The first toast at the 55th anniversary. A selection of cool and original anniversary toasts. Love SMS for your beloved boyfriend. SMS to your beloved girl. Congratulations in verse and prose

You're 55 today
Like a berry again
Juicy, beautiful,
This cannot be taken away!

Happy anniversary,
I drink to you today
I wish you many years,
Always be happy!

To be loved and successful,
And always wear furs,
Long and wonderful life,
I'll drink to this!

The anniversary of two fives is a very important date in the life of every woman. Why? Yes, because the time has come to take and turn everything upside down, so that you get a swan couple - 22. And then continue to live brightly, colorfully and emotionally. For a revolution!

I want to raise my glass to our beautiful hero of the occasion! Let her always remember that age is just a number in a passport; it is truly determined by her outlook on life and the ability to look at the world regardless of circumstances. I want to wish her that no problems would force her to look at her life sadly and gloomily. Way to smile and good mood, makes her age much younger than the calendar age!

55 is not just age, but two “excellent” marks for work and life wisdom. May everything in your life be excellent, and may health, joy and happiness never leave you!

Your anniversary is the dream of a true excellent student. As many as two A's indicate that the main exams in women's fate You passed with excellent marks. As a selfless wife and wonderful mother, as a true professional and conscientious colleague. For successfully passing the professional suitability exams and happy personal life!

We celebrate 55
We drink to you
Be happy always
Let the years come!

Let your dreams come true
There will be joyful days
There will be happiness and goodness
And all will be well!

Magic to you, success,
More gold and fur
Be beautiful, smile,
And don’t doubt yourself!

That's it, that's the reason
Such a wonderful anniversary
You're shining like a star
Be like this and not grow old!

I drink for your two fives,
I hasten to wish for prosperity,
So that beauty blooms,
May you be happy!

Don’t you dare get sick, don’t be sad,
Dance, walk, walk a lot,
Smiles and goodness to you,
Today I drink only for you!

With two high fives to you,
I shout to you, hurray, hurray!
Health, full of joy,
Always be amazing!

Let's all raise our glasses together for our excellent student. Life gives you not one, but two “A’s”. May things go twice as good from this day on, let the money come in twice as much, and let you be a million times more beautiful.

Darling, you are turning 55 today, and you are as mischievous a beauty as ever. We drink so that you always smile with happiness, don’t be sad, and don’t give up in the face of minor failures. Let your heart beat faster, only from good news.

On our website you will find more than 300 original author's anniversary toasts. More than 300 authors are working especially for you; new toasts for the anniversary appear every day, both in prose and in poetry. We have already covered all possible anniversaries: round dates - 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, etc. years. Various occasions: wedding anniversaries, company anniversaries. Different types toasts: funny, cool, wise, original, beautiful.... And we continue to expand our database so that you can choose the best, most interesting and suitable anniversary toast for your occasion.

Anniversary toast

Our wonderful hero of the day,
He's not old at all!
And that's why we want
Let's drink vodka with him!
May he always be healthy
He didn't scold the doctors
He always had money
I would never be sad
May he be lucky in everything!
Let's drink to him today!!!

Toast to the anniversary

I wish that everything in your life is strengthened: wine, health,
friendship, spirit and family. For the hero of the day.

Toast to the hero of the day

Congratulations on your anniversary
And with love we wish you:
Happiness, joy, patience
And great luck,
Respect and warmth,
In the house of all good things.
We raise our glasses,
Congratulations to the hero of the day.
May he live happily
He eats meat and drinks vodka.

Happy 50th Anniversary Toast

Once the great eastern sage Hajja Nasreddin said Nice words: “It is at the age of fifty that a person begins to have a great understanding of life and he develops a real taste for life.” Judging by the table set, you have excellent taste! So let’s drink to ensure that the table in your house is always full, as on the day of your anniversary!

Toast anniversary 60 years

You know, on Georgian holidays, they first drink to the youth. These are those who are under sixty. So let's congratulate our
hero of the day with transition to adult life!

The best toast for an anniversary

I'll tell you best toast for the anniversary,
Grab a heavier glass of wine!
Can you drink some vodka slowly?
After all, this day is also good for her!
Live among raging passions,
I wish you many bright and happy days!
Accept gifts from all your friends,
And don’t regret the days you’ve lived!
I wish you wealth, kindness,
Live joyfully, in love, without fuss!
I wish you a lot of happiness and warmth,
And may the beautiful star guide you!
So let's have a drink, friends,
And let the flowers bloom today!

Anniversary toast to parents

Even though today is your holiday, your anniversary, let me drink to your roots, to the spring from which the river of your life originates, to your parents! After all, without them, your existence would simply not be possible, and you would not have grown up to be such a wonderful person if not for their upbringing! In general, for them, for those who gave you this world. And we need you!

Toast for the 60th anniversary

I wish the hero of the day Siberian health
Caucasian longevity
And to drink a glass
We are on your centenary

Toast in verse for the Anniversary

Now let's pour some wine into a glass
And we'll drink it to the bottom,
May there be more bright days,
Such as this anniversary,
We wish you a cherished dream,
Only bright smiles on your face!
Let's congratulate our birthday boy on his anniversary and drink to ensure that all your dreams come true!

Toast to the hero of the day

I would like to wish that tomorrow, everyone present at this table will start the day with Viy’s famous phrase
from Gogol's novel "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" - "Lift my eyelids."
For this wonderful holiday! And for our beloved hero of the day!

Response toast to the hero of the day

You came today
They ate and drank, ate and drank,
All the words they told me
And they gave us gifts.
And then you danced
They raised their glasses dashingly.
Everyone tried to please me,
They hugged and kissed.
Thank you all, I love you all,
I'll invite you to visit again.
Let's drink, my dear and beloved ones, to you, to your attention and love!

Toast for mom's anniversary

My dear mom! I want to drink to you today: to yours beautiful hands who raised me; for maternal affection, which warms me even on the harshest everyday life; for your kind maternal heart, which feels everything; for your maternal soul, which always understands me! For your anniversary!

Toast to the health of the hero of the day

To keep your body healthy, drink vodka in moderation, people
For fun and for songs, drink as much as you like.

Gypsy toast, Anniversary

If you steal a gypsy's wife, the gypsy will laugh. If you steal a gypsy's horse, the gypsy will cry.
If you steal a song, the gypsy will shut up...
Therefore, I wish that your horse is always under the bridle, your wife is at your side, and the song is sung!
Happy Anniversary, dear!

Toast anniversaries

It's only pleasant for us in childhood
Congratulations to receive friends.
And over the years it will certainly become
It’s harder for us to come to terms with life.
Anniversaries remind us
That one more stage will be lived through,
After all, over the years people understand -
Time is rushing so desperately.
I didn’t have time, I forgot, I passed, I left...
Life flies, you can’t catch up with it.
Let's drink to these rules
The hero of the day would never know.
Let him have time, remember, and not leave,
Let it not pass by happiness,
Let him know the riddle of time,
And let us reveal her secret.

Toast to the Anniversary

Today is a holiday - an anniversary,
Pour some wine into a glass of wine!
I want to say short toast
For beauty and for love!
For happiness and a luxurious table,
For always being kind to us!
For your bright dream,
I drink…
Can I pour you some more?

Anniversary toast

I want to say
A wonderful anniversary toast!
May luck and love reign!
We congratulate the hero of the day together,
We all fill our glasses quickly!
And may all your dreams come true soon,
We drink to the triumph of magical kindness!

Toast to mom's anniversary

One famous person said: “You will never stop being a child as long as you have a mother.” I propose to drink to the most selfless person who is ready to do anything for the sake of his loved ones - to our mother. Let's congratulate her on her anniversary and wish her long life. Agree that your soul is warm and cozy when you know that mommy is thinking about you every minute.

Parable toast for the 70th anniversary

As a congratulation, I want to tell you this parable:
“There was a dead tree near the road. One day, late one evening, a thief walked by in the dark and thought he saw the silhouette of a policeman. The thief got scared and ran away. After some time, a young man in love passed by the tree. He noticed the silhouette of his beloved from afar, so he quickened his pace. When a mother and her baby walked past the tree, the child began to cry because he thought it was a scary ghost. But the truth is that a tree is just a tree, and the world around us is a reflection of ourselves.”
I would like to drink to our birthday boy, who turns 70 today. Agree, this is a respectable age that deserves special respect and veneration. Ours has lived a decent life, he still has many plans and goals ahead. I would like to wish that in the life of our birthday boy there are only joyful and happy “silhouettes”, such as himself and his whole life.

Anniversary toast

Happy anniversary, new happiness
Congratulations on this day.
Let all bad weather recede,
After all, today is the anniversary.
Let's drink to the hero of the day,
May he live happily
Let there be few mistakes
Let it bloom like an apple tree!

Toast for the 55th Anniversary

If you don’t like your age, then just change your attitude towards it, because you won’t be able to change your age anyway! Therefore, I want to raise a glass to your amazing age and to your unbending optimism! And, of course, for a positive outlook on everything that happens in your life!

Toast to the anniversary

We need to celebrate the round date,
May it happen again.
We have wishes in mind,
Get more wine.
We'll drink to good luck all evening
And for a happy life,
And for a pleasant and good meeting,
And in the years that have passed.
Most of all I ask you today
Drink to what is to come.
May there be only a lot of happiness and joy
The culprit is waiting tomorrow!

Congratulate mom on her anniversary toast

Congratulations to our mother,
She's the birthday girl!
And with a cunning cunning
Looks like the moon is in the window.
You are the most beautiful in the world,
After all, there is no more beautiful mother!
Forever yours we are children
Even though we are many years old!
Be healthy and happy,
Be cheerful and full of strength,
The sweetest and most beloved!
For you, mommy, to the bottom!

22. Happy Anniversary Toast

Today is our anniversary,
For this, quickly pour a drink for everyone,
Be always healthy and happy,
And, of course, lucky.
Know that the most important thing in life is family,
And also your reliable friends!
An anniversary is a special birthday! For some reason, we are all attracted to round dates; they contain some kind of mystery, some kind of charm and the expectation of happy changes in life. Let's drink to our hero of the day and wish him that all changes and events will be only joyful and bring satisfaction to life.

Toast Dad Anniversary

My dear dad! Today is your anniversary. I want this day to become the most extraordinary for you, because today everyone is trying to surround you with congratulations, wishes and love! And I want your every day to be such a holiday and every day you feel happy!
For you, dad and for your holiday! He will drink the cup of fun.

You were invited to a holiday, and you know for sure that the birthday girl will want to hear warm words in her honor? In this case, you just need to prepare a beautiful toast. What could it be? You can read poetry or congratulate someone close to you in your own words. Interesting options Read our article for toasts to a woman’s 55th birthday.

Husband congratulates

Women always have high hopes for the man they love. Therefore, he must carefully prepare for the holiday of his soulmate. What to say at the table? Men do not like to talk about their feelings for a long time, and not every representative of the stronger sex can confess their love in front of everyone. How to beautifully get out of a situation when the woman you love forces you to say something personal? Write a short, funny toast for your 55th birthday. Here's one option:

“My dear, you and I have been together for 30 long years. During this time, we have been able to learn and experience a lot. Today I can proudly say that I have realized exactly what love is. Don’t look at the calendar and don’t count your years. Believe me ", 55 years is a wonderful time. Retirement is an opportunity to devote all of yourself only to me and our children, and not to disappear all day at work. Use this wonderful time to your advantage. Create masterpieces from dough and cream, because you are the best in the world. a chef who makes the most delicious cakes in the world! Take all the best from nature in our beds, because you are the best vegetable grower, gardener and florist in the world! On cold winter evenings, become a sorceress, create wonderful flowers, leaves and other patterns from multi-colored threads, which will look great in a new sweater or blouse. After all, you are the best fashion designer in the world! You are my best in everything, and most importantly, my most beloved and only. For you, dear!"


Older women love to gather their relatives around a large table. If it is not possible to invite all relatives, then only the closest ones are invited. The birthday girl’s children will need to come up with a congratulation that will make their mother happy. For some people, coming up with the right words is much more difficult than choosing a gift. Spend half an hour before the holiday and write short toasts for your 55th anniversary. An example of one of them:

“Mom, happy birthday to you! You are my best, kindest, most beautiful. I hope you will always remain so active and positive. May good luck and success always accompany you. I raise this glass to your health. How "The young wine sparkles in it, let your happy eyes shine the same way. How many drops of intoxicating drink there are in it, may you have so many joyful moments this year. Here's to you, my dearest person!"


What should an original toast sound like for a woman turning 55? It should be said to the grandchildren. Children are good at reciting poetry. Guests always like this. Grandmother will be doubly pleased to receive such a congratulation from her beloved grandchildren on her anniversary. Remember long text small child It’s hard, and only adult children know how to improvise. If you want to do interesting congratulations to your mother, try to learn a short verse with your child. The kid will be able to voice it during the next toast. The child will be very pleased to take part in the adult fun. One version of the verse is given below:

"Dear grandmother, on your anniversary I wish

Stay as sweet as you are

To love your home and invite guests,

Meet old friends,

Let your grandchildren bring you

Love, smiles, inspiration,

Let the years go by happily

Let doubts be carried away!"

If a child forgets the words of such a toast, you can help the child. Do you want your congratulations to look impressive? In this case, you can read it with the whole family. For example, read a verse line by line, taking turns with your child. If the baby forgets the words, you can quietly come to his aid.


Many women are still working at 55 years old. Therefore, they celebrate their anniversary not only with relatives and friends, but also with colleagues. Caucasian toasts for a woman's 55th birthday always sound interesting. It’s especially colorful to hear such toasts from older men. A woman will be pleased if a representative of the stronger sex praises her intelligence, beauty, or some skills. Take a closer look at Caucasian toasts, they will add variety to the same type of congratulations. Example:

“Once upon a time, one rich Shah decided to reward his astrologer for always predicting good events for him. He brought three girls from his harem to the astrologer and told him to choose a wife among them. The fortuneteller approached the first and asked her , how much is two times two. The girl named the number 3. The astrologer exclaimed that he would have a very thrifty wife. The next girl, answering the same question, named the number 4. The fortuneteller was delighted, saying that he would have a very smart wife. The last girl named the number 5. And again the astrologer was delighted, exclaiming that this would be a very generous wife. But he chose the most beautiful one for himself. So let's raise our glasses to the most beautiful woman, sitting at our table, for our dear birthday girl! I wish you happiness, good luck and many years of prosperity, our dear (name of the hero of the day)!”


The task of close friends is to support the morale of the birthday person. To prevent a woman from thinking about her age too often, close people should cheer up the birthday girl. How to do it? Say a beautiful toast of congratulations on your 55th anniversary. A woman of any age is pleased to hear compliments addressed to her. From pleasant words you can create several congratulatory sentences that will smoothly flow into a toast.

"(Name), I’ve always been amazed at how you can look chic under any circumstances. We’ve known each other for 20 years. Time has added wrinkles to me, sprinkled gray hair on my temples, but you don’t change! You’re still the same as 20 years ago "She's slim and beautiful. I want to raise this glass to you. May you always have enough strength, time and desire not to grow old in body or soul!"

If your friend is not attractive, you can praise her talent or emphasize what a good housewife she is.


What can the relatives of the birthday girl wish? Don't worry that everything good ideas They'll figure it out for you. To avoid getting into trouble, you need to write a beautiful toast for a woman’s anniversary in advance. 55 years is a good date for a confident and business lady. At this age, a lady feels very needed. After all, not only her family, but also the families of her children rest on her. The lady helps with her grandchildren, works, and manages to take care of herself. At the same time, she takes care of her husband and does not forget about friends and relatives. Focus on how correctly a woman can organize her life, how well she manages to be a comprehensively developed person. Toast example:

“I want to raise this glass to the lovely woman who gathered us at this table today. (Name), you are 55 years old today. I can’t believe that such a young-at-heart woman celebrates such a date. You manage to do everything, your energy can only be envied. "I want you to always remain as cheerful, responsive, cheerful and loved. Finding balance in our hectic life is very difficult. I'm glad you were able to do it."


Do you want everyone around the table to cry? By saying a sincere toast, you will be able to achieve a similar goal. What should you wish for the birthday girl? Women's happiness. This is exactly what a successful lady may lack. Choose a short toast for your 55th birthday. A woman will not want to listen to your long rants. Therefore, try to express your thoughts in a few sentences. Long congratulations appropriate at the beginning of the holiday. And warm words that are pronounced in the form of a toast should clearly and clearly express one thought.

"Let's drink to (name). She is a smart and beautiful hostess who loves and knows how to receive guests. It’s hard to remember how many times we gathered at this table. The main thing for a woman is to find her happiness. I’m glad that it sits on both hands from you. You met one on your life's path. It invited you on dates, gave you flowers, and then put a wedding ring on your finger. Your second happiness soiled your diapers, didn't let you sleep at night, brought you notes from school in your diary. Now they're both "They sit next to you and smile. May this feminine happiness of yours be with you all your life!"


The main task of guests at any holiday is to show the birthday boy how beautiful, smart and talented he is. How to express such emotions through a cool anniversary toast? The woman is 55 years old. She had already grown beyond the age when she liked dirty jokes. Therefore, try to avoid vulgarity and say words that will cheer you up and bring a smile to the birthday girl’s lips.

"Let's raise a glass to (name), who has been confidently going through life for 55 years. Darling, you are a unique person. Our whole city knows about your talents. You have always been an example for us. We are grateful to fate for giving us an acquaintance with you. For you! "


Toasts to a woman's 55th birthday can sound different. Try to say something moderately serious and moderately touching. Tell us about some hobby of the birthday girl that you like and that you are proud of. But don't go into too much detail. Try to keep your toast short and say only the main points.

"(Name), today you are 55 years old. You are a wonderful person who always comes to the rescue at the right moment. It’s hard to remember how many times you helped everyone gathered at this table. You know how to help and love to do it. I hope you don’t "You will lose interest in this hobby, and all the people you saved and supported will pay you with sincere love and mutual help. For you!"


What do they say at birthday parties? Of course, toast. On her 55th birthday, a woman wants to hear something pleasant and, to a certain extent, ironic. It will be great if you can remember some interesting story with the participation of the birthday girl. This could be a funny scene from life or just some funny moment from your dinner gatherings.

"(Name), I want to drink to you. You always know how to lighten the mood. Now I can remember many funny moments with your participation, but I will voice only one. Once at school on your birthday, you decided to run away from class and called me with us. We ran out of school and rushed home. There we found your parents, who had prepared a birthday cake for you. Do you remember how you fell on it, and then said that on this day you are the main decoration. So let's drink to you, the main thing holiday decoration!"

You can come up with cool toasts for a woman’s 55th birthday using any real story. If nothing comes to mind, remake any joke you know.


Thinking about what kind of toast to give to a woman on her anniversary? 55 years is a wonderful age. But at the table, few people will want to listen to your monologue about how dear the birthday girl is to you. Nice words It's better to tell her in person. And as a toast, it’s better to tell something funny or say sincere words, forming two or three sentences from them. You can also voice your favorite witty phrase. The main thing is to choose something thematic. Example:

“Let’s drink to (name), an amazing woman who will always remain a girl at heart. May your soul always be as young, and may you never lose interest in life!”

What holiday could be complete without have a nice toast? No! Or the worst holiday ever. Therefore, if a woman you know is turning 55 years old, then you will find useful cool toasts for this anniversary. For you, toasts in verse, which can also serve as congratulations to the hero of the day.

Today all the toasts and words,
Only for you.
And I give you this toast,
And I drink to the bottom for you!
May wrinkles not be scary to you,
And men will all be at your feet!

Happy anniversary!
And I drink the glass to the bottom,
For creating the most beautiful thing,
What is brighter than the clear sun!
Smile more often
And continue to remain beautiful.

You are a little more than half a century old,
But is this important for such a person?
You are beautiful as always
And no years affect you!
And for you to become more beautiful,
I raise my glass of wine.
I will drink to you standing up and to the bottom,
May you always be happy!

Are you going to try to celebrate your anniversary yourself? Then ours will help you. Jokes, ditties, competitions and much, much more. This is a whole entertainment for the hero of the day and her guests.

On this holiday - anniversary,
Smile more cheerfully
And I drink to the dregs for your smile,
May it never fade!

I drink for you to live beautifully,
To relax in the Maldives.
So that the grandchildren run around,
And so that you have a huge house,
And also a huge dacha for you,
I'll wish it in addition.
May everything you dream of happen
And let everything you wish come true.
And may happiness always be nearby,
I drink to you standing up and to the bottom!

For your kind smile,
For warmth and care,
To always be happy,
I raise this glass.
And so that you never have bad weather,
I drink this glass to the bottom!

Don't look at the years
You are as beautiful as ever
Over the years you only get prettier,
And don’t regret anything!
I raise a glass to you and only you,
And I wish you to be happy!

Throughout life, every person attends a variety of anniversaries. Therefore, you need to prepare anniversary toasts in advance for all occasions and ages. Can you find these toasts?

She remains a woman at any age. And she needs to be reminded of this on any outstanding occasion. If we are talking about a birthday, and even more so about an anniversary, then you simply must come to the holiday fully armed. Bouquet of flowers, beautiful gift, original congratulatory words and, of course, the original toast. With all this, the toast here is by no means the least important moment, and it should be given no less attention than everything else.

So, if you set out to pleasantly surprise and please the birthday girl, and nothing can stop you, then we will help you do this most successfully. the site is the site that took care of you and collected a lot of unique and original toasts within this section. Take any of them and turn out to be the most eloquent guest at the upcoming holiday. The scheme for success is simple - prepare it at home, pronounce it in front of your guests. Ready!

Now you just need to look through the works we have selected and give preference to one or more of them. Believe me, you will definitely find the toasts for a woman’s 55th birthday that you are looking for.

The anniversary of two 55s is a very important date in the life of every woman. Why? Yes, because the time has come to take and turn everything upside down, so that you get a swan couple - 22. And then continue to live brightly, colorfully and emotionally. For a revolution!

In one state there is a legend that the number “5” has a special magical power, which can bring happiness, give love, maintain health, extinguish fires, cure diseases... In general, this is an almighty number. And a person who turns 55 years old can make 55 wishes on this day, and absolutely all of them will come true. You, of course, live in the wrong country and may not believe in predictions and magic. Therefore, let’s drink so that your faith in good things, the love of your loved ones and the hope that your 55 wishes will definitely come true will never leave you.

55 is a beautiful number, as if life rated your deeds and your spiritual qualities as excellent! This means that you did not live on earth in vain, you left a mark on the destinies of others, and shared a piece of your heart with them! Don’t regret that time flies, because every year is rich in its own way, and on your birthday at the table with friends, you will feel their closeness and warmth and understand that life in the world is wonderful!

I want to raise my glass to our beautiful hero of the occasion! Let her always remember that age is just a number in a passport; it is truly determined by her outlook on life and the ability to look at the world regardless of circumstances. I want to wish her that no problems would force her to look at her life sadly and gloomily. The way her smile and good mood makes her age much younger than the calendar!

Today is a great occasion for a meeting, as a wonderful woman is celebrating her anniversary! Harmony to you, beauty, health, and so that at 55 you look 30 years younger. Bright events, and of course happiness. I drink to all that has been said come true, happy birthday!

For your wonderful years,
For wisdom, happiness and success,
For your dream to come true,
And may your laughter always sound.

I raise my glass to
To be proud and admired,
So that everything will always be fine,
Bad people, beware!

Today I drink to my anniversary,
And even if it’s not fifty anymore,
You are always younger at heart,
Here's to your fifty-five!

Five, yes five - like ten again - a good reason
Enjoy life together on this anniversary.
Let happiness fill both hearts and eyes,
Your bright smile is a joy to everyone around you!
We wish you health and good luck in everything
And for this we fill all our glasses together!

You turned 55 today,
Get ready to receive congratulations,
We wish you youth of soul and body,
So that any business can be argued in the hands.

I propose a toast to you,
I wish you happiness and goodness,
Let luck choose only you,
May fate always be favorable.