How to understand whether you love a person or not? How do I know if I love my boyfriend? We understand the feelings for a loved one. Do I love him?

The first signs of mutual sympathy are a very exciting, vibrant period that you can remember for a long time afterwards.

You can understand that a guy loves you by some signs of behavior. Each personality is unique, but we can identify typical traits characteristic of male attention towards a girl.

If a guy looks into your eyes, it means he loves you. If he catches your eye, he likes you. If he tries to touch, he wants you. If he walks by indifferently, don’t flatter yourself with empty hopes, he’s not shy, he’s ***...
author unknown

So, pay attention to the following signs:
  • the young man tries to intersect with you more often and be in your field of vision;
  • deliberately attracts attention and seeks to make a lasting impression with his words or actions;
  • behaves in an unusual way, shows unusual initiative or jokes a lot;
  • often looks at you or in your direction, even when communicating with another interlocutor.

2. is not just a flow of verbal information, it is also the impression of the modulation of the voice, the meaning of what was said, and the general situation.

Next verbal cues also confirm that a guy loves you if he:

  • uses every opportunity to call or communicate in any way;
  • is constantly interested in you and your opinion, appeals to your authority;
  • publicly praises, notes your merits or makes compliments, thereby showing his intentions towards you;
  • tries to find out what you are interested in and how you spend your time free time, perhaps he loves, but hides it and in this way tries to get to know better.

3. Tactile contacts, touching– an exciting stage of rapprochement, a real test of mutual attraction:

  • basic gestures and movements are directed in your direction;
  • when communicating, sits next to you, even if it is not entirely convenient;
  • strives to get closer, touch, touches your things;
  • the young man is trying to help you, support you in some matters and activities.
Ask him for help or a minor favor and see how willingly and responsibly he reacts, this way he will show that he really loves you. Just don’t shift your responsibilities to him, respect personal boundaries. Always leave a spare role behind the screen - there are still so many interesting things ahead.

Otherwise, how can you understand that a guy loves you? You don’t need to specifically provoke jealousy, this leaves mistrust and unnecessary doubts about your affection. It’s better to show your sympathy unobtrusively, it gives confidence. It is important for a man that a woman takes care of the relationship and patiently accepts his improvisations.

Under what conditions is it better to date a guy?

Common places (study, work, gym, etc.) bring us closer together, but do not oblige us to continue. The proverbial “cup of coffee” is just an everyday moment; you don’t necessarily need to look for a wedding ring at the bottom.

A guy who truly loves you and is really interested in you will also not rush you or push you. A man is a patient hunter who is able to wait in ambush if he meets a worthy “target of attack.”

Attitude to gifts - are you waiting for recognition and hoping that the young man will shower you with flowers and sweets, or offer you a joint vacation? Not at all necessary, everyone has different capabilities and ideas about signs of attention. It’s better to think about what you can offer in return that could be truly interesting.

Spending together in a cafe or at the cinema is a topic for a separate study in a broad format, so we’ll leave this sensitive issue to your personal discretion. If you need money, wait for an inheritance or go to the casino, but the man doesn’t owe you anything yet.
A serious strategic mistake is to expect quick recognition and gifts, because we have “already known each other for half an hour.” The gradual approach is very intriguing and allows you to choose best options self-presentation. Don’t expect compensation for your efforts: “I spent the whole day getting ready and putting on makeup, and he’s wearing yesterday’s T-shirt,” no one forced you.

Certain shortcomings are part of a personal characteristic, they distinguish us from each other, try to realistically assess the situation. And one more thing - do not seek “retribution” in case of unsuccessful relationships. Don’t try to prove that “he will regret it” - it looks ridiculous and suggests that you are dependent on past relationships and on his opinion. Smile and move on.

Nuances of the epistolary genre

Modern correspondence in instant messengers and in social networks has overwhelmed real communication and develops according to its own genre laws - it reveals the most secret desires, but does not oblige you to anything.

Try to stay within the bounds of prudence: “the Internet remembers everything,” filter every word and photo. There is no need to demonstrate unmotivated mood swings, throw virtual hysterics, or, conversely, remain “mysteriously” silent. If you like it, communicate; if you don’t, you don’t need to waste your and other people’s time.

By correspondence, you can also understand how much a young man likes you: he is regularly tagged on your page and shows signs of activity. Just don’t demand detailed messages according to the principle “I typed out half a page for him, and he told me OK.” Nobody promised you gigabytes of compliments and lyrical reflections. The main thing is sincerity, especially since often extensive statuses and quotes on the wall are just replicated copy-paste.

Don’t try to find a hidden meaning where there is none and never was; it’s better to ask directly about what worries you, in a flirtatious, relaxed manner: “Did you really fall in love with me so quickly, I didn’t even expect it!” According to psychologist Klaus Vopel, people then do not need psychotherapy when a man says that coffee is disgusting, and a woman understands that it is about coffee. So there is no need to create a problem and then diligently overcome it.

Immediately ignore obsessive fans of virtual sex - this is a specific category, an episode without continuation, no real result is expected here. You can try it as an additional experience.

Special points that will help you understand your feelings:
  • the gender stereotype “a man chooses, and a girl waits” has long been refuted; do not hesitate to take the initiative, but not too intrusively;
  • men love light flirting and pretense, but only to attract attention, do not try to deceive his trust and use it for your own purposes, this greatly offends male representatives;
  • the discrepancy between your social and everyday tastes and preferences does not mean that he does not like you, but he is not obliged to watch “your” films and listen to “your” music, only sometimes according to his mood, there is no need to force him and be offended;
  • observe the individual “invasion zone”, do not try to dramatically correct everyday habits; if he likes a blue towel, there is no need to fundamentally change it to green to match the color of the surrounding tiles;
  • leave the possibility of choice, allow him to maneuver, create the appearance that it was “he called me first”;
  • show the ability to negotiate and build long-term relationships; momentary whims and whims can seriously spoil your personal resume;
  • don't try to put a perfect image on real person, believe me, he is already trying to make you feel comfortable together, be grateful in any case, then you can count on more;
  • do not show obvious disappointment, do not insult your partner if he did not meet your expectations, know how to part with dignity, because you too may find yourself in a similar situation;
  • there are no exact recipes for seduction, act according to the circumstances, a man will always find a way to show that he is indifferent to you, unlike women who like to hold male attention “just in case.”
If you had to think about how to understand that a guy loves you, it means that there are real prerequisites for this. By the way, others quickly notice targeted male attention in your direction, so pay attention to their comments more often.

You don’t need to think that the main thing for a guy is to “get his way”; everyone also has ideal ideas about a first date, about first intimacy. Men really like to give the impression of an experienced, relaxed macho, but in reality many of them are shy and insecure in the presence of their chosen one.

Therefore, act according to the circumstances, but the main thing is that it doesn’t turn out like in that joke:

The girl asked young man reinstall the broken program on the computer.
He comes to her, she meets him in a transparent robe, offers him coffee, and sits down next to him.
Next, the guy tries, adjusts the program.
She can’t stand it and asks: Can I lie next to you undressed, otherwise it’s a little hot?
And he answers her: Lie down, of course, you’re not bothering me.

Question for the reader

Tell us about your love story! How did you become convinced that your beloved guy is not indifferent to you, have you known each other for a long time before?

Love doesn't come right away. At first glance, you can be interested, feel sympathy, feel passion, but not fall in love. This is a mature, deep, self-sufficient, sincere feeling that consists of many definitions. How to understand your own soul? How to distinguish love from affection? Your inner voice and honest answers to important questions will help you understand whether you love a person. So, everything is about love and its main signs.

Love or affection? Let's find out the difference

Most people confuse love with affection, considering them synonymous concepts. No, of course, during the time spent together, we become attached to each other. It's normal when we miss our other halves, we miss their jokes, their smell, nice wishes before bedtime. It’s bad when we don’t understand the difference between “to love” and “to get used to.”

But the difference is that if you enter into a conscious life with a person to whom you are simply attached, you quickly risk crashing on the rocks of misunderstanding, disappointment and resentment. You will build destructive relationships, because attachment borders on dependence, and dependence in itself is an unhealthy concept. Understanding the difference between love and affection will help you make the right decisions in life!

Attachment is insidious in that it is very similar to love. It is expressed in care, empathy, affection, attention, but is most often guided by fears. The dependent (attached) person acts forcedly and tensely. He has to restrain his emotions and anticipate other people's wishes, otherwise (in his opinion), there is a risk of losing his soulmate. Is love equal to pretense or tension? No, if you love a person, then you give him positive emotions for free, guided only by the desire to please. Love equals sincerity and relaxation.

To find out whether you love your chosen one, answer honestly what exactly keeps you close to him. Attachment is always supported by profit, noble intentions and other irrational concepts that have nothing to do with love:

  • financial dependence;
  • responsibility for the other half (when the couple is codependent and the partners play the “parent” - “child” game);
  • fear of loneliness (fear of being alone, categorical reluctance to get used to someone else);
  • habit of comfort (if all conditions are created for me, why leave?);
  • feeling of gratitude (feeling of guilt).

When you love, neither social, nor housing, nor monetary benefits are important. Love is selfless, unconditional, self-sufficient, which allows you to simply enjoy your loved one while in his company. After all, as you know, people love not for something, but in spite of everything.

Attachment always borders on jealousy. It pushes you, stresses you out, makes you doubt and get nervous. Love grows in complete trust and confidence in a partner. If you love, you don’t require proof of fidelity.

Intimacy will help you understand whether you love your partner or not. If you are driven only by affection, then sexual arousal will decline over time. Otherwise, sex only becomes more sensual and varied.

Couples with love in their hearts are also far from ideal. People argue, sort things out, and get offended. But they learn lessons from this, get to know each other in this way in order to further improve in relationships.

Attachment is not so scary, because we all start relationships from this step. It is important to understand in time that attachment will not get you far. Sooner or later, when true love comes along the way, parting will bring a lot of pain and resentment.

Signs of love

There is no exact definition of love. This concept is so multifaceted that each person interprets it in his own way. For some, this is unconditional trust, for those who have stability, spiritual closeness, mutual respect, etc. But there are dominant signs in psychology by which you can definitely understand whether you truly love a person, or whether you are guided by other feelings.

The best time is when you are together

You can tell that you love a person by how much time you spend together gives you pleasure. It doesn't matter how long you see each other, what matters is the emotions you experience. If this time is the best moment of the day, then it is definitely love. When you love, a person is never a burden; he always has strength and desires. It does not get boring, does not irritate, since it is a source Have a good mood and peace. You know that in the company of your significant other you can truly relax and unwind.

First thoughts in the morning

The first thoughts after waking up help you understand whether you love him. If your hand reaches out first to the phone to write/call your boyfriend, if you want to ask “how you slept,” tell your dream or wish good morning, which means that those very feelings definitely reign in the heart.

Your interests are secondary

Every living person is characterized by selfishness. This is absolutely normal, it is embedded in us on an instinctive level. But love changes everything. When you love your man, your own interests take a back seat. You notice that you have begun to look at the world completely differently, becoming a devoted, selfless ally for your loved one. Always ready to help, lend a hand, rejoice at his successes and share the bitterness of failure.

Lovers are selfless people who take great pleasure in giving rather than receiving. When your companion is happy, you become happy a priori.

If both partners in a union strive to make the life of their other half brighter, more comfortable, happier - this is a healthy relationship. If one gives, and the other only receives without giving back, the relationship is in danger of a serious crisis.

Willingness to do anything for your other half

This great way check the truth of feelings. In a loving relationship, each partner is ready to do anything for their other half. This point closely borders on selflessness, because it means sharing ALL moments in the life of a loved one. Can you rely on him? Will he feed your cat during your business trip? Will they bring you an umbrella to work if it’s raining outside? Will he wake up at 4 am to get you to your desired flight?

And most importantly, how will the beloved do this? loving person will not grumble, get nervous or get angry when asked for help. Will not make a favor out of this or issue counter ultimatums. Because love is the ability to share with a partner not only the positive moments of his life, but also the sad, poignant, and tense ones. So pay attention, if you are together only when you are happy, but apart during difficult periods, this is hardly love.

Expressing feelings

How exactly to express your feelings is up to everyone to decide for themselves. While for some it is acceptable to kiss in public, others prefer to carefully protect their love, hiding it from prying eyes.

But there are moments that help to understand the truth of feelings:

  • when you really love a person, you pronounce words of recognition sincerely, without any reason for this, without demanding to hear something similar in response;
  • you say “I love” without fear of being ridiculed or rejected;
  • you share your childhood, fears, feelings with your partner because you trust him;
  • you tell your loved one something that no one knew about you before;
  • you always text or call each other, because when you love, maintaining contact at a distance becomes a necessity;
  • I want to tell the whole world about my feelings;
  • you are not ashamed when a man introduces you as his soul mate;
  • There are special moments between you, something personal that you don’t want to share with anyone, not even your best friend.

If the answer to most points is “yes,” it means that love really lives in the heart.

Disadvantages of your significant other and attitude towards them

When you are in love with a guy, you accept him completely, with all his strengths and weaknesses. True love does not seek to adapt a person to himself, does not force him to change his character, eradicate habits, or live differently. It can only motivate you to become better, but not create an ideal image.

But you shouldn’t rush from one extreme to another. We all make mistakes and have our weaknesses. When we love a person, we have every right to comments and constructive criticism towards him. But we do this solely with the best intentions, and not to manipulate or dominate our partner.

Long term plans

If a girl still doubts whether she wants to connect her future destiny with this particular person, it is unlikely that we are talking about love. If your plans include a clear picture of the wedding, a design for a house where comfort will be built, and the number of children, there is no doubt that you love him!

True love implies the desire to spend your whole life with the one with whom you feel calm and peaceful. If you are discussing your old age, your grandchildren, the name of the dog you will get, you are absolutely happy people in love.

Self improvement

An adequate person knows his shortcomings. Love works wonders, stimulating people to become better, to work on themselves. A girl who loves and is focused on long-term relationships always improves herself. She knows why the guy fell in love with her, what qualities she lacks, and in which direction to move to strengthen the union. It is the desire to become better that helps a person understand that he is guided by nothing other than love.

Basis for feelings

When we meet a guy, our sympathy for him depends on many accompanying factors, that is, it is determined by circumstances. You were told that your crush danced with another girl yesterday, and you were immediately disappointed in him. They said that he has a bad reputation, you are afraid of him and avoid him. Your girlfriend laughed at his ears, you stopped liking him. The day before yesterday his joke amused you, but today you are already irritated...

Love is absolute, it simply exists, regardless of anything. No matter what they say about your chosen one, no matter how much they scold, advise, instruct, impose, you still love this guy. It doesn’t matter what the weather is outside, what your mood is, what sweater he came in today, what dream you had - you never stop doubting your bright feelings. Love arose and it exists. And no reason is needed for this.


Defining love in this case will take time. It is time that tests the strength of feelings. At the initial stages, it is difficult to figure out what exactly is guiding you: passion, interest, sympathy, affection, etc. But when hormones subside over time, love reveals itself in full force.

People, if there is no love between them, often break up after a year of relationship. Because romance disappears, and euphoria is replaced by painful thoughts and extra responsibility. But if love reigns in the union, the relationship moves to new level. The lovers become true friends to each other.

Now their feelings are supported by mutual assistance, mutual support and mutual understanding. Now everything in their life is divided into two.

Psychologists have proven that if a couple reaches the milestone of “friendship,” they are able to survive any obstacles along the way.

If something happens to your significant other, will you be together?

This is perhaps the most difficult sign to determine your feelings. Life is quite unpredictable and presents us with surprises without asking whether we are ready to accept them or not.

To understand whether you love or not, ask yourself the question, can you stay close to this man under any circumstances? And we are talking not only about the concept of wealth and poverty, but also about more serious things. Will a guy still be loved if he's paralyzed? Will he become blind, deaf, armless, or suffer from an incurable disease?

Don’t make hasty conclusions, think about this point carefully. There are no right or wrong answers here, only honesty is appropriate. If you decide to stay with him only because of the condemnation of others, pity, disgust, guilt, it can hardly be called love.

To understand that you love a person, you just need to listen to your heart. What does it tell you? Do you see him nearby, do you accept him as he is now, are you ready to give rather than receive, do you consider him the father of your children? If yes, then that's great! Love is the most important feeling on earth, and if you know it, be happy!

Useful video from psychologist Vadim Kurkin:

You constantly catch yourself thinking about his true attitude towards you, and the question constantly swirls in your head: how can you understand that your loved one loves you? Then this article is definitely for you. It contains all the main behavioral signs of how men behave if they are not indifferent to a woman. Be sure to read! He who is forewarned is forearmed :)

Oh, those women’s ears that are so eager to constantly hear declarations of feelings! But these cherished words are not always a sign real love. So maybe you shouldn’t expect fiery speeches from your beloved man? After all, true love is clearly recognized in his behavior and actions!

How to understand that your loved one loves you - 12 clear signs

A man loves you if...

Gives you significant compliments

You will not hear from him: “Your new dress suits you very well,” but he does not consider it shameful to admit: “I would not have been able to achieve such success if it were not for your support and help.” The most important compliments are not those about your appearance, but those that speak about your personality.

Sees your flaws

And it is not easy to see them, and may even reprimand them for inappropriate statements or incorrect behavior. No, he doesn’t lecture you, he simply points out what you did wrong, making it clear that he knows you like no one else and accepts you entirely, with all your shortcomings. He sees in you not a soulless ideal, but an absolutely normal, living, and therefore imperfect woman.

Wants to know your opinion

For any reason: from where to go on vacation to judgments regarding global world problems. This is not a sign of lack of will or a desire to shift some decisions onto your shoulders, but a manifestation of respect for your person. Of course, he has his own opinion, but it is very important for him to know yours too.

Gives you personal space

No matter how much he wants to always be near you, he gives you the opportunity to be alone, mind yourself and your own affairs. Keep in mind that a man’s desire to spend 24 hours a day with you testifies not so much to his love as to his lack of self-confidence. Every person has a normal need to be alone for some time.

Wishes you the best, even to the detriment of yourself

Without any objections from him, you leave for a month-long advanced training course or go to bed early because you have an exam tomorrow and need to get a good night's sleep. And all because he knows how important it is for you to get a promotion or do well on an exam.

Could be myself next to you

Everyone around him perceives him as a reserved, serious and reasonable person. And only you know that he loves to fool around, loves surprises and practical jokes. If he can allow himself to be himself alone with you, then he trusts you completely.

Looks at you with loving eyes

The look of a loving person is something special. Misty and full of adoration, he - sure sign love. The feeling simply overwhelms the person, and he is unable to look anywhere else.

Always in a great mood when you're around

Your very presence makes him relaxed, funny and goofy. You want to discuss a serious issue with him, but he has a smile from ear to ear and devils in his eyes? Do not be surprised. It is love that makes him laugh without reason.

Does for you what you don't even ask for

Various disruptions often occur in the household. You don’t have to remind him a hundred times to change the light bulb in the hallway or tighten the faucet in the kitchen. You don’t have to ask him for anything at all, just voice the problem and everything will be heard. When he does this, you may not even see, you just notice the work already done.

Proud of you

He does not miss the opportunity to proudly and publicly praise your professional or culinary talents. He never tires of telling you how happy he is with your achievements. You can be proud of your home country and the company you work for, but the greatest pleasure comes from the successes of your loved ones.

May unexpectedly kiss you

The man you love often kisses you on the cheek, on the forehead, on the shoulder - and always, as it seems to you, in the wrong place and at the wrong time: at a party, when you are talking with other guests, when you are cooking and your hands are covered in flour, in a supermarket full of strangers. It's always unexpected for you. And he simply cannot resist kissing you once again.

Finds your rounded sides cute

Your lover, without hesitation, criticizes your friends for getting fat, and in response to your modest remark that your figure is no longer so perfect, he sincerely asserts that you have become even nicer and more appetizing when your body has become a little rounder.

Do you notice the listed signs of attention from your man? This means that we can say with complete confidence that he loves you. And it doesn’t matter at all that he never makes passionate confessions to you.

Three pillars of male love

Women try on their understanding of love on men, but they have their own vision, they love differently. Their feeling rests on three pillars: statement, provision and protection.

  • He is unlikely to go shopping for new outfits with you, but he will always and everywhere proudly introduce his beloved woman to everyone - announce you.
  • If you get sick, he won't sit looking lost at your bedside and hold your hand. He will move the earth and the sky, get any medicines and arrange a consultation with the best doctors, ensuring you a comfortable existence.
  • And, most importantly, he will never allow anyone to even look at you askance, let alone offend you in word or deed - he will protect you.

Is this what love is like in a woman’s mind? Where are the beautiful words?

Declaration of love is weakness. And weakness for a man is an unforgivable quality. If a guy opens his feelings to a girl, then only to the one and only one whom he trusts as a father and mother.

Some men utter words of love to get sex, others to appease a girl, and others hide some kind of lie behind these words. Real love manifests itself in actions.

It all depends on the woman

It doesn’t matter whether your chosen one speaks about his love or is silent. Many of them can be very eloquent and swear eternal love a hundred times a day, and yet all they need from you is access to your body. But there are men who, without saying a word, will go out of their way to meet your expectations. The main thing is that these expectations are meaningful. Do not be silent! Talk about them and you will receive them.

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In order to understand even more accurately the true feelings of your chosen one, take a cool test Does the person you're in love with love you - just 5 simple questions

How to know if a man likes you - 5 main signs

The desire to arouse admiration, captivate and enchant is inherent in women by nature itself. However, sincere interest of the opposite sex cannot always be expressed in words. To understand whether a man sympathizes with you, it is enough to pay attention to his behavior, facial expressions and gestures in your presence.

Attention to your head!

Noticing you, he tilts his head back a little and stretches his neck. The gentleman is trying to become taller so that the lady of his heart will pay attention to him.

Does a man ruffle his hair or, conversely, smooth his hair in your presence? He is not indifferent to you...

A truly interested man will often unconsciously copy your gestures. Take a closer look to see if your interlocutor is mirroring your posture, movements or facial expressions.

Emphasis on the waist

Being next to you, he can keep his hands on his belt, lay thumbs belt or keep your hands in your pockets, leaving your thumbs on top. With such actions, a man demonstrates his masculine strength and desire to possess the woman he likes.

Meaningful look

A man in love tries to catch your gaze, and when he meets him, he immediately looks away. A more daring applicant will examine you from head to toe, certainly lingering in the chest or hip area. His pupils will enlarge and his eyebrows will rise slightly. His gaze at your lips also speaks of sexual attraction.

Such a secret smile

When talking to the object of his desire, the man stretches his lips somewhat. Even if your counterpart does not indulge you with a smile, but slightly raised or pursed his lips, he is embarrassed, which means he is not indifferent. Well, if you notice a man constantly licking his lips, he has a strong sexual attraction to you.

Talking movements

A man who likes you, without even realizing it, tries to demonstrate to those around him that you are his woman: he removes invisible specks of dust from his jacket or blouse while going down the stairs, offers his hand or supports you by the waist, handing him some object, as if accidentally touches your hand.

7 Nonverbal Signs of Male Indifference

If your presence is a burden to a man, he can:

  • cross your arms or clasp them demonstratively;
  • support your chin with your palms;
  • look around, impatiently tap your foot on the floor;
  • continuously click the cap of the automatic pen;
  • draw something on a napkin or piece of paper;
  • every now and then touch your earlobe, stroke the bridge of your nose, rub your eyelids;
  • abruptly change the topic of conversation or interrupt the conversation under a vague pretext.

Noticed something similar? Draw your conclusions!

A practical guide to a happy union between a man and a woman


I hope that after reading this article, the question of how to understand that your loved one loves you has ceased to be mysterious and incomprehensible to you. Love is the highest good of human nature, which cannot be hidden or contained. You probably notice a lot in the behavior of your beloved man, but, as they say, you don’t believe your eyes and ears. After all, sometimes it is so difficult to believe in your long-awaited happiness.

Good luck and patience!

Your Tatyana Kemishis

P Perhaps every girl has thought at least once about how to understand that a guy loves you. Representatives of the fairer sex tend to romanticize relationships. They are embarrassed to ask about feelings directly, so they tend to look for signs of a man’s love for a woman. It is worth putting aside various fortune-telling and tests, since careful observation of a young man can really reveal the secret of whether a guy is in love with you or not.

First signs

If an adult man still knows how to hide his feelings, then the signs of a guy’s love for a girl are literally in plain sight. Whether a young man is in love or not, his behavior will tell. Therefore, a girl should watch how he behaves and focus on the main points.

The fact that a guy is in love will first of all be indicated by his behavior. It changes dramatically in the presence of the object of affection. If a young man wants to attract the attention of his chosen one, he will definitely do something special, eccentric, daring. Even if the girl doesn’t know the young man well, doesn’t notice the unusualness of his actions and doesn’t pay attention to whether the guy loves him, his friends will definitely understand this.

Many girls, having not heard a declaration of love from their boyfriend, begin to wonder whether the man really has warm feelings for them. It can be awkward to ask directly, but you want to know about your partner’s intentions. In such cases, it is worth paying attention to how the young man behaves. Some signs can reveal his feelings, and tell a girl about them even more than a declaration of love.

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How to understand that a guy is in love

You can tell what a guy loves by the way he behaves in a relationship. If a young man strives to spend most of his free time with a girl, then this is one of the signs of falling in love. A man who puts aside all his affairs in order to spend the day with the lady of his heart shows by his actions that he really needs the girl. If a young man constantly communicates with his chosen one by correspondence and is unable to tear himself away from the dialogue, he definitely likes her and arouses sincere interest.

If a guy prefers to communicate with friends or colleagues, we can conclude that he is not so happy in the company of his passion. But you shouldn’t rush to extremes: sometimes partners need to be apart. It is not always that a man who decides to spend one evening in the company of another person does not love his soulmate. You should doubt his feelings only when a young man constantly avoids romantic dates.

It is also important to pay attention to what the guy does when he is next to his girlfriend. If he is gentle, caring and affectionate, then his companion is clearly not indifferent to him. And if a lady gets the impression that a man is behaving rudely, incorrectly, vulgarly or familiarly, then it’s worth thinking about what this man feels towards her.

A loving man will never be rude or yell at a girl because of some little thing. Also, a guy in love will not behave indifferently, selfishly, ignoring the requests of his chosen one.

Don't forget that all people have different personalities. There are very emotional partners who are often offended and angry with women. This does not always indicate a partner’s indifference to his other half. Other young people do not show any emotion, at first glance demonstrating complete indifference. But this also does not mean that the man does not love the girl. Some people are very shy and hesitate to talk about their feelings directly. Such people very often regard a declaration of love as serious step, taking relationships to the next level.

Plans for the future: a signal of the seriousness of the relationship

What the young man says about the future plays a huge role. To a greater or lesser extent, such conversations are present in every couple. The context may be different, but it’s worth paying attention to what role the guy assigns to the girl in his destiny:

  • If a man is planning to cohabitate or hints about marriage, there is nothing to worry about. He is confident that the relationship is developing rapidly and will soon develop into something more. There is a high probability that the young man wants to confess his feelings in a special way, so that the girl remembers it for the rest of her life. Other young people, on the contrary, do not see the need to talk about love for each other, and believe that it is actions that express their attitude towards their partner.
  • If he talks about the future without specifics, you should not fantasize, so as not to be disappointed in the relationship ahead of time. You should check your guesses, carefully and unobtrusively ask your partner about the desires that he wants to realize in the coming years. It is important to do this so that he does not guess the essence of the issue. Alternatively, you can ask him to talk about his dreams, views on family, desire to have a child, and the like.
  • If a young man not only ignores the topic of a shared future, but also talks about plans that do not include his partner, you should be wary. There is a high probability that the guy is thinking about breaking up the relationship. In such a situation, you need to calmly discuss plans for the future. A frank conversation will help clarify the situation and solve problems in the couple.

Under no circumstances should a girl put psychological pressure on her partner, extorting a declaration of love from him. Even if he says these words, they will not be sincere. The young man will not be able to answer negatively, as this will put him in an awkward position. Therefore, there is no point in such a question.

How does a young man feel about a girl and what is he willing to do for her?

You can determine whether a guy really loves a girl by several signs:

  • He respects his partner, values ​​her interests, and encourages her choice in a given situation. If a man believes that a girl should do something that only he likes or should give up her hobbies altogether, then such an attitude may indicate a lack of love. A loving person will worry about psychological comfort your soulmate.
  • A young man will not criticize his girlfriend without objective reasons. Sometimes there are situations when a partner is able to express his indignation at some incident. But eternal dissatisfaction and condemnation on the part of a man indicates that he is not comfortable in a relationship with a girl.
  • The guy is always ready to help, to help out in a difficult situation. A person who loves will do everything to ensure that the object of his affection is happy. This can manifest itself both in small things and in some serious situations that require moral support from the outside. loved one. But if a young man does not do something, then this is not a sign of his complete indifference to the lady. It is not always possible to help, or the guy simply does not see the need for this, not wanting to intrude.

Love for each other is manifested in everything, even in small things. Sometimes the answer to a question about feelings can be found in the eyes of a young man. Even if a man in love tries to hide the signs of his sympathy, he will look at his soulmate with a special look.