Our "club hour". Methodological development of the club hour station “Yummy - Tumbler” Synopsis of the “Club Hour” Topics of club hours in kindergarten

Scenario of the club hour “Traditions of hospitality of the peoples of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan”

Participants and organizers:
Golovach N.E. - Art. teacher
Konovalova T.A. - music supervisor,
Sheikina E.S., Dyagina A.V., Baranova S.N., Nikolaeva E.V., teachers.
Club hour type: thematic.
Date and time: October 24, 2016 from 10.00-11.00h.
Target: development of the personality culture of older preschoolers through the development of ideas about traditions and customs of peoples different countries, education of tolerance.
Previous work:
Study by teachers of various sources of information about traditions, customs, sights of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan. Working with Internet resources, encyclopedias. Interaction with parents: collection of information, survey.
Together with the teachers, we discussed the organization of the club hour, the choice of countries, determined the travel route and the distribution of preparation responsibilities.
The group rooms and music hall were decorated in the national traditions of the countries represented.
Literature: Grishaeva N.P., Strukova L.M., “Pedagogical technology “Club Hour” as a means of developing self-regulation of behavior in preschoolers,” M.: Venta - Graf, 2015.

Course of the club hour:

Leading: Hello, dear parents and children. We are pleased to welcome you to our kindergarten. Thank you, dear parents, for taking the time to come to our open day. Today we want to hold it as part of the Club Hour “Traditions of Hospitality of the Peoples of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.” In our multinational country - Russia, lives a large number of people from different countries. We are all different, completely different from each other. We speak different languages, we different customs and traditions. But we are all united in one thing - we are people! People are born different, different.
So that you can understand others,
You need to cultivate patience in yourself.
You need to come to people's homes with kindness.
Keep friendship and love in your heart.
Among the pupils of our kindergarten there are children different nationalities. They are all friends, communicate, play. During the club hour we will get acquainted with the traditions and games of three countries: Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
According to the old Russian custom, Russia will greet us with bread and salt. Her children will present her senior group"Colored palms."
Peace be with you dear guests
You came to good hour
A warm welcome like this
Prepared for you!
Hospitality and cordiality
Our native land is famous!
Russian songs are here for you too
And a honey loaf!
There will be games, there will be dancing
The songs will be good
After all, once upon a time there were gatherings
Were a holiday for the soul
Come on in, come on in
Look at our hut!
Children perform the song “Russian Izba”

And now honest people
Join the round dance
Entertain guests
Show yourself to people.
A round dance is held: “We were in the round dance, ah - lyu-li, we were!”
The corners of the hut are not red
And red with pies
Let's sit next to each other on the bench
And I'll sit with you
I'll tell you a riddle
I'll see who's smart!
Riddle: A house grew up in a field
The house is full of grain
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up
The house is shaking
On a golden pillar (Spikelet)
The Russian people have many riddles and proverbs. What proverbs do you know about bread?
Children say proverbs:
- Mother Earth - Father Bread
- Bread is life
- A bad lunch when there is no bread
- A hungry godfather has bread on his mind
- You can live without gold, but you can’t live without bread
- Rye bread is the grandfather of wheat
- All the power is in bread!
-A lot of snow - a lot of bread
- If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove (Egor M.)
- Bread is the head of everything (Anya K.)
The teacher brings a loaf of bread to the guests.
Here it is, a fragrant bread with a crunchy twisted crust
Here it is warm golden, as if filled with sunshine
In it is health, our strength.
It's wonderfully warm
How many hands raised him, protected him, took care of him
There will be bread, there will be song
There will be bread, there will be dancing
There will be bread, there will be games
The game “Granny Hedgehog” is being played
Progress of the game: Baba Yaga jumps on one leg and tries to touch the guys with a broom. Whoever it touches stops and freezes in place. The last one left in the game becomes Baba Yaga.
And now we invite you to the warm and beautiful country of Armenia. It will be presented by children and parents of the preparatory group. "Smeshariki".
Today our group will represent the country of Armenia. All children have the national flag of Armenia attached to them. It consists of three colors. The following meanings of colors are approved in the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia:
The red color symbolizes the Armenian Highlands, freedom and independence of Armenia. Blue color symbolizes the desire of the Armenian people to live under a peaceful sky. The orange color symbolizes the creative talent and hard work of the Armenian people.
National music sounds, a representative of Armenia enters national costume with children and greets guests in their native language.
A national dance is performed.
Tells about the country, nature, riches, national dishes (lavash, tolam).
Speech by the children of the group: Armenia is my native country. This is the country of Transcaucasia, a country of high mountains. We have very beautiful nature. In the mountains, where the air is clean, medicinal herbs grow that can treat many diseases. The climate in Armenia is slightly warmer than in Russia. Peaches, tangerines, persimmons, and lemons ripen in the gardens. Lavash and tolma are considered national dishes.
Tolma is most similar to cabbage rolls - however, the role of cabbage leaves is played by wide grape leaves. The most common filling is also similar to cabbage roll - minced meat with rice. However, for grape “stuffed cabbage rolls” it must be mixed with a large amount of herbs. Stuffed bundles of leaves are boiled, stewed, steamed or baked until cooked and served with
garlic and yoghurt sauce.
Lavash is unleavened white bread, which is made in the form of a thin flatbread.
Typically made from wheat flour, it is popular among Caucasian peoples. In English-language publications you can see names of this product such as “brittle bread”. The word “lavash” is translated from the ancient Assyrian language as “knead.” Traditionally, this dish is prepared in an oven called a tandoor. It is built in the ground, and the walls are coated with clay.
Dry dung or brushwood is used as fuel.
Together with the children they play the national game “Tyshkinak” - handkerchief.
Game description: Children sit in a circle. The presenter with a handkerchief runs in a circle to the music. When the music stops, the presenter places a handkerchief on one child’s shoulder. This child must take a handkerchief and catch up with the leader. Children change roles.
Presenter: The country of Azerbaijan will share its hospitality. And her children and parents will present her preparatory group"Why Chicks"
Educator: “Salam” - hello, we invited you today to talk about the country of Azerbaijan, its traditions and customs. We hope you find it very interesting.
Azerbaijan is a country that sacredly observes its centuries-old national traditions. Traditions accompany Azerbaijanis from the moment of birth and throughout their lives: matchmaking, childbirth, holidays, harvesting and much more. In addition, many traditions of Azerbaijan are embodied in the hospitality of the original people, their culture, ancient beliefs, national clothes, folk festivals and entertainment.
You can see many traditions and customs in the illustrations, and Sabina’s mother will tell us more about them.
(Tale about the traditions of the country, parents).
Also today we will present to your attention the national dance of Azerbaijan.
(folk dance is performed).
And of course the children's room will be very interesting folk game"From the back of a horse."
Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, eye, strengthening of jumping skills, musculoskeletal system of the torso, legs.
Using a counting rhyme, a player is selected to lie face down on the mat and place his hat on his back. The remaining players take turns jumping over the lying person, having first placed their hat on the hat of the lying person. If during a jump the hat falls, then the jumper must replace the one lying down, but if not, then after the jump he takes his hat, and then jumps. next child.
a loss is counted if the hat falls from the lying child to the ground.
Educator: And now we ask you to try the national delicacy of Azerbaijan - Baklava.
Baklava is a traditional oriental sweet whose history goes back more than five hundred years. It is a multi-layer dessert, which is made from the thinnest layers of dough with the most delicate nut filling, soaked in syrup based on rose water, sugar or honey.
Host: Thank you for your hospitality and treats. Our club hour is coming to an end. The signal has already sounded. We invite children and parents to join their groups to exchange impressions. Thanks everyone for participating!

Club hour is a technology for the successful socialization of preschool children; it involves a thematic journey through the premises of the kindergarten for one hour. During the club hour, children are included in different kinds activities, and they themselves choose what they want to do.



Club hour “Happy Journey”

Target: Fostering independence and responsibility in children; Learning to plan your actions and the ability to evaluate them; Developing the ability to take initiative.

Tasks: To instill love for the native land, its nature and pride for small homeland; consolidate knowledge of wild animals of the North, seasonal changes in nature in the fall; introduce the culture of the peoples of Taimyr.

Equipment : Tokens with the designation of clubs, demonstration plan, cardboard

Children's Art School - Club "Colored Blot":watercolors, sketchbook, wax crayons, colored pencils.

TDNT - Northern Mosaic Club:pictures depicting animals of Taimyr, ready-made strips for a headband, a “deer antlers” template, colored pencils, wax crayons.

Museum of Local Lore - Club “EXPERIENCED hands”:plan diagram, microscope, bird feathers, animal footprint templates, tokens.

DK - Club "Musikalochka":artificial leaves made of paper, audio recordings of mesen and melodies on autumn theme.

DF – Club “Athletes”:exercise equipment, wall bars, balls, jump ropes.

Progress of the event

Introductory part.

Educator: Guys, today we will go with you on an amazing journey through our city. You can go anywhereat your request:

  • art school - Club "Color Blot";
  • museum - K lube "EXPERIENCED hands";
  • folk art center –Northern Mosaic Club;
  • house of culture – Musical Club;
  • athlete's house -Club "Athletes".

But first we need to choose where and buy tickets.

Children choose the club they like and “Buy” a ticket. Then they are given a route sheet, they look at them and specify the places where the clubs are located. The teacher reminds about the rules of behavior during club hour, and that children do not forget to take route sheets and tickets with them. The bell notifies that the club hour has begun.

Independent activity of children.

Children leave the groups and go on a “trip” around the city according to the chosen routes.

Organization of clubs

Children's Art School - Club "Colored Blot"- premises of the group "Moroshka". The teacher meets the children and invites them to get to know each other non-traditional techniques drawing

Museum of Local Lore - Club “EXPERIENCED Hands”- room of the group “Forget-me-nots”. The role of the tour guide is Professor “Pochemuchkin”, who cannot understand the global problem of warming in the North. He offers to complete a discovery quest in this problem.

TDNT – Northern Mosaic Club- premises of the kindergarten museum.

Children are greeted by the “Dolgan craftswoman”; paintings depicting Taimyr animals are displayed in the museum. Upon entering the club, children receive cards with schematic images of animals on them.

Riddles about tundra animals

  • The beast is afraid of my branches, the birds do not build nests in them, my beauty and power are in the branches, tell me quickly - who am I? (Deer)
  • All the time he prowls through the forest, he is looking for someone in the bushes, he clicks his teeth from the bushes, who can say this... (Wolf)
  • This beast, to its own detriment, has fur, two hundred and forty-three shooters. Day and night they shoot at the animal. (Arctic fox)
  • He, of the bovid family, stocky and shaggy, with rounded horns, lives in the Arctic. Outwardly similar to an Ox, similar in fur to a Ram, clumsy only in appearance, eats grass and bushes. I've been used to the cold for a long time, who can tell me? ... (Muskox)
  • He runs down the hill with his ears flattened. (Hare)

He talks about them, how they spend the winter, and what benefits they bring to people in the tundra. Preschoolers place their cards with real picture animals. Then I propose to play the game “Deer and Wolf”, but in order to become a “deer” we need the main decoration of the deer - antlers, which you can make with your own hands.

On the table are ready-made “horn” templates, headband blanks, colored pencils, and felt-tip pens.

Making deer “horns” from cardboard.

Outdoor game "Deer and Wolf"

And next time you will find out what toys the children of the tundra played with and we will even make them ourselves.

DK - Club "Musikalochka" - music hall.There are artificial leaves of tundra trees on the floor. Music the leader includes audio recordings of autumn-themed melodies and songs or performs them himself. Then he offers to walk through the “park”, find and identify the types of trees by leaves. After which the children play the game “Collect rowan leaves...”, etc. Next they perform the song “Golden Leaves” and “Dance of Autumn Leaves”.

DF – Club “Athletes” - sports hall.The instructor suggests doing sports to improve your health before the long polar winter and conducts “fun exercises”. Next, children choose exercise equipment, a treadmill, or play outdoor games of their own free will.

An hour later, a repeated signal, which sounds in all clubs, notifies the end of the club hour, and the children return to their groups.

Final part.

After returning to the group, the children sit with the teacher in a circle on the carpet and spend an evening gathering, discussing what interesting things they learned and saw. Special attention he pays attention to how the children behaved, whether they broke the rules. Finally, the teacher invites the children to the next club hour to learn something new.