -
Yes Yes Yes!
Snow Maiden in a white fur coat
He always comes to us.
We sing and dance with her -
Yes Yes Yes!
And Santa Claus is cheerful,
Gray beard,
Brings us gifts -
Yes Yes Yes!


Who is in a smart warm fur coat,
With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
And ruddy and gray?
He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!

Father Frost:

I immediately felt pleased
It became clear to me right away
What the kids were waiting for us,
Kids - pencils!

Snow Maiden: Somehow the kids have been staying too long, let's go Let's play the game "Snowballs" called...
The game is repeated several times


Our tree is bored
The lights flashed
Join the round dance
The Christmas tree is waiting for our song.

Children, together with adults, become Round dance "Our beautiful Christmas tree" sing
and perform the movements


I know Grandfather Frost,
You brought gifts for everyone!

Father Frost:

There will be a surprise for you now,
A sweet prize for all the kids!
I put on my mittens
And I call for gifts,
One two Three -
You little bag, come here!

The Snow Maiden and the Presenter bring out a bag of gifts to the music and distribute gifts to the children.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka:

It's a pity, friends, we have to say goodbye,
It's time for us to go home
Just don't forget us
Goodbye, kids!

When creating the script we used:

1. The book of Adzhi, Kudinov: Open events for children second ml gr. Educational region "Artistic and aesthetic development." Federal State Educational Standard
2. Internet resources when selecting music and poems.

MBDOU No. 84 “General developmental kindergarten”, Kemerovo, Russia

Scenario New Year's holiday in the 2nd younger group"New Year's Meetings"

Full name: Tashkinova Lyubov Nikolaevna, teacher, MBOU "Yurlinskaya" high school them. L. Barysheva" Structural unit "Yurlinskaya elementary school-garden" in the village of Yurla.
Target. Make the holiday unforgettable.
Characters. Presenter, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Parsley, hare, bear.
Equipment. Requisites: mittens, bell, bag with rattles.

Progress of the event.
The hall is festively decorated. There are bright mittens under the branches of the Christmas tree. Cheerful music sounds, children and their teacher enter the hall. Everyone stands around the tree.
Wider the circle, wider the circle!
Hello, our green friend!
Come closer to the tree...
Look higher, higher!
How beautiful and slender!
She came to us from the forest!
Come on, children, one after another
Be bolder around the Christmas tree,
And let's look at all the toys that adorn it!
(Children walk around the Christmas tree to the music, looking at the toys)
Our Christmas tree is fluffy,
And slim and green.
Just something with lights
It doesn't burn for us!
We'll fix the mess
Let's make the lights burn!
Let's say loudly: One, two, three-
Come on, Christmas tree, burn!
Children. (Together with adults)
One two Three! Come on, Christmas tree, burn! (The lights don't come on)
Nothing works.
The lights don't come on!
Come on, girls and boys,
We'll shake our finger at the tree (they shake a finger)
And now we'll all clap (clap hands)
And we'll trample everything with our feet (stomp)

What's happened? How so?
It doesn’t work out, no way!
We need to quietly ask for our Christmas tree:
“Beautiful Christmas tree, come play with us,
Beautiful Christmas tree, light up!”
Let's say together: One, two, three!
Our Christmas tree, burn!”
Children.(Together with adults).
One, two, three, our Christmas tree, burn!
(On the Christmas tree the lights come on)
It worked, it worked!
Our Christmas tree is lit up! (everyone claps their hands)
Let's go around the Christmas tree
Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree.
The round dance “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” is performed Ouch"
I'm leading The wife notices a mitten lying under the tree, picks it up e.
Presenter. Oh look, guys.
What lies under the Christmas tree!
Mitten! Here's another one... (picks up mittens from the floor)
And there are three in total under the tree!
Come on kids, look.
Maybe yours? So take it!
He shows the find to the children, passing in front of them, but no one recognizes his mitten.
Who was dancing at the Christmas tree and lost his mitten?
A Bunny (child) approaches the presenter to the music.
Bunny. I was dancing by the Christmas tree,
I lost my mitten! SHOWING HANDS
There's only one left
The other one is lost!
Oh, it's true, it's a bunny mitten!
Get a mitten
Don't lose her again!
Let's play with the bunny
Let's jump and jump!
"Dancing Bunny" ov"
Presenter. I wonder whose mitten this is?
Who else was dancing here?
Lost your mitten?
To the music, Mishka approaches the presenter.
Bear. It was me who danced here,
I lost my mitten!
Presenter. Oh, really, this is a bear's mitten!
Get a mitten
Don't lose her again!
The bear puts on a mitten, admires his hands in the mittens, turning them in front of him.
Bear. Mom will be very happy
That something was found missing.
I feel cold, but aren’t you afraid of the frost?
Children: No!
What if your hands get cold?
Children: We'll clap! (clap)
What if your feet get cold?
Children: We'll drown! (stomp)
To keep us warmer
Come out and dance quickly!
The dance “Polech” is performed ka"
Look, children, what a beautiful mitten!
Blue mitten,
Decorated with sparkles.
Who lost this one?
Near our Christmas tree?
The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music.
Presenter. Hello, Snow Maiden! We are very glad to see you at our holiday!
Snow Maiden.
Hello kids!
Hello adults!
I am very glad to meet you!
How elegant and beautiful you all are!
The Christmas tree is wonderful, fluffy!
And there are so many different toys on it!
Forty balls hang here
And twenty-five lanterns,
Ten gold cones,
Six blue icicles,
There are also exactly six birds,
Yes, you can’t count everything!
Presenter. How did you know that?
Snow Maiden.
I decorated the Christmas tree myself (looks around) I lost my mitten!
Presenter. (shows mitten) Isn't it this one?
Snow Maiden. (Joyfully) This one! I found my mitten!
(approaches the host to pick up the mitten)
Presenter. A mitten to pick up
You must dance for us.
Snow Maiden.
I'll dance from the heart
Together with you, kids!
(The Snow Maiden dances to folk music.)
Snow Maiden.
We've been waiting for grandpa for a long time,
Maybe we should call loudly?
Oh, I'm seriously worried
Where are you Grandfather Frost?
The Snow Maiden invites the children to call Father Frost together for the holiday:“Grandfather Frost, come to us!”
You can hear the sound of a staff and the voice of Santa Claus: “I’m coming! I'm coming! Cheerful music sounds. Santa Claus enters the hall.
Father Frost.
Congratulations to all guests!
Congratulations to all the children!
I visited you a year ago,
I'm glad to see you again.
They grew up and became big.
Did you recognize me? (Yes!)
Stand up, guys.
Hurry up to the round dance.
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!
There is a round dance with Santa Claus.
Song "Santa Claus"
Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus, let's play,
Amuse the kids.
Father Frost.
There are a lot of games in the world.
Do you want to play, children?
Cheerful music sounds. The game “I’ll freeze” is being played. » .
- Show your hands, they love to dance
I'm going to freeze them now, I need to put my hands away!
- Show off your legs, they love to dance
I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the legs!
- Show your ears, your ears love to dance
I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the ears!
- Show your cheeks, they love to dance.
I'll freeze them now, I need to remove the cheeks!
(Children hide their hands, cover their noses and ears, and Santa Claus tries to touch them).
Father Frost.
Nice, nice game!
I just see that you are tired.
I know that poetry taught -
That would surprise me!
We know a lot of poems
And now we honor them.
Children take turns telling Santa Claus poems.
Bells are ringing from behind the tree. Parsley appears. He quietly approaches Santa Claus from the right and rings the bell over his ear.
Father Frost.
Something was ringing in my ear,
Maybe a fly flew by?
(Turns to the right, looking for a fly) Parsley rings from the left.
Father Frost.
And now, in another ringing...
Who's playing pranks here? (See Parsley)
Are you being naughty, Petrushka?
I'll grab you by the ear
I'll freeze your nose!
It’s not for nothing that I’m Santa Claus! Tries to freeze Parsley. He dodges him.
Grandfather Frost, don't be angry,
Don't be angry with me!
I am Parsley - a mischievous person,
I, friends, am used to jokes!
I hurried to your tree,
I decided to put on the cap.
The bells on it are ringing,
They make the guys happy!
Ved. Hey, Petrushka is a merry fellow,
Where is your other shoe?
Parsley. I ran to you for a holiday
And my foot fell into a snowdrift.
He took his leg out and ran...
Apparently lost there!
One foot stomp, stomp,
With the other leg, slap - slap!
Music is playing. Petrushka performs several comic movements. Finally, he bends down and finds a shoe under the tree.

Here's my yellow shoe
There is a bag next to him (cunningly)
And the bag is not simple,
It's not empty inside!
Ved. What do you have in your beautiful bag?
Maybe some candy in a paper bag?
Parsley. But they didn’t guess right! (approaches the children, opening the bag)
Look in the bag
What you see - take it! (children take one rattle at a time)
Dance with a rattle mi.
Parsley. How I like it with you
I wish I could play it now!
Ved. Well, Petrushka, play
Have fun with the kids!
I'll play blind man's buff with you,
I’ll find out who’s clever here.
You, Snow Maiden, bring the scarf
And blindfold me.
Let the rattles rattle
I'll catch the guys.
The game “Zhmurk” is played to cheerful music. And".
Well, guys, I have to go!
I started playing with you.
He runs away to the music, waving to the children.
Ved. Grandfather Frost, I really like our Christmas tree, in my opinion, it is the most beautiful!
D.Moroz. It’s just that there are fewer toys on it. Here the toy hung, here, on this branch...
Ved. Don’t look for them, Santa Claus, here they are, our toys, they don’t want to sit on the Christmas tree, they want to dance!
Well, come out with your toys and dance with Santa Claus!
Dance with Santa Claus ohm
Somehow, guys, I'm feeling hot. But I’m Santa Claus, I need the cold. Blow on me guys. Children blow on Santa Claus, he thanks them.)
Ved.-Grandfather, did you dance today? I danced.
- Did you play with the guys? Yes, I played!
- You sang and joked, but why did you forget?
D. Moroz. I'll check it now!
The hat is here, and the fur coat is here,
And the bag is in place.
Well, there’s only one mitten,
Let's look for it together!
We'll look under the Christmas tree, and we'll look behind the Christmas tree, and we'll look under the chairs.
Ved. Where could you, grandpa, lose your mitten?
Let's repeat it one more time.
Was I looking under the Christmas tree? I was looking for it.
Did you look under the chairs? Watched.
Did you look at the Christmas tree?
On the Christmas tree, no, I didn’t look. Come on guys, let's look for grandpa's mitten on the Christmas tree. Santa Claus finds the mitten hanging on the Christmas tree and treats everyone.
D. Moroz. Did you like my magic mitten?
It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye.
Congratulations to everyone!
Let us celebrate the New Year together,
Both adults and kids!
Everyone says goodbye and leaves to the music.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 4 "Solnyshko" of the urban district of Uryupinsk

Scenario for the holiday “New Year’s Miracles”

in the 2nd junior group (3-4 years)

prepared by the teacher


Characters: Adults – Presenter 1, 2, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus.

Children - a month, a fox, nesting dolls - 5, gnomes - 4, snowmen - 3,


Children enter the hall one by one to the music and stand in a semicircle.

(Group “Brilliant” “New Year’s Song”words T. Ivanova, music by A. Grozny.)

Presenter 1: Happy New Year

Both big and small

We wish everyone happiness and good luck

And frosty, clear days.

Presenter 2: Let it sound in the hall today

Your cheerful, ringing laugh.

Happy New Year,

Child 1: We all feel very good

Fun today.

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday!

Child 2: Snow fluffy, silvery

It spreads lightly as a carpet.

And snowflakes are like fluff,

They fly around merrily.

Child 3: The Christmas tree is decorated,

Among your friends.

In a merry round dance,

Let's spin around quickly.

Song"The Christmas tree has come to the children"

(words by Y. Charnotskaya music by A. Filippenko)

Presenter 1: And now the floor is given to the head of the kindergarten.

(Congratulations to the manager)

Presenter 2: New Year is always the most fun and fabulous holiday. Anything can happen on this day. And only on New Year’s Day the beautiful Christmas tree comes to visit us.

Presenter 1: Let's go around it and admire it. Hello Christmas tree!

(Children greet the Christmas tree)

Come closer to the tree

Look above, below,

We need to look at the tree,

Come on over, guys!

(look at the tree)

Guys, only our Christmas tree is not on fire for some reason?

Presenter 2: And I know why.

Well, for this we need,

So that we are all very friendly,

They told her: “One! Two! Three!

Our Christmas tree is on fire!

Children:"Once! Two! Three!

Our Christmas tree, burn!”

The Christmas tree lights up with colorful lights.

Presenter 1: What is our Christmas tree?

Children: Fluffy, fluffy!

Presenter 1: What is our Christmas tree?

Children: Fragrant, fragrant!

Presenter 2: In the hall Christmas tree costs,

And, shining with toys, he speaks to us:

On the edge of the forest, I grew up in the forest.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden sang songs to me,

Oh, how good it was in the snowy cradle!

But the winds began to howl, blew away the blanket,

My Christmas tree in the clearing felt cold.

Only you saved me - you took me to kindergarten,

They gave me a festive, fabulous outfit.

You sang songs to me, and I grew up,

I became taller than my dad and taller than my mom for the holiday!

Isn't she a beauty?

Children: We all like the Christmas tree!

Child 4: Hello forest Christmas tree,

You are smart and bright.

We've been waiting for you all year,

Finally, you have arrived!

Child 5: Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs.

So that the tree wants

Come visit us again.

Song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter”

(words Z. Alexandrova, music by M. Krasev)

Children sit on chairs.

Presenter 1: Oh guys, look

There is a letter on the Christmas tree.

Who put it here?

Who did it come from?

We'll get him now

Let's read aloud to the children:

“Dear children, -

This is written by Santa Claus,

Soon I will come to the holiday,

I'll bring a cart of gifts.

You wait a little,

And look under the tree.

Take the bell there,

And shake it a little.

The bell will sing

And he will invite guests to you!

Presenter 2: I'll look behind the tree

I'll look for the bell.

Here, guys, is the bell,

Well, I'll shake him.

And for the holiday to the kids

I'll call the Snow Maiden!

Rings the bell.

Presenter 2: Oh, guys, hush, hush,

I think I hear footsteps

I'll open the door and take a look...

Who's there?

Snow Maiden: I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry!

Hello, here I am!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

I am the Snow Maiden, laughing

Cheerful and playful.

She came running before her grandfather -

What a fidget!

Oh, what a Christmas tree you have,

There are so many balls on the Christmas tree!

And fluffy and slender -

Do you like her?

Presenter 1: Miracle - our Christmas tree!

Long-awaited guest,

Most beloved,

The most desirable!

A fox bursts into the hall:

I'm telling you, miss it

Let me go to the Christmas tree.

How's the ball going without me?

I prepared for three days.

I sewed a new dress,

I even bought shoes.

According to foreign magazines

I chose the style.

In this unusual dress,

I look from all angles.

From ears to tail -

Not a fox, but a beauty!

Snow Maiden: More modestly, Lizaveta,

Look at these kids.

Is their outfit bad?

Charms - all in a row!

I call the cuties to me -

All the doll dolls,

Come out, come out,

Have fun guys!

Matryoshka girls:

1. We are the beautiful matryoshka dolls,

Multi-colored clothes!

2. We are funny sisters!

We are nesting dolls - mischievous girls!

3. One two three four five -

We love to play tricks!

4. We are matryoshka dolls to everyone’s surprise,

And blush and beautiful.

5. Let's go dance and sing,

You won't be able to keep up with us!

Dance: “Tumbler Dolls”

(Song “Russian nesting dolls” lyrics by A. Osmushkin, music by V. Temnov)

Presenter 2: Oh yes sisters, it’s just amazing!

You danced beautifully.

That's right, all the charmers,

Our dolls are cuties!

Snow Maiden: Okay, Liska, come in,

Just don't harm us!

Fox: Well, of course, what are you, what are you!

I’ll sit quietly and look at the tree.

Presenter 1: Our Christmas tree is a sight for sore eyes,

And the gifts are delicious!

By the way, I have a question:

Where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden: He was delayed on the way

Or maybe I got lost,

Maybe he lost his way.

Well, I'll look at the sky

And I’ll ask the month:

“A month, a month, my friend,

Gilded horn.

Are you walking under the skies?

Over fields and forests,

Haven't you seen it from above?

Are you Santa Claus?

The month is included.

Month: I've been walking in the sky for a long time,

I see a lot, I know a lot.

I see an old man rushing towards you,

Straight across the field.

He fell and got stuck in a snowdrift,

He can't pull his legs out.

"Oh guys, help me,

You will save Santa Claus!

Presenter 2: Grandpa needs help!

Grandpa, hold the rope!

(throws rope)

We will pull it deftly!

Grandfather Frost, hold on,

We took hold of the rope.

Come on strong, come on together,

Everyone needs help in times of need!

Oh, no way! Oh, it doesn't work!

What to do? What should we do?

Presenter 1: We need to ask the kids!

Come on, children, help,

Grab the rope everyone!

Santa Claus enters, holding a rope, and shakes himself off.

Father Frost: So I came guys

Red-nosed, bearded,

I was a little late

The road was so difficult.

I see the Christmas tree has been decorated,

And you invited guests,

And I wasn’t bored either

I collected gifts for you.

So, quickly, stand in a circle,

Sing a song together!

Song "Santa Claus"

(words by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko)

Children stand in a circle

Father Frost: I am already many years old,

But I'll tell you a secret.

I really like to play

Amuse the kids.

I invite the kids

For a fun game.

Game "I'll freeze"

Father Frost: Nice, nice game,

I just see that you are tired.

Yes, and I would sit,

He looked at the kids.

I know that poetry taught -

That would surprise me!

Presenter 2:(Child's name) will start

Father Frost: Well done, kids,

Girls and boys!

I will not remain in debt -

I can dance for you.

Dance of Santa Claus.

(Russian folk song “Valenki”)

Father Frost: Oh, it's hot, I'm about to melt.

Snow Maiden, save me quickly.

Snow Maiden: You snowflakes, fly!

Cool Santa Claus.

"Dance of Snowflakes"

(MusicGelsyat Shaidulova)

Presenter 1: Grandfather Frost, what do you have in your bag?

Santa Claus: Riddles.

Presenter 1: Oh, how interesting. Make a wish soon.

Father Frost: He wears it instead of a hat

Fun cap.

And he's only tall

With a child's shoe.

With a flashlight and a song,

Walking in the forest at night.

You can't go wrong if

You will say: - This is …(dwarf)

(Pulls out a toy gnome from the bag and rings the bell. The gnomes come out from behind the tree)

Gnome 1: I'm a cheerful, clever gnome,

And my name is Bim-Bom.

I came to your Christmas tree,

And my friends are with me.

Gnome 2: We are magical gnomes,

We live in caves.

And to the cute kids,

We are going to the holiday.

Gnome 3: We are gnomes from a fairy tale,

We live in a dense forest.

We love dancing very much

And the Christmas trees are beautiful.

Gnome 4: We love to have fun

And sing songs.

We want you to dance

Show today.

Dance of the gnomes.

(Song "Little Dwarf" musicS. Levkina, words O. Zhukova)

Father Frost: Well, did you like the riddle? Do you want more?

Children: Yes.

Father Frost: There is one more mystery:

The children cleverly sculpted him,

They made balls of snow.

Instead of a nose there is a carrot,

Instead of eyes there are coals.

They put a bucket on my head

And a straw wig.

Now tell me quickly

Who is this?... (snowman)

Snowman 1: We are funny guys

Our name is snowmen!

Snowman 2: We love fun very much

On New Year's Day!

Snowman 3: And we won't be bored

Let's continue the celebration!

Presenter 2: Grandfather Frost, do some more magic.

Father Frost: This is me in a moment.

(Looks at the Christmas tree, finds candy).

Shall I treat you to some candy?

Presenter 2: Grandfather Frost, but she is so small. There won't be enough for all the guys.

Father Frost: I’ll now put it in my big bag and make a big one out of a small candy. But I also need your help, guys. Blow harder on the candy. The harder you blow, the larger the candy will become.

We'll blow on the candy

Let's do some magic together.

You, sweetie, grow up,

Bring gifts for everyone!

(He pulls out a large candy from the bag)

Presenter 1: Look, guys, what a big candy it turned out to be! What's inside her? Let's get a look.

(Opens the candy and shows the gift to the guys.)

Presenter 1: Yes, these are gifts.

(Gift distribution)

Father Frost: Here comes the New Year's holiday

It's time for us to finish.

So that you grow big,

I wish you children.

So that you don't know worries,

And I will return to you in a year.

Presenter 1: Goodbye, goodbye

Dear Grandfather Frost!

Presenter 2: You fulfilled all my wishes

And he brought us gifts

Presenter 1: Goodbye mom, dad!

Presenter 2: Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone!

List of used literature:

1. “Holidays in kindergarten” Volgograd, “Teacher”, 2009

2. N. Lukonina, L. Chadova “Holidays in kindergarten” for children from 2 to 4 years old

M.:Iris-press, 2007

3. “Scenarios for holidays, themed entertainment and matinees in

Preschool educational institution Volgograd, ed. "Teacher", 2007

New Year in the second junior group. Scenario

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in the second junior group "Winter rules the roost"

Author Sayasova V.V., teacher kindergarten"Kolosok", Shatkovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description of material. The material will be useful to children's educators younger age and music directors.
Target. Continue to introduce children to the customs of celebrating the New Year in kindergarten.
Tasks. Develop social and communication skills, the desire to participate in holidays. Create a joyful mood.
Preliminary work. Learning poems, songs, games, preparing costumes.
Ways. Poems, songs, games, surprise moments were used; 2 pieces of tinsel for each child for dance, author's dance (words) "Snowflakes", dramatization (words by the author) "Bunny and the Wolf"
Formation of the group. Christmas tree, garlands, tinsel, snowflakes.

New Year - second junior group.
"Winter rules the roost"

Father Frost
The music director leads the children into the hall to the music. Children sit on chairs.

Winter enters(group teacher)
I'm winter-winter
All white.
I came to visit you
Brought a holiday. (Spins around and shows himself to the children)
We will dance with you,
Play near the Christmas tree.
We will call Santa Claus,
Sing songs, read poems.
Winter. Guys, what is winter? What is there a lot in the yard, on the street in winter?
Children. Snow.
Winter. Right! And there are severe frosts in winter. And so that no one freezes, I, Winter, must try to get a lot of snow to fall. I see you don't have enough snow.
Come on, kids, don't be lazy
And stand in a circle.
I turn you into snowflakes
In white little fluffs.
(Winter distributes tinsel to children, in both hands)

Dance of all children "Snowflakes"

1 We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We help winter.
We're flying, we're flying,
We cover the earth.
2 And we'll cover all the trees
White - white wool.
The wind will blow, let's fly
We're going somewhere again.
3. We were spinning, we were spinning,
They sparkled like silver.

And quietly to the ground
They all fell in a flock.
(After the dance, the children sit on chairs)
Winter. That's how much snow there is in the yard, you can play snowballs! This is such a big lump (walks up to the tree and picks up the lump - the hidden Snowman), mind you, guys, this is mine (scared). Oh!

Snowman(comes out to the children). Don't be scared, Zimushka is winter. You swept up so much snow yourself. That the guys weren’t lazy, they spent the entire evening sculpting me.
Hello guys! I’m glad to come here for the New Year and have fun together at your Christmas tree!
Winter. Such a surprise! Guys, let's ask the Snowman to play with us. (Yes). Snowman, and we wanted to play snowballs with the guys.
Snowman. And I just know one such game with snowballs (takes out a basket of snowballs from under the Christmas tree), are you ready, children, to collect snowballs? (Yes)

Game "Collect snowballs"

I'll throw snowballs high
They will fly far
And the guys will collect them
And they will bring it to my basket. (the game is played 2-3 times)
Snowman. Guys, maybe you could read some poetry to me, I love poetry.

Children read poems about winter and snow.

Snowman. Thank you, it’s good here, but I want to visit other children too. (says goodbye to the children and leaves)
Winter. That's how much fun it was with the Snowman! Have you guys forgotten about the Christmas tree? Who knows a poem about the Christmas tree? Tell me, make the Christmas tree happy.
Children read poems about the Christmas tree.
Winter. That's what a Christmas tree is
Green needle.
carved twigs,
Painted toys.
(Children look at the Christmas tree)
How many balls are there on it, look
Blue ball, yellow ball,
Red ball too
(It looks like an apple).
Aren't the lights on the Christmas tree lit? Where is the festive outfit?
Who will light the Christmas tree for us?
Who does the New Year come with?
Children. Father Frost.
Winter. Loud, loud, let's call Santa Claus
(Children call Santa Claus)

Santa Claus (s and the door) I hear, I hear. I'm coming.
Hello kids, bunnies and bears!
Don't be afraid of me, I won't offend you.
What beautiful children I see here!
Winter. Santa Claus, how glad we are to see you,
To you, your beard,
Magic staff
And a friendly word.
Winter. Santa Claus, do you like our Christmas tree?
Father Frost. Like!
Winter. Are the toys on it painted?
Father Frost. How painted and beautiful!
Winter. What do you think of her lights?
Father Frost. And the wonderful lights, oh, where do you have them?
Winter. Exactly! Without you, grandpa, the Christmas tree doesn’t light up, it doesn’t sparkle with lights.
Father Frost. Let's light the lights together
Let's read the spell.
Repeat, children, together
“Christmas tree, Christmas tree, burn,
Light your lights!
(children repeat 2-3 times, the lights are lit)
Winter. Thank you, Santa Claus! Our Christmas tree is the best and, children, we will sing a song for it.
Song about the Christmas tree at the choice of the music director.

Father Frost. I see, guys, a little bunny is jumping towards us. Only he is scared, what does this mean?

Dramatization "The Bunny and the Wolf"

Baby bunny jumps around Christmas tree and constantly looks around. Children sing and perform the following movements:
1 The gray bunny jumped,
He was running away from the wolf.
Jump behind a bush
Along the path, under the bridge.
(Wolf-child walks, looks out for a hare)
2 We won't tell you where the bunny is,
Where is the braggart bunny?
The wolf won't find the hare,
He won’t find it and will go into the forest.
3 Bunny, don't sit for long,
You'll freeze your ears.
Come visit the kids
We won't let the wolf in.
4 Let's treat the bunny
Sweet carrot.
Let's dance with the bunny
Near our Christmas tree.
Winter. This is how our children, Santa Claus, are friendly, and will not offend anyone.
Father Frost Well done, well done! You guys probably also know poems and songs about me?!
Winter. Of course, Santa Claus! Sit and listen.

Children read poems about Santa Claus and sing a song

at the choice of the music director
Father Frost. good poems and a nice song. Do you want to play with me?

The game "I'll freeze" is being played

Father Frost. Oh, and you have fun, it would stay that way! Only now I’ve already got ready to join the other guys.
Winter. You, Grandpa, are great, you rush to congratulate everyone, but did you forget to leave anything for our children?
Father Frost. Ah, I am a gray-haired and empty-headed grandfather. Where is my magic bag? I will give gifts to everyone, my gifts are sweet!
(Gives gifts to children and says goodbye to children)
Winter congratulates Happy holiday to all guests. Happy New Year!