Congratulations on Tatyana's Day to Tatyana's mother. Congratulations on Tatyana's Day for mom and close friend. How to congratulate Tatyana with words of prose on Tatyana's Day

What should a congratulation on Tatyana’s Day be to your mother? Sincere, warm, with words of love and gratitude. Tatiana’s Day is another wonderful occasion to express all your feelings to your loved one, show care and attention.

This holiday is widely celebrated in our country. On Tatyana's day, each owner of this name feels special. Don’t skimp on your attention and congratulate all your Tatyanas: friend, godmother, colleague, good friend.

Happy Tatyana's Day greetings from daughter to mother

Congratulations to mother Tatyana from her daughter always sound with special warmth. I want to thank the woman who gave life endlessly. In that Holy holiday, the day of veneration of the saint, one cannot ignore the one who is ready to protect us all our lives.

Wish your mother to bloom for many years. Express your willingness to always be nearby, even if at some point you cannot be there. In our hectic life, we are constantly running somewhere and risk missing something important. And sometimes you just need to stop. Look into the eyes of the most precious woman in the world. Read in her gaze endless devotion, love and answer her with many affectionate words.

On Guardian Angel Day, become at least for a moment the protector of your dear mother. Let her feel that she has someone to hide behind, someone to take care of her. Become a wall and support for her, the same as she tries to be for you.

Dear Mommy,

Today is Tatiana's day,

I wish you happiness

Early in the morning.

Love will warm you

Let the warmth of home,

And happiness is with you next to me

Sits at the table.

On Tatiana's day they will be fulfilled

Your desires

And let them sound like music

Declarations of love.

Mommy, I congratulate you on Tatyana’s Day and wish you a wonderful mood, wonderful ideas, excellent health, unquenchable kindness of the soul, sincere joy of the heart, incredible stories, happy events and strong love.

Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you,

Mama is all-powerful.

You, like Tatiana, are all

There is an organizer in the house.

I wish you strength, dear,

Vivid impressions,

Let the saint take care

From dashing moments.

On Tatiana's day of the same name

I want to congratulate mommy.

Tatyana is the name of a gifted person,

The one who can fix everything,

The one who adores children

Lives with hope and love.

I wish you well on Tatyana’s day,

Mommy, happy holiday to you!

Happy Tatyana's Day, dear,

My beloved mother,

I wish you health

And I will also say, without hiding:

You are the best, mom!

There is no one more dear in the world!

You will always be the best!

All the best!

You are my guardian angel. With your love

And this land holds on, mom.

In our lives we are all under the wing of our mothers,

Even though we are stubbornly striving for freedom.

On Tatyana's Day, winter covers its tracks

Failures and involuntary mistakes.

I know, mom, that it’s you who cares,

So that it wouldn't hurt me to fall.

For a close friend

A close friend is a person who is ready to share all our joyful and sad moments. The one with whom we rush to share secrets and secret hopes. On the day of your friend’s heavenly patroness, say a few kind words to her. Let your hearts become even closer, despite time and distance.

Our selection will help you write a sincere and beautiful congratulation to your friend Tatyana. Never miss the opportunity to call or meet with the person to whom your soul is drawn. WITH true friends It’s easier and more fun to go through life.

Do not miss the opportunity to congratulate the one who is always ready to provide support and show participation.

Tanyusha! There is a reason

Laugh today

Meet new people

Acquaintances fall in love,

Forget about serious things

Business or meetings!

Happy Tatyana's Day!

And have a great evening!

Tatyana's day is knocking on the door -

Let anxiety and loss

Girlfriend, they remain in the past!

Good luck will begin soon,

So that you succeed in everything,

I tried to be happy,

I want to wish you success

And never lose heart!

I want you on Tatiana's day

I wish only the best

No shadow will fall on happiness

Let prosperity await.

May true love

In fate you will meet sooner!

I wish you happiness again,

And let your dreams come true!

On Tatiana's day for you, beauty,

May you be really lucky:

May your walk be light,

Be able to hit the jackpot in love,

Live and enjoy life

Know how to be friends, know how to forgive,

And never make a mistake

So that you don’t know failures at all.

My dear, Tanya,

Happy angel day I want you

Congratulations, dear friend

And I wish from myself:

May you be lucky in everything in the world,

May the angels protect you

In all matters there is a fair wind,

And a charge of bright vivacity!

On Tatyana's day, congratulations

From the heart, friend.

May the saint protect you

From trouble, illness.

Let Tatyana give strength

Smile and dream

Let her help you

Win all victories.

On Tatiana's day for you, my friend,

I wish that a violin plays in my soul,

So that an evil blizzard does not rage in it,

And a smile blossomed with kindness.

I wish you a good start

It grew and filled your thoughts,

So that you never moan helplessly,

Begging for mercy from life.

I wish you optimism

Love and magnetism,

Be healthy, beautiful,

Always the same sweet

In love and beloved,

Smiling, happy.

You are the best friend!

Happy Angel Day, Tanya!

Beautiful congratulations on Tatyana’s Day

Almost every one of us, in the past or present, pored over books, acquired new knowledge with all our might, or simply hoped for the leniency of teachers. Therefore, we are all somehow involved in this bright day.

In pre-revolutionary times, the whole district joined the student celebrations. So let's remember the tradition. Congratulate your loved ones and friends, because attention is never superfluous.

January dominates the world -

The 25th day has already begun!

Let it be frosty and windy outside -

Tatiana's day has come to us all!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

I wish you the best

Let this holiday inspire

For joy, happiness and goodness!

On the day of the feast of St. Tatiana,

That's more than three hundred years ago,

In Moscow, the queen opened

Russian University!

And Mikhailo Lomonosov himself

His first student was...

Find the answer to all questions!

May you reach scientific heights!

Congratulations, Tatyana!

Your holiday is coming!

Stay the best in the world!

I sincerely admire you!

Let your wishes come true easily,

And lucky, beauty, always!

Joy! Good luck! Prosperity!

So that you never feel sad!

Tatyana's day is today, with what can I

Congratulations to a fellow Moscow State University student!

And wish you good luck, happiness in your personal life,

So that the sessions pass only as “excellent”!

Tanya, Tanya,

On a bright winter holiday,

A mug with strong tea,

Cake, Cupid the Prankster

Congratulations are whispered,

Well, I'm worried...

I hug you tighter

And I admire you!

There is a special day in January -

It's called Tatyana!

Let it be frosty in the yard,

And in the heart the sun shines!

I want to wish you today

Good luck and success!

Go forward, don't be discouraged!

And joy and laughter!

How to congratulate Tatyana on January 25 in your own words

Tatiana's Day is a significant holiday. On this bright date, Christians venerate the martyr saint, and students celebrate the founding day of the first university in Moscow.

For those who were given the beautiful name Tatyana, January 25 is, first of all, an occasion to glorify their guardian angel. Thank heaven for help in difficult times.

On this day, we can wish all Tatianas not to deviate from the right path, to follow the righteous path, to believe in goodness and to adhere to their heavenly patroness.

Congratulations should contain the brightest wishes. After all, despite the fact that January 25 is student day, it is, first of all, the date of veneration of the Orthodox saint. In speeches you need to avoid obscene statements and ambiguous phrases.

Unleash your purest thoughts. Wish you strength of spirit, perseverance in the face of problems, faith, hope and love.

The most beautiful congratulations- those that are spoken from the heart in your own words. In our selection there are several examples, based on which you can easily write the same sincere wishes.

Send congratulations by message, sign a card, or say kind words in person.

Let your guardian angel never leave, so that his presence creates a feeling of happiness, warmth and security in your soul. I wish you harmony, peace of mind and prosperity in everything. Happy holiday!

Today, on Tatiana’s day, I want to wish you enviable perseverance in achieving your goals and a lot of strength to realize your plans. Let only the joyful and happy people who will charge you with optimism and positive energy. Strive forward to new knowledge and interesting discoveries!

Happy Angel Day! May Tatyana's day bring good luck and inspiration! May the desire to live and enjoy every day not leave you in the most difficult days! May every good deed be rewarded a hundredfold! And may the desire to do good never leave you!

Happy Tatyana's Day! I wish that the patron saint always guards and protects you. Let your life get better the best way and will bring a lot of joy. Love to you, charm, success, good luck, victories and achievements!

Dear and sweet Tatyana, I congratulate you on Angel’s Day. May your heart be shrouded in warmth and tenderness on this frosty winter day. I wish that every dream of yours soon becomes a reality, and that there is always room in your soul for new, sweet dreams. Let them only be nearby the best people, always ready to support you, understand and come to your aid.

Congratulations on Tatyana’s Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish that all the sorrows in life will be swept away by snowstorms, and spiritual sadness will be washed away by torrential rains. So that the bright rays of the sun give inspiration, and a light touch of the breeze makes you feel free. So that there are no obstacles or mistakes along the way, so that love blossoms in your heart every day.

I congratulate you, mom -
I wish you good health,
Let today, on Tatyana’s day,
Men will be drunk with you.

Let everything in the world succeed,
Luck itself will smile -
I wish you joy
And I congratulate you with all my heart!

Today is Tatyana's day,
Which means it's mother's day!
May all your plans come true!
I'm not too lazy to wish

Health and good luck,
May the Lord protect
Don't let Mommy cry
Let the sadness go away!

On Tatiana's day of the same name
I want to congratulate mommy.
Tatyana is the name of a gifted person,
The one who can fix everything,

The one who adores children
Lives with hope and love.
I wish you well on Tatyana’s day,
Mommy, happy holiday to you!

To my beloved mother
I dedicate these lines
I can't find you any closer,
Congratulations again today.

Tatiana's day did not come in vain
And gave us the mood,
I gladly found luck
And endless luck.

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On Tatyana's day I congratulate my mother,
And from my heart today I wish
Good luck to you, my beloved,
And always be in good mood.

Remain as sweet and kind as you are,
Of course, smile more often,
I wish you not to lose heart,
Find your love and happiness.

My mommy's name is Tatyana,
And the time has come to congratulate
Mom, I can’t find a flaw in you,
I want to wish today

So that your beauty and tenderness
It flared up like a fiery fire,
The look of impeccable vastness
Let all men be reflected in him!

My dear mother Tanya,
Your day has come today
You're the only one I have
I wish that the Lord gives

Have wonderful moments
Love, health, beauty,
Warmth, kindness and inspiration,
Incredibly beautiful!

Only the one that Tatyana
Long ago they called it
Always mysterious, pleasant
Will remain for the whole earth.

My beloved mother,
I want to wish you good health,
On Tatiana's day I love you -
I want to say this with all my heart!

Congratulations, mom!
Tatyana's day has come to us,
Stay wise yourself
May success find you!

Cool congratulations Happy Student's Day and Tatyana's Day. Celebrate the holiday Student's day– both students and all women with a name Tatiana. Here you can find humorous and cheerful congratulations students, as well as kind and nice wishes everyone - Tatyana. We recommend that you pay attention to the service: Congratulations on Student's Day online.

Today is Tatiana's day,
Which means it's mother's day!
May all your plans come true!
I'm not too lazy to wish
Health and good luck,
May the Lord protect
Don't let Mommy cry
Let the sadness go away!
Angel Tatyana's day has come,
May he give you a sea of ​​strength,
May only the best come to you
Luck will never let you down
Let your kindness guide you,
And it will save you from problems!
On Tatiana's day of the same name
I want to congratulate mommy.
Tatyana is the name of a gifted person,
The one who can fix everything,
The one who adores children
Lives with hope and love.

On Tatiana's Day to my beloved mother
Simple kind words
I want to wish you from my heart
Be on the crest, don’t lose heart!
Tatyana's day is a wonderful holiday,
Tatyana's day - and everything around
Let it be joyfully beautiful
Suddenly it will become magnificent!
With your great name
Move forward without knowing any obstacles
Make your dreams come true!
Tatiana! I want to tell you.
How beautiful and slim you are.
Your eyes are like two diamonds.
They look at me, sparkling.
Your lips are like a miracle.
The blush of the morning dawn!
I love you and will not forget you!
And I will always remember!

SMS congratulations on Tatyana's Day for mom

My beautiful Tatiana -
Goddess of beauty and love!
Be happy and desirable!
Go with luck at hand!
Happy Angel Day, my dear,
Congratulations to you today!
My mommy's name is Tatyana,
And the time has come to congratulate
Mom, I can’t find a flaw in you,
I want to wish today
So that your beauty and tenderness
Burned up like a fiery fire
My dear mother Tanya,
Your day has come today
You're the only one I have
I wish that the Lord gives
Have wonderful moments
Love, health, beauty,
Warmth, kindness and inspiration,
Incredibly beautiful!

Happy Tatyana's Day, I congratulate you!
Mommy, there is no one more beautiful in the world than you,
I always want to remain like this,
You give me warmth, care and light,
May there be only luck in your life,
My dear, never get sick,
You mean a lot in my life,
I want to hug you, mom, quickly!

My beloved mommy,
Happy Tatiana Day, dear, to you!
Bloom dear, smile,
Remain the best in the world.
Don't be sad, don't ever cry,
Always be cheerful and cheerful!

It’s customary, everyone congratulates Tatyana,
But for me, mommy, you are alone!
Today I wish you from the bottom of my heart:
May she be protected by an Angel!

I will ask God for health for you,
And I ask you to be happy!
On Angel's Day I wish with love,
May your mother's soul always bloom!

Dear mother, congratulations on your wonderful winter holiday- Tatyana's day! Let it be spring in your soul, despite the weather outside, and let your mood be summer. Let there be more colors, warmth, positivity and joy in life. May Saint Tatiana protect and answer your prayers!

Happy Angel of Heaven Day,
Happy wonderful day Tatiana,
Mommy, my love,
I congratulate you!

I want many years
You were happy.
Health and luck
I wish for you.

Be beautiful as always
Cheerful, young.
Let it be in your heart
Joyful, and there is peace in my soul!

My dear mother,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Let Tatyana whisper to you
Your covenant in the silence of the night.

On Angel's Day I wish
Happiness, peace, long years,
Bright days, bright dreams,
New, joyful victories.

Be healthy, dear,
Bet over problems
Let Tatyana give you
The power of light and love.

My dear mother,
Happy name day to you.
Congratulations on Tatyana's Day,
I wish only good things.

May your health be good,
May you not know trouble.
Let your road be colorful
Only gifts of fate.

How beautiful you are, Tatyana,
Artistic and smart.
May the holy intercessor
Always takes care of you.

Happy Tatyana's Day, mom. I wish you to always remain the best, kind, sweet, beautiful, wonderful and magnificent. Be healthy and tireless, charming and confident. And let every day bring joy, happiness, luck and success for my mom Tatyana without a catch, without a flaw, without grief or resentment.

Mom, my dear, dear,
May Tatyana's day bring you
Lots and lots of joy without end
And sweet moments, like honey!

I wish you to be healthy
May you fill your life with happiness!
I will repeat to you, mommy, again,
That I love you more than anyone!

Happy Tatyana's Day, mom. I wish you health, joy, energy, satisfied smiles on your face, happy moments in life and good luck in every business you start. Mommy, always be so brave, cheerful, confident and multifaceted. And may every day fulfill your wish.


Happy birthday greetings in verse

I want to wish my beloved mother
On Tatyana's day of good luck and health,
I sincerely love you, dear,
May your life be full of love!

Dear mother... You are dearer than anyone else in the world,
There is no person more valuable – that’s it!
And I love you with all my soul,
And I dedicate each line!

Poems on Tatyana's Day for mom

My dear mother Tanya,
Your day has come today
You're the only one I have
I wish that the Lord gives

Have wonderful moments
Love, health, beauty,
Warmth, kindness and inspiration,
Incredibly beautiful!

Happy Tatyana's Day poems to mom

Mommy, the holiday has come,
During the day he is called Tatyana!
The house has opened doors for love,
May the sun shine forever!

I wish you not to be sad,
Don't worry about trifles,
Always be happy yourself
Smile as often as possible!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day to mom

On Tatiana's day of the same name
I want to congratulate mommy.
Tatyana is the name of a gifted person,
The one who can fix everything,

The one who adores children
Lives with hope and love.
I wish you well on Tatyana’s day,
Mommy, happy holiday to you!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day for mother from daughter

Mommy Tanya! On Tatyana's day
I wish love a light,
Bright and bright, like you are my mother,
To clear life from fog.

So that only rainbows of bright colors
They surrounded you with their light!
To the magical rays of the sun
It was warm, penetrating through the window!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day to mother from her son

Beloved mother!
Happy Tatyana's Day!
Let the joy shine
In your gaze,

Forget about problems
Things can wait.
And let it be in your heart
Flowers will bloom!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day to mom

Today is Tatiana's day,
Which means it's mother's day!
May all your plans come true!
I'm not too lazy to wish

Health and good luck,
May the Lord protect
Don't let Mommy cry
Let the sadness go away!