Speech therapy fairy tales by the type of entertaining speech therapy. The cycle of classes "speech therapy fairy tales". Exercise "Brush your teeth"

Relevance of the topic. The possibilities of fairy tales. What tasks are solved when using fairy tales in the system of speech therapy classes. The text of fairy tales by G. Yudin, which can be used in literacy classes to highlight a given sound from the text.



The use of fairy tales in speech therapy classes.

At the present stage, one of the topical issues of pedagogy is the search for new forms and methods of teaching and educating children. Along with the search modern models education and upbringing, it is necessary to revive the best examples of folk pedagogy. Fairy tale as a treasury of the Russian people finds its application in various areas of work with children preschool age with speech disorders.

The possibilities of fairy tales are enormous:

When telling a fairy tale, an adult has the opportunity to offer the child tasks related to the plot of the fairy tale, at first simple, and then more complex; these tasks are aimed at the development of speech, thinking, attention, orientation in space. The motivation to perform "fabulous" tasks in a child is much higher than to unplayed exercises;

Plots folk tales uncomplicated and vital, there are a lot of repetitions, stable turns in the texts - all this greatly facilitates the understanding of the text by those children who are inattentive when reading author's books due to the underdevelopment of the ability to perceive a coherent text;

If a child hears a new word for the first time in the text of a fairy tale, accessible to his understanding, this contributes to a better assimilation of the new word, since it is in the text that the meaning of the word, its possible connections with other words are more fully reflected. Detailed instructions for tasks that play out the actions of characters and plot moves of a fairy tale are also easier to understand in connection with the text of the fairy tale, even if in everyday life it is difficult for a child to complete a task according to a multi-step instruction.

A fairy tale in the system of speech therapy classes solves the following tasks:

  • The communicative orientation of each word and statement of the child in the classroom.
  • Improving the lexical and grammatical means of the language.
  • Improving the sound side of speech in the field of pronunciation, perception and expressiveness.
  • The development of dialogic and monologue speech.
  • The effectiveness of game motivation of children's speech.
  • The relationship of visual, auditory and motor analyzers.
  • Cooperation of a speech therapist with children and with each other.
  • Creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom, enriching the child's emotional and sensory sphere (the ability to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale, the ability to convey the emotional state of the hero of a fairy tale, the development of facial expressions, pantomime, general motor skills).
  • Introducing children to the past and present of Russian culture, folklore.

Playing out the plots of favorite fairy tales, the child will learn to distinguish and correctly pronounce the sounds of speech, do entertaining gymnastics for the lips and tongue, make sentences, and receive basic reading skills.

speech therapy classes- main form remedial education, contributing to the gradual development of all components of speech and preparation for


The entertaining form of the lesson, game techniques, changing the types of tasks, the reward system allow you to maintain the interest of children over a certain period of time.

The possibilities of a fairy tale, subject to a creative approach to it, are so great that they allow offering "fabulous" activities to children of the most different ages with different levels of speech and intellectual development.

The main thing is to choose an activity of such a level of complexity that it is feasible, interesting and exciting for children. The system of classes based on Russian folk tales for children of different ages is recommended in the book by O.B. Sizova “Six Steps to the Development of Speech”.

Classes based on fairy tales for children 6-7 years old are developed in the book by A.A. Guskova "Development of monologue speech of children 6-7 years old."

Due to the specific condition mental processes in children with OHP, the development of memory, attention, thinking, and imagination is an obligatory component of speech therapy classes.

For example: for middle-aged children, you can use a fairy tale

"Little Red Riding Hood" with game tasks included in it.

To isolate a given sound from a text in literacy classes, G. Yudin's fairy tales "Poets", "Diver Mouse", "General Gena", etc. are used.

You can include "fabulous" tasks in classes: the child will always be happy to switch to a fabulous way (for example: children receive a letter from Dunno, help the Cockerel, etc.). For some children, it is best to present the material in “small portions”.

For the development of coherent speech, imagination, creative thinking

are used didactic games: “Continue the joke with a fairy tale”, “Salad from fairy tales”, “Fairy-tale tasks”, etc.

In the course of telling and visually demonstrating a fairy tale familiar to the child onindividual speech therapy sessionthe speech therapist offers to help the characters by completing various tasks (knead the dough with grandmother,

“run” with Kolobok along the path, outwit the fox, etc.). In the classroom, an author's fairy tale can also be used, which the speech therapist comes up with himself and plays out with the child using pictures or toys.

The child not only watches and listens, but is also an active participant in the fairy tale, completing the tasks proposed by the speech therapist.

For example: a lesson on automation [l] in syllables and words can be carried out on the basis of the fairy tale "Turnip" (see abstract).

To develop the height and timbre of the voice, you can invite the child to portray how a bear, a bear, a bear cub growls in the fairy tale "Three Bears" or turn into a hare, a bear, a fox from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" and say: "Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you!" - different voices.

In children with OHP, there are features in the formation fine motor skills hands, manifested primarily in insufficient coordination of the fingers, accuracy and dexterity of movements. Purposeful work on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers accelerates the maturation of speech areas and stimulates the development of the child's speech, allows you to quickly correct defective sound pronunciation. Therefore, a speech therapist should include exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills in his classes. You can use excerpts from Russian folk tales well known to children and illustrations for them with unusual tasks. Some of the images are given in the form of overlapping contours. The child should look at the contour figures and circle the desired image (for example, a round bun, not a square one) or choose an image for tracing as they wish (for example, circle boots or bast shoes for grandfather). This task is extremely useful for all children, because, by training in distinguishing contour images, they will be less likely to confuse similar letter styles when learning to write.

Small copybooks under illustrations, focused on a fairy tale plot, unlike traditional ones that require greater concentration of attention, will attract children who remember well the fairy tale they have read more than once.

Small exercises in drawing symmetrical figures and patterns with both hands at once will train children in the ability to coordinate their movements.

The main thing is for an adult to remember: a fairy tale for a child is a game, magic. In the game, with a smile, with a joyful attitude to the world, the results will not keep you waiting.

Tales of G. Yudin:

Remember the words with the sound [a] that you will meet in G. Yudin's fairy tale “Why A is the first?”.


stood in the room with terrible noise. All letters are out from the alphabet and argued loudly: Why is A the very first letter of the alphabet?

Down with impostor A! - shouted vowels letters . - Yes long live "Abra-kadabra" (i.e., confusion).

What is it doing, huh? - the hissing ones hissed. - The letter that starts with angina and shark, put at the head of the alphabet! Wow sh-things.

That's right, the consonants thought silently, it's not for nothing that the most delicious things - watermelon, orange, apricot, pineapple - start on A.

But the letter Y screamed loudest of all. I don’t understand why the weight is the first And not I?!

And therefore, - said A, who had been silent until now, - that the very first word of the baby begins with A.

What is this word? - I did not let up

Agu,” A said, “and besides, I look like * an admiral standing on the captain's bridge. And everyone knows that the admiral must always be ahead!

So! said the firm sign.

Reading a fairy tale G. Yudin "About the little spider." (Memorize as many words with the [y] sound as possible.)


On the bank of the pond in dill lived a little, little spider, which was more than anything afraid of flies,

All the bugs, snails, snakes, frogs, ducklings and even the flies themselves laughed at him, and his brothers - big spiders - scolded and called him a quitter.

“We must prove to everyone that I am not a quitter,” the little spider decided. And one night he picked a large bouquet of red poppies and painted all the cobwebs in the garden with them. “The brothers will be delighted in the morning,” thought the satisfied spider, “it’s so beautiful - the red web!”

But alas! The next morning, evil, nasty big spiders, cursing terribly, washed their cobwebs.

The flies immediately noticed the red nets, and none of them were caught.
And the little spider was so frightened that he ran far, far away. And now no-
who doesn't know where he lives

Remember the words with sounds [n, n "], which you will meet in G. Yudin's story "Pinocchio's nose".


On the New Year guys in kindergarten they had to dress up as someone. Nikita decided to make himself a long nose and smear his cheeks with paint, as if he were Pinocchio.

Nikita sat down on the floor, cut the paper with scissors, smeared it with glue and rolled it into a tube. I looked, and this is not a nose, but a whole nose turned out.

I'm tired of making this Pinocchio's nose, - Nikita mutters, - I'd rather tie it with threads to my head and be a rhinoceros.

Started winding threads. Wound, wound - nothing happens!

Nikita pouted.

I'll put it right on my head. He smeared glue on his head and attached his nose. Her hair was stuck together, and her nose fell to the side.

I'm tired of this rhino. I’d better come after the New Year and say that I was dressed as an invisible person, because they didn’t see me.

Remember words with sounds [m, m" ], which you will meet in the fairy tale of G, Yudin"Poets".


Little mouse Mouse and bear cub Misha lay in the clearing and ate raspberries. Mouse and says:

Let's write poetry. Listen to what I composed: Every day and every hour

We insist stubbornly:

There is no one in the world

Better than our...

Raspberries! Misha yelled.

Yes, what does "raspberry" have to do with it! I wanted to say: "Better than our mother."

It's great too! And now I'll compose... And about what?

Well, at least about this fly agaric.

Don't eat white pasta

And eat red mushrooms! ,

What are you, what are you! - the little mouse was frightened. - Amanitas can not be eaten, you will end up in the hospital. Here, listen to the verse about the doctor:

There is no more important doctor in the forest than a lively redhead...

Aibolit! - the bear cub yelled.

Yes, not Aibolit, but an ant - Aibolit heals animals, and an ant - a forest,

How do you know so much?

Who reads a lot, gapes a lot! - the little mouse answered importantly.

Remember the words with the sound [l, l "], which you will meet in G. Yudin's fairy tale "The Little Fox and the Frog».


In the forest, in a large puddle, lived a small frog, who was very fond of sculpting from clay. He will crawl out of the puddle, pick up clay and sit and sculpt. At first he sculpted only cakes. Then he began to sculpt koloboks and lemons. Then he blinded an elephant, and after that- a lion on skis and a horse in a boat. The animals watched, laughed and affectionately stroked the frog on the back. Only one little fox (was he envious, or what?) Came, broke everything, and even teased:

The greenest of all the greens is the pop-eyed frog!

And this continued until the fox grew up. One day he came to a puddle, sat down next to the frog, watched him sculpt for a long time, and said sadly:

After all, I also sculpted before, but it just didn’t work out for me ...

Nothing! - said the frog. - Don't be upset! But you dig the most cunning holes.

Reading the fairy tale by G. Yudin "Forest Musicians". Remember the words with the sound [b, b "], which will meet in a fairy tale.


I bought a ram at the bazaar, sat down on a log under a birch and, well, beat: boom! boom! boom! A badger came up with a button accordion: Can I play with you?

Yes, you certainly may! - the ram rejoiced.

There was also a beaver with a balalaika and a chipmunk with a tambourine arrived in time. We sat down next to a log and let's play who is louder. Such a ramble was raised - all the animals fled.

Can't you be quiet? - ask the animals.

And the musicians played even louder. Here comes the squirrel:

If you don't play, we'll give you bagels.

This is how a ram, a badger, a beaver and a chipmunk began to walk through the forests and demand bagels and bagels from all.

- If you don’t bring it, they threaten, we’ll play it - it will be worse for you. The musicians did well. But one day they came up to the hippopotamus and let's play and yell.

Well, - they think, - let's eat bagels now! And the hippopotamus has a thick fur coat.

Bis, - grumbles, - bravo, bravo! Beat louder guys.

Already the guys beat, beat and even went deaf. They threw away their tools, and since then there has been silence in the forest...

Remember the words with the sound [in, in "], which you will meet in
fairy tale by G. Yudin "Mouse - diver".


As soon as mom and dad left, the mouse Mouse decided that it was time to become a diver. He poured a full bath of water, plugged his nostrils and ears, tied an iron to his belt so as not to float up, took a long pasta to breathe through, took a deep breath and dived. Putting pasta out of the water, the Mouse walked freely along the bottom, admiring his invention. “Well, it’s time to surface,” the mouse finally decided and tried to push off from the bottom, but the iron was so heavy that it was not possible to surface. He tried to untie it, but the rope swelled and would not untie. ,

"What to do?" - the “diver” thought in despair and suddenly saw a cork in the bottom of the bath. Somehow the Mouse pulled it out, and the water rushed out of the bath with a noise, picking up the poor "diver" in a whirlpool and instantly sucking him into the hole.

And so, putting out the macaroni, half sucked into the hole, the Mouse sat under water until the evening, until dad and Mom came. They quickly poured out all the water in buckets, took out the "diver", and then sat in the kitchen and drank valerian from the kettle.

Reading G. Yudin's fairy tale "The Greedy Toad". Remember the words with the sound [g] that you will meet in G. Yudin's fairy tale "The Greedy Toad".


Once upon a time there was an important Beetle, a cautious Already and a greedy Toad. Once an important Beetle says to Uzh: We should paint the roof.

You can paint, - says the cautious Oh. - What kind of paint? “Yellow,” said the Beetle importantly. But we don't have yellow paint. - Well, then orange! And no orange either.

Let's go ask the greedy Toad, she has a whole barrel of orange paint. And the greedy Toad at that time was eating jam from a jug.

She saw that Beetle and Already were coming to her, quickly hid the jam and sat waiting.

Hello, Toad! Will you give us orange paint to paint the roof?

I'm not giving it! - replies the Toad. - It's a pity for the paint.

Beetle and Already with nothing left, and Toad again began to jam. Then the Bumblebee flew in and buzzes:

Give me a little j-gem, J-toad.

I don't have any jam!

Oh, you greedy! - Bumblebee got angry and how he stings the Toad. Frightened Toad - Jump into the orange paint barrel! All orange came out and cries orange tears:

Have pity on me, unfortunate-yu! But no one felt sorry for the greedy orange Toad.

Reading the fairy tale "Flightless Umbrella" by G. Yudin. Remember the words with the sound [z, z "] that you will meet.


The hare walked through the forest and found an umbrella. Suddenly he sees - right from the thicket a wolf looks at him with angry, deceiving eyes.

3-z-trap, - the hare shook, - it's too late to run away. I’ll stand on a stump under an umbrella, maybe the wolf will take me for a g-mushroom.

And so he did. He stands on a stump under an umbrella, closes his eyes, chatters his teeth in fear, but does not move himself. And the wolf slowly comes up behind ...

And then, fortunately, a strong wind blew!

He picked up the umbrella along with the hare and raised it high into the sky.

A hare flies over the forest, laughs, floods, and the wolf runs along the ground below, snaps its teeth, suffocates.

Come on, come on! Press! - shouts the hare. - Charging should be done - I would run faster!

The wolf spat. He sees - do not catch up with him a hare.

I ran to the store, bought an umbrella from a goat, stood on a stump and waited for it to take off like a hare.

It stayed that way until sunset. Terribly angry! - Ah, the goat! - growls. - The non-flying umbrella sold! And he tore the whole umbrella with his teeth.


1.Kabachkova Zh.V. A fairy tale as a means of developing speech and raising children.// Speech therapist No. 6, 2009 p. 64 - 71

2. Fesyukova L.B. Education with a fairy tale: for working with children of preschool age.- Kharkov, 1997

Differentiation" href="/text/category/differentciya/" rel="bookmark">differentiation of sounds).

Tales for teaching literacy (in sounds and letters).

slide 9. 2. Logo fairy tales aimed at developing the polysensory nature of a child with speech impairment (“fairy tale” plus “objective activity”) (,):

Finger (development of fine motor skills, graphic skills).

Slide 10. 3. Logo fairy tales-trainings, saturated with certain phonemes, word forms, lexical and grammatical categories (author's fairy tales of speech therapists teachers,)

Lexico-grammatical (enrichment of vocabulary, consolidation of knowledge of grammatical categories).

slide 11. 4. Logo fairy tales with simulated content ().

Fairy tales that contribute to the formation of coherent speech.


I also include additional fabulous material in my work.

For better memorization and pronunciation of words, a speech therapist uses various techniques and aids to help a non-speaking child act more and speak less: toys that are put on the child’s fingers, toys from kinder surprise); various desktop-printed aids, voluminous screens, mini-layouts, gloves with fairy tale characters glued on, a fairy tale on a carpet, masks, cards with graphic symbols, various kinds theaters, such as: with puppets on sticks, mittens, cardboard;

slide 13. An excellent tool for the development of movements is the game of "Theatre of fingers and tongue." Articulatory gymnastics, accompanied by movements of speech-motor rhythms to pronounced sounds (“Morning of the Musical Cat”).

slide 14. fairy tale on fingers

Very good training of finger movements provide folk games with fingers (white-sided magpie, goat, etc.). Finger fairy tales are included in fairy tale classes. For example, after reading the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" you can play like this. “The chicken went out for a walk ...” (Appendix)

The child learns the world through movements and emotions, and speech-motor exercises with elements of psycho-gymnastics will help him overcome pathological problems. To the fairy tale "Three Bears" exercise "Morning", Appendix, exercise for the fairy tale "Teremok" for the development of general motor skills and the formation of the ability to relax muscles in contrast with tension, Appendix

Slide 15.16,17,18. Articulating tales (development of breathing, articulatory motility). It is quite difficult for a child of 2-4 years old to perform “tongue exercises” with full dedication, they quickly get bored. But if all such difficult and not interesting work is presented in the form of small speech therapy fairy tales that develop the correct articulatory pattern of sounds, then everything changes: their eyes sparkle, and the children follow the story with interest and want to definitely help the main character of the plot. “The Tale of the Merry Tongue”, “The Frog-Green Belly (multimedia presentation accompanied by illustrative slides for children) “Tales about the Tongue”, Stories of the Merry Tongue. From my work experience, I can say that this form of presentation articulation exercises The children liked it and gave positive results.

slide 19.

You can use logo fairy tales not only for speech therapists, but also for educators. It is useful to include speech therapy games in the fairy tales recommended by the "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" under the editorship: "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip", "Three Bears", "Teremok", "Zayushkina Hut".

If we achieve noticeable results in working on breathing, auditory or visual attention, in the ability of children to feel and understand others, then this will inevitably have a beneficial effect on speech.

Phonetic (voiced) tales Didactic tasks: development of speed of reaction, sense of tempo and rhythm, articulatory motor skills.
Methodology. The teacher reads the text, the children accompany the story with sounding gestures, onomatopoeia, and finish the phrases. To voice fragments of fairy tales, poems, you can also use musical instruments, choosing them in accordance with the content of the work and the nature of the game character.
Phonetic warm-up for the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen", Appendix; to the fairy tale "Three Bears"; Appendix, an example of voicing the tale "About the naughty goat", Appendix.

slide number 20

In the logo tale there are necessarily and special exercises on the breathing training, development of general speech skills. For example, the logo tale "Merry Journey" (exercises for the upper respiratory tract (based on materials), Appendix

To develop the power of the voice. Game: "The bunny will hear our ay - it will quickly be found in the cold forest" (according to the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"). Purpose: to teach to raise and lower the power of the voice. The goal that is voiced for children: the bunny is upset and lost in the winter forest, help him

Exercises for the development of speech breathing

-negotiation of individual words in a phrase;

“Ok, ok, ok, I have ... (kolobok).

Ka, ka, ka, no longer ... (kolobok).

Ok, ok, ok, the fox ate ... (kolobok) ".

-pronunciation of individual phrases fairytale heroes ; “Say phrases” (according to the fairy tale: “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”).

The goal that is voiced for children: let's plant a turnip, say the words:

“Let the turnip be big, strong”, “Let the turnip be tasty, sweet”;

The chicken came out for a walk and pecked at the peas: “Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! Pecking grains is easy!

-Breathing and articulation training"Talking Brook"

Didactic tasks: development of articulatory motor skills.

Methodology. The children hold hands, walk one after another and say the song of the stream: “On the pebbles - ding-ding-ding, on the snags - bul-bul-bul, on the sedge - sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”.


Slide 21.

Working with a fairy tale contributes to the development of the prosodic side of speech (voice timbre, its strength, tempo, intonation, expressiveness), forms ideas about the basic principles of constructing a coherent message (appeal-motivation, appeal-question, appeal-message). The use of logo-tales as a means of correcting and developing the communicative function of speech increases the speech activity and communicative orientation of the speech of children with disabilities.

Slide 22. References

1. Arushanova, and verbal communication of children: A book for kindergarten teachers / - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 1999. - 272 p.

2., O.M. Kislyakova Logopedic rhythmics. Methods of working with preschoolers suffering from OHP. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2002.

3. Gavrilushkina, on the development of communicative behavior of preschoolers in a kindergarten / // Child in kindergarten. - 2003. - No. 1.

4. Gribova, O. E. On the problem of communication analysis in children with speech pathology / // Defectology. - 1995. - No. 6. - P. 7

5. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, on fairy tale therapy / - Evstigneeva. - St. Petersburg: SPEECH, 2001. - 310 p.

6. Ivanovskaya, fairy tales for the development of speech: A fairy tale in natural education /,. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2008. - 64

7. Abstracts of complex lessons on fairy tales with children 2-3 years old. - St. Petersburg: Parity, 2006.

8.E. Karelian. Let's help Buratino speak: From the experience of a speech therapist / / preschool education, 1999 No. 6 - p. 14-17

9. Naboykina games with a "special" child. - St. Petersburg:, 2006.

10. The practice of fairy tale therapy / Ed. .- St. Petersburg: , 2004.

11. http://www. *****/art. html#butterfly


The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass

And behind her the guys -

Yellow chickens.

"Co-co-co, co-co-co,

Don't go far

Row with your paws,

Look for grains.

Walk with two fingers - index and middle - of each hand. Pinching movements with all fingers of each hand.

Run with all fingers of both hands.

They clap their hands.

They threaten with the finger of the leading hand.

Rowing movements with each finger of both hands at the same time, thumbs fix the palms at the edge of the table.

Children collect grains alternately with two fingers of each hand or both hands at the same time: thumb - index, large - middle, etc.


Develop proper breathing.

Teach basic self-massage techniques.

Expand articulatory capabilities.

Develop a positive emotional background.

Optimize the overall tone of the body, remove pathological clamps.

Bear cubs are sleeping sweetly

Children lean against the backs of chairs or lower their heads on their hands folded on the table, close their eyes.

And they snort in a relaxed manner.

Breathe calmly and deeply.

The sun peeked through the window, Everyone closed their eyes a little.

Close your eyes tightly.

Bear cubs, stop sleeping,

Wide open eyes.

It's time for you to get up.

They get up from their seats.

The cubs all woke up, Stretched, smiled.

With tension, they pull their hands up, lower them, stretch their lips in a smile.

Bears love cleanliness. Everyone goes to wash.

They walk in place.

Faucet, open up

Simulate the movement of a hand when opening a tap.

Nose, wash yourself

Make stroking rotational movements with the index fingers of both hands along the nose from top to bottom on both sides,.

Wash both eyes at once

Perform circular massaging movements over the eyelids.

forehead and cheeks,

Smooth the forehead from the center to the temples.

Rubbing cheeks.

Wash your neck

Rub the neck, turning the head to the right and left.

Hands, wash well.

They rub their hands.

As if with a brush, we will begin to brush our teeth with a tongue.

Open the mouth, stroke the upper, then the lower teeth in the horizontal and vertical directions.

Bear cubs sniffed:

Take a full slow breath through the nose, hold the air for 2 seconds, slowly exhale through the mouth.

Something smells weird.

Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Very tasty. It's honey! Mom is waiting for us for breakfast.

They sit on chairs.

Bear cubs lapped honey,

Perform laxative movements with the tongue, keep the mouth open.

Then the lips were licked.

Lick lips back and forth, keep mouth open.

They lick sweet honey from the palate with a tongue back and forth,

They stroke the palate with their tongue.

The tongue is not lowered, the top is strongly pressed.

The mouth is kept open.

Suction the tongue to the palate.

It is necessary to drink hot tea, But first, cool it.

Hand depict a cup.

you bear cubs

do not be lazy, first blow,

They inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, the lips are pulled out with a tube, the air stream is directed to the "cup" in the hand.

Then have a drink

Imitate “drinking” from a “cup”.

And then smile.

They stretch their lips into a smile.

Breakfast is eaten, the cubs are naughty, like turkey poults.

Perform quick movements of the tongue back and forth.

They teased each other and got to work.

They calmly sit down at the tables.


There is a teremok in the field (hands above the head - this is the "roof")
He is not low, not high, not high (squat - "low", get up - "high")
A lock hangs on the door, yes a lock (they interlock their fingers into the “lock”
Who would help open that lock?
Bunny on the left, bear on the right. (nod head left and right)
Move the latch! (pull arms to the sides, but fingers in the "castle")
On the left is a hedgehog, on the right is a wolf (nod their heads left and right)
Click on the lock! (fingers tighten)
Bunny, bear, hedgehog, wolf
Opening the teremok, the teremok! ("open the lock", spread their arms to the sides)


Corydalis(based on a German song)

Corydalis at the barn -

KO - KO - KO!

Oh, where are my chickens?

KO - KO - KO!

Oh, where are my boys?

KO - KO - KO!

We are here, we are close, mom!

PI - PI - PI!

Someone dug a hole

PI - PI - PI!

We all fell into a hole!

PI - PI - PI!

And they didn't disappear at all!

PI - PI - PI!



A bear sat under a tree

And looked at the sky.

And a song - "mumbler"

Quietly he sang:

BU - BU - BU - BU - BU - BOOM,


BO - BO - BO - BO - BO - BOM,

BA - BA - BA - BA - BA - BAM.


Fairy tale "About the naughty goat"

A goat lives with her grandmother - sharp horns and quick legs. He runs around the yard, chases birds, amuses granny. Grandma told him: “Don’t go, goat, to walk in the forest, there is a terrible wolf. Do not go, goat, into the forest! But the goat did not obey and ran away, all you can hear is how he clattered his hooves along the road (the children alternately clap their right and left hands on their knees). He jumped over the fence (the children raise their hands up, clap their hands, then hit their knees) and ran along the pavement (the children alternately knock on their chest with their fists), runs, shouting: “I’m not afraid of anything, I’d better rush further ...”

teacher: Oh, what is it?
Children: Oh, what is it?
teacher: Swamp! Can't bypass it?
Children: Don't get around it!
teacher: The road is straight! (“chap-chap-chap” - children rhythmically pull their right and left cheeks at the same time).
goat: I'm not afraid of anything, I'd better rush further ... (children perform alternate claps with their right and left hands on their knees).
teacher: Oh, what is it?
Children: Oh, what is it?
teacher: River! Can't bypass it?
Children: Don't get around!
teacher: The road is straight!
Children(tongue): Boo-boo-boo!
goat: I'm not afraid of anything, I'd better rush further ...
teacher: Oh, what is it?
Children: Oh, what is it?
teacher: Forest! Scary forest.
Children: Wu-u-u.
teacher: Dense forest. Children: Shhhh.
The goat got scared and started to run. Runs across the river (children: "bul-bul-bul"), through the swamp (children: "chap-chap-chap" pull the right and left cheeks), along the pavement (they knock on the chest with fists in turn), through the fence (children raise their hands up and hit the knees), around the yard (alternate clapping with the right and left hands on the knees).
teacher: He ran to us, "oh," he said.
goat: Oh!
Children and goat: I will obey my grandmother. I won't run into the forest anymore.


Exercises for the upper respiratory tract (based on materials) Logo tale "Merry Journey"

Target: development of interest in speech therapy lesson and education of motivation for learning, development of phonemic perception, mobility of the articulatory apparatus, development of memory, attention.

Visual aids: an image of a boy, articulation gymnastics cards, an image of a fairy-tale palace, an image of a gnome and a queen of magic speech.

During the classes

1. Organizing time.

Hello guys! We sit down in our places, naming one polite word at a time (hello, thank you, etc.). Well done!

2. Work on a fairy tale.

Today, children, I will tell you a fairy tale. Listen carefully:

Once upon a time there was a boy Vanya Arbuzov. He lived in the city of Moscow. He was 5 years old. The boy was special, because he spoke very badly, he could not pronounce a lot of sounds.

Picture 1

One day, my mother took Vanya to the speech therapist at Progymnasium No. 1661. But there Vanya made a scandal and said that he would never study, because he already speaks very well. Mom brought Vanya home and told him to sit in the room and think about his bad behavior. And Vanya was not going to think! He took the toys and began to play. But soon Vanya got tired of playing, the boy closed his eyes ... and suddenly he found himself in front of the gates of a beautiful castle.

figure 2

It was written on the gate: “Knock 3 times and say [smoke-dam-house, com-house-dwarf, cancer-mac-duck] quickly and clearly!” (Guys, try to repeat these words too. Well done!) Vanya also said the words and knocked 3 times, but nothing happened. Tried again, but the gate didn't open! Then, out of resentment, Vanya burst into tears. Suddenly ... a beautiful sorceress appeared in front of the boy (Vanya recognized her, because she had a magic wand in her hands).

figure 3

Hello! Vanya said.
- Good afternoon! Vanya Arbuzov!
- How do you know my name?
- I know everything about children 5-6 years old.
- Tell me, please, is it possible to get into this beautiful castle? Is this your castle?
- Yes, this is the castle of Magical Speech. And I'm the Queen. Children get into the castle, who can complete the task written on the gate. Did you complete it?
- No, I didn't succeed! And the boy wept bitterly.
- And also children can get into the castle, who want learn to speak well! And this is important! Do you want it?
- Yes! I want to practice! I will try very hard!
And the sorceress touched the gate with her magic wand. The gates swung open, and Vanya found himself inside a beautiful castle.
- The first thing you will see is the room of the Magical Man, who lives in the mirror. He can do everything: speak beautifully and correctly, draw, sing, dance... he can teach you a lot!

figure 4

Vanya went into the mirror room and immediately saw a little man who sang:
Hello my pretty little friend,
I am a mirror man!
Today we will study.
All sounds are purely spoken.
And you can quickly learn
If you are friends with gymnastics!
Are you ready to repeat after me?
- Yes! I'm ready! - answered Vanya Arbuzov.
- Look in the mirror.

Exercise "Smile"

  • Stretch your lips into a smile
  • Hold it down to a count of 10.
  • Repeat this exercise 5 times.

Exercise "Brush your teeth"

  • smile
  • Show teeth
  • Open your mouth
  • With the tip of the tongue, alternately “clean” the lower and upper teeth.

Exercise "Swing"

  • Smile, open your mouth
  • Show teeth
  • Rest the tip of the tongue on the upper teeth
  • Rest the tip of the tongue on the lower teeth
  • Alternately change position 10 times.

Exercise "Horse"

  • Pull out lips
  • Open your mouth
  • Click your “narrow” tongue (like horses click)

Good job, well done! So you need to practice at home every day, looking in the mirror. If you fulfill this condition, then after a while you will be taken to the second castle of Magical speech! Will you be doing?
- Necessarily!
- I give you this beautiful mirror for your efforts. It will help you when doing tongue gymnastics. Goodbye my boy!

Vanya woke up and saw that he was in his room. He approached his mother and said:
- I'm sorry mom. I misbehaved. Let's work with a speech therapist. I want to get to the second castle of the Queen of Magical Speech.
- Where? Mom asked in surprise.
- I wanted to say ... that I want to learn how to speak beautifully. - And smiled.
- I'm glad son!
And Vanya began to study!

3. Work on the content of the fairy tale

  • Guys, did you like the story?
  • What was the main character's name? (Vanya Arbuzov)
  • What tongue exercises did Vanya do? ("Smile", "Swing", "Horse", "Let's brush our teeth")
  • Let's do these exercises while looking in the mirror.
  • Good!

4. Summing up

  • Do you want to study with a speech therapist and learn how to speak well?
  • Well done!

Fairy tales have great educational value for children of all ages. Speech therapy tales are of particular importance.

Speech therapy fairy tales are such fairy tales that provide significant assistance in working with children who experience certain difficulties in speech development. The main purpose of using speech therapy fairy tales is to prepare children with speech disorders for school. Fairy tales facilitate the solution of such tasks as the formation of correct sound pronunciation, the development of phonemic perception and coherent speech, the enrichment of the dictionary, the prevention of the appearance of specific errors in writing, the development of attention, thinking, memory, and imagination of communication skills.






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Once upon a time there was a tongue in the world, and he wanted to go to the zoo. And we will go with him: we will depict all the animals that the tongue meets.

So Tongue came to the zoo and sees that someone huge, like a mountain, is sitting in the pond, and his mouth is wide open. It was… a hippopotamus. Come on and we will turn into hippos and open our mouths wide.


Open mouth wider

We play hippos:

Let's open our mouths wide

Like a hungry hippo.

You can't close it

Yes, I count five.

And then shut your mouth

The hippopotamus is resting.

O. Perova


We imitate frogs:

We pull the lips straight to the ears.

You are now pulling your lips -

I can see your teeth.

We will pull - we will stop

And we won't get tired.


I will imitate the elephant!

I pull my lips with a "proboscis".

And now I'm letting them go

And I return to the place.

Tongue admired the elephant and went to another cage. And there is no one there, only a long rubber hose is lying around in the middle. But suddenly the hose stirred, and Tongue saw that it was ... a snake. Let's make a snake!


We imitate the snake

With her, we will be on a par:

Stick out your tongue and hide

Only in this way, and not otherwise.

Tongue watched the snake and went on. He sees the horse rides the children. I wanted to ride myself: “Horse, will you ride me?” And the horse replies: “Of course!” Tongue sat on a horse, shouted "but!" and jumped. Let's show how Tongue rode a horse.


I am a happy horse

Dark as chocolate.

Click your tongue loudly -

You will hear the sound of hooves.

Tongue rode, got off the horse and suddenly saw himself in the mirror: “Oh, how shaggy I have become! Probably, he raced very fast on a horse! Gotta brush up!" Tongue took out a comb and began combing his hair. Let's show you how he did it.


I'm friends with hair

I put them in order.

Thank you hair.

And my name is ... comb.

Tongue put himself in order and suddenly thought: isn't it time for him to go home? We need to know what time it is. Show me how the clock works!


Tick-tock, tick-tock.

The tongue swung so

Like a clock pendulum.

Are you ready to play the clock?

Learned the tongue what time it is. Unfortunately, it was already late: it was time to return home. What about a gift for mom? I bought a tongue several balloons and began to inflate them, but, unfortunately, some of them burst. Show how the Tongue inflated the balloons.


I blew up a balloon.

A mosquito bit him.

The ball popped. No problem!

I will inflate a new ball.

The end, and who listened and did well done!!!

In the book, fairy tales are written and selected that carry a certain lexical or grammatical load. Usage various ways vocabulary enrichment, observation of the laws of word formation and inflection will help make developing communication with the child joyful and interesting. Speech therapists and educators preschool institutions can use the material in the book to remedial classes.


This book was compiled by speech therapists of preschool educational institution 126 of the combined type of the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg G. A. Bystrova, E. A. Sizova, T. A. Shuiskaya.
Addressed to parents of preschool children, educators and speech therapists of preschool institutions.
In the book, fairy tales are written and selected that carry a certain lexical or grammatical load. Using various ways to enrich vocabulary, observing the laws of word formation and inflection will help make developing communication with a child joyful and interesting. Speech therapists and preschool teachers can use the material of the book to conduct remedial classes.

Grandma's hustler


Little Shustrik is five years old. One day, mother told Shustrik: "Tomorrow we will go to grandma's."
Shustrik did not sleep all night, he thought about who Grandma had.
We arrived early in the morning. They approached the grandmother's house, they see - the gates are open. And out of the gate comes out “a shock, in front - a pitchfork, in the back - a broom” and mumbles: “MUUU, milk to whom?”
Shustrik guessed, shouting: “Mom, this is a cow!”
Shustrik entered the yard, and in the yard “with a beard, not an old man, with horns, not a bull, with fluff, not a bird,” and with him “a beard and horns run along the path.” Who do you think it could be?
Yes, a goat with kids. Shustrik was frightened of the formidable goat, hid behind his mother. And the goat bleated: "BE-E-E, don't be afraid of me."
Shustrik sees, there is a barn in the yard, and there someone is chomping, grunting.
“A stigma with a flat cake, horns with hooves, a thick belly, a tail like shavings,” and next to it “scrubs in a bristly shirt, a tail with pretzels, a snout nose” settled down.
“This is a pig with piglets,” explains Shustrik's mother.
Shustrik walked around the barn and sees a perch, and on the perch “a tail with patterns, boots with spurs” and shouts: “KU-KA-RE-KU, I’m not an alarm clock, but I’m waking up. I am not an artist, but a vociferous one, I sing at night, I count time, I collect chickens. “Mom, mom, here is a cockerel, a golden comb,” Shustrik was delighted and did not notice how someone was pinching his heels and cackling, and he was wearing “white clothes, and red boots were shod on his legs” and with him “without a team in system get up, go to the pond. Who walks in a long chain, who loves discipline so much?
"Oh, I'm scared!" Shustrik shouted.
“Don't be afraid,” Mom said. This is a goose with a goose and goslings.
"Let's get out of here!" - Shustrik exclaimed.
And here is the grandmother standing on the porch, and next to her “he arched his back in an arc, mewed. Who it?" This cat Vaska is purring, saying: “MURR-MURN-MUR, go into the house.” Only Shustrik wanted to run up to his grandmother, and on the porch “a live lock grumbled, lay across the door” and growls: “I won’t let someone else into the house, I I am friends with the owner and watch the house.
“Sharik, Sharik,” Shustrik called.
And Sharik's grandmother says: "Meet Shustrik, make friends with him."
Shustrik liked it very much at his grandmother's.

E. Sizova.

About dishes

word formation

Somehow the sugar bowler reasoned:
- Here I am - made for sugar. That's why I'm called - SUGAR BOWL. SALT SHELL - for salt, SALAD BOWL - for salad, BREAD BOX - for bread, TURP - of course, for soups, and SAUCE - for different sauces.
- Yes, yes - picked up the OILER - I need for oil, and my girlfriend HERRING - for herring. But tell me how to explain the words DISH and LADLE? There are such words, but I don’t know such food!
- At least you call me a TEAPOT, - the TEAPOT answered - I not only know everything about tea and I sing you all with a tea. The word WARE as if asks: “Put HERE! TABLEWARE!" And with POVARYOSHKA it's even easier. She is the chief assistant of the cook: together with the cook she can try any dish and the cook persuades: COOK, EAT!

T. Shuiskaya

baba yaga


Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, they had a daughter. Grandfather was widowed and married another wife. My daughter had a GOOD mother, but she became an EVIL stepmother. Once the father has gone somewhere, and the stepmother says to the girl:
- Go to your aunt, my sister, ask her for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for you.
And this aunt was a Baba Yaga, a bone leg.
The girl was not STUPID, but was SMART, she first went to her own aunt. My own aunt lived CLOSE, and Baba Yaga lived FAR. My aunt taught her how to act and avoid trouble.
The girl went. Whether it was a LONG road, or a SHORT one, she came to the hut, and in it the Baba Yaga sits and weaves.
- Hello, auntie!
- Hello, dear!
- Mother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me.
- All right, sit down while weaving.
The girl sat down to weave: Baba Yaga wove a THICK fabric, and the girl weaves a THIN one.
And Baba Yaga punishes the worker:
- Go, heat the bath and wash your niece, but my good: I want to have breakfast with her.
And the girl hears everything! Baba Yaga moved away from the door, and the girl took it and ran away. The cat is sitting at the gate - guarding the girl. The girl gave ham to the cat - he let her out. Baba Yaga missed - no girl! She began to scold the cat, and the cat answered her:
- I serve you for how long, you didn’t give me BAD bones, but the girl fed me with GOOD ham.
Baba Yaga began to scold and beat her other workers. The dogs say to her:
- We serve you for how long, and you only threw HARD crusts to us, and the girl gave SOFT bread.
Gate says:
- We serve you for how long, but you spared us oil, gave us LITTLE, and the girl poured A LOT of oil under our heels. Birch says:
- I serve you for how long, and you doused me with HOT water, while the girl poured COLD spring water.
The worker says:
- I serve you for how long, you didn’t give me a LITTLE rag, but the girl BIG shawl gave.
The Baba Yaga sat in the mortar and gave chase.
The girl bowed her ear to the ground and heard that Baba Yaga was close, took and threw a towel: the towel was NARROW - the river overflowed WIDE.
Baba Yaga creaked with anger, returned home, took her bulls and drove them to the river. The bulls drank the whole river, and the Baba Yaga again set off in pursuit.
The girl bowed her ear to the ground and heard that the Baba Yaga was close, took out the comb and threw it behind her. The scallop was RARE - the forest was DENSE: the bushes were LOW and the trees were HIGH. The Baba Yaga began to gnaw at the forest, but she broke off her teeth, and returned home with nothing.
The girl ran home, everything as it is, told her father. He got angry with his wife, drove her away from the yard, and he and his daughter began to live, live, and make good.

Based on the fairy tale by A. Afanasiev.

Why do birds not all fly south, or
why is the crow called crow

Once upon a time, all the birds are friendly big family lived. Together with the spring, they appeared in our area, frolicked and chirped, by the summer they took out the chicks, and in the fall, with the approach of cold weather, they gathered in one large flock) and flew south, to warm lands.
Only one big gray bird was always dissatisfied with everything: it was not so for her, and this was not like that. She will scream - she will croak, she will raise a noise, and at that time she will misbehave. Somehow a gray robber started up in the fall:
- I'm not going anywhere! Are we birds afraid of some kind of winter?! We are dressed anywhere: the plumage is rich and warm, and under it there is still soft fluff - we will not freeze! And as for food, we will feed ourselves: there are so many good people left by the houses, but there are a lot of berries on the bushes and trees! Why fly somewhere, torture yourself with flights?!
And after all, how did it happen: some birds began to listen to Gray, gathered around her, as in a theater, their beaks opened in surprise, they did not notice anything around them. In the meantime, the last flock flew away to warmer climes, winter came. There is nothing to do, it is necessary to adapt, to prepare for the first wintering. One Gray grumbles:
- Stupid birds, it's all your fault, because of you I missed the time for the flight! Eh, I missed it, but I wouldn’t have missed it - I would have basked in the sun now!
The birds got angry
- Look, you're smart! You confused us, you blame us for everything! “Missed, missed” ... CROW! We won't hang out with you anymore!
And so it has been since those ancient times: the CROW received its name, and the birds that then listened to it, although they remain, like a crow, to spend the winter, do not lead friendship with it.
Who gave the crow its name? Who stayed for the winter? Remember quickly, and if you can - draw.

T. Shuiskaya

Animal dispute

Benefits of Pets

A cow, a horse and a dog argued among themselves which of them the owner loves more.
“Of course, me,” says the horse. - I carry a plow and a harrow for him, I bring firewood from the forest. He himself rides me to the city: he would be completely lost without me.
“No, the owner loves more than me,” says the cow. “I feed his whole family with milk.”
- “No, me,” the dog grumbles, “I guard his house.”
The owner listened to this dispute and says:
- “Stop arguing in an empty way. I need all of you, and each of you is good in your place.

K. D. Ushinsky.

How to find a track

Trees in the forest

The guys went to visit their grandfather, a forester, and got lost. They look - a squirrel jumps over them.
From tree to tree. Guys - to her.
- Squirrel, Squirrel, tell me, Squirrel, Squirrel, show me How to find the path
To the grandfather's lodge?
“Very simple,” Belka replies. - Jump from this FIR-tree to that one, from that one - to the crooked BEREZKA. A large OAK is visible from the BEREZKA curve. The roof is visible from the top of the OAK. This is the guardhouse. Well, what are you? Jump you!
- Thank you, Belka, - the guys say. “But we can’t jump up trees.
Draw how the BELKA jumped to the grandfather's lodge.

V. Berestov.

Wonderful brook

word formation

A small stream originated from the forest springs. Clean and cold, cheerful and young, he ran through the forest. He lingered at the birch - a boletus grew under the birch, turned to the aspen - the boletus blushed under the aspen. A stream ran through the forest - and strong mushrooms appeared in the forest, splashed water on the moss - and the moss was decorated with moss. A brook jumped out to the spruce forest - the waves were agitated there:
- Do not rush, brook, give me some more water for the fungus!
But where is he - he does not hear the brook! He rolled from a bump, rounded a large stone, rolled down a hill and ... dissolved in the waters of a forest stream.
T. Shuiskaya
Pets. Onomatopoeia
Managing Accusative and Dative Cases
The calf nibbled on the grass near the fence. The COCK came up to him and began to look for grains in the grass nearby. Suddenly he sees a cabbage leaf.
- KO! - the COCK was surprised and pecked at him.
He did not like the cabbage leaf. He decided to offer the calf a try and said to him:
- KO!
And the CALF did not understand what was the matter, and asks: - MU-U?
- KO, - says the COCK and again points to the cabbage leaf with his beak.
- MU-U? - does not understand the CALF. So they stand near the cabbage leaf
- KO! MU-U! TO WHOM? The GOAT heard this and how it will bleat:
- ME-E-E! ME-E-E!

L. Yahtsh


Animals of Africa

This is a hippopotamus. Only not he, but she is a hippopotamus. Her name is Beauty. It was brought from Africa.
Hippos live in the river there. They eat grass along the banks, dive in warm water.
The mouth of a hippopotamus is huge. It will open like a suitcase. In the mouth, teeth stick out like stakes. For another animal, these teeth, like horns, could fit. The weight of a hippopotamus is one hundred pounds. What a fluff! A skinny old man commands in the zoological garden.
It is bad for a hippopotamus in winter, he loves heat, warm water. The old man heats water for the pool.
Only at night does he not let the hippopotamus into the pool so that he does not catch a cold.
The hippopotamus, if he wanted to, would have passed through the fence - but he does not dare: the old man does not order. The hippo looks longingly at the water, puts his head on the fence, and the boards crack. And the old man screams:
- Go to the corner, go to the corner!
And the hundred-pound hippo backs away, only looks at the owner with an offended eye.

B. Zhitkov.

long and short


Lived two friends. One was called LONG and the other was called SHORT.
LONG had LONG legs, Long hands. He wore LONG pants, a LONG shirt. In the hands of the LONG one was a LONG stick.
And SHORT had SHORT legs, SHORT arms. He wore SHORT pants and SHORT shirt. In the hands of the SHORTY was a SHORTY wand.
LONG and SHORT were very different, but they loved each other very much and never quarreled. Draw LONG and SHORT.

A donkey


They tied the donkey in a burdock. Burdock for the donkey is the most delicious food. He ate all the burdock around him, but he won’t reach the most delicious - the rope is short. As the donkey yells: - E-A! E-A! E-A!
The voice is nasty, loud. You can hear it for five kilometers. Go quickly, master, bandage the donkey to another place. For the uneaten.

E. Charushin.



Dandelion is not like the sun with golden rays. And a fluffy ball is whitening nearby.
Tanya blew on the balloon. Fluffs flew. That's why it's called dandelion.
Tanyusha came home with a golden wreath on her head.
The girl fell asleep in the evening. And dandelions closed their flowers until the morning.
Draw a dandelion. What is the dandelion compared to?

According to Sokolov-Mikitov.


Adjective-noun agreement

I went out of the forest to the meadow and was surprised. How many flowers! They look like a festive round dance.
Daisies turn white in the green meadow, dandelions turn yellow, peas turn blue.
And above all, all the more fun - purple bells. They sway, bow in the summer breeze. It is they who greet me joyfully. All summer these lovely flowers of our meadows bloom.

According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.

lilies of the valley


A flower hid in the shade of the trees. There is a tall stalk between two leaves. It has several white bells on it. This is lily of the valley. We love lily of the valley for its beauty, for its delicate smell.
Lily of the valley fruits ripen in autumn. These are large red berries. They are poisonous. Medicine is made from lilies of the valley.

According to Yu. Dmitriev.

The leprosy of the old woman-winter

Root words

Winter is angry. I thought about freezing everyone. Winter blew cold, scattered the leaves.
The birds have nowhere to go, and flew over the mountains. Over the seas, where there is no evil winter. Others hid in the cracks. Winter did not freeze them.
Viciously went to the animals. Powdered the earth. Commands frost to freeze beasts. Animals huddled in the winter hut.
Evil winter has not forgotten the fish. Freeze rivers and lakes. But I didn’t freeze the fish, they are not cold under the ice.
Winter has come upon people. Frosts covered the windows with patterns. And people lit the stoves. Firewood is being prepared. They are taken on wagon trains and praised by frosts. Children and those are not afraid of winter. They run in the yard. Enough winter viciously by the ear or by the nose of someone. And that rub - and the face will flare up.
Winter cried. Winter tears fell. So the end of winter is near.

According to K. Ushinsky.

How to name a hare

Animals and their babies

A HARE was born. Mother wondered what to name him. Wanted to call TIGER.
The KITTENS found out the name of the BUNNY, and did not want to play. The GOATS found out the name of the Bunny and did not want to play. Zainka cried. He told his mother that the GOATS immediately scatter from him. Then his mother called him WOLF. ZINKA went for a walk, saw CALVES. I wanted to play with them.
- "What is your name?" - ask him a question.
- "My name is THE WOLF," says HAIRNESS.
The CALVES began to butt HARE.
- "Gotcha, the evil WOLF!" shouted the CALVES.
Zainka came home, licking his lined sides. They beat him up with a CALF. The mother thought and called HARE HARE.
Zainka went to play. The animals learned that his name was HARE and accepted into the game. Both ZINKA and the animals liked this name very much. So he was assigned to him.