Coloring templates for boys to print. Free coloring pages for children

Today, Spider-Man is a good hero who bravely saves the world. And tomorrow Evil itself settled in him and now other colors set off his costume. You can breathe life not only into good heroes, but also into the fiercest villains they will oppose. But that’s not scary either. After all, if evil forces attack our planet, there is always a strong iron Man, which is able to protect us from the enemy!

Well, what about Lego Ninjago? Are these nimble little guys any worse at fighting? Take, for example, the brave Kai, Cole or Zane. These brave guys will give anyone a hard time! Moreover, are they no different from the powerful Transformers? Unless it’s dimensions, it directly depends on you!

By the way, about Transformers. Download the Decepticon Symbol and transfer it to a hard surface. For example, cardboard. We are sure that the next message from another planet will be especially for you. Invite a friend over and give him everyone's favorite Bumblebee. Believe me, this pleasant pastime will be remembered for a long time.

What to do when you want to get a Bugatti and a Ferrari at the same time? Or maybe you like the cars you drove a hundred years ago? We also have an interesting page for collector car lovers.

Don't deny yourself anything! Print and color whatever interests you! Coloring pages for boys give each of you the opportunity to choose characters and a suitable theme! Show everyone that wizards live in every creator!

All little children love coloring games as they are incredibly useful and develop children's imagination, memory. The ability to think creatively is also necessary here. But children usually have no problems with creativity, but exactly the opposite. It is better to do more coloring, no matter if the child has already grown up. How more coloring pages, all the better. Even as an adult, such methods of releasing positive, and somewhere childish, imagination are more useful to a person than anything else.
On this moment Coloring books are popular on the Internet. It is very simple and convenient, because we all now have computers and the Internet. Free Coloring Pages for Children are presented to you to choose from. a large number of various colors for every taste. Both girls and boys can play the games “Children's Coloring Books for 3-4-5-6-7 years”, everyone can show themselves and show their creativity in all its glory.
You can choose any drawings, depending on their complexity, beauty, or theme. The child will get down to business and turn an almost empty sheet of paper, a nondescript outline of a drawing, into a colorful and beautiful picture. If you like your work very much, you can save it and let it be a keepsake for many, many years. Suddenly you will become a talented professional artist, and you can always open and see where you started your journey.
Free online coloring pages for children 3-4-5-6-7-8-9 years old will give your kids a lot of fun, because... We offer drawings on various topics, for of different ages: and very simple objects, and animals, and fairies, and fairy-tale and cartoon characters. We are confident that coloring the pictures offered on our website will allow your child to spend time usefully and joyfully. You can choose any drawing to your liking. In addition, if you like a successful drawing, you can save it in the computer’s memory, where a huge number of such electronic drawings will fit, and over time, when your child gets older, you will open the file and see the very first coloring book.

– such a familiar and beloved word from childhood. It is from children's coloring books that the world for a child acquires color. “Orange sea, orange songs...,” is sung in a popular children's song. All children are talented, parents just need to develop them correctly. Children are inquisitive, they catch everything on the fly, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. Even before school, literally from 2-3 years old, you can offer your child something educational, for example, various cubes, construction sets, colored paper, scraps, plasticine, colored pencils. Drawing is perhaps the most important skill for a child to learn about the world around him, when he literally creates his own scenario of the world, his own art. A child who draws fantasizes, maintaining, as psychologists say, mental health. Drawing improves concentration. It is very important that the child communicates enough with his parents. What saturates you with such attention? Parents reading books, doing handicrafts together and DRAWING. While the baby is small, this is coloring. To maintain interest, so that the process is a joy for the baby, you need to start with the simplest plots, choose bright, positive colors. The image introduces the child to the shape of objects and their sizes, and introduces them to the color palette. And gradually the child learns that a crocodile cannot be orange, and the sun cannot be green. A brush or pencil in a baby’s hand develops fine motor skills, teaches accuracy. When coloring, you can tell stories related to what the child is drawing: this way the child will recognize the real world. Coloring books for girls make the child an optimist and promotes quick memorization of objects through their visualization. The child who draws plays, coloring allows him to relax, gives him peace of mind, which is also useful for adults, so coloring together has a double benefit. Today, in addition to the usual “paper” coloring books, online coloring books are appearing. The advantage of such coloring books is their mobility, variability, reusability, and sometimes even animation. All children love to color these black and white pictures. When drawing online, the child experiences the joy of the birth of his favorite plot, when the picture seems to come to life. For example, girls really love to “dress” princesses or fairies. Only instead of a pencil there is a mouse, and you can easily draw clothes, jewelry, interior items, cars. If I didn’t like it, I removed it, drew it again, and selected suitable color combinations (the computer program allows this).

It is believed that coloring black and white pictures is the prerogative of girls, and the latter are not very interested in Coloring games for boys.

We categorically disagree with this statement and are sure that it appeared only because manufacturers of coloring books in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred produce them with a specific “girly” theme: butterflies, flowers, princesses, dolls, castles, cats, puppies, etc. cute nonsense. Of course, boys are not too interested in all this splendor. These are not cars, after all. And not transformers, not tanks, not racing cars, not.... Well, you get the idea.

Differences between the game Coloring Books for Boys and others

As is already clear from the preface, the peculiarity of our game Coloring Books for Boys is primarily the theme of the drawings. She is not only interesting in herself, but also quite “masculine” and attracts the stronger sex much more than kittens with princesses. Don't believe me? Let's conduct an experiment. We will need one healthy, unoccupied boy 2-6 years old, half an hour of free time, the Internet, a computer, a monitor and a mouse. Everything is? Then let's go!

So, press the start button of our game Coloring Books for Boys, select one of several drawings and see what happens. If the baby’s eyes light up, his lips smile over all 2-15 newly grown teeth, and he (this is important!!!) does not tug at his parents every two minutes whining “play with me,” we consider that the experiment was a success.

How to play

Very simple. Choose one of the three proposed pictures and color it to your liking. As already noted, the themes of the images are quite “masculine”, but quite appropriate for the young age of potential artists: a dancing pterodactyl chick, a sleeping baby unicorn dinosaur and a little boy in jeans and a sweater. No flowers, bows, butterflies or other curlicues. Tested - kids really like it.

You can color pictures in two ways: using the existing color palette or using ready-made colors: checkered, polka dot, striped, zigzag. If something goes wrong or she likes the chosen color, there is a virtual eraser that can be used to erase the excess. The pictures are not too complex, there are few small details in them. Even the smallest children can handle coloring them without any problems. If the result of their efforts turns out to be worthy, it makes sense to press the “P” button and send the masterpiece to be printed on paper. If you don’t want to print, that’s no problem either – you can save the picture to the desired folder. We wish the kids to have a good time!

We present to your attention mischievous games for children of all ages! We have prepared easy, fun coloring pages for kids, and challenging and very exciting ones for older kids! You will notice how a child, seeing favorites from modern cartoons, will quickly become captivated and immerse himself in the world of a fairy tale! For the category “coloring books for girls”, a special assortment has been selected: fairy tale heroes, cartoon characters, fairies, princesses, fashionistas, flowers, and animals. For the category “coloring books for boys” a men’s set has been prepared: space robots, tanks, racing cars, ships and planes! You can be sure that you will definitely find something that your little artist will like!

Coloring for children is not only a fun pastime, but also a game that develops imagination! They instill responsibility in the child and give him the right to choose. The baby chooses to paint in one color or another, learning from his youth to be independent. Coloring teaches children to combine colors and develop taste - this is doubly useful for girls! It will be useful for boys to understand the main types of transport and technology, as well as learn perseverance and develop attention.

For modern children, in the age of high technology, online coloring books have become popular. They have a number of features compared to their “old, paper friends.”

  • Online coloring pages will not be lost.
  • They will not wrinkle or tear.
  • The baby will not stain himself or paint surrounding objects or walls.
  • The child does not become capricious because his marker suddenly runs out.
  • There is no need to buy new magazines for your baby. Our collection has enough pictures for every taste and age, especially since they are completely free!
  • On long road trips or in line, funny characters will come to your aid! You can always distract your little one from boredom and unnecessary whims, thanks to online games!

Very young children will find it more interesting to color pictures in the company of their parents. After spending your free time together, you will show your child the basic shades and teach them to distinguish them. You can print the image and teach how to paint it beautifully and correctly by hand, or print it out color picture, and hang it over the toddler’s bed as his first success!

However, try to listen to yourself, maybe you yourself are interested in creativity or wanted to try to start drawing? After all, being creative distracts you from pressing everyday concerns and helps you unwind and relax. Especially for you, parents, such a direction as art therapy was born; its main advantage is, on the one hand, the maintenance of internal peace and harmonization, on the other, the development of hidden potential and creativity. Every person dreams of finding something they like, an outlet that will take their consciousness away from everyday problems. Get to know an unusual, unknown direction that is rapidly gaining momentum in popularity every day! Soon you will notice that your “difficulties” are not serious and for the sake of your family they can be pushed into the background.

History offers us many examples that it was men who became famous in fine arts like great artists. Even modern technologies are not able to answer questions about the composition of paints, and the manner of execution for many has remained inaccessible to imitation. At the same time, when it comes to boys’ passion for drawing, some dads frown and say that this activity is not for real men. By automatically focusing their sons' interests on sports, weapons and cars, such parents deprive the child of harmonious development and destroy possible talent in the bud. Who knows, perhaps today's lover of drawing comical little people will grow into a great artist and become famous for his canvases throughout the world. But, even if this does not happen, the ability to correctly observe the proportions of lines, the geometry of the drawing and simply draw attractive pictures will only increase his cultural level and develop a craving for art in any of its manifestations. And coloring albums will teach you how to use colors, distinguish shades and develop fine motor skills. Here we come to the main topic of this game section. Meet coloring games for boys. The idea of ​​​​creating coloring games seems very successful, and makes life much easier not only for young painters, but also for their parents. Now you don’t need to buy a lot of coloring albums with different scenes, since they have been replaced by virtual pictures. This is very convenient and practical, especially when you cannot pay attention to your child and control the order after his arts. Something always happens - either a jar of water for paints will tip over and flood the entire floor, or a felt-tip pen will go beyond the boundaries of the album and continue the thick line on the table. And if guests soon appear on the doorstep, then there is simply no time to clean up the mess, and the child himself will get dirty. In such cases, coloring games for boys will become a lifesaver that will save you from the need to monitor the child’s random incidents. With these games, the child will not feel any discomfort while mastering them. He immediately starts the process and can easily leave the game at any time. These are positive, developmental and creative games, which will not excite the child before bedtime, and even calm the most active young men. To make it interesting for them to play, virtual albums have prepared favorite themes for boys - cars, robots and transformers, cartoon and film characters, fairy-tale characters and animals. All of them are still discolored and are waiting for the artist’s hand to touch them and return the color. Among them you will find the dexterous Kung Fu Panda, the brave fish Freddy, the funny SpongeBob, the inhabitants of Madagascar, the McQueen Lightning car with friends, Harry Potter, Aladdin and other recognizable characters. You can give yourself an exam and try to remember the original coloring of each character in order to transfer the color from the palette to the canvas, but you can come up with your own version and paint it in a new way. Who knows, maybe your option will be even more successful! This way you can feel like an artist who is working on creating an image for the story of the next cartoon. Only your imagination will be the key to success and will give you pleasure from the game. I would like to please you with one more opportunity that players who choose coloring games get. Many games have a print function, and you can easily print out your masterpiece and keep it as a keepsake. Or create your own collection of drawings in original colors and show it to your friends.