Square ring made of concrete. Vibroforms for the production of well rings. From thick-walled barrels

Country farming cannot do without hydraulic structures: septic tanks, sewers and wells. The easiest way to build such objects is using reinforced concrete rings. We will tell you how to make concrete rings yourself, how to make a mold for them and how to properly mix the concrete solution.

There is nothing more familiar than the fruits of your own labor.

FormworkGeneral information

In the photo we see one of the formwork design options.

Reinforced concrete rings are one of the best solutions for the construction of concrete wells and septic tanks. Specifications concrete rings allow you not to worry about their integrity in conditions of freezing soil, which has become the determining criterion when choosing materials for our climatic conditions.

However, it is not always possible to purchase and deliver concrete products to the construction site, because the delivery price often exceeds the cost of the product itself. Considering how much it costs to bury a concrete ring, the project can cost an arm and a leg. In some regions there are no construction warehouses or stores at all, so you have to do everything yourself.

Reinforced concrete rings are the best solution for a septic tank.

To do this, it is necessary to solve three problems:

  • Make a mold– formwork for the product;
  • Mix high-quality concrete mortar;
  • Place the mixture in the mold, and upon completion of hardening, release the product from the formwork without damaging the latter.
  • It is important to ensure easy dismantling of the formwork.

    You can buy ready-made formwork, but then the whole point of our idea is lost, because we are not going to open an auxiliary production, and for one construction such an acquisition is unprofitable.

    Mold making

    Learning to make a mold for rings.

    A concrete ring is a section of a cylinder with a wall thickness of 80 to 160 mm. Thus, the product itself has internal and external diameters, and the outer one is 8 - 16 cm larger than the inner one. This means that we need to select two steel cylinders with the specified difference in size.

    Concrete rings with a bottom can be made by first pouring a slab at the bottom of the pit into which the product will be installed.

    A standard ring has a height of 90 cm with an internal diameter of 1 m, while the wall thickness is usually 160 mm. However, we can deviate from the dimensions accepted in GOST and proceed from the available means. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the wall thickness of at least 10 cm and the height and weight of the product adequate for subsequent installation.

    Standard product dimensions according to GOST.

    Concrete rings with a lock are more difficult to make, so we will make products with a smooth edge.

    For our purposes, metal barrels, sections of air ducts, pipes and other similar products are suitable.
    These can also be small tanks or tanks, the main thing is a cylindrical shape, a difference in diameters within 10 - 15 cm and durable metal walls.

    Now to the point.

    Step-by-step instructions will help you make the mold yourself:

  • We take the prepared larger cylinder and apply it to its outer and inner walls vertical lines opposite each other, and the inner line should be a projection of the outer one. We weld window or door hinges on the outside along these lines, two on each side.

    We weld the loops along the line of the future cut.

  • From the inside, we cut the cylinder along the line with a grinder so as not to damage the hinges. On one side we also cut off the clamps from the spindles in the hinges.

    We cut the cylinder into two parts and remove the clamps from the spindles.

  • We take the spindles out of the hinges and open the product, developing it several times. The form should open out easily.

    We open and develop the cylinder.

  • We take a segment of the inner cylinder and draw the same lines, only this time they should divide the circle into two unequal parts, one of which is twice as large as the other. We weld the same loops along these lines, only from the inside.

    We weld the loops from the inside along the lines.

  • We cut the cylinder in half from the outside with a grinder, trying not to damage the welded hinges. We cut off the spindle clamps on one side and open the smaller sash inward, working out its movement.

    The green color indicates a movable door that opens inward.

  • Important!
    The height of the inner cylinder should exceed the height of the outer cylinder by 10 - 15 cm for ease of laying the concrete mixture.

    Making a ring

    How much it costs to dig a concrete ring depends on the installation method.

    To make the ring, the formwork cylinders must be installed on a flat pallet. This can be a metal or wooden shield or tightly compacted earth.

    Then, in the space between the cylinders, you need to install a reinforcing mesh, which you can purchase or make yourself from steel wire.

    This is what a homemade wire grill looks like.

    For ease of transportation and installation of the product, thick ears made of thick wire or fittings with a diameter of 5 - 6 mm should be inserted into the grille.

    Between the cylinders, at approximately half their height, we insert wooden spacers, the thickness of which is equal to the thickness of the walls of the future product. This is necessary so that during installation the formwork parts do not move relative to each other.

    After this, mix the concrete solution. To do this, take cement grade M400 or higher and mix it with sand sifted and washed from clay in a ratio of 1:2.5.

    Then add water in an amount of 0.5 - 0.7 from cement, so that the mixture is not too greasy, but not too thin.

    Add water carefully, in small portions.

    Add 5 parts of crushed stone and mix the mixture thoroughly by hand or using a concrete mixer. Place the finished solution in the mold to a height of about 30 cm, after which we carefully compact it with a piece of reinforcement or a shovel holder. You can lean a hammer drill against the formwork in impact mode and gently vibrate the concrete.

    Then we similarly lay layer by layer, when we reach half, the wooden wedges can be removed. Gradually fill the form and carefully level the top edge of the ring, trying to make it as even and smooth as possible.

    Don't forget to insert the "ears".

    We leave the product for three days in the shade under a canopy. After they expire, we remove the spindle of the internal formwork and open it inward. Then remove the outer part of the mold in the same way. Leave the ring in place for 10–15 days, moisturize it and protect it from direct sunlight and wind.

    When making a concrete septic tank, it is important to decide how to seal the concrete rings. The easiest way is to use waterproofing and sealant, but there is a more reliable method.

    The polyethylene insert solves the problem of septic tank tightness.

    Plastic inserts into concrete rings eliminate the risk of leaks for 30 to 50 years.

    If necessary, you can make a reinforced concrete ring yourself at home. The video in this article will help you better understand the production technology of the product.

    The technology for self-casting concrete rings is not particularly complex. Some difficulties for the owner of the site in the manufacture of such products may arise, perhaps, only with the assembly of the formwork. However, in order for the rings to ultimately turn out strong and truly durable, the owner of the well will, of course, need to choose the right materials for pouring them.

    What can you make a mold from?

    Reinforced concrete rings are usually poured in formwork made from:

    • steel sheet;
    • boards

    In both of these cases, the finished form is a prefabricated structure consisting of several parts. It is impossible to make continuous formwork for pouring reinforced concrete rings. After all, once the cement mortar has hardened, it will be very difficult to remove the finished product from the mold of such a design.

    Formwork of this type is cut from sheet steel using a grinder with preliminary cutting. Next, the metal is given the appropriate shape by bending and secured in this position.

    To make a wooden mold:

    1. Four narrow metal rings are welded. The diameter of these formwork elements is selected in accordance with the internal and external diameter of the future reinforced concrete product.
    2. The rings made in this way are sheathed vertically with boards. The lumber for assembling such formwork should not be too wide.
    3. Divide the internal and external parts of the resulting formwork into compartments.
    4. Locks are made to connect the arched parts of the mold.

    What dimensions should a reinforced concrete ring have?

    When choosing the dimensions of such a product, you should, of course, primarily focus on existing standards. After all, in the end the ring should be as durable as possible. Otherwise, when constructing a well, such a product may simply fall apart.

    On the market today you can buy mostly standard rings with a height of 900 mm. There are other versions of similar products on sale - 500, 450 and 350 mm. But ready-made rings of this variety are considered additional ones and, when strengthening the walls of wells, are most often used only at the very top. That is, if the standard ring does not fit in height.

    At home, rings are also usually cast with a height of 900 mm. But moving products of such dimensions to the installation site, even by rolling, can still be difficult. Therefore, in the absence of assistants, it may make sense to make rings of smaller height.

    The standard diameter of concrete products of this type is usually 1-2 m. In this case, the wall thickness of the ring can vary between 70-140 mm. Such standards are provided for products cast from concrete alone. It is recommended to fill the rings with your own hands with additional reinforcement. When using a metal reinforcing frame, the thickness of such products, made independently, may be less - 60-80 mm.

    What you need for filling

    In order to make a concrete ring with your own hands, you need to prepare:

    • cement, sand, gravel;
    • mesh for sifting sand;
    • concrete mixer;
    • shovel, wheelbarrow, buckets;
    • plastic film.

    You will also need a reinforcing rod to strengthen the walls of the product.

    How to choose the right filling materials

    During operation in a well, concrete rings will be constantly exposed to water. And therefore, in order for them to last as long as possible, only the highest quality materials should, of course, be used for their manufacture. It is advisable to use hydrophobic cement for pouring. But you can also use regular ones, brands no lower than “400”.

    Quartz sand is usually used as a filler when making concrete rings with your own hands. The presence of any organic inclusions in this material can have a very negative impact on the quality finished product. Therefore, before mixing the solution, quartz sand must be sifted and washed with water.

    Another component of the mixture for filling well rings is gravel. It is believed that only granite material of this type is suitable for the manufacture of such reinforced concrete products. To fill the rings, you should select cube-shaped gravel that is not too rounded. Plate material of this type is not suitable for such products.

    When choosing gravel, among other things, you should pay attention to its fraction. Such a filler should not be too fine. It is also not allowed to use gravel for filling that contains stones larger than ¼ of the wall thickness of the future ring.

    How to make a solution

    It is best to prepare a solution for filling well rings in a concrete mixer. Manual kneading is also acceptable. However, in a concrete mixer, the finished solution will in any case be of much higher quality. This is due to the fact that when using such equipment, the mixture comes out much more homogeneous in composition.

    Of course, you shouldn’t make the solution too liquid for making rings. Otherwise, the product will end up being fragile. The consistency of the finished solution should be such that it does not flow from the shovel and does not stick to it in lumps.

    A solution for filling rings is usually prepared in a cement/gravel/sand ratio of 1:2:4. The reinforcing frame for the ring is knitted using a steel rod with a thickness of at least 8 mm. Rusty fittings are not allowed to be used for the manufacture of such products. Such rods must be cleaned before use.

    Laying mortar into formwork

    The rings for the well need to be filled in one step. These products are relatively small and quickly laying the mortar with your own hands will most likely not be difficult. When pouring, among other things, you should ensure that no air bubbles remain inside the cement-sand mixture. To do this, the mortar in the formwork must be pierced from time to time with a steel rod.

    If the rings are supposed to be installed in a ready-made well using special equipment, at the manufacturing stage they should be poured steel hinges for attaching the cable. Subsequently, when assembling the reinforcing layer in the shaft, these elements will have to be cut off with a grinder.

    After laying the solution, the upper part of the ring must be covered with polyethylene. The formwork can be removed from the finished frozen product no earlier than after two days. You should not use the rings for their intended purpose right away. You should wait for the concrete to mature. This process usually takes at least 28 days. During the first two weeks after pouring, the finished rings must be moistened with water at least once a day. This will prevent the top layer of concrete from cracking.

    Installation of rings

    Wells already existing on the site are usually reinforced with concrete rings using special equipment. As a last resort, you can use some homemade fairly reliable lifting mechanism. But in any case, work on installing rings in the well should be done as carefully as possible. They must be placed in the mine only with assistants.

    New concrete well it can be arranged on the site without the use of special equipment or additional mechanisms. In this case:

    • the ring moves by rolling to the site of the future well;
    • the product is turned over from its edge to its normal position;
    • soil is removed from under the ring in portions until it is buried in the ground to the upper edge;
    • the upper edge of the product is coated with concrete mixture, after which the next ring is installed.

    According to this scheme, work continues until the required depth is reached. Next, the rings are secured with plates or staples so that they do not move. The work is completed by making a cover for a new well, for example, from sheet metal and installing a bucket lift or pumping equipment.

    A personal water supply, well or equipped septic tank can not only receive sewage water, but even produce gas for the kitchen stove. In such structures, the reinforced concrete ring is the main element involved. Some people purchase such rings and have them delivered directly to their home. But not everyone can afford the purchase and delivery of this item. However, don't despair! There is an option to buy a ready-made mold for making well rings with your own hands. Let's take a closer look at this technology.

    The evolution of well rings

    If you look into history, we can say that well rings first appeared back in 2600 BC in India. Also, similar products were used in Ancient China and Ancient Rome. Well rings came to Russia only in the 19th century, when the need for their operation increased, and it was at this time that the first underground communications were built. But the walls of the very first well rings were not made of concrete, they were laid out of brick.

    It was only in the sixties that the material was changed; the walls of well rings began to be made of concrete and reinforced concrete. Many problems were solved by the appearance of concrete and reinforced concrete, and with them well rings, which have more benefits, rather than the brick used to line the walls of the sewer. At the same time, the labor-intensive and time-consuming process of installing utilities has become easier.

    Along with the replacement of material for the manufacture of underground communications, the design of the well ring changed. First of all, the differences are noticeable at the end of the ring. The most common well rings had a flat end; later, products with joining ends appeared, which became known as joining rings with a lock. It is thanks to the presence of such a reliable connection that the connecting rings are highly waterproof.

    Of course, well rings that have a lock have become much better than traditional ones, since it is not disturbed when the soil moves, and thus does not cause problems with its functioning. The movement of the rings along with the soil ensured the integrity of the structure in general. But this fastening system was not 100% reliable, so a new fastening was developed - external and internal ledges on well rings, which ensure tight fastening of the rings to each other and eliminate the slightest displacement.

    The purpose of well rings

    First of all, well rings are used to install sewer wells.
    They are often used to equip highways and city roads, where they are designed to remove unwanted sediment. Today, well rings are also used to construct bridges over canals and trenches, various types wells, various treatment facilities, landscape design etc. Well rings are used as permanent formwork when installing engineering structures or various foundations. In addition, rings are often used to build wells at home.

    There are modern versions of well rings, such as plastic ones. They are lightweight, making them easy to install. As it turned out, in terms of strength they are not inferior to reinforced concrete. Plastic rings do not interact with various chemical elements and are not affected by corrosion. But they still will not be able to provide the entire range of properties; for example, they have very low frost resistance.

    What explains such demand for these products? Firstly, they are durable and resistant to heavy loads. Secondly, the material does not allow water to pass through and is environmentally friendly, this is important, since the water that enters the structure can be used for drinking and cooking. It is worth noting that well rings are installed very quickly and have a reasonable price.

    There are certain requirements for the quality of purchased well rings. It is quite clear that such products must have good density, otherwise they will be inapplicable. Well rings must be consistent with all state standards and environmental factors. The fact is that the water that enters the structure can be used for drinking and cooking. Well rings must have high strength and the ability to withstand heavy loads.

    Design and production of well rings

    Classic rings are cylindrical in shape, but there are also rectangular versions. It is worth noting that rings can be with or without a lock. Ordinary rings have a flat end. Well rings with a lock are equipped with connecting ends. According to experts, the tightness of the lock connection can ensure better tightness and reliability of engineering systems.

    The base rings have standard sizes and are divided into small, medium and large group. The small rings have an internal diameter of one meter, a wall thickness of 16 centimeters, a height of 90 centimeters and a weight of 600 kilograms. Inner diameter of well ring middle group is 1.5 meters. They weigh one ton and have the same height. Large rings weigh one and a half tons, and their internal diameter is 2 meters.

    In addition to standard wall rings, wall extensions are produced, which differ in height and are used to construct the part of the well that protrudes above the ground. Such extensions are smaller in height compared to standard option. A mandatory element of the well design are the covers and bottoms, which are included in the set of the listed groups and have the appropriate diameter.

    Every year the production of reinforced concrete rings is improving due to the introduction of new technologies. Laser cutting began to be used when laying metal reinforcement. All innovations allow us to produce high-quality and reliable products. Due to the simplification of manufacturing, the final cost of well rings began to decrease.

    In the manufacture of well rings, special molds are used. The dimensions of the outer inner diameter are determined using formwork. A reinforcing mesh frame or wire is placed in a space of these dimensions and the solution is poured. To better compact the mold, it is usually subjected to vibration, which compresses the concrete. As a result, the product is very durable, can withstand heavy loads and effectively fulfills its purpose.

    When making well rings, you can install special brackets, which are called running brackets. Industrial reinforced concrete rings often have special seam locks (they look like protrusions at the bottom of the rings and rooms for them at the top). Thanks to this design feature, it is possible to securely and tightly fix the well shaft to avoid displacement of its constituent rings.

    DIY well rings

    Now it’s time to consider the step-by-step technology for constructing well rings with your own hands. If you do everything gradually and carefully, the result will be appropriate.

    Well ring mold

    There are many options for making a mold, let’s focus on the proven ones. You need to select two metal barrels that match the size of the well ring. The manufacturing process will not be affected by the extruded fixation strips on their walls. You can also use pipes or air ducts of the required diameter. You can assemble the formwork cylinders by connecting separate sheets together. Good results were seen with formworks made from plastic cylinders.

    On the outer surface of a large barrel of the future shape, it is necessary to make two longitudinal markings. They will divide the barrel into two equal parts vertically. Next, you need to use simple window or door awnings. You need to place two canopies on the markings so that their doors are placed at the edges of the line, and the bend of the canopy is along and on top of the marking. Canopies are attached to the cylinder using rivets or welding. On the inside of the barrel, it is necessary to accurately copy the markings placed on the outside.

    WITH inside the future form is cut in such a way as not to damage the fixed canopies on the outside. Here you can use a grinder and install the thinnest cutting wheel. On one side of the future form, in the place where the canopies are installed, it is necessary to cut off the lower caps-clamps of the bending spindles for each canopy.

    Please note, this is only done on one side. The cut spindles are pulled out and the resulting shape is revealed. When closing the form, fluidity and comparability of the parties should be developed. To ensure that the mold flaps are locked in place, cut spindles can be used. You can also choose other spindles that match the diameter, as in the photo of well rings.

    Now you need to prepare the inside for the future shape. To do this, you need to use a metal barrel or a pre-prepared mold. On the inside, two marking lines should be applied. They should be located from each other at a distance of 1/3 of the entire circumference of the barrel. Please note that the cylinder is not divided into equal parts vertically; one part should be approximately twice as wide as the other. Canopies should be installed on the inside, as well as on the outside.

    Marking lines are copied from the inside to the outside. After this, the cylinder is carefully cut along these lines so as not to damage the internal canopies. For canopies placed on the same line, you need to cut off the spindle heads from the bend. After this, the spindles are removed and the resulting shape is developed. When closing it, the comparability of the parties is adjusted.

    Please note that the assembled view of the inner barrel should be approximately five to ten centimeters higher than the outer one. The external shape of the formwork is easy to close, open and lock with spindles. The inner form should also open inward easily. When the ring is released, the inner mold should be removed first.

    The canopies are freed from removable spindles, the smaller part of the mold is folded inward and easily pulled out of the fresh ring. The outer form is also easy to remove, but opens outward. You can use this form more than once. Perhaps it will be useful to your friends or relatives.

    Materials for a well ring

    For standard production of well rings, you will need sand, cement, crushed stone, water, a concrete mixer, lifting devices, a mold, a reinforced frame and a good construction site. First, you must decide on the volume of the well ring that you will make with your own hands. It is very important that the thickness of the ring is at least 7 centimeters.

    When making a concrete ring, the temperature should be from 8 degrees. In hot weather, you should slow down the evaporation of moisture, since if the product dries quickly, it will not be able to acquire the required strength. You can protect the product from direct sunlight and provide the necessary humidity.

    As with all concrete work, the composition of the mixture is usually determined by the ratio by volume of its components: sand, gravel and cement. The amount of cement serves as the unit of reference. It is advisable to use fresh and mature cement, not lower than grade M400. By mature we mean cement that has been aged for at least thirty days after its manufacture. For the manufacture of well rings, the volume of water is very important - from 0.5 to 0.7 parts of cement, sand - from 2 to 2.5, gravel - from 3 to 4. This ratio will provide the concrete with maximum density.

    To prepare concrete, you first need to mix sand and cement, then add water and mix everything thoroughly again. After this, gravel is added to the resulting mixture, which is pre-soaked in water. The finished form should be placed on a flat floor or metal tray. Reinforcing mesh should be placed between the outer and inner cylinders. If it is not there, you can use a wire of two to six millimeters, which is laid gradually in turns with the addition of concrete composition.

    Rings can be made without the use of reinforcement, but in this case their thickness must be at least fifteen centimeters. These rings last a very long time. Spacer wooden wedges are installed between the cylinders at a level above average to avoid displacement of the cylinders during laying of the concrete composition.

    Pouring the solution into the mold

    After prolonged mixing, the concrete is placed in a well ring mold to a height of no more than 15-25 centimeters. After this, the solution is compacted over the entire diameter using a thick metal rod of 12-20 millimeters. This is necessary for high-quality compaction of the shape and strength of the entire product. You can use a wooden tamper using a regular shovel, hoe, or shovel handle. The space needs to be filled again, compacting the concrete mixture in a circle. When the level of the piled concrete is above average, the wooden spacers can be removed.

    You must fill the entire form and thoroughly level the exposed surface of the poured concrete. It is desirable that this surface be smooth, since it will be a docking surface. Vibration can be applied to a form filled with concrete mortar, which will help compact the concrete as much as possible and fill all possible voids. If necessary, after this procedure you can add a little more concrete mixture. But the vibration procedure is optional.

    To ensure good tightness, special covers are used that provide complete isolation and block the entry of foreign objects or liquids, as shown in the video about well rings. This approach is especially useful if the structure is located in an open space or is not protected by a canopy.

    After three to four days, the mold can be disassembled. If the humidity and temperature are optimal, the ring can be released from the mold the very next day. It cannot be moved or rolled, since the mixture has not completely hardened. If you want to get sufficiently strong concrete, you should wet the finished ring with water for the next 7 days. Well rings can be used after ten days of exposure, provided that the temperature is optimal and humidity is good.

    The installation of well rings is carried out using cranes; they are placed one above the other according to the pyramid principle. To prevent these rings from moving relative to each other during installation, they are usually fastened together in four places using steel brackets or plates. Although, to save your time that it takes to install a well, it is best to make well rings with a lock, but this will consume more material.

    If you want the well to last as long as possible, you should perform external waterproofing. For this purpose, the rings are treated with a special solution. If the production technology is disrupted and the quality of the material is poor, there is a risk of poisoning with water from the well in which these products are laid.

    Thus, well rings are used for installation in sewer, gas, water supply systems, inspection walls and wells. The scope of application of these products is quite extensive. If you want to make such a ring yourself, there is nothing difficult about it. At home, you need to have special equipment for the production of well rings and a spacious area. It is necessary to strictly follow each stage of construction, and also do everything carefully and slowly.

    Most structures for domestic autonomous sewerage are installed using reinforced concrete well rings. Data structural elements They are characterized by high strength and can withstand significant loads arising from soil movements. The only relative disadvantage is the cost, which cannot be called low. That is why formwork for rings is becoming increasingly popular, allowing you to pour them yourself at home.

    These structural elements are used in the installation of wells for various purposes:

    • Sewer.
    • Tap water.
    • For laying electrical communications.
    • For the installation of drinking water supply wells.

    The use of reinforced concrete in all these conditions is justified by the following qualities of the material:

    • Simple manufacturing technology. Formwork for concrete rings allows you to pour elements of a standard height (usually 0.9 meters) with a diameter of up to 2 meters.

    The use of a steel reinforcement frame or special fiber provides increased strength of the product.

    • To ensure minimal moisture absorption, concrete of various grades can be used, with the addition of certain plasticizers and waterproofing agents.

    In some cases, self-production of rings without prior reinforcement is practiced. This allows you to significantly reduce the weight of the product and simplify the installation procedure, but at the same time the service life of the well made from such elements is somewhat reduced. Therefore, these rings are recommended to be used only for short-lived structures.

    Ring manufacturing technology

    To obtain a high-quality product, it is necessary to be especially careful in choosing the materials used to prepare the concrete mixture. Even if high-quality factory formwork for reinforced concrete rings is purchased, their quality and strength will be questionable if stale cement is used.

    For the manufacture of such reinforced concrete products, the following materials should be used:

    Production of well reinforced concrete rings using vibrocompression technology

    • Cement grade is at least 400, and it is necessary to choose only fresh material that has not been subjected to long-term storage.
    • It is better to use quartz sand, with medium grain size.
    • It is also considered important right choice crushed stone Preference should be given to more durable granite or limestone material. It is strictly forbidden to use broken bricks for the production of concrete.

    In order to ensure a high speed of production of rings, it is advisable to use household concrete mixers. They not only significantly reduce labor costs, but also allow for almost continuous filling of a separate ring, which has a positive effect on the quality of the product.

    A few words should be said about production technology. Quite often in home production they resort to manual compaction of concrete placed in formwork. However, its quality in many cases leaves much to be desired. Most best option- production of reinforced concrete products using vibrocompression technology.

    In this case, the formwork for well rings is placed on a special vibrating plate.

    When the drive (which can have a different design) operates, the plate oscillates with a high frequency and small amplitude. This ensures the maximum possible compaction of the concrete mixture.

    With high-quality compaction of concrete, it is possible to dismantle the formwork within a short period of time, which significantly increases the productivity of workers involved in the production of reinforced concrete rings.

    How to make formwork for rings

    The question of how to make formwork for reinforced concrete rings yourself worries many private developers. The main difficulty is associated with the curvilinearity of the surface, while the inward-facing sides must be highly smooth to ensure easy dismantling of the formwork elements.

    Previously, the production of such elements was carried out using a technology similar to the production of barrels:

    • To make the outer ring, two shields were prepared, with a cut out circle, the diameter of which corresponded to the outer size of the reinforced concrete ring. After that, narrow wooden rivets (planks with beveled edges) were attached along the entire circumference.
    • To make the inner ring, a series of rivets were pressed onto a circle-shaped blank.
    • After this, the inner formwork was inserted into the outer one. In this case, the surfaces facing the concrete were covered with a layer of roofing material to simplify dismantling.

    Making such formwork was labor-intensive, and it was not entirely convenient to use.

    A simpler method is to use metal barrels and air ducts of suitable diameter. To facilitate installation of the formwork, it is cut into 2 parts along straight vertical lines. In this case, door hinges are installed on one joint, and clamps are installed on the second joint, capable of holding the formwork closed. When making, keep in mind that outer ring should open outward and the inner inward. This design will be quite easy to remove from an already cast ring.

    The production of formwork and independent production of reinforced concrete rings can significantly reduce the costs of building an autonomous sewage system or laying other communications.

    Circumstances forced me with my own hands. In the hot summer of 2010, many summer residents were faced with the problem of providing water.

    The wells that provide uninterrupted water have dried up.

    When constructing wells, most owners of country and suburban areas use reinforced concrete rings with an internal diameter of 1000 mm and a height of 900 mm.

    It seems that deepening the well is not a problem, but...

    It will not be possible to settle the rings of a well that are clamped by soil; digging up a well from all sides is unrealistic...

    The first thing that comes to mind is that it’s easier to dig up a new one, but the price of rings of 2000 rubles instantly jumped to 2300-2400 rubles, they are out of stock, the queue is scheduled for 2-3 months in advance. But I’m thirsty and need to water the garden. If you wiggle your brains a little and get off the sofa near the TV, then this problem can be solved in a few days, saving a significant part of the family budget for some, and starting a profitable business for some. It goes without saying that the outer diameter of the rings for deepening an existing well should be less than 1000 mm. I took an outer diameter of 840 mm, an inner diameter of 700 mm and a ring height of 600 mm. Concrete for such a ring will require 100 liters, i.e., about 180 kg, for the preparation of which you need 50 kg of cement (180-190 rubles), 130 kg of sand (45-50 rubles), a bucket of water and approximately 10 kg of wire (let it be 100 rubles, but I’ll find 4-6 mm wire rod anyway or steal it somewhere). The cost is no more than 340 rubles. for 0.6 linear meters of the future well. How much would a standard ring cost 2,400 rubles if its height were not 900 mm, but 600 mm? 2400 rub. : 900 mm x 600 mm = 1600 rub. We save 1260 rubles. on each ring. I get off the sofa and go to the garage (also a workshop and warehouse for illiquid goods).

    To make it immediately clear, I show the finished DIY mold for well rings.

    This is what I needed to do. Actually make formwork for rings with your own hands not difficult. How to make a ring mold I came up with it quickly.

    If you know how to use metal scissors, a grinder and a little electric welding, the flag is in your hands and let the shabbys break off.

    Using metal scissors, I cut two rings from sheet steel 1.8 mm thick with an internal diameter of 840 mm and an external diameter of 900-950 mm. The outer diameter is not important - these will be stiffening ribs for the outer part of the formwork. The scissors cut fine if you lengthen the handles. I roll a sheet of metal 600 mm wide into a “tube”, there are rings on top and bottom, I boil it, I cut the resulting thing into two halves with a grinder, I reinforce the cut points with angle steel with holes for bolts for assembly and disassembly.

    It’s more difficult with the interior... we need to come up with something so that it is not pressed with concrete after pouring, and can be removed freely. Therefore, before pouring, its diameter must be equal to the design one, i.e. 700 mm, and after filling - decrease by 15-25 mm.

    I solved this problem by destroying two old car jacks and making a device from them to compress and expand on four sides.

    It's easier to show than to explain:

    I assemble the inner “barrel” from two round parts with a diameter of 700 mm (such as a bottom and a lid), and the wall of the barrel is again made of sheet steel 600 mm wide. I roll the sheet again into a tube so that it does not roll out - I tighten it with a cable and a winch, boil the bottom and lid. I cut out square holes in the lid and bottom of the finished barrel (I can’t cut round ones with a grinder), install inside the distortion that came out of the jacks, cut it into 4 parts, strengthening the cut points with a corner.

    I check if the compression-decompression mechanism works:

    Works fine.

    Let me digress a little: if you make sleeves from thin metal, for example, from galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.55-0.8 mm, a width of 600 mm and a diameter of 700 and 840 mm, then with their help you will not have to wait for the concrete poured into a homemade one to set, and immediately after vibrating the concrete mixture, remove the formwork. Thus, it will be possible to cast not just one ring per day, but as many as pairs of cartridges you prepare. Even the thin metal of the sleeves will prevent the concrete mixture from spreading after removing the formwork.

    In this photo, notice the bolts. They, among other things, act as decompression limiters.

    Now you know how to make formwork for rings. Next we knit the reinforcement frame. Its design can be any, the main thing is that the distance between the rods is no more than 200 mm in height and 300 in circumference. Diameter - 770 mm. Don't forget to release the loops.

    This is what I got:

    We hire free labor in the form of relatives to mix the concrete mixture in an old bathtub. I didn’t manage to catch my relatives, but I have a concrete mixer.

    We pour the finished mixture into a homemade formwork for rings, vibrate a piece of reinforcement and go drink beer on the sofa under the TV until the next day. Overnight the concrete will set and you can remove the homemade form.

    The outer part can be easily removed. The inner part should be removed carefully so as not to damage the walls of the ring. It’s better to do this together or build a lifting mechanism like a crane.

    Rings in natural conditions It’s better to let it sit for two weeks to gain strength, then you can load, transport, turn over, if you didn’t save on cement, of course...