Recovery wishes for the boy. Wish for recovery in your own words. Wish a speedy recovery to a man

How to support a person before surgery. Examples of words of support in your own words, wishes, man, woman, child, mother, to a loved one, parting words before a health surgery.

In fact, for any person, the surgical intervention of doctors to eliminate this or that ailment is an extremely serious test, not only purely at the level of physiology.

In this situation, it is necessary to be strong in spirit in order to decide on the operation itself, as well as courageously then transfer it. After all, if people do not believe in the ultimate success of treatment, then it is extremely difficult for them to fight their own illness.

Relatives and friends must definitely choose the best words for those who are going to "go under the knife", wishes that can cheer you up and give you self-confidence.

Psychology Above All

Of course, the despondency of a person who has recently heard from a doctor that he will have to undergo a complex and expensive operation is very easy to understand. Sometimes the banal lack of funds for treatment enters the patient into a stupor. But the reason quite often lies elsewhere.

Before going to the operating table, people are afraid not only of the process carried out on it, but also of anesthesia, from which it is difficult for them to move away. This is especially clearly manifested in those who have never undergone such a "procedure".
And here a good psychologist should be someone who can properly set up his loved one to believe in the professionalism of doctors, as well as in the strength of his own body.

Of course, the approach to each person in this matter should be purely individual. In this case, one should take into account not only the nature of the patient, his age and gender, but also understand what kind of positive result from surgical intervention the patient expects. Then it will be easier to tune and motivate him for success.

It often happens that the surgeons themselves give parting and nice words to those who addressed them. Of course, the doctor cannot know deeply the characteristics of the patient's character and his "inner world". However, he also needs to have certain psychology skills and feel the situation from the inside, and not just work with a scalpel. In this matter, psychology acquires a very important, if not paramount importance and is a kind of guarantee of general future success!

  • a colleague;
  • familiar;
  • neighbor;
  • comrade.

It seems that you make people pleasant in this way, you cheer up in difficult times, but you also do not go deep "into the soul."

Wishes to a person before surgery

For women, wishes before the operation should be especially warm, because, as you know, it is they who are more sensitive than men. Here you can apply a method based on focusing on its natural beauty. For example, it is appropriate to say the following phrase:

"I wish you a successful operation, the fastest recovery and the natural beauty that you possess."

For women, it is her appearance that plays a huge role. And if you emphasize, in this way, her external beauty, as well as express support with warm words, this can give her additional motivation in the fight against the disease.

Representatives strong half parting words before the operation about courage, perseverance in striving to recover, about firmness of character in overcoming life obstacles will not be superfluous. In addition, you can express your own confidence that everything will turn out well for the patient.

“Dear, I have always admired your courage, and I know you are strong! Anxiety before the upcoming operation is normal, just do not think that you will not be able to cope. Think of this operation as a simple procedure. You won't fall asleep for long, and when you open your eyes from the haze of anesthesia, I want to be the first one you see. I believe that everything will be fine! "

If wishes come from employees at work, then they must be presented sincerely, without selfish intentions, with a feeling of concern for the person. For a high-level boss, the recognition before the upcoming operation from his subordinates is very suitable, how much he makes a significant contribution to the work process. And how they will miss the manager in the workplace during the period of his operation, as well as recovery from it. It is advisable to do such a recognition as a team, since the effect from this can be much greater than from individual wishes.

If an ordinary employee will be operated on, then in the best words support for him may be the following phrase:

“We wish everything went smoothly and the way you want it. We all sincerely worry about you and hope that you will be able to cope with the disease. We look forward to great achievements in the professional field from you in the future. On it, we want to see you, who is within the common team, since it is difficult to find the best specialist. "

Of course, a good parting word from the boss himself can turn out to be quite effective in this situation. He can say something like this:

“At this stage, your personal health is of paramount importance. Everything related to professional activity fades into the background. I have always appreciated and appreciate such an employee as you, so I will sincerely worry and hope for your speedy recovery. "

If a neighbor in the entrance or yard is seriously ill and he has to lie on the operating table, then here you can cheer up the person. Warm words of wishes can be said something like this:

“Dear neighbor, I know about your life difficulties associated with the upcoming operation. I have always had a good opinion of you and have friendly feelings towards you. Therefore, I want to see you again in our area and have a sincere conversation with you on various topics. In this regard, I sincerely wish the operation to go as well as possible and you get better sooner. "

But if a friend fell ill and in his case it is impossible to do without surgery, then the words should be selected more deeply. After all, if this is a sincere friendship, then it is characterized by special loyalty, which means - and mutual assistance in difficult situation... Therefore, parting words from a friend should sound in a slightly different form:

"Dear friend. I found out about your trouble and came to support you in such a difficult situation. I am sure that you will cope, that everything will be invariably good for you. In turn, I express my own support to you and will try to help in all that I can. Therefore, I ask you to inform me in advance about your needs that may arise during the treatment process. I will try to resolve them by all means ”!

Pre-surgery wishes for loved ones

The wishes for loved ones before their operation are fundamentally different from those that are addressed to other people around. After all, a loved one is especially dear to your heart, it is simply impossible to replace him with anyone else. Yes and no material values will not be able to compensate for the loss of a beloved husband, son, father, grandfather, brother or beloved wife, daughter, mother, sister, grandmother.

And if they have to go through a thorny path associated with the need for surgical intervention, then the wishes from family members should be addressed with special love and compassion. Here you already know the character of the patient and understand at the level of intuition what exactly he wants to hear as words of support.

For young children, taking into account their great sensuality and not yet fully formed life credo and their own "I", it is worth saying something like this:

“Beloved son. I know that you are already an adult and are ready to boldly look directly in the eyes of the upcoming difficulties. I know what you are going through, because this feeling of uneasiness is transmitted even to me. But, at the same time, I know that you are strong, brave and you will succeed. The operation will be successful, just believe it. And after it you will become even stronger morally. Know that I love you infinitely and will always be by your side. I transfer my energy, all my positiveness and strength to you, and I really look forward to the moment when I see you again, but already completely healthy ”.
If the other half is sick, then for her the support will be somewhat different:

“Beloved wife, you have filled my heart forever. Therefore, during your absence, it will be very lonely and difficult for me. In this regard, I look forward to your return home. I am sure that the surgeons will do everything in their power to get you back on your feet as soon as possible. I believe in the best and in the success of the operation. I will certainly fulfill everything that depends on me and I will always be with you in my thoughts. I hope you will always feel my support. "

Parents' illness is also difficult for their children. Even if they are already in old age, children still want to see mom and dad always healthy. And if the circumstances have already developed that the operation is simply necessary, then choose Right words support is needed from a pure heart. They might sound like this:

“My beloved, dear mother. I have already learned from the doctors that you need an operation. Of course, this is a whole test for our family, which we will certainly pass successfully. My love for you is boundless and it will always warm your soul in any situation. And we will certainly overcome the current ailment with the help of an operation from professional doctors. I am sure that you will delight us with your presence and give your life wisdom for many years to come! I will endlessly trust in your complete healing and I share this confidence with you as well!

What are wishes for?

Of course, the wishes before the operation for any person should be selected in such a way as to give him additional emotional strength to fight the disease.

Faith and love - the basis for staying always strong in spirit and recharging your loved one with positive thoughts in a difficult period for him.

The wishes convey the emotional recharge needed at the moment by those who lay down on the operating table. Sometimes words of support before the operation serve as a kind of additional "medicine" for a terrible ailment and give boundless moral strength to eliminate it!

How to support, calm down a person before the operation. Examples of words of support, wishes to a friend, man, woman, child, mother, loved one, parting words before a surgical operation for health.

Get well soon, friend, because you don't need to be sick for a long time. Use the maximum chances in order to improve your health, eliminate the disease, which you need to forget about. Honey, I am sad, knowing that you are suffering, that you feel bad. I can't stand such pain, because I really want to know that your ailment has already gone into the past. I am ready to take care of my friend and provide support so that the treatment is sure to be effective. Let all the affairs and everyday life be on me, and you concentrate on the treatment, because carrying out therapeutic measures requires a lot of effort. There is no need to worry about what to do, because such a psychological state does not contribute to recovery. I wish you activity and energy, because on the basis of this you can guarantee successful advancement in the direction of interest in life. Let the recovery come as soon as possible!

I want to wish you recovery and strength. I believe that very soon the days will again bring amazing joy and will be able to inspire for heroic deeds, accomplishment of our plans, achievement of set goals. Let every day turn out to be positive in some aspects. The most important thing now is a successful recovery. In fact, everything depends only on you, dear friend. I will try to provide support in order to relieve the burden of existing affairs, everyday issues, because I understand how important ease is for recovery. I wish you active progress towards your goals, enjoyment of life, vivid emotions. I give you only a few days for your recovery, because I can't wait for the situation to improve. Therefore, listen to me and begin to bring yourself into a healthy, energetic, active state.

Dear friend, please get well soon. Look how wonderful the day is. How can you let your health take its course, just lie in bed and suffer from an illness? This should not be allowed, therefore, make every effort to still recover and return to your life. Dear little man, I will definitely share the joy with you and, of course, the sadness too. Your illness is reflected in me by mental pain, because I want to know that your state of health turns out to be ideal, and your immunity pleases with its strength. Dear friend, I really value you and our friendship, so I want to wish you a speedy recovery. For now, I will take care of you, because such gestures of attention contribute to a speedy resolution of the situation. Be active and healthy, I beg you, dear, wonderful man!

Disease cannot be an obstacle to the senses. I always mentally support you. If necessary, I will definitely be there. My dear, I can keep the peace and inner harmony of my true friend... You know, thank you for letting me believe that friendship actually exists. I want to wish you an active recovery and, of course, I can contribute to this by showing attention and care to you. Without a doubt, everything in your world will definitely turn out the way it should, but for this you need to recover. I want to see my dear person glowing with sincere hopes and immense happiness. I wish you recovery, which will surely become the basis for successful progress towards your goals. Let everything in your life be only along the runway, but for now count on my help in order to improve your health.

Dear friend, please don't be in pain anymore, because this is not a good, not a useful thing in our life. I am ready to rush to you to take care and warm, to help in the happened trouble. Let the disease go away as quickly as possible. You forget that an illness happened to you. I will definitely be nearby, take your hand and give a particle of energy and health. Agree, the closeness of a good friend, sisters in spirit is best basis for active recovery. Sun, I believe that soon body aches, pain in the head and throat, powerlessness will remain in the past. Moreover, not even a trace of a bad mood will remain. Please accept my wishes for a speedy recovery, because immediately after you recover, we will definitely go on a long-awaited walk, we will be able to enjoy communication with each other. Accept my support, albeit in words.

Friend, I am in a hurry to visit you with an encouraging visit. I want to wish you recovery and the appearance of activity, energy. Let everything always add up to you only 100%. To do this, you need to strengthen the immune system and try to successfully cope with your illness. I will definitely provide the necessary support, help to regain the lost strength. Do not be discouraged that you are sick, because no one is immune from this. Let hot tea and milk, honey and jam, fresh fruits help to recuperate. I believe that everything will definitely work out for you only the best way after you get well. Dear friend, I know how sad it is to be ill, but you believe that fate will definitely put everything in its place, the illness cannot last long. We will definitely translate all our wishes into reality, and this will only contribute to the strengthening of friendly relations.

Friend, you are ill. Why did this happen? You know, I am very worried about you, about your state of health. I beg you, make use of your strength in order to recover as quickly as possible, because only in this case I can breathe freely and believe that everything in your life will definitely work out. Forget about your sore, which struck and made you find yourself in bed. Let the activity and energy return, again enchant and bewitch. I would like to wish you many pleasant emotions in the very near future and the opportunity to return to your usual rhythm of life. I believe that you will definitely gain a lot of energy for active progress towards the tasks set, strength and desire for real happiness. Dear, remember that friends should go for a walk, and not drink hot tea with honey together and get sick. Get well soon, because I want to go for a walk with you!

You are sick, and I cannot find peace. I am so worried about you that it is reflected in my physical and psychological state. Please, sun, lie down and don't worry about anything. Friends should help each other in need, care and support. I am ready to support you, despite the fact that I myself suffer, seeing you in a dejected state. I will definitely come to you in the evening, I will help with everyday life. I understand how important it is to buy pills and take them on time, clean up and prepare fresh tea with honey online. After that, we will be able to talk and exchange ideas, thoughts on plans that must be implemented after your recovery comes. Take my sincere words as your spiritual and moral support. Find perfect health and activity, which will manifest itself in everything.

My best friend sick. Everything in the world is changing for the worse. You know, I cannot know that my loved one, a brother in spirit, is sick and suffering. Even the sun and the spring breeze cease to please, the mood drops to 0. Of course, I'm trying to joke to support you. I hope that my verbal support is at least a little meaningful and necessary. How many kind words I would like to say to you. I wish you recovery and vigorous activity, which will become possible after the realization of your first wish. I believe that it will take you only a couple of days to get out of bed and plunge into an active life. Dear friend, let everything in your life only work out 100%. Remember that I will always be there, because such close and dear people must always be supported. I wish you activity and good health!

Friend, you will definitely get better. The most basic task is to hold on, no matter what. Be more active and more fun, believe that the disease will go away soon, because it will not be able to endure the struggle for a long time. Get more rest and sleep, eat vitamins and drink healthy drinks. Remember that I mentally support you, constantly send positive rays that you just need to feel. I sincerely hope that even SMS will be useful, will allow you to gain additional strength for a successful recovery in the shortest possible time. Do I need to be physically supported? Just let me know, and I will definitely rush to you, help you with what you need. Believe and know that you will definitely heal soon as it was before. We will be able to overcome your disease, which is now knocking down. As you know, she is not an invited guest, therefore she cannot stay for a long time. I wish you recovery.

Dear little man, you are so important and meaningful to me. Unfortunately, you are sick. This should not be done. Try to get well as soon as possible. Special things await us that already need to be done. In addition, it is always pleasant and fun for friends to walk with each other, providing worthwhile support. Friend, please drink more tea and milk with honey, eat healing jam and fresh fruit, because vitamins are now very important and needed. Remember that you must try to gain strength that will allow you to successfully overcome your existing ailment. Use all the opportunities to gain activity and energy, because without them you will not be able to boldly walk through life. I wish you energy and recovery, success in returning to your rhythm of life and accomplishing tasks. A disease cannot ruin all plans and interfere with enjoying life, but for this it only needs to be overcome, understanding in which direction it is desirable to act. I wish you recovery!

There is nothing worse in the world than a time when the person who is dear to us is sick. At this time, I really want to support him, wish get well soon and always be there. If it is not possible to be present at the patient's bedside, you can cheer him or her up and convey your feelings with the help of poetry - get well. This section contains the best poems, which combine the wish of a speedy recovery and good health, as well as pleasant words of support and warmth emanating from the very heart.

The ability to hold a loved one in a difficult situation for him, to remain always close to his beloved, even if you are separated by hospital walls and to cheer up your beloved - all this is quite solvable with the verses presented in the "Get well" heading on our website. Here you can find the necessary words of support, wishes of good health and a speedy recovery for any person, be it a mother, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or employee at work.

May health in the early morning
Dawn will bring you
May every minute
Heal you quickly.

Get well all the same
And do not try to get sick again!
May love help you
To overcome all diseases.

Get well soon
And watch me, don't hurt
Strengthen your immunity
And say no to the disease!

Eat ginger and drink raspberries
Drink tea, broths too,
Drive your cold away
Get well soon!

I wish you to get well quickly
Get on your feet fast.
I wish you to smile more often
Disease to frighten with a smile.

Think about good things more often
Illness is not forever.
We will support you, we will help you,
Your ailment will disappear then.

Get well soon, please
I'm looking forward to meeting you,
Drink a lot of vitamins,
And come on, don't hurt!

Brew hot tea,
And raspberries for a snack,
A spoonful of honey, preferably two,
I send you positive!

It hurts me to watch you sick
Kitty, get well soon!
May my love warm you
Never again will you be sick!
May health grow stronger every day
And the disease will disappear forever.
Get well, I beg you
Know how much I love you!

I know that now it is so difficult for you!
All your disease takes away strength.
All hands fall below,
Eyes damp from tears.

Only you are not overly sad
The stripe will turn white soon.
Suffer just a little more
Your eyes will light up again!

In life, you know, anything can happen
We will cope with any misfortune.
You just get well soon
Wave your hand to problems!

I wish you good health
You get better, do not hurt,
I send a ray of positive
Gather strength as soon as possible!

Sleep and rest more,
Drive away your disease,
Don't forget about tea with raspberries,
Don't let sadness bother you!

Let the sun's light warm with its ray,
Let the pain calm down and reward with force
May health never fail
May God protect you from ailments!

Smile! Do not give up the ailment
Get well, stay awake.
Vitamins and willpower
All ailments are a hundred times stronger.

Cheerfulness is much more useful
And all the potions and pills.
Defeat illness as soon as possible
Let smile and laughter help.

Don't be sad, everything will pass, of course,
Get well soon.
I wish you heartily -
Please don't be sick!

Darling, I want to see you happy and healthy again. Hope mine sweet words will give an additional basis for active recovery. Let everything be fine in your life, and the tenderness of your beloved girl and good weather allow you to actively fight the disease. You can't get sick now, because now, at the beginning of spring, you so want to walk together. My dear, drink fresh tea with honey, sleep more and get pleasant emotions, because we must go to the park together, enjoy a walk and beautiful nature. I know that you will definitely overcome your illness, because your energy and good health usually inspire me with admiration. You are a symbol of strength and masculinity. I am sure that you will surprise me again with the capabilities of your body, and even energy will be enough for both of us. Walking nights and days without a break is just around the corner, the sun.

How sad it is to know that a loved one is sick. It doesn't have to be that way. I believe that you will surely overcome your illness and surprise me with your energy again. My sun, I want to come to you, take care, stay close. How wonderful it would be to be alone now. However, given that I am not with you, I want to send you SMS, warm your soul and give pleasant thoughts, dreams, emotions. I know that such a positive will certainly contribute to an active fight against the disease. Very soon you will get out of bed, you will be able to look at yourself in the mirror and smile, start active actions and play sports. Dear, I love you and send positive signals. Can you feel them? Do they help you? Please write how you feel after my SMS, at least a little bit better. I am so worried about my soul mate.

How good it is when we are together, my love. It's always so easy and pleasant with you. You are the most the best man for me. I admire your energy and strength, your desire to achieve success. It’s hard to believe that you’re sick and not feeling well. You can't even leave the house, lie and sleep, drink hot tea. The disease would have receded as soon as possible, because it is absolutely pointless for her to fight with you, my dear. It’s so sad and lonely without you that it’s beyond words. Get well soon, please. I hope that I will feel good and comfortable again, worries will remain in the past. I pray that my wishes will come true. I love you and send you recovery. Are you better now? Do you feel a little better, hope to see me soon? If only it was so, and health no longer let down. Be healthy and take care of yourself, my treasure.

It's always so good and pleasant to spend time with you. How nice it is to hear you laugh out loud and know that you are happy. You always try to take care of me and improve my mood. But today you feel bad. This makes my soul cry. You know, it's unbearable to know how a loved one is so bad. I believe that you will get better very soon. My dear, you must be active again. You know, amazing accomplishments, worthy feats await you. But before that, you need to observe bed rest and be actively treated. I will definitely rush to you today, because I know how important and necessary care is for you now. As soon as possible, the treatment would pass and complete successfully. My dear, you are the main thing - then take care of yourself. You should not be sick, because your mission is to be active and energetic, purposeful. Get well soon, tiger cub.

The most important thing in life is true, sincere love. I was able to make sure of this after meeting you. It's so good that we did get to know each other. You were sent to me by fate. We spend all the time together. Unfortunately, today I was left alone, because you fell ill and you sleep a lot, you are being treated. I am sad knowing how bad you are. My dear, please get well soon. I want to be with you again and spend a lot of time together, enjoying our emotions and feelings. Let the disease become a thing of the past, it does not prevent us from being together. I wish you health and good mood, which you will never be able to leave. I hope that my attention will warm you and give you additional strength for active recovery. Sun, I want to know that you really feel my support, so I will definitely come to you, take care of you, warm you with tenderness.

Health is the most important treasure and truly worthy gift from fate. In fact, it cannot be bought for any money. Health is the basis for active and happy life but it actually takes a lot of effort to achieve your goals. Please take care of yourself. And of course get well now honey. You must hold on even though nasty ailments try to defeat you. Take medicine, stay in bed, drink healing teas. Honey, I will try to charge you with positive emotions. I will definitely come to you and make sure that you feel better. You know, I cannot be far away knowing that you are suffering from weakness and poor health. I hope that the Lord will protect you from any diseases. I wish you good health, send you positive vibes and am going to come.

You are the perfect man for me. I find in you kinship and reliability, hope and desire to live. Your strength always inspires me to new deeds. I really love you and I want to enjoy the coming spring. Unfortunately, you fought for a long time, but a nasty cold overpowered you. You are discouraged and take pills, drink milk and honey. There is no need to despair, because everything will definitely work out. I'm already going to you to put you on your feet. You know, I'll cook some seagulls, which will definitely help you get better. Together we organize a tea party that can give pleasant emotions. You don't even have to leave the house, because I'm already on my way to your place. We will meet very soon, despite the existing obstacles. I want to see you happy and healthy, I will do everything in my power. I can imagine what the meeting will be like in half an hour.

Now cloudy and rainy weather, the sun disappeared behind the clouds. Perhaps you are frozen over, darling. Maybe your ailment is caused by such bad weather. You suffer from cough and fever, body aches. No need to get sick, please. Try to get well faster. I feel so lonely and bad without you, without our conversations and conversations. I am sure that very soon we will already enjoy our walks and get a lot of pleasant emotions, amazing memories. Of course, I will come to you after work today, because a personal nurse is so needed now. I will not only help you with treatment, but also warm you with my spiritual warmth, tenderness and affection. My love, we must use every opportunity to be together. Honey, we can be together even in such difficult moments. This should be appreciated. I love you.

Honey, you are a wonderful person. You decorate my life and make me feel truly happy. My sun, please get well soon. Why do you get sick so often? You know how I worry about you. I want to see you only happy and active. You know, you have to be careful, because my mood largely depends on it. I feel lonely and bad without you, it’s sad to know that you have to stay in bed and sleep a lot. Your energy always charges me and makes me feel like a truly happy girl. May the Lord protect you from all sorts of ailments that are so trying to attack. I believe that the Lord and I, being his hands, will help to cope with the disease. You will definitely feel healthy and happy. In the meantime, we'll enjoy the comforts of home being together tonight.

My dear, you try to give me happiness and warmth, take care of me and protect me from any problems. I am so lucky that fate gave it to you. But today you feel so bad. You are so sick. Even SMS is difficult to answer, and a voice with a hoarseness, hoarseness is heard in the receiver. Honey, you don't need to worry that you have to go through such trials. Very soon I will be there, I will make delicious tea with black currant or lemon, taking into account your current wishes. We will listen to light music and watch a cute movie, forgetting about any problems and not being overwhelmed. The most important thing is to stay in bed, to be together. Everything will be fine, because the power of love and sincere concern will certainly contribute to healing. Let your health return to you, which will go along with energy. Remember that I really adore you.

I was so upset today, and there were tears in my eyes. It's hard for me to know that you are sick now. It would be better if I got sick, because your concern, affection, is so pleasant to me. My dear, you always surprise me with your strength and courageous character, therefore you will definitely cope with the disease. I will try to help you, to alleviate the suffering that has fallen out. I will do everything in my power: I will give you care and attention, I will make delicious and healing tea. You should not be upset that this disease still attacked you. You will definitely defeat her, and again you will conquer your soul mate with energy, health, decent form. We cannot suffer and worry for a long time, because our couple is associated with everyone with active pastime and fun. I love you, so I will definitely take care of you today, sun. Wait for me in the late afternoon.


Darling, I wish you to go to recovery in step with immunity. But first, let's start preparing the fight with raspberry jam, honey and linden tea.


The soul does not find a place, my bunny is sick. My beloved little man, get well soon, honey, let's get well and boldly into battle, forward - conquer this world and fly towards bright happiness!


My kitten, get well soon. I worry with all my heart for you, I believe with all my soul that soon you will get better and again the world around you will become wonderful, bright, amazing and kind, because it is only like that when you are near, when your face is shining with a sweet and most beautiful smile.


I wish your body, like a fabulous gigantic giant, to stand firmly on its feet and with a mighty hand of health tore the chains that bound you to the disease. Let the sonorous birds of joy, vigor and good mood come and sit on your shoulders, and a fresh stream of positive will blow over your face and light an inimitable sparkling smile on it.


Get well soon! I wish you to mobilize your will and give your indisposition such a rebuff that it will forever forget its way to you. Let the best incentive for this be the anticipation of your triumphant return to the seething joy, the usual rhythm of life.


I wish you to win the fight for your health as soon as possible. Measure degrees only in a glass, glow only with love, feel dizzy only with happiness. Get back to the ranks soon, keep up with everyone and never leave our friendly ranks again.


My dear little man, let the disease leave you, get well soon. Stop getting sick, let's conquer this world and enjoy life, strive for dreams and embody your ideas. Sunny, get better and no more pain.


My sweetheart, drive away this sore from yourself as soon as possible! Gain strength and be like a tough nut to crack. Do not hurt, my joy! Let your health always be good.


Get well soon! We are waiting for you in our ranks! We miss the sunny smile and infectious laughter! If it turns out that the disease has taken possession of you, then use this time in order to rest and gain strength, and then immediately to us - with stronger health and new ideas!


I wish to raise the flag of your recovery as soon as possible and paint weekdays with bright colors of good health!

Wishes for a speedy recovery in your own words


I wish that the speed of your immunity picks up speed, like a 3 liter 16 valve turbocharged diesel engine ... Good luck to you!


My sun has gone behind the clouds and does not shine so brightly, because it is sick. Get well soon, because without you this world seems gray to me, without your smile everything became unimportant. I wish to close my eyes, take a deep breath, drive away my illness and return with renewed vigor to the cycle of my happy life.


My sun, get better, no need for such a kind and good man to get sick. I am very worried and sincerely hope that you will recover as soon as possible and will again be in excellent shape, fully armed and fully prepared to achieve great goals and conquer the peaks.


May your health become strong again, and the disease will go away without a trace and never return - chase it away, try to approximately comply with all medical prescriptions! Let your mood be positive and contagious again! And the energy, as usual, will be overflowing! Get well soon!


I wish you recovery! And instead of a spray I wish to sprinkle my throat with joyful exclamations; instead of medicinal syrup - take a sip of the most delicious, most tender happiness; instead of pills - take dosed success (so as not to turn your head completely); and instead of linden tea - drink the intoxicating drink of love, which gives strength to recover and be happy!


I wish that the army of your leukocytes occupied the base of all ailments, took them prisoner and made them work for your immunity.


Let the sickness leave the window as soon as possible, let the joyful and bright day come, get well soon, because such a wonderful man should not get sick. He must make this world a better place, create, dream, strive for goals and enjoy life. Get well soon.


You know, we are all looking forward to the day when you get well! Come on, gather your strength and show the disease who is the boss here! Let her get scared and leave, taking even the slightest symptoms with her! Confidence in you and energy and, of course, health of increased strength!


If illness is given to us as a pause, time to stop and change something in our life - I wish you a productive recovery that promises qualitative changes. Consider sick leave, because stops, one way or another, are sometimes necessary, recuperate!


Get well soon, may ailments and diseases leave you far and forever, may strength and vigor return to you, fill your soul with hope and optimism, may the energy of the sun, the power of the earth, and the support of loved ones help you recover, return to the mainstream of life events and again with pleasure to create, dream and love!

Wishes to a sick person for recovery in your own words


Dear, how I would now like to hold the chords of your recovery and hit the strings ... so that the notes, like water droplets from a huge waterfall, rush you in a stormy stream to recovery!


My happiness, get well soon. May my love, care and warmth drive away the cold of your illness. I wish you once - to stop getting sick, twice - to return to the cheerful and happy rhythm of life, three - to strive with renewed vigor and inspiration to the cherished goal and dream.


Get ready quickly! Pack pills and potions in your suitcase, put the prescriptions and prescriptions of doctors in your pocket, be sure to take a couple of ampoules of positive attitude with you, and, of course, don't forget about the bottle with a sense of humor. Everything, now you are fully armed! Forward to recovery!


My sun, get well soon. Such a wonderful person like you should conquer this world and give joy to loved ones, and not at all get sick and lose heart. Let delicious sweet tea and mine incredible love will give you strength for recovery and give you inspiration for new ideas!


I have collected for you a bouquet of the sun of Italy, the aromas of Provence, the rustle of the streams of the mountain valleys, added a sprig of the Mediterranean sea breeze and wrapped it all with a fresh breath of spring and youth. Let this bouquet drive away the remnants of the disease and give an amazing feeling of strength and health!


Who is here lying under the covers and does not want to get better? No, that won't work. Part the curtains, open the windows, let fresh air into the room. And you will see how your mood will rise and you will not want to get sick anymore. Get well, many interesting things await you.


There are only clouds and clouds in the sky, and the sun does not shine, because my sun is sick. Get well soon, my love, because without you this world has become completely dull and gray. Stop hurting, it's time to conquer new heights. May my love and tenderness give you new strength and incredible vigor.


Although it is not very good to be ill, it is an opportunity to feel how everyone needs you! The sun is sad without you and every morning, looking into your room, wishes you a speedy recovery. I miss you too, because my favorite sun is you! Get well!


May today on a sunny saucer bring you health, so that all viruses evaporate from this radiant gift, so that the disease goes away without leaving any memories of yourself, and so that you again burst into a healthy life filled with events.


Let the gray bird of illness, which covered the joy with a wing from you, fly away under the onslaught good wishes and the tender care of your loved ones. Let the light of your smile be the first ray of recovery, so that soon we will all hear your joyful laughter and see a cheerful mood that symbolizes absolute health.

Wish for recovery in prose


Let the evil disease immediately recede before your incredible optimism, strong will, strong character, vigorous attitude and striving to clearly follow all medical recommendations! It is very sad to be ill, and I do not want to see your sadness, so get well soon!


I wish you to spin in a dynamic waltz as soon as possible with correction, relief and full recovery!


I can imagine how bad you are, chills, fever and aches all over the body. Of course, illness is not a very pleasant business, especially in this kind of weather. Drink more tea with raspberries, eat honey, wrap yourself in a blanket and surround yourself with positive, and you will see that it will not be easy for you to feel better, and recovery will come instantly! Stop hurting, let's get well, a huge number of adventures and new emotions await us.


Let this wonderful day be another step towards your recovery! Remember that it is positive emotions that will help you heal, which is why it is so important to smile and not lower your nose. I know for sure that in the coming days the illness will go away and you will again receive a surge of strength and energy, so I wish you to get better as soon as possible!


For the fastest recovery, positive emotions are needed, so follow the prescribed procedures with a smile and do not lose heart! Let all the pills prescribed by the doctor be sweet, the compresses - gentle, and the temperature does not jump up and down and returns to normal. We wish your immunity to grow stronger and win an unconditional victory!


Get well soon, let the illness become only a short-term test, which you will quickly cope with. I wish you to gain vigor, follow the recommendations of doctors, tune in to the fastest healing. Think good, then all ailments will go away!


It's a pity that you can't just take the watch and move its hands a few days ahead, thereby saving you from common signs of malaise and colds!


My beloved man, I wish you a speedy recovery and a brilliant return to a wonderful life without illness and anxiety, with wonderful dreams and excellent mood, freedom of action and high flights of the soul.