How to look like a million without having it. How to look like a million, even if you don't earn it. Don't spare money on quality items

Ecology of life: When someone discusses their appearance with image consultant Sylvie di Giusto, the last thing she wants to hear is “I don’t have the money for this.” She believes that you don't have to be a millionaire to look good.

When someone discusses their appearance with image consultant Sylvie di Giusto, the last thing she wants to hear is "I don't have the money for this." She believes that you don't have to be a millionaire to look good.

No matter how much you earn, if you prioritize correctly, you can easily spread the aura of strength and confidence that is usually associated with wealth.

Di Giusto worked in human resources for over twenty years before deciding to become an image consultant and open her own company, Executive Image Consulting. The firm advises corporate directors seeking to improve their appearance and professionals interested in advancing their careers. Its clients include large corporations such as McKinsey, BMW and Thomas Cook.

Here are some tips based on an interview with di Giusto, as well as with the help of Vicki Oliver's book, The Millionaire's Handbook: How to Look and Act like a Millionaire, Even if You"re Not).

Invest in clothing using the one-third rule

Every man should have at least one in his wardrobe a good suit, and every woman has at least one good jacket and a matching skirt or trousers. According to Di Giusto, things should be quite expensive - this is your investment in good appearance. Di Giusto says, “The more my clients earn, the more expensive their clothes are.”

The main thing is that the item must be of good quality. She advises looking for such items in designer outlets and on their websites.

Oliver writes in his book about the “one-third rule”:

“We need to reduce the number of things purchased to ⅓, and the price of each of them should be three times higher.”

So next time, don’t buy three pairs of trousers - buy one, but expensive ones, and wear them.

Work out every detail - right down to the smartphone case

One day a young man came to Di Giusto for an interview. He looked great and answered all questions correctly. But then, at the end of the interview, he pulled out his iPhone to make a calendar entry. Di Giusto immediately noticed that there was an obscene word on the phone case. This called the whole interview into question. In the end, she still hired him, but the first impression was hopelessly spoiled.

Di Giusto advises: “If you're serious about your look, remember that it's not just in the suit, but also in the details.” It also includes your workplace, and accessories and even a smartphone case.

Keep your style consistent with the professional area, but allow yourself one “informal” accessory

Obviously, regardless of the dress code of the company you work for, you choose clothes in accordance with your profession. Di Giusto advises: don’t try to stand out from the rest at any cost. If you work in finance, dress conservatively; If you are involved in the technology industry, allow yourself some informality in clothing. A good rule of thumb is to pay attention to how your company's leaders dress and take cues from them.

But, of course, you don’t want everyone to look boring and the same, like clones. Di Giusto recommends choosing a specific piece that will be appropriate in a work environment and still highlight your style. One of her clients, the CEO of a company, wears a traditional dark suit, but always pairs it with a bright shirt or an unusual tie.

Remember that "casual" does not mean "casual"

The problem with casual style is that, unlike "formal" style, it is very difficult to define.

Di Giusto says, "Most people think of casual as something that doesn't matter what you're wearing." In fact, casual style is a business look, diluted with a couple of everyday details. For example, Barack Obama: outside of work, he takes off his jacket and tie and rolls up his sleeves. You can go even further - replace the trousers with jeans that fit your figure, but do not deviate too much from the usual business style.

Di Giusto's basic rule for casual style is this: it can easily be turned back into business. You can dress fairly casually, but bring a jacket. If an important meeting suddenly arises, throw on a jacket and you're done.

Less perfume

The smell should under no circumstances be so strong as to distract the interlocutor from what you are saying, says Giusto. She says: “If you can smell your perfume yourself, then you have overdone it.” Interestingly, in some countries this rule does not apply - for example, in Italy and France it is customary to use perfume very generously. But in Russia you should only slightly indicate the aroma of a perfume.

Be confident in yourself, even if there are some flaws in your image

It is through self-confidence that people spread a special sense of strength and power. The main thing is not to let this confidence be undermined. The constantly nagging thought that someone will notice a button falling off a jacket will only lead to people actually paying attention to it. Likewise, if you decide one morning that your teeth are yellow, it is likely that others will start thinking so too.

No matter what the problem is, either don't worry about it or take steps to fix it. If you don't have confidence in yourself, no one will believe in you either.

Dress to look taller

Oliver writes that “we are subconsciously drawn to tall leaders because we associate height with power.” But if nature has not awarded you this advantage, then create the illusion of being tall. Women can wear heels rather than ballet flats or sneakers, and men can wear dark-colored clothing. For short people, tight-fitting clothing in monochrome colors suits them better.

Good sleep promotes a healthy appearance

And finally, you need to develop a clear sleep schedule - thanks to this, your skin will always look healthy and glowing. Oliver advises taking a few days to observe how your performance compares to how many hours you slept the day before. She writes:

“Once you figure out your ideal number of hours of sleep, try to stick to it, even on weekends. Train yourself to always go to bed and get up at the same time.” published

“If a girl doesn’t wear makeup, then she thinks too highly of herself.” Even the most distant person from the fashion world heard this phrase from Coco Chanel. However, painted eyelashes with arrows on the eyes are a thing of the past. If earlier an excess of cosmetics on the face was considered bad form, today it is nothing more than an excellent tool of self-expression. The beauty industry has created a colossal selection of makeup products, and makeup trends change at the speed of sound. Makeup artist Alexandra Fediv helped ELLE identify the most important of them with a minimum budget to bring them to life.

Modern girl, what is she like?

Well-groomed skin, natural voluminous or graphic eyebrows, cheekbones illuminated with a highlighter and lips painted with dark lipstick in cool shades - such accents are in trend today. Emphasized individuality and confidence in your image. Minimalism and quality - this is how you can characterize the makeup style that is at the peak of fashion.


Strobing. The use of brightening correctors with pearlescent particles (highlighters) of different textures and shades. The result is maximally healthy and radiant skin.

Baking. This is a technique that allows you to carefully disguise dark circles under the eyes and return your skin to a radiant appearance. On light and prominent parts of the face we apply a large number of loose powder of a yellowish pallet and leave on the skin for 5 to 15 minutes. The skin will absorb the required amount and fix the tone/corrector/concealer for a long time. We brush off the rest with a large fluffy brush.

Minimum contents of a cosmetic bag

Foundation, concealer, powder, eyeliner or pencil, mascara. Eyeshadows in four matte shades: milky, gray, brown, black. Lipsticks in three colors: natural (or with pink, peach undertones), classic red, dark wine shade “Marsala” or with purple undertones. One pigment with a glow, champagne or white-gold shade.

Price issue

Expensive luxury cosmetics are 80% disappointing compared to professional ones. In the mass market there are separate good products, but most often they are short-lived, with harmful ingredients and uninteresting color scheme. Much depends on the category of goods. For example, you can’t skimp on brushes, foundations and shadows. At the same time, you can buy cheaper lip or eye pencils, lipsticks and mascara. Invest more money in cosmetics for your skin, then it will lie smoother, look more natural and will not accelerate the aging process.

Expensive mascaras are exclusively for those who like a beautiful tube, nothing more. You can easily find an analogue with a more affordable price for any expensive branded mascara.

Makeup on a small budget

The main rule is to learn to mix and create your own shades, textures and products. When a new color is trending, think about how you can get it from what you already have. After all, in fact, many cosmetic products have the same composition and can easily replace each other.

For example, you don't have a fancy reflective base that makes your skin look fresher. Mix your light-consistency day cream with a small amount of finely ground pearlescent pigment to get a base for makeup. If you don’t have a marsala-colored blush, don’t rush to powder your skin after application. foundation: Apply lipstick in nude and slightly darker shades to damp cheeks, then blend with your finger. Set with powder - and the blush will be with you all day!

If you don't want to buy eyebrow gel, take an old mascara wand, rinse thoroughly, spray with hairspray and style unruly eyebrows!

If you really want trendy matte lips, do the following “procedure”: apply a little moisturizing foundation to your lips, then powder them. Then completely paint all your lips with a pencil in the color of lipstick, apply a layer of lipstick on top and apply the thinnest layer of a napkin, dust it with transparent powder on top. You can apply lipstick and powder twice.

Every woman wants to look expensive and stylish. However, most of us cannot afford the high costs. So is it possible to create a million-dollar look and still invest a much smaller amount? We hasten to assure you that every girl and woman is capable of creating spectacular image and at the same time not spend more than 3500 rubles. To do this, you should know some secrets.

Secret 1

If you can’t afford expensive branded boutiques and stores, then sales will help. The main thing is not to chase trendy new items, but to purchase things that will be relevant for several seasons. These are, first of all, suits, jeans, different variations of light summer dresses. Sales usually start mid-season. Try to get to the boutique at the beginning of the sale, and best of all, on the first day. Then you can choose from the most relevant things this season. You don't have to empty your wallet to look expensive.

Secret 2

It is important that the item is not only fashionable, but also has good quality. You can’t create a million-dollar look in obviously low-quality synthetic clothing. An item made from high-quality fabric may cost a little more, but it will not lose its attractiveness ahead of time. Cheap things can quickly fade and lose their shape. When purchasing, choose your items carefully. Carefully examine the external and internal seams, decorative elements, and the material itself. Give preference natural fabrics. Even quite simple things made from high-quality expensive fabric look much more attractive than synthetics decorated with excessive decoration. And they are more pleasant to wear.

Secret 3

If finances allow, it’s still worth including a couple of luxury items in your wardrobe. They will make your look more sophisticated and expensive. But their choice should be approached as responsibly as possible. Let these not be things for one season, but long-lasting classics. For example, you can buy expensive jeans or a designer jacket. They will combine well with other things and will last for many years. It is combinatoriality that should play a decisive role when choosing expensive things.

Secret 4

Don’t forget about quality jewelry and stylish accessories. With them it is very easy to create a million-dollar image, interesting and original. Let the clothes not be the most expensive, but your shoes and handbag must be natural and of sufficient quality. It is better if they are matched in tone. It is better to choose branded jewelry and watches. They don't have to be expensive. The main thing is not to choose the cheapest accessories. They are always noticeable and can ruin the entire impression of your image.

Secret 5

Under no circumstances should you be tempted to decorate yourself with rhinestones, ruffles, sparkles and bows. All these excesses look vulgar and tasteless. You should also not buy things from artificial leather, varnish, fur. They always look cheap. And if they also have the name of an expensive brand on them, then this is simply the height of bad taste.

Secret 6

Make sure that your perfumes and cosmetics are of high quality. This does not mean at all that it will be expensive. There are many fairly high-quality cosmetics at an affordable price. Well, perfume can be a little more expensive. By the way, you don’t have to buy it yourself. They are often given by men. It’s just better to hint to your loved one what specific perfume you liked. It is better to buy cosmetics from the same company. Then it will combine well.

Secret 7

Not every woman can afford frequent trips to expensive salons. And the result after such visits does not always correspond to the high cost of the procedures. Much in your appearance directly depends on your lifestyle and careful attitude towards your health. Eat right. Food should be balanced and varied, eat more dairy products, berries, and fruits. Forget about sweets, baked goods, and excessive alcohol consumption. No cosmetologist can cope with your skin problems if you smoke. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. There is nothing worse for your skin than exposure to direct sunlight. Try to get yourself a full eight hours of sleep. It always has a positive effect on appearance. All this can replace expensive procedures in the salon and unnecessary cosmetics. If you don’t have money or time to visit the gym, then just walk more, walk to work, run in the morning. The main thing is to have fun with it.

Secret 8

There are elements of a woman’s appearance that should look 100%. Then her image will be harmonious without unnecessary investments. First of all, it is hair, nails, teeth, skin. Let's look at them in more detail.


Nothing adorns a woman more than healthy shiny hair. At the same time, their length is not as important as their quality. Agree that even long, but unkempt hair only spoils the image. Take care that they do not split, and especially, there is no dandruff. Monitor the condition of your scalp, hair length and hairstyle. Nowadays you can find many inexpensive hair care products. The main thing is to care for them systematically, and not from time to time. Be careful when coloring and perm. These procedures greatly damage the hair. Do not overuse a hairdryer, as well as all kinds of curling irons and straightening irons.


Well-groomed, clean and fresh skin always attracts attention. But how can you achieve such an amazing result without visiting a salon? Here they come to the rescue folk recipes and although not the most expensive, but high-quality cosmetics. It is also very important to correctly determine your skin type. Based on this, you will build the entire complex for caring for her. A scrub can be a good addition to your skin care. Choose a product not with apricot kernels, but with synthetic abrasive granules. They do not injure the skin. Young girls should not buy too expensive skin care products. They are often designed to combat the signs of aging. These products should be purchased after 30-35 years. Make sure that your makeup is natural and discreet, without pretentious excesses.

Manicure and pedicure

Even the most expensive branded items will be absolutely useless if others notice your chipped nail polish or broken nail. These “little things” need to be treated extremely carefully. Let your manicure not be expensive and painted, but it should be fresh and your nails well-groomed. If you do your own manicure, make sure your nails are the same length and shape. The same goes for pedicures. A woman with unkempt nails looks extremely untidy even in expensive clothes. Give preference to lighter nail polishes in pink and beige tones. Even if a defect appears on the nail, it will not be so noticeable. Also, don't grow too long long nails. They often break, flake, and now, by the way, are not in fashion. It is better to give preference to rounded nails with short or middle length. When choosing a varnish, look at the quality of the brush. In order for the varnish to be applied evenly, it must be thick and long.

Secret 9

This is self-confidence. Love yourself! Then those around you will appreciate your unique image with a sparkle in their eyes. No fur, no branded clothing, no expensive jewelry cannot replace the unique charm of a confident woman.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. The main thing is to put a little effort into choosing the right wardrobe and don’t forget to take care of yourself.

Being a “million dollar woman” is not an easy job, and with a very small budget it is even more difficult. Although... nothing is impossible for a true lady! Do you want to look like Victoria Beckham or Kate Middleton? Is your answer “yes”? – Then read on!

A white shirt is the budget basis of an “expensive” wardrobe

A white shirt is a must-have in your wardrobe. The thing is incredibly comfortable and versatile. If you want, wear it to the office with formal trousers or a midi skirt. If you want, wear it with your loved ones ripped jeans, and go to friendly gatherings. Just look at the images of Victoria Beckham! And compare them with the budget alternative of one mass-market brand. The difference is practically invisible. And, by the way, in mass markets for very little money, sometimes you can also find decent and high-quality things. Such as this white shirt.

A sheath dress is an irreplaceable item for any “woman in a million”

Remember the modest but always chicly dressed Duchess Kate Middleton. When going out, she often wears a sheath dress. It not only perfectly highlights her chiseled figure, but also allows her to look always and everywhere as befits a royal person. Do you want to be like Kate? – Then be sure to buy a sheath dress!

Classic outerwear is the choice of an “expensive” woman

MaxMara coats and Burberry trench coats are something that will never go out of style. Moreover, bows with such things always look 100% perfect. But even if these iconic branded items seem overly expensive to you, pay attention to the collections of domestic and foreign affordable brands. Maybe budget trench coats and coats won’t be worn for decades, but for the next few years they will definitely save you from the problem of “what to wear in the mid-season period.”

Beautiful underwear - inexpensive?! Mission Possible!

No one will see it (except for a select few, of course). However, it is very important for a woman to know that she is always wearing beautiful underwear. This gives additional confidence, and that “devilry” appears in the eyes. It is clear that none of us would refuse a set or two of Agent Pravocateur. But the cost of this beauty, alas, is not always commensurate with our wallet. Then feel free to take Victoria’s Secret and Intimissimi sets. And with additional discounts, bustiers and panties famous brands are becoming even more accessible!

On Louboutins... only 10 times cheaper!

A woman in stiletto heels is always stylish and expensive. But do you think that high-quality shoes can only be bought in Christian Laboutin or Chanel boutiques? But no! Nice, practical pumps from genuine leather can cost several times cheaper than their fabulously expensive counterparts. Look for it - on the shelves of mass markets or on the Internet! American and English sites with constant sales - to help you! And try to guess: where is the photo of expensive shoes, and where is the budget version of your favorite pumps?!

Minimalism in jewelry will make your look luxurious

Yes, we know, we know. Massive jewelry, a ring on each finger, massive necklaces - all this is still in trend. But there is fashion, and there is style. There are one-time jewelry, and there are accessories for all times. I prefer a string of pearls to a cheap necklace with vulgar pieces of glass, and modest studs to waist-length earrings. And you will see how the onion as a whole will transform. And... you know how much Queen Elizabeth of England loves modest jewelry? And who, if not her, is a style icon of all times?!

A high-quality handbag is a bonus for the “woman in a million” piggy bank

And in this matter, budget options are not suitable for us. And one more thing: no loud inscriptions on pseudo-branded handbags! This, on the contrary, will nullify all your efforts to look luxurious. What to choose? – Handbags made of genuine leather, preferably not baggy, but rigid in shape. Can't afford a premium brand? – Choose handbags from collections Russian brands or accessories from second-line collections of famous designers. For example, such popular Michael handbags Michael Kors, Lauren Ralph Lauren, Marc by Marc Jacobs can be purchased for $100-150 (and even cheaper during sales periods!) Here you have the brand, quality, and stylish appearance.

Add to all of the above a good hairdresser (preferably an excellent colorist), mandatory manicures and pedicures at least twice a month, regular visits to a cosmetologist - and the image of an expensive, luxurious woman is ready!

On the street I often see not very pretty girls, but they look well-groomed and expensive... I consider myself a pretty girl, but I don’t have the means to dress beautifully. Of course, I dress well, but not in expensive stores. But you want to look chic... Is it possible to look your best without spending a lot of money?

Polina, Kharkov

How to look like a million dollars while spending much less? This question, probably consciously or not, is asked by each of us sooner or later. In fact, a sincere desire to look attractive and well-groomed will cost you no more than... your own time, patience, creativity and... self-love, beloved, of course.

So, if you do not have the opportunity (mostly financial) to indulge all the whims of the Lady of Fashion, you can get out of the situation like a woman wisely or cunningly (as you like) and find several mutually beneficial compromises with the tastemaker.

Compromise 1. Sales in expensive stores and boutiques. In fact, fashion is not as fickle as manufacturers of global brands try to show. At sales you can buy timeless items: jeans, suits, summer dresses - they never get old in terms of fashion.

Compromise 2. Buy not only the latest fashion, but also quality. There is a joke: your dress will last a long time if... your man has a small salary. So, it’s better to pay attention once to the quality characteristics of the desired new thing than to later mourn a prematurely faded, shabby or deformed “fashionable thing.” Carefully consider not only the external, but also the internal seams, decorative elements, how they are fixed, and the material. Simple things made from high-quality fabric look much more attractive than synthetics with trinkets.

Compromise 3. You can still treat yourself and splurge on one thing (two... well, okay, three things) luxury! But choose new clothes that could play more than one role in your wardrobe, i.e. had several combinations with existing things. The ideal option would be designer jeans or a stylish jacket.

Compromise 4.
Don't skimp on accessories and jewelry. It’s better that the clothes are not too expensive, but the shoes should be of high quality and expensive, and the bag should match them. The same is with watches and jewelry, but if a specialist does not immediately determine the “non-brand” nature of your well-chosen clothes, then cheap jewelry can be seen immediately and, believe me, from afar.

Compromise 5. A categorical “No!” all kinds of excess (sequins, rhinestones, ruffles, bows, etc., etc. in the style of “the circus has left...”) and substitutes (leather, fur, varnish). Things with accentuated inscriptions and “branded” labels with “accidental” typos also look funny and useless.

Compromise 6. Your cosmetics and perfumes should also be of high quality, but not necessarily expensive (proven).

Compromise 7. Your own alternative to the expensive, but not always effective beauty industry. Avoiding direct sunlight, healthy eating, a good night's sleep (recipe from the legendary Sophia Loren) will successfully replace your salon treatments and advertised cosmetics. No money for classes gyms and aerobics courses? Then let movement become your hobby: walk more (a great way not only to take care of slim legs, but also to avoid oxygen starvation of the skin), run in the morning or go shopping - what's the difference? The main thing is to have fun!

Compromise 8. Branded items, expensive jewelry, natural fur... This is all good, but the main elements of the puzzle called “Gorgeous Woman” are in herself. In fact, it’s not the candy wrapper that’s important, but what’s in it, i.e. - You. There are several aspects of appearance that must be 100% well-groomed: well-groomed hair (length and shape are not important), neat manicure(absolutely accessible at home, and if you get creative...), healthy teeth, clean, well-groomed skin (no comments)...

Compromise 9. The main one is with yourself, your beloved. Fashionable woman Even in the most expensive clothes you won’t look attractive if you don’t like yourself. You need to love yourself, that's all!

Go for it!

Lina Talina