The best Japanese perfume. Japanese perfumes. Tolerance in every echo

The peculiarities of the Japanese perfume industry are dictated by religious and national ethical requirements, according to which the aroma must be elusive, pure, light and absolutely natural. Flashy, shocking, too rich, trailing Japanese perfumes are nonsense.

In their scents, brilliant perfume masters try to reflect the smells of snow, rain and even asphalt and dirt... They also experiment with the properties of such developments - thus, perfumes have been created that help... lose weight! The underlying combination of pepper notes with fennel and grapefruit suppresses the feeling of hunger and, according to the creators, allows you to lose up to 2 kg of excess weight.

It is noteworthy that, in contrast to the Europeans who admire such unusual developments, the residents of Japan themselves belong to the innovative domestic perfume products incredulously. Conservative in relation to cultural traditions, they prefer perfumes that do not contradict the tenets of Shintoism and Buddhism.

The most famous perfumes in Japan include Kenzo (production is located in France), Masaki Matsushima, Issey Miyake, Shiseido, Annayake.

Many people attribute the Japanese perfume Kenzo to the merits of France. However, despite the fact that the production of perfume is organized in the homeland of Coco Chanel and Edith Piaf, the creator of the brand and its main ideological inspirer is the Japanese Kenzo Takada. The highlight of the company is an ingredient called “kalon”, which gives the perfume a fresh and invigorating marine tint.

The Japanese perfume Issey Miyake is also very famous. Perfumes are represented by compositions that combine the best oriental traditions and modern fashion trends West.

Japanese perfumery Masaki Matsushima delights fans with interesting aromas with everyone's favorite scents of sweet chocolate, juicy fruits and fresh herbs.

Finally, Shiseido is one of the oldest and largest perfume manufacturers in the world. The brand's scents give you a feeling of flight, relaxation and complete harmony with yourself and the world.

In the ParfumStore online store you can buy Japanese perfumes at competitive prices, as well as other products from luxury brands' perfume lines. In addition, you can purchase sets for friends and family. On our website it is easy to choose Japanese perfume as a gift, and we will deliver them to your recipient.

ParfumStore will help you buy Japanese perfumes: just use the convenient catalog of fragrances, which will allow you to choose not only your favorite brand or price category, but will also take into account other wishes.

In addition, you can use the help of our professional consultant - he will help you choose and buy Japanese perfume for yourself or as a gift. Delivery of perfumes in Moscow is carried out by our courier service usually within 24 hours from the moment of order.

Oriental beauties envelop themselves with very delicate, subtle scents. It turns out that women in Japan use very little self-care. perfumes. A slight fragrance comes from cosmetics for face and body care. Creams, tonics, all kinds of lotions and cosmetic balms contain an unobtrusive odor.
It can't be said that perfumery on the dressing table Japanese girl takes its rightful place. Many Japanese women simply do not use perfume, and those who do do so very sparingly.
Sharp, strong, intoxicating aromas are completely uncharacteristic of Japanese women. Women from the land of cherry blossoms prefer charmingly light and very harmonious perfume compositions reminiscent of blooming garden spring or ocean breeze.

Based on cultural traditions and preferences, the Japanese perfume industry, despite the influence of European fashion, produces fragrances that embody restraint, lightness, sophistication and at the same time calm harmony. The aromas are dominated by the smells of flowers, greenery, sea breeze and there are practically no heavy, amber, sweet or spicy notes.

So which Japanese perfume should you choose?

Issey Miyake, Yohji Yamamoto, Kenzo, Shiseido, Kanebo are famous perfume houses in Japan and around the world, whose works have also won love and recognition in Russia.

  • Issey Miyake is a Japanese designer who made his debut as a perfume creator in 1992 with the fragrance “L`eau d`Issey”. Issey Miyake perfume compositions are distinguished by the harmonious interweaving of Japanese traditional culture, American independence and French sophistication.
  • Yohji Yamamoto is also a world famous Japanese fashion designer. Yoji's philosophy: Dress and scent are a state of mind. A minimum of details, nothing superfluous. The first perfume “Yohji” was released in 1996. An extraordinary combination of ingredients made it possible to create a mysterious, delicate, slightly spicy, unique aroma.
  • Kenzo - “beauty in simplicity” is the principle of creating compositions of the Kenzo perfume house. The scents are distinguished by their sophistication and seem to convey the natural breath of nature. Carefully selected notes create the enchanting scent of flowers on the trees of a spring garden, or the freshness of the sea breeze and the energy of the wind, calling for a romantic trip.

The unique culture of the Land of the Rising Sun, which is hidden in perfume compositions, attracts with its mystery and incomprehensibility.

Japanese perfume for women evokes the image of a young girl in a cherry blossom garden.
Japanese perfume for men- a calm, reserved and mysterious image of a samurai.

Japanese perfume. Which Japanese scent should you choose? 2015-01-10T18:47:42+00:00 chellishe

Today we will look at the best examples of Japanese perfumes and eau de toilette from Japan - how to choose and what to pay attention to. We will also study traditional classic Japanese perfumes and the latest elite newcomers from the Land of the Rising Sun

Japanese perfumes, widely known throughout the world thanks to the brands Shiseido, Kenzo, Issey Miyake, Yohji Yamamoto, attract Russian and European women like a magnet. The creations of the Japanese are always restrained - these are very subtle, beautiful aromas, among which you can find floral, floral-ocean, green or ozonic perfumes, less often woody ones, but almost no sweet or oriental ones.

And although Japanese perfumes, of course, cannot compete with French ones in popularity, Japanese perfumes are no less famous in the world, primarily, of course, through the efforts of famous fashion and perfume brands such as Kenzo, Shiseido and Issey Miyake.

Fashion for anything, including fashion for perfume, is largely determined by mentality, national traditions and finally, cultural characteristics. It is not for nothing that the first surge in the popularity of sweet and exotic oriental scents in Europe and the United States occurred precisely at the moment when the East first began to exert a significant influence on Western countries. Japanese perfumery is by no means an exception to this rule: Japanese perfumes are almost always distinguished by a special, exquisite restraint and some kind of enchanting lightness, reminiscent of the restrained and beautiful harmony of a traditional Japanese garden. The aesthetic principles of Japanese culture, even today, when many cultural boundaries are simply erased, are embodied in perfumes. For example, Japanese perfumes are almost always light, refined floral, green or fresh perfumes with sea chords, but there are practically no heavy and sweet oriental perfumes in the collections of Japanese perfume brands.

Kenzo Takada is one of the first representatives of the East who managed to charm Paris, and, after him, the picky world of international fashion, the famous couturier and founder of his own fashion house Kenzo, which for decades successfully argued with the “masters” of French fashion such as Cacharel, Sonya Rykiel , Balenciaga. The future great designer moved to Paris in the sixties, and already in 1970 he opened his first boutique, Jungle Jap, where pret-a-porte collections were sold.

In the field of perfumery, Kenzo Takada tried his hand much later, already in the late eighties - only in 1988 the designer presented his debut feminine scent, and in 1991 - the first fragrance for men, Kenzo Pour Homme.

Takada became, perhaps, one of the few representatives of the Land of the Rising Sun who rejected cultural traditions - at least in perfumery: if in general Japanese perfume brands do not particularly favor oriental scents, then it is Kenzo who is the “author” of the famous perfume Kenzo Amour, one of the best examples of oriental perfumery. However, the most famous perfumes Japanese fragrances fully correspond to traditional ideas about Japanese perfumery: these are, first of all, the cult Kenzo Flower, released in 2000, and Kenzo Air, released in 2003 - refined, discreet and infinitely beautiful fragrances.

Shiseido is a Japanese company that produces, in addition to perfumes, all kinds of skin care products and decorative cosmetics(Shiseido is primarily famous for its cosmetic collections and lines of skin products). The history of the company began back in 1872 with a small pharmacy. Shiseido's perfume history is much more interesting. For a long time, the Shiseido perfume department was headed by Serge Lutens himself, a master of niche perfumery and the author of many very interesting, truly original scents. His most famous creations for Shiseido are Nombre Noir (1981) and Feminite du Bois (1992).

The iconic Shiseido scent and the most famous perfume product of the Japanese brand was Shiseido Zen, released back in 1964. However, Shiseido has a lot of other, no less valuable scents. But you can most often find them on sale only in Asian countries, and European and American audiences seem to be much less interested in the traditional Japanese brand.

The natives of the Japanese islands have never been spoiled by the abundance of wildly flowering plants with intoxicating odors, like, for example, Madagascar with its world-famous ylang-ylang. Truly, one flower of love was enough for an African island to be forever inscribed in golden letters in the book of haute perfumery! There were no such raw materials in Japan. I had to use a simple Niobar perfume lipstick made from oil and wax. Everywhere, both during ceremonial ceremonies and for the sophistication of the interior, the incense tree jinko was burned. Even the pharmaceutical scent of aloe was considered valuable! Yes, you can’t get away with this kind of material.

But the philosophy of fragrances flourished. New ways of using them were sought, and the influence of odors on human behavior was thoughtfully studied. It turned out that they become invaluable assistants in the difficult task of relaxing a descendant of a samurai who has been overwhelmed by life, providing a unique opportunity to change the situation without leaving home. For example, I bought a perfume with a bouquet of southeastern herbs and flowers - I bought not just a perfume, but a tourist voucher. The aroma makes you feel as if you were on vacation in some blessed country with heavenly nature and angelically friendly natives. This concept of perfumery, traditional for the East, became a real discovery for the West. Its penetration into the rational minds of Europeans was helped by such Japanese trading houses as Kozu, founded in the 17th century.

Here in Russia, the Shiseido brand is better known, which is also worthy and respectable in all respects. It took off in the last third of the 19th century, or more precisely in 1872. Not the seventeenth century, of course, but not the end of the twentieth, on the other hand. There is historical baggage, the first bricks of which began to be laid by the chemist Yushin Fukuhara. ABOUT! He was a true Japanese, capable of finding a place for beauty in prosaic life. He approached everything thoroughly, without fuss. Before opening his own pharmacy, Mr. Fukuhara, following the peculiarities of national logic, re-read the famous Chinese Book of Changes. There he found the wonderful word “shiseido”, consisting of two hieroglyphs “shi” and “shey”. This is translated as follows: “honor the powers of the earth, because it nourishes and develops life.” Fukuhara admired the euphony and also liked the philosophical implications. And he thought: “What could be better for the name of a pharmaceutical establishment that attracts customers and inspires their trust?”

Yushin was a competent businessman. He dreamed of creating a retail outlet of the highest class, and not a simple pharmacy, of which there are a dime a dozen. To achieve what you wanted, you had to open not just in a busy place, but in the most prestigious one. No sooner said than done! On the street of Tokyo's elite Ginza district, as if by magic, a new pharmacy appears. Rumors about it reached every more or less qualified potential reputable client. Everyone knew that in the Fukuhara establishment you can buy a wonderful cosmetic product, Eau rouge - “red water”. This was a wonderful lotion that was gentle on the skin. It became especially popular among geishas who knew a lot about cosmetics.

The year 1900 was a turning point for Shiseido. Yushin Fukuhara went to Paris for the World's Fair. The West fascinated him in the same way that the East fascinates many Europeans. His passion for French culture was passed on to his son Shinzo. The young son, already enriched with the knowledge of pharmacology that he acquired in the United States, strives to comprehend its intricacies, naturally, while living in Paris. You understand that in this frivolous city it was difficult for even a serious Japanese to deal exclusively with pills and mixtures. The atmosphere of cheerfulness and creative flight required something lighter, ephemeral and intoxicatingly beautiful. The perfume met all the requirements. But she needed special inspiration. Wandering among the world's most aesthetic flowerbeds of the Luxembourg Gardens or spending whole evenings in the artistic cafes of Montmartre, the pharmacist pondered a new image of the fragrance. And it emerged in all its glory. The result is a symbiosis of European and Japanese.

It was a brilliant idea. Understated elegance and sparkling Parisian chic combined with Japanese sophisticated luxury - this is what the interested public has long been waiting for. Compositions of traditionally European scents - rose, jasmine and native Japanese - wisteria, chrysanthemums, cherry blossom, magnolia and camellia - struck the world of fragrances, accustomed to the traditional division into East and West, with unprecedented novelty.

The success of the first Hanatsubaki ("Camellia") perfume, released in 1916, became a strong argument in favor of opening Shiseido stores throughout Japan. The promotion of the brand on the world market was facilitated by the new passion of Europeans for everything Japanese in the 60s. It was then that the famous Zen perfume appeared (1964), which is still popular. The baton was picked up by other Shiseido creations. There was something unusual in each of them. Take Relaxing Fragrance, an example of perfume progress from 1997. The lightest scents, like a veil, have just become fashionable - please, dear customers, the Shiseido brand is at your service!

Relaxing Fragrance is a truly revolutionary fragrance. It is even more airy and even less intrusive than the most delicate eau de toilette, because the perfume contains no alcohol! Ideal for summer. The short duration of the fragrant wave becomes an advantage under the scorching sun. A skillfully created flair does not have time to change, mixing with natural body odors. The comfort of the warm season is emphasized by the green frosted glass of the bottle and its aesthetically simple elongated shape. According to the manufacturers, this was supposed to create unobtrusive associations with herbs that sway in the wind. The tranquility that creates a visual image is enhanced already from the head note of the perfume, where fragrant tea rose and the cool freshness of bamboo shoots and cucumber coexist. The splendor, but not pretentiousness of peony, gardenia and cardamom in a heartfelt sigh quickly turns into a barely audible aroma of the trail, created from whiffs of sandalwood, myrrh and patchouli. The unique bouquet of this floral green perfume with spicy notes suits picky tastes. No wonder the most beautiful Russian movie star, Evgenia Kryukova, who knows a lot about perfumes, preferred this scent to all others.

But before he could appear, another event appeared on the perfume scene: Vocalise. A perfume that is not composed, according to the traditional hierarchy, sequentially of top, heart and final notes. They coexist peacefully, allowing one or the other component to solo, not in turn, but in parallel, like colors in a rainbow. The composition is composed of white orchid, rose, lily of the valley, neroli, peach, pepper, musk. Everything is here: the sweet-velvety spirit of flowers, the delicious aroma of fruits, the pungency of spices, and animal sensuality.

Designers have become the most powerful exporters of Japanese perfume ideas. They forced the whole world to pronounce Japanese words without hesitation, get to the bottom of their essence and try on the almost ascetic clothes of Eastern philosophers.
In the early 1960s, Japan had no time for fashion. She was still dealing with the effects of World War II. It was at this time that the unknown Kenzo Takada studied at the Tokyo Art Institute. He had no idea that after some time he would become one of the ten most famous couturiers in the world and fans of High Perfumery would be eagerly awaiting a fragrant new product with the Kenzo inscription. Apparently, with some sixth sense, having caught the inaudible calls of fate,

Takada, despite the fact that he was an excellent student, dropped everything, boarded a ship and sailed to France. He wanted to do high fashion. Paris initially greeted him unkindly. For the heat-loving Japanese, the first city in the world was too cold. The dishes of French cuisine, which are admired by all enlightened humanity, were also not pleasing. They were so heavy and unusual for the delicate oriental stomach that poor Kenzo lived on bread alone for some time. The first Parisian home of the future design star was a bathroom in an apartment in Montmartre - a classic refuge for aspiring artists.

His clothes radiate joy and love of life. Even those who like to disguise themselves as asphalt succumb to the charm of bright and rich colors. Takada combines them with all the courage of a genius to whom everything is forgiven. He starts an exciting game with objects various lengths and width, a combination of eastern and western clothing elements in one suit, multi-layered fabrics, shawls and skirts, even worn over trousers. (Until recently, this seemed acceptable only for the wardrobe of refugees.) Kenzo Takada does all this brilliantly and convincingly, playfully drawing even chronic bores into his cheerful world.
He loves plants. And he has them everywhere: on kimonos, dresses, skirts, trousers. Takada even calls himself a flower man. It is not surprising that, having decided in 1988 to release perfume under his own brand, the couturier chose the warm fragrance of flowers and fruits. Without further ado, I simply called them Kenzo. Wonderful aroma, but nothing unusual about it. But in 1991, a truly revolutionary perfume appeared - Kenzo pour homme. This creation immediately became a favorite of those who keep their nose to the wind and keep abreast of events in perfume fashion. At that time, there was nothing more modern than the fusion of floral scents with sea freshness. This cocktail was made possible thanks to the substance kalon, which gives the aroma a sea salty-iodine note. The bottle, imitating bamboo on one side and frankly phallic in shape on the other, contains the scent of sea mist and oysters.

That's what the designer himself said. To obtain this miracle that cannot be touched with your hands, perfumer Christian Mathieu used very real raw materials. As a result of his creative research, the top notes were bergamot, fennel, ozone and fresh herbs. The heart note reveals the spicy spirit of cloves, nutmeg, as well as sage and geranium. Tobacco haze of sandalwood and rosewood, oak moss, bergamot and vetiver in the drydown.
At first, the ladies reveled in the sea smells from the sidelines, sniffing their husbands and lovers. The appearance of your own representative of the stronger sex in a cloud of fragrant sea fog was tantamount to a weekend somewhere near Venice. But then this monopoly began to cause dull irritation. A little more and there would have been a cry: “We want it too!”

Issey Miyake, the brilliant Japanese designer, did not wait for the boiling point. When the situation was favorable for selling anything under the Issey Miyake brand, he turned his couture eye to perfumes. He didn't like overt scents; he preferred transparent shades. This is how the first aquatic perfume for women appeared. Now the expression "fresh as morning dew" could be taken literally. It is enough to take a couple of sprays from a cone-shaped bottle with the L’Eau d’Issey scent - and the aroma of rain streams or dew drops on flower petals is guaranteed. The name of the perfume is translated as “Water of Life” or “Water of Issei”. I seem to hear something about Odysseus... Whatever you like. The main thing is that the moist aroma of purity and innocence remains on the crest of fashion to this day. At the turn of the third millennium, it seemed to fade, but then it was saturated with new notes, spicy, for example, and again came to the fore. What else will the Japanese come up with? What will surprise you? Will wait.

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The floral-fruity fragrance Anna SuiAnna Sui Fairy Dance Secret Wish was released in 2012. The fragrance for women belongs to the floral fruit family. Delicate and fragrant, this feminine scent is for romantic natures, affectionate and charming. The cool freshness of citruses, intertwined with noble woody notes, surrounds its owner with a soft but sensual trail, and remains with her for the whole day. An equally light and airy aroma - Beyonce Pulse NYC.Fairy Dance Secret Wish..


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Citrus aroma Anna SuiAnna Sui Lucky Wish is an incredibly light, invigorating, feminine floral-citrus perfume composition that delights with its perkiness and cheerful chords. Just inhaling the first notes, the perfume will take you into the world of dreams and fantasies, into a world where there are no disappointments and your cherished desires always come true. The perfume was released by the American perfume brand Anna Sui in 2016. Its creator is perfumer Mathieu Nardin, who has an incredible flair and indescrib..


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Floral fragrance Anna Sui Anna Sui has re-opened the door to the world of dreams and fantasy, it makes you believe in your dreams and encourages you to smile and rejoice. Live Your Dream, like a magic mirror, easily controls our emotions and unforgettable experiences, giving us a vital charge. When the nostalgia of notes of romance merges with the sparkle of flowers and spices, a powerful explosion of energy occurs, and all cherished dreams and desires will surely come true. The Live Your Dream bouquet includes notes of lily of the valley, water lily,...


Women's POLA cherry scent The relaxing, delicate, slightly sweet and spring-like fresh scent of cherry blossoms gives pleasure when used, is suitable for any age and will not leave anyone indifferent. SAKURA GARDEN Eau de Perfume is more durable than the non-alcoholic SAKURA GARDEN Mild Cologne. It lasts throughout the day. The aroma is positioned as relaxing. The effect is scientifically proven. The intensity of alpha waves in the cerebral cortex, responsible for psycho-emotion...


Perfume with the scent of a delicate lily The Jill Stuart brand released its sensual floral perfume for women in 2009, called Night Jewel. This luxurious perfume was created only for a real queen, an exciting and extraordinary person who knows what she deserves. Night Jewel perfume is compared to a treasure, to a luxury that you so want to possess. The composition of the aroma reveals notes of neroli, fresh tea, delicate lily and refreshing bergamot . Velvety sounds are heard in the heart...


Perfume with the scent of snowdrop If you want to add notes of tenderness, touching and romance to your unique image, the American perfume brand Jill Stuart presents to your attention an incredibly feminine, sweet and flirty floral scent - Crystal Bloom, released in 2014. The perfume bottle is a true work of art. , it will perfectly decorate a woman's dressing table, fitting perfectly into any interior. From the first notes of the perfume, you will be amazed by the sparkle..


Sublime is a soft, seductive and at the same time romantic floral-fruity perfume for women with light accents of fresh greenery. The fragrance was released by the famous French fashion house Elegance Paris as an addition to the spring-summer clothing collection. However, it can hardly be said that the perfume is tied to a specific collection. Rather, it is a reflection of the brand’s concept in models of summer women’s clothing, helping women feel the lightness and carefreeness of a sunny summer and a wonderful holiday.Ar..


A feminine fragrance with the scent of rose, jasmine and lilac. Let everyone turn around to remember this moment and this aroma of blossoming femininity. Enjoy this moment! A luxurious blend of rose, jasmine and the sweet scent of lilac with aquatic notes that give this perfume a feeling of freshness, transparency and purity...


Perfume with the scent of jasmine, bergamot and lily of the valley. A lighter version of the scent of the same name will reveal your individuality. Suitable for connoisseurs of office etiquette, recommended for application in the morning and evening. A luxurious feminine scent for fans of the classics. The precious perfume liquid contains extracts from white inflorescences - white lily, lily of the valley and tuberose. The bottle of LILIAS perfume is made in the shape of a white lily bud. A magnificent classic women's fragrance combines white inflorescences: white lily, May lily..


There are many mysteries in the history of Japan. The art of creating fragrances originated in ancient times. And, despite modern industrialism, which is rapidly penetrating the culture of Japan, it has not lost the foundations of the ancient art of kodo - the art of recognizing aromas, which adds charm to the country's national life. Kodo is the art of incense, an aesthetic attitude towards aromas, which is based on the laws of beauty. Back in the ancient Heian era (794-1185), aristocrats spent many months mastering the secrets of combining various fragrant substances in order to later take part in competitions at the imperial court. There are different styles and schools of Kodo. During the Heian era, the most common style in kodo was the neriko style. In this style, aromatic substances were created from incense, which was ground into powder, which was then formed into sticks and cones that were set on fire. Later styles mainly use certain types of wood, imported from tropical countries and exuding a subtle, pleasant aroma when heated.

Harmony and beauty, grace and simplicity do not change the population of the country, the very first to greet the dawn. If you look deeper into the foundations of the land of the rising sun, you will discover the rich soul of the land of bonsai, tea ceremonies, the world of kabuki and geisha. All this together speaks of untouched, virgin Japan with its aesthetics and special sense of perfection. In Japanese there is a word - "wabi". Wabi is a sense of harmony that is hidden in simplicity. Wabi is also present in Japanese perfume.

Japan is one of the most interesting, exotic and mysterious countries. She especially cherishes her traditions and culture. There is also a special attitude towards perfumery in the country. For them, perfumery is not a way to emphasize their image or status, but a way to gain pleasure and a feeling of harmony with nature. In Japan, it is considered bad manners to smell too much, to exude deep, complex odors. Japan's population density is high. There they try not to irritate the sense of smell of a person walking nearby in a dense stream on the street with sharp notes. Japan is a country of politeness. And barely perceptible elegant compositions are a demonstration of respect for each other, the desire not to hurt the feelings of other people.

Japanese perfumery has gained worldwide fame thanks to brands such as Annayake, Yohji Yamamoto, Kenzo, Menard, Issey Miyake and Shiseido. Some of these names were created by perfumers in the original Japanese style, others are only stylized under the minimalism of aromatic substances, since they were developed in European fashion houses with the participation of perfumers from Japan.

Kenzo Takada is one of the first representatives of the East who managed to charm Paris, and, after him, the picky world of international fashion, the famous couturier and founder of his own fashion house Kenzo, which for decades successfully argued with the “masters” of French fashion such as Cacharel, Sonya Rykiel , Balenciaga. The future great designer moved to Paris in the sixties, and already in 1970 he opened his first boutique, Jungle Jap, where pret-a-porte collections were sold. Kenzo Takada tried his hand at the field of perfumery much later, already in the late eighties - only in 1988 did the designer present his debut fragrance for women, and in 1991 - the first fragrance for men. Takada became, perhaps, one of the few representatives of the Land of the Rising Sun who rejected cultural traditions - at least in perfumery: if in general Japanese perfume brands do not particularly favor oriental scents, then it is Kenzo who is the “author” of the famous perfume Kenzo Amour, one of the best examples of oriental perfumery. However, the most famous Japanese perfumes fully correspond to traditional ideas about Japanese perfumery: these are, first of all, the cult Kenzo Flower, released in 2000, and Kenzo Air, released in 2003 - refined, discreet and infinitely beautiful scents.

Shiseido is a Japanese company that, in addition to perfumes, produces all kinds of skin care products and decorative cosmetics (it is precisely the cosmetic collections and lines of skin products that Shiseido is famous for in the first place). The history of the company began back in 1872 with a small pharmacy. Shiseido's perfume history is much more interesting. For a long time, the Shiseido perfume department was headed by Serge Lutens himself, a master of niche perfumery and the author of many very interesting, truly original scents. His most famous creations for Shiseido are Nombre Noir (1981) and Feminite du Bois (1992). The iconic Shiseido scent and the most famous perfume product of the Japanese brand was Shiseido Zen, released back in 1964. However, Shiseido has a lot of other, no less valuable scents. But you can most often find them on sale only in Asian countries, and European and American audiences seem to be much less interested in the traditional Japanese brand.

"Issey Miyake" is a Japanese perfume brand whose leading activities are production fashionable clothes, various accessories and luxury perfumes. Currently, the association “Beaute Prestige International” acts as the copyright holder of this perfume brand. From 1992 to the present, the Issey Miyake brand has presented to the discerning public more than seventy fragrances that are quite diverse in classification and extraordinary in the stated chords of perfume compositions.

Issey Miyake was born in 1938 in Hiroshima, Japan. In 1963, he went to study at the School of the Syndicate of Haute Couture and in the same year presented his first clothing collection, “Poem of Fabric and Stone.” IN next year Issei received a degree in graphic design from the University of the Arts. For some time, the future famous couturier worked as an assistant in famous fashion houses: first with Guy Laroche, then with Hubert de Givenchy. Issey Miyake not only achieved great heights in his successful career as a couturier, but even earned the title of Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters from the French government.

Having established itself as talented fashion designer, Issei decided to start a new business - perfume. And not in vain. Most of the fragrances released by the brand became bestsellers for their time, which were appreciated by numerous grateful customers. Commercial success was actually predetermined in advance, since the brightest and most creative perfumers of our time worked closely with the Issey Miyake design house.

Japan has long been able to notice and appreciate the majestic beauty of every moment! This country, full of national charm and mystery, distant and hospitable, with its traditions and reverence for ancient customs, today opens up to us a huge world of rich, luxurious aromas. Listen to their unusual, oriental flavor. Basically, Japanese scents are floral, floral-ocean, ozone or green perfumes, less often woody, but practically no sweet ones at all. Having come into contact with exquisite Japanese perfumes, you will discover new world and understand the value of natural beauty and harmony. In no other country does perfumery give such a feeling of complete freedom and peace as in Japan.

Beautiful oriental personality, the best choice for a young, cheerful and energetic woman. Exclusive. Peace and quiet. . . Modern tendencies and conservatism. . . Everything, just this, something else. A mysterious and calm perfume for individuality. The smells of very different flowers transport you to a cozy clearing, where you can be yourself, come to harmony and contemplation. Nobility, freshness and grace. And how nice it is to constantly catch a new smell - because the aroma changes over time. Annayake pur El.

Annayake Tomo is a perfume for exciting evenings and long nights. Its seductive notes will add an electrifying sensuality. Released in 2008, it gained extraordinary popularity due to its sophistication and elegance. The perfume composition of the aroma consists of notes of lavender, citrus, rosemary, coriander, sage, tobacco, rosewood, tonka bean, cistus, benzoin and black musk.

A bright drop of summer. This fragrance is an indispensable companion for residents of big cities, which will help you feel the freshness of the sea breeze even in the hot urban jungle. An invigorating and fresh tropical cocktail of lemon and tangerine is successfully complemented by sea and ozone notes, smoothly merging into a single romantic composition with heart notes of rose, lotus and jasmine. And thanks to the aroma of melon hidden in the heart, after summer it will convey the mood of a sunny summer morning at any time of the year. Drops of summer in a wonderful bottle, more like a mini-aquarium with many colorful sea inhabitants, will complement the joy warm days or they will remind you of a magical holiday at the resort.

The aroma of creativity and creativity. Classic. The aroma of a real man is warm, hot, enveloping, with a slight bitterness. Fantasy on the theme of sea freshness with the addition of spices for creative men with a rich imagination. Top notes of sage and bergamot lead to a floral heart of carnation and geranium. The drydown contains moss, incense, amber and neroli.