Congratulations on your wedding 20 years together. Twenty wedding years. SMS congratulations on a porcelain wedding

What is the true indicator of family cohesion and mutual love? Ring on a finger? Maybe. Born children? Maybe too. But what most confirms love and affection is the fact of living together. And if right now you are thinking about what to give to your soulmate, then we hasten to congratulate you - you did it right choice on your life path.

20 years is a pretty solid period of time, which says a lot. Firstly, it says that your family managed to survive all the hardships and troubles that awaited you throughout this entire period. Secondly, if you are thinking about congratulations, it means that you are ready to live with your loved one for at least another 50 years. And isn’t it wonderful that after so many years you still want to pleasantly surprise and delight the person you love? Rest assured that we will help you in this endeavor.

On the Vlio website for the holiday of 20 years of marriage, congratulations are available in wide range. These are wonderful poetic works that you can use for their intended purpose right now, right today. All that is required of you is to make a choice and present your soulmate with congratulations for 20 years of marriage that are so beautiful and touching that the person will remember them for the rest of their lives. Good luck!

I'm in a hurry on the porcelain wedding, congratulations!
You've been together for twenty years! And I wish you
Love as before and even stronger
After all, there is nothing more important in this life!

May many wonderful things await you, spouses,
Give smiles and recognition to each other!
Let the children be rightfully proud of their family,
Don't let the poison of scandals into your house!

Congratulations on mobile

I am 20 years old to you, my beloved,
I dedicate myself to the core,
And always happy with you,
And every moment I glorify you.

I want to wish you today
May we be happy forever,
Come here, I want to hug you
May our love last forever!

We've lived together for twenty years,
There was a lot of happiness and troubles,
The children have grown up and the house is full,
Your smiles are becoming more and more beautiful!

We congratulate you on your porcelain wedding!
We wish your family only happiness!
Love each other tenderly and passionately,
Try not to let the flame of love go out!

God has given you a lot of patience -
After all, 20 years is a long time!
Not everyone can live together
So long, and yet to love.

I want to wish you happiness,
And from the bottom of my heart I want to say,
Let your dreams come true
I wish you sincere love!

20 years flew, ran, galloped,
You live nearby, together, without sorrows and without troubles
This wedding cup is only yours for today!
She is full of wonderful feelings, relationships are not in vain

Let the porcelain saucers laugh with joyful ringing sounds,
Let the porcelain plates sing a song in a beautiful choir!
Let all the people congratulate your family, friendly family!
Be happy, friends, may your family always bloom!

You have been living together for 20 years:
Side by side, and shoulder to shoulder!
Happy holiday to you together
I really want to congratulate you!

I wish you joy and happiness,
Love knows no bounds!
Everything in life is in our power,
Don't forget this!

Your wedding is called porcelain.
Your union is beautiful and harmonious,
Like a Sevres porcelain bowl:
Your whole life is a gentle sounding blues!

And twenty years later you love each other,
Like the ecstasy of the first years and days!
You are devoted, faithful spouses -
An example for growing children.

You have been a wonderful wife for 20 years,
Your family is wonderful, I won’t lie!
I wish you to be in love
And so that she loves with true love!

Girlfriend, I want to wish you
So that a lot of happiness awaits you in life,
I want to congratulate you and say -
May many miracles await you in your destiny!

At Chinese porcelain
There is a secret, which is not new.
You have lived together for a long time,
The secret was never revealed.
So, what is there, what is it striving for,
To achieve wisdom.
This always happens in life,
The secret has been studied for a long time.
Having experienced love and passion,
Knowing how not to get lost with her.
On your significant anniversary,
20 years is like 20 days
They flew by very quickly,
That you didn’t even see them.
If everything goes smoothly,
Life is very sweet
Because you know, friends,
Porcelain is fragile, like family.
But this is not a threat to you,
Love preserves your union.
Learned to give in and
You forgive offenses.
If you keep this up,
Then we will celebrate
Your wedding in silver,
We have never seen anything like this anywhere before.

Wedding anniversary - 20 years from the wedding day - porcelain wedding

Porcelain wedding celebrated through 20 years of marriage.
Festive table served with new porcelain dishes. It is also customary to give porcelain as a gift.

Twentieth anniversary of marriage - porcelain wedding. Porcelain is an expensive and very beautiful material, but if handled carelessly, it can break. Likewise, spouses who have lived together for twenty years should rejoice at such a long, wonderful union, while not forgetting that happiness is a fragile thing, but it is in their hands. The festive table, of course, is served with a porcelain set. This could also be a service gift given by one of the guests for the anniversary. You can also present the spouses with a tea or coffee set or two porcelain cups.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary - 20th wedding anniversary

Excitement and delight in the hearts
And even tears in my eyes:
Like before, twenty years ago,
Congratulations are heard again.
We've come a long way in life,
The family understood the meaning and essence
And on your twentieth anniversary
Appreciate each other more.
Fine porcelain on the table
As a symbol of purity in the family.
You've been wise for twenty years
They kept love and advice.
Yes, everything is fine in your family:
The house is rich in children and happiness,
Care, tenderness, warmth -
And that’s your merit.
And we are pleased to congratulate
A family where there is peace and grace,
Where the union of hearts is preserved
And fidelity, the strength of marriage bonds.
We congratulate you warmly!
We wish you endless love!
Let children bring joy to hearts
And happiness will never end!

Congratulations on the wedding anniversary of 20 years - porcelain wedding

That's two decades
Along the common road
You passed without knowing troubles,
Light and with a burden.
Hopes haven't grown old
Young strength
The look is deep, the voice is fresh
And fate is beautiful.
May love always keep
Continue to see you, dear ones.
And lucky star
It shines like for the first time!

Congratulations on 20 years of wedding - wedding anniversary

Twenty years is probably a long time,
But love doesn't fade.
Let from her earthly roads
Happiness doesn't go away.
May they always shine for you
And the Moon and the Sun,
And the cherished star
It won't fall from the sky.
Dear ones, from the heart
In inevitable everyday life
Great new roads for you,
Feelings of the desired former ones.

Congratulations on a porcelain wedding - 20 years wedding anniversary

How great is this?
If it's a friendly family!
We are with a porcelain wedding
Congratulations, friends!
Let the scarlet roses shine,
Only joy gives life!
20 years is a long time.
For your anniversary - a service.

Congratulations-toast on the wedding anniversary - 20 years of marriage

Once upon a time, the inhabitants of Ancient China invented the technology of making porcelain. And despite the fact that centuries later porcelain spread throughout the world, Chinese porcelain remains expensive and is valued above any other. So let's drink to the fact that the porcelain of your life together is not inferior in quality to Chinese!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary - 20 years since your wedding - porcelain wedding

Beautiful porcelain set!
And behind is a big life.
But ahead are roads, meetings,
Friends and bright destiny.
Live, don’t contradict happiness,
And if the load falls on your shoulders,
Let him be humane
Quite capable, as always.

Congratulations on the 20th wedding anniversary - anniversary - porcelain wedding

My friends and I argued:
What should I give you?
They took it and porcelained it,
So be it!
So that in the future, as you want,
It was bright for you.
And love will not end,
If you're lucky
Live in deep tenderness
In dear family,
In the sunny vastness
On native soil.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary - 20 years anniversary - porcelain wedding

Already twenty years ago
You have sealed our hearts forever.
A garden was laid for life together,
Which has been raised for many years.
We give you, of course, porcelain.
Let your relationship be also tender,
This is what we will focus on
Among the endless wedding wishes!

Congratulations and wishes in verse and prose

We are twenty years old, quite a long time.
Moreover, they are designed quite legally
You can’t remove even a couple of lines about this date
What Makarevich and Antonov sang
That there is a lot to understand
Forgive, wish, know, dream and believe
And what is in our twenty years later
Separation is a bitter loss
You are a “husband” for a reason for me
A dry word that gave legitimacy
For many years I know that you are my friend
Not bringing monotony into the relationship
And that's why I truly love you
I can't curb this feeling
But only, honey, I beg you
Love as before - this is art.

To live side by side for twenty years -
Here you have to love sincerely,
Sometimes compromise
A smile to touch the eyes.
May there be many years ahead
Life shines with good light
And let the family's hearth warm.
Blessed is this marriage!

Today is a significant and joyful day. 20 years ago, a worthy unit of society was formed on earth, bound by reliable and strong bonds of marriage. You are an exemplary example for everyone around you; I want to look up to your family. Over these twenty years, your social unit has experienced countless events - happy and not so happy, but in any situation you were a reliable and faithful support for each other. Happy porcelain wedding to you, dears! Let only peace and mutual understanding reign in your home. Treat each other, as before, with tender trepidation and let the mysterious spark of love and care for each other never fade in your eyes.

Life at a distance of twenty years -
This is a time of mistakes and a time of victories.
Well, in family life there is such an anniversary -
A glorious achievement for many families!
You have reached that milestone today
When everyone lives dearly to the hearth,
When the power of your love is great
Above quarrels and insults: they are easy to get around!
We wish you to preserve family happiness,
So that we can continue to live happily together!
May the light of your love always be with you,
May you live many more joyful years!

Today there is porcelain on the table,
The family is twenty years old!
There is a heartfelt conversation going on.
Love and advice to you!
And again Bitter! we scream
Just like twenty years ago.
May God protect the marriage
And do not meet obstacles!

Our dears! Twenty years ago, you also sat at the head of a rich table, accepting congratulations and listening to witty toasts in your honor. Today we will again shout bitterly to you!, give gifts and nice words. Nothing changed. You are also in love, and your eyes glow with tenderness for each other. However, some changes have occurred - during this time your family has grown, which is natural and gratifying. So let only pleasant changes happen in your life from now on. Advice and love to you!

It’s been twenty years since you’ve been celebrating your Porcelain Wedding today. We went through a lot together, experienced different things, both bad and good. They were able to carry their love through the decades. Porcelain is a beautiful, expensive, but very fragile material; today it symbolizes your family happiness. It is priceless, but always remember that it must be cherished and protected, because happiness is only in your hands and you support it with your warmth and love for each other. We wish you peace in your home, harmony in your family, and pride in the children you raised. Be always happy, happy anniversary!

Tenderness is hidden behind fragile porcelain.
The look of your lover will reveal the secret.
You just became each other's support.
It's just that you've been together for twenty years.
Congratulations on this event,
May your life be full of happiness.
We wish you sunny days and good luck,
To drown drunk in love again.

Wedding porcelain shines,
You have been living together for twenty years,
Today there is a friendly choir of friends,
Sings a huge song to love!
The idea of ​​our song is so simple:
"Love inspires your souls!"
After all, we know for sure
She guards your hearth!

The glass anniversary has already rung,
And you invited us to visit again,
To give you a toast to a long family life,
The “porcelain wedding” has been “washed”, so to speak.
And we are glad to see, as for so many years,
You look at each other with tenderness,
Carrying your love like a light,
You raise your children with dignity.
So let him continue to be a guiding star,
You will not be left on your way by being capricious.
May good luck, harmony, earthly peace,
You are led by the hand through this life.

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Porcelain is a beautiful and at the same time expensive material, which can easily break if handled carelessly. If a couple celebrates their 20th wedding anniversary, then this anniversary is called a porcelain wedding. Spouses who have lived together for such a long time, on the one hand, should rejoice at such a long union, but on the other hand, do not forget that family happiness is a fragile thing, but everything is in the hands of lovers.
On a wedding anniversary, 20 years are usually collected beautiful table, serve it with a porcelain set. Relatives and close friends are invited, if finances allow, then a whole celebration is organized according to a specific scenario, distributed among all guests beautiful congratulations With a pearl wedding, the process of gift giving is played out. Speaking of gifts, for a porcelain wedding people usually choose beautiful porcelain items, a coffee set, a tea set or a pair of porcelain cups. Choose your 20th anniversary carefully, pay attention to the sincerity of your words, and ensure that your wishes for the spouses come from the heart.

Excitement and delight in the hearts
And even tears in my eyes:
Like before, twenty years ago,
Congratulations are heard again.
We've come a long way in life,
The family understood the meaning and essence
And on your twentieth anniversary
Appreciate each other more.
Fine porcelain on the table
As a symbol of purity in the family.
You've been wise for twenty years
They kept love and advice.
Yes, everything is fine in your family:
The house is rich in children and happiness,
Care, tenderness, warmth -
And that’s your merit.
And we are pleased to congratulate
A family where there is peace and grace,
Where the union of hearts is preserved
And fidelity, the strength of marriage bonds.
We congratulate you warmly!
We wish you endless love!
Let children bring joy to hearts
And happiness will never end! Beautiful porcelain set!
And behind is a big life.
But ahead are roads, meetings,
Friends and bright destiny.
Live, don’t contradict happiness,
And if the load falls on your shoulders,
Let him be humane
Quite capable, as always. Twenty years is a decent amount of time.
And my son has grown up a long time ago,
But love is a joy and soon.
From donated porcelain
Let the park be a living miracle
Rising now.
Your miracle is a beautiful house,
The gaze is smiling and clear,
Yes, there is always hope
There will be good years. How great is this?
If it's a friendly family!
We are with a porcelain wedding
Congratulations, friends!
Let the scarlet roses shine,
Only joy gives life!
20 years is a long time.
For your anniversary - a service. 20 years flew by in an instant!
Your feelings are already twenty years old!
We lived them together as we sang them!
Keeping your sacred vow!
And the porcelain of love with a brilliant luster
Colors your happiness for two!
And the bride has a beautiful blush!
And the groom is still in love!
------We express our respect to you.
Your family is worthy of admiration!
Happy twenty year anniversary to you, friends!
You live in harmony, keeping love!

You always stand up for each other,
Live together! We are very happy for you!
We wish you happiness for many years to come!
Advice to you, love and peace forever! Today is the wedding anniversary
And for the twentieth time
You are surrounded by people
That they love you very much.
To the shouts of “Bitter!” again and again
Kiss for an encore.
Live as if it were love -
Porcelain service!
She is beautiful and fragile
But in order to save her,
Never forget
About the tenderness of first meetings!

Twenty years ago we had a wedding,
Twenty years - a happy family!
There is a car, an apartment, there is a manor,
You have children and you have friends!
May everything continue to be ok:
May your home be a full cup,
And everything in your family will be smooth,
And love burns with fire in our hearts!

Congratulations to the wife on her 20th wedding anniversary

Dear, I congratulate you on your anniversary!
We have lived with you for 20 whole years!
And all these years I have been a happy man,
After all, you are such a wife that there is simply nothing better!

I feel comfortable living with you... I enjoy being with you...
There is no stronger family in the world than ours!
And I am very glad that in the vast world
One day our paths could cross! My dear wife!
You're the only one I have!
We lived 20 years
And there is no happier family!
I love you very much
I give it to you from the bottom of my heart
Porcelain of wondrous beauty!
Prepare me dinner
Festive, not simple!
Set the table beautifully
Feed very tasty
And then - hug!
I'll try somehow
Can't fall asleep right away at night,
So that, as best I can, you
Thank you lovingly!
And seriously I will say:
I value you very much,
You are a wonderful wife
I really, really need it!

Happy 20th wedding anniversary to husband

Dear, congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy porcelain wedding to you!
20 years since you are the husband and I am the wife,
We have a nice family!

I wish you a lot of happiness,
Okay, let all things go,
Let thunderstorms and bad weather pass by,
Life will be full of light and warmth! - I didn’t think that I could
Be a faithful husband for 20 years,
But I love you very much -
There are no others, no!

And happy anniversary now
I want to congratulate my wife,
And tell her once again -
That I love you alone! I am 20 years old to you, my beloved,
I dedicate myself to the core,
And always happy with you,
And every moment I glorify you.

I want to wish you today
May we be happy forever,
Come here, I want to hug you
May our love last forever!

Cool congratulations on the 20th wedding anniversary

Friends! You've been together for twenty years!
Again Love and Advice to you!
Live, don't worry,
Treasure each other!
To make the morning more beautiful
Let your husband get up early
Without bothering my wife,
Let him cook breakfast!
And it's just as fair
May the evening be happy
Wife let the dinner be delicious
He cooks it up skillfully!
And so that you are in shape,
Let the night be languid
Do some exercise
Leading to weight loss
To those who give health -
Not sex, but love!
Live soul to soul,
Let the family be friendly
We wish you prosperity!
Once again, congratulations!

Congratulations on a pearl wedding to a friend

Girlfriend, you are a wife and mother -
You keep the hearth of your family.
Today is your holiday -
Twentieth wedding anniversary!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you happiness, grace,
Let everything be as you want!
Live and enjoy your luck! You have been a wonderful wife for 20 years,
Your family is wonderful, I won’t lie!
I wish you to be in love
And so that she loves with true love!

Girlfriend, I want to wish you
So that a lot of happiness awaits you in life,
I want to congratulate you and say -
May many miracles await you in your destiny!

Congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary from a friend

20 years have flown by like a month!
Friend, happy porcelain wedding to you!
I wish you smiles and laughter!
And, of course, more goodness!

Let there be no trace of quarrels in the family!
May you be lucky in everything!
Let love grow stronger every day
Warms your cozy home! I wish you, my friend,
So that you don't forget your friends,
Your happy family
Worthy of all praise!

And from the bottom of my heart I want to say -
You deserve this happiness
You always respected your wife
And he lived with her for 20 years!

We lived together for 20 years,
The two of them walked hand in hand.
Yesterday there was still a bride and groom,
Today mommy and daddy.

Just as porcelain is fragile, so is marriage!
Cherish it and keep it!
Fate gave you one sign -
This is what you always strive for!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
We are giving for your anniversary!
Even if it's just a couple of lines,
But they will warm your soul!

20 years have passed in an instant,
We remember the wedding like yesterday,
Crazy fun
And partying until the morning!

We sold out all the porcelain,
To give it to you,
You lived in love for 20 years,
And they were able to give birth to children.

We wish you good luck,
So that, passing all the years,
You solved all the problems
Those that life has presented!

Porcelain wedding - 20 years,
Congratulations on your wonderful anniversary,
Best friends came today
They wish you health, happiness,
Much love for many years to come.
And even if it's a little difficult at times,
We wish you saved the porcelain
Before the emerald wedding.

May this year of your life together be as beautiful as painting on porcelain, only a hundred times stronger than this fragile material. On your 20th wedding anniversary, we wish you love like the first time, good luck in difficult times, incomparable happiness, healthy health. And now all this will come to you twentyfold.

Porcelain wedding,
Grace in everything
Hearty congratulations
And we give you... porcelain.

You've been together for 20 years
But the tenderness has not faded away,
Your family secret
Kept in your happiness.

Porcelain rain
Let it flow slowly
The joy of new days to you,
And gives serenity.

20 years, porcelain wedding,
I wish you happiness and love.
May peace always reign in your soul,
Be close, like ships at sea.

Take care of each other with tenderness,
You give joy and care.
Fall asleep together, wake up,
And you love each other all your life!

20 years ago you exchanged rings,
And they swore allegiance to each other that day,
May all your days of love be bright,
We are all here today to congratulate you!

Let life be elegant like porcelain,
But pay attention to the little things,
May your health be excellent
Your love will remain for centuries!

Porcelain dishes
And the wedding is 20 years old.
Accept this bride
Bouquet of beautiful roses.

Don't smash cups together
Well, let the hearts beat.
And every moment
The angels are laughing at you.

Let the work go on
And there will be less to do.
Hurry up to love now
After all, this is your destiny.

Treasure each other
Like porcelain saucers.
And live to be a hundred years old,
Without grief, troubles and disputes.

You've been married for twenty years.
Happiness and reciprocity to you, friends.
After all, you are like two strong ropes,
And I sincerely want to congratulate you.

Together you, what a blessing it is,
You can forgive each other everything.
And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a clear day or bad weather,
Never stop loving!

Today you and I are anniversaries,
Let them call it whatever they want,
But for some reason the fanfare doesn't sound,
And it’s strange that they don’t beat the drums.

After all, twenty years is a serious road,
And again we are like the first time together,
And the music, well, maybe a little.
We'll finish our song together.

Twenty years have flown by like a fast train,
All that remains is smoke of memories,
But the anniversary is made of pure porcelain,
Around, whether we want it or not.

Such years are not a toy,
And as if for the first time, there’s a hand in my hand,
I am your friend, and you are my friend,
And our friendship is like porcelain, strong.