How colored pearls are grown. What is it - cultured pearls. How to grow hot red peppers at home

Cultured pearls are mineral formations created by human hands. The conditions for creating pearls are similar to those found in nature, but the process was developed by scientists. The need for technological actions is explained by the demand for the natural gift of the planet’s water spaces.

A mineral created by human hands cannot but be considered natural. The created material cannot be considered artificial, despite the process taking place under the control of reason and science. Pearl cultivation system – hard work, requiring accuracy and painstakingness. It can only be compared with jewelry making and the creativity of craftsmen. The farmer cannot say exactly what the result of his work will look like in the end, just like the craftsman.

They create an image in their head, then reproduce it on the surface of the stone. The naturalness is also confirmed by the fact that it is impossible to accurately determine the date of rejection of the pea. Regardless of a person’s wishes, material is rejected. We wrote more about the types and properties of pearls.

There are few methods for creating a pearl. Scientists have developed two main methods:

  1. Nuclear.
  2. Nuclear-free.

Saltwater pearls are the first to be grown. The nuclear-free method creates the freshwater appearance of the gemstone.

Nuclear technology

The method is based on certain actions. Cultivation begins with the search for a donor pearl mussel. A young clam will do. They check the quality of his robe. This is the scientific name for a mother-of-pearl shell. The second indicator is the quality of development of the reproductive gland (gonad). The creation of conditions for precious material can be compared to an operation. How to go about it:

  1. Open the shell using special tools.
  2. Make a small cut in soft fabric.
  3. Place a piece of donor robe into the incision.
  4. Remove the ball from a freshwater oyster.
  5. Place a small ball next to the graft.

After all the careful manipulations carried out with the shell, it is returned to the lagoon and left alone for several years. This technique does not provide a 100% guarantee of obtaining the desired result. The pearl mussel may die, and the nucleus is often rejected. But if everything goes well, a pearl will form. It is common for an artificially grown mineral to have a special layer of pearlescent coating. In a year it reaches a height of 1 cm.

The nuclear method of creation can hardly be called unnatural; most of the process takes place in natural conditions.

What are cultured pearls? In this case this is a help natural material in carrying out the instructions given by the person. What is the difference between the two pearls? When you get it in your hands, you can easily tell what the difference is. A real mineral is colder, heavier, an artificial one is light and quickly heats up from the temperature of the human body.

What's happened cultured pearls? This is the result of human labor, technology that accelerates the growth of precious peas. In different parts of the planet, farmers work on plantations with mollusk shells, hoping to obtain excellent and expensive pearl beads.

November 9th, 2016

When at the beginning of the twentieth century the Japanese learned to artificially grow white pearls, jewelers around the world greeted this news with enthusiasm, but very soon realized that they were mistaken. On an industrial scale, the mysterious stone of the depths has become too accessible. “Tears of the seas” dried up, “kisses of sea maidens” no longer attracted fashionistas. And when everyone had already come to terms with this and mentally buried the era of pearl fever, it suddenly flared up with renewed vigor, and in a new guise - golden.

Of course, mankind had known about such pearls for a long time, but they were so rare that in jewelry were not used at all. If only because it is almost impossible to find two golden twins in nature (in size, shape and shade) for a necklace.

Jacques Branneleck examines pearls from the new harvest.

Scientists have attempted to cultivate them several times, but for the time being in vain. “Golden-lipped” giant oysters of the species pinctada maxima - inhabitants of a small area of ​​​​the Pacific Ocean - died at the slightest human intervention. And golden mother-of-pearl originates only in them.

The main farm for growing “golden mother of pearl” near the Philippine island of Palawan is called “Taytay” - the same name as the old capital of this group of islands.

But then Jacques Branellec, one of the founders of the famous Franco-Filipino Jewelmer International Corporation, got down to business. He approached the problem with the prudence of a big businessman and the scope of a man with imagination. Among the lush tropics of the uninhabited island of Malutamban, a special laboratory has grown up: the “taming” of the capricious “golden-lipped” mollusk cost 15 years of scrupulous biological work.

Pearl farm.

Planet of the Oysters

But the efforts paid off - now first-class golden pearls “grow” in the vast sea fields. Six oyster plantations, each covering about 5,000 hectares, are located north of the Palawan archipelago. Two dozen small islands protect them from destructive currents and winds. This place remains pristine, which is necessary for gold-bearing oysters. However, this is not surprising: the nearest metropolis, the Philippine capital Manila, lies 500 kilometers to the northeast.

Jacques Branneleck flew his helicopter to the pearl farm.

Monitoring is carried out around the clock from patrol boats: is everything safe in the vast farm? The slightest deviation from the “correct” conditions affects the development of mollusks, and therefore the quality of pearls. Reports on fluctuations in water and air temperatures alone are as accurate as data from military weather centers.

Externally, the plantations are most reminiscent of interplanetary stations from science fiction films of the 1980s - the iridescent water space is strewn with rows of white rafts, to which giant “wings” are attached - oyster cages.

Long life journey

Pearls are collected in winter because at this time of year the layers of mother-of-pearl are harder, therefore, the “stones” taken from the sea from November to February have a more noble shade. Groups of divers of five people with oxygen cylinders strapped to their backs, wearing the simplest equipment - masks and ordinary T-shirts - descend into the turquoise depths. From each of the lands into which the plantations are divided, more than 140,000 ripe shells must be collected per season.

This board shows the positions of all the cells with oysters on farm No. 3

How much work it costs and what secrets you need to know for effective collection is a separate conversation. “I’ve been growing pearls for four decades and yet I’m still learning,” Jacques Branellec says evasively. “You can believe me that growing even one pearl is extremely difficult.” The path to perfection is always complicated..."

Biologist Doris Domingo, head of the farm's laboratory, examines a golden pearl under a microscope.

During the five years that a golden pearl grows in a mollusk, 324 operations are performed on it. In fact in brief the process can be described as follows. The future pearl mussel is first groomed and nurtured for two years until it reaches a size of 12-15 centimeters. Then a mother-of-pearl ball is planted into it, from which a jewel is formed. Moreover, young women certainly do this - it is believed that the tenderness of their hands will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the “product.” And after that, for another three years, the pearls grow slowly at a depth of 15 meters under the calm and warm cover of the South China Sea.

Oysters of 3 types: (from left to right) white, gold, black.

And the planter Branellek still delves into each of the stages of this sacred rite he invented. From his company's headquarters in Manila, he flies out to the fields several times a week. He really does have a great responsibility: to command such an exotic, unique and fragile economy means to be not only an entrepreneur, but also an environmental strategist.

Young oysters are transported by helicopter to one of the neighboring farms for further growth.

Preservation environment For him, it is as constant a job as growing pearls. In the end, this is not only a matter of his consciousness: if the first one does not exist, the second one will not exist either. For example, poaching fish using dynamite or cyanide - a long-standing barbaric tradition in Palawan waters - has now led to the complete destruction of corals there. This can also happen to pearl mussels.

A worker goes through the daily process of cleaning ropes and cages at one of the pearl farms.

In the fight against the enemies of nature, the energetic Frenchman naturally tries to rely on the administration of the province of Palawan. He even supplies the NCIS with vessels at his own expense for convenient control over the fishery. Encourages authorities at all levels to educate the people: they say that by destroying the unique ecosystems around them, the residents themselves will be left out of work.

Farm security stops the ship for inspection. There are a lot of poachers in these places, so security is always on alert.

This propaganda is bringing some results: some local fishermen have switched to growing algae, which can be sold profitably pharmaceutical companies- this is already a rest for both the “wild” waters and the “pearl” waters of Jacques Branellec, who in the meantime is reaping the fruits of his tireless efforts. Literally reaps. Namely, during the harvest season, almost every day he meets his divers in the boat after diving and worries: what will the new basket bring him? After all, despite any technology, the shape and purity of each pearl is always a mystery even to specialists. Any oyster can bring a surprise.

For 3 years, oysters are placed at a depth of 15 meters. Divers turn the cages every week to ensure the pearls are perfectly round.

Underwater weeding: Every week, dozens of divers dive to a depth of 15 meters to turn over the shellfish in their baskets. In order for the sink to end up completely round, water flows must act on it evenly from all sides.

"Dazzling Flower"

It is quite possible that the first “precious stone” that people fell in love with at the dawn of history was pearls. If only because, unlike all others, it does not need to be processed - it gives its shine to anyone who finds it.

Workers lift a cage with ripe pearls.

The process of harvesting pearls.

Oysters are washed thoroughly before opening.

Most of these defective pearls, to an outsider's eye, are no different from successful ones. The professional eye immediately catches the difference - it lies in the parameters that have long been established and accepted in the jewelry community. There are several main indicators.

Jacques Brannelec watches the pearl harvest process at one of his farms, which he flew to in his own helicopter from Manila.

Firstly, the correct shape - perfectly round pearls are valued above all else. Then symmetry - the “stone” must maintain equal proportions around its entire perimeter relative to its axis. The color of good pearls is pure, although in some cases an overtone, that is, a successful admixture of another color, even increases their value. Further, only those on whose surface there are no defects: pimples, cracks, dark spots are called high-quality pearls.

After 5 years of growth, the pearls are carefully removed from the oyster. Only a few Japanese specialists have the ability to open such oysters.

The more shine the surface of a pearl gives, the more remarkable it is again. Orientation—refraction, or the play of light on the crystals of a piece of jewelry—is another important characteristic. There is no need to talk about size: since large “pearl balls” are extremely rare, their price is much higher. And, of course, the most important advantage of the local product is the actual breed of its producers - oysters. Truly a goldmine.

In a successful harvest year, of the approximately 700,000 small jewels grown on Palawan plantations, a total of 75% are salable. Of these, in turn, a quarter are of the highest grade. “But an absolutely perfect specimen is a rare piece of luck. A real “hanadama,” exclaims the planter, carefully placing one of the pearls on a special stand for jewelry inspection. In Japanese, "hanadama" means "dazzling flower." So, since the Middle Ages, when pearls, of course, were not yet cultivated, but were caught with great difficulty, jewelry was called not just beautiful, but luxurious, equal to a fortune. " Sea stones“This class is remembered and sung in poetry and prose on all continents.

The oysters, in turn, are cleaned and sold to restaurants in Manila.

The moment of truth is near: before the final harvest, the shellfish are removed to the surface for general cleaning.
By the way, about prose. It was the golden variety that refuted one of the most famous legends associated with pearls today.

In one week of harvesting, thousands of pearls are obtained. Each one sells for 500 euros. But the highest class pearls can cost several times more.

Namely, the well-known story about Cleopatra, who, wanting to amaze Mark Antony with her wealth, without regret dissolved a pearl earring worth several million sesterces in wine and drank the cup. This story was told at one time by Pliny the Elder, and since then it has wandered from generation to generation untested - it simply never occurred to anyone to repeat the queen’s act. But with the appearance of golden pearls on the market, it turned out that mother-of-pearl dissolves in wine and vinegar incredibly slowly.

It turned out that gold pearls began to be placed in the most expensive varieties of wine as indicators of quality. If a smooth and shiny pebble is taken out of the bottle after a few years, it will confirm or refute the taste of the drink. If the pearl loses its shine and becomes rough, then the drink has fermented and lost its value. Scientists, having made theoretical conclusions, suggested this method to winemakers, and they, having tested it, confirmed: Cleopatra could not have dissolved her jewel in a goblet, like aspirin in boiled water.

In the workshops, pearls are sorted and evaluated.

Meanwhile with light hand businessman-enthusiast, golden pearls gradually begin their path in history. And it begins, naturally, with the jewelry collections of the richest people in the world. The amounts for which batches of gold pearls leave the plantations are not disclosed - this is a commercial secret.

The designer is developing new jewelry made of golden pearls.

But even so it is not difficult to guess that they are designated by numbers with many zeros. About two years ago, a Japanese millionaire fell so much in love with a single gold Hanadama that he bought it for $500,000. What can we say about the necklaces of Palawan origin, which go to the palaces of Arab sheikhs.

Gold pearl jewelry.

Jacques Brannelek on his farm with his assistant, who wears a necklace of golden pearls around her neck.

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Why does a pearl form in a shell? For example, the ancient Greeks were absolutely sure that these mother-of-pearl stones were the frozen tears of nymphs. In this they were practically right. Only the role of nymphs is played by an amazing genus of mollusks. When some foreign body, for example, a grain of sand, gets inside their shell, the pearl oyster perceives this as an injury, starting to “cry” with its pearlescent tears, thereby enveloping this foreign object with them. This is how pearls are born.

Natural pearls belong to the category of the rarest precious stones, therefore, their cost is appropriate. Such single stones are mainly sold at auctions and purchased by collectors.

Today, most minerals sold in stores are cultivated.


Cultured pearls are a mineral grown by humans in conditions similar to natural ones, on special farms. There the shells are looked after and monitored. Currently, 99% of the stones on the world jewelry market are cultured pearls. Its price is $2000-5000, depending on whether it is freshwater or seawater. It must be emphasized that this is also a natural mineral, since it is grown in pearl oysters under natural conditions, but only with human help and under control. Thus, the breeder places an irritant in the form of a mother-of-pearl ball (“nucleus”) into the body of the oyster, and then the process of pearl formation proceeds in the same way as in the formation of a natural stone.

Difference between cultured and cultured pearls

Let us note once again that cultured pearls are a natural mineral. It is a mistake to consider it artificial. The cultivation process is very delicate and complex, it takes an average of 5 years. The people who grow it are deprived of the opportunity to influence in any way the result and growth process of the pearl; they have no idea what the result of their labors will look like, and, moreover, they cannot be sure that the mollusk will not reject it before the due time. Not all grown minerals meet quality standards, which means there is a fairly high percentage of defects in this business. And the result depends mainly only on nature.

Pearl cultivation methods

There are two main ways to grow it.

Nuclear-free. This inexpensive way, which is most widespread in the cultivation of freshwater pearls.

Nuclear. In this case, a seed (core) is placed in the shell. This method is used for cultivating sea pearls.

Nuclear method

So how exactly does this happen? Initially, a donor pearl oyster is found. Basically, it is a young oyster with a good mantle (as the mother-of-pearl shell is called). They also pay attention to the well-developed gonad (reproductive gland that secretes nacre) that the mollusk has. Pearls are formed in it as follows. The shell with the pearl oyster is opened with pliers, after which a real surgical operation is performed: with special instruments, a small incision is made in very soft tissue into which a graft is inserted - a piece of the donor's mantle. A small ball is placed near it, removed from freshwater. Then the pearl mussel goes back to the lagoon, and spends another 2 years there in peace.

It must be emphasized that this is the most dangerous period: she can eject the core or die - the probability of this is high. If everything goes smoothly, then after a few years a pearl is formed. Here, one of the visual advantages is the ideal surface of the stone, since mother-of-pearl grows in a thin layer on an artificial, smooth ball. On such pearls, the actual thickness of nacre is 0.2-1 mm. At the same time, a 10-mm mineral grows in a year. It would be a stretch to call such pearls natural. When you pick it up, it immediately heats up, like a piece of plastic - even an inexperienced person will instantly distinguish a real, cold and weighty stone from its easily warmed up weightless imitator.

Nuclear-free way

The advantages of this method of cultivation are that with prolonged growth and a sufficiently small core, the cultivated mineral is in no way inferior, and often surpasses natural stone by color and size. At the moment, almost all freshwater cultured pearls, the size of which is no more than 8-9 mm, are grown using this technology. Here, a tiny grain of mother-of-pearl sand is used as the core, which is taken from the shell itself.

Also, grown minerals can be freshwater or marine, depending on the habitat of the pearl oyster.

Freshwater pearls

It grows in fresh river or lake water, including in former Chinese ones that were completely flooded with water; in this place, a comfortable microclimate has developed for mollusks, where they quickly multiply and also bear pearls. Farmers constantly monitor water temperature, pH and composition. During ripening, shellfish pearls need to be turned over from time to time so that the stone does not turn out “one-sided”. In other words, round pearls are obtained through very hard work, including on the farm. Freshwater cultured pearls are a very popular mineral due to their variety of sizes, colors and shapes. Its average size is 4-6 mm. The very rare size of such pearls is about 10 mm, therefore, the price of such pearls increases sharply!

The most common shell is "Hyriopsis schlegeli", which comes from the Unionide family. The outer sides are mostly brown, while the inner sides are white and smooth. Freshwater pearls do not have a core. The exception is those minerals whose size is more than 10 mm. After 1.5 years, the size of the stone reaches 3 mm, and after another 3 years - 7 mm. They will become 7 mm in diameter in another 4 years. Consequently, pearls of 10 mm or more grow for about 7 years!!!

There are the following shades of freshwater mineral: cream, white, champagne, brown, light purple, lilac and pink pearl.

Shapes can be from drop-shaped, ovoid, oval to potato-shaped. Large, perfectly round pearls are very rare.

Saltwater cultured pearls

This is a mineral that is grown on the same farms, but only located on the open sea. It is valued more than freshwater. Usually no more than one, sometimes three, pearls are extracted from one shell. Basically, they have the correct shape and excellent shine. Why are such pearls more expensive? Sea salt water gives it a more even color and a special shade than fresh water, which is why its cost is higher.

Sea pearls grow faster than river pearls. Moreover, the life expectancy of such a pearl shell is 8-10 years. You need to understand that in the sea it is very difficult to protect shellfish from sharp changes water temperatures and storms. So, when the temperature changes by 2˚, the mollusk’s body immediately begins to produce acid, which corrodes the pearl, or rather its top layer, and as a result it loses its shine and becomes cloudy. Consequently, pearl farmers often lose the result of several years of work in 1 day. Due to this, to reduce the ripening time of the mineral, today many marine farms use a seed core.

Akoya cultured pearls

This sea natural pearls grown in southern Japan. At the end of autumn, his best harvest of pearls is harvested. Then the mineral acquires maximum shine. This stone reaches 9 mm in diameter and is very expensive. Its price begins to rise with each new millimeter if its diameter is more than 8 mm. It is mainly cultivated in Japan, although China has now begun to export it.

The mineral is grown in 2-valves mollusks that belong to the genus Pinctada, their name in Japanese is Akoya-kai. Actually, this is where the name of this stone came from.

These mollusks reach 7-8 cm, while the size of their pearls is 6-8 mm. At the same time, larger minerals are found much less frequently. The bulk of pearls are collected in Honshu. Ago Bay is considered the oldest and most famous cultivation site.

Typically the growing process takes 1.5-4 g.

Akoya pearls with their quality characteristics are called Hanadama. It belongs to class AA and AAA. At the same time, class B and A minerals account for about 30-40% of the total volume.

The main colors of the stone are light cream, pearly white and pink pearl. Minerals of silvery-greenish and silvery tints are occasionally found.

The shape of pearls can be different, with the most ideal being spherical.

South Sea Pearl

Expensive, rare, and yet occupies an elite niche in the market. Indonesia and Australia produce golden and white pearls. Despite the fact that the growing process is almost the same as that of Akoya, these stones are much larger: for example, the size of the mineral reaches 20 mm.

This is a variety of pearl grown using the Pinctada maxima mollusk. Today it is grown along the coasts of the Indian and Pacific oceans, in the Philippines, Australia, Myanmar and Indonesia.

The bulk of the crop is 9-20 mm. This pearl size is determined by various factors:

  • Pinctada maxima mollusks are found along the coasts between Southern China and Australia. Excess plankton and clean, warm water allows pearls to grow faster and also speeds up the metabolism inside the oysters.
  • The size of Pinctada maxima in adulthood can reach 30 cm, which makes it possible to implant the nucleus into the gonads much more bigger size than Akoya.
  • Pinctada maxima pearl oysters are nucleated when they are 1 year old, and it takes another couple of years for the mineral to grow. The long cultivation period makes it possible to obtain an elite variety of this large size.

Such stones are distinguished by their particularly large size, warm shades of color and satiny matte shine. Farms mainly use 2 types of Pinctada maxima: gold-lipped and silver-lipped, in other words, pearl oysters with gold and silver nacre, which determines the color of the pearl.

A unique property of this mineral is its surprisingly thick layer of nacre - 2-6 mm (the thickness of Akoya pearls is 0.35-1.2 mm).

On the world market, these stones are also sometimes classified as black pearls, sometimes as Cortez pearls. But this is completely wrong. Although according to the CIBJO (International Jewelry Confederation) classification, the concept of “Pearls” South Sea"can only be attributed to stones that were grown in Pinctada maxima.

Also, the Australian mineral has a much better density and structure of its nacreous shell than the Japanese one.

Black Pearl

Each such pearl is a stunning work of nature, especially considering that none of them is the same in shape. Such a mineral is perfection itself. At the same time, it does not need special processing, it does not need to be given any other shape. Each mineral - pear-shaped, round, "button" - is incredibly valuable because it does not require chemical treatment, since the pearls are extracted from the oyster quite smooth, dry and clean. But not everyone you see in jewelry stores is actually black. Sometimes craftsmen paint specially white minerals to create a special effect. You need to understand that this is still a fake, albeit of very high quality.

This mineral of the highest standard appears in Tahiti. It is distinguished by its ability to shimmer in the sun, in addition, by an interesting “metallic” color, which is not typical for any other types of pearls. It is believed that it is most often “black”, hence its name, but it is actually gray with various shades. There are also stones of this variety with colors atypical for them: blue, eggplant, green, olive, blue and red.

The most expensive type of Tahitian pearl

This includes cobalt blue and iridescent blue colors. Each pearl in a necklace should have a round shape, be at least 12 mm in diameter and, of course, ideally match its neighbors in color. Such jewelry costs a fortune, as it takes years to assemble, since not every craftsman is lucky enough to create such a miracle. Nature creates too few of these ideal black minerals. Sometimes two similar balls are not enough for earrings.

You need to understand that black pearls always remain in the forefront. His individuality forces the master in his decision to build on the magical, hot, dark pearlescent radiance. Of course, products made from it are always quite extravagant. They can make a woman unique, bright, and memorable. Of course, for every girl, black pearls are a real witch’s drink, a search for oneself, constant renewal, an eternal exploration of the depths of one’s own personality, as well as the discovery of an uninhabited mysterious island in the ocean of the soul.

How are pearls grown?

There is something attractive and bewitching about pearls, but in nature this is just the result of protecting the mollusk from a foreign body.
Unfortunately, a pearl lives only 150-200 years, apparently because it is a mixture of organic and inorganic substances. This is a very capricious gem that requires proper care. Pearls that are not worn “die.” And even if you wear it constantly and properly care for it, pearls still usually do not last longer than 150-200 years. The oldest large pearl in existence is the pear-shaped Peregrina, which was caught in the 16th century.

Its owner was Elizabeth Taylor. A huge pearl that once adorned the treasury of one of the European royal families and belonged to Hollywood icon Elizabeth Taylor, on a luxurious necklace of diamonds and rubies, was sold at Christie's in New York for a record $11,840,000.

Unlike precious stones and metals mined from the depths of the earth, pearls are formed in living organisms - oysters living in marine or freshwater environments. Gemstones must be ground and polished to transform them from fossil to jewelry. Pearls do not require careful processing; their beauty is created by nature and is already perfect.

Before the Japanese patented pearl culture at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, pearls were very expensive on the world market. And saltwater pearls are still more valuable than freshwater pearls because they are more difficult to obtain/cultivate and have a much more pronounced luster.

The most expensive and largest pearl in the world is the “Pearl of Allah”, “Head of Allah” or “Pearl of Lao Tzu”. Known as the giant clam pearl, found in Tridacna gigas, it measures 24 cm in diameter and weighs 6.4 kg or 1,280 carats. The most expensive pearl in the world was discovered by a pearl fisher on the island of Palovan in the Philippines in 1934. In appearance it resembles the human brain. Gem expert Michael Steenrod valued the Pearl of Allah at $93,000,000 in 2007
It is a mistake to consider cultured pearls to be artificial. The process of cultivating pearls is a very complex and delicate process that takes a long time, up to 3-8 years. People practically cannot in any way influence the process and result of the growth of a pearl, and cannot know what the finished pearl will look like, and they cannot guarantee that the mollusk will not reject it ahead of time. Not all grown pearls meet established quality standards; this is a risky business, and the percentage of defects is quite high. Cultured pearls are natural pearls, they are grown naturally in pearl oysters, simply under human control and assistance. Cultured pearls have the same properties as natural pearls.

Pearl cultivation is usually done in baskets suspended on ropes - as a rule, from ten to thirty baskets hang on one rope.

Only four species of oysters can produce saltwater pearls in the world. The Pinctada Maxima oyster is an absolute giant among them.

Mainly used in Australia, Philippi, Indonesia and Myanmar.

Pinctada maxima oysters produce large pearls of predominantly white, silver and gold shades.

The unique process that takes place at the pearl farm includes three stages of production: ripening, seeding and harvesting of pearls.

At the same time very important role the maturity and size of the oyster plays a role. Millions of oysters are selected each year to grow cultured pearls, but only a small proportion of them are capable of producing a truly high-quality product.

In the Gulf of California paradise for shellfish, among 100 oysters, 5 to 12 will have a pearl, but only 30% of them will be of decent quality.
If the size of the oyster is not suitable, it is again sent in a basket for aging. After three months they are already suitable for seeding.
The seed is the most important stage. During the actual seeding process at pearl farms, all instruments are immersed in ditches filled with brine. Do not forget that oysters are living organisms that will fight for survival, and some of them, the weaker ones, will lose this fight. Therefore, the tools must be clean, and the “operation” process itself takes place as quickly as possible, with precise, honed movements of an experienced specialist. Every day, each worker processes up to 450 oysters - 15 seconds of time for each. The essence of priming is to implant a nucleus into the oyster, around which there will then be nacre is formed.During the “operation”, wooden spacers are inserted into the mollusks and a special “implant” is prepared - usually a small ball.

Unlike China, where several dozen balls can be put into an oyster, in the Emirates they only put one.

Struggle for quality.
After this, they are again placed in baskets and lowered to the bottom of the ocean.

Behind short term, at 4 - 8 months the ball will be covered with a very thin layer, while a pearl growing for 18 - 24 months will have a strong and deep nacre. On modern pearl farms, in order not to further injure the oysters, they are x-rayed and determined whether there is a pearl inside, and if so, what diameter it is.

The process usually takes 18-24 months, and sometimes even four years. On average, only about 50% of sampled oysters produce pearls, and only a fifth of these pearls are suitable for sale. The remaining pearls are usually too damaged to be used as jewelry.
The pearls are then carefully removed from their shells, washed and sorted by color and size. And after that they go to jewelers, who make various jewelry from them. Non-jewelry pearls are crushed into fine powder, which is used to produce, for example, cosmetics or traditional Chinese medicine.
High-quality pearls are very rare and VERY highly valued: according to statistics, less than 5 percent of all pearls produced have the correct shape and characteristic bright luster of mother-of-pearl. Such pearls are a true treasure, a godsend for any jewelry collection. The collected pearls must be sorted.

In nature, there are no two absolutely identical pearls, just like no two identical leaves on a tree, so sorting pearls is a very complex and time-consuming process.

Pearls are grouped according to size, shape, color, and brightness of the nacre layer, so each pearl can be rearranged many times.

After sorting, a hole is carefully drilled into each pearl; the slightest inaccuracy can damage the pearl. It is important that the hole goes strictly through the center of the pearl, because the slightest asymmetry can ruin appearance necklaces and any other jewelry made from pearls in which the hole has been drilled inaccurately.

Since ancient times, pearl products have been famous for their medicinal properties. Thus, in China, Korea and Japan, it is believed that sea pearls calm the nervous system and normalize blood circulation. Since pearls are the only gem created by a living being, Easterners firmly believe that freshwater pearls are capable of strengthening vitality and somewhat prolonging youth.

In Japan and Korea, they believe that wearing pearls in a silver frame helps you make more informed decisions. Perhaps this is why pearl products in the countries of the Far East are traditionally worn not only by women, but also by men.

Filipinos and Thais also revere the pearl as a symbol of wisdom. By analogy with how an oyster envelops a small grain of sand layer by layer, turning it into a jewel, it is believed that a person accumulates knowledge throughout his life, eventually becoming a storehouse of wisdom and knowledge. Thais give pearls if they want to praise the intelligence and importance of a person. In Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines it is believed that pearls also help strengthen memory and the ability to concentrate.

Hello again! Are you interested in how to grow pearls at home? Let us immediately note that this is almost impossible, at least if we are talking about an aquarium, and not about a full-fledged farm near the sea or a freshwater lake. Read more about the successful experience of growing mother-of-pearl beads in different countries peace and potential ordinary person Read below with a bit of adventurism.

The principle of pearl formation: basic

Spherical pearlescent inclusions inside the shell are formed in nature under the influence of a combination of circumstances. A foreign body enters the mollusk shell through the slightly open valves:

  • grain of sand;
  • small pebble;
  • microorganism particle, etc.

Any object that gets inside poses a threat to the health and life of the mollusk. Therefore, the oyster turns on the instinct of self-preservation and begins to neutralize the object, enveloping it in layers of mother-of-pearl.

So, year after year, nacreous walls grow on an ordinary speck, and a pearl appears, the size of which depends on the length of time it stays in the shell.

What did they come up with in China?

The first experiments on creating pearls using oysters in China were carried out back in the 13th century. Then the shells of young mollusks were carefully opened with tongs, grains of sand were inserted into the folds of the mantle and closed again. The shellfish with the “cargo” were placed in sea pens and waited for several years.

Unfortunately, at that time they did not know how to increase the percentage of surviving mollusks. Only 20% remained alive after the “operations,” and the pearls in the surviving shells did not always live up to expectations.

Swedish version of cultivation

In the 18th century, naturalist Linnaeus tried to improve the Chinese method and achieved some success in this matter. His goal was ideal spherical pearls, which were not always possible to obtain after the introduction of a foreign body into a mollusk.

The scientist has figured out how to control the process of building up layers of mother-of-pearl. He prepared a hole in the top flap of the shell and placed a wire with a tiny limestone ball into it. From time to time he twisted the wire, thus achieving uniform growth of layers of mother-of-pearl. The method has not received recognition due to its complexity.

How they acted in Japan

Large-scale work on pearl cultivation in Japan began only in the 19th century. The Japanese came up with the idea of ​​“planting” a ready-made mother-of-pearl ball into the shell, creating living conditions for mollusks as close to natural as possible. The grafted shells were lowered into the sea in special structures that prevented contact with predators, algae and other living creatures.

Is it possible, adopting the experience of the Japanese, Swedes and Chinese, to try to grow at least one pearl at home in an aquarium? The experiment deserves attention, although it does not guarantee success.

What types of shellfish to choose

Pearls are formed in the shells of several species of mollusks that live:

  • in the seas;
  • oceans;
  • freshwater lakes;
  • rivers and reservoirs.

Depending on the type of living organism, pearls have one or another color, features, and sizes.

Determine which shellfish are suitable for keeping in the aquarium. Consult a biologist.

Japanese akoya shells, for example, are sold in ready-made kits in aquariums, with instructions for growing, food and, most importantly, already “grafted”.

You can buy such sets only in Japan and again, there is no guarantee that they will feel normal at home in Russia. Its price is about $200, the supplements and food included in the package are designed for 60 days, so you will have to look for options for purchasing them separately. The Japanese believe that growing pearls is easy. All you need is suitable conditions and patience with the desire to succeed.

It is believed that pearls can even be obtained from the Black Sea mussel. You don’t have to travel far to get them, and it’s easier to create conditions in the aquarium that are identical to natural ones. But freshwater species of mollusks like Margaritifera Margaritifera will definitely not take root in an aquarium. For normal existence and development, they need a complex of specific microbiotopes of the river, which is almost impossible to recreate artificially.

Preparing an aquarium - what you need to know

Keep in mind that the survival rate of pearl mussels after “infection” is small, and at home it is halved. To grow at least one small bead, you need at least 20 mollusks. Accordingly, you will need a voluminous aquarium - at least 100 liters.

Fill the aquarium with regular tap water that has been standing for several days. Sea salt is added in the required amount, and after a few days special bacteria are added and only after that the mollusks are introduced into the “new home”.

During the life of oysters in the aquarium, you need to monitor the water temperature, salt and bacteria levels. It is important to remove dead shells as quickly as possible.

Oysters feed on plankton with nutritional supplements. During feeding, the filtration system is turned off.

The process of pearl generation - where to start

If you did not bring a ready-made kit for growing pearls in an aquarium from Japan, you will have to “introduce” the foreign body into the oyster yourself. This can be done immediately after the mollusks take root in the new place. Try implanting a small mother-of-pearl ball into the mantle of an open mollusk.

When the “processing” is completed, carefully close the pearl oyster and return it to the bottom. You won’t have to do anything further except continue to carefully care for the shellfish. You can check how the “implant” has taken root no earlier than after 3 years.

In conclusion, it remains to be noted that a home aquarium with mussels is not the best for creating pearls. the best option. Those who think about organizing a full-fledged farming of pearl oysters in a natural environment will have much better chances.

We hope that the article was useful and that you made the right conclusions regarding whether it is worth trying to grow pearls at home. Share the material with your friends on social networks!

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