Best friend. Statuses about a friend with meaning Short quotes about a beloved friend

You're my best friend! Yes, I will fight through thick and thin for you! - I’m allergic to these words.

Although there are exceptions, there are, I agree here.
But, still, do not rush with confidential information, do not rush.
Once, after a walk with the children, she asked to visit me like this: “You’re my best friend!”
Somehow, out of naivety, I was embarrassed to immediately indicate the distance - after all, the children are friends and all that)
Invited. And now the children are playing in the room, I am preparing a treat for tea: sweets, cookies, chocolate)

“You’re my best friend” asks:
-Why are you drinking “empty” tea? Are the cookies stale? , - kind of trolling.
“Don’t worry,” I say, “everything is fresh.” No one is going to poison you, you’re not Mozart)) My husband just bought all this yesterday after work. He is a specialist in cookies, eat calmly, if he bought them, then the freshest ones) but I, nevertheless, prefer marshmallows and marshmallows.

Ahh,” she said in my direction with sympathy, “did he buy this for himself?” I didn’t think about you at all. That's what they are, men!
I was even taken aback.
She seemed to show sympathy, but in reality she was gloating.
And I find myself in an absurd situation - do I have to make excuses?
To say, no, you don’t understand, he just doesn’t know how to choose fresh marshmallows, because he doesn’t like it and doesn’t understand it.

I started to explain, but she started nodding her head so understandingly:
- well, yes, well, yes, speak, speak... But I thought everything was fine in your family, but that’s how it is. Poor thing!
And most importantly, he looks at me with such sympathy that I can’t say, “Are you stupid, or what?!”
She has already identified herself as good and caring, but it turns out that I will be ungrateful to the very one you thought about)

I said nothing. This was a mistake. You always have to dot the dots)
I didn’t outline my clear position: “don’t ask for advice, don’t get under pressure.” And this very soon backfired on me.
We sit and drink tea.
I dream of when she will leave with all her protective love for me.

And then the front door opens (standard layout: door - corridor straight, kitchen to the left).
A joyful husband comes in (by the way, he is much more hospitable than me), sees that we have a guest, and joyfully says:
-Oh, you drink tea! And I bought you marshmallows! - and holds out a bag of fresh marshmallows in bulk.
I didn’t even have time to take a breath when my guest joyfully shouted:
-You see now! And you said he only buys everything for himself! And here's pastille for you!..

I can’t describe my husband’s unhappy face.
He was so upset.
He stood in the doorway with this package in his outstretched hand and simply looked from me to “you’re my best friend.”

So don’t expose yourself, dose out confidential information, and don’t be afraid to set boundaries that you can’t cross even with the rights “you’re mine.” best friend, I have to tell you to your face, everything that I see..."
I didn’t come up with anything smart in that situation, except how to send my “friend” away with the words:
“Darling, you have to go! I’m the only one who eats marshmallows in this house!”

My husband, by the way, despite the fact that he was later convinced of our friend’s provocateur’s talent using various other examples, still doesn’t like marshmallows))

1. You can find adventures anywhere.
2. You always manage to cheer me up.
3. You will answer my phone call at any time of the day.
4. We've been inseparable since your 19th birthday.
5. I can always count on your support.
6. You can laugh with you for no reason.

7. You feed me delicious food after work.
8. You know all my secrets.
9. You are very kind and sympathetic
10. I am touched by your naivety.
11. You always give wise advice.
12. You share my hobbies.
13. You have an excellent sense of humor.
14. You always have something tasty for me in your refrigerator.
15. You often surprise me.
16. A photograph of us together hangs above your bed.
17. You are jealous of my other friends.
18. You always take my opinion into account.
19. You have taste and your own style in clothes.
20. You are always on my side.
21. You are my bright ray on a cloudy day.
22. When you hug me, all problems go away.
23. You are as cute as a teddy bear.
24. When we walk under the same umbrella, you make sure that no drops fall on me.
25. I adore your sincere smile.
26. I like to pinch you.
27. Can you do it for me? fashionable hairstyle for a few minutes.
28. In your phone book I am written as “Manechka”.
29. You are the only person I want to imitate.
30. You constantly charge me with positivity and lift my spirits.
31. You have incredibly beautiful eyes.
32. You and I live in our own special world.
33. You and I understand each other at a glance.
34. You know my phone number by heart.
35. You never spare nice words for me.
36. You tell me all the details of your personal life.
37. When we have one piece of candy left, you take it for yourself and smile.
38. I know that our friendship is more important to you than love affairs.
39. You are real.
40. You keep all my secrets securely.
41. We can be silent for several minutes, and then simultaneously start a conversation with the same phrase.
42. No matter how busy you are, you will always find time for me.
43. My problems worry you more than your own.
44. You adore my cute cat, even though he constantly bites you.
45. You don’t let anyone hurt me.
46. ​​You are the only person who knows all my preferences.
47. With you you don’t have to pretend and be yourself.
48. You even hear what I haven’t had time to say yet.
49. You respect my parents and are crazy about my mom.
50. You don’t believe in the gossip that is spread about me.
51. You cook my favorite dishes for the holidays.
52. You will always tell me the truth, even if it is bitter.
53. You can just walk the streets with you, remembering the old times.
54. We can call each other fools and not be offended.
55. You, like me, love clothes.
56. Sometimes I see myself in you.
57. Your room has the same squiggles on the wallpaper as mine.
58. When we are together, we are constantly drawn to exploits.
59. You and I have everything in common, except guys, of course.
60. You can make a fair comment about my new makeup.
61. As soon as we went home, I already miss you.
62. In any dispute, you will always be on my side.
63. I taught you to play sports.
64. You will have no problem telling my parents that I spend the night with her when I am in a completely different place.
65. Do you know how much coffee and sugar I should put in it?
66. On summer rest we always travel together.
67. On all avatars in in social networks You have our common photos.
68. You and I have a lot of jokes that only we understand.
69. Your parents are always happy to see me in their home.
70. If we like the same guy, we both cut him out of our lives.
71. For each New Year I find a gift from you under the tree.
72. Our friendship has gone through many tests and has not broken.
73. You promised to name your daughter after me (We will discuss this)
74. When I feel bad, you appear on the doorstep with cakes.
75. You cook pancakes for me in the morning.
76. You
You come with me to the dacha not to plant potatoes, but to lie in the sun.
77. Like a child, you rejoice at the opportunity to blow soap bubbles together.
78. With you, a long road seems like a short, exciting journey.
79. We can lie on the beach together for hours.
80. You very tactfully point out my mistakes.
81. You and I can chat for hours about nothing while lying on the bed listening to our favorite music.
82. All the trinkets I gave you are on your shelves.
83. You always convince me that I look better in photographs than you.
84. In an instant you can color the black and white world with bright colors.
85. You can sit on the toilet and talk to me on the phone at the same time.
86. You spoil me with all sorts of goodies.
87. You and I have fun even at the most boring events.
88. You always “soap” me with the first snow.
89. I love to have a heart-to-heart talk with you at three in the morning.
90. You can go to the ends of the world with you.
91. You only know how to pick me up home from a party in the early morning.
92. You always achieve what you want.
93. You know everything about my first love.
94. You never make comments to me in public.
95. I feel very comfortable in your small room.
96. You are worried about my health.
97. You have a lot of light and warmth, like the sun.
98. You always help me decorate the Christmas tree.
99. You can support any topic of conversation.
100. Because you are so alone!

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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The longer a relationship lasts, the more valuable it is. It is difficult for us to let go of old comrades, but sometimes it is simply necessary to do so. Strong friendship over the years it can not only lose its strength, but also become frankly unnecessary.

website For all my readers, I have collected the clear signs of a toxic girlfriend. If you note at your loved one at least a couple of them - it means it’s time to think about whether you should continue communicating.

1. Can't be happy about your successes

If you tell a toxic friend about your successes, her reaction will be to instantly change the topic or lament about her own unenviable lot: “See! You have a boyfriend! But I have nothing!” or “You won the competition, but I will never be able to!” She is completely uninterested in the successful side of your life, but she really likes to console you after failures.

  • What does it lead to: A friend’s negative reaction to your success can provoke a feeling of guilt and a desire to correct the situation, to help her, if not find a guy, then at least win a competition. Offers of help are usually met with hostility, which increases the pangs of conscience.

2. He's jealous like she's your boyfriend.

A friend will not be happy to meet you if she finds out that you saw someone other than her. She may pout or throw a tantrum, demanding to be included in all your plans. The highest manifestation is to monitor posts on social networks and write angry messages: “You were in a cafe yesterday, and why didn’t you invite me?”

  • What does it lead to: You can take on the role of a mature, world-wise teacher and try to instill in your friend the “right” qualities. But, as psychologists think, this idea is doomed to failure: frequent showdowns and hysterics are inevitable - how long will you hold out?

3. You feel empty after talking to her.

We often don’t notice that after talking with a friend we feel weak, tired or even have a headache. Psychologist Susan Heitler believes that it's all about psychosomatics. After all, all body systems are interconnected, and emotional discomfort provokes physical illness.

  • What does it lead to: If you notice that you feel unwell after talking to a friend, ask yourself: how often does this happen? If the answer is yes, you should think about whether the game is worth the candle and maybe it’s better for you to take a break and take a break from each other.

4. Sometimes you feel like you want to hide something from her.

A change in your interests, previous negative communication experiences, or just some inexplicable feeling can provoke a reluctance to tell your friend about certain things, although before you didn’t hesitate to share everything with her.

  • What does it lead to: Having stopped talking about feelings, experiences, personal events, you will soon realize that there is nothing more to talk about with this person.

5. Calls at any time of the day demanding to listen to her

There are always times when one person needs support more than the other, but a toxic friend abuses this. She calls late at night or early in the morning demanding to listen and is very offended when you refuse. Support is important for close relationships, but you are not a therapist or a cushion for tears.

  • What does it lead to: By ignoring the intrusiveness and impudence, you give them the green light. The annoying friend will call more often, and her monologues will last longer.

6. Emphasizes your strengths against the background of your shortcomings.

She looks strong and confident, dresses cool, and criticizes everyone around her, including you. One of her favorite phrases: “But I have...” In fact, this is how low self-esteem manifests itself, which the girl successfully hides behind ostentatious success.

  • What does it lead to: In her presence, you may feel inhibited and indecisive.

7. Copies your behavior, hairstyle, manicure and even your boyfriend

She may do this on purpose or unknowingly. As a rule, everything happens with good intentions: she really likes you, and she wants to be the same. Copying manifests itself in different ways: the manner of moving, speaking, dressing, cutting a haircut or applying makeup. A friend can get the same manicure and look for a guy similar to yours. And when talking to her, you hear your opinion and your beliefs.

  • What does it lead to: You are a source of strength and inspiration for your friend; she can’t come up with anything of her own. Perhaps the reason is poor imagination or envy. If you are able to put up with imitation, then this friendship, according to New York psychologist Peggy Dexler, can be preserved.

8. Dramatizes events and talks only about his failures

She always dramatizes everything and only talks about how bad she feels. She accumulates grievances, pain and negativity inside herself and thereby “recharges herself.” Psychologists believe that touchiness, suspiciousness and the desire to see the negative sides of life can be symptoms of neurosis.

  • What does it lead to: Trying to support your friend and choosing from general topics for conversation only those that she can successfully support, you too can become infected with the habit of looking only for the bad in life and not noticing the good at all.

9. Strives to become better than you in everything, turning friendship into an endless race.

It’s worth telling you: “Look at the shoes I bought on sale! Only three thousand!” - as she smugly reports: “But I found Gucci shoes. But yours, of course, is also okay...” For any good news that you tell, your girlfriend will find her own - better, more interesting.

  • What does it lead to: A race in which someone else always wins does not allow you to feel like you are first at least sometimes. You're like a girl who gets her big sister's things.

10. Exploits you for personal gain

This trait manifests itself in regular requests for a ride, to borrow money, to give you a call, or to contract your boyfriend to do renovations in the apartment. Such people view others solely as means to achieving their own goals.

  • What does it lead to: The more you help, the more often you will be asked for it. To avoid this, you need to learn to say no without hesitation.

11. Criticizes and tells too much truth.

It is impossible to imagine social networks of today without various statuses, clever expressions and sayings. You shouldn’t ignore like-minded people with whom the brightest events in life happen, leaving pleasant memories. Statuses about your best friend with meaning will definitely be useful for expressing your feelings to this person. The main thing is to find exactly those that are closest to you in spirit.

Touching statuses about your best friend

The closest one, like a relative with whom you can consult, have a heart-to-heart chat and spend hours as if just one minute, is worthy best words. Therefore, statuses in VK about can often be seen. If you want to convey emotions and depth of feelings with your thoughts, then you should do it beautifully. Statuses about your best friend with meaning for social networks will help you do this.

Best friends are like stars in the sky: t You may not see them for years and not talk to them for months, but you are always sure that they are in your life.

Only the best friend replaces the pillow.

When you share your experiences with your best friend, it becomes easier, because a problem divided into two is already half.

In the moments when I talk to mine best friend, it seems to me that I am sitting in front of a mirror.

Only after hearing all sorts of nonsense from my lips will he simply say that he understands me very much.

A star is shining from heaven, how good it is that I have a girlfriend.

She will understand me without words, without unnecessary phrases and unnecessary actions. She will bring me peace, because it is always so interesting to be with her.

Only my best friend drinks from the same mug with me,

Boldly looks into the refrigerator,

Once I fall asleep, the alarm clock will set.

Like a mother or sister, she is very close to me.

A friend sometimes understands better than a husband or boyfriend.

Therefore, cherish your girlfriends.

There is nothing better and more reliable than talking to your reflection.

Talking to your best friend is the same thing. If you open up to her, you will definitely feel better.

Only with your best friend are there so many memories, as if you had lived together your whole life.

When your soul is sad, worries are tormenting you terribly,

You need to meet your girlfriend to feel happiness.

Beautiful statuses about your best friend, with whom you are never bored

Affectionate statuses filled with meaning and tenderness will help express the most different emotions, are presented below.

Only with you can I open my soul with my mouth closed.

You understand me without words, because you know me very well.

You are the most beautiful, the smartest, and you and I are very similar.

Don't be afraid to express your emotions, let your closest friend know that you love her.

Short sayings about best friend

For social networks, many people prefer to give credit to short combinations of words. Therefore, statuses on VK about a best friend often consist of several words, because expressing feelings and emotions does not always require a lot of text.

When I feel bad, I don’t call the fire department or ambulance, I dial my friend’s phone number.

Better than any psychologist is the girlfriend sitting next to you.

Best friends have similar souls. So you can listen without interruption.

I don’t even send my real friend to the bathhouse, because I’ll worry, I know that for sure.

I don't believe those who talk bad about her. They are just jealous that she has me.

Often meetings with a friend cancel all other events for the current day.

And you, too, when you meet a friend for an hour, then at night you can’t order a taxi?

When meeting with a friend, we have so many common topics of conversation that a sharp transition from one to another does not matter.

Thoughts transmitted even over a long distance are true friendship.

Poems about best friend

Sometimes statuses about your best friend cannot meaningfully fit into a few sentences, so only through poems can you express all your emotions. All thoughts and feelings can be included in poems. And it’s not at all scary if statuses about your best friend with meaning are long and lengthy, the most important thing is that they carry the necessary meaning.

My sister, you are like a fairy tale.

I'm glad that you are in my life.

After all, every meeting is wonderful,

There are countless fun events.

And although we are not close by blood,

We are very close in soul.

It's easy and free with you,

Both in noise and in silence.

My best friend

I want to tell you:

I can't imagine without you

How could I exist?

If there is joy in the soul,

I'll go with her straight away to you,

If there are sorrows and adversity,

Support in any weather.

My dear darling,

I love you very much.

Adventures with a friend

Of course, every meeting with your best friend is filled with fun adventures and events. That's why funny statuses about your best friend are also very appropriate on social networks. Interesting ideas you can take the most daring and different ones. This is the only way funny statuses about your best friend will be noticed and well received.

Just while walking with a friend, the next day each one talks about the other, having difficulty remembering herself.

After traveling with my girlfriend, each photo is a sea of ​​​​memories with conversations lasting an hour for each photo.

Sometimes I only remember the time I spent with my best friend through photographs.

If you collect all the pictures with your friend, you can create a story that will be even greater than “War and Peace.”

Not a single day spent with your best friend and a glass of wine is sad.

Fun moments with your best friend


With you is a sea of ​​memories that only we know.

It’s a pity that we will never be able to tell our children about many of our travels.

Every outing with you is like a zoo. we neigh like horses, make noise like parrots, and act like monkeys.

Sometimes I feel ashamed when you and I walk down the street together. Because we behave in such a way that people turn to us.

Express your emotions. Don't hide your feelings and remind your friend that she is very dear to you.