Spring entertainment in the 2nd junior group. Musical and recreational entertainment in the second junior group “Vesna-Krasna. Dance with clouds

Spring entertainment for children 3-4 years old "WE WILL GO TO THE SPRING FOREST"

Scenario of spring fun for children 3-4 years preschool educational institution.

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director, MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 “Northern Tale”, Petrozavodsk

Purpose: I bring to your attention a scenario for spring entertainment in the 2nd younger group. The material may be of interest to music directors and educators.

Target: creating a happy mood in children

- consolidate children’s ideas about spring natural phenomena
- learn to recognize the signs of spring
- bring children the joy of entertainment
- develop musical abilities through games and dances
(the hall is decorated with a spring theme, the trees are decorated with garlands of green leaves, birds can be planted on branches. Artificial islands can be placed near the trees - imitation of green grass...)

Children enter the hall to a song “Drip-drip-drip, drops are ringing”

Leading: Today we will go to the spring forest by train.

Children sit on chairs shaped like a train

imitate the movement of train wheels with their hands

If the snow is melting everywhere,
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green
And a stream rings in the fields,
If the sun shines brighter,
If the birds can't sleep,
If the wind gets warmer,
This means spring has come to us.

And how loudly the birds sing in the spring!
Chick - tweet, chick - tweet, little sparrow - mischievous!
He is glad to see the warm sun and greets the guys.
Oh, what is he singing about? He invites you to play with yourself!


Children (sparrows) sit on chairs. A cat, the teacher, sits at a distance.
1st part of music - Sparrows, spreading their wings - arms to the sides, “fly” (run) scattered around the hall. "The cat is sleeping."
2-part music - He wakes up, says “meow - meow!”, runs to catch up with the sparrows, who are hiding, taking their places. The cat takes the caught sparrows to her house.

(for the cat character you can take a doll from the puppet theater)

All the birds hid, the cat didn’t catch anyone.
The cat will run home, and we will walk through the forest.

(the presenter reads the text to the music

-One two three four five - follow the leader like a snake
Let's go for a walk in the forest with you
- Along the winding path
let's go between the trees
Along the path, like a snake,
We will come to the clearing.

On the trees -
Look, -
Where the buds were
Like green lights
The leaves flashed.

Look, small green leaves have already appeared on the birch tree.

(hand out green handkerchiefs to the children)


Guys, do you hear...
Oh, it looks like it's starting to rain!


A drop - one, a drop - two, - slowly strike with the finger of your right hand
Drop slowly at first. about the palm of the left hand
And then, then, then - quickly hit your palm with your finger
Everybody run, run, run!
We all opened our umbrellas, - raise your arms up to the sides
Sheltered herself from the rain. – connect your hands above your head like a house

It's good that I took a big umbrella with me. Let's play with the mischievous rain!

(to the music of rain, the presenter opens an umbrella, the children hide under it)

Leading: The rain stopped, the sun came out and gave all the children its warm rays.


Hello guys!
I am Mishka, I missed you!

Leading: Hello, Mishka. Have you already woken up from your winter sleep?

In winter, he sucked his paw in the den and didn’t wake up mom or dad.
And because I didn’t eat, I seem to have lost a little weight.
To whet my appetite, I invite everyone to dance!


You, Mishutka, don’t yawn!
Better play with us!


So be it, I’ll play...
Now I’ll beckon you to my place,
And then I’ll catch up with you.

Teddy bear - children approach the bear and sing.
Beckons the children with his paw,
Invites everyone to go for a walk.
Play catch-up.

(At the end of the song the Bear catches up with the children, the children run away to the chairs)

Leading: Oh, what a good day! It's good to go out with friends, but it's time to go back to kindergarten. Our train is already calling us.

Thank you, Mishka, for playing with us and making us laugh.

Bear: and thank you, you also amused me... Come to the forest more often! Goodbye guys (leaves)

(children get on the train and ride to the music "Train" by T. Suvrova )

Leading: So you and I have arrived at kindergarten. Did you like our walk into the spring forest?

It's coming soon warm summer and you and I will again go to the forest, where it is full of miracles.
(children leave the hall to the music)

Name: Spring fun in the junior group “Sun-Bucket”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, spring, 1.2 junior group

Position: music director
Place of work: MBDOU DSOV "Fairy Tale"
Location: Unyugan village, Oktyabrsky district, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

“The sun is a bucket”
1.2 junior group

Characters: Spring, Sunny, Presenter.

Children enter the hall.

Guys, look how our hall is decorated. What a joyful bright Sun! And who is this who bathes in a puddle and enjoys the Sun? (Children answer, if necessary, the Leader helps). Yes, we came to celebrate the Sun and Spring.

Spring comes to the music.

Guys, who is this? ( Children answer)


Hello guys! How elegant and beautiful you are!

I know they are waiting for me everywhere.

Everyone in the world needs me.

I bring joy to people

And my name is Spring.


Spring is coming, spring is coming!

Everything is blooming and singing.

On the green meadow

Everyone danced in a circle.

We all dance and sing,

And we clap our hands loudly.

(Children perform the dance "Gopachok")


Can you solve riddles? ( Children's answers).

Guess this riddle:

Round and clear

With red rays.

What it is?

Children. Sun!


Well done! And here comes the sun!

Sunny enters.


Hello children! I am the clear sun. Congratulations on the spring holiday. I really love playing with the guys.

(The game “Sun and Rain” is being played, music by Rauchweger, lyrics by Barto, author of the game by Mikhailov).


The sun has just warmed up,

Everything around turned green.

The birds began to fly

They began to peck the grains.

Game “Birds are flying. The birds are pecking"


Guys, listen to the birds singing.

Phonogram of birds singing.

And we also know a song about a bird!

Song "Bird"


Well done, guys!

It's time to say goodbye to you

And hurry to distant lands.

People are waiting for me everywhere in this world,

Let everyone hear the music of the stream!

Spring is leaving.

Guys, we welcomed spring,

They danced and danced.

We had fun with the sun

And it stayed with us.

The sun gives you a treat. The children thank them, say goodbye and leave the room.

Presenter. So our holiday is over. We had a lot of fun! Let's go outside for a walk and play in the bright sun!

"Spring is red." Spring fun for younger children


I hear, I hear you guys.

I’m hurrying to the clearing to see you.

A bouquet of beautiful, tender flowers for you

I'm bringing flowers!

Hello guys!

A stream gurgled in a ravine

Birds have flown in from the south

The sun is warming in the morning

She came to visit us.(…)

I am spring-red

Did she come to visit you?

With spring juice

With the sky high

With melt water

With a fun game

What signs of spring do you know?

Children: green grass, leaves on the trees, flowers blooming


Today we are about to travel to the forest, to a flower meadow.

And to get there, you need to solve riddles.

The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.
The day is coming. When does this happen?

Spring =-

Breaking through the snow
Amazing sprout.
The very first, the most tender,
The most velvet flower!

Snowdrop =-

The snow has melted from the fields
The agile one runs...


Housewarming party at the starling's
He rejoices endlessly.
So that a mockingbird lives with us,
We made...

There's someone's house on a branch here
There are no doors or windows in it,
But it’s warm for the chicks to live there.
This is the name of the house...

SPRING: Well done! All the riddles were guessed correctly.

On the road, on the road Today, into the spring forest, a train will take us.


Chug - chug - chug,

I puff, I grumble -

I don't want to stand still!

I'm knocking my wheels and turning them -

Sit down quickly, I'll give you a ride!

(Children stand one after another like a train and walk to the music. They walked around the circle and stopped.)

Host: Guys, we got to the forest clearing by train, and now we have to go into the forest on foot. And the forest is very dense, the branches need to be moved apart and lifted. Here is a stream flowing, we jump over, there is a ditch, we need to step over it. (children repeat after the teacher).

Then they stand in a semicircle in front of the clearing.

Presenter: We came to the forest, do you hear the birds singing?

(listen to the soundtrack of birdsong: sparrows, starlings, cuckoos and crows)

Presenter: 1-2-3-4-5, we start playing!

Game "Flight"

(guys answer the question and point with their hands)

The owl flew, flew, and sat on its knees. (Yes)

The cockerel flew, flew and sat on its head. (Yes)

The little goat flew, flew, and sat down on a perch. (No)

The lark flew and sat down on the field. (Yes)

The cow moos and flies through the air. (No)

The crow flew and sat on a tree. (Yes)

The dog flies and barks at the kids. (No)

The bee buzzes and flies through the air. (Yes)

SPRING. And here are the guys and the flower meadow!

(Children turn to the clearing)

Presenter: Flowers bloom in spring

SPRING: I brought you flowers, there are so many of them in the clearing. I want to see who can put them in the basket faster.

VESNA: Well done, guys! All the flowers have been collected. Yes, so cleverly and quickly! VESNA: Hey guys, well done!

Game “Gather in circles” (with flowers)

(2 are placed on the floor flower - red-for girls, yellow - for boys. Children dance around their flowers.

Children dance in a circle to calm music. To the sound of cheerful music, children let go of their hands and run around in all directions. At the command “Gather in circles,” the children quickly stand up in their round dances).

Leading. Spring sun, shine gently.

Our spring dance, sound more cheerful!

Dance with flowers (daisies).

Presenter: Like in the spring on a meadow, all the flowers bloom.

We fly like butterflies and sit on flowers.

Game "Take a flower"

(Progress of the game: There are flowers on the floor according to the number of children.

Children fly scattered like butterflies; at the end of the music, each child stops near a flower and takes it in his hands. The game is played 2-3 times)

A hedgehog appears on the screen.

Ved. : Oh, look, a hedgehog!

Hello, hedgehog! We came to visit you.


I'm not happy today because the sun is sleeping!

It doesn’t hear anything, we need to wake up the sun!

SPRING: Let's call the sun so that the hedgehog won't be sad, so that he can make us happy!

(Song "Sunshine")

The sun appears on the screen.

HEDGEHOG: Here comes the sun, hurray!

Thank you, kids!

Let's all frolic

Having fun together!

Then the sound of the rain beginning is heard in the audio recording (or the piano is playedmusical imitation of the sound of rain).

HEDGEHOG:! Oh, it looks like it's starting to rain! I'll hide under my umbrella! And you, hide so as not to get wet!

(Game “Sunshine and Rain”)

HEDGEHOG: Oh, the sun is out! (the sun appears) You can go for a walk!

(Cheerful music is playing, everyone is happily walking around the hall. The sun is dancing on the screen. The game is repeated several times. Sometimes it rains, sometimes the sun is shining)

HOST: Our children are not afraid of the rain, and they also know a song about the rain.

The song “Rain” is performed.

Host: We had a great walk,

We played and danced.

Now let's go home

We are on a forest path.

Presenter: And again there is a thick forest on our way: we move apart the branches, lift them, jump over the stream, step over the ditch. And here is the clearing to which we arrived by train. And now we will go back by train. (the children again stand one after another like a train and walk to the music.)

Host: We've arrived! Guys, did you like our trip?

Children: Yes.

Host: So it’s over. Goodbye children!

Target: Create a joyful spring mood in children. Strengthen children's knowledge about nature. Cultivate interest and caring attitude towards forest inhabitants.
Characters: Sunshine, Bear, White-sided Magpie, Sparrow, Presenter, Children.

Children enter the hall to cheerful music and look around the hall.
Presenter: Guys, look how beautiful it is around.
The trees and meadow are already turning green. What time of year do you think it is now? (Spring). That's right, spring, but what happens to nature in spring? (the snow is melting, the sun is warming, the grass is turning green).
Children: Spring has come, spring
She brought us warmth and light.
Presenter: Today you and I will go for a walk in the spring forest, maybe we will see miracles. But before you and I go traveling, we need to wake up the sun, it is still sleeping. (the children, together with the teacher, approach the house and wake up the sun).
The sun, the sun is brighter than gray
Come here quickly.
(the sun comes out)
Sun: I am the radiant sun
I bring warmth and light.
Returning smiles to you
And I give joy to everyone.
Presenter: Sunny, how glad we are that you woke up. The guys and I are going to the spring forest, you will shine and warm us (fun music is playing; the children and the teacher are going to travel). And so that we don’t get lost, a magic ball will help us, where it will roll, we’ll go (I roll the ball along the path and meet Soroka - Belobok), (an adult in a magpie costume).
I am Magpie - Belobok, I heard the news in the forest,
I’m already on my tail, I’ll tell the whole world,
That spring is not here yet.
Presenter: Why is there no spring? Soroka-Belobok, you must have mixed something up.
The boys and I gathered in the spring forest to watch miracles. Come fly with us (the children, the presenter, Soroka roll the ball and end up near the den).
Presenter: Guys, look what we see here, the house is not a house. Let's take a quiet look and see who lives there, oh guys, who is it, that's right, a bear. Let's wake him up, he's been sleeping all winter, and now spring has come, it's time for him to get up.
Bear, bear, why are you sleeping?
You don't look at the kids.
The children all began to dance,
They started knocking their feet.
Bear, bear, get up and catch up with the kids.
Bear: Oh, and clever kids,
I didn't catch anyone.
This is all due to the fact that I slept soundly all winter.
I liked playing, but I want to dance.
Presenter: Guys, it’s great that we woke up Misha, let’s dance with him (game dance “A clubfoot for a walk”)
Bear: Oh, well done guys, you made me happy, woke me up, had fun, and now it’s time for me to take care of the house, I have a lot of things to do in the spring.
Presenter: Goodbye Mishka.
And our walk through the spring forest continues, where is our magic ball, where will it lead us this time.
(a recording of a stream sounds).
Presenter: Hey guys, what is this? The trickle is right, right here it is. But what should we do, how should we go further (children’s answers). That's right, we need to jump over it so as not to get our feet wet (they jump over the stream).
We went out into the clearing, and there we met a sparrow (a child in a sparrow costume) “Chick - tweet, chik - tweet.” Oh guys, what kind of bird is this? (That’s right, a sparrow). This is a cheerful sparrow, and we know about him fun game, let's play with him.
Why do you think the sparrow is so cheerful? (rejoices in the sun, warmth, friends). (They approach a tree, there is a birdhouse on it, a nest with birds). Guys, let's sit down and listen to the voices of birds (recording of bird voices).
Presenter: Now let's look at the tree, what does it weigh here (birdhouse, nest), who lives there? (birds). What are the bird houses called? (nest). Please tell me what kind of birds we know (if the children have difficulty, the teacher helps).
Who arrives first?
Krak-krak welcomes spring? (rook).
Who lives in a birdhouse? (starling).
What kind of bird says peek-a-boo? (cuckoo).
We were great at telling you about the birds, and now we’ll rest and tell our guests riddles about the birds. Well done guys who guessed all the riddles.
Presenter: In the spring, guys, our birds have a lot of trouble, they work all day, and you and I know a song about birds.

"Bird over my window"

Soroka flew in - Belobok “I flew, I flew, I missed everything, and it’s true that spring has already come, everyone has woken up, they are singing songs. Look what I found, a magic branch with golden birds, I’m giving this to you guys. Thank you Soroka - Belobok. You guys liked it in the spring forest (yes).

Integrated musical entertainment introduces children to the heroes of Russian fairy tales through familiarization with musical works, expands children's horizons about fairy-tale characters, contributes to the formation of ideas about good and evil, and contributes to the development of musical and rhythmic movements; develops children emotionally and aesthetically.



State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow

Secondary school No. 2048,

structural unit No. 1

Musical director

Abarenova Marfa Gennadievna

Integrated Music Entertainment

“We welcome spring, we invite the sun”

for children of the second younger group.


Create a joyful mood in children by singing, moving and playing to music.

Expand children's horizons about the characters of fairy-tale characters.

To form creative manifestations in all types of musical activities.



Getting to know the images of Russian heroes folk tales

To promote comprehensive, including artistic and aesthetic development


Teach speech, singing, motor skills.


To promote the development of children's cognitive skills, curiosity, sociability, and activity.

Cultivate a sense of empathy.

Material and equipment:

Music Center

Screen for puppet show

Bibabo dolls


Preliminary work:

Conversations about fairy-tale characters, reading Russian folk tales, learning songs and dances.

Progress of integrated music entertainment


The sun shone hotter

The sun began to sparkle in the sky

Foliage is blooming

So it’s coming to us...



First child:

If the river is blue

Woke up from sleep

And he runs, sparkling in the fields,

So, Spring is coming to us!

Second child:

There's a song outside the window

I can hear it all day long.

Who came up with the song

Sun and Spring!


Let's sing a song about spring,

Let's invite the red spring to visit.

Larks, fly!

We're tired of winter

I ate a lot of bread!

You fly and bring a red Spring, a hot summer!

Children sing the song “Sun” by Mus. A. Filippenko


Children are happy about spring.

Let the sun shine brighter.

They've been dancing since the morning

Joyful children.

Children perform the dance “Fingers and Hands” r.n.m. Arranged by M. Rauchwerger.

After the dance, the children sit down.


puppet show

Baba Yaga: Oh, oh, oh. It's kind of hot today.

The birds sing so loudly and cheerfully

Why don't they let me sleep?

I don't want this kind of spring

I want snow and winter

To keep the birds quiet

So that they don't shout anymore

So that they don't disturb my sleep.

I want, I want, I want it to become white - white from snow

So that all the birds would hide and be silent

So that they don't disturb my sleep.

Come again winter, come again winter

Silver threads appear in Baba Yaga’s hands. Baba Yaga casts a spell. At this time, Spring appears on the screen.


Look, guys, the beautiful Spring is coming.


Hello, Grandma Yaga.

I came to your forests

Melted all the snow

Grass grew everywhere.

Baba Yaga:

I don't love you Spring

I won’t let you near my forests.

I will howl and whistle

I'll call winter again

To drive you away faster


You shouldn't have gotten angry

I want to warm up the earth

So that the grains begin to ripen

I'm going to change winter

I bring fresh greens

I'll dress up all the trees

In groves, parks and forests

Baba Yaga:

I'll powder you and stun you with a blizzard,

I'll freeze you and drive you away from here.

I'll hide you for a whole year

No one in the world will find it. He won't find it, he won't find it.

Music is playing. Baba Yaga throws a snowball on Spring. The dolls disappear behind the screen.


Baba Yaga hid Spring. Will no one find her? Let's go look for the beautiful Spring.

As the presenter speaks, a track is laid out.


Be careful. The path is not simple, but magical. If the music plays, you will go. If the music stops, you stop too.

A Russian folk melody is being recorded. Children walk along the path and stop when the music stops again. At the end of the path they go out into the middle of the hall. In the hall on the stumpa child in a bunny costume is sitting and “crying.”


Why are you crying bunny?


No Spring. I'm cold and hungry.


And we have carrots. Take it and eat it.

The bunny “eats” a carrot.


Thanks guys.


Let's play with the bunny. Sit on the stump, and we will dance around you.

The round dance “We went to the meadow” by the muses takes place. A. Filippenko


Bunny, we are looking for Spring. Do you know where Baba Yaga hid Spring?


Don't know. Probably the sparrow knows. Let's go to him.

Music is playing. The presenter walks around the hall with the children.


Let's call the sparrow.

The children call the sparrow. Music is playing.

The words of Baba Yaga are heard:

I won’t let anyone in to Spring.


Hear how angry Winter is. Doesn't let us see the sparrow. Let's sing him a song. He will hear and fly.

The song “Kar, kap” by the muses is performed. F. Filkenshtein. A sparrow comes out.


Tick-tweet, chirp-tweet.

Sparrow is a mischief maker!

I'm so glad to see the warm sun

And greets the guys.


Hello, little sparrow. We are looking for Spring. Baba Yaga hid her. Can you help us find her?


I'm flying high. I know where Spring is. She gave me a letter for the guys.

Gives a letter to the presenter.


Let's honor him.

Reads the letter.

"Hello guys. Baba Yaga hid me and bewitched me. She hid me behind three streams.

If you play with them

Can Baba Yaga's magic be removed"

Guys, we will have magical paths. Tell me, what color is the water?

The children answer.


And we will have three magical multi-colored streams. One will be blue, the second will be yellow, the third will be green.

The game “Find your stream” is taking place.

There are 3 streams of different colors laid out on the floor: blue, pink, green. Childrenare divided into 3 teams, each lined up at its own stream. Everyone runs to the musicscatteredly, finally resorting to a stream of their own color.


Here's what else is written in the letter from Vesna

"To disenchant me

We need to call the sun"

Children go to the window and call the sun along with the leader:

Sunshine, little bucket, look out the window.


No sunshine. Let's look through another window

They come to another window and say

Sunshine, bucket

Look out the window.

The child Sunny enters.


Hello! Here I am!

All the guys know the sun

The sun is highly respected

The sun is more important than everyone else

The sun is the most needed!


Hello Sunshine. Help us find Spring. Baba Yaga hid her very far away.


Of course I'll help. Do the guys know magic poems?


Of course, the guys know magic poems. Listen to them.

Children read poetry.

First child:

There is a yellow flower in the sky

Doesn't fade all year round

And any petal

It will reach the ground.

Second child:

The sun dropped a golden ray,

The first young dandelion has grown.

It has a ruddy, golden color,

He is a big sun, a small portrait.

Third child:

Got out of the kidneys

The first leaves.

Enjoy the sun

They won’t understand from sleep:

Is this really...
Is it really summer?

No, it's not summer yet
But it’s already spring!


Let's put the magic sun on the flannelgraph.

Children lay out a sun applique on a flannelgraph.


I have magic rays. Dance with the rays and they will help Spring appear.

Children dance with the Sun, a dance with rays to the music of “Flags”, a Latvian folk melody, arranged by M. Rauchwerger. After the dance, the children attach rays to the sun on the flannelgraph and sit down.

Music is playing. Spring Appears (Teacher in Disguise)


Hello guys. I am Red Spring. Oh, how long I slept. Baba Yaga bewitched me. Thank you for helping me wake up and dispelling the evil magic of Baba Yaga. Thank you Sunny, thank you sparrow and bunny.

And I have a magic bag. Guess what's in it?

The bell rings from the bag.Children guess.


You ring, ring the bell,

So that everyone can hear

All the bells have rung,

And then stronger

Even the birds outside the window

It's more fun

Children play bells to the music “Sunshine and Rain” by M. Rauchwerger


Oh, what a wonderful sound

It came from all sides!

I woke up both the forest and the meadow,

Everything around was dancing!

Hey guys, come out

Show me your dance!

The dance “We quarreled, we made peace” is performed. T. Vilkoreiskaya


Together the Sun and Spring,

The kids are very happy.

The sun will shine

Spring will bloom.

Spring, the Sun, the sparrow and the bunny say goodbye to the children. Music is playing.The children leave the hall.