Summary of joint educational activities of teachers with children “Conversation about Russian folk crafts” in the middle group. Project on the topic: “Russian folk culture” for children of the middle group Integration of educational areas

Name: Abstract of the educational activity “Trip to the folk crafts fair”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, patriotic education, Senior group

Position: teacher (corresponding to position)
Place of work: MBDOU d/c k.v. No. 11 “Crane”
Location: Stavropol city, Stavropol region

Summary of GCD in the senior group:

"A Journey to a Crafts Fair."

Compiled and conducted:

teacher Sedina N.V.

2014-2015 academic year

Software tasks:

1. Cognitive:

Continue introducing children to Russian folk crafts: Khokhloma, Gzhel, Gorodets toy, Zhostovo trays, etc.

Develop observation skills, the ability to see the distinctive features of products, backgrounds, painting colors, and pattern elements;

To introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture.

2. Social and communicative:

To develop children's interest in folk arts and crafts;

Foster a sense of pride in the talent of your people, respect for the masters;

Continue to instill in children a love for folk traditions, folk music, oral folk art.

3. Speech:

Activate your vocabulary with words: "fair", "Gzhel", "Khokhloma", "Gorodets toy", "Matryoshka".

4. Artistic and aesthetic:

To promote the development of aesthetic taste in children, the formation of beauty;

To teach to see the beauty, originality and originality of products;

Make children want to be in the role of craftsmen painting nesting dolls.

5. Physical:

Develop fine motor skills hands

Preliminary work:

Introduce children to Russian folk crafts: -examination of illustrations, albums, dishes, toys,

Working with coloring books;

While walking, drawing elements of painting on the snow;

Conversations with children about Russian folk traditions;

Introducing children to Russian folk games “Motalochka”, “Burners with a handkerchief”.

Working with parents:

an appeal to parents with a request to learn with their children the riddle poems given to them about Russian folk crafts.

Material and equipment:

— elements of Russian folk clothing for children and teachers (to create a positive emotional mood)

- products of Russian folk crafts: wooden dishes with Khokhloma painting, objects of Gzhel ceramics, samples of Gzhel painting, dishes and toys with Gorodets painting, dishes and trays with Zhostovo painting, various Russian nesting dolls.

— illustrations depicting a fair

— attributes necessary for games;

- various treats (a bunch of bagels, dried cakes, gingerbread cookies, decorations, wicker baskets and other miscellaneous items and souvenirs that could be sold at the fair.

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognition", "Communication", " Artistic creativity", "Physical Culture"

Progress of the lesson:

Part 1 - Greetings:

Teacher 1: Hello guys! Today is a wonderful day and we want to invite you to go on a journey with us! Do you agree???

Children: Yessssssssssssssssssssss...

Educator 1 : Then I suggest we start…. We will take you back to the past. Let's go back many, many years and find out what crafts our ancestors owned.

The music “Ah, the fair” begins to sound and the children enter the group.

Teacher 1: Oh guys... we went to an exhibition, a crafts fair... Look at Khokhloma, and here is Gzhel, etc.

2nd Main part: description of crafts:

Teacher 2: Come in, dear guests, don’t be shy!!! Check out our products! Are these products familiar to you?

Children: Yeahhhh..... Nooooooo...

Teacher 2: Let me tell you, dear guys, about our products. (the following story is accompanied by a demonstration of dishes and toys)

  1. Gzhelsky the products are always easy to distinguish: they are made of white clay and painted with bluish-blue broad strokes, reproducing floral arrangements or scenes from folk life. Tabletop sculpture has always been given a large place in Gzhel crafts. This small figurines or a group of figures from 5 to 20 cm in height, depicting characters from fairy tales, plot or everyday scenes, as well as children's toys.
  2. Gorodetskaya The wooden toy has a variety of themes: people, horses, ships, etc. The expressiveness of the form, bright, vibrant colors, naive “childish” ornament - all this gives the toy originality and freshness.
  3. Zhostovo painting - folk craft artistic painting of metal trays, existing in the village of Zhostovo. Painting is usually done on a black background (sometimes on red, blue, green, silver), and the master works on several trays at once.

The main motive of the painting is flower bouquet a simple composition in which large garden and small wildflowers alternate.

According to their purpose, trays are divided into two groups: for household purposes (for samovars, for serving food) and as decoration.

Trays are shaped like round, octagonal, combined, rectangular, oval, etc.

  1. Khokhloma is a decorative painting of wooden utensils and furniture, made in red, green and golden tones on a black background. When painting, a silver-tin powder is applied to the wood, not gold. After this, the product is coated with a special composition and processed three or four times in the oven, which achieves a honey-golden color, giving the light wooden utensils a massive effect.
  2. Matryoshka, Russian beauty What attracts her? With its simplicity and bright painting. The beauty of the nesting doll is not only its colorfulness, but also its entertaining nature. Everyone is delighted and surprised by the dolls nested inside one another. Each matryoshka has its own facial expression.

The most famous are the Semenov and Zagorsk nesting dolls, as well as the Polkhov-Maidan ones. They all differed in elements of painting, but each was “dressed” in a peasant costume: a painted sundress, a scarf, a shawl, an apron.


Teacher1: Guys, now you have learned about the main folk crafts in Rus', and now guess the riddles about them. (The riddles are told by children who have previously learned them, and the rest of the children in the group guess them):

Leaves, berries, flowers,

Stem, curl,

Here the owners are three colors:

Black, red, gold.

Who brought this product? (Khokhloma)

If there is a girl on the board

Or a daring fellow,

Miracle horse and miracle bird -

This means... (Gorodets)

Various shapes, iron
Very useful on the farm
Black, yellow, red
Amazingly beautiful

(Zhostovo trays)

Cups, teapots and vases

Distinguish these immediately.

White background of snow whiter,

Blue sky of blue.

Lace is a miracle

Where did the merchants bring it from? (From Gzhel)

There is one toy for you,

Not a horse, not Parsley.

Scarlet silk handkerchief,

Bright sundress with flowers,

The hand rests on the wooden sides.

And there are secrets inside:

Maybe three, maybe six.

Got a little flushed

Our….(Russian nesting doll)

Teacher 2: Oh guys, how great you are!!! And you know everything, and you remember everything, and you know how to solve riddles!!!

Productive activity.

Teacher 1: dear guys, now we suggest you take a little break. Come here. On this table you see nesting dolls. What do they lack (children's answers). Yes, you are absolutely right, these nesting dolls have no faces and are not painted. We invite you to choose a nesting doll for yourself, sit down at the tables, take brushes and paint your nesting doll with paints..... (Children complete the task) What a great fellow you are! You have such bright and unusual nesting dolls.

Game physical minutes:

Teacher 2: Now let's play with you the games that children played in Rus'.

"Burners with a handkerchief"

Players stand in pairs one behind the other. The driver is in front, holding a handkerchief in his hand above his head.
All in unison.
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Look at the sky
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
The children of the last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left). The one who reaches the driver first takes a handkerchief from him and stands with it in front of the column, and the latecomer “burns,” that is, leads.


To this useful game You can get ready in three minutes.

Take a long rope and two sticks, and you can make a knot in the middle.

Let's start the competition. Have two participants take the sticks and quickly begin to wrap the string around them.

Whoever finishes the knot first becomes the winner.

Part 3 - Lesson summary:

Teacher 1: Oh guys, how clever and fast you are! Well done! Oh, it seems we forgot to do something! Look closely at our nesting dolls! Is there something wrong with them?!

Children answer that they have no faces

Teacher 1: That's right guys! I suggest you go to the last table - and from the variety of faces, choose the one for your nesting doll that matches your mood at that moment!

Children complete the task.

Teacher 1: Guys, where did we go today and what did we talk about?

Children answer:...

Teacher 1: That's right, and now I suggest you sit down and return from the fair to our kindergarten.

Tatyana Andreevna Popova

Integrated cycles of classes on familiarization with Russian folk culture


We can say with confidence that most of us, unfortunately, are very superficially familiar with folk culture and the past of our people. How did Russian people live? How did they work and how did they rest? What made them happy and what worried them? What customs did they observe? How did you decorate your home?

We consider it necessary to make preschoolers aware that they are carriers of Russian folk culture and to educate them in national traditions.

We have developed integrated cycles of classes to introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture, united by a common theme.

Wide use of folklore (fairy tales, songs, ditties, proverbs, sayings, etc.). Oral folk art, like nowhere else, reflects the traits of the Russian character and its inherent moral values ​​- ideas about kindness, beauty, truth, fidelity, etc. A special place in such works is occupied by a respectful attitude towards work and admiration for the skill of human hands.

Getting to know the traditions folk signs and rituals, ritual holidays. They contain the most subtle observations of people characteristic features seasons, weather changes, behavior of birds, insects, plants, beliefs in amulets, etc.

Introduction to Russian folk games and counting rhymes. Russian folk games are one of the genres of oral folk art. They contain information that gives an idea of Everyday life our ancestors, their life, work, worldview. Games were an indispensable element of folk ritual holidays. Games satisfy children's thirst for action. Games provide abundant food for the mind and imagination.

Theatrical activities of children. Children learn to act out familiar songs, nursery rhymes, fables, fairy tales, etc. Finger theater, bibabo theater and costume theater are used. In the process of theatrical activities, children feel more deeply the atmosphere of the past, get acquainted with everyday objects, etc.

Acquaintance with musical folklore. Children learn to listen and sing Russian folk songs, lead round dances with humming, and perform the movements of Russian folk dances.

Introduction to decorative and applied arts. Children will learn the history of the origin of folk crafts. In the process of artistic and creative activity, they learn to perform elements of decorative painting.

Creation in the group of a mini-museum of objects characteristic of Russian folk life. Such mini-museums have a great influence on the formation of a child’s mental qualities - they develop curiosity and cultivate a sense of beauty.

Class notes

September Theme of the series “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”

Lesson 1. Speech development

Subject:“Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden.”

Program content. Cultivate interest in oral folk art. Introduce children to the nursery rhyme “Our Goat.” Learn to solve descriptive riddles. Consolidate knowledge about vegetables, fruits and berries; their names.

Material. Stick (length 1 m), goat-dragonfly toy, basket, natural vegetables, fruits and berries: carrots, cucumbers, onions, turnips, cabbage, apples, currants; 3 plates, apples for treating children.

Preliminary work. Learning the nursery rhyme “Our goat.” Explanation of words and expressions: “kneaded dough”, “stood the stove”, “told fairy tales”, “fables”, “unheard of”. Selection of visual material. Learning Russian while walking folk game“Gardener”, an explanation of the expressions found in the game “towards the end of the war”, “everyone will take by the tuft”.

Russian folk game "Ogorodnik".

Each player calls himself a vegetable. Everyone stands in a circle. One child - a gardener - goes into the middle of the circle and knocks on the ground with a stick.

Children ask the gardener:

- Who's there?

He answers:

- Gardener.

- Why did you come?

- For turnips!

After this, everyone leads a round dance, dances and says:

The turnip is green on top

Thick in the middle

Towards the end of the East,

Hides his tail under himself.

Whoever approaches her

Anyone will take it by the tunic.

The gardener must name which of the guys is a turnip. If he guessed right, the “turnip” runs away from him, and the gardener tries to catch up.

Progress of the lesson

There is a knock on the door. The dragonfly goat (toy) comes to visit the children. The goat brings a gift - a basket with berries, fruits and vegetables. At first, the basket is closed, and children cannot see what is in it.

The teacher invites the children to sing a nursery rhyme about a goat:

Our Dragonfly Goat

He was so smart:

He even walked on water

He also kneaded the dough,

He also lit the stove,

And he fed the kids,

I greased the cakes with cottage cheese,

Sang songs and told fairy tales,


Unheard of.

The teacher says that Kozlik really liked the song. Then he asks Kozlik what is in his basket. The dragonfly goat invites the children to guess riddles - this way they will find out what is in the basket.

Red maiden

Sitting in prison

And the braid is on the street.


No windows, no doors,

The room is full of people.


I grew up in the garden

My character is smooth:

Wherever I go

I will bring everyone to tears.


Around, but not a month,

Yellow, but not butter,

With a tail, but not a mouse.


One hundred clothes -

And all without fasteners.


Round, rosy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children.


A lush bush of black berries -

They taste good!


The teacher takes out the named vegetables, fruits and berries and puts them on the table.

Held didactic game“What grows in the garden and vegetable garden.” The goat asks the children to place vegetables, fruits and berries on three plates: the first plate is berries, the second plate is vegetables, the third plate is fruits. At the end of the game, the teacher and Kozlik ask the children what is growing in the garden. Children name the berries and fruits lying on the first and third plates. Then the teacher asks: “What grows in the garden?” Children name the vegetables lying on the second plate.

As a farewell, Kozlik asks the children to sing the song again. Gives each child an apple and specifies what it is: a vegetable, a fruit, a berry? Says goodbye and leaves.

Lesson 2. Modeling

Subject:“We make vegetables and fruits.”

Program content. Consolidate knowledge of riddles about vegetables and fruits. Develop initiative, independence and Creative skills. Strengthen the ability to sculpt familiar objects using previously learned techniques. Draw children's attention to the final result of the work.

Material. Basket with natural vegetables and fruits (carrots, cucumbers, onions, turnips, cabbage, apples). Plasticine, modeling board (for each child).

Preliminary work. Making riddles about vegetables and fruits. During the walk, play the Russian folk game “Ogorodnik” (see above).

Progress of the lesson

The teacher reminds the children that in the previous lesson the Dragonfly Goat brought them a lot of vegetables and fruits as a gift. (Showing a basket of vegetables and fruits.)

Invites the children to play game "Guess":“You ask me riddles, and I will try to guess them. In case of difficulty, you guys will help me.”

Children remember familiar riddles.

Red maiden

Sitting in prison

And the braid is on the street.


No windows, no doors,

The room is full of people.


I grew up in the garden

My character is smooth:

Wherever I go

I will bring everyone to tears.


Around, but not a month,

Yellow, but not butter,

With a tail, but not a mouse.


One hundred clothes -

And all without fasteners.


Round, rosy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children.


A lush bush of black berries -

They taste good!


The teacher involves children in solving riddles, demonstrates the answers - vegetables and fruits: “This is what a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits has ripened in our gardens and orchards!”

Then he invites the children to fashion any vegetables and fruits they wish.

Encourages children's desire to make different vegetables and fruits on their own.

Draws attention to modeling techniques used by children. Reminds you of the correct techniques for sculpting objects of round, oval, elongated shape.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher reviews the completed work with the children and offers to classify them: arrange vegetables and fruits separately.

Summary of the conversation “Hail, Russia, miracle masters” for senior preschool age

Program content:

Expand children's understanding of folk crafts.


1. Continue to introduce children to folk crafts: Khokhloma, Gzhel, Filimonovskaya, Semenovskaya, Dymkovskaya toys.
2. Instill love and interest in Russian antiquity and folklore traditions.
3. Development of attention, memory, cognitive interest.
4. Development of hearing and listening skills.


Dymkovo, Filimonov, Semyonov toys, objects with Khokhloma painting, Gzhel.

Progress of the lesson:

Part 1: introductory

The teacher welcomes the children and wishes them success in the lesson.

Communication game “Friendly palms”

How to play: Children form a circle. The teacher offers to greet each other using their palms, showing how this can be done. Reads a poem:

We put palm to palm
And they offered their friendship to everyone
(join hands)

Let's play together
To become kind and smart!
(raise hands up)

Are we hurting each other? No no no!
Do we respect each other? Yes Yes Yes!
(open hands)

Then the children pass compliments around the circle, taking turns saying something nice to each other.

Part 2: main

Teacher (in Russian folk costume):

Glory to our side, glory to our antiquity
And about this antiquity, I’ll start talking
So that children can know about the affairs of their native land.


Children, do you know about our great people? About how people lived, sang songs, made crafts?


After all, we must not forget the legends of antiquity.


There was such a miracle master. The old people told different things about him, whether he settled in a deep forest, built a hut, built a table and a spoon, carved wooden dishes. I cooked wheat porridge and did not forget to sprinkle millet on the chicks. Once a firebird flew to his doorstep, touched his cup with its wing, and it turned golden. This is a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it, and not from this fairy tale did amazing beauty emerge?

All the leaves are like leaves,
here everyone is golden,
such beauty people

A teacher with children examines Khokhloma products.


Soon the fairy tale will tell...
One merchant went to travel to Russia with a scarlet rose that his wife gave him. But the rose froze from the frost and turned blue. The Gzhel masters saw this beautiful flower and painted it on their products. Only not scarlet, but blue. And the merchant took this dish to his wife as a gift.

The teacher asks a riddle:

The blue fairy tale is a feast for the eyes,
Like spring drops,
Affection, care, warmth and patience,
Friendly ringing...

The teacher and children are looking at the products of Gzhel masters.


There is a village near Tula called Filimonovo
And the craftswomen live there,
That they bring good things to homes,
And the good there is not simple,
And not gold, silver,
It's called a Filimonov toy.


We came up with a lot of toys folk craftsmen for children. Made from different materials. They especially loved making figurines of animals and birds (looking at toys).


There are different kinds of toys in the world: made of straw, clay, wood, fabric. And this toy has lived in Russia for more than a hundred years. Guess who I'm talking about.

We have one toy
Not a horse, not parsley,
Beautiful maiden
Every sister
For the smaller dungeon.

Do you know that the artist Sergei Malyutin saw the prototype of a wooden empty doll in Japan. But this doll was angry, it looked like an old Japanese man. So the artist dressed the doll in Russian costume. And the craftsmen who carve and paint nesting dolls are kind, cheerful, talkative people! Yes, what a joyful toy. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Like the master, so is the work.” And the craftsmen live in the village of Semenovo.

Near Vyatka itself there is a village called Dymkovo,
A cheerful corner bordered by forests,
Noble masters and craftswomen live there,
And the village is famous, but you know why?

(Children answer).


With your toy,
There is no smoky color in it,
What grayness is gray.
And the toys are unusual, magical, painted.

Examination of Dymkovo toys (turkey, horse, young lady)

What is the same about these toys? (patterns)

This is our land - the land of craftsmen, people whose hands are friends with an axe, a saw, clay and paints. After all, a person can turn wood and clay into housing, useful things, and toys. The skill is passed on from fathers to sons, from grandfathers to grandchildren and great-grandsons. They teach their craft not only for benefit, but also for beauty.

Part 3: final

What was particularly interesting for you?
- What will you tell your parents about at home?
-Which painting did you like best? Why?

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for middle group.

Summary of educational activities for the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the surrounding reality “Acquaintance with folk toys”

Target: to form an idea of ​​​​folk toys, introduce them to the traditions of the Russian people, develop attention, speech, expand vocabulary, continue to introduce oral folk art.
Introduce children to national and cultural traditions, introduce them to Russian folk toys; develop interest in folk toys;
To cultivate the desire to create and create ourselves based on Russian folk art;
Introduce children to Russian folk toys; learn to distinguish by shape, color, pattern. Learn to carefully glue applique parts. develop children's aesthetic taste.
To develop creative perception, imagination, memory, speech, attention, observation, holistic visual perception of the surrounding world.
Integration O.O: Cognition, communication, socialization, physical education. Educator: Guys, do you like toys? (Yes) What do you do with them? (We play) Where do your parents get their toys? (They buy it in a store) And I know that you know poems about toys, tell me. (Children recite poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” series)
Educator: That's how different toys are. Previously, parents made toys for their children themselves from scrap materials or bought them at the fair.
Educator: And today I want to introduce you to a very interesting toys, and which ones you will find out by solving my riddles:
There are different girlfriends nearby,
But they look alike.
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy.
Children: Matryoshka!
Educator: Right! This is a matryoshka! (Showing a matryoshka doll). What is the matryoshka made of? (made of wood)
Educator: Guys, do you know that craftsmen use linden, birch, and larch to make nesting dolls? For their work, craftsmen use the highest quality wood, without knots or cracks. (Show slides of trees) Now, look at the nesting dolls on my table.
How tall are they? (different)
Educator: Matryoshka, old traditional, folk toy. It is not by chance that they call it folk, why?
That's right, because it was made by the kind hands of Russian people.
- Guys, look how many nesting dolls there are here.
-What is she like? (ornate, painted, beautiful)
-Why is it painted? (because it is painted, painted, the sundress is decorated with flowers)
Educator: Well, let's see what else was sold at the fair?
Look at the toys! (Slideshow of Dymkovo toys).
The toys are not simple,
And magically painted.
Snow-white, like birch trees,
A seemingly simple pattern
But I can’t look away.
These, guys, are Dymkovo toys.
Educator: Guys, what kind of Dymkovo toys did we see and sculpt?
(ladies, horses, turkeys, chickens, roosters). Please note - they were sculpted from clay, the stories for the toys were taken from the street. Why were they sculpting!? (to decorate your home, please friends, children). And now I’ll tell you how it’s made.
Clay was brought in in the spring and stored until autumn. Then it was soaked, sculpted, fired and dipped into a bucket of chalk diluted with milk. They painted it. The brightest colors were used. Which!? (red, yellow, blue, green).
Name the elements of the pattern (circle, dots, rings, stripes, wavy line)
The egg whites were covered on top. Not a single craft was repeated.

A turkey walks around the yard (steps in place)
Among ducks and friends
Suddenly he saw a rook (he stopped and looked down)
Got angry in the heat of the moment (stomping feet)
Flapping his wings (with his hands, patting himself on the sides)
All swollen up like a ball (hands on the belt)
Or a copper samovar (clasp rounded hands in front of the chest)
Shake his beard (shake his head)
He rushed like an arrow (running in place)
Educator: Did you like the toys? They are affectionately and affectionately called “dymka”, because these toys are made in the village of Dymkovo, and they are called Dymkovo toys.
What are these toys called? (Dymkovo toys.)
What are Dymkovo toys made of? (Made from clay.)
Presenter. Here are the different types of toys there are. Adults have long made various toys and fun for children. Any material was suitable for this - from a piece of clay a whistle was made, from a piece of wood - amusing bear cubs, chickens, and little whistles. And from the remains of the fabric, wonderful rag dolls were born. This is not just a children's toy, it is an integral attribute of ancient rituals. It was believed that dolls made by hand from scrap materials have magical properties. Our ancestors believed that dolls were able to ward off evil spirits and bring happiness to the house.
(Slideshow of rag dolls)
Presenter: These are some interesting rag dolls. All you have to do is cast a little magic, and the toy comes to life. Guys, a doll made of rags means what is it? (rag)
Educator: Ragdoll was the most common toy. They took care of the dolls: the girl grows up, becomes a mother and passes her doll on to her daughter. A rag doll lived in every family. The children made them themselves, they began to “twirl”, i.e. making a doll from the age of five. While playing with dolls, girls learned to sew, embroider, and spin.
All the dolls were dressed up beautiful dresses, which were made with a special meaning - each outfit meant something different. But any outfit had to include red.
Educator: Red is the color of the sun, health, joy, warmth; it was also believed that red protects against the evil eye and troubles.
Look carefully at these dolls, while examining them, did anyone notice one feature of these dolls? How are they similar? What do they have in common?
(The dolls have no face.)
All dolls were made faceless, i.e. did not have a face, it was believed that an evil spirit could not enter a faceless doll and harm the owner of the doll.
Presenter: These are the interesting toys we met and found out what they are made of.
Let's remember which ones exactly. (Matryoshka, Dymkovo, rag)
Educator: How should you treat toys and the work of folk craftsmen?
(Carefully, carefully).
Educator: Well done, let's play with toys carefully and carefully.