Scheduling in the senior design group. Notes from a teacher's lesson on design in the senior group Notes from classes on design in the senior group

Program content:

1. Arouse children’s interest in creating buildings from building materials.

2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about construction details and color.

3. Promote the development of coherent speech during work.

4. Develop imagination, memory, logical thinking.

5. Cultivate in children empathy for fairy-tale characters and create a desire to help them.

6. Establish rules of conduct in in public places.


Construction material;

Pictures of fairy houses;


Toys for playing with buildings;

- sound signal;

Prizes for children.

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit on chairs.


Guys, today the postman brought a letter to our group.

(Shows envelope)

Who do you think sent it to us?

Children: This is a letter from Carlson.

Educator: Let's read it.

“Dear guys, I invite you to the art gallery for an exhibition. I will be waiting for you. Carlson"

Guys, do you think we can accept the invitation?

Children: Yes, we want to go to Carlson.

Educator: Great, but first let’s remember how to behave in public places, namely in a gallery.


You cannot talk loudly in the gallery.

- You can't run or jump.

— You can’t touch the paintings with your hands.

— Listen carefully to the guide.


Well done! And now let's hit the road.

(Go to music hall, where the exhibition is located)

They stood behind each other. Imagine that you are trailers.

“The locomotive began to hum and the carriages began to move.

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu – I’ll take you far!”

We go down the stairs, hold on to the railing with our right hand.

Educator: Guys, look what beautiful pictures Carlson has prepared for us. Who can tell me what is depicted on them?

Children: The paintings depict fairy-tale houses.

Educator: Who do you think can live in such houses?

Children: Fairy-tale heroes.

Educator: What's unusual about this house?

Children: This house stands on chicken legs.


Children: This is Baba Yaga's house.

Educator: Who can live in this house?

Children: This is the snowmen's house.

Educator: What does this house look like?

Children: For fungus.

Educator: Who can live in this house?

Children: Butterflies live in this house.

Educator: Guys, what do all these houses have in common?

Children: All houses have walls, roof, windows, doors.

Educator: Guys, look at what other houses there are here. What parts were used to build these houses?

Children: Bricks, cubes, and bars were used in the construction of these houses.

Educator: Who knows what these parts are called?

- This is a plate - used for covering;

— Triangular prism – used in roof construction.

Educator: And where is Carlson himself, otherwise he invited us, but he himself did not meet us.

(A buzzing sound is heard, Carlson appears)

Carlson: Hello guys, I'm very glad that you came to me.

(Speaks sadly)

These pictures were sent to me by Cheburashka. They depict the houses of his friends. And I’m a man in the prime of his life, I’m forty years old, but I still live on the roof and I don’t have my own home. And my friends also don’t have their own houses, but they want to learn how to build them. I don't know who can help us?

Educator: Carlson, we can help you and your friends. Invite your friends. Guys, can we help Carlson?

Children: Yes.

Educator: And now I invite you to a creative workshop.

(Children sit at tables)


Andryusha, who are you going to teach to build a house? (Teddy bear)

Dasha, who do you have? (Hippo)

Vika, who will you teach? (Kitten)

Guys, each of you has a set of building materials. Show Carlson's friends, and Carlson himself, what kind of houses can be built.

Independent activity of children.

Analysis of works.

Educator: Guys, look what we got. One row of houses and another row of houses. The whole street.

Dasha, how many floors does your house have?

Andrey, what parts did you use to build the house?

Vika, what color are your bricks?

Ksyusha, what color are your cubes?

Lesson summary:

Guys, what a wonderful day today is. You and I helped Carlson and his friends. Do you know what kind of sweet tooth Carlson is? He has prepared a sweet treat for you.

Children receive sweet prizes.


MADO kindergarten No. 1 “Alyonushka”, Asino, Tomsk region, Russia

Irina Baranova

Tasks: Introduce children to a new way design– folding a sheet of paper "accordion". Learn to make crafts using this method. Encourage children's creativity and initiative.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: - Guys, guess the riddle.

He came and filled the tubs

Watered the beds diligently

Noisily washed the windows

Danced on the porch

Wandered around the roof in freedom

And he walked through the puddles into the field. (rain)

Educator: - Guys, I suggest you play a game “What items are needed in rainy weather”

Felt boots - sandals - rubber boots

Sweater-fur coat-cloak

Bag- umbrella- Sunglasses

Child reading a poem « Umbrella»

Mom bought me real umbrella

It's small, sure, but it's brilliant.

I'll be through the puddles with walk with an umbrella

It'll rain and it'll be fun water umbrella

Jumping in puddles, playing and having fun

And I’m not at all afraid of autumn rain.

Educator: - Guys, so that we wouldn’t be afraid of the rain, I suggest making an applique « umbrella» . But before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger game: "Rain"

A drop - one, a drop - two,

Drop slowly at first (Children rhythmically tap the fingers of their right hand on the fingers of the other)

The drops began to keep pace,

Drop drop catch up. (Children rhythmically tap the fingers of their left hand on the fingers of the other)

Let's open the umbrella as soon as possible,

Let's protect ourselves from the rain! (Children raise their arms up to the sides)

Practical part. At the end classes conducted game.

A game "Sun and Rain"

Children according to a verbal signal from the teacher "Rain" hiding under umbrella and tease the rain,

Rain, pour, pour, pour,

To make it more fun.

And on signal "Rain" "walking" By group room.

Publications on the topic:

In older children preschool age There is always a desire to make something, and if the teacher suggests considering “forbidden” items:

Summary of a lesson on paper design in the senior group “Dog” Program content: - teach children to make toys based on a cylinder; - practice the ability to connect a sheet of paper into a rectangular one.

Summary of a lesson on paper design in the senior group “Cat Show” (origami) Program content: Continue to teach children to convey the image of a cat using paper as a constructive and visual material.

Summary of a lesson on paper design in the senior group “Snowdrops” Program content. Teach children to make paper crafts using the origami method, and honestly follow the teacher’s instructions. Develop memory,.

Lesson summary for the preparatory school group “Umbrella - a roof from rain and sun” Summary of the lesson in the preparatory school group “Umbrella - a roof from rain and sun” Compiled by: Gaberman I.V., teacher at MBDOU children’s educational institution.

Summary of a design lesson in the senior group “Railway station or train station” Lesson notes in senior group. Construction. “Railway station or station” (from large building material) Abstract.

Goal: improve the ability to create from paper volumetric crafts. Objectives: continue to teach children to fold a sheet in different directions.

Target: developing skills in constructing a building according to a diagram.



- practice drawing diagrams using knowledge about geometric shapes Oh;


- develop logical thinking, memory, attention;


— cultivate collectivism, the ability to work in groups;

Equipment: landscape sheets, pencils, Dienesh blocks (for each group 17 rectangles, 3 squares 4 triangles), photograph kindergarten, construction workers' clothing.

Preliminary work: reading poems about geometric shapes, guessing riddles, talking about “What will happen”, d\i “Signs of figures”, d\i “Recognize by shape”, looking at illustrations of various buildings and their descriptions, drawing geometric shapes, making houses from construction sets.

Progress of activities

  1. Organizing time.


— Guys, do you know how and by whom our kindergarten was built?

Children's answers. (Builders built it using tools)

— Would you like to become builders yourself and build a kindergarten?

Children's answers. (Not really)

If one of the children gave a negative answer, you need to convince him:

— Children, in the future you can build your own kindergarten, or store, or house, etc. You just need to learn how to do it. Let's start learning right now?

Children's answers.

— Guys, in order for our construction to be successful, we need to work in a group (crew). You must help each other, advise each other, and be able to reason together.

Children must be divided into 4 groups (teams).

  1. Main stage.

A) Looking at a photograph of a kindergarten. Conversation-story “Clothes for kindergarten.”


— Guys, look carefully at the photo of our kindergarten. Tell me, is our garden large or small?

Children's answers.

— What shape is our kindergarten? (rectangular building, triangular roof and square windows)

— How is the garden fenced? (Rectangular fence).

- What great fellows you are! Let's try to depict the garden in the form of a diagram. To do this you need to listen to me carefully.

B) Phys. Minute “We are builders”

— Early in the morning we woke up and stretched lightly (rise on our toes, arms up)

- We are a team of builders, we are going to build a kindergarten (we walk with our feet, hands on our belts)

- We chose the place ourselves (stand in a circle), it will be very interesting (hold hands)

— Is the garden high (we raise our hands up) or low (we lower our hands to the floor, bend over)?

- Is it wide (we separate, holding hands) or narrow (we meet in the center of the circle)?

- Everything has been decided, well done (nods head)!

- Everyone to the construction site! Daredevils! (The guys sit at the tables)

B) Drawing up a diagram.


— In order to build a building, you need to draw its diagram. Pick up simple pencils.

— Draw 4 elongated rectangles horizontally at the top of the sheet. (the teacher draws with the children on the board)

— Draw 4 elongated rectangles horizontally on the bottom of the sheet.

— Draw 2 rectangles vertically on the right side of the sheet.

— Draw 2 rectangles vertically on the left side of the sheet.

- In the center of the “fence” you depicted, draw 4 squares.

- Draw triangles on each square.

- So you drew a diagram of the kindergarten.

d) Phys. Minute "Rest for the builder"

So that your head doesn't hurt,

We rotate it right - left. (head rotation)

And now we twist our hands -

And there will be a warm-up for them. (rotation of arms forward and backward)

We raise our hands to the sky,

We separate them to the sides. (arms up and to the sides)

Turns right - left,

We bend down easily,

We reach the floor with our hands. (bending forward)

Pulled shoulders and backs

And now the end of the warm-up. (children sit down).

D) Construction of a kindergarten.

  1. The final stage. Reflection.


— What do you think, builders, did you succeed in building a kindergarten?

Children's answers.

- Let's compare our buildings with the diagram.

Groups of children review their work and discuss it with the teacher.

— Guys, you turned out to be excellent builders. I suggest taking a photo for memory.

Title: Abstract organized activities with children of the 7th year of life on designing on the topic “Our kindergarten”

Position: teacher
Place of work: Atagai kindergarten - a structural unit of the MKDOU "Ust-Rubakhinsky general developmental kindergarten"
Location: Irkutsk region, Nizhneudinsky district, r.p. Atagay

Design notes - senior group.


Target: Teach children to build a bridge across the river from geometric shapes.


  • To consolidate children's ideas about volumetric geometric shapes (cube, brick, prism, cone, cylinder).
  • Continue teaching children to create a structure from ready-made geometric shapes. Analyze an object, see the main parts and details that make up the structure.
  • Develop design skills and spatial thinking.
  • Foster independence.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of a bridge. Studying geometric shapes in FEMP classes.

Material: ready-made geometric shapes, illustrations, musical accompaniment, river (a strip of blue paper connected in a ring).


  1. Game situation.

(Children sit on chairs in a semicircle)

Q: Children, you and I have received a package (shows it to the children). It indicates that she is from the residents of a doll town. It’s interesting what’s in it, but it’s not just a package, it’s a mystery package. Listen and guess:

Here's my box

My friends live there

They are very different

Everyone is friendly and strong

They like to get together

And turn into buildings(cubes).

Q: That's right, these are cubes (opens the box, takes out the cubes). Do you want to listen to a fairy tale about cubes? (Yes).

  1. Reinforcing the names of geometric shapes.

The teacher gives the children geometric shapes (brick, block, cylinder, prism, cone, plate).

The teacher tells a fairy tale, the children show the desired geometric shape.

Once Kubik went into the forest,

I found Brick there.

Details joined hands,

They ran along the path,

And towards you, jump and jump

Brusok ran up to his friends.

Bar asked for details:

“Have you seen Cylinder?”

The Cube turned sideways:

“I’m not familiar with the Cylinder;

And Brick was surprised”:

“Did he roll towards us?

Well now it's time to go,

We need to find the Prism.

I saw her idle

She sat with Cone

Visiting Plastin's friends

With a photograph in hand."

Q: Now let’s name all the geometric shapes again.

Children name geometric shapes in unison.

  1. Viewing bridges.

Q: Is there something else in the parcel (takes out the letter and reads)

“Dear children. Help us please. We want to go to a holiday park, ride on the carousel, but we don’t know how to get across the river. What should we do? Tell us.

Residents of the doll town."

Children offer their own options: swim, boat, build a bridge.

Q: Well done, everything is correct, but it seems to me that it is better to build a bridge so that all residents can walk or drive into the park over a durable bridge. Look what bridges there are.

Looking at illustrations.

Mark the structure of the support, railings, ceilings, slopes.

  1. Physical education minute.

Q: Children, I suggest you ride the carousel.

Barely, barely

The carousel started spinning.

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run!

Let's run, let's run,

Let's run, let's run!

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Carousel os-ta-no-vi-te,

One-two, one-two.

So the game is over.

  1. Building a bridge. Explanation.

A river (a strip of blue paper closed in a ring) is laid out on four tables combined together. There is a park in the center of the ring: trees, benches, swings, etc.

Q: Today we will build a bridge across the river.

We begin to build the bridge from the supports. The supports hold the entire bridge and must be strong; we build them from cubes. You need to put two cubes on one side and the other, on brick cubes, and only then cover them with plates.

Why are prisms placed on both sides? That's right, these are ramps for cars to climb onto and off the bridge. For people to walk, you need to make a ladder, steps. They are built from bricks. Think about who will build which bridge. Some are for pedestrians and some are for cars.

6.Independent activities of children. Individual assistance for children.

  1. Bottom line.

Q: Children, let’s look at what bridges we have made.

Which bridge do you like? Why? What did we build today? (bridge). From what parts? (cubes, bricks, plates, prisms). What geometric shapes do you remember? (children's answers).

Well done. But the dolls from the doll town came to us. They want to thank you and treat you to candy.

The teacher brings in a car with dolls.

Children play with their buildings.

located towards the road);
  • secure ability to build buildings for various purposes;
  • contribute formation the ability to analyze your construction;
  • secure knowledge about construction professions;
  • promote the development of imaginative thinking, imagination, initiative.
  • Material: pictures of various buildings according to the number of children, construction sets, models of trees, toys, illustrations on the topic, the song “Everyone in the world needs a home” from the film “The Three Little Pigs”.

    Progress of the lesson

    1. The word of the teacher. The teacher offers to listen to a fairy tale.

    – Children, I want to tell you a fairy tale about the brick wizard.

    Bricks were brought to the construction site and unloaded next to the foundation. The bricks rustled with displeasure. - No respect for us! - they thought with resentment. “If they hadn’t folded us neatly, otherwise they would have dumped us into a shapeless brick mountain and even broken many of us in the sides.” But we are the building material from which they are going to build a building!

    Suddenly the bricks saw a tall, strong man in construction overalls heading towards them. He looked at the carelessly loaded building materials and shook his head:

    “Yes, bricks, they built you poorly,” said the master, “but don’t worry: you won’t lie around like a shapeless mountain for long, soon you will become a smooth, strong wall of the house.”

    “He’s probably a wizard,” the bricks thought hopefully. – Turn a pile of bricks into new house- only a sorcerer can do this!

    2. Conversation with children.

    • Children, tell me, who approached the building materials? Who can turn a pile of bricks into a new home?
    • And to build a house, what professions will be required?
    • Who is an architect? (That’s right, this is a person who conceives and develops a project for a house or street.) ? Where does the construction of a house begin?(The construction of a house begins with a drawing created by an architect.)
    • What should buildings be like? (beautiful, durable, stable).
    • Let us become builders today and build a city street, beautiful buildings according to the drawing from parts of building materials.
    • What buildings do you think need to be built to make the residents of our street comfortable? Why do we build a theater, a school, ? And so on.
    • But before we start construction, we will make a design for our street.

    3. We design the street.

    A teacher and children are designing a street. – We need to build a street to make it cozy.

    Examination of illustrations on the topic. Draw children's attention to the fact that there is a distance between the buildings so that people and cars can pass.

    Each street has a name. What streets do you live on? What should we name the street?(Children come up with the name of the street.)

    Distribute with the children who will build what (illustrations of various buildings). Draw the children's attention to the sequence of buildings on the street (where the school will be located, or on which side the store is from the residential building.)

    At the beginning of the road, along the upper edge of the sheet, we will place a cinema; at the end of the road, along the bottom edge of the sheet, we will place a post office. We will locate a residential building along the road on the right (left) side of the cinema. On the right side of the road after the residential building down we will build a hospital, opposite the hospital we will build a pharmacy. On the right side of the road after the hospital we are building a residential building, on the left side of the road after the pharmacy we are building a residential building. After the residential building, on the right side of the road we are building a school, on the left is a kindergarten. After kindergarten we build one residential building, and after school 2 residential buildings. (On which side of the road will you build your house?) What Building do we have left? Where will we build the store?

    -Before we start construction, we will play with you.

    4. Physical education minute.

    We received gifts.
    Bricks, bars and arches
    From the box we take
    We are building a beautiful house.

    (Children pretend to put objects out of the box.)

    We build quickly, we build soon
    No cement, no mortar.
    House eaves, chimney and roof.

    (Children squat down, gradually straightening up, as if laying bricks with their hands.)

    5. Street construction.

    Children make drawings of their buildings and begin construction. The song “Everyone in the world needs a home” from the film “The Three Little Pigs” is playing. Then the children analyze their buildings. Supplemented with tree models.

    6. Summary of the lesson.

    - What a beautiful street you have turned out to be. Today you were both architects and builders, but want to be educators? Exchange your drawings with your neighbor and analyze each other's constructions.

    The street is built!
    At the gate, the toy people are waiting.
    Come on, turtle,
    Crocodile and Cheburashka,
    And Parsley and matryoshka,
    And a toy cat!
    Rejoice, toys, animals,
    Open windows, doors,
    Start a housewarming party
    Sing, jump, play!

    Children are given the opportunity to play around with the street.