Interesting stories about women's destinies. “Valentina” is a story about a woman’s fate. Women's stories from life. The girl survived a shark attack and lost her arm, but still became a surfing star

According to Archpriest Sergius Nikolaev, the modern world “more than ever before depends on women. From what values ​​she chose for herself as life guidelines, from her spiritual and moral position. The author notes that a woman can be a protector of the family, or she can become its destroyer. She has the power to give birth to children and not to give birth. She can raise a moral, kind person, or she can raise an unscrupulous egoist. With her choices, she has a huge impact on the life of the whole world.” The topic, which can be described as “the role of women in the family, society, and the world,” is often addressed by the authors of the Orthodox women’s magazine “Slavyanka.” Best stories, published on the pages of the publication, and compiled the book that today we bring to your attention. It was published by the publishing house “Kovcheg” and is called “Forgive me for everything... Women's destinies. Stories about miracles of faith and love."

1. First of all, let's say a few words about the magazine that provided the material for this book. The Orthodox women's magazine "SLAVYANKA" has been published in Moscow since 2006 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II. As stated on the Slavyanka website, “the main goal of the magazine is to help women learn faith. A woman, according to the words of the Apostle Paul, is like a vessel, albeit a weaker one. And what this vessel is filled with is what he will give to his neighbors - his spouse, children, pupils - to drink.” Based on this, “from issue to issue the magazine talks about the high purpose of a woman, about women’s destinies, love, miracles of faith, health, the moral foundations of marriage, family relationships, raising children, Russian traditions.”

2. Among the authors of magazine articles included in the book “You forgive me for everything...”, there are both famous writers (nun Euphemia (Pashchenko), Nadezhda Smirnova, Alexey Solonitsyn), and those who have yet to gain the attention of a wide readership . These are Ksenia Vesnova, Natalya Klimova, Yulia Molchanova, Sergey Komov and others. Several stories in the collection are dedicated to the new martyrs and confessors of Russia, including many women. For example, the writer Alexei Solonitsyn talks about one of the nuns of the Samara Iveron Monastery who was killed during the years of persecution. Nun Euphemia (Pashchenko) tells the story of the holy martyr Parthenia (Bryansky) and the martyr Antonina Bryansky. And the author Polina Timakova introduces readers to the life of Mother Pavla Uvitskaya.

3. As the readers themselves, who have already read the book, note, all the stories about the miracles of faith and love collected in it provide answers to many questions. So, for example, the first of the works written by Ksenia Vesnova is called “Not of this world.” The author tells the story of a modern girl Tamara, who does not need anything thanks to her wealthy parents. But everything that her mother and father give her, ready to fulfill their daughter’s every whim, does not bring her happiness. Tamara languishes from internal dissatisfaction, she is tormented by “an incomprehensible pain in her soul and a feeling of the meaninglessness of existence.” With her incomprehensible behavior, she also causes concern to her loved ones. But one day, chance leads her to one of the temples, where she meets a man “not of this world,” and at the same time finds peace of mind.

4. A series of works by Natalia Klimova help to understand how faith, meekness and humility ordinary people helps the proud and arrogant to correct themselves, leads atheists to faith, shows the lost the right path, and makes strangers family. Take, for example, the story “The Way Home.” Two young women live in the same house. One of them, a mother of three children, spends her days in prayer, living at the expense of her brother. The other one doesn’t understand how one can live without working, on someone else’s dependency. And only misfortune helps her understand that each of us is given our own destiny, some to work and provide for their neighbors, and some to pray for them. But the story “Love and Prayer Work Miracles” testifies to how the pure faith of one person can transform another - even a swindler who is disappointed in everything and capable of any nasty things.

5. Natalya Loseva’s story “The Prodigal Son” tells about the fate of a village priest, whose eldest son, hope and support, left home, and, as it seemed from the outside, forgot everything that was taught to him in the home circle: he forgot and loving parents, and church life, putting peace and its values ​​at the forefront. But, as you know, someday beautiful life, promised by the world, ends, and the prodigal son returns home. This is what happened in this story. In Yulia Molchanova’s story “I Waited,” they also wait. But not prodigal son, and a soldier from the front. A grandmother, who is about to turn 100 years old, is waiting for her son to come home, who went missing in the Great Patriotic War. She believes and prays and waits. How this touching story ends, read on the pages of the book.

6. A story by writer Nadezhda Smirnova, the title of which is consonant with the entire book - “Forgive me for everything...” - with a sad ending. Its heroine is the village worker of the House of Culture Albina Valerievna - a lonely woman who devoted her entire life to her only son. She put him at the forefront, instead of God. And the pampered, wealthy, but ill-mannered son did not live up to her hopes, taking a dangerous path. The result is a tragedy. But only then does a woman gain true faith. The second story by this author, “Alexandra,” tells about the first months of the Great Patriotic War, about people who fell into occupation, about a girl whose father and mother were shot before her eyes, and she herself was sentenced to death, but she managed to escape. And in a very unusual, but complex way. Read for yourself how exactly.)

7. Let us dwell in a little more detail on the work of Polina Timakova - “You walked your path with dignity...”. In it, the author tells about the fate of the wife of the Hieromartyr Sergius Uvitsky - Pavla Ivanovna. As the author notes, the lives of the new martyrs are known to many. But much less has been written about the people who were next to them and supported them in all their trials. Often the lives of these people can be called hagiographies, and an example of this is Mother Pavla. As the author narrates, Mother was born “on May 20 (old style) 1886 in Vyatka in the family of deacon Ioann Ogorodnikov and his wife Alexandra Tikhonovna. It is noteworthy that for the first 2-3 years of her life, Pashenka was a very weak, sickly child: she was even baptized the day after birth, fearing that she would die without baptism. But God judged differently: she lived for more than ninety years.

8. Having reached adolescence, Pasha Ogorodnikova entered the Vyatka Diocesan School, where she studied various handicrafts, home economics, music, French. She had a beautiful voice and good hearing, so at concerts at the school she performed solo singing and also conducted a choir of students. While studying, Pasha became seriously ill with meningitis: there were days when she was on the verge of death. At the most critical moment of the illness, when she was already preparing for the transition to eternity, her entire future life was revealed to her in a sleepy vision, filled with both joys and sorrows, like a multi-colored rainbow, along which she had to walk. She saw that at first her path was bright and easy. She met a man with whom she connected her whole life and with whom she walked confidently and calmly.

9. But the colors of the rainbow along which they walked together began to darken, her companion disappeared and then appeared again, and his absence caused her excruciating pain. Suddenly - barbed wire, prison towers, dogs... Her companion at that moment disappeared completely, and she began to struggle to make her way further alone, as if through a gray web, knowing that she had to go, this was her duty. Now the path along the rainbow is already ending, it is almost at the very ground, in the midst of complete darkness, but as soon as its foot touched the firmament of the earth, a gentle voice was heard: “Courage! You have walked your path with dignity!” - and a bright, all-consuming light flooded everything around. After that night, the crisis passed, Pasha recovered.” And her dream subsequently came true with precision.” Author Polina Timakova talks about this further.

“A woman cannot live without faith,” these words of the Optina elder Barsanuphius became the motto of the Orthodox Church created more than 10 years ago Women's Magazine"Slav". The main task that the editors of the magazine have set for themselves is “to reflect the Christian life of the Russian people, the grace-filled power and beauty of Orthodoxy, the beauty of the Russian land and the people living on it. First of all, the beauty and power of charm of a Christian woman, the keeper of our religious traditions, in which we see the greatness of the past and the guarantee of the present of our Motherland.” The stories collected on the pages of the book “Forgive me for everything...” also meet this task.

10.08.2018, 04:38

When it comes to love, some of us believe in fate, while others don't. But life persistently continues to prove that some people are simply meant for each other, and when they meet it is just a matter of time.

Of course, the world is not without sad and tragic stories. But hey, there are some that will give you hope!

Here are 16 true stories of people who were simply in the right place at the right time.

1. You know those random onlookers who “get into” your vacation photos? Well, coincidences are not accidental. “My cousin was in the family photo of his future wife (left) 7 years before they met,” shared Reddit user Pcsbor. If this is not fate, then what is it?!

2. “In preschool, we were always together, but in the future we lost touch. 20 years later we met at our friend's place and now we are together again." And such cases happen more often than you think!

3. Imagine that you and your future husband took the same photo, at the same age and in the same place! “My future husband and I went on vacation to the same place when we were 10 years old. We met only 20 years later!”

4. Sometimes a couple feels like they knew each other before they got married. Meet Aimee and Nick. One day they decided to look at old photos and noticed that they had already met at an amusement park when they were little.

5. Isn't this amazing? This girl didn't seem happy when this guy asked her to dance with him at a school party. She probably didn't know that a few years later they would be dancing at their own wedding. Sometimes you find love where you least expect it.

6. You don't usually think you'll meet the love of your life at a music festival. Usually there are short-term affairs, nothing more. Well, this couple's love began in Woodstock and has lasted for 48 years!

7. “I fell in love with him when I saw him (in the photo you can see “that same” look). But I didn't talk about my feelings until I was in high school. It turned out he was in love too!”

8. These two were destined to be together before they could walk, talk or stand. “We've known each other all our lives. And I’m sure this is real destiny.”

9. You don't have to live in the same country to feel the magic. “I’m from Canada and he’s from France. But we met in Thailand while diving. It's been 3 years and we're still together!”

10. This is Alex and Adam. When they were young, Alex fell in love with Adam at first sight. They lost all contact, and if they had not met at a relative's wedding many years later, Alex would never have revealed her feelings to him.

11. Michael and Natalie were childhood friends. However, when they grew up, the connection was severed. Twenty years later, they found each other on Facebook, started chatting, and soon got married. A true love story!

12. These two were guests at the wedding of their parents' friends. Now it's their turn!

13. In the spring of 2014, Heather needed a liver transplant. Doctors found a donor, Chris, whom she had never met before. They started talking and got married! What a connection!

14. “10 years ago I told my silly classmate about my love. I was 15. Now I’m 25, we’re married, and he’s still the same stupid.”

15. We live in a time when social networks can work wonders - with your career, business and even with love. Just look at this couple. This girl just wanted to find zoo tickets on Twitter. Instead, she met her future husband. Madness!

16. “After the wedding, I found this photo next to my future husband in kindergarten. I didn’t even know about this photo!” Just imagine that you are marrying a man with whom, it turns out, you went to kindergarten! Goosebumps.


Vladlena Denisova. *Fate of a woman*. Story

He left her after 26 years of marriage.
He threw it away easily, like shaking off a glove from his hand, stepped over it - and, without looking back, moved on through life, easily crossing out the years they had lived together. He left her without help and support, and never helped her in any way during these difficult years.
Until now, she could not forget everything and forgive him.
Her calm, happy, prosperous life was over.
A time of troubles began: the beginning of the 90s of the outgoing twentieth century.
Everything has changed, collapsed in the life of the country, and in her life too.
She was left without work, without a husband, without a livelihood after a serious operation.
Sad thoughts danced around in her head as she rode on the train to her aunt’s dacha. She wanted to pick green currant leaves to make tea with them instead of tea leaves.
The refrigerator was empty, there was no food in the house.
- It’s good that I don’t have small children, what should I do now? - she thought. - I’ll somehow live on my own.
At the dacha, she mixed up her aunt’s beds and picked a young cucumber that she liked.
Suddenly a punch to the face knocked her down.
The enraged man, who had taken his cucumber from nowhere, was ready to kick her to death. He mistook her for a thief, hunting in other people's gardens.
The aunt who jumped out of the house was barely able to pacify him.
Left without a husband and money, she tried several times to get a job. Defense enterprises that made some devices for the military stopped. Women working on assembly lines were forced out into the street. Somehow I managed to get a job at a newsstand. We worked in shifts with my sister, who was also laid off. They changed week after week, for 12 hours: from 7 to 19.
In winter, electricity was cut off, and there was a struggle for power in the city.
The windswept kiosk stood on the pier. Narrow, stuffed with newspapers and magazines, it seemed to her like a cage in which from dark to dark she jumped like a “sparrow” from foot to foot so as not to completely freeze.
My sister was the first to break down: “You do what you want, but I can’t do it anymore.” They were unable to complete the work until spring. Those with colds and illnesses were simply fired. After all, there was a queue for this job consisting of unemployed women.
Finding no way out of this difficult financial situation, she decided to try again to arrange her destiny. I advertised in the newspaper. Many responded. She chose one letter.
The man wrote that his wife left him while he was serving in “hot spots.” Difficult fate stranger touched her, and she answered him. Much later, when they lived together, she found out that he was an ordinary criminal who served eleven years for rape. He served his “hot spots” at a logging site somewhere in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Once in his “tenacious” hands, it was impossible to get rid of him. She lived in this captivity with an unloved, hated, completely alien person for five years. Strangely enough, a rival who sought his attention helped get rid of him. She gladly gave in to him, gave her the opportunity to possess a desirable man. Over time, he will find out what he really is.

She is now retired. A small pension gave her financial independence.
Having suffered, she just wanted a calm, comfortable life. Without any shocks and love.

Vladlena Denisova

Date first published: 2010-10-14

Previous publications by this author:

"Pride". Story

"Ah, woman..." Miniature

"Two women were sitting by the fire." Story

A love story or learning from other people's mistakes. "Whose fault?". Story

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Society usually associates women with tenderness, care and weakness, but for some of them, life has prepared cruel lessons that not every man can cope with. This strengthened their will and character, and they were able to become happy, overcoming all the difficulties of fate.

website found stories different women, each of which refutes the popular view that women are the weaker sex.

1. The girl survived 18 operations and became a surgeon herself

Cody Hall from the UK was born with a severe facial deformity. The doctors refused to help the baby, but the parents decided not to give up and launched a charity event to collect donations. The girl was sent to America, where at one year old she underwent her first operation.

In just 14 years, Cody underwent 18 surgeries. Despite the continuous struggle with the disease, the girl led a normal life, went to school and achieved success in her studies. It is difficult to imagine how difficult it was for Cody to be among her peers, but she did not allow herself to be offended, much less pitied.

Kodi is now married to the guy she had a crush on back in high school. The girl works in the surgical department of Kettering Hospital and helps other people. She and her parents needed a lot of time, perseverance and fortitude for this happy ending.

2. Pakistani human rights activist paved the way for women's education in Islamic countries

Malala Yousafzai is a true heroine and inspiration for girls all over the world. Malala became famous thanks to her blog, which she began to write after the Pakistani authorities issued a decree banning female education.

The girl’s thoughts caused a great public outcry, after which Malala had to deal with threats in her native country and even survive an attempted murder with serious injury and subsequent coma.

Thanks to your courage and perseverance Malala has achieved considerable heights in her 20s. She is now studying at Oxford and helping other girls get an education. Malala has received many awards, including the Nobel Prize, opened a school for Syrian refugees and wrote the book I Am Malala.

“Miss Amazing” - this competition for girls with disabilities was won by Mikayla Holmgren thanks to her charm and immense hard work. But the girl did not stop there and became a participant in Miss Minnesota, and subsequently the first ever participant with Down syndrome in the Miss USA contest.

Mikayla enjoys dancing, gymnastics, does charity work and manages to study well. Incredible love of life, sincerity and determination The Mikayles are an inspiration to many other girls and prove that Down syndrome does not define a person as an individual.

4. The girl works in 9 places at the same time, taking care of the elderly

Sarah Moore left life in the big city and moved to a small island in Scotland, which is inhabited mainly by elderly people who are unable to cope with hard work. The girl took on the most labor-intensive job and now combines the position of air traffic controller, guardian, postman, fire rescuer, shepherd, island council clerk; stows luggage on planes, operates excavators on farms and even gives tours of the island's only lighthouse.

Sarah does not regret the move and does not miss her old life. She found friends and no longer feels lonely, the locals fell in love with her kindness and courage. Despite the daily hard work and lack of prospects, the girl feels like an absolutely happy person.

5. The girl survived a shark attack and lost her arm, but still became a surfing star

Bethany Hamilton nearly lost her life at age 13 due to a tiger shark attack and was left without her left arm. But the brave girl was able to overcome your fear and continued doing what she loved.