Family tourism events. Family tourism: problems and prospects for development. Resources of the Moscow region as promising

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“DIGRATORY THESIS on the topic: Determining the composition of tourist resources in the Moscow region used in organizing family tourism in the specialty 100103.65 Social and cultural service and tourism Tamara Yuryevna Ushakova...”

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education



Branch in Smolensk

Department of Tourism and Service


on the topic: “Determination of the composition of tourist resources in the Moscow region used in organizing family tourism”

in specialty 100103.65 “Socio-cultural service and tourism”

Tamara Yuryevna Ushakova Student Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Tatyana Supervisor Timofeevna Denisova Smolensk


The final qualifying work of Tamara Yurievna Ushakova, a student of group SKZp-08-6, on the topic: “Determination of the composition of tourist resources of the Moscow region used in organizing family tourism” contains 84 pages, 1 table, 6 appendices.

The object of the study is family tourism in the Moscow region. The subject of the study is the features of the implementation of family tours in the Moscow region.

The purpose of the thesis is to develop a new tourism product for the development of family tourism based on the tourist resources of the Moscow region for Smolensk tourists.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

Research methods. The research used methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, forecasting, observation and comparison.

The relevance lies in the fact that family tourism in the Russian tourist market is not widespread and studied, since only recently the importance of family and family education of the younger generation has found its worthy place in society. Therefore, at this stage it can be considered the most noble market sector in the tourism industry. Recreation programs that are designed to expand the influence of family tourism, horizons, improve health or discover talents are ultimately aimed at developing the younger generation and increasing the value of family relationships.

The scientific novelty lies in a comprehensive analysis of the tourist recreational potential of the Moscow region, in the search for new directions for the development of family tourism in the Smolensk region.

Results, theoretical and practical value of the thesis. When preparing the work, marketing research was conducted to determine the demand for a new excursion program, an excursion program was developed and its economic efficiency was calculated.

The work is of a practical nature and can be used by tourism companies in Smolensk and the Smolensk region.

Key words: tourism, family tourism in the Russian Federation, legislative framework, tourism industry, tourism and recreational potential, Moscow region, tourism development, development of a tourism product, economic efficiency, promotion and sale of a tourism product.


Graduate work Ushakova Tamara Jurevnystudents specialty "Socio-cultural service and tourism" on the theme: "Determining the tourist resources of the Moscow region, used in the organization of family tourism" contains 84 pages, table, 6 applications.

Object of research - family tourism in the Moscow region Subject of research - implementation features family tours in the Moscow region.

Purpose of the thesis - the development of new tourism product for the development of family-based tourism tourist resources of the Moscow region for tourists Smolensk.

To achieve this objective, the following tasks:

1. Writing concept of family tourism.

2. Investigate the modern features of the organization and management of family tourism in Russia.

3. Assess the state of development of this type of tourism in Russia.

4. Analyze the direction of the tourism industry in the Moscow region.

5. As part of the development of activities to enhance family tourism project to develop a maintenance program for the tourists in the Moscow region.

Research methods. The study used the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, prediction, observation and comparison.

Relevance is that family tourism in the tourist market in Russia is not common and well-studied, since it is only in recent years the importance of family and family education of the younger generation found in a society worthy of its place. So at this point it can be considered the most noble of the market sector in the tourism industry. Recreation programs that are designed to expand the influence of family tourism horizons, improve their health, or the talents, aimed ultimately at the development and growth of the younger generation values ​​of family relations.

Scientific novelty lies in the comprehensive analysis of tourist recreational potential of the Moscow region, in search of new directions of family tourism in the Smolensk region.

The results of theoretical and practical value of the thesis. In preparing the work was carried out market research for new demand for excursions, sightseeing program developed and designed its economic efficiency.

Work is practical and can be used by tourist firms in Smolensk and Smolensk region.

Keywords: tourism, family tourism in the Russian Federation legislation, tourism industry, tourist and recreational potential, the Moscow region, tourism development, tourism product development, economic efficiency, promotion and implementation of the tourism product.




1.1.Family tourism. Organization of leisure time during family tours………………………………………………………………………………... 1.2. Theoretical and psychological aspects of organizing family holidays……………………………………………………………. 1.3. The essence and functions of animation……………………………………….

REGION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF FAMILY TOURISM ………………… 2.1. General characteristics of tourist resources of the Moscow region for the development of family tourism ………………………………………….. 2.2. Analysis of excursion and educational objects of the Moscow region for organizing family holidays……………………………... 2.3. Conclusions on the analytical part……………………………………..

MOSCOW REGION…………………………………………………………………… 3.1. Marketing research and relevance of the project……………… 3.2. Description of the project program for enhancing family tourism in the Moscow region for Smolensk residents. Justification of its economic efficiency……………………………………………. 3.3. Conclusions on the project……………………………………………………… CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………… Bibliography……… ……………………………………………………….. Applications……………………………………………………………….


The relevance of the study lies in the fact that family tourism in the Russian tourist market is not widespread and studied, since only recently the importance of family and family education of the younger generation has found its worthy place in society. Therefore, at this stage it can be considered the most noble market sector in the tourism industry. Recreation programs that are designed to expand the influence of family tourism, horizons, improve health or discover talents are ultimately aimed at developing the younger generation and increasing the value of family relationships.

At the present stage, there has been a tendency towards a decrease in the solvency of the majority of the Russian population. Rising prices and unemployment have negatively affected the development of tourism in general and its individual types, including family tourism. Family tourism is a factor with the help of which it is possible to effectively implement an integrated approach to raising children. This approach is based on the inseparability of educational, educational and health processes. Important aspects are the spiritual and physical development of children, their preparation for life and further socialization in society.

However, an analysis of the state of development of family tourism in Russia shows that currently there are certain problems in its organization, which include:

-limited range of tourist products for children;

-insufficient development of infrastructure, which is a component of family tourism;

- low availability of family holidays for a fairly large part of the Russian population;

Poor elaboration and imperfection of the legislative framework and uniform standards of activity in the field of family tourism;

The absence of a number of tourism companies that engage in family tourism in the Unified Register of Tour Operators;

The inability of many organizations operating in the Russian tourism market to ensure the development of family tourism;

-the almost complete absence of highly qualified specialists who work in this field;

Lack of consumer awareness about the proposed tourism products for organizing family holidays.

All these negative facts indicate that Russian organizations operating in the tourism market and providing services in organizing family holidays are faced with the problem of finding the most effective methods of managing the organization.

Family tourism should become one of the most popular types of tourism. During the tour, it is necessary to conduct excursions for families, as well as sports games (including sports and tourism competitions). In this regard, we can say with confidence that family tourism is an important way of passing on the life experience and material and cultural heritage accumulated by humanity to a new generation. The formation of value orientations, moral improvement and cultural development of the nation is also one of the ways of active socialization of the individual.

Tour operators who organize family tours quite often make offers on the tourism business market. The geography of offers in this segment of the tourism market is quite extensive, these include areas such as Russia - the Moscow region, the central part of the country, the Black Sea and Azov coasts of the Krasnodar Territory, as well as neighboring countries, such areas as Crimea and further afield - Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic.

One of the most promising areas of family tourism in the Smolensk region can be tours to the Moscow region. The Moscow region is a tourist region that can offer vacations in almost all areas of tourism, including family vacations.

The short distance from Smolensk to Moscow, rich nature, significant historical and cultural potential, and improving tourism infrastructure make this region one of the promising destinations for various types of tourism.

The purpose of the study is to determine the composition of tourist resources in the Moscow region used in organizing family tourism. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Give the concept of family tourism.

2. Explore modern features of the organization and management of family tourism in Russia.

3. Assess the state of development of this type of tourism in Russia.

4. Analyze the directions of development of the tourism industry in the Moscow region.

5. As part of the development of measures to enhance family tourism, develop a draft program for serving tourists in the Moscow region.

The object of research is family tourism.

The subject of the study is the features of the implementation of family tours in the Moscow region.

Research hypothesis. It was assumed that identifying trends in the development of family tourism and approaches to the development of such tours will make it possible to determine the most effective of them and make it possible to create a draft program for the development of family tourism in the Moscow region for Smolensk tourists. The development of this project will expand the range of proposed trips to the Moscow region with the aim of developing family tourism.

Research methods. In the process of solving the assigned problems, the following research methods were used:

1. Analysis of scientific, methodological and specialized literature.

2. Methods of scientific and theoretical knowledge (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction).

3. Survey method (questionnaire).

4. Methods of mathematical statistics.

Analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature. The study and analysis of special scientific and methodological literature was carried out with the aim of summarizing the available data, similar in scope to our research, which resulted in the justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, the formulation of a working hypothesis, and the definition of goals and specific tasks.

During the research process, more than 50 literary sources were studied, including laws and regulations governing tourism activities.

Methods of theoretical knowledge (analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction). Analysis is a method of scientific research consisting in the mental or actual decomposition of a whole into its component parts. Synthesis is a method of scientific research of any subject or phenomenon, which consists in knowing it as a single whole, in the unity and interconnection of its parts; synthesis is associated in the process of scientific knowledge with analysis. Analysis and synthesis were used to write the main part of the thesis and study the theoretical foundations of the work. Induction is a logical inference from particular, isolated cases to a general conclusion, from individual factors to generalizations. Deduction is a logical inference from the general to the particular, from general provisions to particular conclusions; in scientific knowledge, deduction is inextricably linked with induction. Induction and deduction were used to logically construct general inputs and practical recommendations.

Novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work. When writing the work, extensive material was studied on the topic under study, including textbooks on foreign economic activity, service economics, jurisprudence, monographs and articles in specialized publications. Based on the study of stock and literary material, the features of the development of a tourism product were noted, various resources of Moscow and the Moscow region were characterized, and promising directions for the development of tourism in this region were analyzed.

The tourism product developed in the work can be used by tourism enterprises in Smolensk to expand the range of services offered, as well as in a systematic analysis of family tourism in the Russian Federation, in the context of searching for new directions in the formation of leisure for the population of Russia, increasing family values ​​that contribute to the education of the younger generation .

Structure of the thesis. The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography (54 titles) and appendices.




1.1. Family tourism. Organization of leisure time during activities The basis of education in a democratic society can be called the family. The ongoing crisis in the education of the younger generation has shown that in this process there has been a sharp decline in the general cultural level of the population, namely youth. This happens due to the fact that young people have limitedly low spiritual needs. In society, cultural and leisure centers are collapsing. The massive total neglect of adolescents has led to the deformation of the family at the present stage. This process leads to a growing lack of humanity. Children's health is catastrophically deteriorating, and against this background, the person's personality becomes impoverished, which leads to degradation and degeneration, which in turn creates a favorable environment for an increase in the level of child crime. The current situation can be improved only if the efforts of teachers and parents, under certain conditions, to educate a person were directed in the right direction. This can be a community of children and adults, an adult-child “friendly environment”. Such an environment can be family tourism, organized in the system of additional education, and operating in tourism centers in collaboration with secondary schools, centers for children and youth creativity with their departments of tourism and local history, clubs and sections; tourist clubs and other tourist creative associations and tourist family camps.

The family tourism market at the present stage has its own specific features and requirements. Recently, interest in family look rest. This type of recreation can have various different types:




- wellness, etc.

Therefore, recreation programs have completely different forms.

Their selection depends on the type of tour and its thematic focus. However, if there are small children among the tourists, this may be the reason why the tour has specific features and requirements for its organization and conduct.

Family tourism is considered to be travel by parents with children under 11 years of age.

In family tours, an important point is the choice of accommodation, food and means of transportation during the tour. It is very important to take into account the peculiarities of children's physiology and psychology; it is necessary to plan the process of relaxation and the interests of adults.

Accommodation during such tours must be carried out in healthy and environmentally friendly areas. The territory of the accommodation sites should be calm and landscaped. Hotels that will accommodate a family with children must meet specific functional requirements for a family vacation, namely: 2-3-bed rooms, a system for connecting rooms, rooms housing children's toys and various devices for children's games, etc. .

held for both children and adults, as well as joint events.

In such programs, educational excursions would be appropriate, in which both adults and children can take part. Excursions can be for adults and children, but in this case a service such as childcare is required. Walks in nature, for example through the forest, river, or sea, are quite interesting and popular for family leisure. Organized excursions to zoos or recreation parks are interesting for children.

In the process of organizing leisure programs, a process of combining the interests of children and adults is necessary. These could be special children's holidays, such as, for example, a doll holiday, a fairy tale holiday.

A memorable event could be the birthdays of children who are currently traveling. In order to organize such events, it is necessary to have special personnel who organize children's and joint programs. These are, as a rule, animators for children's and family holidays who have special education and must be allowed to host such holidays. At the accommodation site, it is necessary to provide playgrounds and small attractions, which should be located in the area adjacent to the hotel. The hotel must be equipped game rooms, in case it is not possible to spend time outdoors due to bad weather. We should not forget about the adults who came on vacation. It is planned to organize dating evenings and various creative programs for them. There must be evening bars on the premises where parents can go in the evening.

Sports programs during family tours have always aroused increased interest among both children and adults. Additional services may include swimming pools, tennis courts, gyms and sports halls, rental centers for sports equipment and equipment. Competitions in active sports, sports games such as football, volleyball, and games are very popular. Fun starts» between adults, children and mixed teams. Holding sports games between family teams with the presentation of symbolic prizes arouses additional interest in sports programs on such tours, is a memorable event for children, and brings the family together.

Resort programs for families with children can be provided depending on what conditions the area offers, namely weather and natural conditions. Catering during family tours should also have its own specifics.

It is necessary to offer several separate menus for adults and children, taking into account their tastes as well as physiological characteristics. For children, meals are usually provided 4 times a day: breakfast, lunch, light afternoon snack and dinner. Sometimes an evening meal can be organized for young children, namely kefir or milk before bed. Children's nutrition should be varied, fortified, include vegetables, fruits, and be balanced in caloric composition. It is also necessary to take into account such a factor as the presence of various allergies in children. In this case, medical workers and food service workers should be warned. In such cases, parents should take with them on vacation the medical records of children who have any chronic diseases and have necessary set medications that the child takes as usual.

The main emphasis that you need to pay attention to is service and the creation of such a relaxing atmosphere when the whole family of vacationers will feel comfortable, calm, and it will be interesting for them to relax.

When organizing family tours, it is necessary to provide for all possible difficulties that may arise due to the specifics of the children's population:

- specifics of taking into account child psychology and physiology;

- an appropriate schedule of excursions containing children's themes;

- opportunity to relax after lunch;

- organization of 4 meals a day;

- the opportunity to wash and iron children's clothes, etc.;

Combining the interests of parents and children when organizing family activities - organizing children's rooms offering childcare services while parents are busy or go on an excursion.

1.2. Theoretical and psychological aspects of organization The family is called a unit of society or a small social group. The family is the most important form of organizing personal life, which is based on marital union and kinship ties. In other words, we can say that the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters, and other relatives who live together and run a common household on the basis of a single family budget is built by that very unit of society. Family life is characterized by material and spiritual processes. Through the family, a change of generation of people occurs; a person is born into a family, and through it his lineage continues. In the upbringing, enlightenment, and development of any person, family upbringing is of the most important importance.

The child spends quite a large part of his time with friends on the street, and often outside the yard, on walks, on playgrounds, skating rinks, and sometimes on the street. As children grow older, they are influenced more and more by the street and their friends. Can't take over complete guide this comradely influence is impossible, but parents can observe this comradely influence, and, at the right moment, correct this influence and direct it in the right direction. In most cases, this is completely sufficient if the family has already formed an experience of collective connection, trust, truthfulness, if parental authority is properly created.

In this case, parents should know what surrounds their son or daughter.

Actively bringing parents closer to their children's lives is not at all difficult and is even enjoyable.

Each parent must develop a structure for their family structure and life in which their family is more comfortable to exist. One of the main roles in family education, undoubtedly, is played by the emotional background in the relationship between parents, as well as their ability to maintain love and warmth for each other and children. As a rule, only in a healthy family in which there is love and mutual understanding can fully developed children with a healthy psyche grow up, on the basis of which their positive attitude towards life is formed.

There are no family relationships without the emergence of various conflicts and problems. The family arises from the need to satisfy the personal needs and interests of people. The family is part of society and connects personal interests with public interests. Personal needs are organized on the basis of socially accepted norms, values, patterns of behavior, and it often happens that the unceremonious intervention of society in the life of a family destroyed it and the lives of the people who made it up, leading it to a miserable existence.

At the present stage, the institution of family relations, like modern society, is experiencing a deep crisis. The age limit for first marriage has dropped sharply these days. For women, this age has reached record lows. The spread of early births has negative consequences for family relationships, which has made the birth rate even more unstable. This fact has caused an increased percentage of divorces, high infant mortality, and poor health of children and mothers. The reforms being carried out in society sharply aggravate the problems of families that need social protection.

it is necessary to take into account all the functions of the spheres of family relations. Joint recreation and communication, participation in joint competitions and programs, improves relationships in the family. Psychologists and sociologists recommend various methods and forms. The main ones are conversations, as well as the various existence of the family at the present stage, and touch upon issues of morality, sex education, and family leisure. Leisure programs, with the presence of various games, are one of the ways for “adults” to briefly feel like children and find themselves in the world of child psychology. In order to feel like one team, the family needs to participate together in games and competitions. Currently, such types of competitive programs as “Mom, Dad, I – a friendly (sports, music, dance - there are many options) family”, “Come on, grandparents”, etc. are especially popular.

Strengthening family relationships is facilitated by such types of family recreation as recreational activities, namely tourism and hiking.

Family sports activities such as relay races, mass races, beach tournaments, etc. helps the family unite. Family screenings in cinemas, excursion work, as well as family visits to museums, exhibitions, monuments of art and architecture, memorable places, joint visits to concerts and public holidays can have a positive effect on the psyche of children and adults.

Research in recent years has convincingly proven that family vacations, the time the family spends together, is the most effective comprehensive means of harmonious personal development, especially for adolescents.

At the same time, it is family tourism, with enormous educational and developmental potential, that has not been so widespread in recent years. One of the main forms of conducting family tours is the organization of educational excursions, which will depend on the age and inclinations of the group members.

Educational tourism is also called excursion tourism. Cultural tourism is a type of tourism whose main purpose is sightseeing, and the main feature is the richness of the trip with an excursion program.

Each group has its own components, specificity and characteristics.

(multifaceted) and thematic.

Historical excursions according to their content are divided into ethnographic, military-historical, historical-biographical, and excursions to historical museums.

Field trips are divided into: production-historical, production-economic, production-technical, vocational-oriented for students.

Art excursions are divided into: historical and theatrical excursions, to artistic folk crafts, to places of life and work of cultural figures, to art galleries and exhibition halls, museums, to the workshops of artists and sculptors.

Literary excursions: literary-biographical, historical-literary, literary-artistic, literary museums.

Natural history excursions usually have an environmental focus.

Architectural and urban planning excursions can be showing the architectural buildings of a given city, showing architectural monuments of a certain historical period and giving an idea of ​​the work of one architect, introducing the layout and development of cities according to master plans, demonstrating examples of modern architecture, as well as new buildings.

The choice of topic depends on potential demand, a specific order or the purposeful creation of a specific topic for excursions.

Determining the topic is one of the most important issues in developing an excursion. Based on the composition and number of participants, excursions are divided into individual, for the local population, visiting tourists, adults and schoolchildren, etc. The peculiarities of perception of excursion material of each of these groups require changes in the content and duration.

Depending on the location of the excursion, there are: urban, suburban, industrial, museum, complex (combining elements of several types).

By method of transportation: walking and using different types of transport.

The advantage of walking tours is that by pacing them, they provide an environment conducive to show and tell.

Transport excursions (mostly bus excursions) consist of two parts: analysis of excursion objects (for example, historical and cultural monuments) at stops and a story on the way between objects related to the characteristics of monuments and memorable places that the group passes by.

Some excursion agencies use trolleybuses, trams, river and sea ships, helicopters, etc. for excursions. The use of the above types of transport will be the most interesting during a family tour. It is necessary to take care of the safety of tourists, especially children.

The duration of excursions varies from one academic hour (45 minutes) to a day. In the case of organizing a family route, we can talk about an excursion of up to two academic hours, since it is difficult to keep children’s attention for more than this time.

According to the form of excursions, they are divided into the following types:

Extras excursion. Its participants move along the route simultaneously on 10-20 buses, each of which has a guide. Such excursions may include mass theatrical performances, folklore festivals, etc.;

An excursion-walk that combines elements of learning with elements of relaxation. It is carried out in a forest, park, by sea, river, etc.;

- excursion-lecture (story prevails over demonstration);

Excursion-concert - dedicated to a musical theme with listening to musical works in the bus;

A performance excursion is a form of conducting a literary and artistic excursion prepared on the basis of specific works of fiction, etc.

The division of excursions into clearly defined groups is somewhat arbitrary in practice, but is of great importance for the activities of excursion institutions. The correct classification of the guide with clients facilitates specialization and creates the basis for the activities of methodological sections. Using patterns for conducting excursions for a specific group helps ensure that each excursion is prepared and effective. When developing new topics for excursions, the achievements of individual branches of knowledge are used with greater completeness and purpose.

Thus, excursion and educational tourism is characterized by the presence of a clearly planned excursion program in advance, which, depending on the purpose of the trip, includes the most attractive objects of tourist interest, or objects that correspond to the theme of the trip.

planned, organized and conducted taking into account the interests of different age groups.

Tourism is one of the universal types of joint leisure activities. Family tourism is an excellent form for joint activities, and communication that families are often deprived of in everyday life. Family tourism also helps to strengthen the family and improve mutual understanding between its members.

improving the child’s psycho-emotional state, increasing his confidence in himself, in his own strengths and capabilities. Family tourism is currently correcting negative manifestations in parent-child relationships.

It will help in mastering technologies that preserve health, in preventing additive behavior, and in developing family values.

Family holidays at the present stage of development of society are quite fashionable. Going on a trip, taking with you children, parents, grandparents and a cat, is becoming a truly popular trend not only abroad, but also in Russia. It should be noted the effectiveness of using such a market segment as a family in financial terms, since a family is already a microgroup that will bring more income than an individual tourist.

Family vacations can currently offer parents and their little travelers a variety of destinations, such as excursion trips to visit museums and amusement parks, hiking trips with climbing and discovering amazing corners of nature and an unforgettable beach holiday.

When choosing a family vacation, parents solve the problems that arise regarding the vacation and solve age-old questions, such as: how to make the vacation interesting and useful for the children, and not boring and not burdensome for themselves.

Many companies offer a selection of the best family hotels, which have children's rooms and walking areas, animation services and teachers. For children's recreation, beaches with gently sloping sandy shores and a gently sloping bottom should be equipped.

There are also resorts that are willing to provide family holiday instructors for children who would like to learn to ski, skate or swim.

Educational practice in the field of family tourism is aimed at enhancing the educational potential of the family institution through tourism and local history activities. It is in camping conditions, as the experience of family hiking shows, that children become more patient, more active, more attentive to each other, and more careful about nature. There is an opportunity to make independent decisions not only among adults, but also among children, which gives all participants in the family tour a feeling of real responsibility for the business, for themselves, for their family.

For family recreation, you can choose sports goals. This could be adventure or overcoming difficulties using sports equipment. Active sports tours can be classified by means of transportation. There are such types of tourism as hiking, skiing, water, and specifically rafting on kayaks, wooden or inflatable rafts, catamarans, boats, yachts, etc., horseback riding, cycling. Stationary sports tourism includes various types of seaside recreation, such as diving, surfing, yachting, water skiing, etc. Mountain tourism includes skiing, sledding, snowboarding, para- and hang-gliding, etc.

Family tourism can also include health or medicinal purposes. Wellness goals include rest from everything, without any stress. For example, a beach holiday outside the city, both short-term by the nearest river and many days on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus; picnic in nature on weekends. Medicinal, in turn, represents treatment or prevention of health. Medical tourism includes holidays in sanatoriums or resorts. During medical family tourism, medical care is necessarily provided, which directly depends on the prescribed course of treatment and involves various procedures of different types, physical therapy, dietary nutrition, etc.

Currently, most sanatoriums can offer family tourists both therapeutic and wellness programs that do not involve the provision of medical services. In this case, the territory of the sanatorium can be used as a comfortable holiday home. The cost of the trip in this case is cheaper for tourists.

Such events can also be short-term, for example, celebrating the New Year with subsequent relaxation.

Family tourism can have different and varied forms and types. It may include dacha tours, that is, visiting dacha plots for the purpose of relaxation. Tourists lead a rural lifestyle, get acquainted with national songs and dances, local customs, take part in rural work, folk holidays and festivals. In Russia, such events have existed for a long time at the amateur level.

Family tourism can vary in duration of travel:

1) One-day excursions. Their advantage is that during their implementation there is no need to worry about overnight accommodation. According to the law on tourism, such events are not tours; accordingly, activities for their organization cannot be called tourist.

2) Short-term rest, precisely the so-called “end of the week”, “weekend”. Such short-term vacation lasts no more than 23 days.

3) Multi-day tour, any tour that lasts more than days. According to the degree of distance from the place of permanent residence, this type of family tourism can be classified as follows:

1. Suburban vacation. A vacation that is limited to the distance a vacationer can travel for 12 days. This distance is by bus. There is also a short-term country or picnic holiday, which involves a distance of 50 km.

2. Local tourism involves a distance limit of about 200-300 km, this is, as a rule, the territory of one’s own region or nearby areas of neighboring regions. Tourist companies are most active in their city, and vacationers focus primarily on the services of local travel agencies.

3. Long-distance tourism involves traveling on vacation over a long distance. Such trips in most cases last several days.

When organizing a family holiday, animation activities play an important role.

The concept of “animation” is of Latin origin (anima air, wind, soul; animatus animation) which means inspiration, spiritualization, involvement in activity.

The concept of “animation” is of Latin origin (anima - wind, air, soul; animatus - animation) and means inspiration, spirituality, stimulation of vitality, involvement in activity.

Tourist animation is a type of tourist activity carried out at a tourist enterprise (tourist complex, hotel) on a vehicle (cruise ship, train, bus) or at the place where tourists stay (in a city square, in a theater or a city park), which involves tourists in a variety of activities through participation in specially designed leisure programs. In other words, tourist animation is a tourist service, in the provision of which the tourist is involved in active action.

Thanks to animation, tourists receive positive emotions and strive again and again to visit the exact tourist enterprise where they have already been.

The ultimate goal of tourist animation is the tourist’s satisfaction with his vacation - his good mood, positive impressions, restoration of moral and physical strength. This is the most important recreational function of tourist animation.

Therefore, we can rightfully say that animation is a unique form of advertising, attracting guests and their friends, with the goal of promoting a tourism product on the market to increase the profitability of the tourism business.

Thus, the importance of tourist animation in organizing children's tourism is to improve the quality, diversity and attractiveness of the tourist product for children and their parents;

increasing the number of regular customers and demand for tourism enterprises, and consequently increasing the efficiency of its use, profitability and profitability of tourism activities.

health-improving and educational), tourist animation is designed to directly perform two functions - sports and recreational and educational. Indirectly, under appropriate conditions, the therapeutic function is also performed.

The following functions of tourist animation are distinguished:

1) adaptation, allowing you to move from an everyday environment to a free, leisure environment;

2) compensatory, freeing a person from the physical and mental fatigue of everyday life;

stimulating mental stability;

4) health-improving, aimed at restoring and developing a person’s physical strength, weakened in everyday life working life;

5) informational, allowing you to obtain new information about the country, region, people;

as a result of vivid impressions, new knowledge about the world around us;

7) improving, bringing intellectual and physical improvement;

interaction between animators and tourists in the leisure sector based on the specialist performing the interaction.

Consequently, an animator is a specialist who is engaged in developing orienting a person in a variety of leisure activities, organizing full-fledged leisure. A modern animator, first of all, must help a person navigate the variety of leisure activities and fulfill their needs.

The animator’s task includes the ability to organize cultural recreation, which is a means of not only getting rid of fatigue, but also entertainment that can distract a person from his everyday problems.

Rest combined with entertainment is always active, characterized by a high level of emotionality and therefore provides psychological release.

It is only important to plan it correctly, fill it with bright spectacular events, exchanges, trips, hikes, competitions, jokes, games.

animation needs to use the experience already accumulated and introduce new achievements.

The professional skill of an animator is characterized by the level of his professional skills and abilities; in the process of compilation, skill is understood as the skill of an animator:

- create an interesting animation program that meets the needs and demands of the consumer;

- attract attention to the animation program, interest the consumer;

Take into account the age, psychological, ethnic, religious and other characteristics of the consumer and, based on this, provide individual differentiated approach;

- build your relationships with employees and consumers on a humane, democratic basis;

- do not get lost in the most difficult and unexpected situations;

- combine theoretical and practical activities;

Competently use the experience accumulated in this area and the latest achievements of pedagogy, psychology and other sciences;

- diversify animation programs and activities, avoiding stereotypes in their organization.

Animation is a unique service that pursues a specific goal, namely to improve the quality of service, and at the same time it is a unique form of advertising to re-attract guests and their friends. The purpose of animation is also to promote the tourism product on the market to increase the profitability of the tourism business.

Children's animation should be bright, colorful, presenting extraordinary fairy-tale adventures and entertainment for children.

Animation programs in family tourism, which are combined with entertainment activities, and include a variety of sports games, exercises and competitions. So rich, capable of arousing interest and at the same time bringing benefits for strengthening and restoring health. It is the connection between tourist animation and sports that most often gives the best results in the process of recovery and recovery. One of the important places in the animation program is occupied by the game. The game is a means of entertaining people, communicating, and relaxing. In the game, a person gets pleasure and relieves nervous tension. The game has the character of active cognitive activity and becomes an effective means of mental and physical development, moral and aesthetic education. With the help of games, the world is explored, creative initiative is fostered, curiosity is awakened, and thinking is activated.

The main purpose of the game is the development of the child, his orientation towards creative, experimental behavior. The game teaches, helps to restore strength, gives a good emotional charge of vigor, etc.

The game introduces a person to communication with people around him and nature, promotes the acquisition of knowledge, the development of activity, imagination, and innovative thinking.

Game occupies a very important place in the life of tourists. When organizing family tourism, tourism enterprises need to use role-playing, didactic, folk, outdoor games. Conduct various competitions with singing, geographical, literary, intellectual games, educational, comic, musical, sports, plot, and mass games.

From the point of view of a systematic approach, tourist animation is the satisfaction of specific tourist needs in communication, movement, culture, creativity, a pleasant pastime, and entertainment.

Those going on vacation put a completely different meaning into this concept: for some, vacation is a trip, for others - reading books, traveling in the practice of tourist services, the following types of animation are formed, satisfying the various needs of tourists (vacationers):

Animation in motion - satisfies the modern person’s need for movement, combined with pleasure and pleasant experiences;

Animation through experience - satisfies the need for a feeling of the new, unknown, unexpected when communicating, discovering, and also when overcoming difficulties;

Animation through communication - satisfies the need to communicate with new, interesting people, to discover the inner world of people and to know oneself through communication;

Animation through calming - satisfies people’s need for psychological relief from everyday fatigue through calmness, solitude, contact with nature, as well as the need for peace and “idle laziness”;

- cultural animation - satisfies the need of people for the spiritual development of personality through familiarization with cultural and historical monuments and modern examples of culture of the country, region, people, nation;

Creative animation - satisfies a person’s need for creativity, demonstrating one’s creative abilities and establishing contacts with like-minded people through joint creativity.

Real animation programs are most often complex in nature, and the listed types of animation are constituent elements of these programs.

Animation programs, along with purely entertainment events, include a variety of sports games, exercises and competitions. This combination makes these programs more intense, interesting and useful for strengthening and restoring health, therefore, in the interrelation of tourist animation and sports, the greatest restorative and health-improving effect is most often achieved.

Let's consider the technology for creating animation programs. The technology for creating animation programs is understood as a set of techniques for an animator’s work, the organization of this work, and the use of special technical means (objects, structures, tools and devices).

During the formation of an animation program, its organizers should first of all understand:

1) what is the target audience (for whom the animation program is being made);

2) what is the basis of the animation program (main idea, goal setting);

3) how to build an animated event (tasks of the technological process and ways to solve them to achieve the goal).

The technology for creating and implementing animation programs as a system consists of several interconnected subsystems:

animation team, economic, technical, advertising departments;

2) instructor-methodological - creation and development of event scenarios, excursion texts, selection of sports games and competitions, drawing up hiking routes with the subsequent development of methodological recommendations based on generalization of experience;

3) director's - distribution of roles, drawing up rehearsal plans, staging a performance, show;

structures, tools, etc.), platforms (stages) for animation events, props, scenery, lighting, musical accompaniment. All subsystems make up a technology system that serves as the basis for the functioning of the animation service. Animation activity is a real and completely special world with rules of action inherent only to it, which are performed by professionals in order to include as many people as possible in the process of performing them. There are specific patterns of functioning of animation activities here.

The technological process of creating animation programs is based on three components that characterize object-subject behavioral lines:

1) object of activity - tourists served, the population (groups and individuals);

2) subject of activity - manager, specialist of the animation service;

3) the actual animation activity with everything and its components – the process of the subject’s influence on the object.

All elements of the functioning of the technological process are in unity of interactions and form a single system. The main element of this system is the object of activity, people (tourists, guests, vacationers). Everything is designed to satisfy their spiritual and physical needs. Thus, when developing animation programs, the following factors must be taken into account that influence the tourist’s perception and evaluation of the program: age, gender, nationality, level of education, income level, professional interests, hobbies.

Creating a program script and its implementation is a creative process that requires invention, imagination, and original methods of organizing action. It must be effective and entertaining (and the spectacle must be exciting and exciting). In addition to the general compositional solution, the script also develops compositions for each of its elements - competitions, games, concerts, performances, auctions. Since each form of mass animation activity is an organized action, it is built on the basis of general dramatic principles.

So, the work of preparing and conducting a particular animation program can be divided into several stages. The first stage (the largest and most important) is preparatory, including:

1) analysis of proposed animation programs;

2) defining goals and objectives;

3) choosing the place and time of the program;

4) designing an animation program taking into account the age, ethnic and other characteristics of consumers of this service;

5) creation or selection of scenarios for animation events included in the program;

6) drawing up cost estimates for the program;

7) selection of creative teams and distribution of responsibilities within animation teams;

8) technical preparation (selection of material aids, purchase of equipment, production of scenery, costumes, props);

9) installation of sound and lighting equipment, other technical means, stage design, production of phonograms;

10) conducting rehearsals, teaching the rules of games;

The second stage - conducting an animation program - is the most difficult and responsible work for all participants.

The third stage is summing up, during which the following takes place: analysis of the implemented program, survey of consumers followed by analysis, work on improving the program.

The implementation of an animation project depends on the professional skills of the director of the animation program in the field of tourism, which is determined by the ability to find the most optimal, acceptable ways to influence the personality of a tourist, satisfy his needs and interests based on the use of universal methods suitable for different organizational and economic conditions, which are certain patterns, stable and reliable rules for the functioning of the technological process.

In order to create an animation program, it is not enough just to have a good understanding of the laws of its dramatic construction.

expressive means, be able to use the possibilities of methods.

The following methods are used to create an animation program:

1) illustration, which is necessary to show the content of information material in any form;

2) theatricalization, which is complex creative process, designed to create a spectacularly active situation in which everyone present will be an actively reacting spectator, and not a passive contemplator. The essence of the theatricalization method is to combine plasticity, sounds, color, melody in space and time, revealing the image in different variations, carrying them through a single “end-to-end action” of the program.

3) a game in which a person enjoys, relieves nervous tension, and receives a good emotional charge of vivacity. The main purpose of the game is entertainment plus the development of the basic qualities and abilities inherent in a person.

In the practice of tourism enterprises, they use role-playing games, didactic games, folk games, outdoor games, games with singing, geographical, literary, intellectual games, educational, comic, musical, sports, plot, and mass games.

The combination of these methods will make it possible to deeply and fully reveal and put into practice animation programs that create certain prerequisites for the development of tourism activities.

The practical application of script creation methods is subject to certain principles, patterns and methods, that is, it has its own dramaturgy, since if in theatrical creativity a specific play acts as the source material and an ideologically rich performance is created on the basis of its literary material, then in an animation program this happens using expressive means based on life itself, real factual or historical material, real heroes or historical figures.

The use of certain methods is impossible without mastering the script-directing technology of animation, which forms the basis of entertainment events and includes the principles of dramaturgy (mass action, which is created through building and playing a plot-shaped solution to the program) and directing mass animation programs.

Creating a program script and its implementation is a creative process that requires invention, imagination, and original methods of organizing action. It must be effective and entertaining (and the spectacle must be fascinating, exciting), have the character of a “visible script”, that is, be not just literary descriptive, but foresee all the episodes, key moments of the action and how they will occur.

Thus, the quality of an animation program is associated, as a rule, with interesting directorial discoveries and a rich arsenal of scenographic, musical, plastic, speech, and lighting techniques in the development and implementation of animation programs.




2.1. General characteristics of tourist resources in Moscow The Moscow region is a subject of the Russian Federation, which is part of the Central Federal District.

Krasnogorsk. The administrative center is Moscow.

The Moscow region has the following borders: in the north-west and north it borders with the Tver region, in the north-east and east with the Vladimir region, in the south-east its border is the border with Ryazan, in the south with Tula, in the south-west with Kaluga , in the west with the Smolensk regions. The central border is with the federal city of Moscow. There is also a small northern section of the border with the Yaroslavl region.

The Moscow region is one of the industrially developed regions of Central Russia. The Moscow region is known as an area in which monuments of history, culture and art have preserved truly Russian traditions. The Moscow region is closely connected with the most important events in the history of Russia, such as the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, and the feudal war of the Moscow princes in the mid-15th century, and the events of Peter the Great’s time, and the Patriotic War of 1812. The names of such famous Russian military and political figures as Sergius of Radonezh, Minin and Pozharsky, Kutuzov forever inscribed their pages in the history of the city and region.

At the turn of the 20th century, the Moscow region occupied 29.2 thousand square miles and consisted of 13 counties. According to the 1897 census, 2.4 million people lived in the Moscow province. In the 18th-19th centuries. The Moscow province was the birthplace of many artistic crafts. The wooden toys of the Bogorodsky and Kudrinsky carvers, the lacquer miniature painting of the village of Fedoskino are world famous; the decorative metal trays of the village of Zhostovo are a particular pride of artisans, as well as jewelry. Products carved from bone are popular.

Made by carvers, the products of lacemakers and embroiderers delight in their lightness.

Currently, the Moscow region occupies 46 thousand square kilometers of land; its territory could accommodate such European states as Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. The population of the Moscow region is more than 6.6 million people. The region received its name from the city of Moscow. The Moscow region is located in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. It stretches from north to south for 310 km, from west to east - 340 km.

The Moscow region includes such objects as Moscow, Zvenigorod, Ruza, Pavlovsky Posad, Naro-Fominsk, Istra, Dmitrov, Volokolamsk, Egoryevsk, Noginsk, Podolsk, Solnechnogorsk, Mozhaisk, Pushkino, Bronnitsy, Dubna, Lukhovitsy, Voskresensk, Sergiev Posad, Serpukhov, Kolomna, Klin, Chekhov, Krasnogorsk, Zaraysk, Gzhel, OrekhovoZuevo, Odintsovo, Stupino, Borodino, Ozery, Balashikha, Taldom, Vereya, Yaropolets, Kashira, Lyubertsy, Khimki, Korolev, Zelenograd, Ramenskoye, Shchelkovo, Mytishchi, Vidnoye, Troitsk, Dolgoprudny, Zheleznodorozhny.

The climate of the Moscow region is moderate continental, seasonality is clearly expressed; summers are warm, winters are moderately cold.

In total, there are over 300 rivers in the Moscow region, with a length of more than 10 km. All rivers have a calm flow.

The Moscow region is included in the list of unique natural and historical territories of Russia, which has enormous recreational potential.

The Moscow region is best known for its cultural heritage. The ancient land of the Moscow region contains a huge number of historical and cultural monuments. The Moscow region has more than a thousand archaeological monuments, which are represented by such objects as settlements, fortifications, mounds, which preserve the memory of the ancient tribes that inhabited this territory.

Many ancient Russian cities, whose age approaches and sometimes exceeds the age of Moscow, are located in the Moscow region.

Such cities include Mozhaisk, Vereya, Ruza, Volokolamsk, Zvenigorod, Dmitrov, Kolomna, Serpukhov, Zaraysk. These cities have preserved to the maximum not only the historical buildings of the 18th – 19th centuries, but also some medieval defensive structures, such as kremlins and ramparts. Each city has its own unique urban architecture, temples and unique landscape.

Moscow land is the center of the Orthodox Church. In the Moscow region there are more than 500 religious buildings, such Orthodox shrines that are world famous: the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Savvino-Storozhevsky, Joseph-Volotsky, New Jerusalem, NikoloUgreshsky monasteries, etc.

The Moscow province was also distinguished by the fact that the largest number of noble estates were concentrated on its territory. Today their number is 150 estates, and all of them are in varying degrees of preservation.

The socio-cultural infrastructure, represented by more than museums, numerous exhibition galleries, leisure centers, libraries, theaters, houses of culture, is of significant importance and is widely represented in the historical and cultural potential of the region. Museums in the Moscow region have a fairly large potential of subject matter and a wealth of exhibitions, which attracts fairly large tourist flows.

Historical and art museums of the cities of Sergiev Posad, Zvenigorod, Serpukhov, Dmitrov, Yegoryevsk, New Jerusalem can claim the title of pride of our culture. Unique military museums have also been founded, which, along with art museums, also attract a large number of tourists. Museums such as the Museum of Tank Forces in Kubinka, the Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics in Monino, where all the world's achievements of relevant military equipment are collected, are especially popular among young people and schoolchildren, and children's organized groups from cadet corps also come here.

The Moscow region has memorial areas and objects that reflect the events of Russian history and also give an idea of ​​the life and activities of leading representatives of Russian culture and historical figures. Such world-famous objects from the historical past of the Moscow region as Borodino, the defensive lines of the Great Patriotic War, the house-museum of P.I. Tchaikovsky in Klin, S.I.

Taneyev in Dyutkovo, A. Blok in Shakhmatovo, the estates of Abramtsevo, Muranovo, Yaropolets and other picturesque places of the Moscow region, depicted on the canvases of I.

Levitan, V. Serov, S. Gerasimov and others.

In terms of the volume of historical and cultural potential, the Moscow region significantly exceeds the potential of the same area of ​​the Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions. 200 Moscow excursion objects have the honor of being included in the register of UN monuments.

The presence of enormous historical and cultural potential provides unlimited opportunities for organizing the tourism and excursion industry. Historical and cultural potential needs to be powerfully supplemented by scientific potential. This potential could be a large number of universities, research and design institutes, design bureaus, and research centers. These institutions are quite a strong resource for scientific and congress tourism. And they can also serve as objects of tourist interest, through the opening of their museums and production for wide excursion display.

Inspection of such famous objects as the Luzhetsky Monastery, Joseph-Volotsky Monastery, Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery, Nikitsky Monastery, the Kremlin in Zaraysk, the Abramtsevo Museum-Estate, the Arkhangelskoye Museum-Estate, the Muranovo Museum-Estate, the Museum-Estate A.P. Chekhov, A.S. Pushkin Museum-Reserve, A.A. Blok Museum-Estate, P.I. Tchaikovsky House-Museum, Historical Museum-Reserve - Gorki Leninskie;

Sergiev Posad, Istra, Kolomna, Serpukhov, Zvenigorod, Dmitrov, Borodino Fields, makes the Moscow region famous and attracts a large flow of tourists of various ages and various interests.

The monastery of the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery in Teryaevo was founded in August 1479 by the Monk Joseph of Volotsky. In 1486, on the site of a wooden church, the Assumption Cathedral was built from stone. The cathedral was painted by Dionysius. The main attraction of the cathedral is the carved openwork iconostasis. Since 1989, the monastery has been in the process of restoration and since 1999 a stauropegic monastery has been founded here.

According to legend, the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery was founded in 1380. The majestic Transfiguration Cathedral, built in honor of the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the monastery in 1880-1894, is the artistic center of the ensemble. It is currently in the process of restoration.

Nikitsky Monastery is located in the western part of the city of Kashira.

Its foundation dates back to 1884. The majestic Transfiguration Cathedral (1889-1894) is the dominant element of the ensemble. The building of the Nikitsky Church (1823-1855), unfortunately, is very poorly preserved.

The Kremlin in Zaraysk is the oldest building in the city.

Rectangular in plan with four corner and three passage towers, it belongs to the few Russian “regular” fortresses of the late 15th – first third of the 16th centuries. The architecture of the fortress, which is made of brick and partially lined with white stone on the outside, is simple and utilitarian. The attractions of Zaraysk include the typical urban development of the 18th-19th centuries, which gives the city a charm of provincial antiquity that is unique.

The Abramtsevo Estate Museum is a State Historical, Artistic and Literary Museum-Reserve. The estate near Moscow, located on the banks of the Vori River, has long gone down in the history of artistic culture. It is called the cradle of Russian art of the second half of the 19th century.

The museum complex consists of a picturesque park, architectural monuments of the 18th-20th centuries, and collections of Russian art. Which include items such as furniture, paintings, graphic works, sculptural compositions.

The Arkhangelskoye Estate Museum is an outstanding architectural and artistic ensemble of the late 18th century. To create such a masterpiece, the work of more than one generation of talented craftsmen – architects and artists – is needed. In the halls of the museum there is a rich collection, including porcelain and earthenware, as well as Western European painting of the 19th centuries, a collection of furniture from the 18th-19th centuries, and objects of decorative and applied art.

The A.P. Chekhov Museum-Reserve in Melikhovo is the State Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of A.P. Chekhov. In the museum you can view the presented collection, consisting of memorial objects and works of art that are associated with painting and the work of the writer. The museum-reserve hosts evenings, lectures and concerts dedicated to the writer’s work. Everything here reminds us that the writer lived and worked in this house.

The State Historical and Literary Museum-Reserve of A.S. Pushkin has already changed several owners. In 1804, the estate was bought by M.A. Hannibal. From May 1805 to 1811, Pushkin came here for the summer.

House-Museum of P.I. Tchaikovsky in Klin is the State House-Museum of P.I. Tchaikovsky. Klin and its environs are associated with the names of such outstanding scientists, writers, artists, musicians who have been here. These are people like A.N. Radishchev, L.N. Tolstoy, A.A.

Blok, V.G. Perov, I.E. Repin, M.A. Balakirev, S.I. Taneyev, A.P. lived here in 1938. Gaidar. The city carefully preserves the memory of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

State Historical Museum-Reserve "Gorki Leninskie".

It is called the Museum of Political History. There was an exhibition dedicated to the events of political life and history of Russia during the early 20th century and the state activities of V.I. Lenin.

The Gorki Estate Museum has a permanent exhibition “The Office and Apartment of V.I. Lenin in the Kremlin,” where the furnishings and objects of the Kremlin apartment, where the leader of the proletariat once lived, were completely recreated and preserved.

The exhibition presents personal items belonging to V.I. Lenin and members of the Ulyanov family. In the museum you can see the extensive library, which is located in the village school. The Museum of Peasant Life in the village of Gorki is a typical example of a peasant estate of the early 20th century, where you can see authentic pieces of furniture, dishes, utensils and agricultural implements of that time.

The main tourist centers of the Moscow region, first of all, include the ancient cities of the Moscow region. In the Moscow region there are 22 ancient historical cities, each of which is unique and inimitable. Visiting the historical cities of the Moscow region is of constant interest to Russian and foreign tourists.

2.2. Analysis of excursion and educational objects and accommodation facilities in the Moscow region for organizing family recreation. You can organize recreation and entertainment for children in Moscow using various methods. To organize children's holidays in the Moscow region, you can offer quite a lot of different options. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the child’s age, temperament and interests. Organized recreation for children can be classified into two main groups:

-places where the child can show his own activity;

-places that offer entertainment and educational activities.

In the Moscow region, there are two existing factories that produce wooden toys and have been operating for a long time. One factory is located in the North, the other in the south of the Moscow region. The toys produced in these factories differ in their manufacturing principles. Today, museums have been established at both factories. There are also production workshops in which original Russian children's toys are produced. And, despite the large number of imported toy products, these toys are in quite high demand. A visit to the toy factory is of interest not only for children, but also for adults.

A visit to the Klimovskaya Toy factory is also offered. The program offers interesting story about the history of the operating factory. Tourists are also invited to visit production workshops.

Of particular interest is the toy design shop. At the end of the program, if desired, tourists can be offered a master class on painting toys.

In the city of Klin, which is 12 km away. from Vysokovsk, the Exhibition Center from the Klinskoye Podvorye factory has been opened. "Klinskoye Compound"

is a new, extremely attractive complex of buildings and a company store. Tourists are offered a tour of the Klin Compound Museum. The museum has nine halls, each of which offers its own exhibition. The First and Second Halls present the history of the development of glassblowing production. The third hall presents the production and blowing of toys. The fourth hall is an artistic painting workshop. In the fifth room there is a small Christmas tree, decorated from the floor to the top with modern toys. On the walls are hung photographs of New Year's holidays - pre-revolutionary, before and after the war. The sixth and seventh halls are exhibitions of Christmas tree decorations. The toys in this hall are sorted by year of production and laid out in transparent display cases, following a specific theme. The Eighth Hall features modern toys and a display of Christmas trees. In the ninth hall there are Santa Clauses and old photographs of Klin.

Then the group is offered a master class on painting a glass ball.

In the Moscow region, a children's entertainment program is also offered, such as a visit to a deer farm, during which the following program will be offered: a visit to Yaranga, a tour of the deer farm with a guide, and demonstration performances by reindeer herders. The program also includes reindeer catching and the opportunity to harness them, as well as feed the reindeer and fawns. There is also the opportunity to take photos with deer.

Deer farm in Yegoryevsk. A walk around the farm, a story from the guide about the reindeer and the history of the creation of this village. Then the musher, who is a representative of the indigenous peoples of the north, dressed in national clothes, enters the enclosure with deer and shows how to catch deer with a lasso. Children and adults are invited to feed reindeer moss from their hands, take pictures next to the deer, and take a master class on harnessing reindeer. Then tea is offered.

For an additional fee, we offer a master class on lassoing reindeer, forming a team (three reindeer are harnessed to a sled), and you can feed the reindeer by hand. The guide will provide vegetables and sweets for feeding the animals. Then an excursion is offered, during which the guide will tell you about the structure of the yaranga, which is the name of the dwelling of the Chukchi reindeer herders. Children and adults are invited to take part in fishing net pulling and the Chukchi fish stocking race.

If tourists wish, they have the opportunity to ride in a real sledge harnessed by three reindeer; children are offered a ride down the hill on reindeer skins.

famous Russian folk crafts, such as Pavlovo Posad shawls and products from the oldest Christmas tree decorations factory “Iney”. The tradition of making Pavlovo Posad scarves and shawls developed on the basis of weaving in Bogorodsky district. In 1812, the merchant Labzin opened a yarn processing enterprise in the village of Milenki. In 1863 they began dyeing scarves and, finally, in 1881 they moved on to the mass production of printed scarves and shawls. This art developed a special artistic style that combined elements of Western and Eastern art. During the excursion, children can visit the exhibition of scarves at the Pavlovo Posad Museum of Local Lore.

A guide will conduct tours of the factory, introduce you to the history of Christmas tree decorations, and craftsmen will show you how they are born and created. It is necessary to visit the exhibition hall, which contains toys from the first to the latest samples. The enterprise preserves and develops unique fishing traditions that developed in pre-revolutionary times. The tradition of hand-made Christmas decorations by blowing and hand-painting is preserved here.

Training takes place only at the enterprise; mastering this work requires time and certain abilities. The work of a glassblower behind a burner is a miraculous phenomenon that turns a glass tube into a ball, figurine, top, bell, etc. When painting glass Christmas balls and various figures, multi-color brush stroke painting is used, with decorative finishing using various materials. Snowflakes, Father Frost and Snow Maiden are now depicted on the balls as before.

To organize a holiday with children in the Moscow region, country hotels that offer a fairly wide range of services even for the youngest clients may be suitable. For example, the Fiesta Park hotel complex, which is located 36 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Yaroslavskoye Highway. On the territory of this hotel complex there is a children's mini-club, a playground, a children's pool, and also provides 24-hour governess services and special developmental programs for children of different ages.

For organizing family and children's recreation, the country club "Bear Lakes" is also of interest, which is located 12 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Shchelkovskoe Highway. This club is located on the shores of the lakes of the same name, and is considered a popular place for recreation and fishing.

For children with their parents, a children's menu is organized there, there is a children's playroom, and the services of animators and nannies are provided.

From the point of view of organizing a more budget-friendly family vacation, a good option is the Solnechnaya Polyana boarding house, which is located near Zvenigorod, 65 km along the Minsk, Riga or Rublevo-Uspenskoe highways. The boarding house has a children's playground, the dining room has a children's menu and its own mini-zoo.

The Solnechnaya Polyana boarding house, located in the Moscow region, has the opportunity to offer family groups accommodation in an 8-story building equipped with elevators. This building is designed for 98 rooms of various categories. Each room has everything you need to organize a family holiday. For those who love active recreation, tennis courts and horse riding, swimming in the pool and on the beach are offered. A large number of sports grounds and rental of sports equipment. A group of excellent animators will entertain both adults and children. They have a variety of programs for both family holidays with children and corporate holidays. The boarding house offers excursion services, an interactive laser shooting range, animation programs for children, a children's playroom, and other entertainment that is suitable for organizing leisure time for both children and adults.

Based on the analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The development of tourism plays an important role in solving social problems.

Tourism, as it develops, creates new jobs, maintains a high standard of living for the population, and creates the prerequisites for improving the country's balance of payments. The need to develop the tourism sector contributes to raising the level of education, improving the medical care system for the population, introducing new means of disseminating information, etc.

One of the priority areas of Russia's socio-economic policy is the development of children's tourism based on the effective use of its geographical location, rich natural and cultural heritage, and improving tourism infrastructure.

tourism resources that allow the development of almost all known types of tourism, including children’s and youth tourism.

Tourist resources of the Moscow region make it possible to organize excursion programs of various contents for children and schoolchildren, sports and entertainment events, environmental routes in specially protected natural areas with recreation at natural sites in the region.

Tourism has long been considered as one of the most profitable and rapidly developing sectors of the world economy. This is evidenced by the fact that tourism accounts for about 10% of the world's gross national income.

Tourism influences the process of preserving and developing cultural potential, which leads to the development of harmonious relations between different countries and peoples. Governments, public organizations and commercial structures are also actively involved in the process of preserving and improving the environment.

The historical and cultural potential of the Moscow region is the basis for organizing children's educational tourism. The historical and cultural potential is represented by various types of historical monuments, memorial sites, folk crafts, museums, which is a combination of objects of material and spiritual culture.

Cultural heritage can be called the legacy of the historical development of civilization accumulated in a given territory. Each locality, if it has a certain cultural and historical heritage, may be of interest for the development of educational tourism. Currently, fashion dictates interest in many cultural objects. At the same time, a number of objects that were previously most visited during the Soviet period in Russia, for example, numerous Leninist places, ideological installations in society.

The sights of the Moscow region are the main reason why tourists from all over the world come to the city. The same can be said about children's tourism. Children's groups actively visit the capital and the region not only on holidays, but also on weekends.

Tourist routes include visiting both the most famous Moscow attractions and less popular monuments and places of the Russian capital.

attractions that arouse interest among tourists who Arkhangelsk - all these names entered Russian history thanks to their famous owners, who played the first roles in the life of Russia.

The architectural and park complexes of Moscow estates are of considerable cultural and historical value.




3.1. Marketing research and the relevance of the project; processing and analysis of market data. Market participants and elements are subject to research: competitors, consumers, prices, internal potential of the company. Market research involves finding out its state and development trends, which can help identify shortcomings in the company’s current position in the market and suggest opportunities and ways to improve it.

Conducting marketing research is necessary at all stages of a company’s activities - from product development and promotion to sales and after-sales service. During the research process, the following are carried out: identifying the need, defining the problem, conducting marketing research, determining the type and sources of information, choosing a method of data collection, developing an electoral plan.

Marketing research is essential to identify a firm through the process of systematically collecting and analyzing information to identify threats, weaknesses and strengths and appropriate marketing strategy for successful business.

take into account the level of uncertainty and degree of risk. Risk can be significantly reduced by having sufficient reliable and up-to-date information.

For the tourism industry, the relevance, reliability and completeness of information are extremely important due to the dependence of the results of the services provided on many factors. In this regard, information is not only the basis for making optimal decisions, but also a resource that allows a tourism organization to:

- gain competitive advantages;

- reduce financial risk;

- analyze the state of the external and internal environment;

- evaluate market activity;

- coordinate the implementation of the strategy;

- determine the attitude of consumers towards the products offered;

- increase operational efficiency.

Marketing information is classified according to a number of criteria:

secondary and primary.

Secondary information is already existing information used for the specific marketing needs of a tourism organization. Sources of internal secondary information are:

statistical reporting, materials from previous studies, contract data, reports, certificates, operational and current production information, business correspondence.

official publications, directories, media, specialized publications on tourism, materials from institutions and organizations, exhibitions, conferences, personal communication channels. An effective source of marketing information is the Internet, which can be used to obtain both secondary and primary marketing information.

The main goal of this marketing research is to investigate the effectiveness of implementation. Research objectives:

1. Analyze the proposals of Russian tour operators involved in organizing children's holidays.

2. Consider the main tourist preferences of individual groups of respondents.

3. Identify the level of development of children's tourism in the Smolensk region.

4. Determine the location of an educational and recreational tour for children, carried out on a commercial basis in the tourism market of the Smolensk region.

The working hypothesis of the draft program for serving family groups in the Moscow region with the aim of developing children's cultural and educational tourism in Smolyan is feasible and promising.

As part of this marketing research, many travel companies are engaged in organizing children's holidays.

Proposals for children's recreation can be divided into 2 groups:

- recreation in children's health camps and centers in Russia and abroad;

- excursion bus tours to cities of Russia and Europe.

The latter are especially popular during the autumn and spring school holidays, May holidays and early summer. During school year Some tour operators organize two- and three-day tours of Russian cities for schoolchildren.

Tour operators are constantly creating new excursion programs with tourist brands that are attractive to children (“To the Homeland of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden”), entertaining (“BaskinRobins Ice Cream Factory” with tasting of tasty products), patriotic (“Kubinka – Museum of Armored Vehicles”), educational ( excursions to the estates of writers, poets), etc.

Traditionally, children's summer camps, offering rich animation programs today. Separately among them are thematic camps, subordinated to one theme: tent camps with training in the elements of tourism, archaeological ones, where children are engaged in excavations of sites of primitive people, sports, equestrian, there are camps with a religious orientation, etc.

Children's recreation centers abroad have an undeniable advantage, offering language practice and immersion in a new culture. Often located in warm countries, by the sea (in Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Croatia, Malta, etc.), such children's centers are distinguished by rich excursion and thematic programs and allow you to communicate with peers both from the CIS countries and from other countries .

Excursion (bus or combined: railway + bus) cultural and educational tours around Europe are popular. Children usually regard even long journeys along European roads as a real adventure. The main disadvantage of these proposals is the narrow range of tours, insufficient information among the general public about such types of children's recreation and the unreasonably inflated cost of children's travel.

The most popular types of children's recreation:

-recreation in children's health camps;

- relaxation on the beach and recreation;

-visits to historical sites and museums;


-visits to zoos, water parks;

-hiking trips;

-visiting festivals and concerts;

-sports competitions (Fig. 3.1).

Rice. 3.1. The most popular types of family holidays in Russia To determine the feasibility of implementing a draft program for marketing research, primary information was collected.

special research aimed at solving a specific marketing problem. Its collection is carried out using survey, observation and experiment methods.

One of the most common methods for collecting primary marketing information, used in approximately 90% of studies, is a survey.

A survey is a method of collecting primary marketing information, which involves the written or oral appeal of researchers to a certain population of people (respondents) with questions, the content of which reflects the problem being studied. The purpose of the surveys is to find out the subjective opinions of respondents, their preferences, and beliefs regarding a new tourism product. One form of survey is a questionnaire.

Questioning is most often considered as a form of survey, during which the respondent independently records the answers to the questions posed in the questionnaire. The peculiarity of the questionnaire is that as a result of processing the responses, a quantitative characteristic of the phenomenon being studied can be obtained, cause-and-effect relationships can be identified and modeled.

The form of the survey can be individual or group. In the latter case, for a short time you can interview a large number of people.

Based on all of the above, it was decided to conduct marketing research to identify the attitude of potential consumers to the proposed tourism product. In this regard, a questionnaire was developed and a survey was conducted.

A questionnaire is a system of questions united by a research design that allows one to obtain the information necessary to develop solutions to the problem under study.

The questionnaire contains closed questions that require you to select answers from a full set of options.

The details part allows you to obtain information regarding the respondent (age). Next in the questionnaire are contact questions.

Their task is to interest the interlocutor, introduce them to the problem being studied, and conduct a “warm-up”.

The main part of the questionnaire contains ordered questions, the content of which characterizes the subject of the study. The questions in this part of the questionnaire reflect the essence of the problem.

The questionnaire consists of 16 questions. The survey sample included residents of the city of Smolensk with children aged 7 to 15 years. Sample size: 100 people.

Primary data were obtained by surveying residents of the city of Smolensk of different ages and social class, having one, two or more children in the age category of 7-15 years.

To the question “Does your child like to travel?” 74% of respondents answered “yes”, 6% answered “no”, 20% of respondents found it difficult to answer this question.

To the question “Are you considering the possibility of your child having an independent holiday (without parents)?” 86% answered positively, 14% answered negatively.

When answering the question “How well do you think the organization of children’s tourism is developed in the Smolensk region?” the following answers were received: 9.6% - “excellent”, 12.3% - “good”, 28.4% satisfactory”, 35.1% - “bad”, 14.6% - “I don’t know”. The diagram below (Fig. 3.2.) systematized the conditions for organizing children's tourism in the Smolensk region.

Rice. 3.2. Level of organization of family tourism in Smolenskaya When planning a vacation for their children, 12.8% of respondents count on social support from the state, 72% count on their own funds, 15.2% of respondents found it difficult to answer.

To the question “How much are you willing to spend on your child’s vacation?” 7.4% of respondents can spend up to 5 thousand rubles;

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Family tourism is a relatively new type of travel. It involves joint travel between parents and children, so it can be considered not only a form of recreation, but also an educational tool. According to the official wording of the World Tourism Organization, family tourism involves traveling with children under 11 years of age, but in practice, it usually does not recognize age limits. For family trips, it is customary to choose environmentally friendly places, quiet seaside resorts, as well as cities with great opportunities for children's recreation. may include a number of directions - excursion, cultural and educational, medical and recreational, entertainment trips, travel for beach holidays, as well as various forms of active entertainment.

Features of family tourism

Since children are involved in family tourism, it has certain specifics, which is manifested in the choice of hotels, means of transportation, catering and entertainment. For accommodation, hotels where combining rooms are available are preferable; ideally, the hotel should have children's playgrounds and playrooms. If the holiday is in a boarding house, it should provide four meals a day for children or at least have a double menu - for adults and children.

Family tourism places no less serious demands on the organization of cultural and entertainment programs. For example, educational tours of local attractions should not be overly complex and academic, but should be understandable for all ages. If the excursion is intended exclusively for adults, then it should be possible to leave the child for some time in the children's room under the supervision of professional educators.

Organization of family tourism

When planning family tourism, it is necessary to take into account the availability of excursions and entertainment designed for children in the holiday destination. We are talking about outdoor walks, attractions, zoos, water parks, holding various carnivals of puppet shows, etc. It’s even better if the boarding house has hobby groups and a variety of programs for the creative development of children.

Family tourism aims not only to enjoy fun activities, but also to develop children. That is why it is important that the program for holidays with children includes additional services related to sporting events. We are talking about the presence of tennis courts, swimming pools, sports and gyms in the recreation area. Excitement and positive emotions will leave bright and positive memories in the child’s soul if during his vacation he participates in football competitions, “Funny Starts” tournaments, etc.

Geography of family tourism

In Europe, the most popular countries for families with children are Greece, Spain, and Italy. This is not least due to the substantial discounts provided in these countries on many services related to children's recreation. Many excursions to legendary historical monuments are absolutely free for children. For example, if there are two children in a family, travelers pay only the cost of adult tickets to the Colosseum or the ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii. The same applies to the Greek Acropolis, the famous Mount Olympus, the ruins of Knossos on the island. Crete and other historical and cultural sites that abound in Italy and Greece. Significant discounts for children are provided in Turkey, Egypt and other Mediterranean countries. On the Black Sea coast of Russia, a good choice is

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