Report on the events held for the Day of Older People. Older People's Day Libraries' work for Older People's Day

October 1 in the library named after. M. Yu. Lermontova a family holiday “Autumn Sketches” took place. At the event, preparatory school students MBDOU groups No. 37 congratulated their grandmothers on the Day of Kindness and Respect, read poems and gave them handmade crafts.

The librarian told the children about the signs of autumn, its features and delights. What birds fly south? Who goes to bed all winter? Where does the squirrel hide the nuts? The kids received answers to these and other questions.

After the discussion, the guys took part in the “Autumn Leaf Fall” master class and made beautiful maple leaves out of paper.

A conversation was held for parents at the exhibition “ Parent meeting"on the topic of family reading by grandmothers and grandchildren.

IN library named after A. N. Radishcheva On the Day of the Elderly, the “Golden Time of Life” holiday was held. The assembled guests were congratulated by the library staff and public relations specialist of the Avtozavodsky district administration L.N. Simonova. Then the children's exemplary folk song ensemble “Striginsky Borok” performed for the guests. The guys' performance was lively and left no one indifferent. Guests were offered a book exhibition “Golden Time of Life” with literature about health, cooking and various hobbies that can be pursued in retirement. At the end of the holiday there was a tea party with sweet treats. Everyone left with a good mood and a promise to come to our library more than once.

In the library. D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak The Pokrovskaya Fair was dedicated to the Day of the Elderly. The event was accompanied by a media display of autumn sketches and landscapes. O. V. Mokrousova prepared a story about famous musical works dedicated to autumn. Members of the "Harmony" club actively participated in the celebration - they sang songs, recited poems and shared interesting stories from his life, showing that the autumn of life can be golden. The meeting was a success, everyone left with smiles and a great mood. The purpose of the evening is to give people joy and good mood- has been achieved.

October 6 at the Family Reading Center library An evening of relaxation “Man Has a Golden Autumn!” took place, dedicated to the Day of the Elderly. The guests of the library on this autumn holiday were war and labor veterans, activists of TOS No. 5, members of the Rodnik club and our active readers. Pupils of the Constellation Children's Art School came to congratulate and please their beloved grandparents: dance group"Fantasers", an exemplary ensemble of the folk song "Vesnyanka". WITH congratulatory words Nizhny Novgorod prose writer Olga Kat and activists of TOS No. 5 spoke, and members of the Rodnik club read poetry.

A big gift for the guests was the performance of the Teremok children's theater (director Yu.Yu. Nikishina) with a mini-play “Filippok”. With their sincere and direct performance, the young artists aroused a storm of positive emotions among the audience and earned a sea of ​​applause.

Throughout the holiday, guests heard sincere wishes for good health, good mood, activity and longevity. And the librarians heard many kind words of gratitude for the joy they brought: “We enjoy going to the library. Friendly people who love their work work here. On Senior Citizens' Day, they organized a wonderful celebration for us with the participation of children. We heard many kind words and congratulations, we were given tea and homemade pies. All the guests were in a very good mood! Thank you!".

The holiday took place in a warm, homely atmosphere and ended with traditional tea drinking and sincere conversations.

There is an unusual date in the autumn calendar when the heart is filled with a feeling of deep gratitude, when you want to say words of gratitude, to be especially sensitive and attentive to people - this is October 1 or the International Day of Older Persons, which is celebrated in Russian Federation since 1992. This is not only a holiday, but also another opportunity for older people to communicate with each other.

Every year, during the golden autumn season, a wide variety of events are held for older people in the Central City Library of Dobryanka: holiday concerts, literary and musical evenings, recreational evenings, get-togethers, etc.

And this year, for people of the older generation, interesting events. They were attended not only by library readers, but also by members of the Council of War and Labor Veterans, members of the Dobryansk Society of Disabled Persons, the Council of Veterans of Pedagogical Labor, representatives of local community groups, teachers and students of the Dobryansk Humanitarian and Technological College.

On October 7, a tea evening “We don’t miss tea.” Elderly people heard many kind words and wishes addressed to them and got the opportunity have a nice chat. They actively participated in interesting competitions, games and quizzes, they remembered proverbs and sayings, and sang ditties with pleasure.

In the spiritual atmosphere of the holiday, during the tea party, the participants demonstrated their talents in dance and song with youthful enthusiasm and daring.

The guests got acquainted with the history of tea, learned how tea parties were held in Rus', what healing properties What tea has, how it should be brewed and what herbs can be used to prepare this drink. Thanks to the informative and colorful presentation, the participants learned a lot of interesting things about the history of the samovar and its various types. We watched with interest the video about tea traditions different countries and a film about Russian tea “Ivan-chai”.

A pleasant gift for this holiday was the performance of the Dobryansky poet-bard Alexander Radostev.

At the end of the evening, all those present received booklets “Drinking tea - being healthy” as a gift.

It was very informative and unusual literary and musical evening “Celebration of wisdom, attention and love”, which took place on October 13. This event was organized by the library together with the Dobryansk Humanitarian and Technological College named after. Syuzev and the Literary Living Room club .

The librarians spoke about the history of “Older People’s Day”, congratulated those present on the holiday, wishing the older generation health, good mood, and sensitivity of family and friends.

College teacher V.L. Goryacheskaya and students prepared a wonderful concert for the guests, at which songs, poems and congratulations were performed. No one was left indifferent by the literary composition carried out by V. Igosheva, S. Snegovaya, Olesya Ushkalenko, E. Michkova, and A. Fakhrutdinova. The songs “About Mom”, “We love you, teachers” performed by Y. Semerikova, V. Sosnina and I. Khvorikov were touching. P. Degtyareva, T. Kurbonova, E. Antonova performed a fiery dance.

The owner of the club “Literary Lounge of E. Permyakova” read their poems with enthusiasm and presented everyone with the collections of the Dobryansk poetess L. Kotova “A Thought Woven in Free Libre.”

At the end of the meeting, everyone sang the song “We wish you happiness”

The evening ended with applause from all those present. The participants of the event were deeply touched by the heartfelt, sincere, emotional performance of the guys.

In addition, dedicated to the Day of Older Persons positive evening “Autumn is spinning in the sky” And evening of rest “How young we were”

Everyone was able to get acquainted with the materials exhibition-exposition “We don’t miss tea”, where literature was presented about the origin of tea in Rus', about the rituals of Russian tea drinking, about samovars, etc. You could also see the attributes of the tea ceremony: various types of tea, a samovar, cups, tea saucers, sweets.

The festive events took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Their organizers gave the participants attention and a good mood. The pensioners had a great rest, talked, and learned a lot of interesting and useful things.

The most sincere words and best regards for the Day of Elderly People were performed in city libraries.

The library-branch No. 1 named after A. S. Pushkin hosted Evening meeting “Old age will not find me at home”. The event was attended by elderly people of the area and members of the “Aging at Soul” Club.

The meeting was opened by a social representative. protection of the population Gordeeva N.V. She congratulated the participants on the holiday, on the age of wisdom. The evening was continued by library workers. Among the participants were Veterans of public education - teachers and educators. They were given the floor. Balakhontseva V.V. - Excellent student of public education, Honored Teacher of the USSR, awarded the Order and numerous diplomas, spoke about her first lessons, interesting episodes from the life of a novice teacher. The teachers gave the floor to V.V. Ryzhkova. , also a distinguished person, who congratulated all participants on the holiday and read her poems. Ryzhkova V.V. is a local poetess who constantly holds meetings with people of different ages, especially children. She attends all events and is also a member of the “Sudarushki” choir.

The library prepared for the participants an erudite competition “How many languages ​​do we speak?”, a Quiz “Riddles in the garden”, as well as a Game “Garden crumbs”. This game captivated the participants like children. With their eyes closed, they guessed by touch the vegetables that were laid out on a tray covered with a towel. The correct vegetables were a surprise gift for the participants. In a berry patch that was built on a table, a hedgehog with a multi-colored basket offered the participants the gifts of autumn - hawthorn and apples. The game smoothly turned into the “Let's Remember Your Favorite Song” competition. Everyone remembered their favorite songs, and veteran Manasova L.P. sang the folk song “Natasha,” which none of those present had heard before. The evening ended with the presentation of gifts to all participants. They left their thanks to the library in the guest book.

10.10.2017 Week of the Elderly


MBUK PR "MCB" on working with older people

as part of the Elderly People's Week in Russia.

On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons in Intersettlement Central Library A musical and poetic evening was held under the title: “Gold mines of your years.” The event was attended by members of the “Mercy” club at the Salsky VOS. Club presenter Romanyukina N.V. told those present about the history of the holiday, a video was shown on the screen, and the creative team of the Yubileiny Children's Palace spoke with wishes of goodness, love and good health. Club members enthusiastically answered quiz questions and enthusiastically participated in competitions and games. The winners were awarded prizes.

In the Letnitsky department of MBUK PR "MCB"» the following events took place:

On September 30, on the eve of the Day of the Elderly, a meeting of the “Golden Age” club, whose members are older readers, was held in the Letnitsky department.

On the same day, librarian O.V. Ivanenko visited the veteran librarian Tamara Maksimovna Semendyaeva, congratulated her on the holiday, presented her with flowers and a small gift, as well as a booklet with congratulations.

And on October 3, in the social rehabilitation department of the village. Letnik held the “Let’s Warm Our Hearts” holiday dedicated to International Day an elderly person. The head of the social rehabilitation department G.I. Tkachenko addressed those present with warm congratulations, reading out a congratulatory telegram that came to the residents from the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation L.N. Tutova.

On this day, a festive program was prepared for grandparents. The librarian of the Letnitsa department of the MBUK PR "MCB" Ivanenko O. V. spoke about the history of the emergence of this holiday, prepared a competitive and game program "It doesn't matter to us if the soul is young", students of the secondary school No. 16 named after. N.V. Pereverzeva read poems about her beloved grandparents and gave them autumn flowers. And the creative team of the MBUK DK "Letnitsky rural settlement" together with the ensemble "Zvonnitsa" performed sincere songs of their youth for the residents.

In the Bogoroditsky department of MBUK PR "MCB" As part of the week of older people on October 5, 2017, librarians O. V. Kutygina and N. A. Sapegina prepared and conducted a literary and musical hour: “I’m sitting in retirement, I’m not wasting my time,” which brought together longtime and very active readers of our library.

At the meeting, they talked about the history of the holiday, poems were read, quizzes were held: “Ivan the Herbalist”, “Health”, a quiz on the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, competitions: “Handicrafts”, “Our Grandmothers Sing”, riddles about the elderly. All guests were given prizes for participation.

The hosts of the meeting congratulated those present on the holiday, then gave a response to the guests.

And at the table, everyone who came to the holiday not only congratulated each other, but also talked heartily, remembering the past years.

At the end, each guest received a small souvenir. Those present at the event appreciated the relaxed and warm atmosphere that reigned at the meeting.

The library hosts a book exhibition “The Age of Wisdom, Warmth and Kindness”, which presents literature containing recipes for beauty and youth, health and longevity. Those present at the festival enjoyed seeing it.

In the Krasnaya Polyana department of MBUK PR "MCB" The following events took place during Older People's Week:

10/01/2017 The competitive and entertainment program “Fun is not a hindrance to business” was held jointly by employees of the House of Culture and the library. More than 60 elderly people gathered in the beautifully decorated hall, wishing to celebrate this day cheerfully, among friends.

Workers held comic competitions for grandparents on their knowledge of Russian folk tales, proverbs and sayings, riddles, songs different years.

Lyrical songs were performed by the artistic director of the House of Culture, Tatyana Yurakova, and Evgeniya Ivanovna, a participant in amateur performances.

An old resident of the village, a former director of his. Kirov Vasily Nikolaevich Mazurov presented his book “Milestones of my life”, published in St. Petersburg.

But everyone was surprised by Yuri Petrovich Kogan, the former agronomist behind them. Kirov, reading by heart the poems of Sergei Yesenin.

Students of the children's art school (headed by Tatyana Fedorovna Romanchuk) held a “Warm Palms” campaign, presenting everyone who came to the holiday with a craft in the shape of a palm with a red heart.

The holiday was lively and fun. They drank tea, sang songs in chorus and danced.

On 10/07/2017, gatherings were held in the reading room of the Krasnaya Polyana department of the MBUK PR "MCB". Former library employees Lidiya Vasilievna Strukova and Anna Matveevna Tryasorukova were invited to attend. Library workers introduced visitors to book exhibitions organized in the library for the 80th anniversary of the Rostov region and the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, shared plans for the future, and invited them to take part in public events.

For veterans of library work was covered festive table, where they reminisced over a cup of tea working together, its readers and funny stories from past years.

In PolivyanskyDepartment of MBUK PR "MTsB"» On October 6, a holiday was held: “It’s not a problem for us to be old,” dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, together with the employees of the cultural center. At the festival there were competitions, quizzes, and the participants of the program, not in words, but in deeds, proved that “We are old - it doesn’t matter!” It is worth noting that the participants of the festival easily guessed almost all the riddles.

On this day, the Head of the Administration of the Polivyansky rural settlement, Yu. I. Aleinikov, and the Chairman of the Council of Veterans, M. I. Gavrish, came to congratulate the elderly people.

The listeners very warmly and joyfully greeted each performance prepared for the elderly on this day. They sang along with the performers, and some even cried, remembering their past years when they were young, healthy and full of energy. Also at the evening, the most read reader was singled out and given a memorable gift to applause.

In the Zhukovsky department of MBUK PR "MCB" librarian Teslya T.V. conducted an oral journal: “ Autumn colors round dance."

In the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their native village, who gave their health and youth to the younger generation.

The presenter read poetry to those present, listened to wonderful music of the 80s, and the event was not without humorous notes. The monologues “On Louboutins” and “How an old woman sold an old man” were heard.

All the elderly people gathered recalled the past, how the whole team “did aerobics” with a tape recorder in the late 80s, how they ran to the village club after work, and managed to do everything: weed the garden, and take care of the children, while they were always cheerful and cheerful .

During the tea party, pensioners sang their favorite songs and read poetry.

“We still have our whole lives ahead of us,” the elderly people repeated in unison.

Everyone present left in a great mood.

In the Zarechensky department of MBUK PR "MCB" The following work was done as part of the Week of Older People:

01.10-07.10.2017 a photo exhibition “How young we were” was organized

10/05/2017 Together with the Administration, the Council of Veterans and the House of Culture, the Zarechensky Department visited veterans at home and congratulated them on the Day of the Elderly;

On 10/06/2017, an evening of communication was held in the Zarechensky department of the MBUK PR “MCB”: “This day is called the Day of Wisdom.” The evening of communication began with music program“Songs of our youth”, which smoothly turned into watching the video “How young we were”, and then into drinking tea, reminiscing about the past and discussing the present. The event was attended by the oldest residents and very young pensioners, all pensioners were given flowers, the elderly heard sincere wishes for good health, good mood, and active longevity.

In the Peschanokopsky department of MBUK PR "MTsB" For the International Day of Older Persons, we prepared a conversation and presentation “The Grandmother of a Favorite Writer”, which was held at PSESH No. 1 (2 Narodnaya St.) for second-grade children. The guys met the grandmothers of A. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, A. Blok, V. Astafiev, M. Lermontov. V.V. Oleinikova read poems about grandmothers “My grandmother is not an old lady” (P. Sinyavsky), “Give to the grandmothers” (M. Lukashkina).

The guys talked about their grandparents, how they spend time together and how much they love each other.

On October 7, 2017, a meeting with former cultural workers was held in the Peschanokopsky department of the MBUK PR "MCB". Those present listened with pleasure nice words addressed to us by librarian V.V. Oleynikova, watched the presentation “Be Young at Heart,” shared memories over a cup of tea, and read poetry.

The librarian of the Peschanokopsky department Oleynikova V.V. congratulated the former library employee, pensioner Ivanova Lyubov Nikanorovna. She wished him health and handed over a food package.

In Rassypyansky Department of MBUK PR "MCB" On the occasion of the celebration of Elderly People's Day, guests and readers gathered in the library retirement age for gatherings “We don’t care if our souls are young!”

Women came to the festive feast of different ages, different professions and each with its own life destiny. But they all have extensive work experience behind them. There were many stories about their workdays and holidays, which happened very rarely. Each of them wanted to talk about their children, grandchildren, and some even great-grandchildren.

Librarian N. N. Pankratova invited guests to take part in the “Guess the Melody” quiz, as well as “Our Favorite Movies.” Based on the proposed pictures from films, they guessed the name of the film and memorable quotes from it. Sang their favorite songs. Didenko M.G. I read poems of my own composition to those present.

In the Razvilensky department of MBUK PR "MTsB" As part of the week of older people, an hour of communication was held “Age of Autumn, you are dear and beautiful.”

The event was attended by members of the club " Firebird". Not all of them were able to come for health reasons, but those who came did not regret it. After all, according to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the most important luxury is the luxury of human communication. About the benefits of friendship, goodwill, good and Librarian Lokhmanova N.G., the head of the club, told the audience about a positive mood, their role in the life of an elderly person. After the conversation, a tea party took place.

Everyone present left in a great mood.

Children's department MBUK PR "MTsB" as part of the week of elderly people, they visited the elderly at home with their children and congratulated them on the Day of the Elderly;

All pensioners were presented with flowers, the elderly heard sincere wishes for good health, good mood, and active longevity.

Leading methodologist of MBUK PR "MCB" Yudina N.N.

Events dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons were held in cultural institutions of the Mariinsky municipal district.
There is an unusual date in the autumn calendar when the heart is filled with a feeling of deep gratitude, when you want to say words of gratitude, to be especially sensitive and attentive to people - this is the Day of Respect for the Older Generation.
On this day, according to established tradition, the elderly people of the village of Primetkino were invited to an evening of relaxation “My years are my wealth.”
While the guests of the evening were getting ready for the event, the head of the library Lyubov Esik introduced them to book exhibition“In Harmony with Age,” which presents literature containing recipes for beauty and youth, health and longevity. And the head of the Leisure House, Alena Kovtunova, reviewed the hand-made exhibition “I’m retired, I’m not wasting my time!” What was not here! Knitted products, beautiful scarves and shawls, openwork napkins and tablecloths.
But the guests gathered at the festive table. The head of the Kiysk rural settlement, Galina Nikolaevna Pozdnyakova, addressed with warm congratulations and wishes.
On this festive day, the vocal group RDK delighted the guests with their performance. They performed popular songs from different years.
Throughout the evening, elderly people heard sincere wishes for good health, good mood and longevity.
At the festive table over a cup of tea, the guests of the evening not only congratulated each other and wished them health, but also sang and talked heartily, remembering the past years. Those gathered took part in various quizzes and competitions for the best performance of a song, ditty, or anecdote.
At the end of the event, all those present received a gift from young fellow villagers, who, on the eve of this day, made beautiful bright flowers from paper in the “Masterilka” circle.
Not a single person at the evening was left unattended. Everyone left in high spirits, with smiles and jokes. After all, the organizers of the evening gave the participants the main thing: attention and good mood, wished them an undying interest in life, good health for many years to come, warmth and love of loved ones, happiness and prosperity.

On October 1, ceremonial events dedicated to the Day of Kindness and Respect for the Elder Generation were held at the Blagoveshchensk House of Culture.
From the very morning, employees of the House of Culture visited and congratulated the elderly at home, presented souvenirs and small gifts.
At 13.00 the concert program “No problem for us!” was held at the cultural center. The concert opened with a theatrical comic performance by Grandma Matryona and Flower. Then the concert program was continued by soloists who performed the favorite songs of their grandparents. They especially enjoyed the mischievous ditties performed by the Sudarushka ensemble.
The celebration continued with tea drinking and watching a movie.

On October 1, the Day of Kindness and Respect, festive events were held at the Malopeschansky House of Culture.
The festive concert “The Beautiful Age of Autumn” opened with the song “Mothers,” which was performed for all mothers and grandmothers. The folk group, the folk song ensemble “Karavai”, the vocal group “Lyubava” and the soloists of the House of Culture Elena Volkova, Ekaterina Volkova and Vasily Dementyev performed soulful and lively songs.
The head of the Malopeschansky rural settlement, Ivan Mirgoyanovich Bakhtigireev, congratulated all those present on the holiday, wishing them health, peace, joy and all the best. TO holiday congratulations The chief specialist of the Malopeschansky settlement, Lyubov Kazimirovna Kravchenko, joined, wishing prosperity, optimism and long life.
Children and teenagers prepared a theatrical program for the elderly called “Once upon a time there were grandfathers and grandmothers”, in which participants from the children’s club “Rainbow” and the theater club “Fairy Tale” were involved. Also at the event, songs were performed by soloists of the House of Culture and the children's vocal ensemble "Solnyshko". Pupils of the Malopeschanskaya school read poems about grandparents.
Then the celebration continued in the foyer of the House of Culture for the competition game program“A Young Man at Heart,” where a festive table and fun challenges were organized for older people. The participants sang songs and ditties and danced with pleasure.
According to cultural workers, this wonderful holiday gives representatives of the older generation the opportunity to meet and relax their souls. It is not without reason that they say that a person is always young at heart, despite his age.

In Suslovsky rural house culture for older people took place festive event, dedicated to the Day of Kindness and Respect.
Words of gratitude from the head of the rural settlement, R.A., were addressed to those who, through their labor, created the history of our country. Ognev, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Rural Territories L.I. Belova, Chairman of the Women's Council and Director of the Suslovsky SDK T.I. Stepanova.
Workers of the House of Culture with participants in amateur performances prepared an interesting concert program for labor veterans, which included not only amateur performances, but also game moments. There were also riddles where, for correct answers, viewers received autumn slips with a number, which later turned out to be tickets to a win-win lottery. There was also a fairy hat that could read minds. And in the foyer you could become participants in the exhibitions “Culinary Tricks” and “Hobbies of Pensioners” and receive a letter of gratitude and a gift for this.

2015 was declared in the Kemerovo region “The Year of Veterans - the Year of the Great Victory.” Creative workers of the KDO "Prazdnik" Special attention They devote themselves to organizing creative leisure for people whose lives passed during difficult years for the country - the years of war, the restoration of the national economy. These people deserve special respect and honor.

On September 30, veterans of medical services gathered in the hall of the Prazdnik Children's Cultural Center. WITH greetings, the chief physician of the Central City Hospital, A.O., addressed the veterans with gifts and certificates. Lisovenko. She thanked the meeting participants for their long, conscientious work and wished everyone good health.
On October 1 and 2, veterans of various professions were honored. The chairman of the complex center S.A. came to congratulate them. Akimova and Chairman of the Veterans Council G.V. Pertseva.
Creative workers held an interesting entertainment program. Representatives of the older generation enjoyed playing funny games, taking part in a relay race, and singing ditties and songs of their youth to the accordion.
The festive concert was attended by: folk group, ensemble "Veselukha", ensemble "Smiles", circus studio "Surprise", studio ballroom dance“Olympus”, gypsy ensemble “Brilliant” and soloists Elena Verkhoturova, Olga Bizina, Elena Taylasheva and Elena Vilkova.

The Day of the Elderly is a day of thanksgiving to the older generation for the warmth of their hearts, for the strength they devote to work, for the experience that they share with the younger generation, with their children and grandchildren.
On the eve of the celebration of the Day of the Elderly, amateur groups visited the Blagoveshchensk boarding school with a visiting concert program “My Dear Old People”.
The younger generation, with their songs, paid tribute and honor to those people who lived a life full of working days.
With their musical numbers, the creative workers of the RDK made the elderly people present in the hall smile.
On October 1, a festive theatrical concert program “For Rejuvenating Apples” was held in the foyer of the district House of Culture.
The guests of the holiday, together with the wise king, tried to get a basket of rejuvenating apples from the insidious Baba Yaga. Grandparents eagerly competed in competitions, solved riddles and recalled melodies of past years.
Creative workers gave the heroes of the occasion their fiery songs and good wishes.
On October 1, creative workers of the district House of Culture visited the Raevsky SDK and the Primetkinsky Children's House with a festive traveling concert program “Years of Gray Hair.”
In a relaxed, calm, friendly atmosphere at laid tables, the heroes of the occasion accepted congratulations.
What could be better on this day for dear old people than musical gifts from amateur groups. Guests of the holiday listened to soulful songs with tears in their eyes and actively danced to cheerful, catchy melodies.
At the end of the concert program, the grandparents saw off the artists with words of gratitude and kind smiles.

“Golden placers of hearts” - this was the title festive concert on the Day of Kindness and Respect for the Older Generation in the village of Krasnye Orly. All Krasnoorlov residents who have crossed the half-century age mark received from the artists not only creative gifts, but also a low bow for their parental home, for a warm shelter, for a hearty table, for strong family roots.
Words of gratitude and appreciation were addressed to those gathered from the mouths of the head of the Krasnoorlovsky rural settlement T. T. Samsonova and the chairman of the Public Council N. K. Rakina. An atmosphere of kindness and joy reigned in the hall. With special warmth and attention, the audience greeted everyone who gave a holiday and a good mood with their creativity. The heroes of the occasion received congratulations from VIA “Vozrozhdenie”. And after the concert, the romantic, mysterious, enchanting and unpredictable Lady Autumn invited everyone to her “Autumn Cafe” for a cup of tea to give everyone her last wonderful moments.

On October 1, the Belogorodsky SDK honored those who dedicated all their strength and knowledge to their people. According to established tradition, a festive concert “Day of Kindness and Respect” was held.

The head of the settlement, Andrei Alekseevich Somsonov, and the representative of the Council of Veterans, Galina Emelyanovna Kuzhel, spoke with wishes and congratulations, who wholeheartedly thanked for the warmth of their hearts, for the strength they devoted to work, for the experience that older people share with the younger generation, with their children and grandchildren.

Participants in amateur performances - adults and children - created a lyrical and emotional atmosphere and sang songs. The holiday continued in a friendly atmosphere over a cup of tea.

On October 1, an event dedicated to the Day of Respect for the Older Generation was held at the Pervomaisky House of Culture.
The Head of the rural area, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Falman, and the Chairman of the Council of Veterans, Pavel Alekseevich Ustinov, addressed the guests with congratulations.
The grandparents were congratulated on this day by the vocal group “Kolechko” and the children’s vocal group “Kamerton”.
A tea party was organized for the guests of the holiday.