Make a wish come true secretly. Secrets of making wishes come true (Advice from a psychologist). Remember this little-known secret of fulfilling your cherished desires and bring it to life

This secret of wish fulfillment has been scientifically confirmed! Read carefully and you will find out this secret secret!

Everything in the Universe is very simple and fair - in order to fulfill any of your desires, you first need...

What is important to know when using this secret of wish fulfillment?

To get the most out of life, you need to sincerely and joyfully help others achieve their desires, without thinking about your own desires and the end result.

You need to learn to enjoy the process itself... It is actually very pleasant and useful. In reality, a person cannot get greater pleasure and happiness than from the knowledge that he has caused joy in another person. Everything is very simple.

When one person expresses a sincere desire to serve another person, when he sincerely desires happiness, joy and prosperity for another, then the other person feels positive vibrations¹ directed towards him.

This is how very strong and beneficial flows of energy arise between people, which bring great benefit to both of them.

Thanks to this new energy and any wishes come true.

How does everything really happen?

Unfortunately, in the world most often everything happens exactly the opposite. When people want to harm each other, they send out destructive vibrations, thereby destroying all the good things in their lives.

This is the cause of suffering and all the destruction in the world...

And all people suffer, since everyone contributes to the general negative flow. The saddest thing is that this process is very difficult to stop. When one person deliberately causes harm to another person, the harmony of their relationship is destroyed for a very long time, and sometimes forever.

In what case does this secret of wish fulfillment not work?

There is no greater suffering for a person than the feeling that he is lonely and not needed by anyone... In this state, a person simply dies due to the lack of creative energy.

This - main reason aging of the human body. This is the main reason why our wish fulfillment techniques do not work!

By directing negative energy into the world instead of positive, we destroy all favorable circumstances for the realization of desires. Moreover, the vibrations of other people can also destroy intentions, which is why it is so important not to talk about your desires². And that is why it is important to appreciate and cherish all the good things that exist in everyone’s life.

How do our vibrations affect our youth and beauty?

This also applies to eternal youth. A person can remain young, healthy and attractive as long as he sincerely intends to benefit and give happiness and joy to other people. This is the main secret of making wishes come true!

The more sincere the intention, the greater the chance a person has of maintaining youth and health. If a person does not have this desire, then no techniques for fulfilling desires and practices will help him.

This has been confirmed by scientific research (remember the experiments of sending love to water). By sending vibrations of love and peace into the Universe, a person renews himself. It is also very important for a man to have a beloved woman, and for a woman to have a beloved man. The more sincere the relationship is, the greater the chance of maintaining youth and attractiveness.

It is also very important to direct our energy to those people who feel, understand, appreciate the sincerity of our desires and respond in kind. If this does not happen, then the element of response is lost, in which case it is better to reduce communication to nothing.

Although a person who directs love to other people changes his life for the better, and this is the most important thing. His well-being and his fulfillment of desires depend on this.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² Find out more about why it's important to keep your intentions secret:

Or 5 effective ways make your dream come true:

1. Your computer

Create a password on your computer, formulated in two or three words that would reflect your desire, as if you had already achieved it. For example, “I received a gift”, “Today I am lucky”, “There is happiness” and track changes in your reality for 14 days.

2. Picture of your desire + your photo

Cut out images of your desire from magazines or find them online and paste these images over your funny photo. Look at your work for five minutes a day and try not to sleep when opportunities, or maybe even a wish that has already come true, knocks on your door!

3. Declaration of what you want

If you have a car and often get from point A to point B alone. Then, turn off the music and express your desire with your voice (three to five words). The more often and clearly you declare your desire, the faster it will appear in your hands. Check!

4. Thought control

Many people believe that it is not easy to control what you think about. In reality, this is a matter of habit. The essence of the method is to replace empty internal chatter by thinking about your desire.
Here you need to accurately formulate the thought of your desire. This must be done in such a way that every word of this thought expresses the very essence of your desire. Without any conditions or framework. Believe me, your imagination is the dough from which you, with your thoughts mixed with emotions, create the reality around you.

5. Sleep

Every day, before going to bed, with your eyes closed, observe the image of your desire, in which you yourself are present. Not a look at yourself from the outside, but direct personal presence.
For example, if you want a car... find yourself inside the car behind the wheel, try to see your hands and the emblem of the car brand on the steering wheel, touch your car. Just play, no need to force yourself.
Some methods may seem difficult to you, although in fact they are very simple. Think about it, because your motivation is the fulfillment of a desire. Start with something small and show a little persistence, and the results will follow. As soon as you understand own technology modeling, immediately move on to more “voluminous” desires, but do not rush. Everything has its time.


People create for themselves big problem when they want some wish to come true. Last night, when we arrived in Toronto, one significant story happened to me. A client contacted me via Skype for help. I asked, “What happened?”

“I dreamed of flying to Toronto for two months. Every day I regularly visualized, meditated, and used affirmations. I really believed that I would be in Canada. It meant a lot to me to be there,” she said. When my client went to the embassy, ​​fully confident that she had done everything right, she was refused.


Stories like this happen quite often. That's why I decided to tell you about the secret of making wishes come true. This is an important part of the law of attraction that was not talked about in the movie The Secret. You will only get what you want if you are willing to not get what you want!

When you want something very badly, especially if it does not depend on you, you begin to commit violence against the universe. This is similar to how a child behaves when he wants a toy. He begs: “Dad, buy it!” Mom, give it!” You answer: “Wait, I can’t give this now. Let's buy it later." The child does not calm down and continues to insist. The more he persists, the less willing you are to give him what he demands.

The situation is completely different if the child agrees to wait, nods his head and leaves. Afterwards, returning to his room, he will look at his favorite toy in the catalog for a very long time and silently dream about it. Seeing this, your desire to give your child what he wants so badly will increase significantly. All because he had already agreed not to get what he wanted. The universe is exactly the same.


This part of the law of attraction is called “Let go.” If you do everything you have to do and are ready to let go, it will definitely appear in your life.

If we want to go on a trip, we don’t plan anything until we get a visa. As soon as we have confirmation, we begin planning the trip, flights, and hotel stays.

If I really want something, for example, to conduct training in another country, and the final decision is not up to me, I very quickly say goodbye to this dream. I do what needs to be done and agree that I will be calm about the fact that this deal will not go through.

If you learn to let go, you will receive much more in your life than you have received so far. This is the secret to making wishes come true, and it’s called “Let Go”!

What do you think about it? Do you know how to let go of your desires? Your opinion is important to me. Write, I’m really looking forward to your comments!

There is one the secret of making wishes come true, which never misfires. Even at the scientific level, the effectiveness of this practice has been proven. To find out about this mysterious secret, you need to penetrate the secluded corners of our Universe. You will understand that its system is not so complicated, you just need to know the right path.

The main point, without which implementation is impossible: your desires must be sincere and selfless. Never plot evil against other people, live in harmony with yourself and only after that can you think about the end result.

Learn to see joy in every moment. And soon you will understand that happiness is a simple thing.

You have probably noticed more than once that when you please someone, your soul becomes warmer. A gift for a child's birthday, helping his wife in the kitchen, friendly support... These little things hide the balance of life. It's easy to maintain.

And at that moment, when you open up to another person, special vibrations arise in your soul - they are woven from positive energy. You fill yourself with them and spread them throughout the world. These rays of positivity are useful and have a beneficial effect on each of us. Thanks to the awakened energy, you are closer to the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

How does everything really work?

But modern realities, unfortunately, do not always correspond to the picture described. You can often encounter anger and injustice, deceit and envy. And all this causes the emergence of completely opposite – negative – energy. It has a destructive effect and entails a lot of problems.


All suffering, troubles and accidents that occur in the world around us are a consequence of the work of this negativity. The victims are not only the perpetrators of the incident, but also completely innocent people. After all, our reality is interconnected, all processes are a consequence of each other.

One malicious act turns into a starting point - universal harmony gradually declines. And it lasts for a very long time...

When does the secret not work?

When we are unhappy. Probably in those moments when you're not around soul mate. There is no such close and dear person who will lend a shoulder and support at any moment. There is no love, and there is only loneliness around. In this state, the personality gradually begins to fade away, and eventually dies completely. And the reason for this is the lack of new energy, which is called upon to create and create.

Therefore, we often encounter such a phenomenon as premature aging. You look at a person: it seems that he is 40-45 years old. But in fact, it’s not even thirty. What kind of wish fulfillment can we talk about here?!

When we emit pure negativity, reality is destroyed. Our inner world is completely changing - and not at all for the better.

Another important point, which is worth stopping at. Sometimes our desire cannot come true due to the bad influence of people around us. Therefore, you should not brag and tell everyone about your thoughts. Also, do not complain about fate - everything will come at the right time.

How do human vibrations affect longevity?

Just as the body ages from negativity, it becomes younger from positivity. We can remain young, healthy and cheerful for a very long time - until old age. If a person feels happy and gives this happiness to others, all his desires will come true.

But without sincerity, without faith, without enthusiasm, this practice (or any other) will not work. This has been confirmed by many scientists around the world. Experiments were conducted that proved that by sending rays of love and happiness into space, the body is renewed. This happens at the cellular level.

There was even a film about the fulfillment of wishes, telling about this technique.

Article on the topic:

Surround yourself only with cheerful and cheerful people, be charged with positivity from them, don’t be shy to laugh - and do it loudly! Value your feelings and the feelings of loved ones. Try to stop all unpleasant contacts that leave a bad feeling in your soul.

There is a little known secret: to become an expert in the field of manifestation, you do not have to strive to possess the object of your desire. By mastering this art, you will gain the ability to make your dreams come true and fulfill all your desires.

But how is it?- you ask.

How can you want something and not want it at the same time?

The secret of making a wish come true is that you cannot become attached to the results of what you want. You just need to open your dream from the bottom of your heart and believe that in this moment who you are and where you are is enough...and then accept what life has to offer.

You must have faith in the process and know that everything has a deadline and a reason. When you do this, your dreams will begin to come true, as if by magic.

Enchantments are a little like plant seeds: sometimes you need to give them time to hatch and grow. You won’t plant seeds and the next day run into the garden and shout to the earth: “Grow up, immediately!” - and go crazy with rage because they couldn’t harvest the crop in one night.

Plant your desire, focus your will on it, and then just leave it. knowing that in due time it will certainly come true.

The more will you have to unconditionally accept and love yourself for who you are, what you have, and the place you occupy in life, the easier it is to create more.

Life gives us exactly what you focus on. If you focus on the absence of something, well, you will only cause more absence. If you proceed from the position that everything is wonderful, but it would be nice to have more, although it is not so important whether this happens or not, then you will be able to create real miracles.

Therefore, we come to the conclusion: you just need to give up the urgent demand to get what you want and allow events to develop in their own time and in their own way.

Wish, but do it correctly, and then all your desires will come true.

Remember this the little-known secret of making your dreams come true and implement it in life.