Fun sunshine and clouds. Scenario for summer entertainment in the middle group “Like the sun and the rain argued about who was more important. Finger painting on cereals “It was dripping rain”

Scenario summer fun for middle age children preschool age

Leisure scenario for middle preschool age “How the sun and the rain argued about who was more important”

Chernikova Natalya Valentinovna, teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 24 of the combined type “Polyanka”, Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region
Description of material: the material will be useful for teachers, music directors and instructors physical culture for the purpose of organizing leisure time for children of middle preschool age in summer period. It is recommended to have fun at the beginning of summer. If possible, on the summer terrace.

Target: creating a favorable emotional state in children through the activation of cognitive, musical and motor activity.
Tasks: clarify the idea of ​​summer, of summer natural phenomena;
expand knowledge about the gifts of summer - mushrooms;
develop attention, ingenuity, the ability to act on a signal, navigate in space, dexterity and speed;
to cultivate a friendly attitude of children towards the heroes - characters and towards each other.
Facilities: umbrella, screen, benches (3-4 pcs.), dummies of mushrooms (8-10 pcs.), baskets (2 pcs.), hoops (3 pcs.), fabric, multi-colored plastic balls (according to the number of children), buckets plastic (2 pcs.), candies, tray, poster with a painted rainbow.
Methods: competition, relay race, round dance, dance, use of poetry, riddles, music, outdoor play, surprise moment.
Site design: trees are decorated with flowers,
a rope with a garland of multi-colored flags is stretched between the trees,
there are benches along the veranda,
on the contrary, near the fence there is a screen decorated with the sun and clouds, in front of it is a hoop with arranged mushrooms covered with fabric.
Leisure participants: presenter, Summer, Sunny, Rain, children.
Leisure activities:
/to the song “Song about Summer”, lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by E. Krylatov, children together with the presenter enter the playground and sit on the benches/
Guys, summer is here! The most favorite time of the year for children and adults. What is summer?
1 child
That's a lot of light!
This is a field, this is a forest,
These are many miracles.

2 child
There are clouds in the sky
This is a fast river
These are bright flowers
Blue of heavenly heights.

3 child
There are a hundred roads in the world
For children's fast legs.

V. Balashov

Guys, why do you love summer? (you can swim, sunbathe, spend more time on fresh air, pick mushrooms, berries)
How many wonderful opportunities summer gives us! Let's dance in a circle and welcome the summer joyfully and amicably.

Round dance “Wider Circle” lyrics by V. Viktorov, music by D. Lvov

/at the end of the dance, Summer enters the middle of the circle in a brightly colored outfit, her hair is decorated with flowers/
Hello, both children and adults. I'm glad to meet you on this sunny meadow. What's your mood? (fun)
This is good. In that case, let's continue to have fun.
/noise is heard behind the screen, loud voices are heard/
Guys, something happened. We need to figure it out. Sit down on the benches for now. Now we'll find out what's going on.
/from behind the screen, on one side, the Sun runs out in a yellow outfit, with a wreath on his head, and on the other side, Rain in an outfit of blue color, in the hood. They go out to the middle of the area, stand in front of the children/
Guys, this is Sunshine and Rain.
/addresses the heroes/
Sunshine, Rain, what didn’t you share?

Hello everybody.
Guys, Summer, judge between me and Rain.
I believe that in the summer I am in charge.

Hello guys, Summer.
And I think that I am the most important.
/in a loud voice/
I give warmth and light. So, I am more important than everyone else!
You can't live without me. I give animals and plants something to drink.
/start arguing again/
Don't quarrel, please. Let's try to figure it out. Guys, help.
Guys, let's tell the poems we know about the sun and the rain and try to find out who is more important.
4 child
The sun looks from the sky
Millions of years.
The sun is pouring down on the earth
Both warmth and light.

D. Gulia (translation by S. Marshak)
5 child
The sun is shining brightly,
There's warmth in the air
And wherever you look,
Everything around is light.

I. Surikov

Oh, how nice! Thanks guys. Well, now it seems everyone understands who is in charge.
Nothing is clear yet, dear Sun. Let's listen to poems about rain.
6 child
Rain, rain, more fun.
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Splash more in the field -
The grass will become thicker.

7 child
Rain, rain, let it rain,
So that the grains can sprout!
Rain, rain, more -
The shoots will be thicker!

Yu. Chernykh

Well, I told you that I am the most important! Thanks guys.
/Sunny and Rain are arguing again/
Each of you is important. And we are happy for everyone.
Sunshine and Rain
/in unison/
Is it true?
Well, of course! Let's get into a friendly round dance and continue to have fun in the sunny meadow.

Dance “Like this”, Belarusian folk melody, arrangement by G. Fried

/addressing the Sun and the Rain /
Well, the guys have made peace. Many thanks to them. Now let's play.
C'mon, I'm the first to play with the guys.
Why do you, or maybe I also want to play with the guys?
Sunshine, rain, you are quarreling again. But the guys and I don’t want that. Let's all play together.

Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

/children, presenter, Sunny and Summer walk and dance to cheerful music. The rain is sitting on the bench at this time. To the sound of rain, the participants of the entertainment run away and hide under an umbrella. The presenter can hold the umbrella. At this time the rain comes out and dances. The game is repeated several times.
During subsequent games, the host can quietly transfer the umbrella to the hero characters: Sunny and Summer. It will be more interesting this way: children must quickly figure out which way to run to hide from the rain
What fun we had playing!
Guys, it rained mushrooms during the game. Look how many mushrooms have grown after the rain!
/brings the children to a hoop covered with a cloth. He removes the fabric, the children look at dummies of mushrooms/
It's time to pick mushrooms. But before I collect them, I want to be sure that you know mushrooms.

/ the leader helps the children divide into 2 teams: a girls team and a boys team (or divide the children equally). Children sit on benches in groups. Sunny helps the girls' team, and Rain helps the boys' team. The leader gives each team a basket. Makes riddles about mushrooms. If the team gives the correct answer, the leader invites the team member to come up and take the mushroom - the answer - and put it in the basket. Among the mushrooms there are dummies of toadstool and fly agaric. But the presenter deliberately does not ask riddles about them. You can select several mushrooms of each type. When solving a riddle, a team member must take only one mushroom - the answer. Accordingly, there will be as many riddles about mushrooms of one type as there are similar mushrooms - riddles in a hoop. At the end of the competition, Sunny and Rain count the number of mushrooms in the baskets. The winning team is awarded with applause from the entertainment participants/

In the forest, in the forest
The old man is standing
It has a red cap on it.

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these -
Adults and children know.
They grow on stumps in the forest,
Like freckles on your nose.

(honey mushrooms)
I was born on a rainy day
Under the young aspen,
Round, smooth, beautiful,
With a thick and straight leg.

I don’t argue - not white,
I, brothers, am simpler.
I usually grow
In a birch grove.

I'm growing up in a red cap
Among the aspen roots,
You'll recognize me a mile away
My name is….

In a forest clearing,
Under the mighty pine
Old old man
It has a brown cap on it
Cap on the barrel
Who is in the forest?
He knows him.

(White mushroom)
They walk around in red berets -
Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.
Very friendly sisters,
They are called...

Strong, dense, very stately,
In a brown and smart hat.
This is the pride of all forests!
The real king of mushrooms!

(White mushroom)

Well done boys. Have we collected all the mushrooms?
/pays attention to the remaining mushrooms/
What mushrooms did we not pick? (fly agaric, toadstool)
/looking at mushrooms/
Why can't you collect fly agarics and toadstools? (they are poisonous)
That's right, guys. Only edible mushrooms can be collected. And poisonous mushrooms are dangerous.
That's how Rain did his best! The guys collected so many mushrooms after the rain! Well done, Rain!
/notices that Rain is sad/
Dear Rain, what's wrong with you? Aren't you glad?
I'm glad, of course, that it was useful. But when it rained, I lost all my raindrops.
It's okay, Rain. Now the guys and I will collect all your raindrops.
Well done, Sunny. Great idea!

Relay race “Once a little rain, two little rains”

/Rain sits on a bench, to the left and right of him are 2 empty plastic buckets. Opposite each of these buckets, 2 teams line up in columns, at a distance of about 10 m. Near the first participants (one team on the left, and the second team on the right) there are hoops with rain scattered in them - multi-colored plastic balls. At Sunny’s signal: “One – two – three! Collect the rain!" Children take turns taking one ball at a time, run to the bucket, put the ball in it and return to their team, stand at the end of the column. During the relay race, cheerful music is played. The winning team deserves applause from the entertainment participants/
Thank you very much, guys and Sunny. All the rain has been collected. You are true friends!
Cloud and sunshine again
They started playing hide and seek.
Only the sun will hide
The cloud will burst into tears.
And when the sun is found,
Immediately the rainbow laughs.

V. Berestov

The summer mushroom rain passed, then the kind, gentle sun came out. And a bright and beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky

Pilyavskikh Natalya Anatolevna,

teacher of MAUDO " Kindergarten No. 9",

Yalutorovsk, Tyumen region


  • Continue to develop children’s interest in learning, develop their attention, memory, and speech. Name the colors correctly.
  • Continue to work on diction and improve the intonation expressiveness of speech. Maintain attention and interest in the literary word.
  • Develop motor-active activities, develop coordination and fine motor skills.

Progress of entertainment:

Leading:- The sun is shining brightly, there is warmth in the air. And wherever you look, everything around is light! Well, guys, let's go visit the sun?


Game "Little Feet" …»

Little legs,
We walked along the path
Top - top - top - top.
We walked along the path
Little legs,
Jumped along the path
Skok - skok - skok - skok.
Jumped along the path
Skok - skok - skok - skok. (jumping in place on two legs)
Little legs,
We ran along the path
Top - top - top - top (running after the teacher)
We walked along the path
Top - top - top - top (walking behind the teacher)
Our legs are tired. (children stop and stroke their legs)

Children love summer very much
In summer there is a lot of sun and light.
Sun, sun, warm up!
The holiday will be more fun!

Leading: Let's call Sunny to us

Exercise “Sun”

Bucket sun, (pulling raised hands up)
Look out the window. (make a “window”, right and left hand parallel)
Dress up in red (“lanterns”)
Show yourself clearly! (pulling raised hands up)

Sunny enters.

Hello my friends!
Did you call me? Here I am!

Round dance game “In the morning the sun rises »

(children squat in a circle)

In the morning the sun rises - rise slowly, raise your arms up through your sides
Higher, higher, higher.
By night the sun will set - slowly lower down, squatting
Below, below, below!

Okay, okay - clap your hands
The sun laughs.
And under the sun for everyone
Have fun!

Beginning new day
I, friends, am not too lazy to shine,
The sun is rising in the sky,
He invites everyone to have fun.

Game with the sun “Give the sun some rays”

There are three suns without rays on the floor, three children, accompanied by cheerful music, lay out rays around the sun from trailers

Sometimes the sun has a day off,
It's pouring rain outside.
We won't go for a walk -
Let's sing a better song!

Finger game "Rain"

Rain, rain, have fun! children walk, “threatening” their fingers

Our children of the fields!

Water the tops of your heads, tapping fingers on the head

Noses show their nose with a finger

And ears show their ears

Let the boys grow up sit down and gradually

rise - “grow”

Like honey mushrooms! clap their hands

The sun and clouds again,
They started playing hide and seek.
Only the sun will hide -
The cloud will burst into tears.
How can the sun be found?
A rainbow is laughing in the sky.

Game "Sun and Rain"
Part 1 - children sing a song to the music, clap their hands
Part 2 (rain music) - the teacher opens the umbrella, the children run and hide from the rain under the umbrella

Sun: I had a lot of fun with you, but it’s time to return home to heaven.

Leading: Thank you, sunshine, for playing with us. It’s very good, warm, fun to be with you. Look out your window more often, warming us with your warmth.


1. Ulanova L. A., Jordan S. O. Guidelines on organizing and conducting walks for children 3-7 years old, “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2008

2. E.D. Makshantseva “Children’s Fun” Moscow: Education, 1991

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Summary of a game lesson for children of the second year of life “Sunshine and Rain”


Sun cut out of cardboard and attached to a string.
Audio recordings: E. Grieg “Morning”, “Rain-rain, ley-ley-lay”.
Yellow circles cut out of cardboard, counting sticks.
Umbrella, sun on a stick.
Trays with semolina.
A stick with transparent bags cut into ribbons attached to it.
Puddles (paper), paths (correction).
Blue cardboard drops on strings, basin.
Modeling boards, plasticine yellow color clouds cut out of cardboard.

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting "The sun has risen in the morning"

In a golden cradle
The sun fell across the river.
(Parents sit the babies on their laps, the babies’ arms are folded in front of the chest, forming a circle “cradle”. Imitation of rocking a baby in their arms).

The sun rose in the morning and woke up the children.
The kids went out for a walk
They began to jump and gallop.
(Hands smoothly rise, separate, smoothly fall. Clap your palms on the legs alternately, pat at the same time).

And... (child's name) is here.
(We point with open palms at the named children).

Listening to an excerpt from E. Grieg’s musical work “Morning”

Let's call the sun. Repeat after me:

Sunny, show yourself soon!
Warm us up guys!

To the sound of music, the teacher lifts the sun by a thread.

Reading the poem by Agnia Barto “The sun is looking through the window”

The sun looks out the window.
Warms our room
We clapped our hands
We are very happy about the sun.

Didactic exercise “This is how the sun rises”

This is a circle. Yellow color. This will be our sunshine. Take the yellow circle in your hands.

This is how the sun rises.
Higher, higher, higher.
(Raise your hand with the sun up, stretch)

By night the sun will go down
Below, below, below.
(Slowly squat down, lower your hand to the floor)

Good good.
The sun laughs.
And under the sun for us
Life is fun.

Didactic exercise “A cloud covered the sun”

Suddenly the wind blew. Like this. Blow as the wind blows. The wind brought a cloud. Here she is. The cloud covered the sun. Place a cloud on top so that it covers the sun. The wind blew again. Blow. And the cloud flew away. The sun opened and shone.

Construction of “Radiant Sun”

Now you can make a beautiful sun yourself. The yellow circle is the sun, and we will make the rays from sticks. You need to lay them out around the yellow circle. Like this. (Teacher shows).

Outdoor game “Rain and Sun”

The sun is shining brightly and all the kids are walking. (The teacher holds the sun on a stick, the children walk on the carpet)
But the sun hid behind a cloud, and it began to rain. All of you run under my umbrella. (The teacher opens the umbrella, the children run to him).

Finger gymnastics “Raindrops”

They fell on the blades of grass.
Drip-drip droplets,
Drip-drip small.
(Open one palm, tap it with the fingertips of the other hand, imitating raindrops)

Children's palms
They catch these drops.
Drip-drip droplets,
Drip-drip small.
(We do the same with the other palm)

Exercise “Collect droplets”

That's how many droplets fell from the cloud. Lots of drops. Let's collect them and put them in this basin.

Finger painting on cereals “It was dripping rain”

When drops fall from a cloud to the ground, they leave traces. Let's draw the trails of the droplets. Place your finger, press and remove. Here one drop fell. And their clouds have a lot of droplets falling, so let’s do this with our finger many times. You will get a lot of drop marks. How many drops fell from the cloud? Lots of drops.

Musical-rhythmic exercise “Rain-rain, ley-lay-lay”

Children beat out the rhythm on the drums with sticks.

Reading the nursery rhyme “Rain”

Children, let's ask the rain to stop pouring drops on us. The teacher reads a nursery rhyme, and the children shake their index finger.

Rain, rain,
Pour it full,
Get the little kids wet!

Outdoor game “Jump over the puddle”

These are the puddles left after the rain. Try jumping over a puddle. And this puddle is very big, we can’t jump over it. Therefore, let's throw a bridge over it and walk along it.

Didactic game “Don’t get wet”

Here are my rain showers (a stick with transparent bags cut into ribbons attached to it). The teacher tries to touch with “rain” those parts of the children’s bodies in question, and the children hide them.

Rain, rain, have fun!
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Be quiet, don't knock -
Don't get our hands wet!
Be quiet, don't knock -
Don't get our ears wet!
Be quiet, don't knock -
Don't get our cheeks wet!
Be quiet, don't knock -
Don't wet our eyebrows!
Be quiet, don't knock -
Don't get our shoulders wet!

Bas-relief sculpture “Sun”

Children stick a yellow plasticine ball onto cardboard cut out in the shape of a cloud, press down and stretch out the rays with their fingers.

Dynamic pause “The sun came out from behind a cloud”

The sun came out from behind a cloud,
We will stretch our arms to the sun.
Stretch, arms up.

Hands to the sides then
We'll spread wider.
Stretch, arms to the sides.

We've finished warming up.
Rested your legs and backs.

Target. Introduce children to the concepts of light and shadow in the lives of animals using the example of a fairy tale; pay attention to the constant presence of the sun (light and heat) in Everyday life person, give an idea of ​​the Sun as a star, help children feel the role of light in human life using the example of the game “Day and Night”

Preliminary work.

Watching the sun while walking, talking while walking: is the sun today bright, you can’t look at it, or hidden in the haze? What does the Sun look like? Does the Sun warm us? Is the Sun in one place during the day? What is the mood of children in sunny weather and in cloudy weather?

Learning nursery rhymes: “The sun is a bell”, “Sunny, look out the window.” Reading of K. Chukovsky’s poem “The Stolen Sun”, reading of J. Maruinkevičius’ poems “The Sun is Resting”, “Drawing”. Examination of illustrations “The Universe”. Experimental game “Sunny Bunny”, “Magic Ray” (show that a sunbeam can turn into a multi-colored one).

Equipment and materials

Drawings for the game “Sun and Cloud”; voluminous sun and cloud; a scarf for a storyteller, a magic blanket; soft toys - hedgehog and chicken; ball - the sun with an image of a face, a picture of the location of the Sun and other stars from the Earth; image of the planet Earth - day and night, the fiery Sun (made of foam rubber).

Progress of the game-lesson

The teacher finds an envelope with pictures (drawings of the sun and clouds).

Educator: “Guys, look what this envelope is. Yes, there are pictures in it! What do you see in the pictures?

Children: “The sun and the cloud”

Educator: “Do you want to play with the sun as a cloud?”

Children: “Yes!”

Game "Sun and Cloud"

The teacher shows the picture “Sun”

If the sun is shining, you can take a walk,

Run, jump, dance merrily!

Children perform movements according to the text to the music.

The teacher shows the painting “Cloud”

If the cloud frowns

And it threatens to rain,

We'll hide in the houses -

Let's not go for a walk!

Children run away to the houses, the game is repeated 2 times

The teacher throws a scarf over his shoulders.

Educator: “Sunny and Cloud played and played. And then one day a large cloud covered the sky. The sun didn't show up for three days..."

The teacher tells the Slovak fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”

Educator: “The sun came out into the sky - clean, clear and golden. And everywhere it became warm and light. The snail, hare, hedgehog, duck, magpie and hen and chicks began to run, play, bask in the sun, and rejoice that the sun had returned. Children, did you like the fairy tale?

Children: “Yes!”

Educator: “Children, why do the heroes of the fairy tale need the sun so much? Why do they treat him so well?

Children: “They bask in the sun, run around; the magpie is chattering with joy, the chickens are looking for grains; a duck dries feathers; When the sun is shining, everyone is in a good mood"

Educator: “Of course, guys, when the sun is shining everyone is warm, light and joyful. What do you think will happen if the sun stops shining?

Children: “If the sun doesn’t shine, it will be dark and sad.

If there was no sun, it would always be night, we would not see anything.

Without the Sun trees wouldn't grow

The sun is gentle to people, birds, animals

If there was no sun, there would be no heat even in summer."

Educator: “Yes, guys, if there was no sun, there would be no life on earth. Guys, do you know what the Sun is?”

Children: “- The sun is a ball so big... with rays

This is such a light in the sky

The sun is like this big ball who illuminates our land"

Educator: “Well done, guys. But in fact, the Sun is a big, big, simply huge, very hot star that is far from us. Guys, how many of you saw stars in the sky at night? (Children's answers)

The teacher shows a picture of the location of the Sun and other stars from the Earth.

Educator: “The Sun is the same star as the others, but it is much closer than other stars to the Earth, so its rays warm our planet and illuminate it. Children, what do you think, is it big, the Sun?”

Children: “- The sun is round, yellow, sometimes red and orange and very big

In the distance it seems small, but in fact it is huge

The sun is very big and hot

The teacher takes the ball - the Sun with a picture of a face.

Teacher: “Here I have a ball. Imagine that this is the Sun. Then our Earth will seem small, like the head of a pin (like an imp). Why do we see the sun so small?”

Children: “The sun only seems small

Yes, because it is very far from us"

Educator: “Well done, guys! Imagine that the Sun rolled across the sky and fell right into our palms, and the Sun is a very hot star. Can we hold it in our hands?

Children: “No!”

Teacher: “Shall we try?” (Yes!)

Children pass the Sun ball to each other quickly so as not to get burned.

Educator: “Now rub your palms together very, very hard. Are they hot? (Yes!) It was the Sun that warmed them.”

The teacher invites the children to approach the image of the fiery Sun and planet Earth - day and night.

Educator: “Look, guys, when the Sun shines, day comes, and when the Sun falls asleep, night comes. When the Sun illuminates one half of the Earth, it is day there, and at this time it is night on the other half of the Earth.

Game "Day and Night"

Educator: “Imagine that boys live on one half of the Earth, where it is day, and girls live on the half of the Earth, where it is night. Girls, run faster under my “magic” blanket, and you boys, walk around the room, or sit in the houses (on the chairs). Let's see who sees what.

The teacher shows soft toy- hedgehog. Boys see the toy, but girls do not see it under the dark blanket. The cover is removed.

Educator: “Girls, what did you see under the “magic blanket?”

Girls: “Nothing!”

Educator: “And you boys, what did you highlight?”

Boys: "Hedgehog"

Children change: girls have day, boys have night. The teacher shows a soft toy - a chicken.

Educator: “Boys, what did you see under the “magic” blanket?”

Boys: “Nothing!”

Teacher: “And you girls, what did you see?

Girls: "Chicken"

Educator: “I wonder why you didn’t see anything under the blanket, because you have eyes?!”

Children: “Yes, because it’s dark under the covers, you can’t see anything.”

Educator: “Yes, guys, a person sees only when there is light. If there were no light, then we would not need eyes. And the sun sends us its light and warmth. In the spring it begins to warm up more, and the snow melts on the ground. All nature comes to life. Without the sun, the world would be dark, cold, dead. May there always be sunshine!”

Children stand in a “solar” circle, holding hands, raising their ray hands up and singing “Solar Circle”.

Teacher and children: “Let there always be the Sun!”

ChDOU Kindergarten No. 172

JSC "Russian Railways"


"The Sun and the Evil Cloud"

Educator: Chupakhina

Natalya Anatolyevna

A cheerful song sounds, children dance

Leading: The sun rose at dawn

Ran across the grass

We are following the sun

Let's find a hundred friends!

Children follow the leader

We're walking, we're walking,

Right along the path

We raise it well

Raise our legs!

The song “Morning Begins” plays and a mouse appears.

Mouse: Oh, where is the sun? A large cloud hid him. We urgently need to save him.

Leading: Guys, let's save the sun!

Mouse: Come on, just how can we save him, because we don’t even know where to look for him.

Leading: If an evil cloud hid the sun, then we need to drive it away and then the sun will appear. But for us to succeed, we must be brave, strong and dexterous. What is needed for this? (children's answers - play sports)

Sounds music game“Everyone around is trying hard, playing sports”

Leading: To drive away the cloud, repeat after me:

(game - combination of actions with text)

Everyone clapped their hands

Friendly, more fun.

Our feet began to knock

Louder and faster.

Let's hit you on the knees

Hush, hush, hush...

Handles, hands up

Higher, higher, higher...

Our hands are spinning,

They went down again.

Spun around, spin around

And they stopped

Leading: We did great! And it’s time for us to move on, and there’s a bridge ahead of us

Cross the bridge

We need it, guys.

Let's go to the swamp

Maybe we'll find a cloud.

Game "Walk the Bridge"

Leading: So we came to the swamp, and in order to cross it we need to jump from hummock to hummock

Game "From bump to bump"

Leading: Oh, guys, while we were crossing the swamp, a cloud covered the entire sky, it’s probably going to rain now. We need to stop this somehow

The song is "Drip, drip, drip, it's raining"

Game "Rain" Performing movements in accordance with the words.

Rain, rain, don't let it rain,

Have pity on our children:

The kids are sitting at home

Like checkered birds (Children sit with their palms under their cheeks)

Sunshine, sunshine,

Shine a little light!

The kids will go out for a walk,

They will run and play.

Mouse: Oh, what an evil cloud, now we will catch it and water the flowers with it.

They “catch” the cloud in a bag, pour it into a bucket (you need to hide the bag of water somewhere in advance and quietly replace it with an empty bag)

Mouse: So she got caught. Form into two teams and we will water the flowers. Who is faster.

Relay race "Let's pour out the cloud to the bottom"

Leading: Guys, look! Two more clouds caught on our flags. Let's drive them away too!

Game "Snipers" You need to hit the image of a cloud with the ball

Leading: Well done boys. All the clouds have cleared away. But the sun was never found. Oh, look what this is - yes, these are rays. Let's collect them and make a sun.