What clothes to wear on a plane in summer. What to take on a plane and how to dress for a comfortable flight. Your favorite outfit

Heading to the airport? The right clothes will make your trip more comfortable. Clothes should be comfortable, but this does not mean that they cannot also be stylish.


How to choose clothes

    Wear a bra without metal elements. It all depends on the specific item, but in some cases metal detectors are triggered by metal pins. This will slow down the control process.

    • Because of this, you may be asked to undergo a personal search. Not only is this annoying, but it can also cost you valuable minutes.
    • It is better to choose a bra without metal elements. A simple bra with foam will do, as will a sports bra.
    • If you prefer underwire bras, pack them in your suitcase. An underwire bra can be uncomfortable on board if the flight is long.
  1. Wear comfortable pants or leggings. You should be comfortable at the airport (no stilettos!), but comfortable can also be stylish. Victoria Beckham says the airport is her runway.

    Wear loose clothing. Wide sweaters will be especially comfortable, especially when paired with jeans or leggings. Also suitable for airplanes loose dress or trousers.

    Dress in layers. If you fly by plane, you will likely cross several climate zones. You may be flying to a warmer or colder place. Perhaps the temperature on board will have time to change several times. Be prepared for anything.

    How to choose accessories

    1. Don't wear a belt. The belt will cause you problems at the airport, so discard it or pack it in your suitcase.

    2. Don't wear too much jewelry. A large number of decorations, especially if they are difficult to remove, will create problems for you when passing control.

      • Jewelry will have to be removed before going to the metal detector. Even a piercing can set off the detector and delay you.
      • In addition, a large amount of jewelry can attract the attention of pickpockets. You shouldn't show off your wealth at the airport.
      • You can put your jewelry in your pocket and put it on when you arrive at your destination.
    3. Don't wear a lot of makeup. Complex makeup and hair will look great at the beginning of the flight, but will quickly lose their look on board. The simpler the better!

      • After the flight, your skin will likely be dehydrated, so take a small tube of moisturizer and chapstick with you. Pull your hair into a ponytail.
      • Do not take large cans with you cosmetics. If you can't give up your favorite shampoo, lens product, or... sunscreen, pour them into small bottles.
      • As you know, liquids can be transported in containers of no more than 100 milliliters each, with a total volume of no more than a liter. Follow these rules and you will pass the test faster.
    4. Bring a spacious handbag with you. And it will come in handy at the airport. You will have somewhere to put your purchases, such as a magazine or chewing gum.

      • However, if the handbag is small and fashionable, your outfit will look more interesting and you will look stylish even in comfortable clothes.
      • IN big bag you can put a lot of necessary things. Some women prefer to take cosmetics and a comb with them so that they can clean themselves up on board.
      • A bag that is too small is easy to lose. It is always more practical to carry a large bag with you at the airport. Clothes with pockets will also come in handy.

    How to choose shoes

    1. Wear comfortable shoes. The decision to wear heels will not be a good one, and you will regret it even more if you have to rush and run.

      • Place your high heels in your suitcase. Of course they are beautiful, but you will have to walk a long distance at the airport. If you have a connecting flight and the first plane is late, you will need to move quickly.
      • Comfortable flat shoes that are easy to take off your feet are best for flights. This will make it easier for you to take off your shoes before going through security. However, if you wear the heaviest shoes of all, your luggage will weigh less and you will have more space for other things.
      • Do not wear boots or sandals with a lot of laces, straps, zippers or fasteners, as this will cause you to spend a lot of time taking the shoes off and putting them back on during security. Don't wear narrow shoes– During the flight, the legs may swell and increase in size. Most often, children do not have to take off their shoes during inspection if they do not contain metal elements. Often, passengers entitled to priority access do not have to remove their shoes either.
    2. Put on your socks. You may think that slippers will be comfortable on your bare feet, but these shoes will fly off your feet. In addition, bacteria actively multiply in such shoes.

      • Think about how many people have passed the test before you. Are you ready to walk on this surface bare feet? You will probably be asked to remove your shoes, but it all depends on the airport.
      • Wear socks to protect your feet. If it gets cold at the airport or on board a plane, socks will keep your feet warm.
      • Socks will also serve as a softening layer. At airports you usually have to walk long distances, and sometimes you even have to drive a special car.
    3. Wear compression socks or stockings. During the flight, the risk of blood clots increases due to the stationary position. There are special socks that help protect your feet from this.

      • Think about your pregnancy. If you are pregnant, ask your doctor if you can fly. Some doctors recommend wearing special clothing on the plane. Some women wear compression socks or stockings, which protect their legs from swelling due to poor circulation.
      • You can buy compression socks at a pharmacy or online. The looser your clothing, the lower your risk of blood clots. Do not wear clothes that are too tight, socks, tights or skinny jeans.
      • Some people are forced to always fly in compression garments due to health problems. This also applies to travelers who fly very often. Compression garments help fight deep vein thrombosis.

Flying is a test for our body. Therefore, choosing the right and comfortable clothes for the airport is an important task. How to dress so as not to catch the mocking glances of others and feel great - read the material of the portal “ZagraNitsa”

A little history

Have you seen old photos of women at airports? In the best fashion traditions of those times: sheath dresses, luxurious fur coats, pearls, elegant hats, hard bags - you can’t stop looking at them! It’s just that in the past, flights could only be afforded by rich people who, by the way, traveled “lightly” and whose status obliged them to always look perfect. It was in such conditions that the “aircraft fashion” was born.

The 70s began to bring changes to travel clothing. After all, it is during these years that air travel becomes more accessible to the masses, and long-distance flights become more frequent. It was natural that the question of a comfortable dress code would arise. In economy class, people began to wear clothes made from wrinkle-resistant materials more often.

Photo: shutterstock.com


Today at the airport you can meet people dressed as diversely as possible. Some people prefer style, others prefer comfort, but it’s worth finding a middle ground - to look decent without feeling inconvenienced during the flight.

The following tips will help you find the right balance.

Too revealing and provocative clothing in the form of short dresses and skirts will simply look tasteless and vulgar.

Photo: shutterstock.com

The most popular and at the same time practical option that can be found in any girl’s wardrobe is jeans, a cardigan, a sweater or a jacket. But don't wear too tight skinny jeans, because they will not only restrict movement, but also impair blood circulation, which can worsen your well-being.

Photo: shutterstock.com 3

It is even better to wear leggings on the plane, as they guarantee freedom of movement and the ability to take any comfortable position in the plane seat. But, of course, it is better to ditch the old, out-of-shape leggings that you wear at home.

Photo: shutterstock.com 4

With shoes, everything is also extremely simple: flat soles are perfect for the airport. After all, any heel is an additional load on your blood vessels and veins. In addition, you never know for sure whether your flight will be delayed or how long you will need to walk from one terminal to another during a transfer.

Photo: shutterstock.com 5

An important point - clothes must be clean! There is a practice of wearing things on a trip “for the last time” and then throwing them in the wash. But think about your neighbors: they won't appreciate the smell, and neither will you.

Photo: shutterstock.com 6

Speaking of smells, do not overuse perfumes and deodorants. After all, the airplane cabin is sealed, and all passengers will have to inhale the enhanced aroma of your perfume.

Photo: shutterstock.com 7

Dress in layers so that you can always undress and dress with ease, as the air temperature will change during the flight. By the way, the plane itself is usually quite cool - another reason not to wear short, open clothes: most likely, you will simply freeze.

Photo: shutterstock.com 8

Stop your choice on natural fabrics, which “breathe” and also do not wrinkle much. Knitwear and cotton with elastane are perfect for this.

Photo: shutterstock.com 9

Say “not today” to wide belts with chunky metal buckles and studs. They will be required to be removed during security, and on the plane itself they will stick unpleasantly into your stomach.

Photo: shutterstock.com 10

It’s worth thinking in advance about how to change clothes and where to leave warm clothes at the airport if you are going to a hot country in winter. It is best, of course, to give it to the mourners. But these are not always available, so you can use luggage storage at the airport.

Photo: shutterstock.com

And finally, a couple more useful tips in order to avoid unpleasant surprises at the airport:

  • Do not forget to carefully check your hand luggage for bottles and jars whose volume exceeds 100 ml. Otherwise, the security service may simply throw expensive perfume or an elite drink into the trash.
  • To avoid dehydration, try to drink more water during the flight, and it is better to refrain from alcoholic beverages and coffee. A good solution would also be to take moisturizing wipes or cream and hygienic lipstick with you.

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How to dress on a plane?

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Hi all! Today we’ll talk about what to wear on a plane. The topic is relevant because it is the holiday period. I know that this topic raises questions for many girls and women.

What is better to go in? What's the best way to get ready?

Therefore, let's look together at some examples of what is better to travel in and what mistakes should be avoided.

When going on vacation, firstly, we try to take our entire wardrobe with us. And during the holidays we don’t use half of our things.

Two more common extremes

When a woman gets ready for the airport, she looks either too relaxed, comfortable, forgetting about style.

Or, the second option, it’s too elegant, which, of course, looks out of place within the airport terminal.

So I always think that you need to find a balance between comfort and style.

Choose clothes that cover your body

First of all, remember that the airport is a place where there are a lot of people from absolutely different countries and, accordingly, bacteria, microbes and so on, as well as air conditioners.

Both in the airport building itself and on the plane.

In this sense, it is more practical to choose clothes that still cover your shoulders and your legs.

Let's just say that a T-shirt and a miniskirt or shorts are not the most best options. Unless, of course, you have some kind of quick flight between the islands.

If it's a regular flight, a regular flight, then it's better T-shirt will do or top with long sleeve and, for example, soft trousers or comfortable jeans.

Or it could be a shirt plus pants or a skirt. If you want to fly in a dress or skirt, choose a midi length. This will be optimal.

Comfort comes first

In general, when it comes to clothing for flights, the key word is still comfort. Things that are too narrow will cause you a lot of trouble.

One day I was flying in jeans. They were made of thick oak fabric. There's nothing worse.

The basic rule when choosing clothes for flights: it should not constrain you and cause discomfort, or cut into, for example, the abdominal area.

Especially if you have long flights ahead.

A stylish move here is to choose soft clothes made from natural fabrics that do not wrinkle. Therefore, as I say in every video, there should be air from the body.

Use layers and accessories

In fact, adding style to an image is very simple. The key is layers and accessories.

In any case, an item of clothing that you can easily throw on yourself in case you get cold is always useful on an airplane.

Therefore, you build your image based on at least three elements of clothing. Such images always turn out to be more complex, more interesting.

For example, the most simple jeans, T-shirt, jacket. Or, for example, trousers, a T-shirt, a shirt. Don't try to overcomplicate it all and reinvent the wheel.

Remember that you are going to the airport, not to a party.


A jacket is an essential element of a modern woman's wardrobe. You absolutely need to have a good jacket, nice coat, good shoes.

Plus, of course, a jacket will immediately add elegance and chic to any of your looks.

It can be ripped jeans and maybe some relaxed trousers, and it's the jacket that will add that just right dose of class.

And, of course, a jacket can also come in handy during a flight. It is very easy to take off or throw over your shoulders in case of cold air from the air conditioning inside the plane.

As you can see, the jacket has a lot of advantages. Including famous women that we are watching, it is often on the basis of the jacket that they create an image for flights.

It's very convenient and comfortable. The jacket goes with absolutely everything.

Leather Jacket

If you travel in the spring, in the fall, of course, Leather Jacket You will also need a leather jacket. It will add style to your look.

The most important thing in such a jacket is that it is soft and not too heavy. Well, layering too.

You can wear a T-shirt and maybe a thin cardigan made of wool or cotton underneath such a jacket.

Trench coat

The trench coat works great. It always adds class to the image. It is also very easy to wear, when needed, you can take it off, when needed, you can throw it over your shoulders.

The trench coat goes with absolutely any clothing, just like a jacket. The trench coat is, on the one hand, elegant, but on the other hand, casual.

Within the airport it looks very chic. Celebrities also use it very often.

And, of course, as an alternative, if it’s not a trench coat, then maybe a cotton coat, for example. That is, this light coat or maybe a long jacket.

Cotton jacket

Always in quality outerwear Cotton jackets work very well. It could be Jean jacket, For example.

Or it could be a military-style cotton jacket. This might be a bomber jacket, again depending on your personal style.

A bomber jacket can be worn, in principle, at absolutely any age. Of course, if these are not cotton jackets or a bomber jacket, then maybe a cardigan with buttons, quite voluminous.

Nowadays, modern cardigans end exactly. Be careful with cardigans that have flaps that fall down the front. This is no longer relevant for a long time.

Comfortable sweater

This could be a soft, comfortable sweater, for example, from fine wool. It goes very well not only with trousers and jeans, but also with skirts.

And it’s also very cool to create an image with a shirt, because we can also use shirts as a top element.

It can be worn over a tank top or T-shirt. And this will also add style to your look. For example, trousers, a T-shirt, a shirt or jeans, a T-shirt, a shirt.

Scarf or handkerchief

That is, something that does not take up very much space in your carry-on luggage. You can easily throw it over your shoulders if you get cold.

Scarves are very necessary on any trip, be it a plane flight or even on vacation.

The fact is that there are very windy evenings at sea, and, of course, such a scarf will save you. For me, this is the first thing I put in either my suitcase or my carry-on.


Take a closer look, because with overalls you can do something truly non-trivial, unusual image. It's perfect for a flight, too.


If you love suits, then remember that velor versions, purple, pink, maybe even with a hood, have not been worn for a long time; they have gone out of fashion.

Nowadays they wear suits made of cashmere or very fine wool, where the jumper is quite soft and the trousers are soft, but which are still tapered at the bottom.

As an example, you can look at the French brand RS. He makes very cute versions of these costumes.

Remember that such a suit should be laconic and better than a neutral color scheme.

It is more practical to use dark colors in clothing on board an airplane.

One day, my neighbor spilled tomato juice on me. I was wearing dark blue jeans, so the stain wasn't very noticeable.

But from a practical point of view, of course, dark shades work better. But again, no one prohibits light shades.

Of course, you can choose some gray or beige colors for yourself.

Shoes for the flight should have flat soles or low, stable heels.

The same principles apply here as with clothing. That is, first of all, you should be comfortable.

Of course, you will agree that wearing 10-12 cm stiletto heels if you have a long flight ahead will simply be inappropriate and you will cause yourself discomfort.

Because your legs may swell during a flight. Be that as it may, flying is a lot of stress for the body.

It is very important here not to confuse star style with real life. Of course, Victoria Beckham beautiful in stiletto heels.

  • But, if you notice, she is, of course, first of all, a star.
  • Secondly, she is surrounded by maximum comfort, and she does not carry a heavy suitcase next to her, and she will probably be met by personal drivers who will deliver her. She should not stand to catch a taxi or bus.


It is very comfortable. The most chic ones are white leather sneakers. There could be, for example, Derbys or Oxfords, or ballet flats, maybe loafers.

Now there are such options, for example, with soft heel, which looks very nice and unusual. You can often come across the opinion that you should not fly in sandals.

But, in fact, I remember that I flew in sandals and they did not cause me any discomfort. Quite acceptable. Especially if not long flights.

Sandals are not recommended only because the airplane cabin is air conditioned and there may be cold air, you can simply freeze.

Heeled shoes

If we are talking about shoes with heels, naturally, the heel should be comfortable and stable.

These could be low-heeled ankle boots or pumps if you have a short flight.

Although it is possible to place pumps in your hand luggage and change your shoes upon arrival. Or maybe a pair of suede western boots with a chunky heel.

Remember that security awaits you in the airport building and, of course, it is better to choose shoes that you can easily remove in case of additional inspection.

Remember about metal jewelry, about some parts, metal fasteners, rivets, bracelets, belts, that is, about everything that will ring.

Therefore, in order not to create a queue and not be forced to wait, so as not to waste time at control, you can prepare in advance.

For example, take off your belt, roll it up, and take off your jewelry in the same way. Simply put it all in your hand luggage.

Should I do makeup for a flight?

At one time, I flew very often. And at 7 am at the reception you see a woman in full regalia, with almost evening makeup.

Of course, in terms of makeup, it is better to do without it or to do absolutely minimal makeup, because on board an airplane the skin dries out, the air is very dry and you need, of course, to moisturize and drink more.

Why drink not carbonated, but simple natural water. Therefore, do not overdo it with makeup.

Be sure to take it with you Sunglasses. They will be useful to you too. You can order inexpensive glasses using this link.

What perfume should you wear on a plane?

I have one more small note in terms of perfume. How many times have I seen girls on board an airplane begin to unwrap Duty Free, take out all the perfumes, and try them on themselves.

In an airplane cabin, the space is small, like in a theater, we all sit close to each other, and too much perfume can simply cause inconvenience to those around us.

This is all the information for today. I hope that my tips and examples will help you not only travel in comfort, but also not forget about style.

See you soon!

Text: Alla Somova

A tight skirt, high heels and the obligatory dark glasses - Victoria Beckham can be seen in this look in a store, at a fashion show and at the airport. Looking fashionable always and everywhere is the star’s credo. Stylist and TV presenter Timur Guchkaev told the site what you should wear on a flight if you are not Victoria Beckham.

Clothing for a flight should be comfortable - this is the main rule for travelers. Although not all stars follow it. For example, Lady Gaga and Victoria Beckham get off the plane in full regalia. Kim Kardashian travels exclusively in heels, Rihanna chooses knitwear, Alexa Chung appears at the airport in a minidress, and Selena Gomez with her own pillow.

Until recently, you could safely have a pajama party in the cabin of an airplane: almost every passenger considered it her duty to fly to plush suit(by the way, Jennifer Lopez and Paris Hilton still travel this way today). Victoria Beckham was also partial to practical velor, but only for the time being... Everything was decided by one single flight from London to New York.

The star entered the plane in an elegant outfit, and then decided to change into a Juicy Couture suit. Designer Tom Ford witnessed the transformation. Moving away from what he had seen, he advised Victoria to give the outfit to the economy class passengers. A star should always look like a star. Since then, Victoria has been coming to the airport as if on a red carpet - in full combat readiness.

Some stars, however, are not averse to parting with their glamorous image during the flight. For example, Uma Thurman travels in comfortable knitwear because she likes to warm up with yoga asanas right in the aisle between the chairs. Designer Carolina Herrera is not used to such emancipation, but she advises all women to wear skirts on a flight, because they do not restrict movement and do not constrict blood flow.

“On an airplane, as in any other place, it is important to look stylish,” agrees stylist and TV presenter Timur Guchkaev. - But no less important in in this case dress comfortably, especially if you have a long flight ahead.”

When choosing an outfit for a flight, he advises following this list of rules:

  • Flat sole.“Save high-heeled shoes or boots for going out. Such shoes are inconvenient for flying and traveling,” explains Timur.
  • No short skirts.“An outfit should always be appropriate and appropriate for a specific situation,” says the stylist. “Minidresses and miniskirts look vulgar in flight.”
  • Clothes made from natural materials.“This is the main principle by which you need to choose clothes for a long flight. Give preference to fabrics with a natural composition of textures that are pleasant to the body. Cotton trousers and tops are ideal for travel. To keep warm, throw a knitted jacket over your shoulders,” says Timur Guchkaev.

Before you go on a trip, you need to think about every detail. This includes taking care of comfortable and practical clothing. Tourists who do not have experience of frequent travel doubt what is best to wear for air travel.

If you get to the airport by car, and in the country of arrival you will also be met by car, or order a taxi, then choosing clothes will be easy. Even if you go to a country where the climatic conditions are radically different from the usual weather. But if in the country of arrival you will be getting to your destination using public transport and with a lot of luggage, then the choice of things should be thought out in advance.

Choose a comfortable one light clothes and not wrinkled. Things should be free and not restrict movement. Put it on sports suit or loose-fitting clothes. If in doubt when choosing shoes, it is better to wear sneakers, sneakers or shoes with small heels or platforms.

Even if your route to the airport will be via public transport during the cold season, you should not wear too much insulation. Several sweaters need to be replaced with one not very thick jumper and warm jacket. Before you take a passenger seat on an airplane, you will need to go through many check-in and security procedures, so you will have to take off your outerwear.

Before air travel, you should not dress up in a significant amount of jewelry, which will complicate the passage of control procedures. Shoes should be comfortable and easy to take off. If you have to take off your shoes immediately after arriving at the airport before check-in in order to put them in your luggage, then choose the most compact shoes or sneakers.

Don't wear a lot of accessories. If a trouser belt or suspenders are not necessary, then you should leave them at home or put them in your suitcase. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time going through control. If you still need clothing accessories on board the airliner, put them in your bag and you can put them on after check-in.

It is most difficult for travelers traveling to winter period to a country with an exotic climate. After all, in Russia at this time they wear warm winter clothes, but upon arrival you need to be dressed like summer. You need to get to the airport in warm clothes to avoid catching a cold. But take summer clothes with you, and you can change into them in the terminal building before check-in and boarding. And put your winter clothes in your luggage.

You don’t need to go out into the cold air from the airport building, but it’s warm enough on the plane. When you land in a country with a hot climate, you will be dressed according to the weather, which means a sense of comfort and convenience is guaranteed.

If you don’t decide to change into light clothes at the airport, you will have to take winter clothes with you on board the plane. Each airliner cabin has shelves above the passenger seats designed for carry-on luggage. You can put a warm jacket and other winter things there. But most convenient option There will be check-in of unnecessary clothes as luggage. In such a case, be sure to leave room in your suitcase for a jacket and warm, heavy, bulky shoes.

If you don’t want to take unnecessary winter items on board the plane either as hand luggage or as luggage, then leave them in the luggage room. Each airport has special chambers where any passenger can leave personal belongings. But this option is only suitable for those travelers going to another country for a short period of time. If you leave the local airport for a long time, you will have to pay extra for storing winter things. But the amount for long-term use of a storage locker can be quite impressive.

If you don’t want to overpay for storing winter things in the airport building, but also don’t plan to take them with you on your trip, you can ask friends or relatives to accompany you to the plane and meet you when you return. You will be able to change clothes before boarding the plane, and your things will be returned safely.

Find out in advance how the plane will board. If passengers are transported using a shuttle, you will freeze without winter clothes. In the event that warm clothes will be put in a suitcase and checked in with the rest of your luggage, leave a warm sweater or jacket just in case. It is recommended not to check winter clothes in luggage when flying with transfers, especially if there are two of them. Luggage can get lost, and if it is found, it will be much later than you land at home, where it is cold.

When flying in the cold season, it is recommended to take warm clothes on board in case of cold weather on board the airliner. In such cases, passengers are offered to use blankets, but their quantity is limited and there is not enough for everyone. It is better to put a thick jacket in your hand luggage. It is convenient to take a warm stole on board the plane, which folds compactly and provides excellent warmth in case of freezing.

You should not take clothes that are too thick into the cabin. Usually wearing trousers and a long sleeve jumper is sufficient. There is also no need to travel in warm shoes.

If you do not want to board the plane in winter clothes, you need to change clothes at the airport in advance. There are no special places at the airport where passengers change clothes. Tourists manage to change clothes in showers or toilets. But usually public toilets small in size, and putting on summer clothes while taking off winter ones will be inconvenient.

There may be secluded areas at the airport, and if you can't find them, ask for access to the VIP lounge. Here are the most spacious toilets. You can easily change clothes and be able to wait for the plane in comfortable conditions. But you need to pay for additional amenities.

If you don’t want to pay for entry to the VIP lounge, change from winter clothes You can do it in the regular waiting room. A light jacket or jumper should be worn under the sweater so that you can easily remove winter outerwear. Change warm shoes In the summer, sitting in the waiting room is no less convenient than taking off your jacket. And if you want to take off your pants and put on shorts, then use the toilet on board the plane.

To ensure a comfortable flight, read in advance the list of clothes that you should absolutely not wear before traveling. Choosing between skinny jeans and wide pants, stop at the second option. Jeans are very tight on the lower limbs and seriously limit movement. And if you consider that the passenger practically does not move during the flight, then tight clothing can lead to problems with blood circulation in the legs. And in loose-fitting trousers, nothing will restrict movement.

Girls and women going on air travel are not recommended to wear short dresses and miniskirts. Clothes above the waist should also not be tight or too tight.

Choose items made from natural soft fabrics rather than synthetics. Light-colored clothing is most susceptible to stains. If you get a stain on your clothes while eating, changing clothes on board the plane will be problematic. Especially if you didn't take extra clothes as carry-on luggage. When planning to use the services of an airline, choose clothes in dark shades.

Great importance should be attached to the shoes you will wear on board the airliner. During the flight, passengers are in a sitting position, and it is not possible to fully straighten their legs. This leads to discomfort in the lower extremities. Also, the feet may sweat, which does not delight the passenger.

Wear light shoes made from natural fabrics. There is no need to wear high-heeled shoes for the sake of beauty; it is better to wear shoes with a small platform or medium heel. Choose shoes that open easily so that you can easily remove them if discomfort occurs. There are compression socks on sale that help prevent the occurrence of varicose veins. You can buy them not only in regular stores, but also at the airport.

Regardless of the clothes and shoes you choose, get up from the passenger seat periodically during the flight. Warming up will help you endure the flight easier, especially over a long distance. During the flight, you are allowed to get up from your seat and walk around the cabin without disturbing the flight attendants and other passengers.

What to wear on a plane?