How to clean gold jewelry. The best household and folk remedies for cleaning gold jewelry at home. Cleaning gold with stones, white gold and gold plated items

Jewelry made of gold may become tarnished over time. Dirt can ruin the appearance of any product; they begin to fade and look unattractive. Therefore, every person should know how to clean gold at home.


Before you start cleaning gold jewelry, familiarize yourself with the specifics of this process. Learning the intricacies of cleaning gold jewelry will help you avoid many mistakes that will ruin it. appearance your rings.

Many products contain hard-to-reach places that are quite difficult to clean. Such places include convex patterns, stone inserts, and decorative patterns. The traditional cleansing method does not cover these areas, so you will need to additionally use a toothbrush while rinsing with water. Choose dishes with a volume that allows you to completely cover the jewelry. Study the features of the stones. Some of them may not tolerate contact with alcohol and other substances.

White gold differs in its composition from the traditional metal. For this reason, you should carefully select the appropriate cleaning method. When working, you can only use soft brushes so that the bristles do not scratch the metal.

Knowing the intricacies of metal processing, you will learn how to properly care for it and be able to maintain the attractiveness of your jewelry for a long time.

Popular methods

Jewelry can be made from different types of gold, differing in color. The most popular is yellow metal. To clean such gold, there are professional preparations sold in jewelry stores. You can also clean gold from dirt yourself using available means.

You should choose a product for cleaning jewelry based on the type of dirt itself. You can choose several methods:

  • professional cleaning. This method is considered the most effective. During this procedure, special ultrasonic systems are used to return the jewelry to its original state. A similar procedure can be performed once a month;
  • unprofessional cleaning. This method includes traditional methods, with which you can clean gold items yourself;

  • specialized drugs. To clean your jewelry yourself, you can use different types compounds and acids. In most cases, such funds are served in jewelry stores and pawn shops.

There are several ways that are guaranteed to help return gold to its original appearance so that it shines. User reviews highlight several products that show good results.

Hydrogen peroxide

Many people purchase jewelry from a pawn shop. In these organizations you can purchase original products at a lower cost. However, many may find that the purchased ring or chain has a dull color, which gives the product an unattractive appearance.

To restore the natural shine to your jewelry, you can use hydrogen peroxide by wiping your jewelry with a cotton pad soaked in it. Also You can combine the drug with ammonia solution. This mixture quickly removes any type of dirt.

To restore the rings to their original condition, you will need:

  • mix 50 ml of ammonia and 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide;
  • place the rings into the resulting liquid;
  • decorations should be left for 12 hours. To prevent vapor evaporation, cover the container with a lid;
  • then you need to take out the products and wipe them with a suede or flannel cloth.

If you want to speed up the procedure, add one glass of water and 0.5 tablespoons of simple laundry detergent to the mixture. The powder can be replaced with dishwashing liquid. Take hot water, and choose ceramic or glass dishes as a container. The jewelry should remain in this solution for about five minutes. The products are then washed and dried.


Cleaning gold from dirt using vinegar is an undesirable method for products that contain stone inserts. Solution acetic acid can damage stones, giving them an unpresentable appearance.

If you are the owner of low-grade gold jewelry, refuse this cleaning method, since such material contains many impurities in the form of non-ferrous metals, to which exposure to acid can cause irreparable damage.

If you decide to choose this method, choose a solution with a low concentration of vinegar - no more than 3%. The acid will need to be diluted by half with water.


Baking soda will help remove stains short time. Many methods are designed for long reaction times. You will need to wait several hours for the product to become clean again. If you urgently need to clean your chain or earrings, it is better to use baking soda.

To give your precious metal a natural shine, you will need:

  • fill the container with one glass of water;
  • place your jewelry in it;
  • place the pan on the stove and wait for the water to boil;
  • put one large spoon of baking soda into boiling water;
  • You need to boil the decorations for five minutes, after which you can drain the water;
  • work the gold with a soft toothbrush.

Some users use dry baking soda powder, but it is not suitable for working with gold items. This is due to the fact that soda belongs to the category of abrasives that can damage the material and precious inserts.

The only acceptable options include mixing baking soda with water to form a paste. Other methods are not allowed.


With the help of foil, you can restore the attractiveness of gold yourself. All you need is simple metal foil, water and baking soda. It is necessary to correctly calculate the proportions when mixing so as not to damage the metal.

To clean jewelry using foil, you will need to perform several steps:

  • dissolve 50 grams of baking soda in 0.5 liters of hot water;
  • place foil on the bottom of a deep dish;
  • the mixture of soda and water must be poured into a container;
  • place the gold in the selected container;
  • products should lie in the solution all night;
  • The last step is to wash the gold with water and wipe it with a soft towel.


Ammonia can effectively remove contaminants from metal. To clean gold you will need:

  • mix one glass of water and a small spoon of ammonia;
  • moisten a cotton pad in this solution and thoroughly treat the product;
  • Wash the gold with soapy water and rinse with clean water.

There is another way to use ammonia, for which you will need to combine chalk powder with ammonia to form a paste. Use the resulting mixture to wipe the product and wash it with soapy water. Do not use lump chalk as this may scratch the delicate metal.

Ammonia can be combined with washing powder. You will need a small spoon of ammonia and a tablespoon of laundry detergent. Mix these ingredients in a glass of water and place the jewelry in it. After three hours, you can rinse the gold under running water.

There is an easy method for cleaning jewelry using an alcohol solution. You will need to dissolve a couple of drops of ammonia in a glass of water and place your jewelry in the resulting liquid for one hour. You can then rinse the gold with warm water. To remove significant stains, you can dilute the mixture with dishwashing detergent.

Many users were able to appreciate the following method:

  • pour a glass of water into a ladle and bring to a boil;
  • add one tablespoon of ammonia solution with liquid soap to the water;
  • place your jewelry in the liquid for a couple of hours;
  • After 2 hours, you need to rinse the gold in water and wipe with a cloth.

After cleaning using any of the above methods, you will need mustard powder. It will give the products a beautiful shine. It is recommended to pour the product onto a soft rag and rub the decoration with it.


The paste belongs to the category of abrasives, so you need to carefully clean rings and chains with it. This method helps to clean diamonds well. You will need to squeeze a small amount of paste onto a cloth and buff the jewelry with it. It is allowed to use only classic white toothpaste without a whitening effect.

If you decide to use tooth powder, dilute it with lemon juice. After the cleaning process, you need to rinse the rings in water and dry with a paper towel.

Coca Cola

Coca-Cola cleans the surface of gold jewelry well. To use this method, you only need a drink. Selected decorations are placed in it for 12 hours. After cleaning is completed, you need to wash them with clean water.

There are several limitations to this method:

  • This option cannot be used on products with precious stones. The inserts may become colored in an unknown shade due to contact with the drink;
  • gilding under the influence of Coca-Cola can peel off rings and chains.


This is the most affordable method of cleaning jewelry. You will need a bowl into which to pour a glass of hot water. Stir 4 large tablespoons of salt completely into the water. Jewelry should be kept in the solution for 12 hours. The products are then washed with tap water and dried.

Heavy soiling

Cleaning gold from contaminants on your own is a difficult task. Separately, you should consider the question of how to clean gold from blackness. If using the previously described methods you were unable to restore the products, turn to mechanical cleaning. This method is considered the most effective.

Do not use abrasives: baking soda, toothpaste and other drugs, as they can damage jewelry. Gold is a delicate metal, so it can be scratched by contact with abrasives. To restore the attractiveness of darkened metal, you need to use special types of pastes. Such products are inexpensive and do not harm the coating.

Use a soft toothbrush or tissue. You will need to apply the paste to the darkened rings or chains and clean in one direction only. When you are finished, wipe the product with an alcohol solution. It will remove the film that remains after cleaning.

You can create a paste for mechanical cleaning of jewelry with your own hands. To do this you will need:

  • mix Vaseline, grated soap, warm water, classic toothpaste and crumbled chalk in identical proportions;
  • The mixture should be applied to jewelry using a soft brush;
  • clean strictly in one direction;
  • At the end of the procedure, you will need to treat the metal with a solution containing alcohol and wipe it with a napkin.

To remove iodine from a stained ring, you can use a teaspoon of hyposulfite dissolved in a glass of water. Leave the ring in this solution for 15 minutes. Then you should rinse the jewelry with tap water and wipe with a dry cloth.

To clear matte gold, try the following methods:

  • You will need a bowl to which you add a little bleaching lime, a spoonful of bicarbonate salt and a spoonful of table salt. Pour a third of a glass of water into the mixture. The products should be placed in the resulting paste for a couple of minutes. Wash the gold with an alcohol solution and dry well;
  • mix 10 g of chalk, 5 g of white lead and half a spoon of bloodstone with magnesia. The resulting mixture needs to be used to clean the metal;
  • To implement this method, you will need to mix 80 grams of kolkotar and a little ammonia. This solution should be used to clean contaminated rings, chains or earrings;
  • Borax solution effectively removes stains on gold rings. A cloth soaked in it should be used to wipe the jewelry;
  • Some people remove dark spots with an eraser.

New products

The easiest way to clean rings is with smooth surface, on which there are no stones or other decorative inserts. However, such products are rare. Most women wear sleek wedding rings, interspersed with more intricate jewelry.

You can quickly clean new products until they shine with a soft cloth. If there are no inserts on the ring, soaking in a soapy solution is suitable. New jewelry can be cleaned with toothpaste and soft bristled brushes. Despite the fact that even 750 gold contains other types of metals to give strength, such a material has ductility. That's why You need to act carefully so that there are no scratches on the product.

If you are a supporter folk methods, you can resort to the option with onions. You will need to cut the onion into two parts and rub the surface of the decoration with it. Using this method, you can remove dirt and grease from jewelry. This simple method will help you clean your gold watch and other things.

Old surfaces

Old gold may develop stains or an oxidation film. To restore worn gold, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will help you.

Mix several ingredients in 200 grams of warm water:

  • a small spoon of ammonia;
  • 30 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide;
  • one spoon of liquid soap.

Pour the mixture into a non-metallic container and place your jewelry in there for 20 minutes. Then you will need to rinse the jewelry in tap water and wipe thoroughly with a suede cloth. Alternatively, you can use flannel fabric.

Donated gold can be cleaned efficiently using ammonia. You will need:

  • 200 grams of water;
  • 0.5 small spoon of ammonia at a concentration of 10%;
  • 1 small spoon of dishwashing liquid.

When you dip old jewelry into the resulting liquid, the water will immediately become dark shade. Remove them and rinse them with tap water. Please note that this method is not suitable for working with products that contain precious stones.

A baking soda solution also works well for cleaning tarnished gold. Do not use powder, as the abrasive product can scratch your rings and earrings. If you were unable to return your old gold to its original appearance, purchase special paste or foam, which are sold in jewelry stores. This product will last you a long time.

You can restore the attractiveness of jewelry using ultrasound. This method is modern and expensive. However, you will be able to effectively remove all stains and blackness from the precious metal.

Jewelry with stones

You can clean products with stones at home using mechanical methods. When working with precious inserts, you should act carefully so as not to damage the material. When choosing the appropriate method, keep in mind that alcohol can make some types of stones dull.

Moisture is an unacceptable condition for stones, so Soaking a ring or earrings with stones in cleaning solutions will not work. To clean such jewelry, you can use simple cologne. Dip it in cotton swab and wipe the stone. Cologne can degrease the surface and remove dirt. After this method, you will see that your jewelry shines again. Gasoline is also effective in cleaning precious items containing stones.

Many people are faced with a situation where the diamonds in their rings become dull. You can restore the original shine to your jewelry at home. When rubbed and heated, stones begin to attract dust and grease. It is impossible to stop this process if you wear rings constantly, so you should study ways that will help restore tarnished gold and diamond. Cleaning should be done carefully so as not to damage the metal surface.

To quickly clean wedding ring, jewelers recommend using alcohol. You will need to dip the jewelry in the liquid and wipe it with a soft cloth. This method can quickly return gold to its former attractiveness without harm or consequences.

Many people wear rings for water treatments and do not take them off while in the water. Chlorine, which is present in swimming pools, has an aggressive effect on gemstones, causing them to become dull and dark. It is able to penetrate into adhesion areas, where stains are most difficult to remove. Therefore, experts recommend removing jewelry before going to the pool.

Jewelry with precious stones should be cleaned once a month. Wipe your wedding ring or bracelet with a soft cloth, checking the condition of the settings and the gold itself. Sometimes the metal needs a little polishing to remove minor damage and scratches.

White metal

Traditional methods will help you deal with blackness on many jewelry. However, not every method will be effective when working with white gold. This metal is considered special because it does not contain copper and nickel. The surface of gold is coated with rhodium, so you should clean the cross or pendant carefully.

You can clean white gold at home yourself. To do this you will need:

  • soft cloth;
  • liquid soap or shampoo;
  • ammonia solution.

Using solutions containing these components, you can wipe your jewelry. Soak products from white gold prohibited at night.

White gold cannot be cleaned with tooth powder or paste, or saline solutions. You can use a mixture of ammonia and shampoo. The following method will work for you:

  • mix ammonia and water in equal proportions;
  • add a few drops of shampoo to the liquid;
  • immerse decorations in the solution for 30 minutes;
  • Then you will need to wash the white gold with water and dry it.

Shampoo can be replaced with liquid soap. It will take two pumps of the dispenser. Dilute the soap in one glass of water and place your rings in the resulting mixture. Leave the jewelry for 20 minutes, then rinse in water and wipe dry.

Cleansing from negative energy

The entire world around us consists of energy flows. It is contained not only in the atmosphere around us, but also in ourselves, as well as in jewelry. Gold products have powerful energy, as this material is popular. People wear rings every day and interact with others. Due to continuous interconnection, jewelry absorbs all the energy that it encounters.

If you received jewelry as an inheritance or as a gift, it contains a large amount of foreign energy that needs to be gotten rid of. Ancient rings and treasures are considered the most dangerous. Products that were extracted from ancient tombs are in a special category, since they were located next to human remains for several centuries, having absorbed a lot of negativity.

It is easy to understand that your gold needs to be cleansed of negativity. If you begin to notice apathy, bad mood and loss of strength, you should take action.

To clean gold items from negativity at home, you can use several methods. The main methods for combating negative energy are the 4 earthly elements, but there are other options that work no less effectively.

With the help of fire

Fire contains great potential for cleansing energy. To remove the negative from the ring, you will need to hold the jewelry over the fire for a few seconds. Incense may be used.

You can also take a lit candle and stare at the flame for a few minutes. During this time, your eyes will be able to maintain the outline of the fire. Then you will need to take the product and imagine how the flame surrounds it and burns all the negativity.

Ash is a derivative of flame, so it can also be used to clean precious metal. You will need to put gold in it and rub it.

If with the help of such measures you cannot eliminate the negative, contact the jewelers to melt down the jewelry.

By water

This method is the simplest. It involves simply washing your jewelry in tap water.

With the help of the earth

The earth is good at removing foreign energy from the rings. You will need to bury the jewelry in the ground for 7 days. When you take out the product, it will be cleaned.


For this method, you will need a glass one-third filled with salt. Place gold in the bowl and fill the glass to the top. After 24 hours, you can put on the ring, and it is recommended to bury the used salt in the ground or throw it into the river.

You can use sea or table salt in this method. Saline solution will also cope well with this task. When cleaning, remember that Removing the object should be done using a spoon or pencil.

In the church

Most believers turn to the church to solve problems of this kind. You will need some holy water and church candles. Place the jewelry on the table and rotate the candle in a circular motion. You should move counterclockwise.

The number of rotations will depend on your feelings. When you realize that the negative has left the jewelry, the cleaning process can be completed.


Working with sound vibrations is considered an unusual way that helps cleanse gold of negativity. You can use gongs, church or simple bells, or loud music.

Try to concentrate and imagine how sound waves enter the gold and cleanse it of accumulated negativity.

By the light of the moon or sun

To use this method, you will need to place gold rings or earrings in a place that receives direct sunlight or moonlight. Decorations should be left for 8 hours. During the process, make sure that you will not be disturbed by cloudy weather.

If you are working with products that contain stone inserts, remember that some of them may fade in the sun. This method is not suitable for amethyst, yellow topaz and citrine.

In order for jewelry to delight you with its shine for a long time, you should study the rules of caring for gold. These recommendations will help you maintain the beauty and attractiveness of your jewelry for a long time:

  • Gold should not be allowed to come into contact with alkaline or acidic substances. These components are contained in almost every detergent and washing powder;
  • If you don't want your gold to tarnish, keep your rings away from nail polish remover. Many girls get their nails done right in their rings, wondering why the gold turned black;
  • some cosmetic preparations also contain components of mercury, sulfur and chlorine, which negatively affect the precious metal;
  • Before working with paint and abrasives, remove all jewelry;
  • you cannot go to the bathhouse, sauna and solarium wearing gold;

Gold tends to darken and become dull. Products made from this metal are subject to cleaning. There are special solutions that are sold in jewelry stores. Some have gotten used to cleaning the house.
How to clean gold at home? What methods of cleaning compositions exist? Cleaning options and important tips are discussed in detail in the article.


  • Is it possible to clean gold at home - ideally so that it shines

    Is it possible to clean gold at home to make it shine? Experienced housewives and jewelry lovers will definitely answer positively. With the help of improvised means (or those that can be bought inexpensively), the yellow metal will become as good as new.
    Anyone can clean gold to make it shine. To do this, you need to choose the most convenient way. There are a huge variety of them. Everyone chooses for themselves the most convenient option.
    Advice! Jewelry with precious stones requires a special approach to cleaning, because... It is possible to leave the stone cloudy.
    You don't have to go to a jewelry workshop to make your jewelry shine perfectly. How to give your favorite metal its original look? More on this later in the article.

    How to clean gold at home

    How to save money on jewelry cleaning? You can simply learn how to perform this procedure at home.
    How can you clean gold at home?
    • Ammonia
    • Washing powder
    • Cleansers
    • Salt
    • Sugar
    • Foil and soda
    You can add shine to gold items different ways. The most popular and effective options are suggested below.

    How to clean gold with vinegar and soda

    Every home has baking soda and vinegar in the kitchen. These ingredients will help restore your jewelry to its original condition.
    How to clean gold with vinegar?
    There are two options:
    • Rub the product with vinegar and leave on a paper towel for an hour. When the time is up, you need to rinse the jewelry well with water. Wipe dry
    • Dilute vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Immerse the products in the composition for a couple of minutes. Then rinse them with water and dry
    Baking soda will also help add shine to yellow metal products. Most jewelry lovers know how to clean gold with soda.
    To clean jewelry in this way, you need to place a cloth on the bottom of the iron utensil on which to place jewelry. Add 2 tbsp to a glass of water. soda and a little dishwashing detergent. Pour the contents of the glass into the saucepan. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. After this, let the products cool. And rinse with clean water.

    How to clean gold with ammonia

    Ammonia solution is used to clean tarnished metals. How to clean gold with ammonia? This method requires a 10% ammonia solution. Add half a teaspoon of ammonia and a teaspoon of cleanser to a glass of water. Mix the resulting mixture well and put the jewelry there. When the solution becomes dark in color, the decorations need to be removed.
    Important! If the metal is left in the solution for a long time, dark spots may appear on it.
    Rinse the cleaned metal thoroughly in clean water.

    How to clean gold with gemstones

    In order not to spoil your favorite piece of jewelry, you need to know how to clean gold with stones. Stones require a special, gentle approach to cleansing from contaminants.
    Mix a little water with dishwashing detergent. Use a regular soft toothbrush and use the resulting solution to clean the products. If there are hard-to-reach places, you can additionally use a cotton swab. After cleaning, wash the jewelry in clean water.
    If there is fat on the stone that does not allow the mineral to shine, you can use gasoline. Use a toothbrush dipped in gasoline to clean the stone. After rinsing in clean water, the stone will shine again.

    Cleaning gold with ammonia and peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide is very good at brightening yellow metal. It takes several hours to clean gold with peroxide.
    Add 50 ml to 0.5 cups of 3% peroxide. ammonia. IN this composition Place the decorations and be sure to cover with a lid. All this needs to be left overnight (10 hours). Then rinse the jewelry thoroughly under the tap.
    Ammonia can be used without combining it with peroxide. To clean gold with ammonia, you need to moisten a cotton pad or cotton swab with it and wipe the jewelry. Rinse with clean water. This cleaning method is suitable for lightly contaminated metal.

    The final touch. Cleansing gold from negative energy

    Since ancient times there has been a belief that gold attracts energy. Often it is not very good. This happens if the ring (or other product) was tried on by a stranger. To prevent negative energy from affecting the life of the owner of the jewelry, it must be removed.
    How to cleanse the energy of gold? Many people know that water also takes on all the energy. Therefore, decorations can be placed in a sieve and placed under a tap with running water. How longer water will pass through the metal, the better it will be cleaned. This method is suitable for products with natural stones and without painted elements.
    For other decorations, you can use salt. It is necessary to bury the products in it and leave it for a day. After this, you need to remove them without touching the salt with your hands. A dinner fork can help with this. Used salt should be thrown out of the house as quickly as possible.

    How to clean gold from blackness: video

    Dark spots on your favorite jewelry are not uncommon. Product owners want to quickly and effectively get rid of the unsightly appearance of their favorite ring or chain. But not everyone knows which method to resort to. This video will help you learn how to clean gold from blackness and give it a lost shine:

    Step-by-step mechanical cleaning is more gentle on jewelry.

  • I am sure every modern woman faces such a task as cleaning gold at home.

    Gold jewelry - rings, bracelets, earrings, pendants, chains (or even all of the above) made of this noble, precious and beautiful metal can be found in any home.

    And they, without our consent and desire, change their appearance over time, why and what to do about it?

    The composition of gold jewelry includes various alloys: cadmium, copper, zinc, nickel, silver, etc. It is these that come into contact with air and water that oxidize over time, causing the entire jewelry to tarnish and darken.

    In addition, our favorite gold jewelry simply gets dirty when worn. From contact with the body and our normal daily actions, gold becomes covered with a layer of sweat, fat, and is covered with street dust.

    Now, let's get down to such a necessary and responsible task as cleaning gold at home. Recipes for cleaning products are not complicated, just choose the one you like and for which you have all the necessary components.

    • Most products, including rings, have places that are hard to reach and difficult to clean. This openwork ornament or the reverse side of decorative elements (inserts of stones, convex patterns, etc.), which has a concave shape with a lot of irregularities. Any standard procedure cleansing will not be able to properly clean this area of ​​the ring. And in order to clean the product, you need to use an old toothbrush with soft bristles at the end of cleaning when rinsing with water.
    • These recipes are not given as an option for cleaning gold items with precious and semi-precious stones.
    • ammonia is the same ammonium hydroxide sold in pharmacies.
    • The container of the utensils for cleaning jewelry should be chosen so that the prepared solution in it completely covers the gold items.

    7 Cleaning Recipes

    • Gold cleaner N 1 (water + dishwashing liquid)

    A very simple recipe with water and any detergent, total time cleaning minimum 15-20 minutes.


    — 1 glass of water

    - 1 tsp detergent for dishes or liquid soap

    How to clean:

    Pour some warm water into a metal container (small saucepan), put a cloth on the bottom, add detergent.

    Place gold jewelry on the bottom for cleaning and place on the stove. There should be enough water to completely cover the gold. Boil for 5-10 minutes.

    Take out the gold and rinse it under running water.

    • Gold cleaner N 2 (ammonia + washing powder)

    This is a gold cleaner using ammonia, water and any detergent.


    — 1 glass of water

    - 1 tbsp washing powder, dishwashing detergent or liquid soap

    - 1 tsp ammonia

    How to clean:

    Pour very hot water (approximately 90-100 degrees) into a glass container, pour washing powder and add ammonia.

    Mix the mixture thoroughly. Place gold jewelry in the resulting cleaning solution for 1-2 hours.

    After that, take out the gold and rinse it in running water.

    Dry with a soft cloth.

    • Gold cleaner N 3 (peroxide + ammonia + liquid soap)

    You can also prepare a cleaning solution at home from peroxide, ammonia, liquid soap and water.


    — 1 glass of water

    – 30 ml 3% hydrogen peroxide

    - 1 tsp ammonia

    - 1/2 tsp liquid soap

    How to clean:

    Pour warm water into a glass, ceramic or plastic container. Add ammonia, peroxide, liquid soap.

    Mix thoroughly the components of the cleaning solution.

    Place contaminated gold jewelry in the solution for 10-15 minutes.

    After this, rinse the products with running water and dry soft cloth.

    • Gold cleaner N 4 (water + salt)

    A very simple cleaning recipe, you can prepare it at home at any time - from salt and water.


    - 1/2 glass of water

    - 2-3 tbsp table salt

    How to clean:

    Cleaning can be done in any narrow container.

    Add salt to hot water and stir. Dip gold items into the solution and leave overnight. In the morning, rinse in clean water.

    • Gold cleaner N 5 (water + sugar)

    Of the elementary recipes for purifying gold, this is one of the first)) - from water and sugar. The exposure time of the solution is 8-12 hours, or just overnight. You don’t often wear all your favorite gold during the night, do you?))


    — 1 glass of water

    - 2 tbsp sugar

    How to clean:

    Dissolve sugar in warm water. Place the product in the prepared solution and leave for 8-12 hours. Rinse with clean water and rub with a soft cloth.

    • Gold cleaner N 6 (soda+water+foil)

    There’s nothing complicated here either, any housewife has all the ingredients - baking soda, foil, water. Cleaning time 8-12 hours.


    — 1 glass of water

    - 1-1.5 tbsp baking soda

    - a piece of foil

    How to clean:

    Prepare a solution of hot water and soda. Place foil on the bottom of the container and place decorations for cleaning. Pour in the prepared solution of water and soda and leave for 8 hours (overnight). Rinse well in clean water.

    • Gold cleaner N 7 (soda+water+detergent)

    The baking soda-foil cleaning option replaces detergent, and the process itself takes little time (up to half an hour).


    — 1 glass of water

    - 1-1.5 tbsp baking soda

    - 1/2 tsp dishwashing liquid

    How to clean:

    Place a cloth in a glass or metal container (for example, a small saucepan) and place decorations on it. Prepare a solution of boiling water, soda and detergent.

    Pour the cleaning mixture over the gold items. You can put it on low heat and let it boil for 15-20 minutes or just let the water cool. After that, rinse the gold with clean water.

    Of course, cleaning gold at home is not a troublesome task. It’s more likely that it’s not even difficult to clean, what a shame that your favorite things are so dirty and faded. But in order for such feelings to visit you less often, here are a few rules of careful handling. The implementation of which will help you if you want to preserve the shine of your favorite gold and protect it from scratches.

    Rules for wearing gold


    Remove gold jewelry before doing housework (cooking, cleaning, etc.), taking a shower, or playing sports. This will protect the precious metal from damage, scratches and shock doses of the harmful effects of chemicals, water, sweat, etc.

    Remove gold before use cosmetics(creams, lotions, tonics, etc.) and medical products (ointments, iodine, etc.). Compliance with this rule will help avoid mild and unpredictable chemical reactions with components of cosmetics and medications.

    Gold jewelry has been considered a sign of wealth since ancient times. Now almost every person has at least one piece of jewelry made of this noble metal, be it a cross or a wedding ring. In many families, such items have the status family values and are passed on from older relatives or parents to younger ones. Of course, over time, the shine and appearance of jewelry can be lost, especially if stored improperly. You can trust the beauty of your jewelry to professionals who will make it shine again. However, there are homemade recipes that can help keep your gold bright without breaking the bank.

    Cleaning can be done easily even at home, you just need to know a few tricks

    Over time, the surface of jewelry becomes covered with a film of metal oxides included in the alloy, sweat, cosmetics, tiny particles of skin and other contaminants. When worn constantly, they develop scratches that are almost invisible to the eye, which large quantities can significantly deteriorate the appearance of even the most expensive and stylish decoration. In such cases, this can be corrected with the help of the oldest cleaning agent - baking soda.

    Cleaning Method

    The use of soda and foil is considered almost the most gentle and safe method of home cleaning. This method is characterized by its simplicity, wide availability of the means used and cost-effectiveness. Below is a technique for cleaning gold using foil and baking soda at home. For this you need:

    • Hot water – 1 glass.
    • Baking soda – 2 teaspoons.
    • A small piece of foil.

    To clean jewelry, you need to put foil on the bottom of the dish and place gold on it. In a separate container, you need to thoroughly mix soda and hot water, then pour the resulting solution over the jewelry so that they are completely covered with it. Processing time is up to 12 hours; they are usually left in these conditions overnight. Next, the gold is pulled out, washed with water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

    Jewelry with precious stones, natural pearls or other decorative inserts, it is not recommended to clean them in this way. Home remedies can have irreversible effects and ruin the appearance of the products.

    Components of cleaning mixtures

    Home cleaning of gold with soda can be different. Its use is sufficient effective way. However, in addition to the main substance, you can also add a small amount of mild detergents to the washing solution: liquid soap, dishwashing detergent, shampoo. These substances speed up the purification of the metal without causing any damaging effects on it. The washing solution with soda can be supplemented with table salt, laundry soap, table vinegar (not concentrated acid!), hydrogen peroxide. In some cases, these solutions can even be brought to a boil during processing, but prolonged boiling is best avoided.

    Take care of your jewelry regularly and treat it with love, then it will serve not only you, but also the next generation

    A soft toothbrush with fine bristles is well suited for cleaning heavily soiled items, as well as items with complex shapes and chains. With its help, all foreign substances can be easily removed even in the narrowest holes, fasteners and recesses.


    Cleaning gold jewelry with baking soda is a long-proven method, the effectiveness of which is not in doubt. Its action is to create an alkaline environment around objects, which allows contaminants to dissolve faster. In addition, dry baking soda powder is an abrasive that removes oxide films and slightly polishes the surface of the gold, which improves its appearance and shine.

    The advantages of this method include its ease, fast action, minimal cost and accessibility for anyone. Despite a wide range of industrial jewelry care products, the use of baking soda remains quite common and effective for many people.

    To clean gold jewelry, you should not use household cleaners for plumbing fixtures and enamel, as well as toothpastes and powders. These substances contain particles that are too large and contain aggressive substances that can scratch or cause further clouding of the surface.

    Negative sides

    Any chemically active substances, such as baking soda, vinegar, ammonia, used in home methods for cleaning gold products, can lead to the development of negative consequences. Most often, this effect can be obtained by non-compliance with recommendations and an excessive increase in the concentration of these drugs. Another way to damage jewelry is to use both a hard brush and abrasive substances. Special care is required when cleaning white gold, which is actually a metal alloy plated with rhodium. This substance is more expensive and rare than gold itself, and is more prone to abrasion. Therefore, to clean it you need to use only gentle products: liquid soap, cream cleansers and soft cloth wipes.

    To renew beautiful view and clean your gold jewelry less often, you need to follow a few recommendations:

    • Before using products containing acids or alkalis and other strong surfactants, you should remove jewelry from your hands or wear rubber gloves.
    • It is not recommended to store jewelry in paper or cardboard packages. This contributes to the rapid turbidity and darkening of the noble metal.
    • It is worth protecting gold from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, acetone, perfumes, creams and cosmetics, sharp changes temperature and humidity.

    Following these tips will help extend the life and beauty of your jewelry and help them become family heirlooms.

    Gold jewelry tarnishes much faster on some people than on others. Sometimes this can be a manifestation of internal diseases, in which the composition of the secreted sweat changes. This sign should alert you and cause a visit to the doctor.

    Gold is a noble metal that does not change its properties over time. But despite this, after five to ten years, gold jewelry loses its attractiveness and shine. To avoid this phenomenon, you need to know how to clean gold. This procedure will return the product to its beautiful appearance without damaging the metal.

    In addition to gold, the jewelry also includes other alloys. They are the ones who change their properties over time and can fade or fade. In addition, the environmental situation, smog, dust and dirt settle on the jewelry over time, mixing with sweat or body care products. This also spoils the appearance of the product. Creams, contacts with household chemicals and pieces of dead skin tend to accumulate in hard-to-reach places on jewelry. They need to be gotten rid of, since the problem lies not only in the aesthetics of the product, but also in harm to health.

    Gold cleaning products

    Dirty jewelry comes into contact with the skin, and there comes a time when particles can cause both an allergic reaction and inflammation from microbes that have accumulated on the product. Prevention of health problems becomes ongoing care product, it is necessary to remove jewelry from time to time, for example, at night, while showering or while cleaning the house. And periodic cleaning will also prevent reactions from the body.

    How to clean gold jewelry?

    Before you start cleaning, remember a few rules to improve the quality of the process to avoid mechanical damage and scratches:

    • The decorations have a complex configuration and have many hard-to-reach places. If your product falls under this description, the easiest way is to send it to professionals for cleaning, because at home it is almost impossible to thoroughly clean all areas of the product. Of course, using a toothbrush can help in this situation. Choose a soft brush, and the product itself should not be too delicate or fragile.
    • Not all recipes are suitable for jewelry with inlay, that is, the presence of precious stones.
    • Choose a container for cleaning so that you can dip the entire product into it.

    Gold purification products

    So, among the recipes that can be implemented at home and not only, the following are used as gold purifiers:

    • Soft dry cloth. The method is the most banal, but if you use it regularly, then no further problems will arise. A dry cloth will wipe away the layer of dust and get rid of fresh dirt. You can clean absolutely any product with a dry cloth.
    • Soap solution is the second easiest method. It also won’t cope with old stains or it will take a lot of time. Therefore, if you see that the decoration has greatly changed its appearance, move on to the next recipes.
    • Dish detergent will also come in handy for this. All you have to do is put the products in a pan, add water and add one teaspoon of the product. After this, boil the water along with the decorations for 5-10 minutes. After this, take out the jewelry, rinse with plain water and wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.
    • Baking soda is also used as a cleaner in the process. Some talk about the cleaning effect of baking soda applied as a powder to the product, but this substance is an abrasive. The higher the grade of your jewelry, the softer it is. Therefore, particles of soda can leave dents and scratches on the product, especially if it is cleaned with a brush. Therefore, a more gentle way to use soda is to boil the jewelry for 5-10 minutes in a soda or soda-soap solution. The solution for preparing the solution is simple: for one glass of water you need to take 1 teaspoon of detergent and 1 tablespoon of soda. After boiling, the product can be lightly wiped with a toothbrush, focusing on hard-to-reach places. After the procedure, do not forget to rinse the products under water and wipe dry with a cloth.
    • Sugar and salt are good gold purifiers. This method is not at all labor-intensive, just take 2 tablespoons of sugar or salt, pour them into warm water and leave overnight with the products. In the morning, rinse and dry your jewelry.
    • Toothpaste will help cope with problems. Since it is not a powder, the consistency of the paste is softer, which eliminates the possibility of causing damage.
    • Washing powder can be used by dissolving it in water and dipping the items into it. Sometimes ammonia is added to the mixture and the product is left for two hours.
    • By the way, onion juice also acts as a cleanser. If you don’t find this smell unpleasant, you can safely cut the onion into two parts, squeeze the juice out of it and dip the decoration in it. And more simple option will be rubbing the product with half an onion. The item should be kept in this form for up to two hours. After this, rinse the gold and dry it as usual.
    • Ammonia and peroxide are also used during the procedure in different concentrations. They are absolutely harmless in weak dilution, although ammonia has a specific odor that will dissipate within two to three days. Proportion per glass of water: three teaspoons of ammonia and two tablespoons of 3% peroxide, leave the gold in the solution for two hours.
    • If you use the foil method, then you need to wrap the product in it and place it in a soda solution. For a glass of hot water, two tablespoons of soda are usually used. The product is placed for several hours, and there is no need to boil it. After two hours, the decoration will regain its former shine, but it will need to be dried.
    • Many people also recommend vinegar as a cleaner. Of course, there are recipes using vinegar for cleaning gold, but it is best to resort to them last. The thing is that the alloy may contain metals that react with acids. Therefore, if you are not sure about the origin of the jewelry, use the previous gentle methods.

    Cleaning gold with a toothbrush

    White gold with the addition of silver to the alloy also requires a gentle cleaning regime. You can also have matte gold. It should not initially shine, so do not try to remove the matte layer with aggressive and abrasive substances. For such products, a 25% solution of ammonia is suitable without further use of a toothbrush.

    For products with stones, there are several rules and cleaning methods:

    • If you don’t know what kind of stone is in the jewelry, don’t take risks and clean it with a cloth or wash it in soapy water.
    • If the stones are glued to the products, it is better to avoid cleaning them yourself.
    • An alcohol solution can be used for significant contamination of the product. It must be applied carefully, preferably directly to the areas of contamination, using an ear stick.
    • If the product contains turquoise, pearls, or coral, it is better to refrain from cleaning the house altogether and not expose the product to contact with water and do not look for answers to the question of how you can clean gold at home.

    If you are undecided on the cleaning methods or are afraid to apply them to the product, take the jewelry to a jewelry store to see a craftsman. He definitely knows how to clean jewelry. There are special jewelry pastes, and they focus specifically on your product, and also clean all hard-to-reach places. You can buy a special liquid or napkins soaked in such a paste and carry out the procedure at home from time to time. And if the product is intended exclusively for metal, you should not use it on stones on jewelry.

    The most professional and reliable method is ultrasonic cleaning. This procedure is carried out by a specialist in case of serious contamination of the metal. But for stones it can become destructive, because under the influence of high frequencies gem may split.

    Before carrying out any manipulations with the decoration, weigh the pros and cons. Start cleaning with the most harmless methods that are at hand. By regularly cleaning and wiping the product, you can achieve the perfect shine and beauty of the jewelry.