What a holiday it was recently. Public holidays in Russia. Weekends and holidays. Traditional Slavic holidays

Russian holidays are officially established holidays. Some of them remain from historical periods of past years, the rest are inextricably linked with modern history Russia - a change in ideology, the acquisition of sovereignty. A significant part of holidays in Russia are professional holidays. These days, representatives of a certain profession, a certain field of activity are honored.

All holidays today

All state and professional holidays of Russia, including significant World and International holidays folk holidays, and others no less interesting holidays, dates and events.

Today holidays and events:
Holidays expected:
01.03.2020 -
02.03.2020 -
03.03.2020 -
04.03.2020 -
05.03.2020 -

Orthodox, church holiday

Russian holidays Orthodox Church dedicated to one or another church event that is important for Orthodox people. Church Orthodox holidays include such important holiday dates as the Epiphany, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and others. Some Orthodox holidays known even to those who are far from religion.

Today Orthodox religious holiday:
Holidays expected:
01.03.2020 -
02.03.2020 -
03.03.2020 -
04.03.2020 -
05.03.2020 -

Folk holidays and signs

National holidays of Russia- this is Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity, Ivan Kupala. Today, Russian folk holidays and church traditions are so closely intertwined that even in the folk and Orthodox calendars, many holidays coincide - the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Intercession, Epiphany, Annunciation and others.

Non-working holidays in Russia- additional days off due to holidays.
Professional holidays- are established as a sign of recognition of the merits of workers in sectors of the national economy and various fields of activity.
Memorable days- installed in honor of significant events and significant dates in world history or Russian history.
Days of military glory (victory days) of Russia- installed to commemorate glorious victories Russian troops who played a decisive role in the history of Russia.
Memorable dates in Russia- officially established memorable dates in the history of the Fatherland, associated with the most important historical events in the life of the state and society.

taking into account the law of December 24, 2004 “On Amendments to Article 112 Labor Code RF".

from January 1 to January 5 (non-working days) - New Year holidays
January 7 (non-working day) - Christmas
January 12 - Day of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
January 13 - Russian Press Day
January 21 - Engineering Troops Day
January 25 - Russian Student Day
January 27 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of lifting the blockade of Leningrad (1944)
February 2 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. The day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943)
February 8 - Russian Science Day
February 23 (non-working day) - Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Day of military glory of Russia. Day of the Red Army's victory over the Kaiser's troops in Germany (1918).
March 8 (non-working day) - International Women's Day
Third Sunday in March- Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services Workers
March 27 - Day internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
April 2 - Day of Unity of Nations
First Sunday in April- Geologist's Day
April 12 - Cosmonautics Day
Second Sunday in April- Troops Day air defense countries
April 18 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of the victory of Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipus (Battle of the Ice, 1242)
April 26 - Day of Remembrance for those killed in radiation accidents and disasters
April 30 - Firefighter Day
May 1 (non-working day) - Spring and Labor Day
May 7 - Radio Day, a holiday for workers in all communications sectors
May 9 (non-working day) - Day of Military Glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (1945)
Last Sunday in May- Chemist's Day
May 24 - Day of Slavic Literature and Culture
May 27 - All-Russian Library Day
May 28 - Border Guard Day
June 6 - Pushkin Day of Russia
June 12 (non-working day) - Day of adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation
Second Sunday in June- Day of Light Industry Workers
Third Sunday in June- Medical Worker Day
Last Saturday in June- Inventor and Innovator Day
June 22 - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow (Day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945)
June 27 - Youth Day
First Sunday of July- Day of Sea and River Fleet Workers
July 10 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709)
Second Sunday of July- Fisherman's Day Russian Post Day
Third Sunday of July- Metallurgist Day
Last Sunday of July- Navy Day
First Sunday in August- Railwayman's Day
August 6 - Day of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation
August 9 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. The day of the first naval victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut (1714)
August 12 - Air Force Day ( holiday events, dedicated to the Day Air Force, held on Russian Air Fleet Day)
Second Saturday in August- Sportsman's Day
Second Sunday in August- Builder's Day
Third Sunday in August- Russian Air Fleet Day
August 22 - Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation
August 23 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. The day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943)
Last Sunday in August- Miner's Day
August 27 - Cinema Day
1 September is the day of knowledge
September 3 - Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism
First Sunday in September- Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers
September 8 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of the Battle of Borodino of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army (1812)
September 11 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakova over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790)
Second Sunday in September- Tanker Day
September 21 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380)
Third Sunday in September- Forest Workers Day
Last Sunday of September- Mechanical Engineer Day
October 1 - Older People's Day
October 4 - Military Space Forces Day
October 5 - Teacher's Day
October 25 - Customs Day of the Russian Federation
Second Sunday in October- Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers
Last Sunday of October- Day of Road Transport and Road Workers
October 30 - Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression
November 4 (non-working day) - National Unity Day
November 7 is the Day of the October Revolution of 1917.
November 10 - Police Day
Third Sunday in November- Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery
Last Sunday of November- Mothers Day
December 1 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853)
December 5 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. The day of the start of the counteroffensive of Soviet troops against Nazi troops in the Battle of Moscow (1941)
December 12 - Constitution Day of the Russian Federation
December 17 - Strategic Missile Forces Day
December 20 - Day of the Security Agencies Worker of the Russian Federation
Third Sunday in December- An energy worker's day
December 24 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. The day of the capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790)
December 27 - Rescuer Day

These holidays are divided into two categories:

Fixed (non-moving) holidays: they always fall on a strictly defined date of the month, regardless of the day of the week, which changes annually. These include nine twelfth church holidays:

Twelfth Feasts

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 21
†Exaltation of the Holy Cross (40 days from the Transfiguration) September 27
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple December 4
†Nativity Jan. 7
January 19
†The Presentation of the Lord (40 days from A.D.) February, 15
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (9 months BC) April 7
†Transfiguration August 19
Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 28

Movable (movable) holidays. Movable part church calendar moves along with the date of celebration changing from year to year. All “moving” holidays are counted from Easter and move in the space of the “secular” calendar along with it.

Twelfth moving holidays:

The twelfth holidays each have one forefeast day, with the exception of the Nativity of Christ, which has 5 forefeast days, and Epiphany, which has 4 forefeast days.

The number of days of post-feast varies from 1 to 8 days, depending on the greater or lesser proximity of some holidays to others or to days of fasting.
Some of the Lord's holidays, in addition, are preceded and concluded by special Saturdays and weeks (Sundays).

The services of the twelve feasts of the fixed circle are in menstruation. Services for the twelve feasts of the moving circle are located in Lenten and Tsvetnaya.

In Russia, until 1925, the twelfth holidays were both church and civil.

Great non-twelfth holidays:

On the holidays of Christmas and the Beheading of John the Baptist, the Circumcision of the Lord, the Intercession Holy Mother of God, There are no forefeasts, afterfeasts, or dedications of the Holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul.

  • Bishop Alexander Mileant
  • Yu. Ruban
  • Holidays of the Christmas cycle Yu. Ruban
  • Twelfth holidays prot. Alexander Men
  • Troparions of the Twelve Feasts

Christian holidays

Christian holidays- certain days of the church calendar, marked by services of an individual liturgical nature. This is fixed in the names of holidays and “times of repentance”, the dates and order of their celebration, as well as in the content of the texts sung during the service. Their purpose and meaning is the recollection, glorification and theological interpretation of the key stages of the history of Salvation, which is embodied mainly in the events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ (the Savior) and the Virgin Mary - a real participant in this divine-human process. Hence - an exceptional place in the calendar of holidays dedicated to Him.

The holidays are distributed within two overlapping annual cycles - (Mineaion) and (triode, or Easter-Pentecostal). Celebrations and memorable events of the first cycle are strictly fixed only by the dates of the month (for dates of the Julian calendar in relation to the modern civil calendar, an amendment is necessary: ​​n - 13 days, - for the 20th-21st centuries). The holidays of the second are fixed only by day of the week, being strictly correlated with Easter, which is the starting point for the entire moving annual cycle. The date of the latter moves within 35 days (“Easter limits”): from April 4 (March 22, old style) - to May 8 (April 25, old style).

The most important holidays of modern times Orthodox calendar are called “twelve”, or “twelve” (from the Slavic twelve - “twelve”) (see). , as a “holiday holiday”, is outside this classification.

The second step in the holiday hierarchical ladder is occupied by holidays called “great” in liturgical usage. These include: the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos (October 1/14), the Circumcision of the Lord and the memory of St. Basil the Great (January 1/14), Nativity of John the Baptist (June 24/July 7), memory of the first supreme appanages. Peter and Paul (June 29/July 12), the Beheading of John the Baptist (August 29/September 11), and also, according to some old calendars, the repose (death) of St. John the Theologian (September 26/October 9), memory of the saint. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia (December 6/19) and the transfer of his relics from Myra to the Italian city of Bari (May 9/22).

All other numerous holidays are dedicated to ethereal forces (the general holiday is the Council of the Archangel Michael, November 8/21), Old Testament and Christian saints, the remembrance of significant events in Sacred Biblical and Christian history, the appearance of miraculous icons, and the discovery of relics.
The constant canonization of new saints means the continuous replenishment of the Christian calendar.

The Church Charter (Typikon) provides for the gradation of all holidays into five categories according to the degree of solemnity of their services, which is recorded by special signs (the sixth category has no sign). The patronal feast of any church (whose name it bears) is equated for it in the liturgical aspect to the twelve feasts. The same degree of solemnity may be inherent in “locally revered” holidays, even those having a modest liturgical status at the general church level.

Holidays common to all Christians are, first of all, Easter and Christmas (the latter, as a special calendar celebration, is not celebrated by the Armenian and other Monophysite churches). The most important annual holidays are basically the same among Orthodox and Catholics (because they are based on the same events of sacred history), but they differ in dates, often in names and semantic nuances, as well as in the nature of their celebration.
Many saints of the united Church are equally venerated: Eastern ones in the West, Western ones in the East (Basily the Great - Ambrose of Milan, etc.). But saints of one Church who lived after the division of the Churches (1054) can be venerated in another Church mainly at the local level, with the permission of church authorities. The official Catholic calendar, for example, includes the names of Sts. Cyril of Turov (May 11), Anthony of Pechersk (July 24), Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga and Vladimir (July 27 and 28), Boris and Gleb (August 5), Sergius of Radonezh (October 8); The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is also honored (September 7).
Protestants, rejecting the veneration of the Mother of God, saints, relics and icons, do not have corresponding holidays in their calendars.

The study of holidays in the context of the general process of formation of the church calendar (lit. “holiday studies”) is an auxiliary historical discipline, one of the sections of academic liturgics.

Liturgical texts are contained in the Service, in 12 volumes (for fixed holidays), Lenten and Tsvetnaya (for moving ones), Menea Festive, as well as in numerous editions of services for individual holidays, often containing historical information, comments, notation and other applications.

“How to celebrate the holiday? We celebrate an event (to delve into the greatness of the event, its purpose, its fruit for believers) or a person, such as: the Lord, the Mother of God, Angels and Saints (to delve into the attitude of that person to God and humanity, into his beneficial influence on the Church of God , at all). It is necessary to delve into the history of an event or person, to approach the event or person, otherwise the holiday will be imperfect and unpleasing. Holidays should have an impact on our lives, they should enliven, warm our faith (hearts) in future blessings and nourish pious, good morals.”

Months: January, February, March, April


1st of January. New Year.
6th January. Christmas Eve.
Jan. 7. Nativity.
January 11. World Thank You Day.
January 11. Day of reserves and national parks.
January 12. Day of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.
13th of January. Russian Press Day.
January 14. Old New Year.
January 14. Day of the creation of Russian pipeline troops.
January 15. Education Day Investigative Committee RF.
January 17. Children's Invention Day.
January 18. Epiphany Christmas Eve.
January 19. Baptism of the Lord (Holy Epiphany).
January 21. Engineering Troops Day.
January 21. International Hug Day.
The 25th of January. Student's Day (Tatiana's Day).
The 25th of January. Navy Navigator Day.
January 26. International Customs Day.
January 27. Day of Military Glory of Russia (Day of lifting the siege of Leningrad, 1944).
January 27. Holocaust Remembrance Day.
28 January. International Data Protection Day.
January 31st. Jeweler's Day.
January 31st. Birthday of Russian vodka.


February 2. Day of Military Glory of Russia (defeat of fascist troops at Stalingrad, 1943).
February 2. Groundhog Day.
February 5th. International Boy Scout Day.
February 5th. Chinese New Year. The date of the holiday is unique for each year.
February 6. International Bartender's Day.
February 8. Russian Science Day.
February 8. Military Topographer's Day.
February 9th. International Dentist Day.
February 9th. Day civil aviation Russia.
February 10. Aeroflot Day. The holiday is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of February.
February 10. Diplomat's Day.
11 February. World Sick Day.
February 13. World Radio Day.
The 14th of February. Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day).
February, 15. Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers.
February 17. Day spontaneous manifestation kindness.
February 17. Fuel Service Day of the Russian Armed Forces.
18th of Febuary. Presidents Day. The holiday is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of February.
18th of Febuary. Transport Police Day.
February 21. World Tour Guide Day.
February 21. International Mother Language Day.
February 23. Defender of the Fatherland Day.
February 27. Special Operations Forces Day.


March 1. World Civil Defense Day.
March 1. Day of the forensic expert of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
March 1. World Cat Day.
March 1. First day of spring.
March, 3rd. International Day of Children's Television and Radio Broadcasting. The holiday is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of March.
March, 3rd. World Writer's Day.
March 4th. Maslenitsa. The date of the holiday is unique for each year.
March, 6. Theater Cashier's Day.
March, 6. Dentist's Day.
March 7. Wide Thursday. The date of the holiday is unique for each year.
March 8. International Women's Day.
9th of March. World DJ Day.
10th of March. Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers. The holiday is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of March.
10th of March. Forgiveness Sunday. The date of the holiday is unique for each year.
10th of March. Archives Day.
11th of March. Drug Control Officer's Day.
March 12. Day of workers of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia.
March 15th. World Consumer Rights Day.
March 16. Day of formation of economic security units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
March 17. Day of workers in trade, consumer services and housing and communal services. The holiday is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of March.
March 17. St.Patrick 's Day.
March 17. International Planetarium Day. The holiday is celebrated on the Sunday closest to the vernal equinox.
March 19. Submariner's Day.
20th of March. International Day of Happiness.
20th of March. International Astrologer Day.
21 March. World Poetry Day.
21 March. International Puppeteer Day.
21 March. Navruz.
March 22. International Taxi Driver Day.
March 23. Day of workers of the hydrometeorological service of Russia.
March 25. Russian Cultural Worker's Day.
March 27. Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
March 27. National Guard Day.
March 27. World Theater Day.
March 29. Military Lawyer Day.


April 1st. April Fool's Day.
April 2. International Children's Book Day.
April 2. Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia.
April 3. Waterman's Day (Vodopol).
April, 4. International Internet Day.
April 6. Investigative Authorities Day.
April 7. Geologist's Day. The holiday is celebrated on the 1st Sunday in April.
April 7. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
April 7. World Health Day.
April 7. RuNet's birthday.
April 8. Day of Military Commissariat Employees.
April 10th. Brothers and Sisters Day.
12th of April. World Aviation and Space Day.
April 13. World Rock and Roll Day.
14th of April. Air Defense Forces Day (Air Defense Day). The holiday is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of April.
April 15. Electronic warfare specialist day.
April 17. Veterans Day of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops.
April 17. International Coffee Day.
April 18th. World Amateur Radio Day.
April 18th. International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites.
April 18th. Day of Military Glory of Russia (Battle on the Ice, 1242).
April 19. Scrap Processing Industry Worker's Day.
April 19. Snowdrop Day.
April 19. Day of Employment Service Workers.
20 April. World Circus Day. The holiday is celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of April.
20 April. Russian Donor Day.
April 21. Palm Sunday(Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem). The date of the holiday is unique for each year.
April 21. Catholic Easter. The date of the holiday is unique for each year.
April 21. Local Government Day.
April 21. Day of the Chief Accountant (Day of the Chief Accountant).
April 22. International Earth Day.
April 23. World Book and Copyright Day.
April 23. English Language Day.
April 24. World Secretary Day. The holiday is celebrated on Wednesday of the last full week of April.
April 24. International Youth Solidarity Day.
25th of April. Clean Thursday. The date of the holiday is unique for each year.
26 April. International Intellectual Property Day.
26 April. International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Radiation Accidents and Disasters.
April 27. Day of Russian parliamentarism.
April 27. International Veterinarian Day.
April 27. Notary Day in Russia.
April 28. Easter. The date of the holiday is unique for each year.
April 28. World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
April 29. International Dance Day.
April 30. International Jazz Day.
April 30. Firefighter Day.