When should you see a doctor? When should you contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist?

Speech therapists say: “The sooner you start dealing with the problem, the better the result will be.” When is it worth bringing your baby for a consultation with a speech therapist, and what features in the baby’s speech should you pay attention to? Let time work for you: speech of a child under 3 years old When the child is already 4-5 years old, you can objectively talk about the correct pronunciation of sounds, construction of phrases, etc. However, even before the age of one year, you can find some problems that need to be corrected. It is the early help of a specialist that will be most effective; you just need to find a speech therapist who specializes in working with children. In order to understand whether a child needs the help of a speech therapist, it is important to know what stages of speech development correspond to the child’s age. The child's speech activity begins at three months. At this age, toddlers begin to make various sounds and hum. If a child is silent by 3-4 months, this may be the first warning sign that you should pay attention to. At 8-10 months, the baby makes his first attempts to copy the speech of adults, pronouncing the first syllables: “ma”, “ba”, “pa”, etc. At this age, the child understands the words addressed to him and responds to his own name. If parents notice that by the end of the first year the baby does not respond to their speech and does not try to pronounce the first words, this is a reason to consult a specialist. An alarming symptom is the peculiar mooing of the child at the moment when he tries to express his desires.

By the age of 1.5 years, the baby’s speech begins to develop. At this age it is time for kids to drink simple words: “mom”, “dad”, “give”, “av-av”, etc. At 1 year lexicon The baby is still small, he can count about 10 words, but the child consciously uses them. At this time, the child’s speech develops very actively, the vocabulary can be replenished every day.

By the age of 2, the baby should not only understand the speech of adults well, but also be able to express his desires simple sentences. If by the age of 2.5 years a child clearly understands adults, but expresses his thoughts exclusively with gestures and does not formulate simple phrases like “I’m thirsty,” he should definitely visit a speech therapist. Please note that at this age it does not matter how the child pronounces “difficult” sounds; what matters is mainly the nature of speech activity.

Speech of a child from three to five

Even for children whose parents do not notice any peculiarities in their speech, it makes sense to visit a speech therapist’s office at the age of 3-4 years. There are also obvious deviations that need correction with the help of a specialist. Again, depending on the age of the child, different requirements are placed on his speech. At three years old, it is important to make sure that the baby’s articulatory apparatus is well developed. The child must be able to perform simple movements: at the request of adults, stick out his tongue, reach it to the sky, stretch out his lips like a tube, puff out his cheeks, etc. At the same age, check whether the baby can reproduce a simple rhythm. The lack of these skills should alarm caring parents. In this case, the speech therapist will not only carry out the necessary diagnostics, but also help strengthen the articulatory apparatus. Also, at 3-3.5 years old, a child should not skip syllables in words, rearrange them, or “swallow” endings. Pay attention to this feature in your baby’s speech when you consult a doctor. But the correct pronunciation of all sounds may not yet exist. It can only be formed by the age of 5. If a child does not yet know how to say “sh”, “sch”, “r”, “l”, at three years old this is not a reason to run to a speech therapist. Hissing and sonorant (“r”, “l”) sounds are the most complex; they may appear last in the speech of a small speaker. Watch how your baby pronounces words with these sounds. If he misses them, it’s not a big deal at this stage. But if instead of “l” he pronounces “v”, “r” is pronounced gutturally, in the French manner, it is still better to visit a specialist. Any distortion of sounds must be corrected. Timely correction will help ensure that incorrect pronunciation does not become entrenched. At 4.5-5 years old, it is time for a child to not only pronounce all sounds correctly, but also be able to compose coherent sentences. Ask your child to describe a picture or event. If he does not adhere to consistency, makes inconsistent sentences (uses case and number incorrectly), and does not use conjunctions in his speech, this is a deviation from the norm. Observe for a while whether the baby responds to your corrections, and if there is no progress, talk to a specialist. As you can see, a speech therapist helps not only correct incorrect pronunciation of individual sounds. Any deviation in the baby’s speech should not be ignored. In this matter, it is better to be safe than to miss something important.

Hormones are very important substances for the body that are involved in all metabolic processes. Several organs, whose activities are studied by endocrinology, are responsible for the production of hormones. If any deviations from the normal functioning of these organs are observed, you should contact an endocrinologist.

A specialist who studies the functioning of organs involved in the secretion of hormones is called an endocrinologist. This doctor knows all the symptoms of diseases caused by hormonal imbalance, the causes that led to such disorders, additional diagnostic methods, as well as treatment methods. This is a very important specialist, since many diseases can be caused by insufficient or excessive production of one or another hormone.

An endocrinologist is competent to monitor patients with diabetes of any type. Recently, there has been a sharp increase in patients with this diagnosis; the situation is especially sad with the statistics of childhood morbidity.

Identify suspicions diabetes or other hormonal problems can be done by a family doctor or local therapist based on the patient’s complaints, as well as the results clinical tests urine and blood. Most often, it is the therapist who gives a referral for examination by an endocrinologist. But it should be understood that any disease is easier to cure with early stages its development, so it is worth including a visit to the endocrinologist’s office in your annual medical examination. Any public or private clinic has an endocrinologist on staff.

What diseases does an endocrinologist treat?

Various organs and glands are involved in the production of hormones:

  • thyroid - it provides the synthesis of iodine-containing hormones, which are very important for metabolic processes, growth, and general development body;
  • pancreas - produces enzymes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and the breakdown of fats, as well as hormones that regulate glucose levels - insulin and;
  • parathyroid - glands located near the thyroid gland, they produce hormones that regulate calcium levels in the body;
  • thymus – responsible for the production of hormones that regulate the body’s immune activity;
  • genital – male and female glands that are involved in the secretion of sex hormones necessary for normal maturation and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • the pituitary gland is a gland located in the brain, it is the one that coordinates the work of all endocrine organs;
  • – part of the brain that connects the work of the endocrine and nervous systems;
  • The pineal gland is a gland that has not yet been fully studied, but it is reliably known that it is the one that produces serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

It is clear that an endocrinologist treats all diseases that are caused by a malfunction of the endocrine system. These may be diseases such as:

  • and parathyroid gland - benign neoplasms;
  • chronic illness parathyroid gland, characterized by tissue proliferation or the presence of tumor formations;
  • – tissue proliferation;
  • – one of the most common autoimmune diseases, characterized by an excess of thyroid hormones;

  • diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases that are caused by a lack of production;
  • a number of diseases caused by a lack or excess production of various hormones, for example, hypercholesterolemia, hypoglycemia, hyperthyroidism, hyperuricemia, hypocalcemia and others;
  • infertility, reduced potency, underdevelopment of the genital organs - can also be caused by disruption of the endocrine system;
  • obesity – a lack of production of hormones involved in metabolic processes leads to a sharp increase in body weight.

How to choose a good specialist

How to determine whether a good endocrinologist is good or not? It will be quite difficult for a person without medical education to do this, so when visiting a specialist you need to pay attention to the following:

  • appearance - an unkempt person immediately evokes a negative attitude, and a doctor should not be seen at all in dirty or bad-smelling clothes, with unwashed hair, hands, etc.;
  • a good doctor will begin collecting information and compiling an anamnesis, will ask many questions concerning not only the patient, but also his immediate relatives, in order to identify a hereditary predisposition;
  • the doctor must conduct an examination and palpate the locations of the glands (accessible for palpation);

  • changes in blood pressure and pulse are also mandatory procedures during the initial examination;
  • a good doctor will definitely prescribe additional tests or issue a referral for an ultrasound examination;
  • the hospital where the endocrinologist works must have a good reputation and positive reviews patients that you should familiarize yourself with before making an appointment;
  • good specialist A family doctor or local therapist can advise.

There are more specialized specialists, for example, an endocrinologist-gynecologist or an endocrinologist-surgeon. Such specialists should be contacted if pathology has already been identified.

How is an endocrinological appointment performed?

Before visiting an endocrinologist at the clinic, you should make an appointment with the doctor in advance. This form of visiting specialists has already spread to public clinics - this eliminates the problem of queues and dissatisfied patients.

The endocrinologist conducts appointments in his own office, which is equipped with:

  • desktop;
  • several chairs;
  • a couch;
  • floor scales;
  • stadiometer.

The doctor should have the following tools at hand for examination:

  • a device for measuring pressure;
  • a device for measuring blood glucose levels with replaceable test strips;
  • tape measure;
  • neurological set.

The whole technique comes down to sequentially performing the following actions:

  • drawing up an anamnesis taking into account the patient’s complaints;
  • palpation of the lymph nodes and thyroid gland;
  • examination of the genitals;
  • pressure measurement;
  • if the patient has a blood test with a high sugar content, the doctor additionally uses a glucometer;

  • Based on the examination, the specialist can draw preliminary conclusions and prescribe additional tests or ultrasound examination;
  • Based on the results obtained, urine MRI, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes appropriate treatment;
  • if necessary, the patient can be redirected to clarify the diagnosis or treatment to another specialist.

The endocrinologist must constantly monitor the progress of treatment of his patients, monitor, and, if necessary, adjust medications.

When should you contact an endocrinologist?

You should make an appointment with an endocrinologist if the following symptoms occur:

  • sudden weight gain or loss;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • heavy sweating;
  • frequent insomnia;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • absent-mindedness and poor memory;
  • hand trembling;
  • severe hair loss;
  • infertility;
  • decreased potency.

You should watch out for the symptoms of diabetes:

  • severe thirst and dry mouth;
  • itching and inflammation of the skin;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • general weakness;
  • loss of visual acuity;
  • muscle weakness;
  • pain in the calf muscles.

A sharp decline in hormone production is observed in men and women after 40 years of age, which leads to a decrease in potency and the onset of menopause. To delay these processes, you should visit an endocrinologist annually for preventive purposes.

Consultation with a specialist before planning a pregnancy is especially important, so both expectant parents should undergo an examination. The endocrinologist will prescribe treatment if necessary.

Examination of children by an endocrinologist

A pediatric endocrinologist is a doctor who monitors the development of the endocrine system in children under 16 years of age. You should bring your child to see a specialist if:

  • the baby is hyperactive, restless or, on the contrary, apathetic, slow, has inhibited reactions;
  • the child’s attention is scattered, there is no concentration on the subject;
  • there is underdevelopment of the genital organs;
  • with a sudden change in body weight;
  • with a sharp change in the emotional background;
  • for osteoporosis;
  • if there is increased hair growth in girls in atypical places or in a male pattern.

You should not neglect a preventive appointment with an endocrinologist, especially during puberty, when there is a hormonal surge, since a timely identified disease can be easily corrected and serious problems can be avoided in the future.

Endocrinologist services in Russian cities


  1. Berezov T.T., Korovkin B.F., Biological chemistry // Nomenclature and classification of hormones. - 1998. - p.250-251, 271-272.
  2. Filippovich Yu.B., Fundamentals of biochemistry // Hormones and their role in metabolism. - 1999. - p.451-453,455-456, 461-462.
  3. Solsky Ya. P., Mikhedko V. P., Ferdman T. D., Borin A. L. Gynecological endocrinology: a book for obstetricians and gynecologists. – Kyiv: ZDOROVYA, 1976.
  4. Guide to endocrinology. - M.: Medicine, 2017. - 506 p.
  5. Agadzhanyan M. A., Smirnov V. M., Normal physiology: A textbook for students of medical universities. – M.: LLC publishing house “Medical Information Agency”, - 2009. – 520 p.;
  6. Kolman J., Rem K. - G., Visual biochemistry // Hormones. Hormonal system. - 2000. - pp. 358-359, 368-375.

You should consult a doctor if urinary incontinence persists for a long time or is accompanied by:

Weakness or numbness in the buttocks, legs and feet.
Fever, chills and pain in abdominal cavity or on the side.
The presence of blood in the urine or a burning sensation when urinating.
Changes in bowel function.
You should call a doctor if:

The problem of urinary incontinence is getting worse.
Uncontrolled urine leakage is so severe that you have to use absorbent pads.
Incontinence has a strong negative impact on your daily life.
Do not hesitate to discuss the problem of incontinence with a specialist, because it is not an inevitable accompaniment of the aging body. Don't forget: most people suffering from this problem can be helped.

If you have a sudden change in your urination and are unsure whether it is related to your developing incontinence, see Incontinence and Injury for Ages 12 and Up.

Watchful Observation

If urinary incontinence progresses slowly (chronic incontinence), you may be able to manage the problem on your own. (For more detailed information See section "Home Treatment.") If home treatment does not help or your incontinence is causing serious interference with your normal routine, ask your doctor to prescribe a different type of treatment.

If you suddenly experience urinary incontinence (in acute form), you should call a doctor immediately. This problem most often occurs as a result of a urinary tract disease or is associated with taking some kind of medication and can be easily eliminated.

Which doctor should I go to?

Any of the following medical professionals can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment for urinary incontinence:

Family doctor
If you need surgery, it is important to find a surgeon who is experienced in procedures related to your type of incontinence, most often a urologist.

A therapist is a medical professional who specializes in treating adults. Each person should choose a therapist for regular examinations and treatment of standard diseases.

In the course of his work, the therapist can limit his activities:

Adolescent medicine (common diseases of adolescents).
Allergies or immunology (diseases related to the immune system).
Electrophysiology of the heart (problems of electrical activity of the heart).
Cardiology (diseases of the heart and blood vessels).
Resuscitation (care for people in the intensive care unit).
Endocrinology (disease of the endocrine glands that synthesize hormones).
Gastroenterology (disorders of the digestive system).
Geriatrics (diseases of older people).
Hematology (diseases of the blood and circulatory system).
Infectious diseases (complex infections).
Interventional cardiology (procedures related to the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease).
Nephrology (diseases of the kidneys and urinary system).
Oncology (cancer).
Pulmonology (lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema and pneumonia).
Rheumatology (diseases immune system and joints).
Sports medicine (treatment of injuries to bones, muscles, joints, tendons or ligaments resulting from physical activity).

Certain symptoms may indicate the development of a disease that can cause serious consequences if left untreated. What you should pay attention to in order to take appropriate measures.

If disturbing symptoms regarding the joint appear, they are a sufficient reason to consult a doctor for further diagnosis.

We present a short guide that will help you assess the priority of seeing a doctor for a diagnosis.

What are potential manifestations or symptoms of arthritis:

  • Pain, swelling in one or more joints
  • Hyperemia or redness of joint joints
  • Increased sensitivity or immobility
  • Difficulty in the functionality of the joint or difficulty performing daily activities
  • Joint symptoms that are of concern

Contact your doctor if you notice any of the following disorders:

  • Joint dysfunction lasts three or more days
  • Multiple symptoms of joint dysfunction occur within a month

When is diagnostics required?

Patients are often surprised to learn that “arthritis” is not a complete diagnosis. This is rather a general definition that covers over a hundred diseases and related conditions. Diagnostics certain type Arthritis is the first step in getting the right treatment and creating a plan to deal with your personal situation. Some types of arthritis require immediate attention. If arthritis develops, which leads to permanent joint dysfunction, timely treatment will help maintain the overall functioning of the joint and prevent the development of other serious diseases.

On the one hand, arthritis can lead to serious impairment of the functionality of the joint. However, timely treatment can preserve both the functionality of the connection and prevent the development of further health problems.

On the other hand, infrequent or minor joint pain does not always warrant a special or emergency visit to the doctor. However, the listed symptoms are sufficient grounds for a conversation with your doctor about both joint health and the risk of developing arthritis in general. The results of this conversation will be useful at the next examination.

What medical services may be needed

If the patient experiences general symptoms, care from a primary care physician will be sufficient. However, diagnosing arthritis can be difficult. It may be necessary to consult a specialist. They are rheumatologists - qualified doctors in the field of arthritis and diseases of bones, muscles and joints. Their training allows us to determine complex diagnoses and prescribe treatment for all types of arthritis in combination with complex treatment.

Arthritis Treatment Plan

Once a diagnosis is made, a case manager or physician with knowledge of arthritis can guide the patient through a general treatment plan (if necessary) and how to manage arthritis on a daily basis.

The information in the “Cleansing the Body” section will help you figure out how to properly get rid of toxins, waste and other harmful substances, as well as what procedures can normalize metabolism, tighten your figure and put it in order after losing weight. Experts share in effective ways burning fat, talk about drying the body. Here you will learn all about safe and effective cleaning and combating products. extra pounds, and also read reviews of people who have already tried this or that product. The articles presented in the section will also be useful to those who want to always be healthy and support the body in the fight against negative external factors and daily harmful temptations.


The “Diets” section presents effective methods weight loss, diets for specific diseases, nutrition programs for working out in the gym, as well as diets using fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries and other products. Experienced nutritionists will tell you how to choose the right diet and how not to break down and get out of it wisely in order to maintain the achieved result for a long time. Here you can also read about popular low-calorie, protein, designer, star and other diets, as well as choose the best vitamins for yourself and your family. This section will be useful not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who monitor their health and are attentive to their diet.


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