Creating a jacket pattern for a 12 year old girl. School uniform patterns. Jacket pattern for a girl: take measurements

Summer is quickly coming to an end, and with it school break. On September 1, boys and girls will sit down at their desks again and meet their classmates and teachers. And in order for them to be comfortable at school, they need a comfortable school uniform. We have already published patterns for a jacket, trousers and a shirt for a boy, and now, due to your numerous requests, we offer a pattern for a jacket for a girl.

This is a jacket for girls with reliefs, pockets with rounded flaps and two-seam sleeves - a real find for the first cool days of September! And with the help of our step by step instructions you can sew such a jacket yourself.

ADVICE! So that the patterns open in full size– open each in a new window!

Jacket pattern for a girl: take measurements

Rice. 1. Pattern of a jacket for a girl – take measurements

To create a jacket pattern, we will need to take the following measurements (size 32):

Height – 128 cm

--------------–1/2 volume

Chest circumference – 64 cm 32 cm

Waist circumference – 54 cm 27 cm

Hip circumference – 66 cm 33 cm

Neck circumference – 28 cm 14 cm

Shoulder length – 10 cm
Arm length – 40 cm
Back length to waist (DTS) – 28 cm
Length of front to waist (accident) – 30 cm
Back width (ShS)
Chest Width (WH)
The length of the jacket at the back is about 43 cm.

The increase in looseness of fit to the half-circumference of the chest is 3 cm. Distribute the increase as follows: to the back - 0.7 cm, to the armhole - 1 cm, to the front - 1.3 cm.

How to measure the back width (BW) and chest width (SH), see Fig. 1.

Jacket pattern for girls - construction

Rice. 2. Pattern of a jacket for a girl - construction

We begin constructing a jacket pattern by constructing a grid. Mesh width AB = 35 cm (half chest circumference according to measurement + 3 cm (increase in freedom of fit for all sizes)). Mesh length AC = 43 cm - the length of the jacket as measured.

Armhole depth. AG= (armhole depth according to measurement + 1 cm). From point G, draw a horizontal line to the right. Designate the point of intersection with the sun as G1.

Waistline. AT = Length of the back to the waist (BTL) + 0.5 cm (increase on the shoulders) - point T. Draw TT1 parallel to AB.

From point A, set aside to the right 1/2 of the back width according to measurement (SH) + 0.7 cm - point P. From point B, set aside 1/2 of the chest width according to measurement (SH) to the left + 1.3 cm - point P1. From the obtained points, lower perpendiculars to line GG1 - points G2 and G3 are obtained.

Auxiliary points for back and front armholes. Divide PG2 and P1G3 into 4 equal parts.

Constructing a pattern for the back of a jacket

Back neck. From point A, move 5.5 cm to the right (1/3 of the half-circumference of the neck according to the measurement + 0.5 cm: 14/3+0.5=5.5 cm) and up 1.5 cm. Connect points A and 1.5 concave line.

Shoulder drop. from point P, set down 1.5 cm. Connect points 1.5 (neck) and 1.5 shoulder descent with a straight line, continue the line. Set aside 11 cm (shoulder length as measured + 1 cm for all sizes: 10+1=11 cm). The shoulder of the back of the jacket is adjusted when sewing.

Back armhole line. From the angle with the vertex at point G2, draw a bisector 2 cm long. From point G2, put 2 cm to the right and 1 cm up. Draw the back armhole line from the extreme point of the shoulder, the middle point of division PG2, point 2 (angle bisector), to point 1.

Back side line. From point 1 (lower point of the back armhole), draw a vertical line to line CD, point T2 is obtained along the waist, the intersection with GG1 is point G4, the intersection with line DC is point H.

Calculation of waist darts. General solution of darts at the waist: Half bust - Half waist = 32 cm - 27 cm = 5 cm. Distribute the darts - from point T2 to the left put 2 cm - in the side back dart, 1 cm - to the right - side dart front Connect points G4, 2 and N.

The middle line of the back of the jacket. If necessary, you can fit the jacket along the middle of the back. In this case, the dart is built from point T with a depth of about 1-1.5 cm and smoothly reduced to point G. However, to prevent the jacket from being narrow at the hips, you should check the circumference of the hips after constructing the pattern.

Constructing a pattern for the front of a jacket

Front neckline. From point B, set aside 5.5 cm to the left (1/3 of the half-circumference of the neck according to the measurement + 0.5 cm: 14/3+0.5=5.5 cm) and down 6.5 cm (1/3 of the half-circumference of the neck according to the measurement + 1.5 cm: 14/3+1.5=6.5 cm). Connect points 5.5 and 6.5 with a concave line.

Raising the front shelf. Through point 5.5, draw a vertical dotted line up and down - to the waist line - point T3. From point T3, set up the length of the front to the waist according to the measurements (DTP) + 0.5 cm, point B1 is obtained.

Front shoulder drop. From point P1, set aside 2 cm. Draw a segment B1P1 equal to the length of the shoulder according to the measurement.

Front armhole line. From the corner with the vertex at point G3, draw a bisector 2 cm long. Draw the line of the front armhole from the extreme point of the shoulder, the lower division point P1G3, point 2 (bisector of the angle), to point 1, touching the segment G3G4.

Shelf relief line. From the midpoint of division P1G3, draw a smooth relief line to line DC. Mark the point of intersection with the waist line as T4.

Darts at front waist. From point T4 to the left and to the right, set aside 1 cm, smoothly connect with the relief line. The top of the dart is 5 cm below the armhole line.

Increase on board. From point C, move 3 cm to the right and 1.5 cm down, draw a vertical line for the fastener. Draw the side line as shown in the pattern drawing.

Pocket flap and collar. Mark the pocket entry location and pocket flap configuration as shown in the pattern drawing. Mark the edging line and re-take the edging separately onto tracing paper. The configuration of the pocket flap and jacket lapel can be modified depending on your preferences.

Constructing a collar and sleeve pattern for a girl’s jacket

Rice. 3. Pattern of a jacket for a girl - building a collar

The pattern of a two-seam sleeve and the pattern of a collar for a jacket for a girl are constructed in the same way as the pattern for a collar for a jacket for a boy. The collar stand is one-piece with a detachable edge of the collar.

Pattern details - back, side, front, hem, collar and both sleeve parts are re-shot separately and cut out with seam allowances - 1.5 cm, allowances for the bottom of the jacket and sleeves - 3 cm. Front, side, sleeve allowances, hem, outer The details of the pocket flaps and both jacket edges should be completely duplicated with thermal fabric.

Today school uniform so diverse that, willy-nilly, you begin to envy modern boys and girls. During my childhood, the choice was small: a jacket and a pleated skirt. Now there is such a variety of models of dresses, three-piece suits, etc. that by looking through them you can get some ideas for everyday office wear.

So, school uniform may have different configurations, for example: for girls one day you can choose a blouse and a skirt, the next - a jacket and pants. For boys the choice is also not limited to just a classic-cut shirt and trousers, casual look easy to dilute stylish vest. For the little ones, you can adopt the tradition of the English royal court: boys are not allowed to wear trousers, only shorts.

A little earlier we did a review article on jackets, where we highlighted their main types. There you can also find three different patterns women's jacket: Jacket pattern

Today we will devote more time unusual models, let's see their features and aspects that set them apart from other similar things.

In the archive you will find a jacket, which we examined in detail earlier in the article Sew a jacket. PATTERN for 130 cm

and a sundress made from the same fabric.

The school uniform set can be successfully divided into independent items and combined with other clothes, creating every day new image for your girl.

When it comes to children's clothes, the most important thing to pay attention to is practicality and ease of wear. The child simply will not like clothes that restrict movement too much, and without taking this into account, you risk getting something that will simply take up space in the closet.

Jacket in school uniform

What is distinctive about the jacket model we sewed:

1. Real pockets.

Pockets can be either functional or decoy. In my opinion, it is better to give preference to the first option, especially in children's jackets, because boys and girls junior school They value functionality first and only then pay attention to style.

2. No collar.

It is quite problematic to talk about the pros or cons of this point. A jacket without lapels and buttoned to the level of the collarbones has less " official look", if such a concept is generally applicable to children's school uniforms. Also, the closed top allows us to classify this model as a winter one.

More models of jackets in school uniforms

What other models did we find interesting?

Classic single-breasted jacket with lapels. Despite its visual simplicity, it is quite complex to construct.

A bold double-breasted jacket with a fold-over flap that creates the illusion of a collar.

Sundress in school uniform

To be honest, the sundress in school uniform became a discovery for me. Before that, I could imagine a variety of combinations: jeans and blazer in dark shades like a school uniform, a classic brown school dress, only made in a different color, which our mothers and grandmothers wore. However, in a winter school uniform, a sleeveless dress, under which you can wear a light sweater, pays off. This is a convenient and practical solution.

In this article “Sewing a school sundress pattern” we looked in detail at sewing a sundress for a girl.

The following details are notable in this model:

A skirt cut at the waist with a bow pleat is most often found in school uniform items. It allows you to highlight a fragile girl’s figure. These skirts suit almost everyone, you just have to choose the right length. Another important point— the folds go from the center to the side seams.

Belt on a sundress school uniform- a rather rare attribute, it seems to demonstrate the waistline, emphasizing the difference between a strict top and a more playful bottom, which is perfect for a young schoolgirl. In addition, the belt also performs a decorative and practical function - it covers the seam line. Also, a low waist visually lengthens the child’s height.

School uniform models

For us, as for most seamstresses, the Internet is the main source of inspiration; we will show several models of school uniforms that interested us. And each in its own way. Some kind of school uniform was noticed for its practicality, another for its tenderness, and the third for its showiness. So, enjoy and don’t forget to notice the details:

It looks like a classic dress with removable cuffs and a collar, but here the top is complex in construction and decorated with reliefs that emphasize the figure.

High-waisted sundress accentuated by trim; with a clever bow pleat on the skirt, which gives expansion at the bottom and ruffles in the armhole area.

Also a sundress with an unusual cut. From afar it looks like long jacket due to the shelves diverging in front, buttons imitating a fastener and low V-neck. There is a hidden snake sewn into the back.

Double-breasted sundress with a functional top shelf. Also imitates a long jacket.

Fantasy cut of the vest with reliefs and ruffles, which are sewn not into the armhole, but into the central reliefs of the front. The skirt is gathered with elastic and the lining helps keep its shape.

The models are distinctive in their finish and color scheme.

Traditional Japanese school uniform, also known as “sailor suit”. Very loose due to the pleated skirt and straight silhouette cut of the jacket. Universal for any age.

A wonderful vintage girl's dress, with lace trim, which, if desired, can be replaced with national embroidery or something even more daring.

That's all for today. Leave your feedback in the comments. Perhaps soon we will tell you how to sew one of the presented models.
Article written by Nitasha Eraclier
School uniform patterns provided by M.Y. CODe. Groups in

Pattern for the base of a jacket for a boy In this article we will look at creating a pattern for the base of a jacket for a boy. Then it can be modeled and created fashion models or strict classic ones. Initial data Body circumference above the chest 72 Vb Hip height 14 Dts Back length to waist 37 Vp Armhole height 17.6 Note on construction: As the article progresses, you will come across calculations like “set aside a segment equal to 1/24 of the Size”, “set aside a segment equal to 1/ Size 6". What is size and how is it calculated: Size = 1/2 of the circumference of the torso above the chest. If the measurement, Torso circumference above the chest = 100, then Size = 1/2 Torso circumference above the chest = 1/2 of 100 = 50. Accordingly, when, in the course of the article, you make calculations, for example: “set aside a segment equal to 1/24 of the Size ", then in our case, with size = 50, we count 1/24 of 50. We construct according to the Italian method. (Let's take the values ​​​​for a 10-year-old boy) Pattern of the back part (1). In the upper right corner we put t.A. Down from t.A we set aside a segment equal to the measurement Bp (Armhole height) + 1.0 cm - this is t.C. From t.A down we put the measurement Dts (Length of the back to the waist) - this is t.D. From t.D down we put the measurement Wb (Hip Height) - this is i.e. Point F is the length of the jacket. Lay horizontal lines to the left. (2). From t.A to the left we set aside 1/6 of the Size + 0.5 cm - put t.G. From t.G up we set aside 1.0 cm - put t.G1. From t.A downwards we set aside 1/24 Size - 0.8 cm, put t.V. We connect it with point G1 - the line of the back neckline. (3). From t.G to the left we set aside ¼ Size + 1 cm - this is t.N. From t.H down we lay a perpendicular until it intersects with the last horizontal lines and place points I, D1, E1, F1. From t.D and t.F to the left we set aside 1 cm and put points D2 and F2. We connect them straight with a line. We divide the segment BC in half and place point B1. We connect points B, B2, D2 and F2 with a smooth line - we get the middle seam on the back. (4). From t.D to the left we set aside a segment equal to the segment CI - 0.5 cm and put t.D3. From t.I upward we set aside the value 1/8 of the Size - this is t.M. From it to the left 1.0 cm - t.M1. We divide the segment HI in half - t.H1. From t.H1 upward we put aside ½ HH1 + 2.0 cm - this is t.L. To the left of it we put 2-3 cm - t. L1. We connect to point G1 with a straight line - we get a shoulder line. Connect the points L1, M1, D3, F1. Draw a bottom line. (5). The back pattern is ready. Constructing a pattern for the front part of the jacket (6). We put t.A in the upper left corner. We find points C, D, E, F similarly to the back. From t.A to the right we set aside ¼ of the Size - t.G and 1/6 of the Size - t.G1. From t.G to the right we set aside ¼ Size - 1 cm – t.N. From t.G and t.H downwards we draw vertical lines. From t.N we put 1/8 of the Size + 1.5 cm to the right - we put t. C1 and draw a vertical line down until it intersects with the horizontal line coming from t.C - place t.C3. From t.C1 to the right we lay off a segment equal to the segment HC1 - put t.H2 - draw a vertical line down. We call the intersection points of the lines I, F1, F2, F3, C2. From t.D to the right we set aside a segment equal to the segment CC2 - 1 cm, put t.D2. (7). From t.I up we put 1/8 of the Size and to the right 1 cm - put t.M1. From t.C2 upward we set aside 1/8 of the Size - t.M2. We find t.L similarly to the back, draw a horizontal line to the right of it, on which we place t.L2, and the segment GL2 should be 1 cm shorter than the segment G1L1 in the drawing of the back. From t.C3 we put 1 cm down and put t.C4. We connect points L2, M1, C4, M2 - armhole line. From point L2 downwards we set aside 7.5 cm - we put a single notch - a control mark for sewing in the sleeve. (8). We connect point F3 with points D2 and M2. (9). From t.D to the left we put 2 cm - t.D3 and draw a line down to the intersection with line FF3, put t.F4. From t.F4 upward we set aside 12 cm - t.F5. From t.D3 upward we set aside 8 cm - t.P. We connect points D3, F5, F1, F3 as shown in the drawing. Construction of darts (10). We designate t.C5 and R. From t.C5 downwards we put 1/3 of the segment C5R, put t.R2. From t.R we put 0.5 cm in both directions and connect it to t.R2. From t.R downwards we put aside 1/3 of the segment C5R, put a dot and connect the resulting points. From point C3 to the left we set aside 2 cm and set the starting point for the dart. From point F2 to the right, set aside 2 cm, place point F6 and connect it to the starting point of the dart with a straight line. From point D6 to the right we put 2 cm - a point and from it another 1 cm - a point. From the middle of the dart we lay down 1/3 of the segment C5R, connect the resulting points - we get a side dart. Construction of the collar pattern (11). We connect points P and G1 with a straight line and extend it to a segment equal to AG1 - t.R. We get the fold line of the collar. From it to the right we draw a perpendicular with a length equal to the segment GG1 – point R1. We connect with t.G. From t.R we put 5-6 cm to the left - t.R2. (12). Along line PG1 from t.G1 down we put 1/6 of the Size - t.Q and another 2-3 cm - t.Q1. From point Q1 to the right we put a perpendicular of 7 cm - point P1. Let's connect it to t.Q. We connect points P and P1 with a smooth line. From t.P1 to the left along the line we set aside 3 cm - t.Q2. (13). Mirror the points on left side, slightly shifting to the right relative to the PQ line. Connect to T.G. From t.Q2 for the corner of the collar we set aside 3.0 cm - t.B1. We continue the shoulder line 1/4 size from t.G to the left - put t.R3. We connect it with points B1 and R2. (14). We cut the pattern along line GR3 and rotate it relative to point G by 2 cm - we get new contours of the collar. Constructing a pattern for the lining of a jacket (15). As a rule, the hem of a jacket is drawn arbitrarily at a distance of 7-12 cm parallel to the edge. There is a green line in the drawing. The pattern for the front of the jacket is ready. To be continued....

Modeling a children's jacket from a basic base Summer jacket for a girl with your own hands Video lesson Here is Caroline’s dress, our channel has all the videos*,

This disk contains a photo of my granddaughters, the pattern looks like this, I would like to remind you that without having a cutting system, 10 measurements are needed***

In order to construct the jacket pattern, we will use a ready-made Carolina basic pattern. This pattern is for a dress, but on its basis we can easily model a jacket pattern. To do this, let's move from basic pattern trace the front, back and sleeve from the main pattern and remove it, since we will no longer need it.

After this, we begin modeling the jacket pattern. To do this, we fold the pattern of the front and back parts along the shoulder line and determine the neckline so that it is not very close to the neck, since we will have a jacket with a collar and a small lapel.

About how to finished pattern make a lapel, determine the width of the half-skid, build a collar of the required size, various videos were filmed about all this earlier, which you can review if you wish, or, which is quite likely, you will have enough information on these issues from this material on the video about all these points and nuances.

So let's get started. Remove at least 1.0 cm from the neckline

Remove at least 1.0 cm from the neckline

We cut off all the excess along the neck line from the pattern, along the line of the center front we retreat 2 cm to the width of the half-skid and draw another line parallel to the line of the center front (we sign all the lines!) Remember the topic of the half-skid and the width of fasteners for various products? If not, reconsider!

All the best, we were with you: Pakshte Irina Mikhailovna, Karolinochka and Yastrebov Alexey!

Level of complexity of the model - simple, but it will take time

Technical drawing of the model:

When ordering a pattern, you receive a pdf file with one large sheet, which can be printed* on 16-20 A4 sheets, after gluing which you will receive one large sheet with the contours of the patterns:

* To print the pattern in actual size, when printing in Adobe Reader, select “Poster” in the “Setting the size and processing pages” section. Then the image will be automatically divided into required amount fragments of A4 format. If your version of Adobe Reader does not have the "Poster" function, you need to download the latest version of this program from the link (this is a licensed free program). If you still have questions, visit our FAQ section!

The following designations are used on the pattern:

Difficulty level: simple, but it will take time.

Required: Suit knitwear 1.5m wide 0.46m-0.48m-0.54m long -0.57m-0.58m -0.62m-0.65m -0.7m -0.8m -0.81m – 0.85 m, dublerin 0.9m wide 0.31m -0.31m -0.33m – 0.35m – 0.35m – 0.37m -0.37m -0.39m -0.41m – 0.42m – 0, 44m, buttons 3 pcs

Cut details:

From the main material:

  1. Shelf – 2 children.
  2. Side part of the shelf - 2 children.
  3. Side part of the back – 2 children.
  4. Back – 1 child. with fold
  5. Selection – 2 children.
  6. Pocket - 2 children.
  7. Sleeve 2 children.
  8. Flounce sleeves - 2 children.
  9. Collar - 2 pieces.

From adhesive material:

  1. Pick-up - 2 children.
  2. Back neck facing 1 piece. with fold
  3. Collar - 1 piece.

Allowances: for seams and cuts - 1.5 cm, for hems - 2.5 cm. Parts made of adhesive material must have no allowances for side cuts and the outer cut of the collar (flap)

Layout example:

The fabric is folded in half.