What is the best age in a person's life? What age is best? What age is considered the best?

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Is aging an inevitable decline of the body, or does it also have certain bonuses for our lives? David Robson explores what old age cannot do and what youth does not know.

Have you ever felt worried that the golden time of your life has already passed and you didn't even have the grace to tell you about it?

In some sports, older athletes achieve the best results

They say life begins at 40 and 60 is the new 50. Is this true? And what age is the best in life?

BBC Future correspondents read mountains of medical literature and found out what changes our body undergoes throughout life, from memory to sexual desire.

Physical form

For physical activity, which requires short and sharp bursts of energy - the 100m sprint, shot put or javelin throw - the starting shot sounds at 20, and after 25 a rapid decline begins. Footballers reach the peak of their careers even earlier.

Image copyright Sunny McKee Image caption 65-year-old American Sunny Maki participates in grueling competitions that even younger athletes cannot withstand

However, in grueling sports that require significant endurance, such as 100 km and 1000 km marathons, older athletes perform better. In such a sport, the decline in physical strength occurs very slowly even after 30 and 40 years. On her sixty-first birthday, Sunny McKee competed in an eventing event." iron Man", which consists of three consecutive stages: a 180-kilometer bike ride, a marathon and a 4-kilometer swim. Some participants are so passionate about this grueling competition that they continue to participate even after 70 years.

Intellectual abilities

Data on brain aging are less optimistic.

The peak of creative activity occurs in young years

After 20, the ability to remember new facts gradually decreases. In fact, the golden age of memory is school years. So-called "working memory" - the ability to retain short-term information, such as how many glasses of beer you downed in the pub yesterday - remains at a constant level for a little longer and gradually declines in the 40s.

It is even sadder to admit that creativity reaches its zenith in youth. Most Nobel laureates made their revolutionary discoveries before they were 40. The white matter in our brains, responsible for creating information pathways, also begins to shrink, which generally slows down mental activity.

Image copyright Getty Image caption 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics winner Hiroshi Amano

But there is also good news.

30% healthy people aged 65-74 have sex at least once a week

Although more time is spent on memorizing facts at an older age, others intellectual abilities continue to develop. Reading and arithmetic skills improve until middle age. Social skills - our ability to adapt to complex interpersonal relationships - improve until late in life.

In other words, our intellectual abilities develop in waves. A decline in one area is replaced by a rise in another. "There's no age at which we're the best at everything," says Josh Gartshorn of Harvard University, who has conducted extensive research on the issue.

Sex life

Popular culture supports the stereotype that passions in bed rage only among 20-30 year olds. In fact, neither sexual desire, nor sexual activity decreases significantly until mid-50s. And even then the decline will not be rapid.

According to a study on sexual life expectancy, 55-year-old men can expect another 15 or more years of regular sex, and women of the same age can expect another decade. Sexual activity at this age may not be as frequent and vigorous as before, but scientists say that 30% of healthy people aged 65-74 can enjoy sex at least once a week.

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Moreover, although sexual desire decreases in older age, the level of satisfaction with life in general is higher than at older ages. at a young age. Although as we age we complain more often about physical ailments, we learn to cope with emotions much better.

Is there an elixir of youth?

What conclusion can be drawn from these data? We can assume that the peak of sexual life occurs at 20 years old, physical activity - at 30, intellectual activity - at 40 and 50, and the most happy years life is the seventh decade. But you need to understand that these are average statistics, and the trajectories of your life may differ significantly. The most important conclusion is this: different ages has its ups and downs, therefore, there is no golden age in general.

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Even more encouraging is the fact that the most unpleasant consequences of aging are not as inevitable as we tend to imagine them. Physical exercise, in particular, not only help you stay physically fit longer and prevent most age-related diseases such as diabetes and cancer, but also strengthen memory and improve mental performance. In people with good health sex life about 5 years longer. It seems that we have almost discovered the elixir of youth.

Physiologists are also confident that great importance has a mood. Some people say that they feel younger than their age. This approach forces them to be more active, and as a result they have a longer life expectancy. In other words, we impose some restrictions on ourselves, and they are not always associated with aging.

We cannot stop the aging process. But we can understand its strengths and weaknesses and have a good sense of the terrain, which will make our journey to elderly age more enjoyable. The next peak is yet to come.

I have no idea what age you are, my dear reader. But I will prove to you in no time that the best age is YOURS. Straight out, I can’t leave this place!

In general, my mother has said more than once that the best age for a woman is 60 years old. You still have energy and no longer need to go to work! So, ladies approaching 60, take note.

But I will start from birth. The most beautiful age is before school. Because they don't watch the news, don't read newspapers and live in their own happy world. We will never understand them again, since this happiness is unattainable for us.

Elementary School. What a joy it is to be an elementary school student! Something new opens up before you every day! And wise teachers, together with your parents, carefully guide you into this big and wonderful world of knowledge!

Teens. Oh, it's not age at all, but a diagnosis. The left leg goes to the left, the right one goes up, the arms become longer than body. Something incomprehensible grows on the body, like hair in completely unnecessary places. I want everything at once and nothing at all. You can laugh and cry at the same time. Those who are eleven are a cool age. There is nothing better. It’s a pity that it ends so quickly, you don’t have time to enjoy it properly!

Young men and women. I’m talking about those who are between 20 and 30. Oh, where are my 25 years! It's just a miracle, not age! Love to the fullest, all the girls are beautiful, and the guys are just gold. All natural bodily beauty at this time! I remember I took a photo for some document after a stormy student party. They handed me the photos, and I was horrified - such a crumpled face! But now, a quarter of a century has passed since then. I look at this document that no one needs anymore - what a cute face! Guys... girls. you don't value your body. Even being overweight at this age is the MOST pleasant! And thinness is SO cute!

Mature men and women. This is from 30 to forty. The age of madness. You think that you have already matured, you try to do something logically, reasoning... But in reality, you are a fool and your ears are cold. To look at it from the outside (from your 60s, for example) - God, what a fool I was. But it's nice to remember. And living from 30 to forty is a complete thrill. The body is strong, the head thinks quickly. The truth is in the wrong direction, but every age has its own quirks!

Fully matured men and women. This is from forty to fifty dollars. The very name “fully ripe” already says a lot. You can argue, or you can just take my word for it that this is the BEST age. Not to mention the fact that even a flock of young top models cannot keep up with a woman at 45. The world belongs to this age. All bosses, rectors-directors, candidates, professors, as a rule, are at this age. At the age of forty the first glimpses of intelligence appear. This mainly applies to men, since women experience it a little earlier. You already think about what you are saying and know what needs to be done. It’s a wonderful age, believe me.

For fifty dollars. Hurray, hurray, I just relate to this age. The main beauty is that I survived! Others are gone, but those are still being treated. The head works wonderfully. Especially after I stopped drinking and almost quit smoking. There is enough energy, health is maintained. Fantasies and plans are swarming with might and main. And already here and there scraps of wisdom appear. Like, what’s the point of arguing with your wife if you’ll make peace tomorrow anyway. Over fifty dollars is a time for healthy indifference. Many things stop bothering you, you are more often in a state of peace and reflection, and this is SO nice!

Over 60. Well, that’s exactly where I started. Remember my mother’s words about the best age for a woman? My uncles and brother have just that much. How are they feeling? Yes, they feel great, thank God. Everyone is working, healthy, cheerful. If there are any complaints, then let no one know about them! I myself can’t wait to reach this age. Just wondering, what's it like THERE?

Over 70. I have friends at this age. In America this is the age of travel. If you sit with them in company, then all you talk about is air tickets, flights, resorts and resorts. Suitcases are not unpacked at all. We rested a bit and went back to some islands. I'm jealous, damn it! I think it’s great when you’re over 70, and you’re wandering around the world like a doctor Sienkiewicz!

Over 80. This is the last age about which I can say something articulate. In my opinion, the joy lies in the fact that every day is ANOTHER YOUR DAY! However, if, for example, you look at Andrei Voznesensky with a new passion, you think that simple worldly joys at this age do not go away. Or remember the German poet Goethe, who, as you know, “fed the breath of young maidens,” then one becomes curious - so what? Good food, eh?

Previously, this figure was given very approximately - between 25 and 60 years. Now, scientists, having asked 2 thousand respondents aged 40 years and older, have discovered what age people considered the happiest for themselves, as well as what key factors make a person happy at different stages of life.

The question of the happiest time in life has interested researchers before. For example, in 2013, psychologists from the London School of Economics, based on a survey of 20 thousand people from different countries world have calculated that in the fate of every average person there are two “peaks of happiness” - 23 years old when a person is young, devoid of negative experiences and full of hope, and 69 years old, when he has accumulated life wisdom and knows the value of eternal values. A little earlier, British sociologists indicated the figure as the “age of happiness” 58 - this was what was most often mentioned in the survey by the majority of 1,000 pensioners over 60 years of age.

According to the authors of a recent study, most adults call their happiest age 34 years, since by this moment, usually the one who wanted to, has already managed to realize himself: start a family and give birth to children, get an education, achieve success in his career and save some capital. However, scientists agree that you can feel happy at any age, only the reasons for this will be different. What factors are most valuable for the main age categories?

20 years and older

  • Youth and health.
  • Less responsibility and more freedom than the older generation.
  • Most people like their appearance.
  • Many people get married.
  • All the money you earn can be spent on yourself.
  • Meeting with the first true love, the most touching dates and whirlwind romances.
  • All loved ones are still nearby.
  • Birth of the first child.
  • Lots of relationships with interesting people.
  • Time for active travel.

30 years and older

  • Happiness is seeing children grow up and raising them.
  • Meeting true love.
  • The ability to appreciate the small joys of life comes.
  • Traveling takes on a new flavor.
  • The ability to make the right decisions is developed.
  • Climbing the career ladder, making good money.
  • Meaningful marriage.
  • Receipt new job or change of profession.
  • Purchasing your own home.
  • Moving to a new place of residence.

40 years and older

  • Feeling of inner harmony.
  • Enjoying family life.
  • Meeting your love.
  • Improvement parental experience, spending time with older children.
  • Once again I have time for myself, hobbies and interests.
  • Feeling like a successful person.
  • I managed to put aside savings and ensure material well-being.
  • Getting married (for many, remarried) or starting life “from scratch” after a divorce.
  • Moving to a new, more spacious home.
  • Taking care of your health and appearance It bore fruit: I managed to lose weight and get in shape.

50 years and older

  • Achieving financial and psychological comfort.
  • There is less work, and more time for yourself.
  • You can travel again.
  • The appearance of grandchildren.
  • The children began to live independently.
  • Getting married.
  • Reaching the peak of your career.
  • Getting rid of previous illnesses or bad habits.
  • Celebrating round anniversaries family life, meetings with family and friends.
  • Feeling fit when combined life experience and energy.

60 years and older

  • Retirement.
  • The ability to travel by choosing your own routes.
  • Now is the time to focus on your own hobbies and interests.
  • You can work only for your own pleasure.
  • The ability to appreciate every moment in life has come.
  • Finally, you can relax: you no longer need to prove anything to anyone.
  • You can gain new knowledge and look for like-minded people in your hobby.
  • The appearance of grandchildren or great-grandchildren.
  • There is time to pay due attention to your health.
  • Getting married.

What is noteworthy is that one of the key factors of happiness is love and marriage- representatives of all age categories recalled, however, the importance romantic feelings assessed differently. Another interesting detail: the majority of respondents noted that although they have a strong feeling of nostalgia for the events of their youth, they still became happier with age.

Those who considered themselves generally unhappy in life, it turned out to be a little - only 10% of the total. Almost half of the respondents rated their lives as happy overall, while another 40% noted that they were only equally happy. And one of the most important secrets happiness, according to scientists, is the ability to appreciate the joys of every age, do not regret missed opportunities and do not torment yourself with memories of mistakes made...

Sometimes sociologists are betrayed by their innate instinct of self-preservation, and they clearly run into a wave of criticism from respondents. This risk does not seem to have been taken into account by the recruiting portal’s research centerSuperjob.ru . Almost on the eve of March 8, they asked active working Russians a rather “slippery” question: at what age are women and men most attractive?

And the answers we received were completely “indelicate.” It turned out that men prefer... no, not blonde models. Contrary to popular belief, the stronger sex more often loses its head not from young “nymphs and Amazons” of about eighteen years old, but from mature women"in the prime of life" - those who are 26-30. It is precisely this age of greatest female attractiveness in the proposed scale that was noted by the most men - 30%, almost every third. True, in addition to this, it was discovered that for men, the “prime” begins later, at 36-40 years old, but it lasts longer than for their peers. They do not lose their charm over the years! It turns out that the hero of the famous musical “Duenna”, ridiculed by his young rivals, was not so mistaken when he delivered his aria in a trembling falsetto: “Vidney male beauty in wrinkles!"

Two tables for greater clarity of the survey results.

"What age do you think is the peak of MALE attractiveness?"

"What age do you think is the peak of FEMALE attractiveness?"

The respondents' answers were distributed as follows:

Why do men especially like ladies of pre-Balzac years? “This is the age of maximum female sexuality, physical, moral, career opportunities, the most optimal for having children,” the respondents explain.

Younger girls aged 21 to 25 are considered most attractive by 24% of men, most of whom are in the same age category (41%). But men over 25 years old are more often attracted to ladies of Balzac's age - from 31 to 35 years old (19%). "True femininity"; “Experience, lack of illusions,” is how they describe women in their early 30s. Here is another opinion, from a woman’s lips: “This is no longer a girl, but she is not yet fixated on problems, a free girl in most cases. age has not yet spoiled her figure, usually a decent education (there is something to talk about). As a rule, she dresses well, takes care of herself and easily makes contact with the opposite sex. She does not bother a man with thoughts about marriage and children, because she still has a lot of time. A little frivolous, but already with an established character. In general, that’s it!”

Why do beauties aged 36-40 outshine young and lovely young ladies aged 16-20 in the eyes of men - 9% versus 4%? "Nature gives a woman one last chance to give birth. healthy child, in connection with which all the resources of the body, brain, and soul are concentrated,” comment fans of mature femininity. Another 3% of the stronger sex believe that the peak feminine attractiveness falls between the ages of 41 and 45: “The most interesting age is for women. They are beautiful and stately.”

7% of the men we surveyed found it difficult to name the best age for a woman. "Young maidens are attracted by their bodies. Mature ladies - by their minds"; “A real woman is attractive at any age”, “There are practically no naturally unattractive women, with very rare exceptions. There are women who do not want or cannot be attractive. And if external data is combined with intelligence and feminine charm, not a single man can resist”, - they say evasively.

As for men, judging by the opinion of the fair sex, the peak of attractiveness comes much later for them, but lasts longer than for women. Thus, the majority of women (27%) believe that the prime age of masculinity is between 36 and 40 years old. Almost the same number of ladies (26%) consider the best age for a man to be between 31 and 35 years old: “Not old, but already accomplished men”; “As a rule, by the age of 36, a man has formed as a person, everything is fine with his work, he has his own views on life.”

At the same time, many survey participants note that male attractiveness depends less on age than female attractiveness. “It is more likely connected with personality qualities, even with professional qualities. The more a man is accomplished and realized (both in his profession and in his family), the more attractive he is. So for some, this peak lasts a very long time - until his death,” they argue They.

17% of women consider the age from 41 to 45 years to be the peak of male attractiveness: “At this age, men begin to understand women”; "Peak activity" Almost the same number of representatives of the fair sex (16%) reported that they most like men 26-30 years old, and the majority of these respondents are girls under 24 years old (34%). “By this age, it is already clear what a man wants in life, what he strives for, what he has. At the same time, he is quite young and full of strength,” they comment.

And only 3% of respondents consider the age from 21 to 25 years to be the peak of male attractiveness. 16-20 year old boys are not “rated” at all among ladies. The reason is that at this age young people cannot yet boast of professional competence, firm views on life and a stable position in society.

7% of women found it difficult to accurately determine the peak of male attractiveness: “At any age, one is attracted primarily by personality”; “A man, if he is real, is good at any age!”; “It all depends on what age the woman herself is. There is a rule of life - husbands should be older, and lovers should be younger!”

Sociologists present in their research a whole range of reviews - about representatives of both their own sex and the opposite. It must be said that men generally agree that with age they are valued more, “like good cognac.” Among them, only 6% think that the peak of male attractiveness is in early youth, before the age of 25. Every fifth (19%) is sure that their best age is 26-30 years (“Optimal for starting a family, maximum male potency, maximum moral and physical strength"). Approximately the same number (21%) noted the column “31-35 years old” (“At this age, guys turn into men.”), as well as (20%) - 36-40 years of age. 16% said that Peak male charm is 41-45 years old." True, with a caveat: “This is only if it is possible to maintain physical fitness, develop as much as possible mental capacity and gain a lot of experience."

And, of course, there were philosophers. They believe that a man is attractive “up to the age of 90, if he can and wants to be attractive,” and “the age at which male attractiveness peaks depends on the age of the lady who evaluates the man.”

Some cynically note that “the peak of male attractiveness lasts from birth to death, since there are many more women on Earth than men. All the time there is a real hunt on the part of the weaker sex for attention, for the continuation of the human race, for love. So it was, so it is and so it will be." There is another opinion: “It depends on how much money is in your pocket. The more you have, the more attractive it is.”

Even the heads of the plumbing and transport departments spoke out, as at the meeting.

“If a man takes care of his health, then the result is a very wide “fork” (and at 50 years old you can look 30). Health and a youthful appearance always attract women! ”, says the head of plumbers. “It’s strange, but my age is not there! There is a youthful age, an adult one too, but the attractiveness of a wise man (in the full sense of the word) is not there. I got married last year (my wife is younger than me)!” - this was written by a 45-year-old head of the transport department from Moscow.

“I’m 51. I’m damn attractive,” the St. Petersburg respondent said bluntly.

And a certain 57-year-old Moscow foreman assessed the balance of forces and chances best of all: “A man in all age groups must behave and act as a real man. Then he is attractive until old age."

It's hard to disagree.

41% of residents of the Russian Federation are confident that old age already sets in between the ages of 50 and 59. 25% are ready to delay the arrival of this time until they are 60–64 years old.

The best age for a man is...

25% 20 years. Youth is youth
22% Best age- my age!
8% 40 years old. Wisdom comes with age
43% 30 years old. A man in his prime

Source: survey on the website, 2544 respondents

26–34 years old is the time to get the most out of fitness. The elasticity of your muscles remains at its peak, but the response to loads and subsequent growth is much higher than when you were 20. So load yourself to the fullest. In addition, now you can put a full load on your heart, without fear of a sudden attack, like after 40. And if you train your heart, there will be no attacks either now or decades later.

Gary O'Donnell, Doctor of Sports Medicine, University of Exeter (UK)

The average man has sex most actively at the age of 25–29 - about three times a week. By the age of 50, this figure, as they now say, “dramatically decreases” - to once a week on average.

Journal of Sexual Medicine

In 2014, Samsung launched a large study to find out at what age people feel the happiest. It turned out that this is not 20, not 30 or 40 years (at 35, the majority of respondents generally feel the most exhausted - with family, work and the need to combine one with the other). The result was slightly unexpected: 58 years is the age at which a person is most often ready to exhale and declare that he is more satisfied with everything than ever and has no special problems.


In 2013, Russians were asked the question: if given the opportunity to return to their past and change something there, would they do it? 55% of men would not return anywhere, but 36% would take such a chance. Among the latter, half would like to be aged 11–20 again. The second most popular age is between 21 and 30 years old.