Development of mental functions of a preschooler. Higher mental functions. Development of a preschooler. Course project - Psychology

Modern requirements for preparing children for school, the rhythm and pace of life, and the social order of parents often force us to turn speech therapy classes into real lessons. And already with senior group classes turn into studying.

Still, we should not forget that the leading activity of preschoolers is play. But as they say, you can’t argue against nature.

It's no secret that speech therapy classes are among the most difficult for children. Children do not realize their importance, which means they have low motivation to study. And more children speech therapy groups have an incomparably greater load. After frontal classes, of which there are 4 per day, individual ones come to replace them. And all this in the first half of the day almost without a break. On weekends - quite voluminous homework. And there is no escape from this, since again, this is due to the above requirements.

Working conditions are also very difficult. Groups are full: last years in a group of at least 20 people. We all know the individual typological characteristics of our children, which we have to take into account when conducting classes. If there are not 12, but 20 children, the very essence is often lost correctional work, its grain. The possibility of a truly individual approach within 25 minutes disappears. There are fewer opportunities, or even none at all, to use some kind of handouts, letter boxes, matches, buttons, walnuts, cereals, mosaic, etc. IN best case scenario In the front lesson, chips and primers are used.

The types of work such as storytelling and retelling are the most boring and least favorite for children.

I use a few clever techniques in these classes and they work quite well.

1. Magic ball. When a story is being compiled in a chain or retold, children do not listen to each other and do not show any interest in ensuring that the story turns out whole and beautiful. Having said his proposal, the child immediately begins to go about his business. Control suffers, children cannot correct their friend because they did not hear.

Take a ball or any toy. Its very appearance already evokes positive emotions. The child makes up a sentence and passes it on to his neighbor. The rest are waiting for it to come to them. Those. everyone is working on the story. And according to my observations, the work goes much faster. And the issue of discipline is resolved. If the child makes a mistake, the toy is returned. There is a psychological moment at work here. The child does not dwell on the mistake. When a speech therapist simply asks: “Correct the mistake, say it correctly,” children sometimes fall into a stupor or show fear and negativism. And it’s much easier this way.

2. Magic chest. Descriptive stories are difficult for children. And they don't like them very much. Here you can use the “Magic Chest” - a box in which the masks are located. One child sits on a chair opposite the other children, the speech therapist puts a mask on him, which he takes out of a magic chest (masks according to lexical topics: animals, birds, etc.). Children begin to describe who or what the child in the mask is based on questions or according to the plan, the child in the mask guesses. The children are happy, the emotions are only positive, everyone wants to wear a mask, and this must be earned with good work. The speech therapist is happy - he is learning a descriptive story.

3. Crossword. Similar work. Only children are given cards with words from the crossword puzzle or pictures. The child describes his object without naming it. Here game moment it may also be that the child himself pulls the card out of the speech therapist's hands. The same technique is used when working with subject pictures. Those. they are not pre-issued, but selected. And the right to choose must be earned, which helps to retain the interest and attention of children.

When teaching sound analysis, instead of the banal: “Come up with a word for such and such a sound.” I'm using the game "Beads." There are 2 options here:

1. The pictures are pasted on circles-beads. Children collect beads by attaching beads according to the last sound of the previous word. For example: cat-cake-pumpkin-shark.

2. Word beads, no pictures.

3. Encryption . Patter quatrains are encrypted by children.

"For example, tongue twister

Greek rode across the river.
He sees the Greek: there is a crayfish in the river.
The Greek put his hand in the river -
Cancer by the hand of the Greek - DAC!”

looks like that:


= = = = = - = = = - - = (= - soft sound Pb, - - hard P).

Against the backdrop of profound socio-economic changes in the development of society, serious changes are taking place in the education system: in the understanding of its goals, content, methods due to the emerging trend towards humanistic, personality-oriented training and education. In the field of education of children with disabilities, a new social order is being formed for the inclusive education of children. Inclusion means ensuring that support is available to those who need it, in whatever form they need it. In the educational field, this is a form of education in which students with disabilities attend the same schools as their typically developing peers; have individual learning goals that correspond to their needs and abilities and are provided with the necessary support.

The following principles of inclusive education are identified: the value of a person does not depend on his abilities and achievements; every person is capable of feeling and thinking; every person has the right to communicate and to be heard; all people need each other; true education can only take place in the context of real relationships; all people need the support and friendship of their peers; For all learners, making progress is more likely to be in what they can do than in what they cannot; variety enhances all aspects of a person's life.

Inclusion in the educational process of school inclusive education directly affects not only the psychologist and teacher, but also the speech therapist. The specifics of the work of a speech therapist at school involve providing assistance to different categories of children with disabilities.
Most of them have an insufficient level of cognitive activity, immaturity of motivation to educational activities, reduced level of performance and independence. Therefore, the search and use of active forms, methods and techniques of teaching is one of the necessary means of increasing the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental process in the work of a speech therapist.

The goals of school education, which are set for the school by the state, society and family, in addition to acquiring a certain set of knowledge and skills, are to reveal and develop the child’s potential, create favorable conditions for the realization of his natural abilities. A natural play environment in which there is no coercion and there is an opportunity for each child to find his place, show initiative and independence, freely realize his abilities and educational needs, is optimal for achieving these goals. The inclusion of active learning methods in the educational process makes it possible to create such an environment both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, including for children with disabilities.

Rapidly developing changes in society and the economy today require a person to be able to quickly adapt to new conditions, find optimal solutions to complex issues, showing flexibility and creativity, not get lost in situations of uncertainty, and be able to establish effective communications with different people.
The goal of the school is to prepare a graduate with necessary set modern knowledge, skills and qualities that allow him to feel confident in independent life.

Traditional reproductive education and the passive subordinate role of the student cannot solve such problems. To solve them, new pedagogical technologies, effective forms of organizing the educational process, and active teaching methods are required.

The learning process is the subject of many psychological and pedagogical studies. The greatest attention in modern works is paid to studying the role of student activity in this process. Research by Yu. K. Babansky, G. I. Shchukina, T. I. Shamova indicates the need to increase student activity in the learning process. This is explained by the fact that only active assimilation of knowledge is quite effective.

Cognitive activity is the quality of a student’s activity, which is manifested in his attitude to the content and process of learning, in the desire to effectively master knowledge and methods of activity in the optimal time.

One of the basic principles of teaching in general and special pedagogy is the principle of consciousness and activity of students. According to this principle, “learning is effective only when students show cognitive activity and are subjects of learning.” As Yu. K. Babansky pointed out, students’ activity should be aimed not just at memorizing material, but at the process of independently acquiring knowledge, researching facts, identifying errors, and formulating conclusions. Of course, all this should be done at a level accessible to students and with the help of a teacher. This fully applies to the work of a speech therapist teacher.

Some children entering public schools turn out to be insufficiently prepared for education. The level of students’ own cognitive activity is insufficient, and to increase it, the teacher needs to use means that promote the activation of learning activities. One of the characteristics of students with developmental problems is an insufficient level of activity of all mental processes. Thus, the use of means to enhance learning activities during training is necessary condition the success of the learning process for schoolchildren with developmental problems.
Activity is one of the most important characteristics of all mental processes, which largely determines the success of their occurrence. Increasing the level of activity of perception, memory, and thinking contributes to greater efficiency of cognitive activity in general. This means that increasing the level of activity in the educational activities of children with disabilities will contribute to a more effective process of correctional and developmental education during speech therapy classes.

The use of active learning methods when working with students with mental retardation (MDD) is especially important because This category of children has a low level of cognitive activity, immaturity of motivation for learning activities, a reduced ability to receive and process perceptual information, and insufficient development of the operations of analysis, comparison, synthesis, abstraction and generalization. All these features of children with mental retardation lead to a change in the process of mastering speech function by these children and determine the uniqueness of their speech development: speech inactivity, limited vocabulary, immaturity of word-formation processes, poverty of grammatical structures, difficulties with extended utterances, which ultimately affects the socialization of these children in society.

Content, methods, techniques and forms of organization act as means of activating learning. educational process. Thus, the level of activity of a student in the learning process is determined by the extent to which the content, methods and organization of training contribute to this activity.

When selecting the content of speech therapy classes for students with speech impairments, it is necessary to take into account, on the one hand, the principle of accessibility, and on the other hand, to avoid excessive simplification of the material. The content becomes an effective means of enhancing learning activities if it corresponds to the mental and intellectual capabilities of children and their needs. Since the group of children with disabilities is extremely heterogeneous, the task of the speech therapist is to select content in each specific situation and methods and forms of educational organization that are adequate to this content and the students’ capabilities.

The next very important means of enhancing learning are teaching methods and techniques. It is through the use of certain methods that the content of learning is realized.

The term “method” comes from the Greek word “metodos”, which means a path, a way of moving towards the truth, towards the expected result. In pedagogy, there are many definitions of the concept of "teaching method". These include the following: “teaching methods are methods of interconnected activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving a set of problems of the educational process” (Yu. K. Babansky); “methods are understood as a set of ways and means of achieving goals and solving educational problems” (I. P. Podlasy).

There are several classifications of methods that differ depending on the criterion that is used as the basis. The most interesting in this case are two classifications.

One of them, proposed by M. N. Skatkin and I. Ya. Lerner. According to this classification, methods are distinguished depending on the nature of cognitive activity and the level of activity of students.

It includes the following methods:

  • explanatory-illustrative (information-receptive);
  • reproductive;
  • partially search (heuristic);
  • problematic presentation;
  • research.

Another, classification of methods for organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities; methods of its stimulation and motivation; methods of control and self-control, proposed by Yu. K. Babansky. This classification is represented by three groups of methods:

  • methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities: verbal (story, lecture, seminar, conversation); visual (illustration, demonstration, etc.); practical (exercises, laboratory experiments, work activities, etc.); reproductive and problem-search (from particular to general, from general to particular), methods of independent work and work under the guidance of a teacher;
  • methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity: methods of stimulating and motivating interest in learning (the entire arsenal of methods for organizing and carrying out educational activities is used for the purpose of psychological adjustment and motivation to learn), methods of stimulating and motivating duty and responsibility in learning;
  • methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities: methods of oral control and self-control, methods of written control and self-control, methods of laboratory and practical control and self-control.

We consider the most acceptable methods in the practical work of a speech therapist teacher with students with disabilities to be explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, partially search, communicative, information and communication; methods of control, self-control and mutual control.

Group search and research methods provides the greatest opportunities for the formation of cognitive activity in students, but to implement problem-based learning methods, a sufficiently high level of development in students is necessary: ​​the ability to use the information provided to them, the ability to independently look for ways to solve a given problem. Not all primary schoolchildren with disabilities have such skills, which means they require additional help from a teacher and speech therapist. Increase the degree of independence of students with disabilities, and especially children with delays mental development and it is possible to introduce into training tasks based on elements of creative or search activity only very gradually, when a certain basic level of their own cognitive activity has already been formed.

Active learning methods, game methods very flexible methods, many of them can be used with different age groups and under different conditions.

If a habitual and desirable form of activity for a child is a game , which means that it is necessary to use this form of organizing activities for learning, combining the game and the educational process, or more precisely, using the game form of organizing the activities of students to achieve educational goals. Thus, the motivational potential of the game will be aimed at more effective development of the educational program by schoolchildren, which is important not only for schoolchildren with speech impairments, but also especially important for schoolchildren with disabilities.

And the role of motivation in successful learning can hardly be overestimated. Conducted studies of student motivation have revealed interesting patterns. It turned out that the value of motivation for successful study is higher than the value of the student's intellect. High positive motivation can play the role of a compensating factor in case of insufficiently high student abilities, but this principle does not work in the opposite direction - no abilities can compensate for the absence of a learning motive or its low severity and ensure significant academic success.
Possibilities various methods learning in the sense of activating educational and educational-industrial activities are different, they depend on the nature and content of the corresponding method, methods of their use, and the skill of the teacher. Each method is made active by the one who applies it.

The concept of “teaching technique” is closely related to the concept of method. Teaching methods are specific operations of interaction between teacher and student in the process of implementing teaching methods. Teaching methods are characterized by subject content, the cognitive activity they organize, and are determined by the purpose of application. The actual learning activity consists of individual techniques.

In addition to methods, forms of training organization. Speaking about various forms of teaching, we mean “special designs of the learning process”, the nature of the teacher’s interaction with the class and the nature of delivery educational material in a certain period of time, which is determined by the content of training, methods and activities of students.
The form of organizing joint activities between a teacher-speech therapist and students is a speech therapy lesson. During the lesson, a speech therapist teacher can use various teaching methods and techniques, selecting the most relevant to the content of training and the cognitive abilities of students, thereby contributing to the activation of their cognitive activity.

The most effective forms of organizing speech therapy classes are the following: a game, a fairy tale, a journey, a competition, fantasizing, etc.

To enhance the activities of students with disabilities in speech therapy classes, you can use the following active teaching methods and techniques:

1. Using signal cards when completing tasks (on the one hand, it shows a plus, on the other - a minus; circles of different colors according to sounds, cards with letters). Children complete the task or evaluate its correctness. Cards can be used when studying any topic in order to test students' knowledge, identify gaps in the material covered. Their convenience and efficiency lies in the fact that the work of each child is immediately visible.

2. Using inserts on the board (letters, words) when completing a task, solving a crossword puzzle, etc.
Children really like the competitive moment in the course of completing this type of task, because in order to attach their card to the board, they need to answer the question correctly, or perform the proposed task better than others.

3. Knots for memory (compilation, recording and posting on the board of the main points of the study of the topic, conclusions that need to be remembered).
This technique can be used at the end of the study of the topic - to consolidate, summarize; during the study of the material - to provide assistance in completing assignments .

4. Work with blank methods. Materials for speech therapy work with primary schoolchildren are presented in the form of form cards, accompanied by recommendations for the use of subtest tasks related to the topic and content of the lesson and aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of students of different ages and levels of training, taking into account individual characteristics and possible difficulties. Blank methods are used for diagnostic purposes and for corrective work.

5. Perception of material at a certain stage of the lesson with eyes closed

used to develop auditory perception, attention and memory; switching the emotional state of children during the lesson; to get children in the mood for a lesson after vigorous activity (after a physical education lesson), after completing a task of increased difficulty, etc.

6. Use of kinesiological exercises in speech therapy classes.

Preserving and strengthening the health of students is a fundamental direction in the work of a speech therapist, especially with children with disabilities.

Kinesiology is the science of developing mental abilities and physical health through certain motor exercises. Kinesiological methods influence not only the development mental abilities and physical health, they allow you to activate various parts of the cerebral cortex, which contributes to the development of human abilities and the correction of problems in various areas of the psyche. In particular, the use of this method improves the child's memory, attention, speech, spatial representations, fine and gross motor skills, reduces fatigue, synchronizes the work of the hemispheres, improves mental activity, increases stress resistance and the ability to voluntary control, facilitates the process of reading and writing. Kinesiology is a method of maintaining health by influencing the muscles of the body, i.e., by physical activity. The sets of exercises include: stretching, breathing exercises, oculomotor exercises, body exercises, developmental exercises fine motor skills, relaxation exercises and massage.

7. The use of ophthalmic simulator presentations, a separate presentation and fragments of the presentation during the speech therapy session.

The introduction of modern computer technologies in school speech therapy practice makes it possible to make the work of a speech therapist more productive and efficient. The use of ICT organically complements traditional forms the work of a school speech therapist, expanding the possibilities for organizing the interaction of a speech therapist teacher with other participants in the educational process.

Using the presentation program seems very convenient. You can place the necessary picture material, digital photographs, texts on the slides; You can add music and voice accompaniment to your presentation.
With this organization of material, three types of children’s memory are included: visual, auditory, motor. This allows the formation of stable visual-kinesthetic and visual-auditory conditioned reflex connections of the central nervous system. In the process of corrective speech therapy work based on them, children develop correct speech skills, and subsequently self-control over their speech.
Multimedia presentations bring a visual effect to the lesson, increase motivational activity, and promote a closer relationship between the speech therapist and the child. Thanks to the sequential appearance of images on the screen, children are able to complete the exercises more carefully and fully. The use of animation and surprise moments makes the correction process interesting and expressive. Children receive approval not only from the speech therapist, but also from the computer in the form of prize pictures accompanied by sound design.

8. Use of picture material for changing the type of activity during the lesson, developing visual perception, attention and memory, activating vocabulary, developing coherent speech.

9. Active methods of reflection.

Word reflection comes from the Latin "reflexior" - turning back. The Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language interprets reflection as reflection on one's inner state, introspection.

In modern pedagogical science reflection is usually understood as self-analysis of activities and their results.

IN pedagogical literature There is the following classification of types of reflection:

1) reflection of mood and emotional state;
2) reflection on the content of educational material(it can be used to find out how students understood the content of the material covered);
3) reflection of activity(the student must not only understand the content of the material, but also comprehend the methods and techniques of his work, and be able to choose the most rational ones).

These types of reflection can be carried out both individually and collectively.
When choosing one or another type of reflection, one should take into account the purpose of the lesson, the content and difficulties of the educational material, the type of lesson, methods and methods of teaching, age and psychological characteristics of students.

In speech therapy classes when working with children with disabilities, it is most often used reflection of mood and emotional state.

Widely used reception with different color images.

Students have two cards of different colors. They show a card according to their mood at the beginning and end of the lesson. In this case, you can monitor how the student’s emotional state changes during the lesson. The speech therapist teacher must clarify changes in the child’s mood during the lesson. This is valuable information for reflection and adjustment of your activities.

"Tree of Feelings"– students are invited to hang red apples on the tree if they feel good and comfortable, or green ones if they feel discomfort.

"Sea of ​​Joy" and "Sea of ​​Sadness"– put your boat out to sea according to your mood.

Reflection on the end of a speech therapy session. The most successful at the moment is considered to be the designation of types of tasks or stages of the lesson with pictures (symbols, various cards, etc.), which help children at the end of the lesson to update the material covered and choose the stage of the lesson that they like, remember, and most successful for the child, attaching their own to it. picture.

All of the above methods and techniques for organizing training, to one degree or another, stimulate cognitive activity students with disabilities.

Thus, the use of active teaching methods and techniques increases the cognitive activity of students, develops their creative abilities, actively involves students in the educational process, stimulates independent activity of students, which equally applies to children with disabilities.

The variety of existing teaching methods allows the speech therapist to alternate different types of work, which is also an effective means of enhancing learning. Switching from one type of activity to another protects against overwork, and at the same time does not allow one to be distracted from the material being studied, and also ensures its perception from different angles.

Activation tools must be used in a system that, by combining properly selected content, methods and forms of educational organization, will allow stimulating various components of educational and correctional development activities for students with disabilities.

Presentation master class

“Speech therapy methods and techniques

used in lessons."

Hello colleagues! Today we want to show you a master class where we will share some methods and techniques to promote the speech development of children. Primary teachers can take advantage of our tips and tricks and apply them in their lessons

Slide 1

The purpose and objectives of speech therapy work:

Slide 2

The main areas of work of a school speech therapist are:

Speech correction

Correction of writing and reading

The purpose of the master class is to introduce you to a variety of methods and techniques that have a positive impact on speech development children.

We will now tell and demonstrate some of them:

Slide 3 Articulation gymnastics

Fundamental to the work is the development of the articulatory apparatus with the help of articulatory gymnastics, which children love very much. According to new education standards, it is recommended to include it in the lesson when teaching reading

Regular practice helps:
- improve blood supply to articulatory organs and their (nerve conduction)
- improve the mobility of articulatory organs;
- strengthen the muscular system of the tongue, lips, cheeks;
- reduce tension in the articulatory organs;

There is a complex in front of you articulation exercises, which you can use in your lessons (we do some exercises together with teachers)

Slide 4 Speech breathing

Breathing exercises play a big role in the development of correct speech. They develop a long, uniform exhalation, form a strong air stream, train the ability to use air economically during speech, taking into account its addition, and train situational phrasal speech.
In parallel with this, the speech therapist also solves a number of health problems, such as:
- oxygen saturation of the body
- improvement of metabolic processes
- normalization of psycho-emotional state

We will show you some exercises from the complex:

The exercise is demonstrated: “Storm in a glass”, “Flower”

It's important to remember the rules speech breathing: “we take in air through the nose, don’t raise our shoulders, don’t puff out our cheeks, work the abdominal wall and exhale smoothly for a long time”

If a child cannot master the technique of diaphragmatic breathing, then we put his hands on his stomach and teach him to breathe so that the child feels that his hands are rising on his stomach (inhale-exhale)

Slide 5 development of fine motor skills

During lessons you can use massage balls, clothespins, toys with spikes, pencils

Let's do an exercise together to develop fine motor skills:

An exercise with clothespins in poetic form is demonstrated together with teachers

Slide 6

We also include kinesiological exercises in our work

A joint exercise is demonstrated: “Fist-rib-palm”, “Lezginka”

To relieve the child’s vision, we use various visual gymnastics.

Slide 8

When working to correct reading and writing, we can recommend some techniques that teachers can use in their lessons and recommend to parents

Slide 9

“Creating a situation of success »

With a child-logopath who has a red background from errors in his notebook, advise the teacher to give up red paste for a while. And to give the child the opportunity to graze in notebooks with a simple pencil, and the teacher not to correct mistakes, but to make notes in the margins. The student has the opportunity to erase it and write correctly. And also to work on the bugs.

As a result, the goal was achieved, the mistakes were found by the child himself, the notebook is in excellent condition, the child's self-esteem was raised and a positive effect was achieved.

Slide 10

"Corrective test"

Every day for 5 minutes in any text (except newspaper) cross out the given letters.

For example: we start with 1 vowel and move on to consonants, you can give paired consonants. Cross out a certain letter, circle another in an oval, etc. at the discretion of the teacher.

Specialists who apply this technique ensure that the quality and literacy of writing improves.

Slide 11

"Box of Errors"

In the student’s work, we see the wrong word written, write out these words with errors on a piece of paper and check the mistakes, sort out the mistakes and put them in the box. Next time, if the child does not make this mistake, then tear the piece of paper in front of the child. We praise the child. And if the child again makes these mistakes in the work, then we work out these mistakes in the next lessons, and the piece of paper with the mistakes is in the box. It is there until the child remembers the correct spelling or the rule for the mistake.

Note: more often used in individual work and work with vocabulary words.

Slide 12


used to work with vocabulary words

slide 13

Tips for Improving Reading Scores (Tips for Parents)

Slide 14

Bottom line master class

Dear colleagues, we have shown you the variability of using a variety of methods and techniques in the work for the development of children's speech. We use these techniques in our work and I can say with confidence that they have a positive effect on speech development, children’s performance increases, and the quality of the educational process improves.

And I can only thank you for your attention, and the participants for their work.

We hope that our advice will help you in our work!

When eliminating bradylalia, speech therapy techniques are aimed at developing faster and clearer speech movements during speech; accelerated speech reactions; tempo of internal speech; pace of writing and reading; expressive forms of stage reading and dramatized speech, etc.; correct prosodic aspects of speech: tempo, rhythm, melody, pausing, stress.

With severe bradykinesia, it is necessary first of all to normalize general motor skills: coordination, focus, the rhythm of general movements at a more accelerated pace, to form manual praxis; develop auditory, visual attention, a faster pace of switching attention from object to object, perception and reproduction of rhythms, etc. As motor skills normalize, include speech material.

All types of correctional work are based on various speech exercises. Basic exercises: pronunciation of speech material of varying complexity (syllables, words, short phrases, tongue twisters, etc.), reading (in conjunction with a speech therapist, then independently) to a hand-beat, to a metronome with a gradual acceleration of the tempo of speaking and reading; listening and reproducing speech material recorded on tape at an accelerated pace; recording of syllables, words, etc. with preliminary clear pronunciation to the beat given by the speech therapist, and then by the child himself; work on the imagination under the influence of external stimuli of various rhythms and tempos to speed it up in internal speech; memorization and reproduction of dialogues with an emphasis on speech features different characters by the patient himself paired with a speech therapist, then with a group mate; development of stage behavior in accordance with the content of the dramatization.

The normalization of the rate of speech in bradilalia is also facilitated by classes in speech therapy rhythm.

Walking and marching in various directions to peppy music (march, gallop), interspersed with jumps, jumps, squats, stops to the changing nature of the music. These exercises are combined with counting exercises that help control the pace of movements performed and make it easier for children to maintain the desired pace in speech. Exercises that activate attention bring up a quick and accurate reaction to visual, auditory stimuli, develop all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor.

Rhythmic exercises related to such dynamic characteristics of a piece of music as mezzoforte - medium strength, forte - strong. Rhythmic exercises for the arms, legs, torso are performed quickly and clearly. Rhythm is indicated by vigorous clapping of hands, striking a tambourine, waving flags, stamping steps, etc.

Singing melodies with short tonalities. The tempo of the songs is medium and fast, jerky.

Mobile games: non-plot and plot. Non-plot games such as dashes, traps, tag, relay race games, games with objects, with elements of sports competitions, etc. Plot-based outdoor games reflect life or fairy-tale episodes in a conditional form and contribute to the development of speech in dialogues and dramatizations.

Musical independent activity of students: to cheerful music they energetically perform the same type of movements - chopping wood, riding a horse, boxing, etc. Then, with the help of a speech therapist, they independently perform creative compositions: folk dances, character dances, ballroom dancing (polka, gallop) . Play on musical instruments: strings and percussion, reproducing simple and complex rhythmic structures.

As a result of 6-12 months of work, speech becomes much clearer and faster. However, even after a course of classes, a relatively long observation of children suffering from bradylalia and especially bradykinesia is necessary. Recommended: independent studies, constant monitoring of the rate of speech, consultations with a speech therapist, follow-up studies.

Overcoming tachylalia involves cultivating: a) slow, calm, smooth, strictly rhythmic breathing and voice production; b) slow rhythmic reading; c) calm, rhythmically ordered speech; d) a healthy attitude towards the team in the process of speech and general behavior; e) general and auditory attention to speech.

Speech therapy work with adolescents and adults suffering from tachylalia is recommended to be carried out in stages.

The first stage is the silence mode. The speech therapist gets acquainted with the peculiarities of everyone’s speech in conditions of collective communication, conducts a conversation about the importance of the team and speech therapy classes for normalizing the rate of speech. It is recommended to remain as silent as possible outside of class and at home, limiting yourself to only the most necessary phrases. The silent mode relieves anxious excitability, calms students, and focuses them on the tasks and rules of the lesson. In classes with a speech therapist, the assimilation of a slow pace begins with the simplest speech material (conjugate, reflected speech, answers to questions).

The second stage - work on mastering a slow tempo begins with the material of loud reading. First, a speech therapist gives a reading sample, then the children read conjugately, reflectedly, in turn, followed by an analysis of each person’s reading. Each lesson begins with speech exercises (counting up to 30 or 50), then individual and group (4-5 people) independent speech work is carried out under the guidance of one of the students. The core point in all speech exercises is continuous speech, practiced at a slow pace. A slow pace acquires primary importance both from the technical work on speech and from the psychotherapeutic effect on the student’s personality. An instruction is given to slow down not only external speech, but also all other psychomotor processes. It is proposed to slow down all movements, the speed of flow of associative series, reactions to the external environment, and all behavior in general. At the end of stage II, the results of the work at home and in the group are summed up, and the children report on their well-being.

The third stage is working on editing the thoughts expressed, on the adequacy of the phrase to the intended content.

Class material: accurate retellings of what was read according to a plan and without it, with an arbitrary setting to a particular length, detailing of the retelling; exercises in pronunciation of different editions of the same phrase.

The fourth stage is work on a collective story. Listening carefully to his friend, everyone joins the story unexpectedly, at a signal from the speech therapist or the person on duty. At this stage, slow reading to oneself is introduced, which has a disciplining and slowing effect on the oral speech of students. More time is devoted to individual work on speech, which continues even after completing the speech therapy course for at least one year, 2 times a day (morning and evening for 10-30 minutes).

Techniques used in classes: imitation, conjugate-reflected pronunciation, rhythmic reading, speech exercises to the beat, marked by striking a hand, foot, clapping hands, etc., recording and listening to correct speech recorded on tape, etc.

At this stage, functional training is carried out outside the walls of the speech therapy room, both individually and collectively. The condition for the transition to training is the availability of dialogic communication at a slow (and normal) pace in speech therapy classes. Functional training is in the nature of dialogues with passers-by on the street, in a store, at the post office, in transport, etc. Patients prepare speech material in advance, practice it at home and in group classes.

Training outside a speech therapy institution fosters attention to one’s own speech and the responses of the interlocutor, the ability to control one’s behavior and speech at times of emotional stress, stimulates speech activity and contributes to the re-education of the individual.

The fifth and final stage is preparation for public speaking. The material for it is selected taking into account individual characteristics students. Behavior and rate of speech are practiced in the process of independent individual and frontal lessons; the performance is recorded on tape, listened to, and analyzed based on content and appearance.

Course duration is 2.5-3 months. If this time is not enough, then it is recommended to continue classes for 4-6 months after the break. After the speech therapy course, instructions are given for further independent consolidation of correct speech skills.

When eliminating tachylalia in preschool and younger children school age It is recommended to use stuttering correction techniques with appropriate modifications, taking into account the mechanism and symptoms of tachylalia. In general, the principles and content of speech therapy work with children with stuttering and tachylalia are similar.

Speech therapy rhythmics is included in speech therapy correction sequentially at each stage with increasing difficulty of rhythmic classes and speech loads. The basis of classes is a slow pace. The lesson usually includes introductory exercises; breathing and voice exercises; exercises that regulate muscle tone, improve motor coordination and motor memory;

activating attention; educating a sense of rhythm; counting exercises in slow motion; speech tasks for coordinating words with movement and music; special chanting, melodic recitation and singing in order to improve the rhythm of breathing, develop a smooth speech exhalation and speech in general; listening to music; plot dramatizations with characteristic, ballroom dancing, round dances; musical independent activity; play activity; final exercises.

Well speech therapy correction in preschoolers and junior schoolchildren- from 6 months to 1 year. In cases of relapse, repeated courses of classes are necessary.

IN speech therapy work To overcome battarism and polternism, the first place is the formation of concepts on a concrete basis and their verbal, grammatically correct expression.

1. It is necessary to approach speech as a system in unity with others mental processes. It is recommended to work not so much on the elements of speech, the isolated functions of breathing and articulation, but on holistic speech productions of a higher order: on an independent statement, retelling, dialogue, recitation, prepared and free story, report, message, free expression of thoughts. The main technique is to fix the patient’s attention on the speech, correctly distribute it in the phrase for each word, so that the process of switching attention corresponds to the process of sequential logical development of thought. For this purpose, conjugate-reflected pronunciation of phrases and text is used; work on logical stress in a phrase; paraphrase; dialogues with a speech therapist, between children; dramatization, which requires stage behavior and expressive speech to convey the necessary image; various ways readings: in conjunction with a speech therapist, mirrored by a speech therapist, reading by word, by phrase one after another and separately, reading by pre-marked text; through a slot in a strip of cardboard, which slowly moves along the line, revealing first only one word, then a syntagm, and finally an entire phrase.

2. Education logical thinking in non-speech and speech tasks. For example, arrange a series of pictures in the required sequence, eliminate the unnecessary one from the given subject pictures, or draw up a general outline of the statement;

develop the main idea of ​​a certain part of the story; find several options for “commencements” or “resolutions” of given plots, etc.

3. Overcoming inner speech defects. For this purpose, the content of the statement (intention) is realized with the help of a plot picture, text, which is worked through the issues, first together with a speech therapist, then independently. A retelling plan is drawn up. The text is written down, read, and retold from memory.

4. Development of auditory attention, the ability to listen to speech based on phrases and texts. Tape-recording lessons are useful, in which the child simultaneously hears and sees (reads) text coming from a tape at a slow pace. To draw attention to your own speech, speech samples at a slow and fast pace are offered for listening and subsequent analysis. Working on intonation is useful.

5. Work on regulating the tempo of speech: counting exercises with movements, speaking in syllables or accompanied by rhythmic tapping; highlighting semantic parts in a short text, in a phrase compiled from a picture, and pronouncing speech material with an expressive intonation corresponding to the meaning; rhythmic pronunciation with simultaneous tapping of the rhythm of various phrases, etc.

6. Work outside of speech therapy classes to consolidate slow and clear pronunciation, calm behavior and attention to one’s own speech.

Overcoming battarism and polternism requires early start classes, systematic long-term speech therapy and subsequent periodic monitoring due to frequent relapses. Working to overcome these disorders in many cases is the prevention of stuttering.

Conclusions and problems

Bradylalia and tachylalia with its varieties (united under the general name “impaired speech rate”) are complex and not fully studied speech disorders. In the problem of studying pathologically impaired speech tempo, the following questions continue to remain relevant:

A comprehensive study of the mechanisms of occurrence and structure of defects during various types impaired speech rate, improving their differential diagnosis;

Further study of the characteristics of different types of impaired speech tempo in people of different ages; psychological and pedagogical study of speech, personality and behavior of persons with bradylalia and tachylalia with its varieties;

Improving differentiated methods of correctional and pedagogical work in different types impaired speech rate in people of different ages and depending on different types medical and pedagogical institutions.

Test questions and assignments

1. Define speech tempo disorders.

2. Give brief analysis development of the problem of speech tempo violations.

3. Determine the mechanism and structure of the defect in bradyllalia, tachylalia, battarism and polternium.

4. Explain the main sections of a comprehensive examination of persons with speech tempo disorders.

5. What are the basic principles of complex therapeutic and pedagogical influence on persons with speech tempo disorders?

6. Name and characterize the main sections and content of methods of correctional pedagogical work for bradylalia, tachylalia and its varieties.


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3. Kochergina V. S. Bradylalia, tachylalia, stumbling // Speech disorders in children and adolescents. - M., 1969. - P. 214-226.

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Speech therapy: Textbook for students of defectology. fak. ped. universities / Ed. L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskaya. -- M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 1998. - 680 p.