Men in England and affairs are amorous. National character traits of the English people

Fun fact: men often say that they absolutely do not understand women, but you rarely hear this from women. Does this happen because women do not want to lose face, so they say that they understand the male half of humanity, or do they themselves firmly believe in this? After reading my article, you will look at your “I understand men” completely differently. Please note that this article is based on data collected in the UK. However, I think these 8 facts can be applied to men all over the world.

1. About weight

Stunning fact! 42% of men said that their girlfriend (wife) would be less attracted to them if she gained weight. Although, what’s surprising here!?

2. About cleanliness

It is known that men are not as clean as women. According to statistics, 20% of bachelors change their bed linen once a month! Is this the reason for their loneliness?

3. About sex

An interesting fact is that 17% of men have had sexual experience only once. Let's hope they changed the bedding before this!

4. About the phone

Mobile phone is an integral part modern life, especially when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. According to statistics, a third of men use a mobile phone to flirt with women. Isn’t this a reason to look through your lover’s text messages when he’s not around?!

5. About sexual partners

There are many assumptions about men and sex, most of them related to our personal experience. Interestingly, 24% of men have had threesome experience. True, there is no information about whether it was a trio of 2 guys/1 girl or vice versa. Be on the lookout!

6. About strength

We always knew that women are the stronger sex, right?) And 76% of men agree with this, they believe that women tolerate pain much better. Weaklings!

7. About mommies

Another well-known fact is that men adore their mothers. According to statistics, the average man spends $35 on a gift on Mother's Day. Did I give you a CD again for your birthday???

8. About attractiveness

Want to know how to attract a man? According to statistics, 28% of men first of all pay attention to their hair! I don’t think it’s worth saying what the other 72% pay attention to first.

England is a mysterious country with a vibrant history and unique culture. There are many legends about this state associated with the local residents. Usually, character traits local citizens are arrogance, composure, and also stiffness.

It is likely that it is because of this that many girls who plan to marry an Englishman are afraid of several difficulties in communicating with British citizens.

Let us note that, as a rule, there are no difficulties when communicating with them. All these are just fictitious stereotypes. For an Englishman to open his soul to a new acquaintance, he must try hard. The manifestation of violent emotions and feelings is unusual for local gentlemen. At first it may show that a polite attitude towards people nearby is arrogance and coldness, although, in fact, this is dictated only good manners and, of course, education.

Behavior of UK men: main features and traits

As a rule, men in this country are courteous and reserved. If you get to know the British better, you will understand that most of them are born diplomats who different ways They try to avoid disagreements, quarrels and conflict situations. The future English husband, of course, will be no exception. British citizens are polite and dispassionate towards the fair sex.

This is easy to explain: the British recognize gender equality. That is why they give the fair sex complete freedom of action where they can independently cope with the problem. Often the initiator of marriage is the girl. Of course, if necessary, a citizen of the country will always respond to a woman’s request and will definitely help if it is in his power.

Let us note the fact that for a whole evening in the company of a girl, a young man may never touch her. It's easy to explain. The sense of tact among local men is associated with a broad concept of intimate space.

The main belief of British citizens is “My home is my castle”

Local citizens really appreciate the comfort and hearth. They are sensitive to family, and on a subconscious level. At work, citizens of the country are impartial and cool-blooded, and in family circle men from the UK are completely different: he is gentle, caring and sympathetic. Their respect for family is due to the fact that they respect their traditions and customs. The citizens of this country make good parents, they take great pleasure in raising children. If the marriage breaks up, then children will always be welcome in his house.

The British have a resilient nature. They tend to have a stable character. The British are less influenced than others by fashion, time and generally everything that happens.

The character of the men of this country

The main features of the British are the ability to control oneself (in other words, self-control), as well as the ability to react appropriately to situations (that is, there is a certain cult of correct behavior).

During the period of old England, such traits as restraint, equanimity, courtesy and self-control were not found among the citizens of the country. Then all men were hot-tempered and violent, regardless of whether they were at the top of society or at the bottom. Defiant behavior was the rule at that time, and favorite spectacles were cockfights, executions and canings. At that time, humor was quite cruel.

Gentlemanly principles were instilled in the citizens of Great Britain during the time of Queen Victoria. During the same period they prevailed over the past temper of old England. British citizens believe that self-control is a fundamental virtue of human character. The motto of the nation is “Control yourself.” It is believed that what better person He controls himself, the more worthy he is. They believe that in trouble, joy, success and failure you need to be calm externally, and even better - internally. Children in this country are taught to calmly endure hunger, cold, fear, and also to cope with disfavor and love.

British citizens believe that showing feelings is a real sign of bad manners. Because of this, they treat foreign citizens incorrectly.

The British are in a constant struggle with themselves because of the natural passion that constantly breaks out. As you understand, such strict self-control takes a lot of mental strength. Citizens of the country give vent to their feelings at holidays and football matches. It is there that one can understand their national temperament, which is rushing to come out. English guys talk passionately about football, play it often, and never miss matches at stadiums to cheer for their favorite club. If you are planning to marry an Englishman, then pay attention to his hobbies. Better yet, become a cheerleader.

British citizens are characterized by moderation. As a rule, most of them are introverts. There is nothing ostentatious about the citizens of England. They live only for themselves. These people love order and comfort. They strive for mental activity. They like good cars and books, as well as expensive suits.

Commitment and rationalism

The British always carry out communication. The majority of the country's citizens are rational; they know how to sensibly assess their capabilities and strengths. If a man promises, then he will certainly fulfill everything. By the way, if you are planning to become the wife of an Englishman, then you must also fulfill your communications.

“We are not rich enough to buy cheap things”... This phrase comes from England. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your English husband will happily buy you an expensive, quality item, but spending on cheap consumer goods is something a British citizen will not approve of. In the eyes of the British, this is an irrational waste of money. The country's citizens are also characterized by some stinginess.

If we talk about the soul, then they have a sensitive one. The British crave warmth and attention. A man from this country will be happy to discuss problems with you over a cup of tea. But discussion is necessary in order to find a constructive solution or way out. If you want to cry, then know that for citizens with an English upbringing, such “crying” conversations are unusual for them.

Family values ​​and traditions of Great Britain

Another one distinguishing feature English - loyalty to traditions, deep respect for the queen, pride in a heroic ancestor. Only positive statements regarding the pedigree are allowed, and criticism or doubts are prohibited.

The British are good family men, they respect family values ​​and are very kind to their family. If problems arise in the marriage, the English husband will make all possible compromises in order to save the family from divorce. Such phenomena as scenes of jealousy and stormy showdowns are uncharacteristic of this state (especially in public). For an Englishman, his home is his castle!

Why don't the English want to marry local women? Because they, as a rule, strive to become a businesswoman, completely forgetting about home and family. That is why men in this country go to other countries to find wives.

How to marry a British citizen and become a real English lady?

Marrying a foreign citizen is not as easy as it might seem. A foreign husband is work, and work on yourself. If you are going to marry a British citizen, then the potential bride should take into account the following nuances. First you need to study English language. It is considered one of the simplest foreign languages. You can learn it quickly and easily, especially when communicating with a native speaker. Immersion in English-speaking society will allow you to hone your skills to perfection.

Then you need to study the British measurement system. Remember that the British are conservative citizens, they still pay in pounds and measure everything in pints.

You need to buy a tailcoat and a dress (classic). If you remember the old English films, there were English lords dressed in tails and top hats. Note that this etiquette rule remains to this day. At weddings there should be strict classics, and at parties it should be an evening dress.

If you are planning to marry a British citizen, then forget about dieting. At five o'clock there is tea drinking - this is a centuries-old tradition. Life stops, everyone starts drinking tea.

You need to learn how to cook what your future spouse likes. He will not eat dishes with spices, seasonings or borscht. British citizens do not accept excesses in food.

You must get used to caring for things, as well as austerity. Let us note that they do not buy dozens of pairs of shoes or boots, do not go shopping every week, and do not purchase home furniture and household appliances very often. They believe that less is better, but quality is better.

For them, the old is more valuable than the new. British citizens are strictly saving on water, electricity (in winter time The heating is turned off in the houses, everyone wears a coat), food, gasoline. There is a separate item in the family budget - charity. All local citizens are involved in charity work: they help nurseries, hospitals, and shelters.

Before you decide to marry an Englishman, decide what you want: to marry a British citizen or a citizen of the country. Local people are very smart, so your chosen one will quickly sense the sincerity of your intentions, otherwise trust will be hopelessly lost.

If you really decide to marry a British citizen, then go for it!

Such a misconception can be justified by objective reasons, and the myth of a certain exclusivity of the English is still alive than all living things, and it is still considered very prestigious to marry an Englishman.

English men, like English women, are guided in life by the main British principle - moderation, which applies to all areas of life.

In England, men are less likely to cheat. But not because the British are so moral, it’s just the principle of “fair play”, fair play or “taking someone else’s is bad.” In addition, the British are inert and do not like to change the existing order of things, and having a mistress is still very time-consuming and finances. Just as it is financially unprofitable to leave an established family. The British, after a divorce, divide property and pay alimony in full size. Again, legislation from which you cannot escape.

The British are not pretentious in terms of appearance. You can often see a handsome man paired with a woman who has completely forgotten about her appearance. And not because there is no one to choose from, not at all, but because in Britain the cult of appearance is not very developed at all, plus inertia plays a role. Older men do not pretend to have relationships with young men, and mostly choose women their own age.

English men rarely become dependents and often work into old age, with the exception of professional “beneficiaries”.

In terms of appearance, English men take care of themselves, but without fanaticism; there is no cult of athletic, pumped up bodies among men in the country. But they try to run, which does not lead to a muscular body.

At the same time, in the lower social strata, the “beneficiaries” do not monitor their nutrition at all and gain excess weight.

Many women in Russia believe in the myth that all Englishmen are gentlemen. But here a paradox awaits you - among ordinary hard workers from the working class there are more courteous and courteous men than among those who stand high on the social ladder.

The English of both sexes are generally very constrained people; the biggest nightmare for an Englishman is to find himself in a situation of embarrassment, i.e. in a situation of awkwardness, confusion, embarrassment. Almost all communication codes are designed to avoid this situation or not allow it to arise.

Here is a curious incident that very well describes the politeness of the British and the avoidance of any confrontation and awkwardness.

The journalist worked in the media and arranged an interview with one famous person in Britain. I negotiated with him not directly, but through intermediary agents.

Everything was agreed upon, date, time, and she and the group came to his house. The famous Englishman greeted everyone, invited them into the hall, took the journalist aside as if for a small talk, and then invited everyone into the house. He gave an interview, everyone communicated well, talked for a long time, he gave an autographed book, they even discussed politics, and in the end he so timidly asks:

“Guys, who are you, where are you from and for what purpose was the interview?”

It turned out that no one contacted him at all, didn’t make any agreements, he didn’t know anything and just let people into the house and gave interviews, and the small-talk at first was kind of like an interview that a friend had passed. And at the very beginning, it was very awkward for him to ask people like this why they came to his house.

Dating problem

With the above-described features of communication, the problem of dating arises. Relationships usually start either at work, or in the learning process, or through a circle of friends and acquaintances. Even on dating sites, the British are rarely the first to write, they “wink”, like, but rarely openly write a message. Women who found a couple through websites mostly took the first step themselves.

The British drink, they drink a lot, but they still go on multi-day binges less often and the percentage of clinical alcoholics is lower than in Russia.

Therefore, acquaintances between complete strangers often occur while drunk at parties. A man gets drunk until he loses his pulse and then, emboldened, approaches the woman he likes. If the woman doesn’t mind, then the acquaintance continues at someone’s house, and they get acquainted in the morning. Very romantic. Many girls met their regular boyfriends and even husbands this way, and these are not the lower social stratum, but educated young professionals from good families. If a man is not in good condition, he will be afraid to approach... Feminism also plays a role here. Women have already begun to take the dating process into their own hands and are the first to approach.

Confectionary-bouquet period? No, there is almost no such thing.

Especially famous are the parties of British youth abroad on holiday - in Spain, Thailand, etc.

It should be noted that the aggressive ideology of feminism, homosexuality and other rainbow freedoms has had a very significant impact on the relationship between a man and a woman. It's unavoidable. Men are feminized, women are masculinized.

First date

If, after all, a certain stage of courtship has begun, well, at least the first “official” invitation to a date has been announced, then you should not expect anything exciting. An invitation to the cinema is already something interesting. The theater is something out of the ordinary! A bouquet of flowers - wow, what an entertainer!

Basically, this is an invitation for a glass of beer in a pub, for coffee, or less often for dinner in a restaurant. The bill can be divided in half. This does not depend on the man’s income. Paying for a woman is too straightforward and feminism again. And even without paying the bill, the man expects the woman to agree to sex on the second “officially” announced date. Yes, English women themselves don’t mind; it’s quite normal to continue communication at the next level.

You shouldn’t expect any interesting compliments, it’s good if they say “you look gorgeous,” which means “you look great.” They also resort to this technique - to compliment not the woman’s appearance itself, but the items of her wardrobe: a beautiful blouse, or this color suits you. It is not customary to show concern openly, even if the couple is already officially dating.
They don’t walk you home, even if they live close to each other. If they see you off, then a continuation is implied...

Most Englishmen have no idea that you need to achieve a woman, invest some effort so that she becomes yours.

There are also many homosexual couples in England. Legally permitted in the UK same-sex marriage. Therefore, gays are not shy about expressing their feelings in public: here you can see men openly holding hands or even kissing in public.

A lot of mixed marriages: white men with black women, white men with Asian women, and vice versa. As a result, there are many children from mixed marriages, and sometimes it is very difficult to guess what nationality the child is - there are so many things mixed up.

It cannot be said that the British are inclined to get married quickly: most likely, they will have to wait quite a long time for the legalization of the relationship - perhaps several years. The British have no problem marrying women with children from previous marriages and taking care of them as if they were their own.

English men - as a rule, good fathers. They do not consider it shameful to go for walks with their children and take them to all sorts of children's events.

These are the kinds of stereotypes, sometimes intricate, leading to doubt, or, on the contrary, attractive, that can be observed among the British.

Commitment family values, impeccable education and manners, specific humor - this is all about prim British men.

The British seem boring only at first glance. It doesn’t matter whether you met him in an English course, when you had difficulty pronouncing “London from the Capital of Great Britain,” on the Internet, or while walking around Trafalgar Square.

You don't have to graduate from Oxford or think about what to say and how to behave with him - there are already several tips on how to win the heart of an Englishman.

You can not only attract his attention, but very soon change your passport.

Write it down! 5 main rules, which will help you please, at first glance, a cold British man.

1. Talk and listen

There is a myth that Europeans are looking exclusively for housewives. That's why it's a myth, to debunk it. will be truly interested in your life and you as a person.

Therefore - I assure you - it is true interested man will be happy to listen to you talk about yourself, your life and your country. (Remember moderation and balance)

The British are excellent listeners. Although, don’t forget that you shouldn’t constantly talk about yourself.

It is difficult to meet an Englishman who does not control his (unless he is an ardent Liverpool fan during the Champions League) and, but this does not mean that he is not interested.

They usually laugh sincerely, understand humor (of any kind) perfectly, and joke well themselves, but all this is accompanied by courtesy and courtesy, especially towards women.

They also love to communicate - that’s why they willingly talk about themselves and their country, but it’s important to ask the right questions. This is no longer a discovery of British scientists, but an elementary one: people love when people are interested in them.

Tell, ask and listen. Speak, smile, in a word, be alive: don’t be shy to express your feelings and emotions.

Not only the British: any man will appreciate your openness and sincere interest in your interlocutor, especially on the first date.

2. Traditions

The English, and the British in general, live in their own separate world- on the island and in the still existing monarchy, with centuries-old traditions. And the latter definitely cannot be taken away from them.

If you have once visited England, you probably understood: the queen, tea at 5 o’clock and “British English” are sacred.

If a woman comes up with ideas, a man brings them to life. Don't even think about paying the bill at a café, even if it's common practice in Britain to split the bill.

I assure you that an English gentleman knows: he always pays. Dot.

By the way, it’s worth mentioning separately about the holidays: Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter - it’s not like congratulating an Englishman on these holidays of death. Therefore, you can immediately mark the main British celebrations on your calendar.

3. Smile

Everything is different there. Talking directly about work, children and hobbies on the first date should be done very gently and carefully.

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With the British, everything is different. This does not mean that they want to hide something: it is just their custom to talk about abstract topics: musical tastes, books, leisure time.

If you communicate with a Briton on the Internet or you see each other for the umpteenth time, you can safely ask questions about business, his family and hobbies. If you really charmed him.

By the way, the British, like all men, do not like to be distracted from work, so try not to write to him during working hours.

No, no, while at work he still loves you, it’s just that the office is his little personal world.

5. Love for animals

Don't know what to talk about with a Brit? Talk about animals. The inhabitants of the island adore everyone without exception: big, small, wild, domestic.

The most a large number of Britain's thriving animal welfare shelters and foundations are proof of this. And all your ideas in the spirit of pacifism will become an excellent topic for conversation and maybe even for investment.

The favorites are, of course, the dogs. Millions of British people watch the royal corgis, and the British dote on their pets, communicating with them affectionately and respectfully.

Particular attention is paid to exhibitions where the dog can be shown in all its glory, especially if the pedigree goes back to the royal family.

A separate nuance: love for nature and British landscapes. Even in the smallest and most inconspicuous courtyard in London you can find a stunning classic English garden, green and blooming, or “winter”.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket

This is one of the most popular British sayings. ABOUT When communicating with an Englishman, just like with any other man, you should not bet on one thing.

Finding balance and harmony in your condition is perhaps the main task of any woman.

This is exactly what men are attracted to, all men without exception. Lightness, smiling and openness are your main trump cards.

Yes, the British have their own characteristics: specific humor, adherence to traditions and selectivity in communication.

Follow the plan, and very soon your Englishman's heart will begin to melt. Share in the comments what you know about how maybe I missed some features of communicating with the British?

Don't miss your chance
Ksenia Litvin, psychologist Growth Phase.

20) Englishmen, English men. Men from England/UK.

Who are the British?

ENGLISH, -an, unit. -anin, -a, m. The people who make up the main population of England (more broadly, Great Britain in general). || and. Englishwoman, -i. || adj. English, -aya, -oe. /Ozhegov’s dictionary/

ENGLISH, oh, oh. 1. see English. 2. Relating to the English, to their language, national character, way of life, culture, as well as to England, its territory, internal structure, history; such as the English have, as in England. A. language (Germanic group of the Indo-European family of languages). English counties. A. Parliament (British Parliament). English cloth. A. suit (straight and strict). Leave in English (adv.; unnoticed, without saying goodbye).* English horn is a musical wind wooden instrument. Epsom salts are a laxative./Ozhegov’s dictionary/

We often associate English men with true gentlemen. And so it is. English humor, on the one hand, is a little restrained, on the other, very sophisticated. England is the founder of football. Agent 007 - James Bond - is also a British citizen.

The British are tall, fit, mostly fair-haired and light-eyed, although not all. It is English men who have some kind of aristocratic bearing and restraint. But at the same time they know how to enjoy life and they are very sociable. In terms of mentality and appearance, the British have many common features with the Slavs, including the Russians. And also with the Germans and Scandinavians. The genetic similarities among the Slavs, English, Germans and Scandinavians are very pronounced.

English men, like all other Europeans, are true optimists. There are a lot of Russians and CIS citizens in England today. English men have long appreciated the universal beauty of Russian women. The phrase Russian women means all women from the CIS.

The British know how to create happy and strong families. Many women from Russia and the CIS have long been convinced that they are wonderful fathers and husbands. After the collapse of the USSR, the number of such families only increased. English men love and cherish their wives from Russia and the CIS. Of course, if the woman fell in love with him, and not his money, his British citizenship, etc. That is, a woman loves, truly loves a foreigner from Great Britain. And in general, men in Great Britain, as well as all Europeans and Americans, and foreigners in general, are very tolerant of other nationalities. There is no fascism there.

Hugh Grant, Sean Connary, Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan - they are all British citizens. And, except for Hugh Grant, all these men are the performers of the role of James Bond - agent 007, the most famous intelligence officer and spy. And the good news is that another artist from Great Britain, Timothy Dalton (he also played the role of James Bond), has a wife from Ukraine. And for many years Timothy Dalton has been happy with his beautiful Ukrainian wife. If anyone doesn’t know who Timothy Dalton is, then ask your mothers, they should remember the Englishman Rodchester from the series “Jane Eyre”. They say that Soviet women really liked him.

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