How to make a beautiful airborne beret. How to properly return a military beret. Tips for wearing an army cap

Regulatory documents prescribe exactly how to wear a beret. From there you will find out at what distance from the eyes the headdress should “sit” (usually they require 2 cm), and you will also understand which side the bend should be made on. If you don’t want to make a mistake and appear inappropriately on a holiday, first re-read the charter, and only then start “fighting off”.

Often, berets are literally “beaten”, that is, to give the correct shape you will need a hammer. In the case of products made from thin fabrics, and not from thick wool, you can get by with less drastic measures. For example, you can turn to heated water (sweet or starchy), paraffin, or hairspray.

Since most methods require washing, you will have to find the right place to dry before starting manipulations. In this context, a window sill is definitely not suitable, as well as rooms with drafts and rooms with high humidity. You should not place woolen or wool-blend items near heating appliances.. This is fraught with deformation and change in size.

By what means can you fix the shape of a beret?

Home fitting methods are inexpensive. All items necessary for the procedure, with the exception of paraffin, can definitely be found in the kitchen or bathroom.

Sugar water and plate

It is necessary to wet the beret, pull it onto a flat plate (choose dishes that are ideal in size) and leave it in this state until it dries completely. Then place the headdress at the bottom of a basin filled with warm, sweetened water. Wait 2 hours. Dry.

Important! The plate is removed only after drying, that is, there is no need to remove the headdress from it.

Wet it, put it on a mannequin or ball, give it the desired look and let it dry. When this happens, melt the paraffin and apply it pointwise to areas that need additional hardness ( processing is carried out from the wrong side). Correct it, iron it with your hand, and then let it dry completely.

Classic laundry soap has a specific aroma. If you don’t want to become a source of such a smell on a holiday, buy a modern version of household soap in the store (only without coloring additives, otherwise unwanted stains will appear on your headdress). Well, or a product of the same name, suitable for washing children's clothes.

Wet the beret pointwise (only those parts that will undergo transformation). Rub wet areas with a bar of soap. Then fold the headdress to the desired side and secure the edge with a clothespin or paper clips. Leave for several hours.

Rigid frame

Make a cardboard backing. A frame made of wire or other material that holds its shape well and is able to transfer it to another object is also suitable. Then place the beret on the frame or place the backing inside it. Fix in the desired state with double-sided tape and store without removing or moving for several weeks.

Adhesive layer

Buy a base for the adhesive layer (for example, bag flezelin). Take measurements from the beret (you need height and circumference). Transfer the dimensions of the beret onto the interlayer and cut out. Then glue using a hot iron.

Hairspray (maximum strong hold)

Apply a thick layer of the product to the headdress, previously properly “beaten”. There is no point in saving varnish. The more you spray it, the better the beret will “stand”. At the same time, keep in mind that some of these products contain microelements that add shine. This effect is not needed, so read the instructions carefully.

We beat back step by step at home

The reverse side should be processed, not the front side.

Method 1

The most complex and expensive method. However, if performed correctly and strictly following all the instructions, the result will be a headdress that is ideal in shape and angle.

For the event you will need:

Algorithm of actions:

  1. tear off the lining of the beret (in some cases you can skip this step) and place the headdress in hot water for 2 minutes;
  2. take it out, remove excess water with your hands ( precisely to drive, without twisting or squeezing);
  3. after the water stops dripping, insert the cockade ( For correct placement, follow the liner inside the beret);
  4. put on the head, tie;
  5. smooth out the headdress, give it the correct shape;
  6. cover the beret with shaving foam without removing it from the head;
  7. wait a few minutes, wet your hands and start rubbing in the foam;
  8. give final shape;
  9. leave alone for 1.5 hours (no need to remove);
  10. After this time, remove the headdress, clean from pellets and residual traces of foam ( small signs of wear - pellets - are removed using a razor drawn along the pile);
  11. fill the inside with a large amount of varnish (you should not spare the product, as it will give the headdress the necessary hardness);
  12. cut a small rectangle out of the card, then make 2 holes in the piece for the “antennae” of the cockade, insert the cockade and tighten the “antennae” to your taste.

Important! The pellets can also be removed using a special machine. It works much more carefully, cleans better, causes less damage to fibers and costs mere pennies.

  • smooth the left side of the beret back (while bringing your hand straight to the back of your head);
  • smooth the crown to the right;
  • We create a half-disc at the right ear.

Method 2

The method is suitable for military and civilians who want to flatten one side of their headgear (bevel it to one side). To do this, you literally have to break off the edge. You will need a hammer and a hard surface strong enough to withstand repeated direct hits from the tool (a barracks stool, for example).

Step-by-step instruction:

The blows should be light, but accurate. If you don’t have the skills to handle the tool or are afraid of ruining the item, use a steel spoon. However, the process of involving her will take longer.

Important! Some servicemen, who do not have any tools at hand, generally make do with a barracks iron mug.

Method 3

A method that is relevant for the teardrop beret. Take a hat, wet it with water and quickly shake it off (no need to get too wet). Next, put the product on yourself and give it the shape prescribed in the charter. Continue this way until completely dry ( do not forget to smooth and adjust the beret from time to time, otherwise it will not dry correctly).

When the beret becomes dry, press down the edge with pliers. If the tool is handled correctly, the part will become as sharp as required.

If the idea of ​​wearing a wet headgear is not pleasant in itself or there are reasons to refrain from such a step, and you have a mannequin or at least a ball at hand, the circumference of which coincides with the circumference of your head, then put a beret on them. However, you need to be prepared for a not entirely correct fit - nevertheless, these objects do not correspond to the curves and structural features of your particular head.

Method 4

Soak the headdress in hot water, drive off the main water masses with your hand, put on the product, and then shape the edge acute form using your fingers (punch the edge), paper clips or clothespins.

Method 5

Wash the product, sprinkle the seam with starch and beat off the edge. Brush off any remaining starch.

Method 6

Wash and iron through gauze (double). Before ironing, place a rolled up wet towel inside the headdress (helps create a shape). Then beat off the edges with a hammer.

Method 7

Soak for a couple of minutes in warm water. Take it out and stuff it tightly with newspapers. Ensure that the form adopted corresponds to that required by the charter. Smooth out the folds, and “bevel” the desired side and secure with clothespins. Leave until completely dry ( in this case, the item should be kept away from operating heating devices and direct sunlight).

Final step: try on the dry beret and, if necessary, correct any imperfections with your fingers dipped in water.

Method 8

  1. Mix 180 g of water (cold) with 100 g of starch. Mix thoroughly. Add the resulting mixture to 900 g of heated water.
  2. Dip the beret and give it the desired look after pulling it out. Once you achieve your goal, put it on the ball or dummy. Let dry.

Important! The visor cannot be wet.

Suture beret: nuances

Helpful Notes:

FRESH news item - regular qualification tests recently held in the vicinity of Minsk for the right to wear a maroon beret by military personnel internal troops and law enforcement agencies forced the editors of Spetsnaz to pay close attention to... the headdresses of soldiers and officers of various units. First of all - on berets. Where did they come from, what color symbolizes what, who has the right to wear certain berets? Let's try to figure it out with the help of experts...

Our answer to the Green Berets

LET'S START with the beret - a necessary attribute of the uniform of military personnel in many countries of the world. Often the beret is a distinctive feature of representatives of special forces units, a source of pride for its owners. As you know, today berets and heads of military personnel of the Belarusian Armed Forces, internal troops, special police, the State Security Committee, the State Border Committee, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are decorated.

In the Armed Forces of the USSR, berets appeared later than in the armies of other countries, says Colonel Alexander Gruenko, deputy commander of special operations forces for ideological work. - According to some sources, the introduction of berets, in particular, in the airborne troops, was a kind of response to the appearance in the army of a potential enemy of rapid reaction units wearing green berets. Apparently, the Ministry of Defense decided that wearing berets would not contradict the traditions of the Soviet Army.

The troops received the innovation with a bang. When drafted into the army, many young men sought to join the ranks of the elite units, marked by a distinctive feature - the blue beret.

Black color Marine Corps

HOWEVER, for the first time in the Armed Forces of the USSR, not blue berets, as many believe, but black berets appeared. In 1963, they became a distinctive feature of the Soviet Marine Corps. For her, by order of the Minister of Defense, a field uniform was introduced: soldiers wore a black beret (woolen for officers and cotton for sergeants and conscript sailors). The beret had a side made of leatherette, on the left side there was a red flag with a golden anchor, and on the front there was an officer's emblem of the Navy. For the first time in the new field uniform, the Marines appeared at the November 1968 parade on Red Square. Then the flag “migrated” to right side beret due to the fact that the stands for honored guests and the Mausoleum were located to the right of the columns when passing the columns. Later, on the berets of sergeants and sailors, the star was complemented by a wreath of laurel leaves. The decision to make these changes may have been made by Defense Minister Marshal Soviet Union A. Grechko or in agreement with him. At the very least, written orders or other instructions in this regard, the researchers say, are not mentioned anywhere. Before the end of the November parades in Moscow, the Marines paraded in berets and field uniforms with “ceremonial” changes and additions. In 1969, by order of the USSR Minister of Defense, an oval black emblem with a golden edging and a red star in the middle was installed as an emblem on the berets of sergeants and sailors. Subsequently, the oval emblem was replaced by a star in a wreath.

By the way, at one time tank crews also wore black berets. They relied on special uniforms established for tank crews by order of the Minister of Defense in 1972.

Airborne Forces: from crimson to blue

In the SOVIET airborne troops, a crimson beret was initially supposed to be worn - this is the beret that was the symbol of the airborne troops in the armies of most of the uniforms for paratroopers, including two versions of the beret. In everyday uniform, it was expected to wear a khaki beret with a red star. However, this option remained on paper. Margelov decided to wear the crimson beret as a ceremonial headdress. On the right side of the beret there was a blue flag with the emblem of the Airborne Forces, and in front there was a star in a wreath of ears (for soldiers and sergeants). The officers wore a cockade with an emblem of the 1955 model and a flight emblem (a star with wings) on their berets. Crimson berets began to enter the army in 1967. In the same year, at the November parade on Red Square, parachute units marched for the first time in new uniforms and berets. However, literally in next year The crimson berets were replaced with blue ones. The color symbolizing the sky was considered more suitable for this type of army. In August 1968, when troops entered Czechoslovakia, Soviet paratroopers were already wearing blue berets. But by order of the USSR Minister of Defense, the blue beret was officially established as a headdress for airborne forces only in July 1969. A star in a wreath was attached to the front of the berets for soldiers and sergeants, and an Air Force cockade for officers. A red flag with the emblem of the Airborne Forces was worn on the left side of the berets by servicemen of the guards units, and at parades in Moscow it was moved to the right side. The idea of ​​wearing flags belonged to the same Margelov. Unlike the blue flag on the crimson beret, the dimensions of which were indicated in the technical specifications for production, the red flags were made independently in each part and did not have a single sample. In March 1989, the new rules for wearing uniforms stipulated the wearing of a flag on berets by all military personnel of the airborne troops, air assault units and special forces units. Today, military personnel of the mobile units of the Belarusian Armed Forces still wear blue berets.

Legendary maroon

QUESTION about distinctive form clothing was also raised during the formation of special forces units of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In May 1989, the head of the internal troops and the head of the main department of logistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs prepared a letter addressed to the minister of internal affairs, who decided to introduce a maroon (dark crimson) beret as a special distinction for military personnel of special forces units. Unlike marines and paratroopers, a maroon beret was a badge of qualification and was awarded only after completing a special training course and passing exams. This tradition, as we know, has survived to this day.

Green border

THAT the beret gives marines and paratroopers a brave and courageous appearance has not gone unnoticed in other branches of the military. After some time, many military personnel of the Soviet Union expressed their desire to wear berets. Border guards were no exception.

The first case of the USSR border guards wearing a beret dates back to 1976 - in the summer, for one month, cadets of the border training detachment in Kaliningrad and the Moscow Higher Military Command School of Border Troops in Golitsyno wore, as an experiment, uniforms modeled on the Airborne Forces: an open cotton tunic, a white and green vest and a green beret with a red flag on the side. However, although the border troops were part of the KGB of the USSR, all changes in uniforms had to be coordinated with the Ministry of Defense, which did not approve of such an initiative and banned the wearing of the new uniform.

In 1981, camouflage uniforms were introduced into the border troops. The new “wardrobe” also included a camouflage beret with a clip-on visor. In 1990, green berets returned to the border troops. From February 1990 to September 1991, they included the only operational airborne division of the KGB PV in the Soviet Union. In April 1991, the division's personnel received green berets with the Airborne Forces emblem on blue flags on the side of the headdress in addition to the standard border uniform.

After the declaration of independence of the Republic of Belarus, on January 16, 1992, the Main Directorate of Border Troops was created under the Council of Ministers. Soon the development of uniforms for the national border troops began. Taking into account the wishes of military personnel and the development trends of military uniforms of that time, the green beret was also introduced.

However, since 1995, some changes have occurred in the uniform of our border troops, enshrined in Presidential Decree No. 174 of May 15, 1996 “On military uniforms and insignia according to military ranks" According to the document, only military personnel of special forces units had the right to wear light green berets in the border troops.

What do they wear at Alpha?

LESS known is the beret of the anti-terrorist special unit “Alpha” of the KGB of Belarus. It has a cornflower blue color, traditional for state security agencies. A candidate who wants to serve in Alpha goes through testing and takes numerous tests. At the next officer's meeting, the soldier's unit is officially enrolled in the ranks - and then he is given a beret. There are no strict rules about when you can wear a hat and when you can’t. It all depends on the specific situation - is it a combat operation or an everyday option.

There is no institution for passing the beret in the KGB special forces. Why? Experts say this is due to the specifics of the service. Alpha accepts only experienced fighters and officers, among whom there are many masters of sports and those who took part in combat operations. They no longer need to prove anything to anyone...

The brightest - in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

IF you see a strong man in a red beret, then know: in front of you is a soldier of the Republican Special Forces Unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. ROSN berets have a utilitarian function. The headdress does not give a fighter any special status - it is an ordinary element of uniform. It is worth clarifying that, in general, there are two color options for the berets of employees of the “emergency” department: red and green. Red beret - for officers, management. When responding to emergencies, bright colors help them stand out from the crowd. And it’s easier for soldiers to notice the commander, which means they can hear the command in time. Green berets are worn by privates and warrant officers.

Prepared by Alexander GRACHEV, Nikolai KOZLOVICH, Arthur STRECH.

Photo by Alexander GRACHEV, Artur STREKH, Artur PRUPAS, Alexander RUZHECHK.


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Takes a soft headdress without a visor. In the armed forces different countries It is used as a ceremonial headdress and a distinctive feature of some special forces units. History The prototype of the modern beret was probably a Celtic headdress. In the Middle Ages, the beret became widespread, both among the civilian population and in the army. Book miniatures allow us to judge this. In the late Middle Ages there appeared

The beret is the main headdress in the Israel Defense Forces. One of the features of the IDF, which immediately catches the eye of an outside observer, is the universal wearing of berets in formal dress uniform. Indeed, in the Israel Defense Forces, only military band members wear caps, military police when performing official duties and disciplinary warrant officers at ceremonial events, there are also ceremonial caps

Surprisingly, before the outbreak of the First World War, the beret was not widely used as part of the military uniform. True, in the 17th century, some units of the British army, consisting of Scottish highlanders, wore a certain prototype of it. Moreover, at that time it was considered a common item of clothing for fishermen. Italian soldier in a crimson beret - a symbol of paratroopers European countries. The military beret is a symbol of the British tank forces. Most contributed to the promotion.

Today we will talk about such an interesting headdress as the beret, as well as about its variety, which is the military beret. Its history began quite a long time ago, because its prototype is most likely the Celtic headdress. The beret was very popular in the Middle Ages. Moreover, it was worn by both representatives of the civilian population and soldiers; book miniatures speak about this. Further, at the end of the Middle Ages, decrees began to be approved,

Takes a soft headdress without a visor. History The prototype of the modern beret was probably a Celtic headdress. In the Middle Ages, the beret became widespread, both among the civilian population and in the army. Book miniatures allow us to judge this. In the late Middle Ages, decrees appeared on the introduction of military uniforms, where the beret appeared as the main headdress. The popularity of the beret in Europe began to decline

The use of the beret as a headdress for military personnel in the Soviet Union dates back to 1936. According to the order of NGOs of the USSR to wear berets dark blue, as part of the summer uniform, was reserved for female military personnel and students of military academies. After World War II, women in uniform began to wear khaki berets. However, berets became more widespread in the Soviet Army much later, partly due to

In many armies of the world, berets indicate that the units using them belong to the elite troops. Since they have a special mission, elite units must have something to separate them from the rest. For example, the famous green beret is a symbol of excellence, a sign of valor and distinction in the struggle for freedom. History of the Military Beret Given the practicality of the beret, its informal use by the military of Europe dates back thousands of years. An example would be

A blue beret is a headdress, a blue beret is an element of a military uniform, a uniform headdress for military personnel. armed forces different states. It is worn by military personnel in the United Nations forces, the Russian Air Force, and the Airborne Forces. Russian Airborne Forces Armed Forces of Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, Special Forces Units of Kyrgyzstan, Special Operations Forces of the Republic

In many armies of the world, berets indicate that the units using them belong to the elite troops. Let us consider their history and varieties different types troops. Given the practicality of the beret, its informal use by the European military dates back thousands of years. An example is the blue beret, which became a symbol of the Scottish military in the 16th and 17th centuries. As an official military headdress, the beret began to be used in

Over time, multi-colored military berets became not just a replacement for caps and caps, but also an indicator of a certain elitism of their owners. After all, the marine and air infantrymen who wore them, as well as various special forces soldiers, were considered the elite and even the most revered caste in the army. Until recently, Russia was no different, where only selected and specially trained military personnel had the right to a prestigious beret. Now the situation has changed in many ways. Beret

Red beret Russian Federation uniform headdress. The highest form of distinction for military personnel of special forces units of the National Guard of Russia, previously the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and Russia. It is assigned in the order of passing strict qualification tests and is a source of exclusive pride for the special forces soldier. Contract and military personnel are allowed to take qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret.

The maroon beret is a difficult element of clothing for a special forces soldier; it is a symbol of valor and honor, the right to wear which not many are awarded. To receive this coveted insignia, there are only two possibilities. A special beret can be earned for participation and display of courage in hostilities, for demonstrated courage and perseverance. You can pass qualification tests for the right to wear this special headdress. Story

It has long been known that the maroon beret is a symbol and a distinctive part of the uniform of Russian special forces units. In addition, the fighter wearing the beret is an example of courage, perseverance, fearlessness, poise and professionalism, it simply cannot be otherwise. Indeed, in order to be awarded the right to wear a maroon beret, it is necessary to pass a special test, the fulfillment of the established standards of which is a very difficult task even for an experienced and trained

The beret is a soft headdress without a visor round shape. It came into fashion during the Middle Ages, but for a long time it was considered an exclusively men's headdress, since it was worn mainly by military men. Currently, berets are part of the military uniform of various troops of the Russian Armed Forces, each of which has its own characteristic coloring of berets, which can be used to determine whether the employee belongs to one or another branch of the Armed Forces.

The prototype of the modern beret was probably a Celtic headdress. In the Middle Ages, the beret became widespread, both among the civilian population and in the army. Book miniatures allow us to judge this. In the late Middle Ages, decrees appeared on the introduction of military uniforms, where the beret appeared as the main headdress. In many armies of the world, berets indicate that the units using them belong to the elite

The beret is a symbol of courage and bravery; its wearing is practiced in almost all armies of the world. As a rule, in any branch of the Russian armed forces, in addition to everyday uniforms, caps and caps, there are also additional accessories in the form of berets. In some troops, everyone can receive such a headdress, in other cases, they take a special thing, a relic, the right to wear which can only be obtained by passing a difficult exam. Today we will talk

You will need

  • Takes a drop (choose your size, take a closer look at 54-55),
  • water (preferably hot),
  • shaving foam or gel,
  • hairspray (colorless),
  • disposable Shaver,
  • scissors,
  • any plastic card,
  • cockade.


To begin with, we cut out the lining with scissors, but do not cut off the insert for the cockade. Next, immerse the beret in hot water and wait 2 minutes for it to completely soak. We take it out, squeeze it slightly, insert the cockade exactly in the center (we are guided by the insert inside the beret), put it on the head and tighten the ropes at the back of the head, tie it.

Without removing the beret, we begin to smooth it with our hands in the right directions. We smooth the left side back, bringing the hand to the back of the head. We stroke the top of the head to the right side, creating a half-disk near the right ear. We make the arch for the cockade as follows: hold the cockade, and with the right hand we smooth it forward from the top, creating an edging.
Then everything is much simpler, you just need to straighten these sides and remove stains and holes. Don’t be afraid to smooth it harder, the beret won’t tear. Pay special attention to the arch and half-disk at the ear, make them more prominent and even (after its formation, it is advisable to iron the half-disk a little back to the back of the head, press it well to the ear and crush the ends). Your choice of how you want the half disk to look: cover the half disk, lightly touch it, or just hang in the air above it.

After we have made the form, we continue to improve it. Take shaving foam and apply it to the beret large quantities. We coat everything thoroughly, every area (don’t remove the beret!!!). Then wait a few minutes, you can also iron the sides a little, but not too much. Next, we wet our hands with water and begin to rub in the foam (which is on the beret) with movements from side to side, with medium pressure.
Having removed all the stains and white spots, we iron the shape a little more, smooth out the imperfections and leave our creation alone. Under no circumstances do we take off our beret; we walk around in it for about 1.5 hours, or even more. It is advisable to be in a warm place so that it dries on you.

When it's dry on your head, you can put it on a table or on a radiator to dry completely, but so that the half-disc hangs over the edge. Then the beret is completely dry, we must get rid of the pellets that formed from our foam and water. We take a razor and shave in the same directions where we smoothed the creation. We shave so that the surface is smooth and without defects, everything is neat and without rushing.
After this, take hairspray and spray it on inside beret, that is, where we cut out the lining. Use all the polish, don't waste it, the more the better. All this is done to make the beret harder. You will feel the results after such an operation.

The military uniform for the Airborne Forces was approved back in the late 60s of the last century. Berets were immediately introduced as a single model of headgear for the Airborne Forces. They were worn before, especially berets were common among military personnel of foreign countries.

The fashion for berets in military uniform was introduced almost simultaneously in Britain and France during the First World War. Later, this fashion was adopted by Germany, followed by the United States. After World War II, this tradition spread even further to other countries.

From the history of blue berets

This fashion reached the Soviet Union only in the 60s. Interestingly, the Marines were the first to wear this headdress. Berets appeared in the Airborne Forces in 1967. Few people know that the original berets were not blue, but crimson. Although the color blue was available in the landing uniform even then (edgings and shoulder straps). The crimson color of the berets was proposed by the artist Zhuk, who borrowed this color from paratroopers of other countries.

The crimson color was not the only one. The artist demonstrated two versions of color schemes to General Margelov. In addition to crimson, there was also a protective color. Berets of this color were planned to be worn as everyday wear, although this remained just a project. Raspberry berets seemed to “Uncle Vasya” more suitable for parades, but he did not approve the everyday version.

In 1967, airborne troops were given the chance to appear at a parade in crimson berets. However, the paratroopers did not wear this color of berets for long. For unknown reasons, the high command decided to change the color of the berets. It is possible that official party leaders were suspicious of the crimson color, and perhaps did not want to have anything to do with the color of the berets of the airborne forces of capitalist countries.

In addition, there is another version that says that the blue color is associated with the sky, which in turn could be most suitable for paratroopers. In general, there is no exact information about the reasons for such sudden changes in the color of the beret.

In 1969, the color was changed to the one seen today, blue. In addition, there was no casual and formal version of berets, which could differ in color.

“Guards Corner” - a band on the Airborne Forces beret

Red badges were attached to the paratroopers' berets, which were worn on the left side of the berets in Everyday life, and during parades they were tilted to the right side. Later, such a badge - a band on the Airborne Forces beret - began to be worn in all formations and units of the Airborne Forces. However, there were no standardized sizes.

And since 1989, the mandatory wearing of uniform badges by all airborne troops has been enshrined at the legislative level. These badges were flags made of brass or rondole.

Since 1995, the band began to be made for the first time with the image of the Russian coat of arms. Subsequently, he was accepted along with a modified military uniform, and this was recorded at the legislative level. Corresponding changes to the military uniform of the paratroopers were made retroactively. This was the decision of the Head of the Central Clothing Department Russian Ministry defense in July 1995.

Such beads are of great value to their owners. Especially those who with my own hands created by skilled soldiers even before 1989. Moreover, most of the bands made before 1989 are rare works of folk craft and are highly valued by collectors.

Step-by-step instructions on how to return the beret

Initially, the beret is issued to a serviceman in the form of a disk, which undoubtedly looks very ugly on the head. In order to give it a presentable appearance, soldiers beat off their berets, which is a very simple procedure and is performed using improvised means.

First you need to cut out the lining in the beret with scissors, but leave the liner for the cockade. Then immerse the headdress in hot water for two minutes until it is completely limp. Next, take out the headdress, squeeze it lightly, insert the cockade strictly in the center (you should follow the liner inside the headdress), put it on your head and tighten it with a rope at the back of your head

Without removing the headdress, use your hands to smooth it in the required directions. The left side is smoothed back, the crown is smoothed to the right, thus creating something like a half-disk at the right ear.

The arch for the cockade is made like this: the cockade is held with the left hand, and smoothed from the top forward with the right, forming an edge.

After giving the shape to the headdress, its improvement continues. To do this, take shaving foam and apply it to the headdress, and a lot. Next, you need to wet your hands with water and rub in the foam, without pressing hard on the headdress.

When all the stains with white spots have been removed, a final inspection should be made to look for any defects and eliminate them. Under no circumstances should you take off your beret; you will need to walk in it for approximately 1.5 hours.

After the beret dries on the head, it is dried on a table or radiator. In order for the beret to become as hard as possible and keep its shape longer, folk craftsmen advise spraying hairspray inside the headdress.

That's all, the beret is ready. All that remains is to cut the plastic card so that it matches the size of the cockade. Two holes are made for the antennae of the cockade, the cockade is inserted, after which a cut-off plastic card is secured inside and the antennae are spread out on the sides. This will give the cockade a more stable, stationary position. If you place the flag on the left side, then you need to do it evenly and not very far from the cockade.

Berets in Russian and other security forces

Currently, blue berets are the most recognizable attribute of airborne troops, equally with the blue and white vest. Recently, berets have become widespread, and those covered with legends have also become especially popular. maroon berets. Military personnel of only a few special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to receive the latter.

In addition, maroon berets are worn on the left side, and blue berets are worn on the right. The only exception for blue berets is parades, when absolutely all military personnel have to wear their hats on the left side, in accordance with the event protocol. You should also know that berets with blue colors are present in the armed forces of other states. For example, blue berets are worn by UN military personnel, although the shades of berets of the Russian Airborne Forces are different from all others.

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