How to build a pattern for a women's earflap hat. Leather and fur hats. Features of sewing products from natural and artificial fur

In winter it is very important to wear a hat. Especially residents of cold regions need warm and windproof head protection. The ideal option for this would be fur hat. And you don’t necessarily need to run to the store to get it. A homemade hat, the so-called hand-made one, will make your headdress not only functional, but also unique. We will give you, needlewomen, three examples of how to sew a fur hat with your own hands.

Stylish fur hat in the shape of a papakha or a pill with your own hands

To sew a hat in the form of a papakha you will need:

  • Fabric for lining;
  • Pattern paper or tracing paper;
  • Tape measure;
  • Needles, scissors, knife, marker and sewing machine.


  1. Measure the circumference of your head. The height of the pattern will be the height of the hat itself. For a circle pattern, you can also use the length of a rectangular piece;
  2. Create a pattern. Transfer the obtained parameters onto tracing paper or paper. Cut out the sample along the lines. The result should be a circle and a rectangle;
  3. Place a rectangular shape and a circle on the back of a piece of fur and trace it with a marker. Using a knife or scalpel, cut out these parts.

Important! In order not to damage the fur, you need to cut not the pile, but the fur fabric itself. Be careful.

  1. Cut out the same details from fabric as from fur;
  2. Turn the fabric and fur inside out. Connect the sides of both pieces and secure them with pins. Then on sewing machine make lines - a centimeter from the edge;
  3. Carefully examine the fur and the direction of the pile. This is necessary to determine the place where the connection to the circle will occur;

On a note: The fibers on such caps are usually directed towards the face.

An unusual and very stylish headdress is ready. This style will look great together with a warm coat made of drape, wool, etc. As you can see, sewing a fur hat with your own hands is not so difficult. The main thing is the tool.

Fur hattwo-color

To make it, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Natural fur of two contrasting colors and not very thick;
  • An old knitted hat or sweater (if you don’t find it at home, you can buy it or knit it yourself);
  • A sharp blade, scalpel or stationery knife;
  • Threads, needle;
  • A small piece of leather;
  • Sintepon and fleece (felt)

The operating principle is as follows:

  1. On the fur, make markings for 7 mm stripes;
  2. With help stationery knife, blade, or scalpel, cut the marked strips. Be careful;
  3. Take a hat or sweater as a base. If the latter, then take the bottom of the sweater and apply the resulting strip to your forehead. The crown of the head should not be connected together;
  4. On the sweater strip, gather the stitches into a knitting needle and cast off. If you don’t know how to knit, then assemble them with an elastic band or thread;
  5. Start sewing fur strips to the convex part of the workpiece, alternating light and dark colors;
  6. It is advisable to make stripes of dark fur shorter than light ones, but here everything comes from your imagination and the available material;
  7. Connect the dovyaz with fur into a ring. Use a hook or thread with a needle;
  8. Seal the top hole with leather approximately 12 cm in diameter (you don’t need to sew it directly on top, but by pressing it down a little). Place some synthetic padding in the middle, and cover the hole with fleece or felt on top;
  9. Turn the hat inside out. To straighten the fur, comb it well, straighten it and shake it a little. All is ready!

A little effort and you will get an interesting and fluffy two-color hat.

Video: Master class: How to sew a hat from an old fox collar

Fur hat with earflaps

For this hat you need the following tools and materials:

  • Pieces of fur;
  • Braid;
  • Paper or tracing paper for a pattern;
  • Measuring tape, scissors, tailor's chalk;
  • Fabric for lining;
  • Wooden hammer and small nails;
  • Plywood board.

IN winter period Special attention should be given to the choice of headdress. Human health depends on it. Hats made of natural fur are considered the warmest and most beautiful. They cost much more than other hats. However, there are many ways to sew it yourself.

Fashion trends do not stand still. Every year new models of women's hats appear. There are options that do not lose their relevance. These primarily include voluminous ear flaps and beret hats. They, in turn, have many modifications depending on the design and type of fur. Faux fur hats are also popular. They are distinguished by a variety of colors and affordable prices.

What kind of fur is best to make a hat from?

The choice of fur is determined by a person’s personal preferences and financial capabilities. Also worth considering outerwear, with which the headdress will be worn. The hat should match or emphasize the chosen image. So, a product made from fox skin will be very impressive and bright. Therefore, you need to understand in advance what it looks harmonious with.

On a note! The most in demand when sewing women's hats are mink, arctic fox and leopard. Products made from rabbit are considered budget products, while more elite products are made from lynx fur and other valuable animals.

DIY natural fur hat

One of the popular models among women is a hat in the shape of a papakha or a pillbox. It goes well with drape and wool coat and is suitable for absolutely all women. The main thing is to choose the right height. Its peculiarity is to visually enlarge the head. To sew such a thing you will need fur, lining fabric, paper, a knife, thread, needles and a sewing machine.

Hat pattern

The pattern of the model consists of two elements: a circle and a rectangle. To draw it correctly, you need to measure the circumference of your head using a centimeter tape. The height of the product is taken based on personal preference. You should end up with a rectangle with sides equal to the height of the product and the width of the head. To cut a circle, use the length of the resulting rectangle. Patterns are drawn on paper and cut out.

We sew a hat from natural fur step by step

You can sew a headdress yourself in a couple of hours. To do this, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Place the patterns on the wrong side of the fur skin and attach them with pins. Next, they are outlined with a marker and an increase of about 1.5 cm is made on the seams.
  2. The parts are carefully cut out using a knife or scalpel.
  3. The same parts must be made from lining fabric.
  4. Connect fur and lining with wrong sides. They are secured with pins and stitched by machine 1 cm from the edge.
  5. Before connecting the cap to the circle, you should carefully examine the direction of the fibers. In such variants, they usually look at the person's face.
  6. The circle and rectangle are connected to each other on the wrong side using pins.
  7. Next, they are ground together on a machine 1 cm from the edge.
  8. The hat is turned inside out and the seam is freed from any lint stuck there.
  9. Next, the fabric lining is placed in a fur blank and pinned. There should be a small gap left so that the cap can be turned inside out.
  10. The fur blank and lining are stitched on a machine and turned inside out.
  11. The unstitched hole is processed manually with a hidden seam.

REFERENCE! At the end of sewing, shake the resulting hat and lightly comb the fur.

How to sew a faux fur hat with your own hands

Faux fur hats are no less beautiful than those made from natural fur. And if you make a compacted lining, then they will not be inferior in their ability to retain heat. In addition, you can practice on faux fur if you are sewing such a product for the first time. The model with long ears at the back looks very impressive and extraordinary. It is especially popular among young girls. To make it you will need a piece of fur 20 cm in width and 160 cm in length.

Pattern for a hat

To create a pattern, you need to draw a rectangle with a length equal to the circumference of the head and a width of 20 cm. Draw two tails that are 35 cm in length and 10 cm in width. Their tip can be made pointed. We cut out the patterns drawn on paper and cut them out.

We sew a faux fur hat step by step

Having prepared everything necessary materials, we begin the process of sewing the product in the following sequence:

  1. Place the patterns on the wrong side of the fur skin and fasten them with pins. Trace with a marker or chalk, leaving a seam allowance of about 1 cm.
  2. Carefully cut out the resulting parts.
  3. We take the base of the hat and fold it right side inward and sew it together, manually not reaching the end of 15 cm, to make it easier to sew on the tails.
  4. Next, we take the tails and sew them to the hat, not reaching 1 cm from each edge.
  5. Next, we sew the remaining 15 cm of the hat base to the end.
  6. Turn the hat right side out.
  7. We begin to sew the tails.
  8. Using a measuring tape, measure the circumference of your head, fold the hat in half and sew it together.
  9. We find the middle of the headdress and sew it together, making small gathers with the pile facing up.
  10. For beauty, you can sew a spectacular brooch or earring onto the product.

IMPORTANT! For this model, it is better to choose voluminous fur with long pile.

Features of sewing products from natural and artificial fur

There are certain nuances that need to be taken into account when working with fur. So, when cutting out parts, you should bend the fur in the opposite direction in order to cut the skin and touch the valuable pile. The tool must be well sharpened so as not to tear the skin.

ATTENTION! Specialized companies for sewing fur products use furrier machines. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to sew a product using a regular sewing machine. You need to carefully select thick needles and sew slowly with a large stitch so as not to damage the machine. In some cases, it is better to use a simple thread and needle.

Pleasure yourself fur product it is possible even without large financial resources. Observing simple recommendations During the season it is possible to sew several spectacular hats from both natural and faux fur.

The earflap hat remains an integral part of Russian history and a piece of clothing that has not lost its relevance to this day. It is indispensable during harsh winters, protecting against the piercing cold wind and frost.

In addition to its practicality, the earflap hat belongs to very beautiful headdresses. If desired You can sew a fur hat with earflaps yourself. Of course, this will require time and effort, but the result will exceed all expectations.

How to sew a women's hat with earflaps?

  1. Prepare a centimeter, paper for the pattern, 0.5 m of lining material and material for the hat. First, measure the circumference of your head, then draw a circle on paper with a radius of ¼ of the obtained value. Then bend the resulting circle in half and cut along the fold line. Step back 1 cm from the circle, rounding the cut line. Make 2 symmetrical recesses on top, 4 cm deep and 2 cm wide.
  2. Now draw a rectangle with sides 18 and 12 cm. Cut one short side around the circumference. These will be the ears of the ushanka hat.
  3. Subtract 24 cm from the resulting head circumference and divide the remaining figure in half. Now with this length and height of 10 cm, draw 2 rectangles. One of them will become the back of the hat. Place the second rectangle lengthwise and cut off the 2 upper corners along the circumference. It will make a visor.
  4. From the main material, cut out the parts - 2 parts each for the cap and ears, one each for the back part and the visor. From the edge of the pattern, step back 0.8 cm in width. Exactly the same number of parts are cut out of the lining material, cutting the material strictly according to the pattern. These parts should be smaller in size than the main fabric parts.
  5. Sew the back part of the lining and main material and the ears together. Then sew them along the edge. Now make darts and sew the cap from the lining and main fabric, leaving only a line between the darts on the lining, unstitched part. Sew the details of the visor.
  6. Connect the cap along the side seams, on the wrong side mark the points that should be on the back of the head and the middle of the forehead. Fold the back part with the ears in half and, starting from the middle of the back of the head, sew symmetrically in both directions to the cap. After this, mark the middle of the visor and sew it on both sides of this point. Sew the cap made of lining fabric to the visor and to the back part with the ears. Turn the hat inside out through the hole left and then sew it up. Your beautiful earflap hat is ready.

To sew a fur hat with earflaps, you will need lining fabric, fur pieces, a plywood board, and ribbons for tying. You can make such a hat from any fur that you have on hand. Even pieces from old fur products will do.

  • From thick paper you need to make a pattern for the future parts of the hat: ears, visor and cap. The cap will consist of 2 parts. For it, you should draw a horizontal line 30.5 cm long, and in the middle build a perpendicular line 14 cm high. From the point where the 2 lines intersect, you need to step back vertically 2 cm. Then you need to draw a horizontal line 28.5 cm long, so in such a way as to intersect the vertical line exactly in the middle of the length.
  • Next, you should draw 4 horizontal lines with a length of 27, 25.8, 22.5, 17 cm and an indent of 2 times 1.5 cm and 3 cm. On the vertical from the last point up, you need to indent another 3 cm and mark the point. After this, connect all the resulting points on the left and right with a smooth line to the top.
  • It's time to mark the dart. You need to move 4.5 cm upward along the central vertical, 3 cm to the right and left along the lower horizontal from the center point. Then connect all 3 points with straight lines.
  • Next, the ear pattern is constructed. To do this, draw a horizontal line 13.5 cm long. Then it is divided in half, and from the center a vertical line of 12 cm is drawn perpendicularly. From bottom to top, points 3, 3 and 3 cm are marked on it, then 1.5 and 1.5 cm. From Horizontal lines with lengths of 12.6 cm, 11, 9 and 7 cm are laid out on them. This is done in such a way that the middle of each line falls on the marked points. The resulting points are connected.
  • The visor pattern drawing will show half of the piece. To build it, you need to draw a rectangle with sides 11.5 and 13.5 cm. On the smaller side you need to put 3 times 3 cm, 2 and 5 cm. Draw perpendiculars to the opposite side from these points. Mark the points 0.5, 2, 3.5 and 11 cm along these lines. Then connect them with a smooth line, which will mark the front line of the visor.
  • On the opposite side of the rectangle, which is smaller, you should set aside a segment 9.1 cm long, then 0.8, 0.8 and 0.8 cm. From these points draw perpendiculars to the opposite side. On the second perpendicular, set aside 7 cm, and on the third - 10 cm. Connect the 9.1 cm mark with a smooth line to the point of the opposite corner and with the marks 0.8/7 cm, and 0.8/10 cm. This will be the back line of the visor.
  • Place the pattern pieces on plywood and then outline them with chalk. You can pick up pieces of fur or take a whole piece of the required size. The pieces should be attached to the patterns so that the pile is in the same direction. The color and its height should be appropriate and the same.
  • The pieces must be sewn together with frequent stitches over the edge. At the same time, no lint should get on the inside. The stitched part needs to be laid out and the seam broken with a wooden hammer. The fur should be moistened, the pieces should be straightened, secured to the board with the nap facing outward using nails and left to dry.
  • The fur must be removed from the plywood, the pattern details should be laid out and outlined with chalk, then 2 parts of the cap, a visor and 4 parts of the ears should be cut out. The first step is to sew up the darts of the cap, sew the cap, sew on the visor and ears, turn the fur outward and sew in the ribbons.
  • After this, lay out the lining fabric on the bias, transfer the pattern details, cut, sew, iron and sew into the hat.

Do you want to add an exclusive winter item to your wardrobe, become even more stylish and fashionable, and at the same time love and know how to sew? Then try sewing a hat with earflaps with your own hands. This will require time and patience, but all the effort spent will pay off in full, and another unique thing will appear in your wardrobe.

The earflap hat has become very fashionable and stylish, and at the same time no one can argue with its practicality. It will keep you warm in the most stubborn frosts, and thanks to your skills you can make it as stylish and beautiful as possible. In this article we propose to consider patterns for women and men's hats- earflaps.

Pattern of a women's hat with earflaps:

Thanks to this pattern, it won’t be too difficult for you to get a new hat. Transfer the pattern details to the fabric and sew in the marked areas. Don't forget about seam allowances and fittings to create your hat to size.

Pattern of a men's hat with earflaps:

Head circumference - fifty-six centimeters.

The hat consists of 3 layers: top part, insulation and lining.

For the upper part, you can use fabric such as bologna, corduroy or thick knitwear. The upper part can be combined from different colors and structures.

For the visor use fur with a small pile. For lining, I'm considering soft jersey or fleece. For insulation use. padding polyester

Seam allowances: for sewn seams - one centimeter, for overcast seams - 0.7 centimeters.

When printing the square, keep an eye on this. so that its sides are ten centimeters long. We cut out the parts and get to work. Before you start sewing, check that the measurements taken match the pattern. The seam allowances are already marked on the patterns. The pattern is given for the top of the hat, and the lining and insulation are cut according to the base. patterns.

A warm hat with earflaps is an indispensable attribute of the cold season. It warms perfectly even in the most severe frosts, and is suitable for both male and female audiences. Of course, the easiest way is to simply purchase such a clothing attribute, but most often the price is exorbitant. It will be more economical to sew it yourself, using ready-made patterns and general tips. Below we consider 3 models of hats with earflaps.

Winter hat with earflaps with a visor. The pattern is suitable for a person with a head circumference of 56 centimeters. An original item can be sewn even from scraps of fabric, and it will be a unique wardrobe item.

The future hat with earflaps consists of the following layers: upper part, lining and insulation. For the top, a synthetic water-repellent fabric, such as bologna, is ideal. You can also use corduroy or thick knitwear. The top can be combined from different colors and fabric structures, the product will not suffer from such an idea.

For the visor, back and “ears” use fur, which has a low pile. Soft knitwear or flannel are suitable for lining. You can use fleece, as it is soft and pleasant to the touch, and there will be no discomfort.

As insulation use padding polyester or batting, but you can easily do without it.

The pattern for the earflap hat is given with all seam allowances:

  • 1 centimeter is allocated for stitching seams;
  • For overcast seams - 0.7 centimeters.

Before you start working, you will need to prepare the pattern a little.

All patterns you can print them on a printer and connect them with all the corresponding circuits. Check that the scale meets all standards. In other words, on printed sheets that show a square of 10x10 centimeters, sides of 10 centimeters should correspond to exactly ten centimeters. If everything meets the standards, then you can start working. Cut out all the parts. The patterns are ready!

It is worth remembering that before you start cutting hat with earflaps It is worth checking the head circumference measurements taken for compliance with the given parameters of the pattern itself. Take into account the thickness of the lining, insulation and allowance for loose fitting. Does the future owner or owner have a voluminous hairstyle? Then consider the volume of your hair! After all, if the hat turns out to be tight and causes discomfort, then the wearer may experience frequent headaches.

Do not forget that the patterns already contain all the allowances. You can adjust it if necessary pattern, and only after all these manipulations can you start cutting.

Details The cuts are presented only for the top part of the hat. The lining together with the insulation is cut according to the main patterns. When cutting, take into account the direction of the grain thread!

If you use your imagination, then you can sew different products using one pattern. You can change the material, the shape of the “visor”, ears, and so on.

Fur hat with earflaps with a convex visor. A fur hat with ear flaps will come in handy for the February frosts and cold weather. It can be sewn from natural fur or artificial fur. Fur goes well with leather, suede and other materials. The size of the presented hat with earflaps is designed for a person with a head circumference of 57 centimeters. If the need arises, you can change the size. In other words, it is necessary to increase or decrease the patterns for the earflap hat pattern.

The visor of the product has the following original form due to facing. The cap of the product itself consists of two parts.

Hat with ear flaps consists of three parts: a lining with insulation, an upper part and a lining. Fur is used when sewing the back, visor and “ears”.

For other parts of the future product, you will need to select water-repellent fabrics, for example, bologna, leather, suede, corduroy, and so on. The lining must be sewn from silk, soft knitwear, flannel, and so on. The main thing is to use soft and pleasant fabrics that do not cause discomfort.

Insulation can be made from padding polyester, batting and other materials.

Patterns are given without allowances for seams!

Before starting work, you will need to carry out preparatory work. Print the pattern on a printer and connect all the parts as required by the example.

Check the scale for consistency. The printouts should show squares of 10x10 centimeters, their sides of 10 centimeters should correspond to this exact size. Cut out all the details of the future hat and get to work.

Before cutting, you need to check all the measurements. They must match the parameters of the patterns. Take into account the lining, insulation, allowance for loose fit and hair volume.

Please take seam allowances into account!

If the need arises, then adjust all the parameters of the pattern, and only then proceed to cutting. Lining and insulation are built according to basic patterns. The top of the product is the cut details.

In order to make a pattern for the lower part of the visor and “ears”, you need to cut 0.3-0.5 centimeters from the main patterns on the outside. The direction of the grain thread must be taken into account.

If you use your imagination, you can make several original earflap hats of different shapes, structures and colors. Experiments are only beneficial!

Hat with ear flaps with 6 wedges

The peculiarity of this product is the presence of “ears”. They can be of different shapes. They can be decorated with embroidery, beads or other accessories. The peculiarity of the presented model is the presence of 6 wedges, a visor with an extended edge on top. The “ears” are cut to the back of the cap lapel. They can be worn in different ways: tied on the top of the head, at the back of the head, or lowered down.

The size of the future product is 57 centimeters. If necessary, the size can be modified. Increase or decrease the patterns of the hat with earflaps.

The pattern is presented without seam allowances. Prepare before work pattern. Print the entire diagram on a printer and connect the parts according to all the rules.

Keep it to scale. Cut out the parts and proceed directly to the work itself. The patterns are ready for use. Adjust if necessary pattern to your size.

The hat consists of three components: top, lining and insulation. For the back part, visor and “ears” it is used fur. For other parts you can use dense materials: leather, suede, knitwear, corduroy, etc. Silk, soft knitwear, flannel and other pleasant fabrics are suitable for lining.

It is better to make insulation from padding polyester or batting. This material is warm and suitable even in severe frosts.

Before you start cutting, you need to check all the measurements. They must match the value patterns. If there are no matches, then you need to slightly increase the parameters. Consider the insulation, hair volume, lining. Don't forget the seam allowances! Observe the direction of the grain thread.

In order to get the correct pattern for the lower part of the visor and “ears”, it is necessary to cut off 0.5 centimeters from the main parts of the patterns on the outside.

If you put in a little effort, then anyone can turn out great. hat with ear flaps, which will warm you up in the winter cold. Experiment with materials color scheme and the product itself. You will receive an original earflap hat!

This type of work is always open to experimentation. If you have original new ideas, then one at a time pattern can be made a large number of various hats. Choose material, color or texture. You can also change the entire design, make a visor for your hat, remove the ears and much more. The end result will be a great product. The decision is up to you. Create and enjoy work and creativity.