Club activities for children. Sports for girls: which sports section to choose. Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills

Do you remember the first-grader’s song “Will there be more?”, where there were the following lines by Igor Shaferan: “For some reason they began to put more and more pressure on us. Nowadays, the first grade in school is like an institute”? A little more than 30 years have passed since that time, and first-graders can now actually study at institutes and universities.

Chemistry, physics, geometry and geography can now be taught almost from the cradle. There would be a desire. Photo: Olesya Kurpyaeva / "RG"

Many prestigious universities have clubs, sections and laboratories for students from 1st to 11th grades. Moreover, some of them are free.

Moscow State University offers the most extracurricular activities - there are more than 40 different clubs and schools for children. Moreover, unlike other universities, Moscow State University welcomes not only high school students, but also primary and secondary school students.

For children who are passionate about the world around them, geography, and natural science, we can recommend the School of Geography, which is located in the Museum of Geography of the main building of Moscow State University. Classes there are free and take place twice a month. What do children study?

The structure of the solar system, comparative characteristics of the planets, the program includes a review of the museum, trips to the apothecary garden of Moscow State University, excursions to the garden Faculty of Biology. We’ll discuss with the children why there is a change of seasons on Earth, but, for example, on Mercury and Venus there is no change,” says Nadezhda Belaya, a researcher at the Museum of Earth Sciences at Moscow State University.

By the way, parents are also allowed to attend classes in the main building of Moscow State University. So this is also a unique opportunity to see Moscow from the height of the 25th floor.

Young mathematicians, physicists, chemists, and biologists are welcome in the Laboratory of Scientific Creativity of the Specialized Educational and Scientific Center (SESC) of Moscow State University. Classes are held there in game form and are designed for students from 3rd to 5th grade. The classes are paid, one lesson costs a thousand rubles and lasts an hour and a half. Children are offered a course of 10 lessons. If you like it, you can go all year long. In physics, for example, students conduct experiments with soap films and study optical illusions. Biology provides a visual understanding of how a living organism works, children are introduced to plant cloning, and the scientific basis of caring for domestic and rare plants is explained.

Mathematics and physics are in greatest demand,” explains Laboratory Manager Elena Koval.

How can we explain such interest in physics, which is only taught at school in the 7th grade? During classes, children are told interestingly about those strange things and the phenomena that surround them.

For many years, Moscow State University has been running the so-called Small Mechanics and Mathematics Club - free math clubs that accept children from 1st to 11th grade. Additional enrollment is now open for 2nd and 5th grades. There are free math clubs in some Moscow schools.

Additional knowledge in physics can be obtained for free at MEPhI - a network school has been opened there, where lectures from the best university teachers are collected. But classes that are university partners have advantages here.

At HSE, most of the classes are designed for high school students who plan to enter this university, prepare for Olympiads and take the Unified State Exam.

At the Faculty of Pre-University Preparation of the Higher School of Economics, the emphasis is on preparing for the Unified State Exam those who will enroll in the humanities and socio-economic faculties. In addition, there is a preparation program for the State Examination in ninth grade. Price - 450-500 rubles per hour. The course of study is usually divided into modules; it is allowed to pay for them separately.

Now you can join the second module,” the faculty explained.

For schoolchildren from other regions, paid Internet classes are offered - “School of Economics”, “School of Law”, “School of Social Sciences” and others.

HSE has free courses and programs. For example, the School of Young Psychologist or the School of Young Orientalist.

The head of the School of Young Orientalists, Yulia Korovina, said that the goal of the classes is to expand students’ knowledge about Japan, Korea, China, and the countries of the Middle East, which school curriculum very little is studied.

In addition to lectures, which usually take place once a week, we conduct interactive classes, such as “Walking around Tokyo”, “Japanese costume”. Oriental languages ​​are not studied at school, but students are given knowledge about the history of languages ​​and their characteristics. In addition, we teach students to read and understand scientific texts and write abstracts,” said the head of the School of Young Orientalists.

In order to become a listener, it is enough to write an application. There are no exams or interviews, everyone is accepted. Usually this is about a hundred people a year. “Classes have started, but you can sign up now,” Yulia Korovina promised.

The best place to learn foreign languages ​​is at MGIMO. There are evening preparatory courses and separate programs in various foreign languages, designed for different levels of schoolchildren. Preparation for the Unified State Examination foreign language will cost from 30 to 64 thousand rubles per year (depending on the number of hours).

For future artists, classes are held at the School of Architectural Development at the Moscow Architectural Institute, where children from 1st to 11th grade are accepted. What is important: you can join classes at any time school year. There is no special selection, but after registration all children are divided by 10 different levels. Tuition is paid, costs 25-30 thousand rubles per semester. Classes are held on weekends.

Young designers and sculptors are ready to be accepted at the Children's Academy of Design of the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. Stroganov. Training - 8 thousand rubles per month.

We accept all children from 6 years old. Then some are eliminated, but it is important that this is not our decision, but the student’s,” explained Natalia Konkova, director of the Children’s Academy of Design.

IN junior classes Emphasis is placed on the development of imagination and imaginative thinking (children may be asked to draw a scared duck or a fun monkey). From the age of 11 the basics of classical drawing and painting begin.

Students have been coming to us for years and are upset that there are no classes in summer holidays, - comments the director.

All Academy graduates are 100% admitted to Stroganovka.

By the way

Schedule of lectures and classes for schoolchildren in universities (project "University Saturdays")


November 26 - What do robots think about? - open lecture with the direct participation of the Bioloid DarWin robot.

Moscow State Law Academy

State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin

Family club "Iskra" offers a wide selection of programs for a pleasant pastime for children of different ages.

Schoolchildren primary classes We are ready to offer educational activities for children 7 years old. In a studio "Lego" Fascinating design lessons await them, allowing them to develop spatial thinking, improve communication functions, and also facilitate communication with others. Are you looking for where to send your child to gain new knowledge at age 7? Studio Pyrography offers entertainment that looks more than exotic in the age of gadgets. Wood burning gives unlimited scope for creativity, does not require serious expenses, and has no restrictions on physical capabilities.

Search common language with peers bring your child to the brink of breakdown? Developmental classes for children 8 years old with a psychologist in a group "Communication, interaction" will help turn the most stubborn silent person into a communicative leader, ready to offer an equal partnership, correctly set priorities, analyze his own behavior and the actions of others.

Interesting clubs for children 7 years old will help the child find his place in life. Those who like to put everything in order will enjoy games that challenge logic and attention: chess, origami. Here, elementary school students can learn the basics of ancient art in the company of peers under the guidance of experienced and attentive teachers.

From 9 years and older: learning to be creative

Activities for children over 9 years old are designed to diversify the leisure time of schoolchildren. Studio painting focused on developing previously acquired artistic skills. In the process, an understanding of the rules for painting portraits, graphics, still lifes, and landscapes is formed. Another good way manifestations creativity- participation in theatrical productions on English language. In the process, easy and correct pronunciation is formed, vocabulary expands, and communication skills improve.

Developmental activities at the age of 9 years allow you to significantly diversify your leisure time. As part of the program "The backyard of my dreams" young Muscovites can learn the basics landscape design, gain knowledge and skills that allow you to do the world more beautiful and interesting. Learning the game on piano, guitar, bagpipes and violin It’s also not too late to start even in middle school. Children 10 years of age and older attending the club will benefit from modern teaching methods and attentive attitude of teachers. Playing the flute is also available for mastering. During developmental classes for children 10 years old, the basics are mastered and fluency in playing the instrument is developed.

For teenagers and high school students: choosing a path in life

Older children are not so interested in games and entertainment - they are making plans for the future. They will be helped with this by:

  • Clubs for children over 11 years old - choir, English, allowing to improve the level of initial training;
  • a club for children 12 years old - a studio for playing guitar + vocals will help the growing musician find his way in life, give him an advantage in communicating with peers, and allow him to establish his authority in the team;
  • clubs for children aged 13 years - journalism, allowing schoolchildren with literary inclinations to gain first experience in conducting professional activities as a reporter;
  • clubs for children over 14 years old - career guidance will help you make your final choice before entering college or choosing a university.

All classes are held within the walls of the Iskra club using approved and approved methods. The teaching staff has great experience and vocational training. Registration is possible by phone or by visiting the center.

In addition to school, it is necessary to pay attention to sections additional education, in particular, sports. This is how the child will develop physically:

  • strengthen muscles and the entire musculoskeletal system;
  • straighten your posture;
  • take care of the immune system;
  • restore emotional background;
  • train your lungs and heart.
Moral qualities will also develop:
  • strength of mind;
  • desire to win;
  • leadership;
  • courage;
  • perseverance.
In this article we will tell you which sport to send a girl to to strengthen her physical condition so that she enjoys the section.

What to look for when choosing classes

Choosing the right direction depends on many factors:
  • age;
  • inclinations and hobbies;
  • physique;
  • goals pursued;
  • health conditions;
  • temperament.

It is also important to consider:

  • cost of education;
  • the location of the club and the opportunity to visit it regularly;
  • training schedule;
  • student body and teaching staff;
  • costs for additional inventory.

Features of the figure

Ballet schools are more suitable for fragile inches with an ascetic physique. Large-boned babies will have a hard time lifting themselves on their toes - this can lead to injury, and they will also feel uncomfortable in a ballet class. It would be best for them to choose dances of other styles - pop, sports, folk or modern.

Rhythmic or artistic gymnastics is also suitable for skinny people; it strengthens the muscles and skeleton, making it stronger. Slender but athletic girls aged 10-12 will feel comfortable in athletics, rowing, cycling, swimming or skiing. Such exercises strengthen muscles and develop endurance, willpower, and speed.

If your child has a tendency to be overweight or has problems with overweight, then it is worth considering options with moderate but regular physical activity. So that after the first workout the schoolgirl does not feel exhausted, she needs to gradually increase the load, which will give an excellent result. Figure skating and gymnastics perfectly develop flexibility, while honing your figure.

Equestrian sport is suitable for a short child. Short riders are easier to handle in the saddle and achieve greater results.

In team sports for girls (usually 11-13 years old), body type must also be taken into account. Women's hockey is suitable for large schoolgirls, basketball and volleyball for tall ones, and synchronized swimming or pair figure skating for short, skinny girls.

Age limits

Starting from the age of three, the baby must already be accustomed to physical exercise to improve health and direct activity in the right direction. But from the age of 5-6, you can already think about a professional career if the child strives for this. Preschool children are put into groups with special coaching staff - instructors are trained to properly communicate with little athletes, from a psychological point of view, they find good motivation and teach them not to lose heart in case of failure.

But if you are not trying to raise a future Olympic champion, but are simply deciding which sport to choose for general development girls aged from 7 to 12-15 years old, to occupy her after school, then the choice is very large. It’s never too late to start training, but the schoolgirl must have a desire and interest, then the training will be most effective. The optimal periods for different directions are:

  • For rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, water skiing, diving, tennis and table tennis, acrobatics and dancing - from 6 years.
  • For alpine skiing, badminton, basketball and football - from 7 years.
  • For hockey, biathlon, athletics, baseball or rounders - from 8 years.
  • For cycling, equestrian sports, fencing and various types of wrestling - from 9 years.
  • Rowing and shooting, including archery – from 10 years.

Sports or pop dancing is suitable for any age.

What kinds of sports are there for girls with health restrictions?

Most sections recruit based on medical certificates provided by parents. Depending on the diagnosis or susceptibility to diseases, the following may not be suitable:
  • Shooting, tennis, biathlon - not recommended for children with poor eyesight. With high myopia, there may also be restrictions on strength and traumatic activities, since a fall from a horse, a blow during sparring and other mechanical impacts can lead to serious deterioration.
  • If you have spinal problems, you should not put excessive stress on the lumbar area. Gymnastics can negatively affect a girl’s condition due to bending and bending.
  • Cardiovascular disease is a contraindication for cardio training, so skiing, athletics and speed skating are not suitable for such children.
The following have a positive impact:
  • Children's yoga, Pilates - on the nervous system.
  • Swimming generally strengthens the body; exercise in the pool is recommended for all people at any age, including for recovery from injuries. You should not exercise only if you have dermatological problems.
  • All winter sports for girls are the best helpers for strengthening immunity and hardening at the age of 6 to 13 years. With the onset of adolescence, disruptions in the immune system may appear and you need to insulate yourself more. For adult athletes and tall teenagers suitable clothes Stayer brand. This company produces high-quality sports equipment at affordable prices.
  • Cardio training strengthens the heart, blood vessels, and lungs.
  • Dancing and gymnastics, acrobatics - contribute to the development of flexibility and strengthening of the entire musculoskeletal system.

What sports sections are there for girls 5 years old?

Preschool children are positively affected by those sports that do not disrupt the natural development and formation of muscles. The skeleton should also not be overloaded. Therefore, it is necessary to choose clubs with professional trainers who will plan feasible loads.

The following activities are optimal:

  • Swimming. Training in the pool helps relieve tension and nervous excitement, this will calm the baby. The girl will subsequently be able to join the synchronized swimming or diving section, but at the age of 5-6 years it is important to learn how to swim different styles and master the basic rules of direction.
  • If you have a tomboy growing up, then you can consider group training in women's football, hockey, basketball, volleyball or handball. At such a section she will be able to find friends with a similar temperament. But you should not forget about safety precautions, choose the appropriate equipment and sportswear.
  • An artistic girl can be encouraged to express herself in rhythmic gymnastics or acrobatics. Preschoolers are very flexible, so this age is ideal for starting classes.
  • Athletics is the choice of active and restless teenagers. Running and jumping will help the child to splash out his energy and at the same time cultivate determination and discipline.
  • Winter sports will help strengthen the little athlete's immunity. If you ski yourself, then it will be easier for you to teach your daughter and involve her in family time. Don't forget about warm and comfortable clothing. The online ski clothing store "Stayer" offers sets at an affordable price. Stayer products are very wear-resistant - a down jacket will last you at least 5-6 years of constant wear.
  • Figure skating and dancing form a polished figure and grace. Girls like such activities most of all, so they continue to practice in the sports section until they are 10-13 years old to improve their skills. Many girls go to training even after finishing school.

Memo to parents: what you need to know before visiting a sports club

First of all, sport should be useful, interesting and accessible. That's why:
  • Before your first classes, undergo a medical examination. The pediatrician will assess the baby’s general well-being, tell you how she is developing physically and what needs to be emphasized. Often these are tips to strengthen your posture. Learn about non-recommended exercises. Take the necessary certificates for the institution; without them, you may not be allowed to participate in swimming pool classes or group clubs.
  • Develop a routine. If a girl goes to kindergarten, preschool or school, take care of an even load. If you have several hobbies, you shouldn’t put them on top of each other, otherwise you may not have any strength left for anything. Spread your workouts on different days.
  • Meet the coaching staff, ask for instructor certificates and diplomas. Having an incompetent teacher next to your child can lead to injury or simply an ineffective, uninteresting time.
  • Buy sportswear and equipment. A number of clubs require expensive equipment - for cycling, equestrian sports, snowboarding, cross-country skiing. In addition to the main equipment, you need to purchase sportswear and shoes. If a girl has signed up for dancing or figure skating or gymnastics, then for performances she will need outfits that can be sewn to order or independently.
  • Consider the financial side of the issue. Some workouts can be done with your family - running in the morning, skiing or skating, but visiting the section is paid monthly.
  • Think about transport accessibility. If you have the opportunity to transport your daughter in your car, then calculate the distance and choose a route. If a schoolgirl travels by public transport herself, then she needs to look at the bus directions so that she does not have to travel with transfers or stand in traffic jams for a long time.
With the transition to the middle school level, the desire to continue training often disappears, but it is from the age of 13-14 that parents begin to worry about their daughter’s employment.

Adolescence dictates its own rules, therefore:

  • Don't insist. If you force a teenager to attend classes, this will only lead to rejection and open confrontation.
  • Encourage. The girl wanted to quit dancing and decided to sign up for hockey? Approve her choice, maybe this is exactly what she needs now.
  • Let's choose. Offer several options with tempting prospects. She will probably like something from the list.
We talked about sports for girls and gave some tips on choosing a sports section. Instill love for physical activity from early childhood!


Review from Marina

My daughter and I express our gratitude to coaches Vladimir Zrelov and Pavel Zrelov for interesting training! Individual approach, regardless of how many people in the group are studying at the same time. Both Vladimir and Pavel are kind, calm, attentive trainers. My daughter is ready to study every day! Thank you very much for the great job!
And in general, we really like the European Gymnastics Center - cool equipment, the ability to register online for classes at a time convenient for us, and not tied to a specific time, a large number of centers throughout Moscow! Super! We are very pleased!


The first competition "Coming into force"! We are still very far from reaching the ranks, but the children (especially the adults) tried! Thanks to our EUROPEGYM (Lokomotiv) for the excellent organization of the competition, for the festive and exciting, positive atmosphere! It was especially interesting to watch the older children (in particular my daughter), with what struggle, awareness and responsibility they approached the tests, which was unexpected for me. The results of the eldest child pleased me very much (47th place out of 134 children in the age group 7-11 years old)! The younger one, of course, had more fun and failed half of the tests, but what can you take from a little, hooligan, big-ass man who’s not even 4 yet! But the best part is that absolutely all the children received medals, balls and rubber bracelets “Coming into Strength”, so the end of the competition was truly festive, joyful and bright! Many thanks to our coaches Konstantin Pavlov (coaches his daughter - age 7-11 years) and Alexander Smirnov (coaches his son - age 3-5). Everyone deserves an award! It’s a pity that there are only 3 medals in big sports!


Review from Maria

My daughter and I have been studying in a 1.5-3 year old group for several months. An excellent center, I am glad that all the equipment is in excellent condition and clean. Special thanks to our coach Gareev Radmir. He is wonderful, with a very attentive, calm and friendly approach to children. The lesson program is varied and intense. The child really looks forward to classes and is very happy. Thank you very much to Radmir for his attitude and work!


Review from Julia

We study at the center with the whole family: parents in the 18+ group at the same time as children in the 5-7 group. Every time we go to class it’s like it’s a holiday. This center is just a godsend for us: 1) Family subscription, 2) you can start training at any level of training - everyone is given essentially an individual task. I started with zero preparation. 3) Simultaneous training for the whole family - no one gets bored in the corner. 4) flexible lesson schedule - you can go to your age group on any day, to any trainer. 5) I especially want to note the discipline in the classroom. The trainers are smiling, polite, but consistent.
Over the course of six months, the children became noticeably stronger and fitter. If in the youth sports school they train with the capable and focus on the strong, then here they train with everyone and rejoice in overcoming themselves even in small things. Thank you for making sports a joy!


Review from Olga

I would like to thank the wonderful coach Radmir Gareev! Thanks to a well-structured training process, the son happily goes to classes, and then, with no less joy and pride, upon returning from training, he declares: “I worked out well today!” The son became more interested in a sports lifestyle, which immediately affected his physical development. Both children and parents are very pleased with the results of the classes! Thank you very much!


Review from Olga

My son has been going to a group led by Dmitry Kalyuzhny since September. The child studies with great pleasure and does not want to go to classes with anyone else. The result was visible within a month. The perfect combination of discipline and the ability to understand and communicate with children. Thank you very much for your professionalism.