Happy Easter. The best Easter greetings – a large selection. Congratulations in verse, prose and pictures

The most important Christian holiday, Easter, is celebrated jubilantly by Orthodox believers immediately after the strictest period of the year, Lent. The history of the holiday goes back to pagan times. Then Easter was associated with the appearance of the dead into the world of the living. It was believed that they descended from heaven and came to their burial places on this day.

With the birth of Christianity, the Great Resurrection began to represent the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Passover began to be celebrated a week later than the Jewish one. The Orthodox holiday has acquired its own customs and symbols, the main one of which is a decorated egg.

Co Happy Easter Congratulations,
I wish you well.
Let your soul be warm,
And in the house - happiness and goodness.

I wish you prosperity, peace,
Let trouble pass by.
And they were always there
Relatives, loved ones, friends.

Christ is risen! Happy Easter!
Let there be kindness in the house.
Let there be no bad weather,
Love always lives in hearts.

Let the sun warm, embrace,
Fills with warmth and light.
May God always protect you from troubles,
Let no trouble come to you.

Congratulations on Bright Sunday of Christ. Light and goodness, prosperity and prosperity, faith and love to you. Peace and happiness to your home, to you, your family and friends. Christ is Risen!

May you have a bright Easter
Brings it to your home
Love and hope
Agreement on everything.

Let faith cover
From troubles and adversity,
May eternal joy
He will come to your family.

Let in your life
There will be more miracles.
Be happy.
Our Christ is Risen!

A miracle of miracles happened -
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
And on this holiday, in the bright hour
Let everyone give praise.
Let the house be full of happiness,
May everyone be healthy in it.
Smile, generosity and fun
May Sunday give you.
May the news coming from heaven
It will announce: “Christ is risen!”

Happy Easter!
And I wish you from my heart
A good, humane life,
Friendship strong and heartfelt,
A piece of God's bread,
A sip of spring water,
Deeds of conscience and honor,
Happy home! Christ is Risen!

Happy Easter, congratulations,
And I wish you to live all year
Without adversity and grief,
Without reproaches and doubts,
So that the house is full,
Peace and joy lived in him,
The table was bursting with food,
Laughter was heard everywhere
Faith, mercy, miracles
God bless you.
Christ is risen!

Happy Easter!
I say: Christ is risen.
I wish you today
Many joyful miracles.

God save you from grief,
From illnesses and other troubles.
I wish you happiness sea,
Long, glorious life!

May Easter bring warmth
Good luck, joy and prosperity,
So that the heart sings and blooms,
And every moment was very sweet!

May Christ's resurrection
Will give each of us
Love, color mood
And the sparkle of happy, bright eyes!

Bright, clean Easter has come,
Spring brought renewal with it.
Today I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Great health, happiness, love.
Faith, patience, warmth in the hearts,
May all your dreams come true!

There is no brighter holiday in the world.
Let's hug and congratulate you on Easter soon.
Light a candle, bless the Easter cakes
Dedicate this day to good deeds.
Meet your family and friends with Easter cakes,
And most importantly, treat them generously.
Today you pray with pure faith,
Don’t accumulate grievances, don’t be proud of yourself.
Let your soul's path be beautiful,
Once a candle is lit, it cannot be blown out.
We wish you to step successfully into the new day.

We have collected the most beautiful congratulations on Easter on our website, congratulate your family and people close to you, share with them a piece of the light and warmth of your soul. Make them happy nice wishes Happy Easter.

Warmest Easter greetings

Happy Easter!
And I wish you from my heart
A good, humane life,
Friendship strong and heartfelt,
A piece of God's bread,
A sip of spring water,
Deeds of conscience and honor,

May faith be like the sun
Descends to us from heaven,
Today we believe in a miracle,
Jesus Christ has risen.

The birds are singing about it,
The bells are ringing
And they sparkle with gold
All churches have domes.

Happy Sunday of Christ
May the joy be eternal
Love, health, happiness
And heartfelt faith in you!

Let your dreams come true
And they give inspiration!
Health, joy, love -
On Christ's Resurrection!
Let life bloom with smiles,
It smells fragrant in the warmth,
The Lord's goodness will descend
And it warms you with happiness!

The sun is shining in the sky,
Illuminated the earth with light.
An impudent ray hits the windows.
The Easter bell is heard.
The church smells of Easter cakes.
The candle lights are dancing.
The kids exclaim:
“How good the testicles are!”
On the day of Christ's Resurrection
We wish, without a doubt,
Hope and goodness to everyone,
AND family warmth.
Good health to you all
We wish you with love.
Your life will be full and cheerful.
Happy holiday, Christ is Risen.

"Christ is risen!"
We wish you well
Big miracles!
So that with God in your heart
Life was brighter
He is with us again -
Christ is risen!

On the day of Holy Orthodox Easter -
The sky is dressed in azure,
And with the ancient, meek, smooth
The people rose in prayer.

Smiles, joyful faces
With Christ they knock on every house.
Today it is easy for everyone to pray,
Jesus is risen - church bells.

I hasten to congratulate you on Easter,
This holiday awaits believers,
Today we will praise God,
Let only a friend come to visit.

I want to wish you a Happy Easter.
On this day all dreams should come true,
Like an angel, I'm flying to you,
And I want to give you these flowers.

Maybe this holiday is unknown to you,
But believe me, honey, he is very cool.
On this day we shout: “Christ is Risen!”
This sound echoes in the heart.

April has come - it's time for spring,
Nature is turning green.
Today we say - Christ is risen!
To make your soul warmer.
And with the words Easter enters the house
With worries and laughter,
I wish you a lot of happiness in it,
Be friends with success!

A choir of angels comes from heaven,
Hearts on the same frequency on the air
They knock enthusiastically: “Christ is risen!”
And everyone in the world breathes intoxicated joy.

Oh, know that grace will not fail,
And the waves of God's mercy are boundless!
Earthly happiness eternal seal
Let it inevitably fall on your life!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
May these joyful sounds
Like the singing of angels from heaven,
They will dispel anger, sorrow, torment!
Let us unite all brotherly hands,
Let's hug everyone! Christ is risen!

Souls have beautiful impulses
Don't rush to stop.
Spring sings its tunes.
Easter wishes to bestow

God's grace to you
For the deeds that he did.
You accept her hugs
And gain strength again!

Beautiful congratulations on Easter

Turn your cheeks quickly
I'll kiss you!
After all, today is Easter -
A holiday of faith and goodness!

May you always be happy
Your kind face.
A gift from me to you -
It's a red egg!

Congratulations on Easter day
And I wish you
Happiness, faith, prosperity
And good luck in fate!

Please don't lose hope,
Take love as it comes
And live successfully, honestly!
Happy holiday - Christ is Risen!

The sky is filled with sunlight,
The birds sing their songs
Easter has arrived! Let her bring
A miracle to everyone from heaven!

Christ is risen! Congratulations!
Peace from Divine Mystery
Frozen, but the Earth is still spinning
On a wonderful Easter holiday!

I wish you kindness
And touch the magic
May you experience a miracle on the planet,
So that I can plunge into happiness!

We sincerely congratulate you,
Happy Sunday of Christ!
Let this day fade away
Anxiety and doubts
And there will be bright joy,
Sadness won't bother you
And every moment
Let him be happy!

Happy Easter!
And I wish you from my heart
A good, humane life,
Friendship strong and heartfelt,
A piece of God's bread,
A sip of spring water,
Deeds of conscience and honor,
Happy home! Christ is Risen!

The long-awaited event. And preparing for it is always associated with pleasant moments, one of which is the selection sincere congratulations. To make the task easier, we bring to your attention a selection of thematic congratulations in verse and prose for every taste. They are ideal both for signing on a postcard and as an SMS greeting on Easter.

Happy Easter greetings in verse

Happy Easter, I congratulate you,
And many, many bright days
I sincerely wish you
Live in such a way that there are no losses.

I want to say that this holiday
Means so much to people.
He rushed towards us like a horseman,
Without knowing, in general, the idea.


I want to wish you a Happy Easter.
On this day all dreams should come true,
Like an angel, I'm flying to you,
And I want to give you these flowers.

Maybe this holiday is unknown to you,
But believe me, honey, he is very cool.
On this day we shout: “Christ is Risen!”
This sound echoes in the heart.


Let it be a bright Easter day
Joy will return to you again
With your smiling face,
And a wonderful life will begin.

May it never dry up
Unstoppable fun
Love for many years,
And know your purpose.

The bells are calling
Meet the holiday on the doorstep.
We are in a hurry to go outside,
To congratulate from the bottom of my heart
All the people in the area -
Let's all be happy!
Today the Son rises,
Who saved the whole world!
And we sing glory in his honor,
And the holiday is the best, and rightfully so.

I congratulate you on Easter,
I wish you true faith
May everything be great
At work and in personal life.
Let there be bright thoughts
As the day! And I won't forget
How important it is to believe and know
And remember good things!


The celebration of life has arrived
He revealed to people on earth:
There is salvation on earth,
For souls as redemption.
The Son of God showed everyone the way,
He became a savior for everyone.
We praise with pleasure
Holy Sunday!

Christ is risen!
Truly risen!
And the sun is shining on us
Warm light from heaven.

The world woke up with spring,
The drops are ringing.
Everything will be fine with us
Believe me.....

God is love,
And this is you and me...
Christ is risen!
Rejoice, earth!

I wish you a Happy Easter,
To live like in a fairy tale,
Luck and good luck,
So that you only become richer.

So that loved ones love
Friends idolized
Career was successful
Luck smiled.

Great day, great holiday,
Christ is risen - sounds everywhere.
I have this joy and hope
I will share with you throughout my life!
I want to congratulate you
Happy resurrection of Christ!
May he bring you happiness
Shows the way to new successes!

Crimson ringing above the ground,
All the bells glorify Christ.
He has risen, he is alive again,
Taken down from the cross at Golgotha.
Happy Easter, a day of hope and light,
I congratulate you, dear.
You will find all the answers in Christ,
That's what I wish for you.

Happy Easter,
With spring and hope,
With green leaves
And fresh grass!
And let them fly
Until the blue skies.
Two great words -
Christ is risen!

Spring has come,
Easter has come to the house,
Lots and lots of joy
She brought it to us all.
The Easter cakes are delicious,
Krashanki in a basket,
Happy Easter, I congratulate you,
Dear, dear ones.

A ray of light illuminated the earth,
He instilled hope in the hearts of people,
Once upon a time on this day Christ rose again,
He made a sacrifice for human sin.
Let's be grateful to him
Let us offer a prayer to his Father,
And on Easter day we will do without tears,
Let’s just say to each other: “Christ is Risen!”

Happy Easter greetings in prose

On the day of Easter, I wish you and your loved ones happiness, harmony, peace and understanding. Let your soul be cleansed, your home filled with grace, and your heart filled with the desire to do good, give yourself to faith, the desire to love and be loved! Let the bright Easter with the ringing of bells heal souls, and let your eyes shine with the awareness of the Resurrection of Christ! Christ is risen!


Great Easter has arrived! I wish you that this bright holiday will take away any trouble from you and give you good friends and girlfriends, lots and lots of health, happiness and great love. Christ is Risen!


Happy holiday to all Orthodox Christians! Happy Great Easter! Peace and prosperity to your home, prosperity and happiness! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the joyful and bright holiday of Easter! Every year we celebrate the beginning of a new life for the entire Christian world, the triumph of faith over death! Let a piece of today's rejoicing remain in your heart and support you in difficult times!

Today a great holiday has come to us - the Passover of the Lord! And I wish for you that all your most cherished dreams come true, that all good undertakings and aspirations are completed, happiness, health and great love to you!

Great Easter is a holiday for all Orthodox Christians. On such a festive day, I would like to wish goodness, health, peace, and prosperity to everyone. Let your home be filled with comfort, warmth, happiness, and prosperity every day. Give each other attention and care, love and loyalty. Happy Easter!

With a feeling of deep joy and from the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on the Bright Resurrection of Christ - the Easter of the Lord! We wish you the fulfillment of all your hopes and good undertakings, peace, goodness and love.

I congratulate you on the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ, Happy Easter! May a piece of the joy that the entire Christian world is experiencing today remain with you throughout the year and support you in difficult times! Christ is risen!

Dear, with all my heart I hasten to congratulate you on Easter, on the Brightest Day. On this day it is supposed to consecrate painted eggs and Easter cakes, to the glory of our Savior Jesus Christ. On this Great holiday, I want to wish you peace, kindness, peace of mind and good health. Christ is risen!

Hello my friend! I congratulate you on the Bright Resurrection of Christ - Easter, and I wish that, starting from this day, happiness and good luck accompany you in your life, so that all your family and friends are healthy along with you. Happy holiday!

Dear son, Christ is risen! Today is the brightest Orthodox holiday, the day when our savior and benefactor Jesus Christ was resurrected! The customs of this holiday are wonderful, and the covenant of this day is wonderful. I want to wish you great happiness, good luck in all good endeavors and spiritual harmony. Happy holiday!

Happy Easter greetings in Belarusian

Easter cakes are jumping, give us a couple!
At Vyalikdzen, we are bright, good, and we are killing our chickens!
U siam’i i ў kozhnay hatse hai guchyts “Khristos Uvaskros”,
God bless you, let us smile for our sakes!

“Hrystos Uvaskros” - I’ll say sunny,
And my souls will become free.
The sun is coming brightly,
The sir's joy is upon us.

I honor you on this day,
Let all the troubles become a dream,
I will only ever be there,
I would like to take care of you!

Hrystos Uvaskros! I sapraudy ўvaskros!
All Christians this year.
I wish that the dastat would grow so much,
May our souls be at peace!

Enjoy your little day,
Here and there it has become festive.
Jesus is for all his kzhizh now,
Let's live without grief for the whole of our skin!

With the Most Holy Saints, the Redness of Hrystova, Happy Holidays! Hail portion of joy, such a joyful Christian light, will be with you for the whole year and the fall of the commonwealth! Let's smell the bright holy getaga vyalikaga holy asvyatsіts sennya ўce navakolle, blessing above, joy and happiness to people. And hai sunny and meetings, the soul sparkles, believe, the intentions are good, and the heart is any. Peaceful and tranquil days, good luck to you and your home. Give a damn to the hell out of all troubles and take care of your soul. Hrystos is gone!

Hrystos is gone! I wish you a bright and joyful Vyalikzen for prosperity and peace for your home! Hail zhitstse abnovіtstsa za za prorodaj, hi pāchutstse bright joy do not leave the soul like a magician even. High Svalikdzen to the stroke of the new lodges of the new subzviga, the permog і health, hi anela і Holy nykoli is not packed you ib nagrovaytsa para. I crave harmony, khannya, family joy and happiness!

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Collection of 50 beautiful congratulations Happy Easter in verse and prose, both official and just for loved ones. Many of the congratulations can be sent via SMS, informing family and friends about the onset of a Christian holiday.

White tablecloth, candle,
The aroma of Easter cake,
Cahors is pouring into glasses.
Drinking a little is an agreement.
Colorful eggs
And the smiles of bright faces.
Happy holiday!
Christ is risen!
Kindness, love, miracles!

The Bright Resurrection of Christ is a holiday of philanthropy, when we forget about the bitterness in our souls. So let us rejoice in the bright feelings that awaken in us. On this day we will be full of fun, hope and truly Christian love.
Christ is risen!

On Easter Day, playing joyfully,
The lark flew high,
And, disappearing into the blue sky,
He sang the song of resurrection.
And they repeated that song loudly
And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
“Wake up, earth,” they said,
Wake up: your King, your God has risen.
Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,
Violet - bloom again,
And send up a fragrant hymn
To the one whose commandment is love.

Let your home be filled today with the aroma of Easter cakes and all sorts of goodies, because this is the smell of prosperity and prosperity. Let your souls be filled with light and love, because these are symbols of God's Grace. And one more thing - on this day all guests are welcome. For the guests!

The meat is sizzling in the frying pan.
Sweating two bottles of vodka.
The sausage has already been dedicated.
So pour it, today is Easter!

We sometimes get colored eggs, Easter cakes and Easter traditions we don't notice the most important thing. Easter is a religious holiday and it is given to us so that at least once a year we remember the epoch-making event for all mankind, which occurred almost two thousand years ago. Jesus Christ, the first and last absolutely sinless person who lived on this Earth, voluntarily sacrificed himself for us, and then rose again so that we too could have eternal life. We are only required to accept this sacrifice and try to live according to His commandments. Therefore, on Great Easter we must definitely visit the Temple, give praise to the Heavenly Father, ask for forgiveness and pray for ourselves and our loved ones. And only then, having given God what is Godly, we can give Caesar what is Caesar’s, that is, celebrate, eat and have fun. This usually works out much better for us. But today there is no sin in this. Christ is Risen!

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,
People are pouring out of all the churches.
The dawn is already looking from the sky...
The earth is waking up
And the fields are dressed,
Spring is coming, full of miracles!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The great holiday of Easter comes to our daily life. It is very symbolic that we meet him in the spring, when nature is renewed. Our souls, hearts and thoughts are renewed in the same way. This is a triumph of faith, love and light. Protect yourself from temptations, bad deeds, envy and thirst for everything material. Keep your souls pure, give love to each other, try to be as similar as possible to us sinners, to Christ the Savior. Be strong, patient and happy. Christ is Risen!

April is ringing: “Christ is risen”!
The church bells are ringing!
And a ray of goodness slid from heaven,
The doves are cooing happily! Spring will bloom empty with the sun,
Let there be an EASTER holiday!

Bright Easter is, first of all, hope. Jesus Christ was resurrected, thereby God the Father showed us that there is no death. Therefore, we need to treat all the troubles that happen in our lives with humor. Perhaps each of us deserves even more trials on our sinful heads than we already have. But God takes pity on us and is preparing for us heavenly abodes, where there will be no troubles at all. And in order to reunite with the Creator, we will live according to our conscience, help each other and enjoy such wonderful holidays as Easter. Christ is risen!

Today is the holiday of Easter! Christ is risen! We were lucky!

Today we will all gather at the church, festive gates.

For the Easter holiday!

Great Easter, spring is a time of rebirth and transformation. Let your soul and your body be filled with light, positivity and happiness. May everything in your life change for the better - the bad will remain in the past, and love, success and pleasant gifts from heaven await you. Happy holiday.

Already passed Lent,
And with it - sadness, melancholy and passions.
A toast to the return of life!
May we be healthy and happy!

Let the spring air filled with the aroma of fresh Easter cakes make you dizzy with happiness. Let the ringing of the bells on Easter make you smile warmly, look at the sky and thank the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in prayer, for the joy of existing on this planet and for the opportunity to be involved in light and goodness. Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! Happy Holy Day! May Heaven bless you with good luck, happiness and love! Let the forces of the earth help you, and the Angels protect you!

May the sun shine on you on Easter Day,
Azure triumphs in the skies!
Everyone you meet will answer with a smile,
The icing is shining on the Easter cakes!
Let the bells ring,
Your soul will be clear and light!
Poplar and maple trees are blooming,
It will be warm like spring!
For the Easter holiday!

The holiday of Easter is wonderful, its customs and traditions are wonderful - the procession of the cross, the celebration of Christ, Easter cakes and colored eggs, but most of all the beautiful covenant of this day is to love your neighbor as yourself. So let us love each other, and for the Bright Resurrection of Christ!

For me, Easter means golden Easter cakes, pies, colored eggs, decorated clean house, pleasant joyful excitement. Family at the table... What could be better than this? I thank God for all the good things he has given to our family. Thank you for Easter joy, for the unity of our souls.
Christ is risen!

There are amazing words in the Bible: “Those who accompany God will renew their strength, they will rise upward on eagles’ wings, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not weaken...” On this holiday of Easter Sunday, I want to wish all of us to relentlessly follow our Savior. Then all our deeds will be pleasing to God, and our strength will strengthen every day.
Here's to Easter! Christ is risen!

It is not for nothing that the name of Jesus Christ is associated with the long-standing custom of making Christ - exchanging kisses. These kisses are a sign of universal Love. So let's kiss and drink to Love, Joy and Goodness! For the Easter holiday!

In the soul there is peace, humility and faith in happiness and goodness!
Today is the holiday of Easter! "Christ is risen!" - we were lucky!
And there is hope for salvation, that He will take us under his wing,
Like little children, he will forgive us all: for vanity, disbelief, evil.
And tears will roll down your cheeks, your soul will thaw from adversity,
Today we will all gather at the church, holiday gates
And everyone, lighting candles, will ask in their soul only for
May the Lord give health to your loved ones and happiness to come to their home!

Two thousand years ago, the insane, besotted by the Pharisees, the inhabitants of Jerusalem forced Pontius Pilate to execute the tortured Jesus Christ. Christ could have thrown all these mad people into the sea with one movement of his hand, as he did with a herd of pigs, but he did not do this. Why? Because he had to do what was ordained by God, that is, accept suffering in order to save us - sinful people. I am ashamed to admit, but I am not sure that having so much power and miraculous power as the Savior, I would not use these abilities to my advantage. This is the real power and truth of Christ - he lived, died and rose again for our sake and never once made himself bread out of stone, or a palace out of a cave. Today we celebrate his wonderful Resurrection and thank the Son of God for his love for us people. Let's try to reciprocate through love, good deeds and prayers. Christ is risen!

Bright Resurrection of Christ!
How much joy and warmth it brings!
We sincerely congratulate you today
Happy Easter - happiness and goodness!
We want to wish you enlightenment
And good luck to you every day!
May luck accompany you in everything
And the disease will not be covered by a shadow!

Christ's Resurrection is a symbol of life. Eternal, joyful and fruitful life. May the Holy Fire, which once again descended in Jerusalem, ignite in your hearts the fire of hope for justice and the will of God “as in heaven and on earth.” Rejoice with the whole world. Christ is risen!

For the glory of life the Creator gave
Holy grace happen,
So that he descends from heaven into every home
Light of salvation! Christ is risen!

On this holy spring day, accept my congratulations. The holiday is religious, but at the same time secular, because today everyone invariably follows traditions: they paint eggs, bake Easter cakes and get together to eat delicious food and drink strong drinks. Everyone breaks their fast - believers and non-believers, those who fasted and those who did not fast. God is our judge. In any case, Easter is a wonderful occasion to gather with family and friends for festive table to communicate, have fun, sing and dance. Let laughter be heard more often in this house, music play and adults and children have fun. Christ is risen!

Christ is Risen!
On this brightest and holiest day, I hug you with love and wish with a grateful heart to always rejoice in the victory of Life over death!
Truly Christ is Risen!

May the Easter of the Lord illuminate life with a new light: wishes will come true, relationships will improve, grievances will be forgotten, and desired meetings will take place. After all, in fact, a person needs very little to be happy. Christ is risen!

The song of Sunday, love, happiness, and forgiveness sounds to us as a covenant of the blessed heavens - Christ is risen!

On Easter Day we rejoice, like children, at the miracle that happened. And even though this miracle happened many centuries ago, its significance has not diminished at all. Let us rejoice in this life. Christ is risen!

On the day of Easter, I wish you to see the right path to happiness and prosperity. Let this road be straight and easy, and let happiness be enormous, endless, but one for two. Christ is risen!

Sweet Easter,
smoked sausage,
Salted lard
Cool egg!
Christ is risen!

Believers will tell you that despondency is a grave sin. After all, with his bad mood, a person seems to show God that he is dissatisfied with both his life and the world order as a whole.
Dejection is evidence of ingratitude.
So let us thank the Lord that we have all gathered at this table today!
We have something to drink, something to eat, and around - good friends.
So let's drink so that we never lose heart!

Like Easter, like Easter
The eggs were all dyed.
The fast is over, let's put on weight.
Good afternoon Christ is Risen!

On the day of a bright, good Easter, from the bottom of my heart I wish to love and certainly be loved by a person, to dream about the unseen, and with all my soul to strive for miracles, not to live a day without faith and hope, to always be under the reliable protection of the wings of your angel!

I congratulate you on Easter,
I wish you happiness and joy!
To make it more fun
Eat eggs, whoever is faster!

The bright Resurrection of Christ is a holiday of love for mankind, when we forget about the bitterness and bitterness in our souls. Let us rejoice at the bright sensations awakening in us on this holiday, exceptional in its solemnity. Let us be full of joy, fun, hope and love!

This news was extraordinary:
God has risen and death has been defeated!
This victorious news came rushing
God-resurrected spring...
And the forests all around turned green,
And the chest of the earth breathed warmth,
And listening to the nightingale’s trills,
Lilies of the valley and roses bloomed.

Christ is Risen!

And in the city, in a small space, like at a meeting,
The trees look naked into the church bars.
And their gaze is filled with horror, their anxiety is understandable.
And they see the light at the royal gates, and a black cloth, and a row of candles,
Tear-stained faces. And suddenly there’s a procession of the cross
He comes out with a shroud and two birch trees at the gate
We must step aside.
But at midnight creation and flesh will fall silent,
Having heard the spring rumor that the weather had just cleared,
Death can be overcome through the efforts of Sunday.
Here's to the bright holiday of Easter!
Health and happiness to everyone!
Christ is risen!

Christ drank to the dregs the cup of suffering for the sins of the world.
He rises above Jerusalem, he rises above the world, he rises above Death... This fills our hearts with incomparable joy, for Christ has risen and from now on we are saved.
Here's to the bright holiday of Easter!

Let all human flesh be silent,
And let him stand with fear and trembling.
And let him think of nothing earthly within himself.
King of kings and Lord of lords
Christ is risen!
For the Easter holiday!

Christ drank to the dregs the cup of suffering for the sins of the world. He rises above Jerusalem, he rises above the world, he rises above Death... This fills our hearts with incomparable joy, for Christ has risen and from now on we are saved. Here's to the bright holiday of Easter!

Raise your glass and say:
“Well, from the screw!”, “Well, let’s do it!” - again,
To someone: “May the road be easy”
But the first toast today: “With God!”
So that you may be resurrected with Christ
Calm interest in life.
If you are Orthodox - in good hour,
It’s better to do everything by praying!
Christ is risen!

Congratulations on the Great Day of the Resurrection of Christ! I wish you good health, happiness and good fortune. Let your hearts be filled with joy, and Easter bells, fragrant Easter, and colorful eggs bring peace, harmony, and bright joy to your homes!

Christ is Risen! God bless!
May you have a happy journey too!

Hello, Bright Sunday of Christ is the most important Christian holiday. Let Easter eggs on your table will become a symbol of happiness and kindness, and an Easter cake from the oven will become a symbol of prosperity and well-being! Peace to you, warmth and prosperity. Christ is risen!

Happy Easter!
And I wish you from my heart
A good, humane life,
Friendship strong and heartfelt,
A piece of God's bread,
A sip of spring water,
Deeds of conscience and honor,
Happy home! Christ is Risen!

I wish you to love and believe, hope and not complain, endure and empathize. Let all human virtues be your guidelines in communication and actions. It’s so simple, but at the same time so difficult for me, and for you, and for everyone. But nothing is impossible for God. Let us pray and ask the Almighty for spiritual strength and forgiveness for sins. On Great Easter, God will definitely hear us. Christ is risen!

On the day of Christ's Resurrection
I want to wish you
So that over your whole family
There was God's grace.

Peace in the soul, prosperity in the house,
Life is in harmony with yourself,
Photos of all the relatives in the album,
There is happiness and peace in families.

Take care of your loved ones,
Don't hold any grudges to yourself
May the Almighty protect you
From insults and lies in fate.

There is no brighter holiday in the world.
Let's hug and congratulate you on Easter soon.
Light a candle, bless the Easter cakes
Dedicate this day to good deeds.
Meet your family and friends with Easter cakes,
And most importantly, treat them generously.
Today you pray with pure faith,
Don’t accumulate grievances, don’t be proud of yourself.
Let your soul's path be beautiful,
Once a candle is lit, it cannot be blown out.
We wish you to step successfully into the new day.

Happy holiday! Christ is risen!
I wish you happiness
Positive and miracles!
Let all bad weather pass by.

May the Lord protect you
Will give rays of kindness and affection.
There is no brighter and brighter day,
What a wonderful Easter holiday!

Easter is knocking on our doors,
We all believe in the miracle of the holiday.
Let's tell everyone: “Christ is Risen!”
God will hear us from heaven.

We sincerely congratulate everyone,
We wish peace to every home.
Warmth, kindness, love,
And spiritual purity.

Christ is risen! And this news
May it make you happy in the morning.
Let happiness gain speed -
It's time for him to hurry to your house.

May the Lord help you
And let him keep goodness in his heart,
And we congratulate you on Easter,
We wish you a joyful life.

In love and health, in abundance...
May God bless you.
And life, like honey, may it be sweet,
And let comfort reign in the house!

Holy holiday Sunday,
Your house is quietly knocking,
And joy reigns in the soul,
There is faith and peace in the heart,
And the blessed one will come,
Day of achievements and miracles,
When everyone answers you:
“Yes, truly, he is risen!”

The flower festival is coming,
And it smells like palm bud.
The Orthodox fast recedes,
Bringing us closer to a juicy Easter!
Congratulations with love
We thought hard
Take the blessing
For Palm Sunday.
Let it be interesting
Wonderful Sunday!

The long-awaited Orthodox holiday has come to us! Both adults and children are equally happy with him! May the choir of angels tirelessly sing for you on this day, and may the beautiful Mother of God whisper warm parting words and magical, healing prayers. We wish you peace in your soul and paradise in your heart!

"Christ is risen!" - the people around are rejoicing.
Happy Easter with all my heart,
I kiss you three times, according to tradition,
I wish the saint joy and generosity!

Let the house be filled with a sweet aroma,
Let the ringing of bells drive away sadness,
And at the table abundant and rich,
Let all the people dear to your heart be there.

May God's grace cover you
From grief, from sadness, from need,
And let him triple his happiness and health,
And may everything you strive for come true!

Easter cakes are already ready
It's time to congratulate us all
Happy Easter, bright and long-awaited,
We expect good things from her,
We wish everyone grace,
We say: “Christ is Risen!”
May the Lord bless us
Smiles at us from heaven!

Have a bright day, love, laughter and affection
On this most beautiful holiday, Easter Day!
May your soul be at ease,
The house is comfortable, cozy, warm.

Every day of peace, smiles, fun,
Let your mood always be great.
Only goodness, only happiness and light,
A little magic, a kilometer of success!

Christ is risen! And with this miracle
I hasten to congratulate you now.
May His grace come
In everything that surrounds us.

I wish you happiness, of course
True love and long years,
Bright precious moments,
Bringing the flourishing of life.

Christ is risen! With soul, heartily
I congratulate you on this bright hour.
May your world be flawless,
May fate be kind.

May God strengthen you with his strength
And may faith be stronger than stone.
Let everything be light and sweet
And sadness doesn't even come close.

Christ is risen! And joy in the whole world
Soars up to the blue skies.
Give love, smile wider.
I wish you happiness, kindness, miracles!

Appreciate your loved ones and do not offend them
Those who love you so much adore you.
Respect the venerable and elders more,
And let everything work out for you!

The long-awaited miracle happened.
The world has become brighter. Christ is risen!
May the Lord show his mercy,
Joy rises to the skies,

All your loved ones will be with you
Always nearby in perfect health,
Warm care, kindness
Warm your heart for countless years.

Is there anything comparable to this?
Don't buy this, don't sell it.
Let your soul soar like a bird with happiness,
Receiving God's grace!

On the day of Easter Sunday
Please accept our congratulations on Easter!
Let the soul be pure, enlightened,
Beautiful, merciful, inspired!

Let Grace live in the soul,
And the generosity of the Heart will not fade,
The Lord will save and preserve
and will give you Prosperity!

The happiest and most joyful day -
Easter, victory, salvation...
I send you congratulations today,
Morning - Christ's Sunday!

Take Easter cakes, colored paints,
May great joys certainly come true!
So that Christ would love with his soul and give happiness,
He always kept troubles and misfortunes away from home!

Happy Easter, congratulations,
I wish you all the best,
May the holiday favor you,
Jesus will bless your home!

Good news today
Heaven sends us -
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Love has come, spring has come!

May Easter bring with it
Lots of sun and warmth
I wish you with all my heart
Health, happiness and goodness!

With Easter everything around brightens,
Happy Easter the grass turns green
With Easter the world is born again,
And everyone is in a hurry to praise Jesus!

Let the sun warm you tenderly
And there will be room for miracles in life!
I congratulate you on Happy Easter,

Today is the day of Christ's Resurrection
Let the mood be good
I wish you love, warmth, miracles.
Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Christ is risen! Accept a smile
And a ray of light. Goodbye mistakes
Walk through life on a smooth path
And always be happy with everything!