How not to wear tights. Why do men wear warm women's tights under their trousers in winter? — Useful information for everyone Tights with glitter: how not to wear them

Attraction to tights in society is considered a deviation only until it is noticed by others. As soon as people around you realize that you have what they consider to be an unhealthy interest in pantyhose, you are immediately labeled as a nylon fetishist. Or tights. They will quickly select a “specialization” for you - don’t hesitate.

In our society, a deviation from the norm is considered to be the case when you, by your behavior, actions, any actions, appearance or in any other way you offend others. It doesn’t matter whether you behave intrusively, whether you promote your fetish or not.

Guy wears tights

To begin with, a few quotes from women's forums.

I would be shocked if I found out that my boyfriend or acquaintance wears lingerie. Would you go straight to a psychoanalyst by the hand?

Last night I discovered that my boyfriend was wearing tights. This really scares me, although I have known him for 3 years already, and I have never noticed such deviations in him before and I can vouch for him that he is not a *****. What makes guys do this? Is this a simple fetish or something more serious?

Ordinary beings tend to consider themselves normal. Everyone who differs in behavior, views, and appearance is perceived as eccentrics. This is the first reaction. Indeed, rarely does anyone show sincere interest, simple curiosity, clouded by stereotypes, to something that stands out from the background of the familiar and ordinary.

Being wary of others isn't such a bad thing. Remember how many of us are actually not entirely normal and potentially dangerous people. Forgot? Read the news...

Just above there were two quotes: about a guy who wears lingerie and about another who wears tights. The question is, are they really feminine? And in general, how often do you see the inscription “Women’s tights” or “Tights for women” on the packaging of tights? If your horizons are not so broad that you have not even heard of the existence of men's tights or universal tights for the whole family, this does not mean that they really do not exist. If you live in a world limited by the framework of your own perception, this does not mean that your closed little world is absolutely normal.

So we won’t talk about wearing women’s underwear. Let's talk about tights.

Perhaps the guy in tights is an ordinary climber, tourist or athlete. Yes, men who are hunters, fishermen, and cyclists wear tights. Fans of fishing, especially winter fishing, also use gaskets. As insoles for shoes. Did you know about this? Do you think this is normal?

How does wearing tights correlate with relative normality? It’s one thing if wearing tights is a fetish, but another thing is just using a comfortable item for its intended purpose.

My husband wears tights

When it is no longer a girl, but a wife who discovers her husband’s addiction to tights, this is where the real “break of the pattern” occurs, as they say now. True, not everything is so simple. And a few more quotes.

When we met and I found out that in winter he wears tights under his trousers, I was a little surprised. The husband said that he has been wearing tights since childhood, and in adolescence No one forced him to wear tights, they were just warm and comfortable. He used to wear baby cotton. But at one time they were not on sale, and I offered him thick women’s ones. He currently has a pair of men's Wolfords ( good tights, but insanely expensive) and several pairs of women's ones. Although they can be called feminine only conditionally. In my opinion, women's tights are very thin, openwork, with a pattern and the like. That is, the ones we usually wear with a skirt. And the thick tights that we wear under jeans in winter, in my opinion, are both women's and men's. Agree that there is no more comfortable warm underwear than tights.

I’ll tell you a secret myself, I forced my husband to wear tights 2 years ago in autumn-winter period under jeans. I’ll explain why I did this)) My husband started having problems with veins in his legs very early (at the age of 27) due to the specifics of his work, and they began to bulge on the surface of his legs and look very unpleasant. How a person with medical education found a way to cure this without drugs. I started giving him foot massages with contrast baths every day and made him wear tights with massage effects. In general, in 2 years I practically cured his legs. A little more and everything will pass! When I tried to force him to put them on and wear them for the first time, he resisted so much, but now he likes them. Firstly, my legs don’t hurt and have recovered, and secondly, it’s warm and pleasant! And it’s funny for me to look at him sometimes - instead of hairy legs, they are so smooth and beautiful, just like mine)))) And as Apsara wrote above, indeed in Europe there have long been special tights for men. But for some reason they don’t exist in Russia. And men also invented tights, and once upon a time only men could wear them - moreover, only the upper classes and royal families, and only then we, Women, stole them from them! That's why they wear them sometimes, trying to get them back))

My husband has been wearing tights for two winters that were given to me and turned out to be too big? Well, very pleased! As an option, you can buy tight tights without a sock, wool ones are very warm

For several years now I have been constantly buying warm tights for my husband and son, albeit in Finland. During the season, they sell a lot of them there, and of different quality (very warm, wool, cotton). Of course, they are without a sock, with elastic at the bottom. But on the other hand, men are warm and cozy, and there is no air blowing from below, since the sock is just worn over the underwear. Of course, such clothes are not suitable for a romantic date, but for every day they are quite suitable... :))

Until what age is it “appropriate” for boys to wear tights? If you look at the size charts of tights manufacturers, we will find that mostly “boys’” tights and leggings are designed for heights up to about 150 cm. And then what?

Foreign manufacturers have gone further and, in addition to children's tights for boys, also offer tights for adult men. With appropriate patterns and colors: checkered, camouflage and the like. But not all collections of tights for men turned out to be successful, and therefore some manufacturers “left the race” and gave way in the market to other, more persistent competitors who did not give up and continue to produce exclusively men’s lines.

Some manufacturers decided to break stereotypes in a different way. Basing their strategy on the concept that tights are a universal garment that is not designed to be gender specific, they produce universal tights for men and women. Actually, this is a return to concepts that existed back in the days of the USSR, namely, that tights are clothing for the whole family.

Everything in our world is confused, and some people add even more chaos with their bustle.

You shouldn’t confuse concepts and try to label everyone. Wearing tights does not mean you are attracted to them.

First, figure out what kind of tights a man wears. Pay attention to his behavior. If it seems to you that he is behaving “somehow wrong,” think, maybe it really seems to you, and you are just a suspicious person? They come up with something for themselves and run to women’s forums to produce new hot gossip...

An exhibitionist in pantyhose is a rare occurrence. As a fetishist or other representative of those who are considered not entirely normal. Therefore, you should not consider that you are very lucky and you have met the only one who, according to Freud’s standards, is distinguished by an excessive attraction to tights.

And remember yourself: has it ever happened to you that you suddenly hang out at a store window, or in front of a mannequin, and literally feel that you are lusting for this blouse, hat, dress, handbag... And after that do you consider yourself normal? That is, your passion for things and shopping is absolutely adequate behavior, and a man in comfortable tights is something that requires the prompt intervention of “specialists”?

In the wake of the fashion for all kinds of androgynes, transgender people and other things, there is no need to pull facts and circumstances that will directly or indirectly help you convince yourself of the madness of the world around you.

A hundred years ago, women wore floor-length skirts and long hair, now, on the contrary, there may be no skirt at all, as well as hair.

Men once wore stockings with garters, now they only wear trousers. Not counting, of course, the Scots and restorers.

By the way, women’s wearing of tights was once considered indecent, because tights, unlike stockings, allowed them to wear very short skirts, the hems of which could not even cover the cuffs of the stockings...

So everything is relative...

Attraction to pantyhose © Bracatus

Greetings from Ludovic and Peter!

“Real men have not worn, do not wear, and never will wear women’s tights!” - some guardians of “cleanliness of the floor” assert with foam at the mouth. And they are very mistaken because they have little understanding of history modern clothes. Experts with knowledge of the matter and references to historical sources claim the opposite. For example, the fact that the first examples of modern men's tights appeared in the houses of the ancient Greeks and Romans. But if in Rome they were a wardrobe item mainly for slaves, then in Hellas stockings were not neglected by representatives of high society.

And absolutely, in modern terms, “in trend”, stockings and tight tights, very similar to tights, ended up in the European Middle Ages. Moreover, they were often knitted with embroidery, flowers and even ruffles. Suffice it to recall the fashion of Venice, London and Paris, the reign of Louis XIV, Henry VII and other high-ranking continental monarchs. This fashion did not bypass Russia either, the pioneer of which, like many other things, was Tsar Peter, who brought such an intimate product from the West. Having “survived” on men until the beginning of the 19th century, stockings gradually began to move onto women’s legs, for the time being, however, hidden long dresses. The last to say goodbye to them, closing this page, it seemed, forever, were the court lackeys.

In tights on the catwalk

The new history of men's stockings and tights began in the middle of the last century in Austria and Germany. And it “smouldered”, waiting for a big “bonfire” of interest, for about 50 years, becoming a kind of continuation of the so-called sexual revolution. It is curious that timid attempts to interest men in tights were made not only in Western Europe, but also in Eastern, socialist Europe, excluding Soviet Union. And the Wolford brand was the first to release a large batch of men's tights.

Following him, many other European, Asian and American companies producing and promoting underwear entered the market. Quite unexpectedly, they were supported by some companies from countries former USSR, always distinguished by its negative attitude towards such products. And such popular fashion designers as Jean-Paul Gaultier and Slava Zaitsev brought men in tights to the world's catwalks. Moreover, the models were not androgynes like Andrei Pejic (who also wears exclusively women’s tights and stockings), but the most ordinary representatives of the masculine part of society. In England, male nylon tights they even came up with a name - Mantyhose (man - man and pantyhose - tights).

Wear it for your health!

One of the most persistent misconceptions is the opinion that among the representatives of the “stronger sex” only homosexuals, transvestites and transsexuals and actors on the stage of the opera and ballet theater or in a film can wear tights. And this is really nothing more than a misconception, indicating serious problems among part of society in education and upbringing.

Of course, only very brave, extravagant and shocking people living in civilized countries and big cities. The majority, including transvestites, prefer to hide them under ordinary trousers, not making a secret except from their wives. They reveal their passions mainly on specialized forums, communicating with similar characters. And here it becomes clear that tights, and not only men’s, but even women’s, are worn with pleasure by the most simple people who have quite ordinary professions, very far from modeling or show business.

Not for gays

The list of men's arguments in favor of tights is interesting. The most common among them are a high degree of hygiene and convenience, especially in comparison with long johns, thermal underwear and sports tights, heat retention in frosty weather, a massage effect, and improved blood circulation. Finally, many men just love it. Well, as for gay homosexuals and transsexuals, the former, contrary to another misconception, are, to put it mildly, cool towards things that even in the slightest degree resemble women. Mantyhose is no exception. And the latter, or rather only the female part of them, are quite happy with ordinary tights. They don’t need male counterparts with a codpiece and a belt, which are also much more expensive in price.

The first time I wore nylon stockings with a belt was in class 3-4. This was around '67. Back then they had never heard of tights. Mom said, oh, what legs you have - if only you were a girl. And I agreed. I put on her stockings and a black satin belt, it was too big, but I tied it with a rope. I put on my trousers and went outside. The sensations are extraordinary. Before mom comes. put everything in place. But the stockings turned out to be wet. At home, my mother called and asked why I was wearing her stockings. From the beginning I refused, but there was no one to take them except me. Maybe you gave them to someone? No. Maybe you're cold? No. Then why did you take it? I wanted to try it. So how is it? (in detail because it’s burned into my memory down to the smallest detail) Well, okay. Maybe I should buy it for you? Will you wear it? Will. But keep in mind that when girls wear stockings, suddenly anyone who sees them will laugh. They won’t see, And there is a boy in our class who wears not only stockings, but also leggings.

Mom softened and smiled. Have you tried wearing anything else? (of course I wore a slip and silk pantaloons). Better tell me right away. I confessed. What combination do you like? Blue. How impatiently I waited for my mother to buy me stockings! Come to me. In his hands were two pairs of stockings. Some are nylon, others are more densely flesh-colored. Have you changed your mind? Then try it on. My heart was pounding. I dressed. Mom took an elastic band (previously many people used it as a garter) and secured the stockings. Just don’t wear it for physical education. 4 days passed. But I wanted the stockings to stay on my belt. I said that elastic bands hurt my feet a lot. Although this is true. How did women endure? Can I buy a belt from you? Well, I didn’t see belts for boys; you wore a bra to kindergarten, but it was too small. You can only buy a girl's belt, look. A few days later, my mother took me to the market with her. Passing by a haberdashery store, she said, “Well, let’s take a look.” Approaching the counter, she asked - is there a belt for the boy? No, and probably doesn’t happen. Well, I said, Mom said. Shame fear bitterness. The saleswoman noticed. Well, if he wears stockings, then regular ones for girls will do. And she laid out a regular white belt. Here's another satin one, light green in color. My eyes fell on pink satin with lace trim. The saleswoman noticed and said, he likes this one. “Well, this one is really girly,” my mother answered, and it’s much more expensive. Well, what can you say, she turned to me. With my eyes downcast, I pointed to the pink one. The saleswoman smiled and said - such a handsome boy can buy beautiful underwear. Maybe some girl’s panties with a shirt?” Mom said, frowning. Saleswoman - I would dress him like a doll, he also wears rough underpants and T-shirts. Well, what do you say? Will you wear it? Well, okay. And on the counter she laid out pink acetate shorts with white lace at the bottom and a yellow slip trimmed with the same white lace. Oh, my mother sighed, well, you are inventors. This is how I got my first lingerie. I wore it for pleasure. At school, several girls and two boys (they also wore them) knew. The neighbors in the communal apartment also knew - after all, the laundry was drying in the kitchen - and nothing. Then I stopped wearing it. Up to 8th grade. That's a different story.

Many people wear tights simply out of habit, without going into any special thought when buying tights and without thinking about how and what to wear tights with. For some, tights are something like underwear, something that is hidden under clothes, for others - fashion accessory or even a full-fledged wardrobe item. But for the vast majority, tights are just a necessary addition to a skirt.

If you think that wearing tights incorrectly means wearing something that doesn't fit, then you're only partly right. So, let's look at all the typical options for how not to wear tights.

Tights with trousers: how not to wear them

Pants are different. Firstly, different styles, cut, composition and, of course, purpose.

The most common mistake is to wear tights under formal “office” trousers, even if they are lined. Almost any tights will prevent the free sliding of the fabric of the trousers, as a result - the trousers will wrinkle and stick (even if you use antistatic agents). In addition, the buttocks often look flat in tights under trousers. True, there are special tights for wearing under trousers.

These tights are designed to maintain the rounded shape of the buttocks even under elastic, tight-fitting trousers, which are usually tightened so that the relief disappears.

But not everyone wears such trousers and not always. What trousers are worn most often? Jeans or classic black trousers. Previous fashion recent years, regardless of the seasons, she prescribed wearing low-waisted trousers. Some fashion seasons ago, an alternative began to appear - high-waisted trousers. But for some reason many people retained their love for low-rise trousers. And therefore, in winter, people around can often see the following picture: a girl begins to straighten her clothes, bends over or squats, and tights peek out from above, above her trousers. The question is, why wear trousers that sit at the hips if underneath you are wearing tights that reach your armpits? Then, since the stereotype dominates you, choose tights with a low waist or an adjustable fit.

A similar “picture” with tights peeking out can also be the case with a skirt. This random “trend” did not go unnoticed, and you can already come across skirts that imitate tights sticking out above the waist:

Pantyhose peeking out above the waistband of trousers or skirts is disgusting! Especially if the tights are flesh-colored, but black ones are also good. If you are going to wear tights under trousers, then choose ones that will not be visible.

In addition, when worn under trousers, tights quickly acquire a sloppy appearance - they can become covered with pills. This is especially true for inexpensive tights made of cotton, acrylic, viscose (bamboo) and multifiber.

Tights are appropriate under trousers when they serve as thermal underwear. That is, under ski pants. Wearing tights under jeans, especially tight-fitting ones, is almost always uncomfortable and unsightly, even though they are warmer.

Thin tights: how not to wear them

Any thin transparent tights made of synthetics (polyamide, nylon, polyester) are not intended for warmth, but to create a visual cosmetic effect of smooth skin on the legs. Also, these tights can have figure-correcting properties. Therefore, you should not wear thin transparent tights if it is frosty outside. The sight of “bare” legs against a background of snow can hardly be called attractive. Most likely, those around you will shudder at the sight of you. And thin tights in winter are a huge risk for women's health. And hypothermia of the skin itself threatens with unpleasant painful sensations, dryness, and itching.

Therefore, choose tights according to the season and the weather. If you really need to wear thin tights during the day, because the dress code obliges you or something else, put warm leggings on top and then take them off.

When choosing the tone of tights, be guided not only by your personal preferences, but also by taste (if you have one). Wear tights of a tan color if you are pale and bright skin, is not necessary under any circumstances.

Thick tights: how not to wear them

There is a stereotype that any tight tights are warm tights. Therefore, many people begin to wear them in winter instead of classic ones. transparent tights. The warming properties of tights depend not so much on the density as on the composition. The ability to retain heat is much higher with tights made from natural fibers. The warmest tights are wool tights.

Therefore, putting on synthetic opaque tights in the hope that they will save you from the cold or from the wind is stupid.

Tights with glitter: how not to wear them

Tights with glitter can be with the addition of lurex, or from special triangular fibers that reflect light. The shine may not be obvious yet.

Shiny lurex tights can look chic, especially in dim artificial lighting and in combination with an evening outfit. But the shine of tights in the photo is a nightmare! It’s difficult to predict in advance how tights will behave under a camera flash. It is not true that shine depends on the presence of lycra. Lycra is matte. Shine depends on the cross-section of the thread fibers.

Legs in shiny tights can look thick and crooked.

So, either avoid such tights, or wear tights with lurex, or choose only matte ones.

How not to wear fishnet tights

Openwork tights seem attractive to many people: feminine pattern, unusualness, etc. Many people buy the first fishnet tights they like, and as a result they get the opposite effect to the expected one. Poor-quality fishnet tights tend to warp on the leg. You can notice this as soon as you start putting them on: on the first leg the tights will lie flat, but on the second they will skew, and if you still manage to achieve uniformity in the front, then the back and sides of the tights will look terrible. Something like this:

And the reason will not be the excessive fullness or shape of your legs, but the low quality of the tights, made without taking into account the natural anatomical features.

Most of the “dirty tricks” that await you when buying low-quality tights can be easily avoided by simply not buying them. Another thing - and good thing can be worn in a way that makes it look ugly. Approach the choice of tights thoughtfully, taking into account the characteristics of your figure, and learn to combine tights with clothes.

How not to wear tights ©. All materials on this site are subject to copyright (including design). Copying, distribution (including by copying to other sites and resources on the Internet) or any other use of information and objects without the prior consent of the copyright holder is prohibited.

But let's not go far for new topic and let's talk about this:
"This is the second year I’ve been faced with the problem of what to do in the fall, if it’s fashionable to have cropped trousers, rolled up jeans, open ankles, and it’s cold!”

you know, when we talk about a certain item of clothing, we are not talking about any specific thing. Let's say the question would be: what to wear with Chanel cropped trousers? something a little more specific. And from which collection? and 2015. well, etc. If we had conducted such an interrogation with bias, we would have had a very specific style of pants.

Looking at cropped trousers in the abstract, we mean a huge number of models. This includes length and width, fabrics, prints and everything in general. And we get a mountain of options that can somehow be worn so that it is both fashionable and not cold.

What exactly are cropped trousers? shortened relative to what? Well, let's tie the open ankle here.

But here’s a problem for you: are these already shortened? or not yet?

and how short should they be in order to talk specifically about trousers, and not about breeches, for example?

like these cropped trousers? or are these already breeches?

Why do we need to understand this?
and look - summer open shoes suggests a bare, unprotected and sexy ankle. But the colder it gets, the more closed the shoes themselves become, and the ankle itself can be covered not so much by trousers as by shoes

that is, the trousers may be cropped, but the ankle in the Verna look is closed. And a completely logical question comes out - why then are short trousers needed at all?

in the summer it’s clear - here’s a bare ankle, narrow (or not very), and here are the pants that reveal it.
We put on closed shoes higher, so what if there’s an ankle there. It’s also quite there under the boots, but you can’t really see it. Why then are short pants needed? Your ankle will never be visible.

And the cropped trousers are very useful thing. Although many people scold her, they say she hurts her legs. But it is the shortened length that makes it possible to reconcile the proportions of the legs and torso with certain lengths and volumes of outerwear

There is such a difficult length for outerwear for body proportions - about the knee. It is especially difficult if it does not have a pronounced waist and/or is oversized. Or oversized to mid-thigh. And with full length trousers and even with heels outerwear It looks, of course, oversized and fashionable, but only in the pictures of fashion blogs. In its own mirror, it is more of a Phillipka format.

another question, if we remove my little sketches and look at the young lady, how she decided this blue jacket wear

a completely different compote. Do you see?

Or something less daring

short pants add charm to the look, lighten it and generally inspire all sorts of fashionable thoughts. Oh, it’s not the wrong size of the coat, it turns out that it’s oversized, fashionable these days? oh, it’s not you who put the glasses on your feet, it turns out that these are fashionable Chelsea boots without heels!

In the autumn-winter season, the bare ankle itself fades into the background and it is more correct to talk about the emphasized ankle. Yes, even if it is formally covered with shoes (or not only with them), but we remember about it. And it’s with our pants turned up that we say, “Guys, I’m in the know.”

and I'm completely serious now. Because fashionability is a rather sleepy thing in society
Why is it that in one case a girl in a skirt and sneakers is fashionable, but in another it is definitely a workable option?

You can’t take these cases head-on and derive some rules of fashion from them. So, if you're wearing a tulle tutu, wear sneakers. And if you're wearing an office suit, take it off. This is not here. Because in fact, you can do anything with everything, you just need to understand the logic.
Well, if you wear things that are controversial for the public, such as sneakers with a skirt, or socks with pumps, or voluminous things, or a crape top, then where is the line between “fashionable” and “collective farm”?

that’s where it goes, where their own people isolate theirs in you. Because you won’t be nice to everyone. And short pants for the majority of society are “not enough for normal money”, and oversized “philippines”, and large jewelry “gypsy”. And so on and so forth.
Therefore, the more clearly you define yourself, the more understanding you will find.

Well, I mean the message that when wearing things that are ambiguous for society, it makes sense to signify a conscious choice of these things.
although, of course, in any case, it is possible that “our own people” will tell you - I went too far, didn’t do enough and “cut my legs”)

So what to do with cropped trousers to keep you warm and the flies from biting?

option 1 - continue to show off your bare ankle.
Uneven insulation as long as the weather permits.

Or use transparent and invisible nylon. It is transparent and imperceptible, imitating bare skin.
Well it's still warm and bare legs generally appropriate.

Because when there is snow all around, bare legs would look strange

as well as low boots. Some of them, you know, are cold, not for winter. The young lady deigns to be fashionable.

so if bare legs are inappropriate Option 2 - emphasis on socks

The natural question is: is black nylon an accent?

Absolutely no here. Specifically here, this is an attempt to extend the shoes due to black nylon. Maybe the ladies put something else into it. Maybe they followed the trend and threw out all the nude tights/socks. But specifically here they look a little timid. And this is where this black nylon spoils everything.
Too much canary socks? let it be nylon, but in lace/flowers or bolder colors. Or transparent flesh-colored, imitating a bare ankle. But specifically here, in relatively warm looks, black nylon with cropped trousers spoils the girls.

Option three - wear shoes that are narrow at the ankle

It’s more of an emphasis on the shoes, which should be cool (then it’s stylish) AND on THE narrow ankles themselves, which look narrow even in shoes. (if you need it, of course)

However, this may not be very good narrow shoes, then you need to maintain some balance between the length and width of the trouser legs and the boot

I’m not ready to derive the rules. Because here we need to write about general brutality, which cannot be measured in numbers. And about appropriateness and overall appearance.

although, perhaps, all this should be taken into account in all options, but here it is most relevant..

remained last question - How to make sure that cropped trousers and their friendship with autumn shoes don’t hurt your legs?
I will answer honestly and generally to the best of my ability. This weight was invented by various style theorists, who for some reason are sure that everyone, without exception, wants only one thing - a silhouette that emphatically satisfies the canons of beauty of society.
Those who want this, a priori, cannot like oversize, for example, because this very oversize has nothing to do with silhouettes at all. Can't love crap tops that cut your belly. And in general, they are very limited in the choice of clothes, because they are purely solving their own problem - to achieve the right silhouette in clothes - once. To be understood in the company of noble dons is two. And if this is your top priority, you shouldn’t wear cropped trousers at all. Because it’s easier to come up with rules for when they cut, when they don’t... it’s easier to kill yourself, honestly. Just focus on the mirror. If you see short legs in funny pants in your mirror, don’t force yourself, take the full length and you will be happy.