How to make a flower hairstyle from hair. Openwork braids: create a beautiful flower from hair. Hair flower - an extraordinary solution

Lovely long women's hair themselves a decoration for the owner. Despite this, every girl wants to appear in an original image at parties, weddings and any celebrations where she is invited. Industry fashionable style provides many possibilities and hairstyle options that will satisfy any coquette. But it is not always possible to visit a professional master.

Many people try to learn how to do original hairstyles themselves, at home. It requires focus, skill and finger dexterity, but at the end of the day, learning how to do a hairstyle is every woman's innate ability.

Fashion trends

This year's original trend was flowers made from one's own strands. Of course it's more likely evening hairstyle, but you can do it yourself with a little practice in front of the mirror. If you're lucky, a fantastic appearance, which will amaze those around you.

Just a couple of years ago it was fashionable to show up at a resort, a beach party or a nice city get-together with a flower in your hair. On the shelves of small and not so small shops, hairpins and clips appeared on which artificial flowers were attached. The fashion was called “Hawaiian,” which meant imitation of free girls from these islands.

But today's fashion calls for a more professional approach to styling strands, which is confirmed in new styles promoted from the TV screen. Let's reveal a few secrets of how to make a flower from your own hair.

Flower on braids

This is a practical option that requires the girl’s ability to braid her hair. There are a huge number of types of weaving. Let's look at how to do an everyday hairstyle and create a flower out of hair on a braid.

You can start weaving from any part of the head, but first it is better to do it from the side so that the sequence of actions is visible:

  • We braid a regular braid of three strands;
  • On any randomly selected side of the braid, you need to slightly pull out the strand in each loop, creating some bulge;
  • When the braid is finished, it should look quite dense on one side and airy on the other;
  • We secure the braid with an elastic band, preferably a thin silicone one;
  • We twist the braid in a spiral so that the convex part of the future “petals” remains on the outside;
  • We pierce the resulting “rose” in the center with a hairpin, securing it to the hair;
  • It is also necessary to use several bobby pins for better fixation; in addition, you can spray your hair with hairspray;
  • The hair flower is ready.

This type of weaving can be used every day; you shouldn’t wait for special occasions, especially since it will take very little time. There is a slightly more complex option that involves evening out for a major event. If you can’t visit the salon, then you will definitely need a friend who is ready to spend a couple of hours alone with you and your hair.

Evening out

Clean, washed hair should be combed thoroughly. Divide the total mass of curls and form two ponytails - upper and lower. If your hair is straight, it is advisable to curl it with large or medium curlers to make it easier to style your hair.

We start working with the hair of the lower ponytail:

  • Choose a curl that will be the core;
  • We treat it with varnish, strong enough to fix it and not correct the hairstyle later;
  • We twist the curl around the finger of the hand, to the base of the tail, and secure it with the first hairpin;
  • We secure each subsequent strand in a similar way, with the exception that you need to slightly pull the curl from the side to give the flower volume;
  • After two curls secured in this way, each next one needs to be wrapped around the middle of the flower, laying it out carefully and spraying the structure with varnish;
  • When the rose is ready, the top ponytail can be loosened and placed around the hairstyle, or you can create the effect of a careless styling with loose curls.

An evening rose hairstyle is quite difficult to reproduce, but a flower made from hair will look chic and sophisticated.

This technique is suitable, of course, only for those who have long hair. You can decorate this hairstyle with a variety of hairpins with rhinestones or any accessories, but you must make sure that everything looks harmonious. The chic should be in the hairstyle itself, which will most advantageously emphasize the well-groomed beauty of the hair.

As you can see from the above methods, the weaving technique can be simple or complex, but creating a flower from hair always takes time. Therefore, make sure to allocate enough of it to build a masterpiece on your head.

Types of display

You can make not only a “rose”, there are other techniques for recreating flowers on the head. Try braiding a daisy to create a gentle romantic mood. This hairstyle is relevant for younger representatives of the female population. The curls should be long enough to ensure a beautiful and creative appearance.

The outline of the hairstyle in this case will be less bulky than with the previous one, but this will only add charm to the young fashionista:

  • To prepare your curls, you need to wash them, dry them and use a straightening iron to make them smoother;
  • Having separated a small long strand, you need to make a loop, closer to the head, using your finger and secure with an elastic band;
  • Along the entire remaining length of the strand, you need to repeat the manipulation, laying out the “daisy” petals in a figure eight in relation to each other;
  • You will get as many petals as the length of your strand allows.

This method is notable for the fact that it does not require pins or clamps; everything is held on by one elastic band.

This article will help you create a hairstyle that we call “Flower Magic”. As always, we will try to talk about the creation technique simple hairstyles that you can make with your own hands. They won't take much time and effort, but will still look professional. This includes “Flower Magic”.
It can be done by girls and women with long and preferably thick hair.
This hairstyle is for evening. It will look great at any formal event. It will be based on ordinary three-strand braids.

To create “Flower Magic” you will need:

  • one elastic band of medium thickness and three thin ones (matching hair color or transparent);
  • hair clips;
  • one invisible;
  • packing of hairpins;
  • strong hold varnish;
  • comb;
  • hairpins for decorating the finished hairstyle.

Weaving technique

  1. First, prepare the elastic band. We thread it through a hairpin.
  2. Using a comb, gather all the hair into a ponytail and spray with hairspray.
  3. Then we fix the tail at the base with a prepared elastic band (we wrap it around the tail, and stick a hairpin into the base from below).
  4. Divide the tail into three equal parts.
  5. We fix two of them with hair clips. We take the rest in our hands and spray it with varnish.
  6. Then we divide it into three equal strands. We smooth each of them with a comb and carefully intertwine each other with a regular three-strand braid (not tightly). At this stage, our goal is to make the braid as flat as possible. We tie the ends of the braid with a thin elastic band.
  7. Next, we need to pull out the strands from right side braids. In this case, first we pull out the strand that is located at the base of the tail, and then one lower, one at a time, to the very ends. Keep in mind that the very first strand is stretched to the maximum, and all subsequent strands are stretched a little less, in descending order. Finally, spray the braid with varnish.

  8. The result is a kind of flower, which we secure with hairpins at the back of the head.
  9. We take the middle braid in our hands and wrap it around the flower on the back of the head in a clockwise direction.
  10. We fix the ends with a hairpin.

  11. In the end it turned out to be one big one beautiful flower from hair. Spray the entire hairstyle with hairspray and decorate with hairpins.

It is worth noting that this hairstyle looks very impressive even without decoration. But with hairpins she looks more interesting. You can choose different hairpins. The best option There will be several small flowers that stick into the side of the hairstyle.

Often girls think about their hairstyle, especially when it comes to any celebration. To make your curls look beautiful and original, braid them. Hairstyles of this type look excellent and unusual.

Weaving methods

The best results are in this case. The flower will be more voluminous and may consist of many different parts. The first thing you need to do is divide your hair into two sections. It is best if the top one is slightly larger than the bottom one. The top strand is also divided into two parts. From the left you need to weave french braid, and it is necessary to pick it up only from above. While you are braiding your hair, you can pull your hair out from the sides to create an unusual lacy effect. When you finish the job, roll the braid into a flower and attach it to your head using bobby pins. Exactly the same actions must be done with the right side. In addition, make sure that the braid is slightly higher than the first flower. Weave two braids from the bottom strand, and then combine them into one, thicker one. Also wrap the resulting masterpiece in a circle in a flower.

Many people believe that hair flowers are quite complex hairstyles that can only be done by a professional. However, this is not at all the case; the main thing is to get better at it. There is another hair flower hairstyle. To create it, you need to dry it with brushing to give your hair waviness and additional volume.

Make a parting first from the crown to one ear, then to the second. Then secure the curls near your face with a large clip. At the back of your head, divide your hair into a triangle. Gather the resulting strand into a ponytail and tie with an elastic band. Strands from the existing ponytail must be twisted into a braid and laid on top in the form of a rose to form hair. This type of hairstyle is a little more complex, but also becomes more accessible if you do it consistently. Next to the first tail, you need to distribute the curls again in a triangle, but smaller, and comb this hair towards the tail. Form another flower and place it above the first. All this must be secured with hairpins and bobby pins. In a similar way, roses are made from all the remaining strands. The number of colors depends on the length and volume of your hair.

When going to a special event, you don’t need to immediately run to a beauty salon and pay a lot of money for a blow-dry. Now you can make flowers from hair yourself.

They will always stand out against the background of standard curls and buns. You may at first spend a lot of time and effort creating such masterpieces, but over time everything will begin to happen much faster. Don't get upset right away if you don't achieve the desired result the first time. Few people can create a truly beautiful flower without experience in such weaving. So don't be afraid to experiment and learn, and then everything will work out for you. Good luck in your endeavors!

People began decorating their hair with flowers in ancient times. Later, post-dressing products made from natural or artificial hair, which were attached to their own hair, creating romantic images, and in last years“Flowers from hair” hairstyles came into fashion.

Using braids

The most simple option A hairstyle decorated with a flower from one's own strands is a flower braid. To create it you need:

  • wash and comb hair;
  • apply silicone-based modeling cream to them;
  • separate a large strand from the right or left side of the face;
  • start braiding it into a regular (not a “spikelet”!) braid towards the back of the head;
  • using a comb with a ponytail, pull out all the strands on one side of the braid so that thin arcs are formed;
  • secure the end of the braid with an elastic band;
  • the braid is rolled in a spiral, leaving “petal arcs” on the outside;
  • secure the center of the flower spiral with a hairpin with a large artificial pearl at the end;
  • Using small pins, fix the bottom layer of “petals” on the head.

  • secure the ends of the braids with elastic bands;
  • form petals on one side of each braid;
  • fold the central braid into a flower;
  • secure it with a pin;
  • lay the central braid in a spiral shape, in the shape of a flower;
  • fix its center with a pin;
  • lay two other braids around it and secure with hairpins;
  • Spray your hair with hairspray.


Very nice option You can create a festive hairstyle without weaving, armed with a large number of hairpins. To make this styling as neat as possible, before starting work, the hair is washed, dried with a hairdryer and straightened with an iron.

Then the strands at the back of the head are collected into three tails (two closer to the crown, one at the bottom in the center). The ends of the “upper” tails are fixed on the forehead. A hair flower is formed from the lower tail. To do this, divide it into 4 strands. They treat each one with varnish, fold it inward so that the petal appears, and secure it with hairpins.

Release the end of the right tail and lay it in the same way as the first. Repeat the same steps with the third tail. Strands are shaped on the forehead depending on their length. The same hairstyle can be done by collecting your hair in two side ponytails and placing each of them in a “rose” consisting of five petals.

Bouquet with elastic band

You can easily make a flower out of hair using a thin silicone rubber band of large diameter. To do this, take a strand 2-3 cm thick from the temple and fix it at the base with an elastic band with one turn. Passing the hair through the elastic band for the second turn, leaving a petal (do not pull the strand to the end).

Repeat these steps and create petals until you reach the end of the strand. Secure its center with a hairpin with a beautiful head. If you wish, you can arrange 2-3 more flowers and get a beautiful bouquet at your temple.

Now you know how to make a hair flower different ways to create your own elegant hairstyles for special occasions.

This season, the world of “hairdressing” has simply gone crazy with floral decorations. At every show of famous designers you can see many models with hairstyles decorated with fresh and artificial flowers. And the latest hair trend is a flower made from hair. Many long-haired beauties believe that it is very difficult to create a “Hair Rose” hairstyle with your own hands, but this is not so! You can do this styling yourself, and today we decided to demonstrate a couple of ideas step by step.

How to make an original hair decoration at home

You can complement this hairstyle with a live or artificial flower.

Hair flower - original version

Stylish, sophisticated and unique hairstyle is ready!

Hairstyle “Rose from hair” is a wonderful addition to a child’s look

Making a floral decoration from your own hair is a great idea to complement your holiday celebrations. childish image. It is very easy to perform, and looks as if it was performed by an experienced hairdresser. Having examined step by step the entire master class on creating this “masterpiece”, you can turn it into reality in just 10-15 minutes. Such original styling Suitable for all little princesses, without exception.

That's it, your amazing hairstyle is ready!

Having examined each photo lesson in detail, you will be able to choose the option of floral decoration that will most successfully fit into your image and can highlight your beauty.


A few final video lessons.