Congratulations on July 8th. Happy Family Day of love and fidelity, congratulations to the closest ones. Poems dedicated to Family Day of love and fidelity

On the day of family, love and fidelity,
On the All-Russian holiday
I wish you happiness and goodness
To all family and friends.

So that you live in love,
They remained faithful to her,
Your families are friendly
Happy to be.

Congratulations on Family Day,
Happy day of love and fidelity,
May everyone have a family
It will be the main value.

I want to live in love,
Keeping loyalty to her,
Let the hearth not cool down
Homemade without fire.

The house will be a full cup,
Children's laughter rings,
Loyalty and love to family
Keeps each one.

Happy Family Day!
I wish you love,
Maintain loyalty in every possible way,
You can't live without her.

Let the feelings become stronger,
Living in love is much easier.
It's so good to be a family
Love and goodness reign in her!

Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day
Congratulations with pleasure!
And I wish you a sea of ​​tenderness,
There is happiness and tranquility in the family.

To strengthen the marriage bond,
So that there is peace and harmony in the house,
Returned so that what was lost
Grace came.

To make your heart happy,
Difficulties were overcome.
I wish: be happy
On the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity!

Summer day of family, love,
Here are my congratulations.
Good luck and luck in everything,
All wishes come true.

Happiness to your home and kindness,
Warmth to close people.
Understandings in personal life,
Let things go great!

There is a wonderful and bright holiday,
He refers to sacred values.
After all, love, family, and even fidelity
More expensive than pieces of gold bars!

Not everyone will understand, not many will appreciate,
But there is no more important place on earth,
Than the family that waits for you and appreciates you
And he remains faithful despite everything!

Live happily all those who appreciate the couple,
Who will not betray on the path of life.
After all, to love a little is not enough,
It is more important to carry love through life!

I sincerely wish everyone today:
Let everyone have a strong family,
So that we value and protect each other,
So that fidelity with love warms hearts.

Let the radiant sun come into your home,
Let it always be light and cozy.
I send you my energy of joy.
Be happy everyone. Take care of your family.

Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day,
I hasten to congratulate you, friends,
I wish you joy and tenderness,
May you live with sincere love!

So that bad weather avoids you,
It ran as fast as it could,
So that happiness settles in the house,
May luck flow to you like a river!

This holiday is very ancient,
It was forgotten by us for a long time.
In the new millennium
It has been rediscovered.

This date was celebrated
In honor of Fevronia and Peter.
Loyalty and love remain
With this couple forever.
And today we will meet -
All-Russian Family Day!

There is family, love and loyalty -
Life has been great!
On this holiday I wanted
I wish you happiness.

Take care of your fortress
And don't quarrel rashly.
Peace in the family is very important,
It's easier to live together.

Let all your dreams come true.
There will be joy, harmony, peace,
To create, dream, laugh!
And love to you - unearthly!

For 10 years now, Russia has been celebrating one of the brightest, kindest and most pious holidays on July 8 - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The initiative to celebrate it was taken by residents of the city of Murom, which houses the relics of the holy married couple - Peter and Fevronia.

In Orthodoxy, these saints are the main patrons of family happiness, fidelity and the values ​​of marriage. Their life example of marriage still inspires today, so it is not surprising that they have become one of the main symbols of this holiday. Despite the fact that the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is a relatively young holiday, it has already acquired its own traditions.

For example, on this day it is customary to give bouquets of daisies to dear people - flowers that symbolize pure and selfless love. Another tradition of this day is beautiful congratulations Happy Family Day 2018 in poetry and prose. Most often, for beloved halves (husband/wife) they choose wishes that are touching to tears, for moms and dads - congratulations in pictures and postcards, for friends - funny and short poems for SMS. In our article today you will find many of the best options for congratulations on Family, Love and Fidelity Day 2018, including photos of new pictures that are ideal for family and friends.

Probably the most popular congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity 2018 can be called wishes in verse that are touching to tears. They are great for congratulating loved ones, family, friends, and colleagues. With the help of such congratulations, you can design postcards or themed pictures for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. And if you choose short and touching congratulations on Family Day, then such wishes are also suitable for SMS format. Best options the most touching congratulations, including short ones, you will find Happy Family Day in the following selection.

Family is a fortress, family is a home.
It should be a cozy nest for you!
The bliss of comfort and the babbling of children
More expensive than any of the most delicious sweets!
Love each other, love your home,
Love the family that is in it.
Appreciate your loved ones, respect, cherish,
With the warmth of your hands you will warm each other!
I wish you happiness for many years to come,
Good friends and beautiful weather.
And tender feelings and pleasant moments to you,
And always the most wonderful impressions!

The words "family, love and fidelity"
They carry great meaning.
Where there is family, there is always tenderness,
Where there is love, they are always waiting for us,
And where there is loyalty, they trust
Without unnecessary and unnecessary phrases.
Let these feelings flourish
And they surround us with happiness!

Happy holiday, dear ones!
Happy Day of love and tenderness,
Our dears!
Let there be no reasons
And reasons for quarrels,
May prosperity
Will not leave the house.
Happiness and health
To your whole family,
Sunny weather
In the house and in the soul!

Since the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is directly related to marriage and its values, beautiful congratulations in verse to your beloved husband are especially popular on this day. Of course, men also prepare congratulations to their beloved women and wives in poetry or prose for Family Day. But you must admit, we don’t have many holidays when women themselves prepare declarations of love and fidelity. That is why Family Day 2018 is a wonderful occasion to say the warmest and kindest words to your loved one.

The following selection of the most beautiful poems to your beloved husband on Family Day good congratulations is waiting for you next.

My beloved, there is no one dearer.
I'm happy that you and I are family.
And instantly goosebumps cover the skin,
When you just look at me.
And I congratulate you on Family Day,
I appreciate your care and loyalty.
I promise to be by your side forever.
And know that I love you very much.

Congratulations to you, my beloved,
Happy family holiday.
I promise to love you
Be faithful to me.
And let there not be in our family
Sad days, melancholy.
I will remain faithful to you,
And you love me.
And let us, in the family nest
Happiness is overflowing.
And you, my beloved husband
Don't let go of your hands.

I congratulate you, husband, on your day
Family, love and fidelity,
I wish that you and I
Tenderness was always enough.
To maintain loyalty to each other,
Changing year after year,
The family grew and became stronger,
She lived without knowing any worries.
I wish that your love
We carefully kept
So that day after day, year after year
We loved more.

Short congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in prose or poetry - ideal for SMS format. Such short congratulations Happy Family Day SMS can be sent to both relatives and friends and acquaintances. To congratulate colleagues via SMS: short wishes fit perfectly.

You will find short options for congratulations on Family Day via SMS below.

If you take
Love and loyalty
Add to them
Feeling tenderness
Multiply everything
For years
It will work out -

Happy Family Day, Happy Fidelity Day!
Happy holiday, dear ones!
Happy Day of love and tenderness,
Our dears!
Let there be no reasons
And reasons for quarrels,
May prosperity
Will not leave the house.

On the Day of Love, Family and Fidelity
I wish you affection, tenderness,
So that everyday life doesn’t bog you down
And the fire of love burned.

Another good format of short congratulations for SMS is wishes for Family Day, love and fidelity in pictures and postcards. Such short and beautiful congratulations can be sent to your beloved husband, good friend or parents.

Beautiful and touching to tears congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in verse or prose - a wonderful tradition of the holiday in honor of Saints Peter and Fevronia.

On this wonderful day, it is customary to congratulate not only your beloved husband/boyfriend, wife/girlfriend, but also mom and dad, friends, comrades, and acquaintances. We hope that new cool options for wishes from our selections with photo cards and pictures will help you adequately congratulate your loved ones on this wonderful day!

The poster of events for the holiday of Peter and Fevronia in each city is individual, including in Murom, so I advise you to check the schedule on site, but for now I suggest choosing and downloading for free beautiful pictures for husband, wife for the holiday.

Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day!

Be happy always

- kindness, warmth and tenderness to you,

So that it lasts for a year,

Beauty and understanding,

Live without stupid arguments, quarrels,

So that the desire does not fade away

Fan the fire of love!

Happy family holiday

And pure sincere love!

May he bring you goodness

It will save you from all adversity.

Let your friends be faithful

And only the family will become stronger.

And in the world there are lies and tinsel

Make way for good!

I hasten to congratulate you on Family Day,

I wish you to live without troubles,

And leave you descendants,

Live without grief for many years!

Like a cutlet for buckwheat,

A delicious pancake with sour cream -

Let these two men

They will be together as one!

After all, family is not easy,

May heaven protect you.

Let your eyes shine like stars

From love 100 years in a row!

Mommy and daddy, my darlings,

I wish you joy and love on this day!

Dad, stay on mom's shoulder

Mom, I’ll come visit and bake some pies!

There will be a time to quickly knit our days,

I will tell fortunes on a chamomile with leaves:

How much rainbow happiness have you been given in life?

There are as many stars in the sky as there are in the movies!

Let the sun spin like a daisy

In the skies above your head,

Let your soul be quivering, hot,

There is happiness, comfort and peace in the house!

Family is true happiness!

Love, the other half,

And children are the fruit of mutual passion,

Consent between a woman and a man.

May your family be with you forever

In first place remains

Only this is the happiness of a person,

And in life he will achieve everything!

The symbol of the holiday is chamomile!

Pure and simple flower!

Symbol of fidelity and happiness -

Delicate white petal!

Let in beautiful holiday this,

The tables will be full!

Smiling with happiness -

Families of the whole big country!

Daughter, happy family day to you!

Congratulations and love,

I wish you fidelity, love,

So that you, without losing heart,

She continued to live beautifully,

I didn't have any worries!

May you always be lucky

Happiness in life all year round!

Happy day of love and family, dear,

I hasten to say again:

I don’t know how I would live without you.

I cherish every moment with you!

I adore you more and more.

As much as I can, I adore you!

I'm lucky to have you! I don’t believe it myself!

And this makes me love you more!

Family is our wealth

And a divine gift from above!

I wish you not to part

And always be together everywhere!

On this holiday I wish you family

To love and appreciate each other,

And tender feelings and affection,

I wish you a strong family,

Have love and loyalty too,

After all, this is more valuable than all things,

And the feeling is wider than the whole earth.

Today is the day of those very words

I really want to congratulate you,

And leave those words in your hearts:

Family and loyalty and love!

Friends, look at the pictures I have chosen for you on Peter and Fevronia’s Day, there are daisies, love and warmth of family, everything is brought together.

Happy day of family, love and fidelity

We hasten to congratulate you.

This is a holiday of friendship, tenderness

And romantic souls.

Let them be renewed every day

Your feelings are endless

And they rush towards each other

Hearts in love again!

Send free postcards for the Day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom to your loved ones with family well-being and happiness.

The symbol of this holiday, which is celebrated on July 8, is the chamomile; this flower was not chosen in vain; it is depicted in many pictures.

Love is born in the family,

When you show concern for your neighbor,

You worry deep in your soul,

Making efforts and work for the good.

Today, on Family Day, we wish you happiness.

Let the holiday be merry and playful,

And all bad weather bypasses,

Peace and positivity reign in my soul.

Friends, I have collected for you the best and newest pictures of congratulations on Family Day of Love and Fidelity. Download them for free, send them to your wife, husband, your family, wish them long and shared years of life with your loved ones.

Media news

Partner news

July 8th is celebrated in Russia Dayfamilies.

Family is the most important thing that was, is and will be in the soul of each of us. I believe that everyone understands this and remembers this. And on May 15, International Family Day, we can once again congratulate each other and thank each other.

International Day of Families was established by the UN General Assembly in 1993. The establishment of this day is intended to draw public attention different countries to numerous family problems. According to the UN Secretary-General, when the fundamental rights of one family are violated, the unity of the entire human family of which they are members is threatened.

Family Day allows us to once again think about the importance of family in our lives and show attention to loved ones. After all, without them our life would be empty and joyless. Every person needs a family, with rare exceptions.

Happy Family Day Poems

Family is friendship, stability, comfort.
Family is a place where they believe and wait.
Where anyone will be accepted, understood and forgiven,
Where a smile and a loving look rule.
In a family, everything is always shared among everyone:
Problems, good luck and joyful laughter.
So be a strong happy family,
Then sadness will pass you by!

Happy day of family, love and fidelity
We send you congratulations.
The aroma of wonderful tenderness
Let your home be filled!
Let the words of recognition ring out,
And there will be no end to them!
Let your wishes come true
Hearts beat in unison!

We hasten to congratulate you on a wonderful day.
Family is a strong support for us in life.
It contains the harmony of the soul,
Words, actions, thoughts change.
Let love not eclipse the wonderful light
Resentment, disagreement and jealousy.
We wish you happy days and years.
Keep your feelings, your loyalty!

for highlighting">We see the family as a fortress,
Every year we feel maturity.
It is comfortable and reliable,
You act at ease.

WITH International Day I congratulate the families,
I wish you wonderful relationships in your family.
Let the walls of the house constantly protect,
And they don’t let trouble come to the door at all.

for highlighting">How wonderful is Family Day!
Where are all my pants?

Our house is shaking -
Children are jumping, everything is upside down!

And the dog calmly
Eats my socks quite...

And songs are heard from the kitchen,
There my wife cooks for us to eat!

How glad I am! I have -
There is such a family!

On July 8, Russia celebrates the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The holiday is dedicated to family ties, sacrifice in love, kindness and honesty of spouses. The story of Peter and Fevronia, loving spouses, who lived centuries ago, captivates hearts today. The holiday is named in honor of the loyalty of the prince and his wife, who lived their entire lives in harmony and left her on the same day. The date of the event was not chosen spontaneously. It was on July 8, buried in different tombs, that they were discovered again together, in one coffin. Their love continues forever, setting an example for today's families. According to tradition, on Family Day 2016, the country will host events dedicated to strengthening family relations. In the capital of Russia, concerts of children's groups will be given, animator competitions, games, dances, and sports competitions will be held. On the Day of Fidelity, all families, strong in their love and friendship, will be congratulated in poetry and prose by their friends, relatives, and colleagues. On July 8, you can greet acquaintances who are proud of their strong family relationships with a postcard, a short SMS, or a letter.

History of the Family Day holiday and modern traditions, events on July 8

The story of love and loyalty of the Murom prince Peter and the healer Fevronia, who lived in the 13th century, was described three centuries ago. The young ruler of Murom, who fell ill with leprosy, was melting before our eyes. None of the doctors who arrived to treat Peter could help the prince. The young ruler had almost given up, fighting his illness, when he had a prophetic dream about a young girl. The vision made it clear: the girl would heal the prince, but she would have to become his wife. The girl was found: it was young Fevronia from near Ryazan. Everything happened as the dream predicted. Peter was cured and married Fevronia. Having lived together for many years, they never for a single moment allowed each other to doubt their loyalty. Even after death, which occurred on the same day, June 25 (July 8), their bodies ended up in the same tomb. Later, the faithful spouses were canonized. In 2002, the Christian traditions of fidelity and love in families were first supported in Murom. Residents of the city proposed establishing a special holiday. The idea inspired everyone: six years later, the holiday was approved at the state level. Since 2008, annual events have been held in Russia, dedicated to the holiday. These are concerts and performances, charity sales, competitions, cyclo-crosses, races: everything related to healthy family leisure.

Congratulations in verse on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity 2016 for your beloved husband and wife

July 8, 2016, on Family Day, congratulate with poetry those for whom the example of love and fidelity of Peter and Fevronia did not remain simply a beautiful fairy tale. Today in the media there is a lot of talk about the original polygamy of men, their natural desire to take possession of as many women as possible. Christian love is not like that. The principles of morality are, in fact, supported in many families, and not only Orthodox ones. Loving wife and the husband can live in harmony, without thinking about possessing the body of another person. It is precisely these people, your friends, that you should congratulate on Friday, July 8th. If you are embarrassed by the very idea of ​​reciting a poem, sign a cute Family Day card with rhyming lines.

On Family Day I wish peace to the bird
Settle in your skies
So that the apartment is cozy,
Let the house be filled with kindness.
To children's laughter rushed around briskly,
Reflected by the sparkles of the stars,
And health filled my veins,
Illuminating your blood with happiness.
So that your friends visit you often,
So that the friendship is strong -
May all sorrows escape forever,
Let music play in our hearts.

What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,
They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your way with kindness!
Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.
The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.
Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land!

You are in a hurry to celebrate family day,
And accept our congratulations on the day of love:
So that there are children, a home, a hearth, warmth,
May you be lucky in all your endeavors,
So that sadness passes over your house,
So that you encounter fewer adversities,
So that you don’t be sad about anything in life,
Love would live in you like a ray of sunshine.

Short congratulations and SMS in verse for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity 2016

Unfortunately, our friends do not always live as close to us as we would like. To faithful spouses, their children and grandchildren, send short congratulations by mail or SMS by phone. Don't forget about your friends and appreciate their loyalty.

Warmth to you, reciprocity, faith
into each other, each other and into feelings,
insight and harmony - without measure...
And appreciate love as art!

This holiday is wonderful
May all families smile.
And words of gratitude
Let their hearts be filled.

I wish on family day
Happiness, joy, love!
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
Fill the house with comfort!

Congratulations in prose on Family Day, love and fidelity 2016 to your husband or wife

In 2016, Family Day falls on a working day, Friday. Celebrated throughout the country, this holiday of love is not a day off. This means that family employees will definitely be congratulated in their teams and at work. In some places they organize festive tables. A surge in marriage registrations is expected in Russian registry offices on July 8. During the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds will be reminded that they are building their family on a significant day: the Day of Loyalty and Love. Civil registry office workers, congratulating the newlyweds in prose, will give them parting words for a long family life, like Peter and Fevronia’s.

On this wonderful Day of family, love and fidelity - the most... nice words and wonderful wishes. Let your home be filled with laughter and comfort, let it be crowded family table! Let those whom you truly expect and love come to visit, and let everything that is truly valuable to you happen!

Congratulations on a holiday that is dear to every person - Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day! Wish Have a good mood, excellent good health, mutual understanding in the family and, of course, great love in life, because it is this that gives meaning to existence!

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday that makes every family person happy - Happy Family Day, love and fidelity! On this holiday, I sincerely wish to enjoy life and appreciate my loved ones, because they make our lives happy and varied! May everything be fine with you!

Cards and congratulations on Family Day 2016

When congratulating your spouse this year with a postcard on July 8th, tell him how much you appreciate, love and respect him. Let him understand once again that he is your only half. Write kind, sincere words from yourself or choose beautiful quotes about family and love.

On Family Day 2016, give your loved ones a little more attention. Let them know that you love them: congratulate your husband, wife, children in your own words in prose, give your loved ones a postcard with wonderful words about devotion. Don't forget about your friends: you can send them short SMS or email. In the evening, attend an event together, traditionally dedicated to this good holiday.

The initiative to approve the holiday - the day of marriage, love, fidelity in honor of the Orthodox Christian couple came from S. Medvedeva, the wife of the President of the Russian Federation. Fevronia and her husband Peter are an example of family relationships: understanding, support, piety. Many stories have been written in their honor. According to legends, the peasant daughter Fevronia cured Prince Peter of his illnesses, after which they got married. Having inherited the reign, the boyars demanded that Peter leave the peasant woman. Not wanting to be separated, the family left Murom. The struggle for the throne began, and as a result, the boyars had to bow to the prince. Upon their return, everything improved, pacified, and thus they earned honor and respect. Three hundred years later, this couple was canonized as saints, patrons of the family. In Russia, this day is officially celebrated on July 8th. Holiday Events take place in every city, every family. Family is one of the main values ​​of humanity. The symbol of the holiday was a flower - chamomile. This award is given to families who have lived together for more than one year, experienced different events, but despite everything managed to maintain love and fidelity.

May your family give you joy
And the warmth of home
Let understanding reign in her,
Respect, kindness.

And love and loyalty will be
In your life forever
And don't let that change
No separation, no year.

There are many values ​​in the world,
But family is most important.
And it won’t be more important
Nothing and no one.

Family is a fortress, family is a home.
It should be a cozy nest for you!
The bliss of comfort and the babbling of children
More expensive than any of the most delicious sweets!

Love each other, love your home,
Love the family that is in it.
Appreciate your loved ones, respect, cherish,
With the warmth of your hands you will warm each other!

I wish you happiness for many years to come,
Good friends and beautiful weather.
And tender feelings and pleasant moments to you,
And always the most wonderful impressions!

Family is the main criterion, believe me!
Value family! Take care and believe!
Family is a home, these are children, relatives,
Nice and dear parents!

Love, understanding, attention and affection...
Family is a miracle and a heavenly fairy tale,
Reliability, support, desire, success
And children's beautiful and joyful laughter!

Let fun always reign in your life,
Care, love, striving for excellence.
Let the family always be the standard,
Let your eyes shine with happiness!

If you take
Love and loyalty
Add to them
Feeling tenderness
Multiply everything
For years
It will work out -

Family is important
Family is cool
Definitely in the family
Someone needs you.
Always take care and appreciate
What do you have?
After all, if you break it -
Then you won’t be able to glue it together.
I wish you
Love and comfort
And family happiness
Not for a minute
And so that for life
It was definitely enough
May the sun be yours
Even at night it was shining!

The words "family, love and fidelity"
They carry great meaning.
Where there is family, there is always tenderness,
Where there is love, they are always waiting for us,
And where there is loyalty, they trust
Without unnecessary and unnecessary phrases.
Let these feelings flourish
And they surround us with happiness!

Happy Family Day to you, dears,
Happiness, joy, love,
Be faithful, love,
And take care of each other.

Live happily in your family,
Be faithful sincerely,
Enjoy each other
And you don't need anything!

On Family Day, forget quarrels,
All the grievances and strife,
You will smile at each other
And hug tighter.

May everything be fine with you,
The house is warm - friendly, comfortable,
For many wonderful years
Of course you were together!

The first value in Russia is family!
The hearth of the house warms us, always loving us.
My relatives will join hands,
You won't find a friendlier family in the world.
Joy and laughter surround us all,
And together we will certainly succeed,
Loyalty, love and smiles of hearts.
Every father dreams of this!
Every mother protects peace!
Guys, appreciate it, you have been given happiness -
Every family has one, of course!