New Year's quiz “For children and their parents. New Year's quiz and an interesting New Year with your family! Blitz questions about the New Year

Celebrating the New Year is always fun and sometimes unforgettable. If you prepare in advance, no one will be bored. A quiz for the New Year 2018 with answers will allow you to diversify the holiday, make it more interesting and fun. You can easily choose a quiz for adults, children, and the whole company. Don’t forget, in order to involve guests in participating in the quiz, it should be presented in an interesting way, accompanied by jokes, tasks and “punishments”. Regardless of where you celebrate the New Year - at work, at school, with family or friends, you can easily choose interesting questions.

New Year 2018 will be the year of the Yellow or Earth Dog. To attract the favor of the owner of the year, be sure to conduct a quiz about dogs.

At the same time, check how much you know about these animals that have become true friends for people. Both adults and children can participate in the quiz. Below you will find questions with answers, but you can supplement them with your own options.

  1. What is the name of the breed of dog that guarded the sheep flock? (Shepherd)
  2. What was the name of the dog that Turgenev wrote about? (Mu Mu)
  3. Which islands got their name from “dog”? (Canarian, “canus” from Latin translates as dog)
  4. What dogs are called gladiators? The breed was specially bred to participate in battles. (Bull Terriers).
  5. Which dog was the first to go into space? (Laika)
  6. What breed of dog was bred at the Chinese emperor's palace and was kept secret for a long time? (Pekingese)
  7. What was the name of the dog with three heads in the mythology of the ancient Greeks, who guarded the entrance to Hades? (Cerberus).
  8. The name of which breed comes from the name of the country? (Spaniel from Spain).
  9. What is the name of the science that studies dogs? (Cynology)
  10. What was the name of Mickey Mouse's dog? (Pluto)
  11. Where do dingo dogs live? (In Australia, they are descendants of wild dogs that were brought to the mainland by colonialists)
  12. In which country is it illegal to allow a black dog into the house on New Year's Eve? (In Greece)
  13. What breed was Kashtanka in Chekhov's story? (Dachshund-mongrel mix)
  14. In which country was the black terrier breed developed? (In Soviet Union).
  15. Which dog has a purple tongue? (Chow-chow)
  16. What breed's name translates to "dog"? (Dog).

To attract guests to participate in the quiz, prepare gifts for them in the form of dog figurines or other small souvenirs in advance. Upon completion, determine the winner, the person who knows the most about dogs (gave the most correct answers) and reward him with a gift. Souvenirs can also be given to other participants.

Quiz for the New Year 2018 for a corporate party

If you are preparing for the New Year 2018 celebration at work, a fun quiz will help you have a fun time and ease the tension. It is not at all necessary to sit at the table all the time, drink and eat. Someone will be able to truly show off their knowledge. To make the quiz more fun, questions can be written on leaves in the shape of daisy petals and connected to form a flower (the questions should be invisible). Each participant tears off a petal, reads the question and answers it. For an incorrect answer, you can come up with some kind of punishment, for example, so that the participant crows or grunts, sings a song or dances. In general, whatever your imagination allows you to come up with.

The questions can be humorous, about the New Year, winter or other topics.

  1. What is the Snowman's wife called? (Snow woman)
  2. What else, besides spruce, does not change its color throughout the year? (Alcoholic nose)
  3. How to check that vodka is not “scorched”? (Put in the freezer, if it freezes, it means it’s of poor quality)
  4. Its size depends on the time of year (Day)
  5. What scent is associated with New Year's holidays? (Coniferous or fir)
  6. Not a snack, but winter salted them in a tub (Snowballs)
  7. What piece of furniture was sure to be used by children on New Year's Eve? (Stool)
  8. Can be used as a salad ingredient and be an organ (Carrot)
  9. Who stays slim in winter and summer, and who doesn't need to diet? (Christmas tree)
  10. What kind of prickly drink do adults drink on New Year's Eve? (Champagne).

You can diversify the quiz with your own questions related to the traditions of New Year celebrations, winter, and so on. During the comic quiz, everyone will be able to have fun and relax. Great way lighten up the feast and incendiary dances.

New Year's quiz 2018 for the whole family

If you are celebrating the New Year 2018 with your family, the New Year's quiz will allow everyone to have fun, unite, and adults to remember forgotten known facts and for children to gain new knowledge. Have someone read the questions and others answer. To encourage participants, you can prepare small souvenirs in advance. This will make it more interesting for children to participate in intellectual competition, and adults will also be pleased to receive a gift.

The quiz can be made even more interesting if you have the Lotto game. Let everyone take out barrels with numbers from the bag, and the presenter reads out the question of what is under this number. Questions should be written on a piece of paper in advance. They can be of this nature:

  1. Where is Father Frost's estate located? (In Veliky Ustyug)
  2. Residents of which Russian city are the first to celebrate the New Year? (Vladivostok)
  3. Why aren't poultry dishes served on the New Year's table in Hungary? (Because happiness will fly away from home).
  4. In which country did the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year appear? (In Germany)
  5. What was the name of Father Frost? (Grandfather Treskun or Morozko)
  6. In which country do they throw away broken furniture and broken dishes on New Year's Eve? (In Italy)
  7. In which country was glass made for the first time? Christmas decorations? (In Sweden)
  8. What do you need to do for Santa Claus to receive a gift? (Sing a song or recite a poem)
  9. What piece of furniture brings the whole family and friends together for the holidays? (Table)
  10. What is the name of Santa Claus in Cyprus? (Basil)
  11. In which country is the Santa Claus and Father Frost Olympics held? (In Sweden)
  12. How do the Chinese protect themselves from evil spirits on New Year's Eve? (Set off firecrackers)
  13. What do you call a winter sculpture made of snow? (Snowman)
  14. What magical instrument does Santa Claus have? (Staff)
  15. Who is the Snow Maiden related to Santa Claus? (Granddaughter)

The provided list can be supplemented with other questions. The number of questions depends on the number of people celebrating the New Year together. Each person may have one or more questions.

New Year 2018 quiz for children

If you want to arrange an unforgettable New Year's party for children, prepare a quiz for them. It will not only help you have a fun time, but will also bring benefits. Children will be able to test their knowledge and supplement it with new previously unknown facts. You can take the quiz both at home and on school holiday. The main thing is to prepare in advance and select interesting questions for intellectual competition. After the competition, be sure to hand out candy, sweets or other gifts to the children.

Questions could be:

  1. Who issued the decree to celebrate the New Year on January 1? (Peter the First)
  2. How does Santa Claus get into the house? (Through the chimney)
  3. Where is Santa Claus's residence located? (In Lapland)
  4. What sound signal announces the arrival of the New Year? (Chimes)
  5. What kind of headdress does a Snowman wear? (Bucket)
  6. What does Santa Claus like to draw on the windows? (Patterns)
  7. Where does Santa Claus leave gifts? (Under the tree)
  8. What month does the year start from? (From January)
  9. What animals help Santa Claus deliver gifts? (Deer)
  10. What winter character can't move without a broom? (Snowman)
  11. What was the name of the boy she kidnapped? The Snow Queen? (Kai)
  12. In which country does New Year come first? (To New Zealand)
  13. Where does Santa Claus hide his gifts? (In the bag)
  14. What kind of tree is dressed up in southern countries where spruces don't grow? (Palm)
  15. What luminous decorations replaced wax candles on Christmas trees? (Garlands).

When selecting questions, the age of the participants is taken into account so that the questions are understandable and interesting for them, not too complex, but not overly simple. Let the New Year celebration be interesting and exciting. Choose quizzes for your guests, friends, colleagues or children and fill your holiday with new emotions.

In this article - New Year's version the well-known table game “Questions and Answers”. The host approaches the guests one by one and asks them questions. Players draw pre-prepared answer cards at random from a hat (or a beautifully decorated box) and read them out loud. I tried to make a selection so that any question and answer would be funny and, as they say, on topic. I hope you will enjoy.

Presenter's questions:

  1. Do you have the habit of kissing everyone at New Year's parties?
  2. Rowdy behavior on New Year's Eve - is that about you?
  3. Do you like to celebrate New Year in the forest under a Christmas tree?
  4. Is it true that your old dream is to dance a striptease at a corporate party?
  5. Have you ever fallen asleep and snored? New Year's table?
  6. Do you like to dance non-stop all New Year's Eve?
  7. Is it true that before every New Year you get a tattoo?
  8. Do you like to be naughty on New Year's Eve?
  9. Have you often eaten so much on New Year's Day that you couldn't leave the table?
  10. Do you like to scream songs under other people's windows on New Year's Eve?
  11. Do you like to keep track of who ate how much? festive table?
  12. Do you often celebrate New Year dressed as a clown?
  13. Do you love after New Year's feast wash dirty dishes?
  14. It gives you pleasure to select new Year gifts at the kids?
  15. Are you ready to squander all your money on New Year's gifts?
  16. Do you often wake up on the morning of January 1st in a snowdrift?
  17. Do you secretly dream of a love adventure on New Year's Eve with a stranger?
  18. Is it true that you like to gossip about the outfits of those present at the New Year holidays?
  19. Do you like to pester those present with your boring thoughts about life on New Year's Eve?
  20. Is it true that you consider yourself the most beautiful (the most beautiful) among all those present?

Answer cards:

  1. Yes, sometimes I make small weaknesses.
  2. Come on, I don’t even dare think about it.
  3. It's over, but only for good money.
  4. We are all not without sin!
  5. I admit, this is my favorite activity.
  6. Certainly! What's wrong with that?
  7. Don’t you think you haven’t been to a doctor for a long time, since you’re asking me such ridiculous questions?!
  8. Well, once a year I can afford it.
  9. Questions like these give me a migraine.
  10. Yes, although it’s embarrassing to admit it.
  11. I would love to, but my friends forbid me to do this.
  12. Alas, this is just my dream...
  13. It happens somehow by itself.
  14. How did you find out about this, I asked you not to disclose this?
  15. Yes, but less often than I would like.
  16. Yes, especially when I eat a lot.
  17. Yes, especially after New Year's banquets.
  18. No, but I’m ready to try it with you.
  19. Ugh, how vulgar that is!
  20. Yes, yes and yes again!

If you like to gather in New Year's Eve big family and at the same time you want to bring something fun into the New Year that will be interesting to all family members: you, your parents, and even your grandparents, then the Quiz on your favorite Russian New Year's films and fairy tales is something that absolutely everyone will like!

The questions from the New Year's quiz are quite simple, so all guests will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of everyone's favorite films from childhood.

Read also:

How to conduct a New Year's quiz?

Option 1: Each person sitting at the table takes turns pulling out a piece of paper and must answer the question correctly. For an incorrect answer, the participant is fined, for example, with a spoonful of Olivier salad or a New Year's song, which he must perform to the applause of those present.
Option 2: The presenter reads out the questions from the quiz one by one, and those present must shout out the correct answer the fastest. The one who gives the correct answer first receives a small New Year's prize.

New Year's Quiz Questions

1. What was the name of the street in the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath”?

2. Choose the correct answer to the phrase from the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath” “What... is this your jellied fish!”

a) dirty tricks; b) abomination; c) joy; d) disgusting

3. What word did Kai lay out in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen?”

4. What and how many “honestly earned” things did Miloslavsky deprive Shpak of (in Shpak’s opinion) in the film “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession?”

5. What did Marfushenka-Darling answer to Morozko’s question from the fairy tale “Morozko”: “Are you warm, maiden, are you warm, red one?

6. Continue the phrase from the film “Gentlemen of Fortune”: “You don’t go there, you go here...

7) What gift did Oksana ask from Vakula Kuznets from the film “On a Farm near Dikanka”

8) Continue the phrase from part 1 of the film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik” “Whoever does not work is...”

9) Continue the phrase from part 2 of the film “Operation “Y” and Shurik’s other adventures” “The professor, of course, is a mug, but...”

10) Continue the phrase from part 3 of the film “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik” “Better train on...”

a) spoons; b) bowls; c) cats; d) nesting dolls

And if you want to make a wish for the New Year or Christmas, then our article will be useful to you!

Correct answers to the Quiz

  1. Builders Street
  2. Nasty
  3. Eternity
  4. “Three tape recorders, three foreign movie cameras, three domestic cigarette cases, three suede jackets”
  5. “Are you crazy, old man? You see, my hands and feet are frozen!”
  6. “You don’t go there, you go here, otherwise it’ll snow on your head... You’ll be completely dead!”
  7. Cherevichki
  8. "He who does not work, eats"
  9. “The professor, of course, is a mug, but he has the equipment.”
  10. "You better train on cats.

Thus, New Year's quiz will help you celebrate the New Year more interestingly and bring a smile to you and your parents.

I wish you a Happy New Year,
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, author of the idea.

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New Year's quiz for schoolchildren with answers

Purpose: this material will be of interest to teachers primary classes in preparation for the New Year holidays.
Target: introducing students to the history of the New Year and New Year's characters.
Tasks:- develop interest in New Year traditions, customs,

To form cognitive, communicative learning tools,

Foster a love of tradition.
New Year's Eve
V. Shumilin
On New Year's Eve, like in a fairy tale,
Full of miracles.
The Christmas tree is hurrying to catch the train,
Leaving the winter forest.
And the stars shine brightly
And they dance in a circle.
For the New, New Year!
Little funny guys like snowflakes
They fly and fly all night.
And songs are everywhere
Sounds funny.
The wind whistles
Blizzard sings
On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve,
For the New, New Year!

New Year's quiz questions.

1 .In Russia, the first to celebrate the New Year are:
A) Residents of Chukotka, Kamchatka and Magadan region +
B) Residents of Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions
C) residents of the Moscow, Tula, Novgorod regions
2 . In Russia, the last people to celebrate the New Year will be:
A) Kaliningrad +
B) Astrakhan
B) St. Petersburg
3. The needles of this tree are not prickly, wider and longer than those of spruce, and the cones grow upwards, not downwards, like those of spruce:
A) Cedar
B) Fir +
B) Pine
4. The prototype of a modern Santa Claus:
A) Saint Nicholas +
B) Saint Peter
B) Saint Ivan
5. This is what people called January:
A) Prozimets
B) Prosinets +
B) Frostbite
6. Russian artist, author of the painting “The Snow Maiden”:
A) I. Levitan
B) V. Vasnetsov +
B) I. Shishkin
7. Composer Rimsky Korsakov created the opera:
A) Snow Maiden +
B) Granddaughter
B) Beauty
8. This is what people called December:
A) Morozailo
B) Stuzhaylo +
B) Gonyailo
9. The type of movement of a horse is found in the famous children's song about a Christmas tree:
A) Trotter +
B) Gait
B) Gallop
10. The most famous New Year's fruit:
A) Apple
B) Mandarin +
B) Banana
11. Santa Claus needs this not only to rely on, but also to work miracles:
A) felt boots
B) Belt
B) Staff +
12. Santa Claus has it long, to the waist:
A) Fur coat
B)Beard +
B) Hat
13. In Rus', when the whole family gathered at the New Year's table, the children tied the table legs with a bast rope. What did this New Year's custom symbolize?
A) The family will be strong in the coming year and should not be separated +
B) The family will be cheerful in the coming year and should not be sad
C) The family will be rich in the coming year and should not be poor
14. What gymnastic trick does the Earth perform at the time of the next New Year?
A) Rondat
15. Which country is the historical birthplace of the Christmas tree and then the New Year tree?
A) England
B) Germany+
B) Denmark
16. What is the name of the Russian ancient, but ageless dance at the New Year tree?
A) Polka
B) Round dance +
B) Waltz
17. Performer of a lullaby for the Christmas tree:
A) Storm
B) Blizzard
18. What is it customary to wash your face with on New Year’s Eve in Hungary in order to be well-off all year?
A) Water
B) Snow
19. In which country during New Year's holiday Do they light thousands of lanterns to illuminate the path to the New Year?
A) Poland
B) China+
B) Japan
20. When did you celebrate the New Year in pre-Petrine Rus' of the 18th century?
A) January 1
B) September 1 +
B) March 1

New Year's quiz that requires a complete answer. (3-4 cells).

2. American Santa Claus.(Santa Claus.)

3. Three necessary things without which Santa Claus cannot appear “in public”?(Without beard, staff and gifts.)

4. Snowflake's cousin?(Icicle.)

5. How many times, according to ancient tradition, must Santa Claus hit the ground with his staff for a miracle to happen?(Three times.)

6. Transport movement of Santa Claus?(Three horses harnessed to a painted sleigh.)

7. How many times do Russians celebrate New Year?(Twice: on the first of January according to the new style and on the fourteenth according to the old style.)

8. Which Russian writer, playwright is considered the “father” of the Snow Maiden?(A. N. Ostrovsky, author of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden.”)

9. Famous Russian composer, author of the opera “The Snow Maiden”?(Rimsky-Korsakov.)

10. Which film has become a good tradition to show on New Year's Eve?("Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath".)

11. A close relative of Santa Claus?(His granddaughter Snegurochka.)

12. Who invented the calendar?(By the ancient Romans.)

13. Favorite treat of Father Frost and Snow Maiden?(Ice cream.)

14. Homeland of ice cream?(French town called Plombières.)

15. Children's fairy tales, the title of which includes Santa Claus himself or his immediate and distant relatives?(“Morozko”, “Snow Queen”, “Snow Maiden”, “Frost Ivanovich”, “Mistress Blizzard”, etc.)

16. New Year's “confetti gun”?(Clapperboard.)

17. The name of the famous New Year's song?("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".)


"New Year's mosaic" – the game involves two teams of three people each.

Exercise. Each team is given an envelope containing a proverb or saying on a winter theme, with each word written on a separate piece of paper. It is necessary in a minute to compose scattered words into a proverb or saying: “Take care of your nose in the deep frost”; “Winter and summer do not get along well.”

"Snowball Catcher" - a comic competition of throwing “snowballs” is organized. Two players stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately three meters. The player in front of whom lies a “bunch of snowballs” (pre-made paper snowballs) throws them at the second player, who is holding a small trash basket. With this basket he must catch the snowball. The second player's task is to catch as many snowballs as possible with his basket.

“One snowflake, two snowflakes...” – two or more people participate in the game. Task. Blindfolded, within a certain time, collect as many “snowflakes” scattered by Santa Claus as possible.

“The Christmas tree is elegant...” – Both girls and boys take part in the game. Girls are Christmas trees, which boys must dress up and embellish for the holiday within a certain time. In front of each of them is a box with various women's cosmetics, jewelry and accessories: beads, bows, clips, lipstick, blush, eye shadow, hairpins, Christmas decorations and tinsel. The winner is the pair of players who aroused the greatest sympathy among the audience. Voting is “regulated” by friendly applause.

"Playing Blind" – two players participate. In front of each of them is a large sheet of paper and a pencil. Condition of the game: blindfolded, draw, for example, a snowman. The one with the most successful and reliable drawing wins. The winner receives a “sweet prize” in the form of a large candy with a surprise “filling”. Rewarding the winner, Santa Claus quietly pulls the string and the “candy” cracker suddenly explodes in the hands of an unsuspecting player, showering him with multi-colored confetti.

« Balloon my fly..." - The game involves two or three pairs of players. They are given a task: during a fast, rhythmic dance, not to let balloon touch the floor. The winner is the couple who successfully completed the task, who, as a reward, receive an amazing gift from Santa Claus: knocking on the floor with their with a magic staff, he predicts an amazing and brilliant future for young people.

“Two silver horses will take me home in an instant...” – two opposing players, using roller skates as ordinary skates, must, simultaneously leaving the “same destination,” cover a certain distance and return safely. The winner is the one who completes the task more confidently and quickly.

New Year traditions in different countries.

Let's start with Germany, from where the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree to celebrate the New Year spread throughout the world. By the way, this tradition appeared there back in the distant Middle Ages. The Germans believe that Santa Claus rides on a donkey, so children put hay in their shoes to treat him. And in Berlin, at the Brandenburg Gate, the most interesting thing is happening: hundreds of thousands of people toast to the reunification of East and West Germany - the holiday is celebrated there very emotionally.

And in Vietnam, the beliefs are even more interesting - the ancestors of modern Vietnamese believed that New Year swims on the back of a carp, so today there is a tradition there to buy live carp for the New Year and release it into a pond or river. And the main symbol of the holiday there are branches of blossoming peach, which they place in the house and give to each other.

Another widespread tradition today was given to the world by another European country- England. This is giving to each other greeting cards. And among the unusual things associated with the New Year there, one can highlight the same tradition of treating a donkey with hay as the Germans, as well as the ritual of lovers kissing under a sprig of mistletoe to strengthen the relationship. Moreover, this must be done while the bells are ringing at 12 o’clock in honor of the New Year. The unusual thing is that these bells start ringing before 12 at night, but until the New Year comes they are covered with blankets so that they sound quietly, and when it comes, the blankets are removed and they begin to ring with all their might. And in the British Isles, people literally let the Old Year out and let the New Year in: to do this, they first open the back door of the house when the clock starts striking 12, and then open the front door so that the New Year can enter the house.

But Sweden gave the world the first glass Christmas tree decorations (in the 19th century). There, on New Year's Day, it is customary to keep the lights on in the houses and brightly illuminate the streets - this is a real holiday of light.

Another European, the French, celebrates the New Year very extravagantly. They bake a pie in which they put one bean, whoever gets this bean is declared the bean king and on the festive night everyone obeys his orders. Yes, many of us would like such a tradition; it is strange that it has not yet reached and taken root in Russia. And good French winemakers are simply obliged to toast the future harvest with a barrel of wine: you need to clink glasses with it and congratulate it on the New Year!

In the USA, where in 1895 the world's first glowing electric garland was hung near the White House, and from where the tradition of writing to oneself " New Year's tasks"with promises and plans for the coming year, it is not customary to organize festive feasts, nor to give gifts, they do all this only for Christmas, and they always replant the Christmas trees in the ground, and do not throw them away, like ours.

But the Finns hold festive meals on both Christmas and New Year. It was from Finland that the tradition of melting wax and dipping it in cold water, and then, based on the resulting figures, guess what awaits a person in the coming year.

Japan gave the world the tradition of celebrating the New Year in new clothes, building ice sculptures and castles. The most unusual tradition there is to buy a rake before the New Year, which “will help you rake more happiness.”

An unusual and quite common New Year's tradition in many countries is making noise - the louder the better! Panamanians, shouting and knocking loudly, ringing bells, turning on sirens and honking car horns, so coax the New Year. Hungarians whistle loudly in the first second of the New Year - they drive away bad things and attract prosperity. Iranians shoot from guns.

Whatever the New Year's traditions, the most extravagant among them can rightfully be considered those in which something is thrown out of the windows. So, in Cuba, at 12 o’clock, water is poured out of the windows, which is filled in advance into all the dishes available in the house - in this way, Cubans wish the New Year a clear and bright path like water. Italians throw old things out of windows so that new ones can take their place, and they do it with all their inherent passion, loudly and cheerfully. In some areas of Johannesburg (the capital of South Africa), refrigerators are flying out of windows, which makes the New Year in this country very dangerous, but in general, it is customary there to throw something old out of windows, just like the Italians. But in Nepal, old things are burned in large bonfires at sunrise.

Bulgarians behave very unusually in the first 3 minutes of the New Year: they turn off the lights everywhere - these are the minutes of New Year's kisses, the secret of which is kept by darkness. Well, far behind in terms of extravagance New Year's traditions all were left by the Ecuadorians. The men there dress up in women's clothing, put on wigs and makeup to stage a “widow’s cry” for bad husbands and burn dolls.

But in general, all Ecuadorians believe: if you manage to put on yellow underwear before the clock strikes, then the money will fall out of the blue; if you wear red, then there will be happiness in personal life, if you run around the house at the same time with a large bag or suitcase, you will be traveling all year.

There are many more interesting New Year traditions.

As we get older, New Year is perceived as an ordinary occasion to meet at the table with family or friends. What then? Movies on TV, heart-to-heart conversations, congratulations from the president and the chimes. But how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. The holiday should be noisy and fun, so a New Year's quiz with funny answers will help entertain the guests with whom you plan to enter 2020.

New Year celebration traditions

If we are to learn to celebrate this holiday, then we definitely need to follow the example of the Chinese. Neither Russia, nor prim Europe and eccentric America with their Christmas traditions can compare with how the New Year is celebrated in the East. This is confirmed by strict adherence to the Chinese zodiac, where animals dominate. So in 2020 we will have a new patron of the year - the White Rat.

This little rodent will begin a new 12-year cycle. The rat is a wise and cunning creature, and according to legend, it was with it that Buddha was given the opportunity to bring the most unusual animals to heaven. To win over the symbol of the year, try to meet it sincerely, openly and cheerfully. Therefore, do not skimp on emotions, call your friends and come up with competitions and entertainment.

For a mouse party

Adults and children love riddles. For the New Year's quiz 2020, you can select questions related to the symbol of the year. These can be tricky questions about both rats and mice.

  • Who will be the first to escape from a sinking ship? (Rats)
  • Who almost killed Pinocchio? (shushara rat)
  • In Japan they say: “If you want to become rich, invite you to visit...” (Rat)
  • Who is Lariska from the cartoon "Cheburashka"? (Rat)
  • Who was Chuchundra who gave advice to the mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi? (Rat)
  • Who helped pull the turnip? (Mouse)
  • Who does a cat love most? (Mouse)
  • Who can make a woman jump on a table in a second? (Mouse)
  • To whom did Leopold say: “Guys, let’s live together”? (To two mice, Gray and White)
  • The Nutcracker's enemy? (Mouse King)

  • He looks out of the crack, he’s afraid to get out (Mouse)
  • A small ball is fumbling under the bench (Mouse)
  • Gray, small, tail like an awl (Mouse)
  • Small stature, long tail. Gray coat, sharp teeth (Mouse)
  • What animal lives in water in summer and in land in winter? (Water rat)
  • What do they say about someone who does nothing? (Doesn't catch mice)
  • Who was the coachman in the fairy tale "Cinderella"? (Rat)
  • Who did the steadfast tin soldier meet under the bridge? (With a rat)
  • What game did Puss in Boots play with the Ogre? (In cat and mouse)

For scholars

If you plan to celebrate New Year 2020 in close family circle, then invite those gathered at the holiday table to stretch their brains and answer complex but interesting quiz questions.

  • Why do rats, which require very little food to survive, constantly chew on something? (If they do not grind down their teeth, they will grow so long that the animal will not be able to close its mouth. In a year, a rodent’s teeth grow by 13 cm)
  • What is an ironic name for an old man trying to look young? (Mouse stallion)
  • Which fairy tale tells about the clumsiest mouse? (“Chicken Ryaba”)
  • Find a synonym for the word “get angry” in the 2020 theme (Cry out)
  • What did Montmorency's dog (from the book "Three Men in a Boat (Not Counting the Dog)") bring in addition to the Irish stew that was being prepared? (Dead rat)

  • What was the name of the super-heavy tank designed by Ferdinand Porsche? (Mouse)
  • What role did Evgeny Mironov get in the film “The Idiot”? (Prince Myshkin)
  • What do computer scientists call an armpit? (Mouse pad)
  • What is on the Australian 1 cent coin? (Opossum)
  • What chemical element is named after rodents? (Arsenic)
  • How can you write the word “mousetrap” in five and three letters? (Cat or cat)
  • Traditional New Year's operetta at the Vienna State Opera? (I. Strauss “The Bat”)
  • Which herbaceous plant of the legume family definitely needs to be grown in 2020? personal plot? (Mouse peas)
  • What is the word for bat in Chinese? (Happiness)
  • Can rats swim? (Yes, and swim 30 km without stopping. They can also dive and get food from the bottom of the reservoir)
  • Can rats tolerate frost? (Yes, these rodents are even found at abandoned stations in Antarctica)
  • Can the ballad about the Pied Piper from Hamelin be considered true? (Yes, since the inadequate reaction of rodents to loud sounds was confirmed by a case that occurred in the city of Southport, where a large number of there were rats and we couldn’t get rid of them. When a rock concert was organized there, the rodents suddenly left)

Interesting facts about the symbol of the year

If you get tired of guessing riddles, you can invite guests to compete in erudition by telling interesting stories about the symbol of the year. It is good if those invited prepare for this competition in advance. Stories must be unique and not repeated.

  • Rats warned people about the dangers of war. During the defense of Stalingrad, sailors told how rodents hastily abandoned not only sinking ships, but also ships that came under fire the next day.
  • In the 19th century in France, a newspaper published an announcement that one of the markets would be moved to a new location. Interestingly, the day before this date, the rats from the trading area broke out and ran exactly to where they were going to open a new market. Did they really read newspapers too?
  • Psychologists, studying the behavioral stereotypes of humans and rats, conducted an experiment. The subjects were placed in equal conditions, in a maze, in the center of which a bait was placed: for a person, a banknote, for a rat, a piece of cheese. The experimental subjects were equal in search speed. But when the bait was removed, it turned out that the rat quickly adapted to the new conditions and did not resort to where the cheese had previously been. And the man returned to the place again and again, hoping to see the money again.
  • Rats can talk, they have a rich lexicon. They communicate via ultrasound. If we could hear this animal, we would go deaf from the indignation of the little rat. This sound can be compared to the roar of a jackhammer.
  • Rats are suspected of destroying dinosaurs. These rodents are big fans of eggs. Scientists have suggested that such gastronomic preferences ultimately led first to a decrease in the birth rate, and then to the complete disappearance of ancient reptiles. Even today, the rat does not stop there, making room for itself in the sun. In Ireland, all the marsh frogs have already disappeared, and it was these gray rodents that ate them.

Comic New Year's quiz

You should not focus on the symbol of the year, because New Year is fun party, so you can dilute serious questions with humorous ones.

  • What are schoolchildren's sleds called? (Briefcase)
  • Why does the snow woman have two waists? (To make hugging easier)
  • The most sober for the New Year? (Christmas tree)
  • What did plastic windows lose in winter? (Frost patterns)
  • In France he is a pope, in Germany he is a saint, in Russia...? (Father Frost)
  • What holiday brings the most risk-taking people to the table? (On New Year's Eve and drink champagne)
  • Snowman's wife? (Snow woman)
  • A casserole snack served to guests in winter? (Snowballs)
  • Currency for buying gifts from Santa Claus? (Poems and songs)
  • A woman who dresses up once a year? (Christmas tree)
  • Name winter holiday, driving foreigners crazy? (Old New Year)
  • A salad that is not afraid of frost? (Herring under a fur coat)
  • Shells of the winter army. (Snowballs)

  • Where is the ice hut where winter lives? (At the edge of the forest)
  • Why does winter come? (Beyond autumn)
  • What holiday is celebrated twice a year? (New Year, January 1 and 14)
  • Who likes to drop people in winter? (Ice)
  • The two most important pieces of furniture for New Year's Eve? (The table at which guests gather, and the stool on which children recite poems)