Spanish men - Myths and reality. All about men in Spain. Spanish men ♥ my experience ♥ differences from Russians

Hi all. My name is Dasha Mendez, and today I will tell you about Spanish men. I was asked this question on VKontakte, tell me what they are like, how they differ. I think this video will be interesting to girls, not guys.

I’ll start with the fact that in Spain, I think you’ve already heard, and in Europe in general, girls and women here are feminists, that is, of course, the majority of families, not all, that is, I saw different families, different variants. I have often seen not only in young families, that is, guys 30 years old, but, indeed, adults (50 years old), when a woman says “kaya te” - “shut up.” It's pretty rude, so she says it to her husband and he doesn't say anything. Feminism flourishes here. And it must be said that the women themselves fought for this. It wasn't always like this. I can say that the feminist girls who are here are not like “I’m a woman, I’m self-sufficient, I earn my own money and I don’t need a man.” No, that's not true at all. They get married, they start a family, give birth to children, but in a family in Spain, the woman is basically the main one. As the woman said, so it will be. Of course, a man can advise, say something. It’s not that he can’t say anything at all, no. They don't go to that extreme point. But the main woman. But it's true.

By the way, if someone who already lives in Spain is watching me, write me your opinion. Of course, I understand that I am subjective, and I am not familiar with all the families in Spain, and I am simply guided by the circle of whom I simply know: students and acquaintances in general are all different. Therefore, I will be interested in who thinks differently. You never know, there are different opinions. Therefore, if you live in Spain and have a different opinion, please write to me.

Now about courtship. The Spaniards are courting... Yes, that's cool. The Spaniards are very courteous. By the way, it is not customary for them to directly give flowers. They don't do this. Maybe this is because they are more expensive here, more expensive to grow. I don't know though. But they are, however, more expensive here. But, on the other hand, what the Spaniards do is they make a lot of surprises. But I can also say this for myself, how lucky I am. Maybe I was really lucky and other Spaniards are not like that. My boyfriend gives a lot of different things various gifts, makes surprises, starting from the fact that if I leave somewhere (for example, I flew to Paris, or sometimes I go to Russia), he always meets me at the airport with a poster, it is written in Russian, he is Spanish, but he writes in Russian, “My beloved.” This is probably the simplest surprise you can make. It's very simple, there are no costs, but the Spaniards are very romantic in this regard. They love it just like that, and naturally, they make many, many different surprises, which I still won’t tell you. This is still a personal life, that’s why it’s a personal life, so that only we know about it.

Is the helicopter flying? Yes, the helicopter is flying. Everyone found out that the Russian spy lives here.

I also wanted to say that the Spaniards, mostly, you know, they are dark and hairy, so to speak, they epilate, they shave. They make waxing, do laser, photoepilation. By the way, in Spain it is cheaper than in Russia. I can even say about Kemerovo, not only about Moscow. In Moscow, it seems to me, everything is more expensive. But even in Kemerovo the prices differ many times laser hair removal. Although now the ruble has fallen so much that it no longer exists. Of course, at first it’s very strange to see a guy shaving his legs, he takes very good care of himself. They rock, but it’s not that they have cans or biceps, no, they just look very good. Anyone who has already been to Spain probably already knows what kind of Spaniards they are.

She told me about hair removal, now they asked me about children. How children are raised. In Spain there is such an unspoken rule, or it's a joke, in fact, it's not a joke. There is a lot of truth in this joke. When you see a child, let’s say some kind of little boy, and he is dressed like that, not very well, it means that, most likely, his mother dressed him. I'm exaggerating, of course. And if he is dressed like a brand new boy, say, 2-3 years old, then this means that his dad dressed him. This is just from my own experience of friends and acquaintances. That's when they dress, really. The guys look great here. They have a sense of taste. I like it very much. Although the Russians too. Now I’m only talking about the Spaniards, maybe there are some differences, I’m just telling you what I know, what I think, what I see.

I was also asked who pays in a cafe or restaurant if you go. If students, then everyone pays for themselves. This is usually the case, although there are different ones. If it’s a guy and a girl who are already starting to work, then the guy pays. This is not, as they say in France or as they say in Germany, a woman pays for herself, even if they are married. Not here, it's more like Russia, because in Russia the guy always pays. It’s the same here, yes, indeed, they have feminism, but, on the other hand, the guy looks after, the guy pays.

A young girl, let’s say she’s 20 years old, even from the age of 15, she considers herself a queen and it doesn’t matter what she looks like. It’s the Spaniards themselves, I didn’t come up with this, it’s the Spaniards themselves who say this: “I am a queen, you must look after me, give me everything, and I choose.” This is true. Even if the girl is not super beautiful, say, very plump, there are different types of Spanish girls. You know, if you type “Spanish flu” into Google, they are not all super beautiful, they don’t wear a lot of makeup, at a disco - yes, but in life - not much, that’s why they have this “I’m a queen” lifestyle. I like it, I like it, I like the way they present themselves. They are very confident. But sometimes it goes up the nose, there are different ones. But in general, Spanish women appeal to me for this reason.

And romance? Do you want understanding, but have no one to talk to? Married to a Spaniard you will get a man head over heels in love, passionate looks and kisses, a helper around the house and more family feast. An ideal way to learn to simply enjoy life and not rush anywhere.

It is customary to adore mothers and obey them in everything, while pampering children and allowing them a lot without denying them anything.

How does a Spaniard look after you?

They can often allow themselves to show up late for a date and not apologize, because they are simply not used to rushing somewhere and doing everything on time.

On one of the Spanish dating sites, the questionnaire even includes a question about whether a girl will wait for a guy on the first date for more than 30 minutes. Answer: “No, I won’t,” the Spaniards may sincerely not understand and even be offended.

Impermanence too characteristic these handsome dark men. Spaniards can easily change their minds, give and take away words.

They are confident that life is created for their pleasure and will not do anything that could prevent them from enjoying life. In addition, Spaniards make most promises under the influence of strong emotions, which pass over time.

Spanish husband and Spanish wife - who is in charge?

Although the Spaniards love children very much, they are in no hurry to start their own families. Early marriages and especially early children are not a common occurrence in Spain.

Even for women, getting married before the age of 30 is considered reckless and unreasonable. Family is too responsible a matter for which you need to be prepared both financially and psychologically.

Spaniards can date their future wife for years, while introducing her to everyone as their friend. And only acquaintance with numerous relatives indicates the seriousness of intentions.

In a Spanish family, the husband idolizes a woman and treats his wife as a mother and a shrine.

Most often, Spanish women are engaged in their careers before marriage, and after the birth of children they no longer return to work, devoting themselves entirely to household chores. Despite everything, Spanish women remain very independent and self-sufficient.

On the one hand, men like this independence, but on the other hand, they would like more tenderness and more often feel like the boss in the house.

Spaniards are sensitive and caring fathers.

Our compatriots, who are determined to meet a foreigner, often pay attention to the Spaniards. Sitting on the other side of the monitor, women enter into correspondence with a Spanish man or go to Spain themselves to earn money (study), and at the same time to find a groom. It happens that young girls come to Spain on vacation and meet HIM - young, handsome, passionate. After the holiday romance that happened, the girl begins to think about things she never thought about before. What if this is fate? Maybe this is happiness on the other side of the border. It's time to start a family someday.

This desire may be even stronger if a sultry Spanish admirer reminds you of himself from a distance when you part ways after a wonderful couple of weeks. Who wouldn't be delighted by the daily love messages, likes, emoticons and other online ways of expressing love and sympathy.

There are many mixed marriages in Spain, where the husband is Spanish and the wife is Russian (Ukrainian). It is also completely normal for a woman or girl to want to continue the relationship with the goal of getting married. Nothing is impossible, but it’s still better to know what to expect at the stage of meeting a Spaniard.

Nowadays, the Internet works wonders. Feelings arise at a distance, thousands of kilometers away there are people close to each other in spirit. Women, tired of searching for a worthy life partner in their own country, turn their attention to foreigners. Contrary to stereotypes, foreign men are not always “illiquid” in their homeland. In some countries there is a real predominance of the male population, and there simply are not enough brides for everyone. In Spain, the demographic situation is quite stable, but in some regions of the country there is also a preponderance of men. You can get married here quite easily if you are over forty and you are already in Spain, that is, you came here on your own. Even if you have children this won't be a big problem family life.

As for young Spaniards, they are not averse to getting married and having a family, but not before they are at least thirty-five. In fact, they mature even later before marriage. It is quite normal in Spain to find text in dating advertisements with the following content: “Guy, 41 years old, looking for his soul mate, for a serious relationship.” Moreover, the mentality of the Spaniards (this also applies to women) is such that not only in relationships, but also in other areas of life, they “lag behind” their northern peers. This means that if you are twenty-eight years old (by Russian standards the age for starting a family), and you met a thirty-year-old Spaniard on vacation, you can almost certainly say that he is not yet “ready” for a family, either morally or financially. Career ambitions are the lot of northern Europeans, while Spaniards prefer quiet and not always prestigious, according to Russian standards, work. The main thing is to have enough to live on. This is probably due to the relaxing climate. Hence the leisurely lifestyle and unambitiousness of most local residents.

On the one hand, late marriages are good. Such a man who had fun in his youth will later be an excellent husband and father, devoting all his time to his family. On the other hand, for Russians (Ukrainians) unfamiliar with such a mentality who dream of a family, this really threatens to waste time.

According to the Spaniards, there is no deadline to get married, everything has its time. It's not that they aren't capable of falling in love to start a family before that age. It’s just that, if possible, they will prefer to enjoy communication with their beloved, limiting themselves to meetings or, in best case scenario, cohabitation. Actually, long-term “civil marriages” between locals have long been the norm in Spain.

Maybe, best advice, which can be given to foreign women who decide to “wrap up” a Spaniard, is not to let matters take their course, and take matters into their own hands: find out what documents are needed for marriage (or cohabitation, which can also be officially formalized in Spain), decide moving problems and so on. Such persistence can terrify modest girls who expect initiative from a man. But don’t worry: Spanish men are very calm about women’s initiative, both during the dating period and during the relationship. If you call or write first, including on a dating site, you will only bring joy to your gentleman: it means you liked him, and everyone enjoys being needed by someone. Often just good men the most modest, they are also the best family men. It costs nothing for an immodest, unprincipled man to “take by storm” women’s hearts and delay in determining his status. Why do you need such a person?

If, in response to all your initiatives, you feel that the Spanish groom is delaying the formalization of the relationship, inventing one reason or another, it is better if this becomes clear already at this stage of dating. Of course, it’s sad to give up what you started, especially if time has already been spent (several months or years) and there were some hopes for a future together. If it is important for you to live in Spain, perhaps you should pay attention not to the Spaniards, but to the foreigners who live here permanently. Among them are many Western Europeans, whose mentality differs from the Spanish one. It's safe to say that Western Europeans are more reliable, and words carry more weight for them.

If a Spaniard writes or tells you mi amor - “my love” - this more often means only that he treats you well. This is how they address children, friends, and sometimes relatives in Spain. This may shock foreigners at first, until it becomes clear that affectionate addresses, even to strangers, are a feature of the mentality.

Another important point, which can cause a lot of trouble for women who do not know Spanish life. Although Spanish men do not marry for a long time and do not even live with anyone, it is quite normal that by their “middle age” they have a child, or even two, from previous relationships with girlfriends. Often the child lives with the mother, which does not cancel child support obligations (and these are by no means meager payments, as in Russia) and time devoted to the child, which is not always limited to just weekends.

This can unsettle childless women accustomed to Russian realities. It is impossible to avoid paying alimony here, but to demand their reduction in favor new family or insisting that the father not see the child may have consequences. A Spanish man would rather lose his fiancée than agree not to see his own child. We must take into account that the child will not go anywhere - he will only grow and require more and more investments. Eighteen years is often not limited. As you know, in Russia, child support obligations can be extended up to 23 years while the children are studying. In Spain, child support for a student child can be demanded until he reaches 27 years of age.

If you are sure that this will scare you away, then it is better to immediately look for a childless man. A Spaniard who avoids supporting his own child and paying attention to him is considered a marginal person and often is. Why do you need family life with such a husband?

P.S. I thought about it and decided that the advice from the comments would also be good here. I publish them here, the comments are really valuable:

gadalkataro :
What else should you be prepared for if you met a Spaniard on a dating site and, after a real meeting, decided to continue the relationship with him.
Firstly, he will not immediately stop visiting these dating sites. Before your appearance, he “sat” on them and will continue to do so, while he may assure that you are the only one for him. Don't flatter yourself. After all, the Spaniards love communication, they talk a lot, they love and know how to compliment women, and they are also okay with the desire for real sex))) He will not be faithful to you until your next visit. So be prepared for the appearance of a new “charming lady” who has captured his attention and is ready to come to Spain to meet him. And according to official statistics, Spanish women themselves occupy one of the first places in starting “hot” relationships through dating sites. Another thing is that they are much more demanding than Slavs and conduct a more careful selection than us))) and their opinions about themselves are SUCH)))) short, dark-haired, either fat, or “dried”, without pleasing male eye female bulges, with a rough voice, smoking, with harsh makeup. but...damn, guapa)))
WHAT TO DO??? And it depends on how great your desire is to “stake out” the Spaniard))) If you really really want to, then:
1. Learn the language, otherwise he will get bored next to you
2.Don’t delay your next real meeting
3.No one forbade sex on the phone and on camera)))
4. Hold, hold, and once again keep his attention. Constantly stir up interest.

Secondly, if you have been introduced to numerous relatives (mom, dad, brothers, sisters, adult children, uncles, aunts, etc., etc.), do not consider that you are already in the status of a “bride.” Over the course of their lives, they presented such brides to their relatives in batches. And, it is quite possible that after his separation from them, the relatives continue to maintain friendly relations with their former “brides.”
WHAT TO DO??? To begin, identify the “former” ones. Look for them in social networks, look at photos of your macho man, taken several years before you appeared in his life. Find out (unobtrusively, casually, without demonstrating your jealousy) why they are no longer dating. Take note and do not repeat these scenarios. Make your own movie))) with a good ending)))

Thirdly, you may be stunned by the Spanish attitude towards work and everything that requires diligence and time. La vida es para vivirla, no para sufrirla. Life is given for pleasure, not for suffering.
WHAT TO DO??? Urgently adopt this way of life))) I assure you, it’s very wonderful)))

nina_vidente :

1. A Spaniard may have quite friendly relations with the mother of an illegitimate child, which may create an additional reason for jealousy among new girlfriend. This is due to the fact that he usually has nothing to share with the child’s mother; many relationships ended amicably even before the baby was born, and then each began their own life.
There are many such cases here.
Our women are more accustomed to the situation when her fiancé or husband is at odds with the BJ, which, of course, also has its reasons. For the Spaniards this is often different.

2. In recent years, cases have become more frequent when fathers, by court decision, keep their children or they spend more time in his house than in the house with the mother. Therefore, if the Spaniard does not bring you for a long time new woman With a greater degree of probability, he will not bring you into his home until he marries his own child when he grows up.
So he will meet women in hotels or in a rented apartment.
To be a long-term lover or not is a woman's choice.

Each nationality has its own characteristics, which we once read about somewhere or heard from friends or on TV.

We know that the Germans are too practical, sometimes even a little greedy, the Italians are passionate, full of feelings and emotions and a little frivolous, the French are gallant, polite, and the Spaniards are real macho, passionate and hot. But to find out what they really are like, you need to live in this environment, and here you may discover that they are not at all what you imagined.

I have been living in Spain for 3 years now, and I can say to every girl who has doubts about a Spanish life partner: “don’t even think about it!”

Yes, he is passionate, but he is more likely to demonstrate his passion to you alone in the bedroom, and the rest of the time he will be caring and loving. The only negative that I found in absolutely all Spanish men is that they don’t know how to care for a girl, they don’t even suspect that you wouldn’t mind receiving a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of perfume or jewelry. And over the years this has not changed. Therefore, such differences between our cultures need to be spoken out without embarrassment. Otherwise, you won’t see a bouquet on March 8th.

But the Spaniards are faithful husbands (this, in principle, can compensate for the lack of attention) and amazing fathers, sharing housework and childcare responsibilities with their wives. You are much more likely to see a man walking with a stroller bottle feeding a baby than a young mother. And when he comes home after work, the Spanish husband will happily cook dinner.

In general, if you want to know in advance how your chosen one imagines family life with you, ask him about his parents, because most likely he will use the same scheme in creating a family and family life. Because if his mother never worked and only took care of the house and children, then you will probably be offered a similar type of family life. And then it’s up to you.

But despite the fact that they participate in family life, Spaniards, more than Spanish women, like to take care of themselves, play sports, and dress up.

Almost all the men I know go to the gym or run in the morning, do cycling, tennis, or play football. By the way, I should warn you about this in advance. Football here is not just a sport, otherwise they would not be champions. This is their passion!

They are ready to talk about it for hours, during a match the streets die out because everyone watches football at home or in bars, and the news talks about football every day for at least half an hour, including all the details about the lives of football players. They are national heroes here. I remember about a year ago, in the news, for a week they discussed versions of why Ronaldo was sad.

Here’s another thing that’s important: regardless of gender, Spaniards are big gossips, it’s part of the culture, they live by it. Therefore, do not be surprised that they will tell you all the known details from the life of your new neighbors, and the most popular programs will tell you about personal life everyone who has ever appeared on the screen. And get ready that you and your every step will also be under supervision, because your neighbors should also have something to talk about)).

In general, it is difficult to derive a general formula for Spanish men; they are as different as Russians. Some people like to spend time in front of the TV at home, while others would prefer to sit in a bar with friends discussing Messi's latest goal, while others will suggest you have a romantic dinner in a restaurant in a neighboring city. Everything is individual here.

But if you decide to connect your life with a Spanish man, I’m almost sure that you will not regret it, because for sure, despite all the differences between you, you will find not just a husband, but a friend, a loved one, support, in a word, a real life partner.

Spanish men are the most beautiful and generally the best!…

Spaniards love to talk. Everywhere and always. On an intercity bus, I sometimes get really scared because of the animated conversation that starts between the driver and one of the passengers. But sometimes these conversations prohibited by the rules are real revelations! That's how I once managed to overhear interesting conversation. Although, what kind of eavesdropping is there: the conversation was so loud that the whole bus heard it.

The lady sitting in the front row must have been an old acquaintance of the young driver, because she asked him if he had gotten married. He replied that he not only got married, but even managed to have a child during the time he and the senora did not see each other. The conversation turned to what an expensive pleasure it is in these times - to have children.

Word by word, the topic changed slightly, we started talking about our beloved: Espana es lo mejor! (Spain is the best). And if so, then the Spaniards are son los mejores. I didn’t particularly follow the logic of the conclusions until the lady said the following: Spanish men are the most beautiful and generally the best! Look how many foreign women have come and come to relax on the Costa del Sol with one single goal - to have a child “made in Spain”. They find themselves a “novio” for a week with all the ensuing consequences and then go home pregnant. And then they raise their child, placing a photograph of his good Spanish father at the head of the crib: “Mira, que guapo es!”

I expected the bus to laugh at a good joke, but no one laughed, no one thought the joke was a joke.

Since then, thoughts have periodically crossed my mind: what if what the not-so-smart lady said then was true? After all, I came to Spain because of a Spanish man. And my child is half-Spanish. The photo isn't worth it yet, though. Well, I'm still in Spain. Who knows, life won’t work out here, I’ll return to Russia, of course, with a child, what kind of mother would abandon her child?! And I'll post a photo. And I will say: “Ay, que guapo es!”

The fact that that senora single-handedly raised 4 or 5 - I don’t remember - children from some stupid, lazy Spanish husband, which she herself told about in that conversation with the bus driver, somehow did not fit with her statement. There was no logic. If the Spaniards are such wonderful men, then why was the Spaniard so unlucky? And how can a woman proudly (after all, this is exactly what followed from the lady’s story) show a child whom she is raising alone (which is not easy, by the way, in any country) a photograph of some Spanish guy who is not even her husband, but , adventure. Where does such self-confidence come from?

Among my acquaintances there are many compatriots living with Spanish men, but I didn’t want to ask our women for several reasons.

Firstly, these women are already at an age at which they usually do not have children, and even among their “novios” these brides and wives were no longer the first, and the children from their first marriages were already growing up or grown up.

Secondly, I don’t want to offend anyone, but many of them, before creating these Slavic-Spanish couples, had already had their share of illegal immigrants, so in love affairs There was also a completely sensible calculation involved in obtaining documents. Completely justified. If a Spanish woman can afford luxury - civil marriage, then she is in her own country and no one asks her for work permission. It is quite clear what a foreigner wins and loses if, without a document of legal marriage, she is no one to call her. Therefore the calculation is correct. The main thing is that the man understands this. The same one, Spanish.

Thirdly, our women have little experience in communicating, and therefore in comparing who is better. And honor and praise to them for this! A woman must be chaste. It suits her, if you like. The first husband was “his own”, and the second was Spanish. And if the first turned out to be a drunkard and a quitter, and the second a teetotaler and a hard worker, then these qualities were transferred to all Russians or Ukrainians and to all Spaniards. Which is statistically incorrect.

Fourthly, social status Everyone had the same job: working as a servant or caring for the elderly, the sick or children, which also did not contribute to the creation of a wide circle of contacts. In the best case, the wife who came to Spain to join her husband simply did not work, which is better than being a servant, but even in this case, no one was going to “look” around and draw any general conclusions about all Spanish men.

Fifthly... that's enough, I guess.
In the Spanish language courses, where there were many foreigners in the group, there was one Finnish, one Brazilian, one German, one Russian, one Moroccan married to Spaniards. But they all treated their Spanish husbands primarily as native speakers, such was the specificity of our communication with them. Therefore, again there could be no analysis or statistics.

And for the sake of objectivity, none of your acquaintances can be “studied” or “classified.” Likes and dislikes would interfere. And it would somehow turn out ugly, tactless.

Therefore, I had to turn to independent and neutral sources of information: Spanish magazines and newspapers. And to statistics that operate with large numbers, and not with two or three familiar pairs.

Moreover, the experience of a colleague who dared to write an article “Myths about Russian women” without appropriate reference to sources of information turned out to be not entirely successful: from some readers, oh, how she got it!

Are the Spaniards really the real “conquistadors”, conquerors and conquerors of women’s hearts? Or are these just myths? No one has yet studied the opinion of Russian women on this topic in Spain; we are here relatively recently. But in recent times there have been quite a few other foreign women here, and accordingly, they have more experience in this matter.

In an article from the Spanish weekly Mujer hoy, 5 foreign women share their impressions.

Greta is from California, USA, she is 28 years old, she is an actress, two last year lives in Spain and cooks thesis about Spanish theater.

Hannah, 26, from Norway, has lived in the United States for the past two years and works as a public relations manager for a car rental agency.

Ambra is an Italian, 20 years old, of which the girl lived in Spain for 10. She is a student of the Faculty of Journalism at the Complutense University in Madrid (the most prestigious in Spain, by the way).

Laurence is French, she is 39 years old, she has lived in Spain for 17 of them, teaching French at a college.

Carmen is Dominican, 30 years old, living in Spain for the last 10 years, working as a hairdresser.

What do the Spaniards have from the mythical “Latin lover”?

Greta: Spaniards are not afraid to approach girls and women, look at them on the street or give them compliments.

Hanne: A little bit of everything: warmth, tenderness, character. They are trying to protect you.

Ambra: Passionate, they are very passionate indeed.

Lawrence: I think not much. Perhaps Latinos have more of a "latin lover" feel to them. The Spaniards are more European in this regard.

Carmen: Yes, they are more famous for something completely different. They have little that comes from “latin”, and little that comes from “lover”, actually.

How do they win a woman?

Greta: At the very beginning - with her special look. They also know what a woman wants to hear and treat you with great respect, apparently this has something to do with that important role, played by a woman in a Spanish family. In addition, they are very gallant.

Hanne: They do it better than Scandinavian men: they invite you to dinner, they want to impress you good impression. They like uncertainty and ambiguity: “Will she call me or not call me?” Our men are more straightforward. And that's worse.

Ambergris: They are quite rough and callous. They behave as if they were hunting.

Lawrence: Especially with your conversations. And they are also quite inventive.

Carmen: They are very kind to you, captivating you with their speeches, gradually closing the distance between you.

What attracts you most about the appearance and character of Spanish men?

Greta: Regarding the character, I like their spontaneity in relationships with women. In the USA, this is difficult for men. As for appearance, Spanish men are very handsome, especially brunettes. But they all have a big drawback: for me they are all short, because my height is 173 cm.

Hanne: I like their cheerful nature and sense of humor. They treat you in such a way that you feel like a woman and loved. We Scandinavian women really like dark eyes and hair!

Ambra: Spaniards are very open and cheerful, but the men of my country are more beautiful! Maybe it's because Italians take better care of themselves. The Spaniards do not take care of their appearance.

Lawrence: The relationship with them is immediate and very warm, but I don't think the Spaniards are very beautiful. There are different ones.

Carmen: The Spaniards are not machista, and they are very easy to communicate with. You can meet men with bright eyes, which is simply impossible in my country.

What don't you like about the Spaniards?

Greta: That they live a very long time with their parents. And they don’t know how to make a bed, wash dishes or cook.

Hanne: They're a little machismo. I can’t stand it when they wear gold chains or open-chested shirts.

Ambra: They are very superficial. They are very active in the evenings, when they go out “hunting”, but it is impossible to establish just friendly relations with them. They are so hairy, I'm afraid of them! Italians are also hairy, but they use depilators.

Lawrence: They have a classic idea of ​​the role of a man. And, starting from a certain age, they stop taking care of themselves.

Carmen: Sometimes they are very passive and allow women to control them.

What do Spaniards have that the men of your country don’t?

Greta: They are more decisive in relationships with women.

Hanne: They are something special. A Scandinavian man dares to talk to a woman only if he is already half drunk.

Amber: Spaniards are more open and gentle. In my country, men are more concerned with their appearance, which makes them colder.

Lawrence: Outwardly, the Spaniards are more masculine! A French man looks more feminine.

Carmen: Spaniards treat women with more respect than Dominicans. With us they are kind to you until they conquer you. Then they forget about you and don’t pay attention.

What kind of fame do Spanish men have in your country?

Greta: In the USA, Spaniards are famous for being “latin lovers” and handsome.

Hanne: The glory of “Don Juans” and womanizers. The thing is that they just like to flirt.

Ambergris: Italians like everything Spanish. Both men and women. To say in Italy that you are Spanish or Spanish means that you will not go home from the party alone!

Lawrence: I've lived in Spain for so long that I don't even know what they think about the Spaniards there in France. But I can say that the Spaniards are in fashion.

Carmen: In my country people think that Spaniards are attractive in appearance and very kind.

What surprised you most about the Spaniards?

Greta: Their naturalness and ability to communicate easily.

Hanne: For me, the Spanish man was a real discovery! And by the way, I returned to Spain last year because of love.

Ambra: They are so charming! Every evening you can meet someone new!

Lawrence: Their scorching, flashy appearance.

Carmen: That they help around the house, good fathers and look after their children.

How many Spaniards managed to conquer you?

Greta: Many people asked me for my phone number and called me later, but I never had a truly serious relationship with anyone. The Spaniards are inconsistent and fickle. They call you, but then they don’t know what to do with the relationship that has arisen.

Hanne: Well, let's say that after some setbacks, it looks like there are some good prospects.

Ambra: Actually, two won, but serious relationship arose with only one.

Lawrence: To be honest, not much. I think this is due to the fact that all Spaniards have the same model in life: get married and buy an apartment. And I'm not really suited for this. The Spaniards are such traditionalists! Therefore, it is easier for me to communicate with other foreigners. I prefer to be just friends with Spaniards.

Carmen: I had 3 Spanish “novios”, and all 3 times the relationships were quite long-term.

What are the Spaniards like as lovers?

Greta: I don’t know, because my relationship with the Spaniards was so short that it never came to that. I am very conservative in my views on relationships between men and women and am a supporter of serious relationships between them. And I don’t really trust the Spaniards on this.

Hanne: They are very attentive to their friend and pay attention to details.

Ambra: I only came across one great one, and the rest were just a nightmare!

Lawrence: In general, the Spaniards are very affectionate and temperamental. At least the ones I came across.

Carmen: And in this regard, the Spaniards are very attentive.

Are Spanish men good kissers?

Greta: Yes, the Spaniards know how to kiss.

Hanne: Spaniards kiss well because they put more feeling into it than Scandinavians. And among North Americans, kissing is generally taboo.

Ambra: In general, I think so, although it depends more on the person himself than on his nationality.

Lawrence: It depends on the person, not on his nationality.

Carmen: Yes, actually the Spaniards do it better than the Dominicans.
And now some statistics.
The myth of “macho iberico” no longer has any basis. In any case, this is according to the results of the latest survey conducted by the Durex company, which produces condoms.
Spanish men have sex on average 129 times a year, as they themselves claim. According to this indicator, the Spaniards rank only 18th among the 22 countries where this study was conducted. The first place of honor is occupied by the French - 167 times.
68% of Spaniards surveyed dream of spending the night with a celebrity. Probably, so that later they can proudly “tell the world about it”, they are such braggarts!
38% dream of having sex with their wife or girlfriend best friend. Here is the commandment for you: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife,” and they also call themselves greater Catholics than the Pope himself!
27% dream of being in bed with a prostitute.

Even the Spanish women themselves are not entirely happy with their men. True, the complaints are made more to the form than to the content, so to speak. The pharmaceutical group Merk, Sharp & Dohme calculated what Spanish women value most in “their” men:
- A good and fashionable haircut.
- Nice smell.
- Healthy and beautiful teeth.
- A look that expresses feelings.
- Clean-shaven face.
— “El culo” (translate this word to your taste).

It is clear that this survey was conducted by a company that itself produces products for the care of this very “shape”. She prepared the questions with intent, but somehow it still turns out “wrong.”

Conclusions, if they have to be drawn, are sad. For our former Soviet women to be happy, they need: “not to drink, not to smoke, to always give flowers,” to bring all the salaries, to help at home, “to call my mother-in-law mother,” to go to parent meetings etc. But Spanish women, judging by the survey results, are not so (or NOT at all?) demanding.

How little some people need to be happy!