Ramzan Kadyrov spoke sharply about the incident with Chechen girls in Voronezh. About the incident with Chechen girls in Voronezh How it all started


“It won’t be easy for us to forget all this”

Kadyrov commented on the conflict between police and young Chechen women in Voronezh

Screenshot of a video from Ramzan Kadyrov’s Instagram

The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that the conflict between the Voronezh police, who rudely demanded that two Chechen girls with infants show documents on the street, despite the apologies of law enforcement officials, “it will not be easy for all of us to forget all this.” He wrote a comment in his Instagram, publishing along with a video message from the father of one of the girls, Ruslan Abdulaev. Abdulaev and his son arrived at the scene of the conflict and were detained by police, but have already been released.

“Today they call me - they will ask for an apology, to pay material and moral damage. This is all (thanks to) our head of the republic Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov and his circle,” Ruslan Abdulaev says in the video.

“I don’t know what Ruslan Abdulaev, his daughter and others will do. But it won’t be easy for all of us to forget all this.<…>And valiant human rights activists took water in their mouths when the girl and child needed support. This is their true face and their real concern about the rights of Chechens,” wrote the head of the republic.

Kadyrov also noted that the governor of the Voronezh region, Alexei Gordeev, during a telephone conversation “spoke with deep regret about what happened.” According to the head of Chechnya, the act of the police was “sharply condemned” by the chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma and deputies from the region in the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the public of Voronezh.

“They did not respond to our request to introduce themselves; when asked to name the grounds for their demands, they said that we were wearing scarves and long skirts and that we can commit a terrorist attack,” one of the girls was quoted as saying by Notepad. After some time, the father and brother of one of the Chechen women arrived. “As a result, they tied up my brother, put his head on the asphalt, handcuffed him and threw him into a car, after which he and his father were taken to the police station,” says a participant in the conflict.

At the same time, passers-by intervened in the conflict. The video shows how an elderly resident of Voronezh invites the girl and her father to return to their homeland.

Previously, Ramzan Kadyrov accused human rights activists and representatives judicial practice that conflicts involving Chechens are viewed one-sidedly. In his opinion, the murders of Chechens and Caucasians in other regions of Russia “are ignored by various kinds of human rights activists and publications advocating the protection of human rights.”

On July 27, an incident occurred in Voronezh involving native women Chechen Republic and local law enforcement. Three police officers (two of them were in civilian clothes), without introducing themselves or explaining the reason, demanded that two Chechen girls, who were walking a 3-month-old child in a stroller, present documents. As it turned out later, one of the Chechen women was 17 years old. In a video posted online, the girls explain that they are citizens Russian Federation, and are interested in the motives for checking; They left their passports at home. However, the law enforcement officers were not convinced by these arguments - the police demanded to proceed to the police station, and they also used force in an attempt to interrupt the filming.

“They did not respond to our request to introduce themselves; when asked to name the grounds for their demands, they said that we were wearing scarves and long skirts and that we could commit a terrorist attack,” bloknot-voronezh.ru quotes a participant in the incident.

After calling relatives, the cousin and father of one of the girls arrived at the scene of the conflict.

“As a result, the brother was tied up, his head was laid on the asphalt, he was handcuffed and thrown into a car, after which he and his father were taken to the police station,” testifies the Chechen woman (bloknot-voronezh.ru).

It is significant that in the current situation, random passers-by took the side of law enforcement officers: townspeople retirement age They showered the girls with ethnic insults.

The scandalous detention outraged the public far beyond Voronezh. The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, was one of the first to condemn the behavior of the police.

"A shame! This is how, in one word, we can characterize the outrageous incident that occurred in Voronezh. Young people in jeans and T-shirts stopped two Chechen girls on the street and demanded to see their passports. The “demanders” themselves did not show any documents giving the right to detain girls from baby and demand a passport. They didn't even introduce themselves verbally. The only reason for “passport control” carried out by young people with a characteristic athletic appearance is the nationality of Russian citizens who have been living in Voronezh for a long time. Another reason is that they are wearing scarves. The minor girl’s insistent requests to explain to her who these people are, where and who they work for, remain unanswered. They also cannot answer by what law girls must take their passports with them when going shopping. At the same time, the nearby police officers do not interfere with what is happening and do not utter a single word. The brother who arrived at the scene of the incident, who is also trying to find out what happened, as a particularly dangerous criminal, is thrown onto the asphalt, handcuffed and taken to the department. At the same time, young people demanding documents from girls provoke women nearby old age to interethnic conflict. I have no information about which department was represented by the young people who deliberately created a conflict situation in the city center that could escalate into street riots. But judging by the fact that the police officers did not call them to order in front of them, the guys feel confident and know what a masquerade with a check is for. Interethnic peace and harmony in society are the main asset of Russia. Our enemies first of all want to undermine them. I am surprised that the authorities of the Voronezh region did not assess what happened. I am sure that Russian Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev will demand a review of the legality of the actions and inactions of the participants in the incident,” the head of Chechnya wrote on his Instagram page.

The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Chechen Republic, Nurdi Nukhazhiev, appealed to the prosecutor of the Voronezh region, Nikolai Shishkin, with a request to conduct an investigation “into the arbitrariness of law enforcement officials against two women and a young child.”

“Women who went for a walk with a three-month-old child without taking their passports with them were asked to explain the reason for checking their documents. In response, the law enforcement officers demanded that they go with them to the police department. Further, seeing that one of the women was filming what was happening on her phone, one of the police officers tried to pull it out and, catching the girl’s hair, tore out a clump of hair. After which the girls called their father, Ruslan Usmanovich Abdullaev, and their cousin, Shamil Yandarbaev, who came and brought the girls’ documents. Arriving at the scene of the conflict between the father and cousin who asked to explain the reason for the detention of the girls, were tied up and taken in handcuffs to the police department. A lot of people gathered around what was happening, and chauvinistic cries were heard at the girls, inciting ethnic hatred,” the Ombudsman informs the prosecutor.

“When those who are obligated to comply with the law violate the law, the violation of human and civil rights and freedoms begins. Today, when the leadership of the Russian Federation, overcoming enormous difficulties, is trying to strengthen international peace, law enforcement officers are obliged to preserve and protect it,” emphasizes Nukhazhiev (grozny-inform.ru).

The circumstances of the incident are being clarified by the Voronezh police and the Investigative Committee of the region.

“The leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region has appointed an internal audit into possible unlawful actions of police officers,” the department’s press service informs.

“...Investigative authorities Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Voronezh region, a procedural check is immediately organized, during which measures will be taken to identify the police officers, the legality of their demands and actions will be assessed, official documentation will be requested and studied, and eyewitnesses of the incident and victims will be interviewed,” the Investigative Committee said in a statement.

The Center for Combating Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya is studying the xenophobic attacks of one of the eyewitnesses of the incident. In the woman’s words, the Chechen Center “E” sees signs of inciting hatred based on nationality (Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In turn, the Minister of National Policy, Press and Information of Chechnya Dzhambulat Umarov said that he does not see the need to initiate a criminal case.

People in civilian clothes demanded documents

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, appealed to the Russian Minister of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, to check the incident in Voronezh, where young people in civilian clothes demanded documents from two Chechen residents of the city (one of them a minor), who were walking with a three-month-old baby in a stroller. The incident was caught on video and has already attracted the attention of the Presidential Human Rights Council (HRC).

In two videos posted on Youtube, it is noticeable that people asking for documents civilian clothes are accompanied by police. On second part The recording shows that one of the “civilians” promises to take the woman to the police department, even in handcuffs, if she does not show her documents. To the first got the moment, where a relative of the women arrived at the scene to explain. As far as one can judge from the videos, the police do not intervene in the situation.

"A shame! This is how, in one word, you can characterize the outrageous incident that occurred in Voronezh,” Kadyrov wrote on his Instagram, retelling the story.

The head of Chechnya said that young men “with a characteristic athletic appearance” demanded documents from girls only because of the nationality of Russian citizens and because “they are wearing headscarves.” “They [the questioners] also cannot answer by what law girls must take their passports with them when going out to the store for shopping,” Kadyrov added, saying that those who approached did not show documents giving the right to detention.

Kolokoltsev was also asked to check the incident at the Human Rights Council. The council statement said the women were approached by plainclothes police officers and provided some details.

At the scene of the incident, “a crowd gathered, from which abuse and chauvinistic statements were heard addressed to the girls,” the HRC noted. This moment was also included in Kadyrov’s video, where eyewitnesses reproach the Chechens for “they are guests.” They also drew attention to the fact that the father and cousin of one of the girls, who arrived to investigate, were tied up and taken in handcuffs to the police, where they were kept for an hour.

“Afterwards, the police said that there were complaints against the women because they were wearing Long Dresses and scarves, it means they could allegedly commit a terrorist attack,” the statement says.

The HRC is worried that a domestic conflict could escalate into an interethnic one.

For his part, Chechen Ombudsman Nurdi Nukhazhiev called the case outrageous and promised to get an investigation, writes “. He stated that unknown persons, by their actions, violate the rights of citizens and incite ethnic hatred.

We are talking about a recent case when, as local media reported, in the regional center police officers demanded to check the documents of two natives of the Chechen Republic walking with their children. At the same time, the law enforcement officers refused to introduce themselves and explain the reason for their demands, and behaved incorrectly and rudely, reports. When the father and brother arrived to help the girls, police officers detained the men and put them in a police car.

In turn, Ramzan Kadyrov reported a telephone conversation with the governor of the Voronezh region Alexei Gordeev. “Speaking with deep regret about what happened. He noted that the regional leadership is doing everything to preserve and strengthen interethnic peace and harmony. Alexey Vasilyevich has provided us with assistance since his tenure as Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation,” noted the head of Chechnya.

“The act of the police officers was sharply condemned by the chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma, deputies from the region in the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the city public. The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Voronezh Region has appointed an internal audit of the actions of police officers, the Main Directorate of the Investigative Committee has launched an investigation, and the detainee Ruslan Abdulaev has been released. It is known that the participants in the incident appeal to the victims with a request to accept their apologies. I don’t know what Ruslan Abdulaev, his daughter and others will do. But it will not be easy for all of us to forget all this,” explained Ramzan Kadyrov.

The head of Chechnya noted that “the Chairman of the President of the Russian Federation responded promptly to the incident, for which he is very grateful.” “I would like to express my gratitude to my dear brothers - deputy, chairman of the parliament of the Chechen Republic and representative in the Voronezh region Adlan Nosayev, who clearly carried out all my instructions,” Kadyrov noted.

“Thousands of residents of Russian regions condemned the inhumane treatment of the girl and child, as well as their relatives. This should be the reaction of society, regardless of who suffered - Russian, Chechen, Tatar, Circassian or Jew,” summed up the head of Chechnya.

As “Yo!” learned, relatives of police officers began to receive threats after the story of checking the documents of Chechen girls and they were even taken into protective custody. The press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Voronezh Region did not confirm this information to us, but also did not refute this information, refusing to comment.

In addition, on social networks there are open calls to “find and punish” the “Voronish people” (the author’s spelling has been preserved). For ethical reasons, we will not quote them, but anyone can easily find it in the comments.

Last week, Voronezh found itself at the epicenter of a high-profile scandal, the circumstances of which are now being investigated by investigators.

It all started with a video posted on the Internet, filmed on July 27 by a Chechen girl who was walking along Leninsky Prospect with her relative. Both were with small children in strollers. The video shows two men in plain clothes demanding to see documents. Nearby are two people in police uniforms. The girls replied that they went out for a walk with the children and were not required to carry documents with them. One of them stated that she was generally underage and the police had no right to communicate with her without her parents. The girls were persistently asked to go to the department. They refused. At some point, one of the men in civilian clothes threatened to break the phone of the woman who was filming the video of the conflict. The girl called her father and brother to the place. After much arguing, the brother was tied up, handcuffed and taken away in a police car. The father, who was trying to understand what had happened, was also detained.

“Passport control” in Voronezh

The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, was the first to react to the scandalous video. He called the incident in Voronezh a disgrace. Kadyrov wrote on his Instagram that “the only reason for the “passport control” carried out by young people with a characteristic athletic appearance is the nationality of Russian citizens living in Voronezh for a long time. Also the reason is that they are wearing scarves.”

“I am surprised that the authorities of the Voronezh region did not assess what happened,” added the head of Chechnya. Shortly after this, the regional department of the Investigative Committee announced that an investigation had begun into the actions of “unidentified police officers,” during which “measures will be taken to identify the police officers and assess the legality of their demands and actions.” Regional prosecutor Nikolai Shishkin took the inspection under personal control. In addition, the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ordered its own internal investigation into “possibly unlawful actions of police officers.” The results of these checks are unknown at this time.

According to our information, the people in civilian clothes were operatives who carried out activities to search for fraudulent fortune-tellers. And the girls, according to the police, allegedly matched the location.

“It won’t be easy for all of us to forget all this”

On July 28, Ramzan Kadyrov wrote on his Instagram that he discussed the conflict over the phone with Governor Alexei Gordeev. According to the head of Chechnya, Alexei Gordeev spoke about what happened with deep regret and noted that “the regional leadership is doing everything to preserve and strengthen interethnic peace and harmony.” The act of the police officers, Kadyrov wrote, was sharply condemned by the chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma and deputies from the region in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Kadyrov also posted a video with a comment from the father of one of the girls, Ruslan Abdulaev, who says that he and his son were released from the police department, “and today they are already calling that they will ask for an apology and pay for material and moral damage.” This is all thanks to the intervention of Ramzan Kadyrov and his entourage, concludes Ruslan Abdulaev. “I don’t know what Ruslan Abdulaev, his daughter and others will do. But it won’t be easy for all of us to forget all this,” Ramzan Kadyrov wrote under this video.

“Don’t look for national reasons in the conflict”

Meanwhile, the conflict took an unexpected turn. The Center for Combating Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya (Center “E”) began an investigation in connection with the statements of one of the residents of Voronezh - her words were caught on video of the conflict. A passerby shouted at the Chechen women to get out, using, in legal terms, “words that degrade the dignity of a person or group of persons based on their belonging to a certain gender, race, nationality and language.”

“The statements of this woman may contain signs of a crime under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (incitement of hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity),” the press service of the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs reports. The maximum penalty under this article is imprisonment from two to five years.

Meanwhile, some Voronezh media reports that a group of certain public activists allegedly prepared a letter addressed to the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the region, Alexander Sysoev, with a request to declare gratitude to the police officers who appeared in the scandalous video for their vigilance.

And in the Voronezh National Chamber they urged not to look for a national background in the situation with Chechen girls and not to use this conflict “to artificially inflame hostility towards each other.”