Congratulations on your copper wedding (7 years). Copper wedding (7 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS Congratulations on your 7th wedding anniversary

Wedding day - this date is remembered for a lifetime. From that second, two loving hearts became one unit of society, became bearers of the same surname and full members of the family. How to congratulate two warm hearts who have lived together for exactly 7 years? A wedding anniversary wish should be sincere, kind and pleasant.

The meaning of this date

May everything be fine with you, like this verse,

And let love always be mutual and reciprocal!

Beautiful congratulations to my wife

A spouse is exactly the person who will always support, even if her chosen one is wrong. She is responsible in the family for such qualities as wisdom, reliability and rationality. A man must come up with beautiful congratulations for my wife's 7th wedding anniversary. It can be presented both in poetic form and in prose.

"My lovely! What you mean to me - we can talk endlessly. During this time, you were able to become everything to me: a reliable friend, a loyal comrade, an excellent assistant in everything. The most important thing is that you are still the same beloved woman who broke my heart. I promise you that new successes await us ahead. But I’m not afraid of problems, because I know that when we are together, nothing is impossible!”

Seven is the luckiest number

Darling, it brought us happiness,

And may it be for us for many years to come,

It will become a talisman now!”

Beautiful congratulations for your husband

The spouse is considered additional child in family. He also needs to be controlled, supported and given in everything. good advice. But despite this, he is a reliable support. Every self-respecting wife should come up with a beautiful congratulations to her husband on his 7th wedding anniversary so that this day becomes unforgettable for both of them.

“Seven long years have passed. But for me they became one wonderful moment. I remember looking into your sincere eyes at the wedding ceremony. They say that only the most people don't notice the clock. happy people, and I don't dare deny this fact. Only with you I became a successful person. And my success lies in the fact that I have a reliable support, a cozy nest and happy children. All this is entirely your fault.”

Darling, copper is a durable metal,

He gave you and me support.

And let everyone around you envy

To our flaming hearts and strong clasped hands.

“You often call me stupid. This is true, because only in your presence do I lose my mind and become absent-minded. Moreover, the longer I live with you, the more my illness worsens. I don't need to be treated! Let this love swallow me whole."

Congratulations from parents

It was the parents who supported the newlyweds for 7 years. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose will be the most touching speech on this day. Therefore, it should be prepared so that it is as sincere as possible. For example, you can use the following option:

“Our beloved children, the day has come when you, holding each other’s hands, were able to catch up with the lucky seven. During this considerable period, you have already been able to prove your love, loyalty and reliability, learned to understand your soulmate, learned the shortcomings and positive qualities. Now a completely different page of life opens before you. You need to become good example for your children, so that they can then build their relationships based on your multifaceted experience. We have no doubt that you will definitely succeed!”

Congratulations from the children

Seven years is quite a long time. Most likely, during this time the young couple already had their first heirs. Congratulations from them will be the most important, important and pleasant gift at this event. It is worth noting that they are still very small, so it will be quite difficult for them to come up with complex phrases. Close relatives of the married couple should come up with a simple wish for them that is very easy to remember. For example, you could use the following template:

May there always be happiness

May there always be money

All bad weather will disappear,

And the children will be healthy.

Mom and Dad, I congratulate you!”

Also, little talents can portray a creative scene, sing a song or dance. It doesn't matter if it has anything to do with this event or not. All the same, all guests, relatives and heroes of the occasion will be very pleased!

Every year for a young couple is filled with new pleasant events. They begin to study each other, get used to everyday life together, and learn to overcome many problems. Needless to say, how close the husband and wife became over 7 years.

Congratulations on their wedding anniversary will remind them of all their achievements over this long period. It is very important, when preparing a text, to fill it with the most sincere, kind and gentle phrases that simply cannot fail to bring pleasant emotions!

The seventh wedding anniversary is called " copper" or " woolen" 7 years is a serious period for any relationship, when people have learned to overcome all difficulties together and have gotten used to each other’s characters and habits.

Copper symbolizes strength and strength such relationships. Copper is a precious metal, which means that marriage already has value, which has yet to develop into bronze, silver and gold. The spouses have everything ahead - copper is a strong but malleable metal, it melts well into something else, more beautiful, renewed.

Wool is associated with the warmth that a wife and husband give to each other, warming and supporting them in cold times. But wool is also prickly - this symbolizes jealousy and quarrels regarding spouses.

According to tradition, on the seventh anniversary of the wife’s marriage give each other copper coins, and also hang a copper horseshoe over the door of the house. This symbolizes prosperity and goodwill in the family.

Seven years of marriage should be celebrated widely. You can even make a second wedding out of your seven-year anniversary - this is exactly the period when the relationship gets a second wind, you discover new facets of your soulmate and look at him/her from a new side.

This is a good reason to go on a trip together and take a second honeymoon.

Who should you invite?

Invite to your holiday as many guests as possible: friends, relatives, colleagues, witnesses. Try as much as possible to invite everyone who was at your wedding. Special attention give to guests who do not have a significant other: there is a belief that it is on this day that single people will be able to meet their happiness.

What to cook?

For such an anniversary something exotic will do, non-traditional - Chinese, Mexican or other cuisines. Try to break away from tradition and come up with something of your own. For example, instead of a cake or biscuit for dessert - a chocolate cake fountain or fruit salad.


Astrologically, the number seven is under the auspices of the planet Uranus, which is responsible for surprises in human life and pleasant nonsense.

Surprise or an unexpected gift for your other half: escape from the guests to a rock concert or arrange a theme evening, wear your wedding suits and dresses, and recreate the atmosphere of the holiday seven years ago. Allow at least a little madness into your family life.


According to tradition, on the wedding anniversary of 7 years, it is customary to give gifts made of copper or wool. Such gifts are useful in everyday life and are a symbol of successful family life, as well as a kind of wish for good and prosperity.

From parents

As closest to married couple people, relatives can give something that is sure to useful in everyday life: original tea services for seven people, household appliances, camping pots, samovars, copper dishes, seven cutlery or copper jewelry.

From guests

Colleagues, friends and relatives can give warm, pleasant gifts: pairs of woolen mittens, hats, slippers and other accessories with individual embroidery, boxes made of wood or stone, blankets, ancient copper coins, candlesticks for seven candles and other items that are multiples of seven.

From witnesses

Witnesses are special people at a wedding. They become the guardians of the love of the spouses. They can give the couple copper horseshoe as a family amulet happiness and prosperity. Witnesses also present wool blankets, clothing, furniture upholstery, decorative items, and vases.

From spouses to each other

On this day, spouses also give each other symbolic gifts. Traditionally, the husband gives his wife a wallet with copper coins, copper jewelry and jewelry, hair ornaments, beautiful handbag, fur coat, clothes or shoes.

The wife should give her husband something personal that he will definitely like: for example, a spinning rod if the husband is a fisherman, or a hunting suit if the husband is fond of hunting. The wife can also make a gift with her own hands - knit a sweater or scarf, embroider or engrave initials on some item dear to him.

  • Symbolism. The gift should represent marital fidelity and home.
  • Practicality. Since 7 years is a serious period for living together, spouses value gifts that can be useful more than those that just look beautiful.
  • Originality. It is not at all necessary that a gift should be associated with copper, wool and the number seven. If you come up with a good one unusual gift- give more boldly.
  • Money. If you can’t think of what to give, or doubt the appropriateness of the gift, then give money - this is the gift that the spouses will definitely not be disappointed with.

Congratulations on your wedding day


Visitors to our site have a great opportunity order unique congratulations on your Wedding Day from a professional!

You can order:

  • toasts and congratulations in verse (80 rubles per quatrain);
  • a congratulatory song remade to a well-known tune (800 rubles);
  • scenario for the holiday (price depends on complexity and duration, from 1500 rubles);
  • personalized verse with a declaration of love (80 rubles per quatrain);
  • acrostic (120 rubles per quatrain).

Write to us by email: [email protected]

To my husband


This wedding is sometimes also called a wool wedding.
This name - copper wedding - also contains its own secret meaning: copper- a valuable, durable material, it is, of course, far from precious metals, so such a wedding is a hint that the spouses still have everything to come. Previously, on this day, spouses exchanged copper coins as a sign of future family happiness. It is customary for guests to give items made of forged copper: a husband can be given a belt with a copper buckle as a gift, and a wife can be given copper jewelry or jewelry. The most appropriate gift for the occasion is a copper horseshoe - a symbol of happiness and prosperity. A useless but memorable gift is a personally knitted woolen case for your spouse’s favorite cup or his (her) copper Turk, or a cezve - a utensil for making coffee. You can also give the cezve itself in a knitted case.

Congratulations on your 6 year wedding anniversary

You have lived together for 7 happy years!
And trumpets play in your honor at the copper wedding!
You have kept your vow of loyalty!
And your lips are just as passionate when kissing!
So let the family light shine,
Which you treasure with such tenderness!
May God grant all the best to your hearth, to your doorstep!
And take care of each other just as carefully! ©

There's a great reason
Congratulations at this hour!
After all, today is the anniversary!
Your wedding is copper!
7 years have passed! And by the way,
7 is a lucky number!
We give a copper horseshoe,
May you always be lucky! ©

Not a pearl yet. But we also value copper.
After all, your wedding was already 7 years ago
She made it clear that others will not replace
Family life, away with a number of obstacles.

Guests wish you at the Copper Wedding
Have more strength and celebrate your anniversary.
Don't let yourself feel sad or angry.
And invite guests in a year. ©

Love covered like an avalanche
Fate intertwined from two paths.
It's already the seventh anniversary
Today is copper wedding day!

You have love, not routine,
Harmony of hearts is heard.
Shouting “Bitter!” - there is a reason for that!
We drink to the dregs to your happiness! ©

Copper coin for luck
You and I will leave on this day,
So that the Russians, following signs,
The shadow of misfortune has passed us by

It's been seven years since we've been with you,
We breathe and live with each other,
Since we shared the same fate
Forever bound together

On this day I wish myself,
To be loved by you all my life,
So that every evening, falling asleep,
In a dream I saw your appearance. ©

Let the anniversary be named
base metal,
But only through our own efforts
Melt it first.
To direct your destiny
In the direction you need,
So that adventure awaits you
And your life has not become dull! ©

Seven long years in hand
And the eyes look joyful.
You are like swans in the spring,
Stay faithful and calm.
Congratulations on your copper wedding,
We wish you love and happiness.
Don't quarrel, don't be offended,
Just a gentle hug! ©

Thank you for what you have
Such a couple on the planet!
Today the symbol of your date is wool,
Today you are the warmest in the world!
I would like to wish you
So that your marriage is filled with warmth,
And remember this holiday
On your golden wedding anniversary! ©

Lucky seven is called...
Today you turned seven years old!
Today you couldn’t be happier
And seeing you, the world rejoiced!
You live to the sound of the victorious trumpet,
So that your happiness can be seen by everyone!
We congratulate you on your copper wedding,
Wanting ten more times seven! ©

Need congratulations on your 7th wedding anniversary, Copper wedding? Visit our website and choose a suitable congratulations on your 7th wedding anniversary, on your copper wedding from your parents, friends, and colleagues. A copper wedding is a good date to celebrate with family and close friends. The copper date is a symbol of integrity and strong family ties. Congratulate your husband or wife or family on their 7th wedding anniversary best congratulations in poetry or prose, and our site will help you choose the words. Happy holiday, happy 7 year copper wedding anniversary!


Congratulations on your copper wedding
And we wish you happiness and love.
Let the feeling seem like flight,
To be together forever,
The days sparkled with gold,
Like rings, two rings.
“Seven years is not an easy date!” -
Let's say the smile is not hidden.
Let it be stronger than everyone else in the world
Your wonderful family!


You've been together for seven years, the kids are growing up,
In the rays of love, the images quickly melt.
Were you able to resist, you won -
All because they loved devotedly!

You greet every morning with a kiss.
Don't forget what you like to say.
In everyday life - help clean and cook.
Give in to each other without warning!


Congratulations on your copper anniversary, on the happy number of your life together - seven! I wish your family prosperity and well-being, strong and mutual bright feelings, understanding and prosperity. Continue to support each other in everything, enjoy life and successfully achieve common goals. Health to your family, comfort to your home and long life to you.


A tender palm lies in the palm of your hand,
Words of love are quietly whispered by lips...
You went through water and fire together,
And brass ceremonial trumpets!

May fate send you many victories,
May your path be filled with joy.
And may happy years pass by
Copper will turn into silver and gold!


Seven years is a lot and a little,
But still the main thing is to love,
To go your own way
And live a happy life!

Health, children and your home,
And a couple of warm kind words
Tell each other in the evening -
And happiness to you, the portrait is ready!

Let all this be with you,
And even more, in abundance!
So that the fire in our hearts does not go out,
It burned steadily and not in a flash!

Congratulations on your copper wedding


Congratulations guys
From the copper wedding from the heart!
You have been married for seven years.
How good you are!

How much faith, how much light
In your joyful eyes!
Let this happiness not fade away,
Let love live in hearts!


Seven tender years have brought you two together,
And then we came to the threshold of the copper wedding,
Let life be foldable, like this verse,
And the warmth is mutual and reciprocal!

Don't let anything make you sad
Nothing upsets, nothing worries,
May your nerves be as strong as steel
Money is cheaper, but love is more expensive,

Let there be only joy in your eyes,
Happy eyes that don't know how to cry,
We welcome you in this bright time
Happy marriage anniversary to wife and husband!


Copper wedding. Seven years anniversary.
A strong and lasting family unit.
Let your feelings rage like an avalanche,
Well, all the days pass to the blues.

Joy to you, incredible happiness.
Money - so you can't count it.
Let bad weather avoid the house.
You have inspiration, a desire to fly.


The anniversary has arrived -
Your wedding is copper!
There's a great reason
Congratulations to you at the same hour!

May your couple be
Strong as metal
But flexible and soft,
Like that red material.

May health and good luck
They will find a roof on your house!
Let good things happen
Will happen many times!


Seven long best years go together
And all the hardships, troubles don’t matter.
Let love always remain in the heart,
Only happy moments for you two!

And it’s called the copper anniversary.
Copper is a soft, but also durable metal.
May you be able to smooth out all the quarrels,
It’s not for nothing that God sent you to each other!

Cool congratulations on your 7th wedding anniversary


Congratulations on your copper wedding!
Let's celebrate family growth.
For life to be comfortable,
Let's say a toast again.
Dear ones, we wish you love,
But there is no one more important than her.
We dream of seeing you next to us,
We just want to give you one piece of advice:
You admire the beauty of the rings
... but the main thing is the sparkle of your eyes!
Guys, it's sad! Kiss!
A treat for our eyes.


Number 7 is a good sign
Your marriage has lasted for so many years.
We want to congratulate you,
The Institute of Seven glorify.

Copper wedding is a sign,
It’s not for nothing that this metal is
Gave the name of the anniversary,
There's a good reason for this.

Means strength, value,
Copper always sent this,
And your family is priceless
Never lose.


Seven years have passed and you are still the same
Look into each other's eyes
And this is important
Heaven brought you together!

We will dance at the copper wedding too,
Let's dance on the golden one,
And let your path be colored
Love, happiness, warmth!

Keep your love carefully,
After all, you were created for each other.
We won’t find any other words,
You are the perfect wife!


My dears, accept on your copper wedding day my sincere congratulations. They say that the number 7 has a special magical meaning, so let your life together be filled with the magic of good magic and miracles eternal love. I wish you to always live in complete luxury, prosperity and happiness.


Celebrate the copper wedding
Today you are a bell,
You have been with each other for 7 years
We know each other so closely.

Let soft copper bend
The characters of the spouses
You managed to study
For 7 years of each other.

Sometimes you don't need words,
Just a glance is enough
I wish that love
She was always there.

SMS congratulations on your 7th wedding anniversary


Your family is now exactly 7 years old,
You are so beautiful, you couldn’t be happier!
The copper wedding has come to visit you,
She brought wonderful joy as a gift!

May your confidence grow
That only the best awaits ahead.
Let success really rush to you,
May you live, the monster of all!


Seven years you've been together is a long time,
But not that big
I wish you to linger
Long lasting happiness, with all my heart!

Always reach out
To each other, be all relatives,
And don’t let the separation interfere
Celebrate a new anniversary!


Congratulations on your copper wedding!
We wish you long life!
And from all my relatives and friends
We send you a huge hello.

You have been married for seven years.
Be happy guys!
Happy seventh anniversary!
Kiss quickly.


Happy anniversary, friends!
Happy seventh wedding anniversary
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
There is no more beautiful couple in the world.

You are beautiful. Keep it up!
On this holiday there is a copper wedding
I want to wish you
Life is bright and comfortable!


Happy copper wedding!
appropriate caress for you,
Endless love
And a carefree life!

Live beautifully
Kiss playfully
And remember forever
Warmth of the first meeting!

Beautiful congratulations on your 7th wedding day


You lived together for seven years,
This period is full of trials.
And the fire warms you hotter,
Beautiful words, declarations of love.

You have become older and wiser
You have learned patience.
And let harmony reign
We were trying to find.


Seven years of family life -
Oh, you copper wedding!
Copper coins splashes
For home and estate.

And your relationship
Plastic and soft.
We wish to melt them down
The diamonds are 100 carats.

To live seven years is not to cross the field.
It is both copper and wool.
You still don’t have seven on the benches,
And good. There is something to strive for.


Copper is a noble and valuable metal,
He gave strength to a happy marriage,
Let the couples around you envy you,
Don't open your hearts, souls and hands!

Happy mur strong wedding! May it be forever
The feelings of Beauty will remain with you,
Believe, love, give warmth,
So that all the bad things in life go away!


Congratulations on your cherished seven lives together, on your copper anniversary. I sincerely wish you to always be in seventh heaven, to shine as the brightest couple big stars on the sky. May harmony and understanding reign in your family, may every day make you happy pleasant surprises and only good events.


Copper wedding is a seven-year marriage,
Strong, as if copper is already a union.
You have withstood both storms and winds,
And the first load of common sorrows.

Seven is the number of family, joy, luck,
Let it accompany you too.
And leads forward in the right direction,
You will be one in everything.

They also call a woolen wedding,
After all, you are so close and warm,
Let the feelings not melt over the centuries,
Together it will be “Bitter!” and good.

Poems for a 7 year wedding anniversary


You've been through fire and water
For 7 years with each other,
And today the anthem is being blown
Copper pipes for you.

We are at your copper wedding
We wish you happiness
May love protect your home
The kids are growing up.

May the sunrises delight you
And measures bring calm,
May today's copper
It will become gold someday.


Copper wedding, which means seven years
You live in a happy marriage,
I wish you to continue to live without troubles
In love and spiritual care.

Blow off specks of dust from each other day after day,
Cherish your soul mate
So that luck surrounds you in everything,
And there was no bitterness in life!


The wedding is forged from copper,
Fate's blows are not terrible,
And all the neighbors are delighted
From such a wonderful couple.

May peace and respect
They will reign in your house,
And love and pleasure
They won’t think of ending!


7 years have passed since you got married,
Let's celebrate the copper anniversary.
How many things have happened to you?
Love has become stronger, and you are wiser.

We wish you well, in your home and in your soul,
There is only joy ahead of you,
As they say, heaven is in a hut,
Only housing, let it be better!


We congratulate you on seven years of marriage and express our gratitude for instilling in people faith and hope that love and a strong family exist in this world. Only you know that you should create a real “unit of society” that the country can be proud of. We wish you the fulfillment of your desires, strong love over the years and bright positive impressions from life.

Touching congratulations on your 7th wedding anniversary


Today is your seventh wedding anniversary -
This is a lucky number!
We are happy to congratulate you today
And we wish you luck
So that happiness reigns at home,
So that there would always be prosperity,
So that bad weather dissolves,
May kindness be with you!


Seven is the best number
It brings happiness!
For a copper wedding it is
Like an umbrella from all bad weather!

Live long and lovingly.
And just be better.
Hide from the snow and rain,
Welcome a ray of sunshine!


Dear guys, today is the happy date of your happy family life, today is your copper wedding. Together for 7 whole years, this means that you have passed all the tests and overcome all kinds of obstacles in life. Be always happy and loved by each other, live in complete prosperity, mutual understanding, respect, prosperity, peace and harmony.


Seven years is a Divine date!
We met you when
And we realized - this is fate,
We were given a meeting from above!

Let's keep the warmth and love,
Feel every moment
Appreciate what is given, strive for dreams,
May our temple be happy in our hearts!


Seven years of living together
I made a start for you.
You have lived, we know,
There are many happy days.

Happy copper birthday to you!
So that without offense and falsehood
Love and respect
Reigned in your house.

Happy 7th wedding anniversary


Seven years is neither more nor less,
They say that the copper jubilee,
Let's raise a toast to you first,
So that the feelings become stronger.

So that there is happiness in this house,
Children were sometimes naughty
All the bad weather hurried past
And peace for many years to come.


7 years is a lucky number!
So that happiness grows every year,
No need to work too hard
It's enough to fall in love at least once!

And so love has lived for 7 years
Since you made a vow to yourself.
Having passed through water, flame, copper pipes,
Your cherished dreams have come true!


Let's raise our glasses today
For your precious union.
We believe in your strong love
And the strength of the connecting bonds.

Today is your anniversary,
Your marriage has been going on for seven years now.
And again we walk at the wedding.
People call her copper.

This metal is durable and valuable,
How strong your family is.
We wish you prosperity!
And be happy, friends!


Happy copper anniversary to you,
Time flew by quickly
And today here now,
I boldly congratulate you!

Happiness, joy of family,
I wish the couple many years to come,
To live in harmony,
So that you don't know sadness!


Great age - seven for the family! There are more of you, and happiness has also increased several times. On this glorious anniversary, you presented evidence of your mutual love, respect, patience. May your hearts keep these feelings for many years of marriage! Good luck to you!


Sound louder, copper pipes!
Today is your day, no doubt about it.
We remember, exactly and for sure,
That you have been together for 7 years.

Not pipes together - you, dear ones,
7 years ago we went to the registry office,
Passport stamps are useful
Putting it in front of everyone.

And a copper wedding, beautiful,
You celebrate - go ahead!
May copper be happy for you,
May it only bring happiness.


We've lived together for seven years now,
Bound by one sacred love!
The two of you were responsible for everything.
Goodness to your marriage and warmth to “you”!
Let the children grow and only make them happy,
And you love them with all your soul.
Spring blooms or leaves fall,
Live alone - your family,
Beautiful, kind and the most!


We came to you with a copper horseshoe
A special holiday in the house -
Copper wedding and from the heart
We congratulate the newlyweds.

These seven years love took care of you,
I kept your family
A lot of happy days gave,
Taught me a lot.

Keep it in your heart too
This love is forever.
May there be agreement
Will fill your home
Happy wedding to you!
With copper!


The two of you lived together for seven years.
We are happy about the anniversary!
And may you be in your nest
Live without regrets.

We wish you deep love
And passion for the end of days.
We wish you only positive things
For your wonderful anniversary.


You have lived for seven years
We will say “hurray” to you!
And it’s clear to everyone that neither
For you, friends, obstacles.

For years let the family
Your marriage will not end.
Do you value your family?
Which got started!

After seven years of marriage, a copper wedding is celebrated. On the seventh wedding anniversary, the spouses accept congratulations on their copper wedding, or it is also called a wool wedding. Seven years is already an indicator of the stability of a relationship, but psychologists also call the seven-year mark dangerous for married couples. Invited guests and relatives can make any gift for a copper wedding, as long as the product contains copper, even in small quantities. These can be interior decoration items, trinkets that create coziness, or luxury items: candlesticks, dishes, jewelry, bracelets, figurines, beads, perhaps even some ethnic items, antiques.

Polished copper shines,
Like gold shimmers
Today you are newlyweds again,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish you peace, happiness and warmth,
We sincerely wish you good luck and joy,
May your dream come true
May hope never leave you.

Today you are newlyweds again,
Eyes sparkle with joy,
Friends with great pleasure,
They are in a hurry to congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts.
Today is a copper wedding, congratulations,
Let life bring you only admiration,
May luck never leave you,
Always live in love and harmony.

You have been living with the same family for 7 years,
The path of life, trodden by you,
Let it become a wide and long path,
May luck always be with you.
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
May all your days be good
May the sun shine brightly on you,
Let the boat of love have a fair wind.

We cordially congratulate you on your copper wedding day,
With all our hearts we wish you to live to see the golden age,
Let peace and love reign in the family,
May happiness come to you again and again.
Let the feelings always be tender,
Let your cherished dream come true,
We wish you happiness, good luck and warmth,
May fate reward you to the fullest.

This day is special for you -
Family birthday!
And I wish you that
There was a lot of love in it!
A lot of tenderness and affection,
Relationships are warmer!
Let it pass as if in a fairy tale
Seven year anniversary!

Seven years is a copper wedding,
The union cannot be split anymore.
No more need to prove
That feelings become doubly stronger.
I wish you more money
Love, your home is warm.
Let luck last longer
After all, your marriage was created for good!

Congratulations on your copper wedding
I want you today, friends,
A family worthy of glorification,
It’s impossible to forget about you!
I wish you happiness in this life,
And it’s fun to walk together,
Have fun in this world
And never lose heart!

For seven years you have been walking hand in hand,
Your family has existed for seven years,
We wish you never
Troubles and problems have not touched you.
We wish you happiness and love,
Patience, kindness and prosperity,
Trust each other with your thoughts
And never be disappointed!

We've lived together for seven years.
How many joys and troubles
What you have experienced
But hidden from the eyes of strangers:
Disputes in the family are not for show,
Not for prying eyes.
To live seven years -
Don't drink tea together,
This is a difficult date:
The guys are running away...
It's not clear what's wrong
Is everyday life stuck or feelings broken?
You were red-copper before the wedding
We reached the victory path:
Save your love
A family was saved from trouble.
We'll give you a copper cezve

We lived in marriage for seven years -
We congratulate you on this, friends!
And to the guests gathered here, everyone
We seriously declare this:
Days passed in love and harmony
With a strong and friendly way of life,
Became the pride and happiness of relatives
And they “got hold of” a baby - a treasure!
Let them not be relatives to each other,
You live richly and simply
Millions more miracle days!..
May you live in marriage until you are one hundred years old!