Formation of communicative and speech competence of older preschoolers. Formation of language competence in children with general underdevelopment of speech by means of a Russian fairy tale Stages of work on the development of communicative competence of preschoolers

Guseva Natalia Nikolaevna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU d / s No. 1 "Smile", Stavropol
Locality: Stavropol Stavropol Territory
Material name: article
Topic:"Communicative competence as an indicator speech development children preschool age"
Publication date: 13.08.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Communicative competence as an indicator

speech development of preschool children

Modern system preschool education focused on




requiring understanding and respect for its interests and rights. To the fore






preschool period of childhood, when he feels not just warded,
















the possibility of independent actions for the development of the surrounding world.




interactions between preschoolers and peers. More and more lately

speaks out




It is not enough for developing programs for children to communicate only with an adult.









presents a range of research areas on the problem of interaction
















throughout preschool age, the need to communicate with peers

increases, by the senior preschool age, the peer becomes more

preferred partner than an adult.

Communicative competence is seen as a focus on

object of communication, as situational adaptability, as language proficiency, etc.

Despite different interpretations of this concept, they are united by the fact that

they all point to the components necessary for communication: possession

means of communication (speech, facial expressions, pantomime); skill with










the ability to hear, listen and speak (in the process of communication to express their

feelings, emotions, desires, ask questions and argue your point

At the same time, practice shows: purposeful formation

communicative competencies in preschoolers often remain outside





conflict, do not try to hear each other, aggressive. Emerging





children, but also interfere with the educational process as a whole.

Communicative competence is considered as a basic




the most important










construction, children's artistic creativity And so on.

Communicative competence is a complex entity that






being in relationship. Traditionally, in the structure of the communicative

Competence has three components:

Motivational-personal (the child's need for communication);

Cognitive (knowledge from the field of human relationships);

Behavioral (a way of responding to a specific

situation, the choice of certain norms and rules in the process of communication and for


In the structure of communicative competence, there are often three

other component:

Communicative knowledge (knowledge about the ways and means of interaction with

surrounding people);

Communication skills (the ability to understand the speech of others and

make your speech understandable to them);

Communication skills (the ability of the child to understand the state and

statements of another person and the ability to express one's attitude to

occurring in verbal and non-verbal forms of communication).

The imperfection of communication skills hinders the process

free communication (free communication, negatively affects

personal development and behavior of the child, does not contribute to the development of his

verbal and cognitive activity.




ad hoc communication, which most often occurs in the process

conversation and exchange of information. To such communication at preschool age in










subjective position in the process of free communication contributes to the development

his communicative activity and communicative competence.

For the effective development of communicative competence

preschooler must comply with the following conditions:

create situations of communicative success;





problem situations;

eliminate communication difficulties;

focus on the "zone of proximal development" and increase the level

communicative success;








characteristics of children, involving in this work a teacher-psychologist and

motivate the child to express their thoughts, feelings, emotions,

characteristic features characters with the help of words and facial expressions;




activities and independent activities of children;





preschooler to communicate with adults and peers;






support and facilitation of teacher interactions with children, children with






daily life of the child, factors that have an equal impact





It is important to note that the development of communicative competence

must be considered simultaneously with the process of formation in the child

different types of children's activities (game, communicative, labor,

cognitive research,






activity interaction of preschool children acquires

play activity.

The game as a communicative situation encourages children to enter into





the speech development of children is carried out, the assimilation of communication norms takes place.

Communication in the game: in a creative role-playing game, dialogic and

monologue speech. Role play contributes to the formation and development

adjustable and planned speech functions. Positive effect on speech

children participation of the teacher in children's games and discussion of the course of the game, putting forward

foreground methodological conclusion: children's speech is improved only under

adult influence.

Outdoor games have an impact on the enrichment of the vocabulary, education



Dramatization games



activity, taste and interest in the artistic word, expressiveness

speech, artistic and speech activity. There are ball games like

"Edible - not edible." Children improvise by naming words from different

thematic groups (vegetables, fruits, transport, clothing, fish, snakes, etc.). AT

several players can participate in the game at the same time, throwing each other

several balls. Game actions are accompanied by laughter, joyful

vocalizations, speech utterances.





are located

Annotation. The article presents the results of a study of some components of language and communicative competence in older preschoolers with OHP and children with normal speech development. The features of the development of language and communicative competence in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment speech.

Keywords: language competence; communicative competence; children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Actual problem modern education is the development of language and communicative competence in preschoolers. It should be noted that the problem of communication of children with disabilities, in particular, with OHP, is of particular importance. At present, in our country, as well as throughout the world, there is a steady increase in the number of children with deficiencies in language development in society.

Numerous studies in the field of speech therapy testify to the difficulties in establishing contacts with adults and peers that are characteristic of this category of children. Analysis of literature data, in particular, T.N. Volkovskaya and T.V. Lebedeva, speaks about the difficulties in the formation of the communicative competence of such preschoolers.

The presence of communicative competence in children is impossible without the formed means of communication and speech. The imperfection of communication skills, speech inactivity do not provide the process of free communication, negatively affect the personal development and behavior of children.

Thus, there is a relationship that the level of development communication tools children with OHP is largely determined by the level of speech development. Unclear speech makes relationships difficult, as children early begin to understand their insufficiency in verbal statements. Communication disorders complicate the process of communication and impede the development of speech-cogitative cognitive activity, the acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, the development of communicative competence is conditioned by the development of language competence.

The development of diagnostic and corrective methods aimed at the formation of language competence is carried out by: F. A. Sokhin, E. I. Tikheeva, O. S. Ushakova, G. A. Fomicheva and others. guidelines These authors are the fundamental principles of Russian psychology, developed by L. A. Venger, L. S. Vygotsky, L. V. Zaporozhets, A. N. Leontiev, M. I. Lisina. Basics remedial education and speech development of children with speech disorders quite widely represented in the works of L. S. Volkova, N. S. Zhukova, R. E. Levina, T. B. Filicheva, N. A. Cheveleva, G. V. Chirkina and other representatives of speech therapy.

  • mastering the phonetic system of the native language;
  • development of the melodic-intonation side of speech;
  • development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech;
  • formation of coherent speech.

The situation is somewhat different with communicative competence: in our opinion, it has not been sufficiently studied in the scientific literature. Communicative competence, according to N.A. Pesnyayeva, is the ability to establish verbal interaction with a partner, to establish dialogic personal relationships with him, depending on the situation of communication. A.B. Dobrovich reviews communicative competence as a willingness to contact. A person thinks, which means that he lives in a dialogue mode, while he must take into account the changing situation, as well as the expectations of his partner.

At present, communicative competence is considered by specialists: O. E. Gribova, N. Yu. Kuzmenkova, N. G. Pakhomova, L. G. Solovyova, L. B. Khalilova.

In order to study the dependence of the formation of communicative competence on language in older preschoolers with OHP and children with normal speech development, a survey of some components of language and communicative competence was carried out. It was attended by 30 children with OHP and 30 preschool children with normal speech development. The basis of the study was MBDOU d / c No. 5 "Yablonka" of the combined type.

The diagnostic study program included the study of the components of language competence: the state of the active and passive vocabulary, coherent speech; components of communicative competence: dialogical speech, communication skills.

Coherent speech was diagnosed using a technique aimed at identifying the features of the speech development of children (authors A.A. Pavlova, L.A. Shustova) in the following areas:

  • text understanding,
  • text programming (retelling),
  • vocabulary,
  • speech activity.

An analysis of the results of a speech therapy examination showed that older preschoolers with OHP, to a greater extent than children with normal speech development, experience difficulties in understanding the text at the level of sentences (words) (Table 1)

Table 1.

Possession of understanding of the text at different levels

Comprehension of the text at the level


0.5 points

1 point

1.5 points

whole text

sentences (words)

types of groups

During the evaluation of the results, it was found that text comprehension is available to older preschoolers with OHP and normal speech development, but the level of text comprehension is different. People with impaired speech development have difficulty understanding artistic expressions, literary words. That is, a violation of the understanding of the text is noted at the level of understanding of the whole text and at the level of understanding of the expression, while understanding at the topic level is available to everyone. Violation of the understanding of the text is one of the reasons for the impossibility of a holistic, logical retelling of the text.

According to the components of text programming, in children with OHP there is a lack of structural components of the text (introduction, conclusion). Despite the presence of main themes in all works, in the retellings of 75% of older preschoolers with OHP there are no secondary themes in the work (Figure 1). At the stage of evaluating text programming, it was found that subjects with speech pathology have significant difficulties in compiling an utterance program (Table 2).

Picture 1. Variability in the occurrence of different levels of secondary text programming in older preschoolers

Table 2.

The frequency of occurrence of programming components in the work of older preschoolers

Text Programming Components


Component presence

Missing Component

Children with ONR

Children with ONR

Children with normal speech development

main topics

minor topics

structural organization

connecting elements

It is common for all preschoolers to use their own vocabulary, but children with OHP are characterized by the replacement of specific vocabulary with their own, as a rule, household vocabulary. 50% of preschool children with speech pathology are characterized by errors in the formation of word forms (Table 2, Figure 2).

Table 3

The frequency of occurrence of lexical components of speech in the works of older preschoolers

Lexical Components


Component presence

Missing Component

EG (%)

KG (%)

EG (%)

KG (%)

Own vocabulary

Correct formation of word forms

Correct use of words

Figure 2. Level of proficiency in coherent speech

The speech activity of older preschoolers with OHP is at a lower level than that of their peers with normal speech development. They tend to use their own vocabulary in retelling, replacing words specific to this work. They very rarely use turns that indicate an understanding of the meaning of the work. They make a large number of pauses when retelling, they need leading questions, tips (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Frequency of speech activity levels

Difficulties in mastering children's vocabulary hinder the development of coherent speech. Diagnosing the state of active and passive vocabulary in older preschoolers experimental group, a low indicator of the state of the active dictionary was revealed in comparison with the children of the control group (Figure 5). There was an inaccurate understanding and use of many words. The passive vocabulary of preschoolers with OHP prevails over the active one (Figure 4).

Children with OHP do not know or use inaccurately: nouns denoting parts of the body, parts of objects, natural phenomena, time of day, means of transport, fruits, adjectives, verbs. Children with OHP find it difficult to establish connections between the sound, visual image of a word and its conceptual content. In speech, this is manifested by an abundance of errors associated with the expansion or narrowing of the meanings of words, the confusion of words by visual similarity. The results obtained indicate the need for targeted work on the development of a dictionary, especially active in children of older preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech.

Figure 4. Volume level of the passive dictionary

Figure 5. Volume level of the active dictionary

Dialogic speech was studied according to the method of I.S. Nazametdinova. According to the results of the study of dialogic speech in preschoolers, it can be said that the development of dialogic speech in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech clearly lags behind the development of dialogic speech in their peers with normal speech development. The difference affects both the ability to answer questions and ask them, and the ability to conduct verbal interaction, due to the logic of the current situation.

Children with OHP had a reduced need to communicate with both adults and peers. Appeal to a playmate is difficult, appeals to an adult predominate (normally to a peer, playmate). In appeals to peers, orders are heard to a greater extent, requests to a lesser extent. The number of questions asked is small, their monosyllabicity is noticeable. Preschoolers with OHP do not know how to ask questions. Answering questions was the preferred form of communication. The total number of questions is insignificant. Basically, it's about figuring out how to do something. Contacts that are situational in nature are difficult. There is a low level of activity, little talkativeness, little initiative. During the experiment, the children experienced communication difficulties.

From the study, we can conclude that the dialogical speech of older preschoolers with OHP is difficult, children do not have the skills and abilities to coherently express their thoughts to the interlocutor, listen and process information in such a way as to effectively continue verbal interaction.

The ability to establish verbal interaction with a partner was revealed in the methodology “Studying communication skills” by G.A. Uruntaeva and Yu.A. Afonkina.

According to the results of the methodology, 60% of the children in the experimental group and 20% of the children in the control group showed an average level of formation of actions to coordinate efforts in the process of cooperation. Most children have difficulty making contact with peers, their communication skills are limited (Figure 6).

Figure 6. The level of formation of actions to coordinate efforts in the process of organizing and implementing cooperation

The results of the ascertaining experiment testify to the inferior formation of both linguistic and communicative competence in children with OHP, which actualizes the problem of developing a program for the development and correction of linguistic and communicative competence in this category of children.


  1. Lebedeva T.V. Psychological assessment of speech and language difficulties in preschool children // Special education. - 2016. - No. 1. – P.75-83.
  2. Mosina S.V. Influence early development children of senior preschool age on the process of communication // Bulletin of the Kostroma State University. ON THE. Nekrasov. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Social work. Juvenology. Sociokinetics. - 2013. - No. 1. - P.45-47.
  3. Selivanova S.A. Desontogenesis of the development of children with ONR and its influence on the formation of communicative competence // Psychology and Pedagogy: Methods and Problems of Practical Application. - 2011. - No. 20. – P.86-91
  4. Kholodilova E.M., Zotova S.V. Development of communication skills in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech // Special education. - 2015. - No. 11 Volume 2. - P. 282-286.

Formation of communicative competence in preschoolers.

Communicative competence belongs to the group of key ones, i.e. having a special significance in human life, so its formation should be given close attention.

In a scientific context, the combination of terms "communicative competence" was first used in line with social psychology ( from lat. competens - "capable")- the ability to establish and maintain effective contacts with other people in the presence of internal resources (knowledge and skills)

The essence of the concept of “communication” is defined by psychological dictionaries (A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky, R. S. Nemov, V. A. Mizherikov) in the meaning, first of all, of communication between people and generalization of knowledge by them.

There are several formulations of the definition of communicative competencies. Communicative competence
- this is a combination of linguistic, speech and socio-cultural components (definition of the methodologist V.V. Safonova). According to another interpretation, communicative competences are:

Mastering all types of speech activity and culture of speech;

Students' ability to decide language means certain communication tasks different areas and situations of communication;

The totality of ZUN in the field of verbal and non-verbal means for adequate perception and reflection of reality in various situations of communication.

Communicative competence is understood as an integral system of mental and behavioral characteristics of a person that contribute to successful communication, i.e., achieving the goal (effective) and emotionally favorable (psychologically comfortable) for the parties involved.

Communicative competence is considered as a basic characteristic of the personality of a preschooler, as the most important prerequisite for well-being in social and intellectual development, in the development of specific children's activities - collective games, design, children's art, etc.

Of particular importance in the speech development of preschoolers is the dialogue of peers. It is here that children truly feel equal, free, relaxed. Here they learn self-organization, self-activity, self-control. In dialogue, content is born that none of the partners possesses separately, it is born only in interaction. In a dialogue with a peer, to the greatest extent, one has to focus on the characteristics of a partner, take into account his capabilities (often limited) and therefore arbitrarily build his statement using contextual speech.

The following components can be distinguished in the structure of communicative competence:






They are not parts of the whole, but they imply mutual influence, interpenetration and existence of each in the others, which means the following:

All components (directions) must be included in the work;

An activity that ensures the development of the child in all or many of the designated areas is considered more effective.

Revealing the meaning of each component, one can indicate its significance in communicative competence and the desired level for a preschooler

The cognitive component forms knowledge about the value-semantic side of communication, about personal qualities that contribute to and hinder communication, about emotions and feelings that always accompany it.

Value-semantic component - values ​​that are activated in communication. For example, to ask someone for something for yourself, it is important what meaning it has for the person asking. If, in his opinion, to ask means to show his dependence or weakness, which is unacceptable, then he will not do it. Or, for example, if a person believes that “no one owes anything to anyone”, and therefore is afraid of being refused, then he cannot ask either. Therefore, starting from the preschool period, one should form moral values ​​and basic attitudes towards oneself (self-acceptance, self-respect) and other people (acceptance of them, respect for them).

The personal component is formed by the characteristics of the person entering into communication, which naturally affect the content, process and essence of communication. Shyness, shamelessness, alienation, selfishness, arrogance, anxiety, aggressiveness, conflict, authoritarianism negatively affect communication. The communicative competence of a preschooler should be based on self-confidence, optimism, goodwill (friendliness) and respect for people, justice, altruism, honesty, stress resistance, emotional stability, non-aggression, non-conflict. The preschool period is most favorable for the development of personality traits, many of them have already been laid down, but changes (development and correction) are quite possible. In older children, correction will require significant effort.

The emotional component of communicative competence is associated, first of all, with the creation and maintenance of positive emotional contact with the interlocutor, self-regulation, the ability not only to respond to a change in the state of the partner, but also to anticipate it.

The behavioral component is formed by communication skills (greeting, farewell, appeal, request, refusal, the ability to listen to others, speak in front of others, cooperate).
Thus, the communicative competence of a preschool child is understood as his ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with people.

For the formation of communicative competence, two groups of methods education: methods of accumulating the content of children's speech and methods aimed at consolidating and activating the dictionary, developing its semantic side.

First group includes methods:

a) direct acquaintance with the environment and enrichment of the vocabulary: examining and examining objects, observation, inspections of the premises of the kindergarten, targeted walks and excursions;

b) indirect acquaintance with the environment and vocabulary enrichment: looking at pictures with unfamiliar content, reading works of art, showing films and videos, watching TV shows.

Second group methods are used to consolidate and activate the vocabulary: looking at toys, looking at pictures with familiar content, didactic games and exercises

Among the means , contributing to the formation of communicative competence in the preschool period of a child's development in terms of learning, we can note:


Creating story situations

didactic games,

Lexical exercises.

One of the means of forming communicative competence is role-playing game. Play is the main activity of a preschool child. For children, play activity retains its importance as necessary condition intelligence development, mental processes, personality in general. The closest and most understandable for a preschooler is a game, a fairy tale, a toy. Through this, the child learns the surrounding reality, builds a model of life for himself. Sometimes the most seemingly insoluble issues in communication with a baby are easily solved through a game, a toy.

An important direction in the development of communicative competence is also purposeful work with teachers and parents to develop the communicative competence of older preschoolers, which includes the following stages of work:

Study of children's families;

Involving parents in active participation in the developmental activities of a preschool institution,

The study of family experience in the development of communicative competence of children,

Education of parents in the field of organizing communicative activities of preschoolers,

So, the communicative competence of preschoolers is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the effectiveness of the flow of communicative processes (mastering the skills of verbal communication, perception, evaluation and interpretation of communicative actions, planning a communication situation).

Usynina Tatyana Alexandrovna, Educator of the first category MBDOU Kindergarten of the combined type No. 54, Yekaterinburg [email protected]

Erdenova Tatyana StanislavovnaEducator of the first category MBDOUKindergarten of the combined type No. 54, Yekaterinburg [email protected]

Formation of communicative and speech competence of older preschoolers using gaming technologies

Annotation. The article considers the problems of formation communicative competence preschoolers in modern conditions, as well as technologies aimed at increasing the level of communicative and speech development of children of older preschool age are presented. Key words: communicative and speech competence, communication. before school age, competency-based approach, correctional program, gaming technologies.

In the context of the introduction of a competency-based approach into the theory and practice of preschool education, the problem of forming key competencies of preschoolers is especially relevant today. The competency-based approach, which embodies the innovative process in education, is enshrined in the Federal Educational Standard for Preschool Education. The requirements of the Standard for the results of mastering the Basic Educational Program of the kindergarten act as targets for preschool education, which are socially normative age characteristics possible achievements of the child at the stage of completion of the level of preschool education. Kindergarten is the first step in the child's education system. The next step is Primary School. It is important to remember the need to implement the principle of continuity between the kindergarten and the school as a whole, including in the development of speech, teaching the native language. This principle is indicated in the Program for the upbringing and education of preschool children.

It is the preschool and primary school age that is extremely favorable for mastering communication skills due to the special sensitivity to linguistic phenomena, interest in understanding speech experience, and communication. Therefore, the development of the communicative and speech competence of a child in a preschool institution and a student at school, continuity in work in this area are the most urgent tasks of the educational process in kindergarten and school. Taking into account the foregoing, we conducted a study of the communicative and speech competence of preschoolers, which was conducted on the basis of a kindergarten of a combined type No. 54 Ekaterinburg in February 2015. The empirical sample consisted of 18 pupils preparatory group compensatory orientation and 20 children of the general developmental group. In our empirical study, the following methods of research organization for data collection were used: standardized diagnostic methods, conversation, the method of expert assessments, questionnaires; for processing the results - methods: descriptive statistics, comparative, correlation analysis of data. In accordance with the goal, the following methods were selected: Communicative competence in communicating with peers "Pictures" E.O. Smirnova, E.A. Kalyagin.

This technique allows you to identify the communicative competence of the child in communicating with peers. According to the children's answers, we assessed their communicative competence: High - children could constructively and independently find solutions in the proposed problem situations. Medium - the answers spoke of clearly insufficient social competence, or were aggressive in nature. Low - showed complete helplessness. Questionnaire for assessing the communicative qualities of the child. R.S. Nemov This questionnaire is a questionnaire designed for expert assessment of the communicative qualities of the personality of children entering school, and junior schoolchildren, as well as their relationship with other people. Diagnostics of the examination of oral speech of children of senior preschool

and primary school age, O.B. Inshakov. Based on the results of the study, we revealed an insufficient level of formation of the communicative competence of older preschoolers. For example, in communicating with peers, preschoolers take on minor roles, or prefer to play on their own. The lack of verbal means of communication makes it impossible for children to interact, becomes an obstacle in the formation of the game process. This is manifested in the presence of certain violations in communication - avoiding contacts with peers, conflicts, fights, unwillingness to reckon with the opinion or desire of another, complaints to the teacher. The predominance of a low level of communicative competence of preschoolers gives grounds for corrective work on the development of all communicative quality of children of senior preschool age.

Considering that the leading type of activity in preschool children is the game, and it becomes a condition for the child's communicative activity, it acts as a kind of sphere in which relationships are established with the outside world, people, assertions of the child's "independence", game and communication are the main content components of the programs. aimed at the formation of the communicative competence of preschoolers. In such programs, elements of psycho-gymnastics, exercises and studies are used to increase group cohesion, to provide a safe space for communication, the ability for emotional decentration, the psychological comfort of the child's stay in kindergarten. In accordance with the above, we can say about what the game is effective way psychocorrection of violations of the emotional and communicative sphere of preschool children and the development of their personality. The purpose of our correctional program was the development of communicative and speech competence, the child's interaction with the social environment and the elimination of distortions in emotional response and behavioral stereotypes, to increase children's self-esteem, their self-confidence, through the game. Table 1 some features of the implementation of the program are presented Table 1 speech competence children of senior preschool age

Month No. of the lessonSummary of the lessonUsed game material1234

1 lesson The lesson is devoted to introducing children to each other, creating a positive emotional background, developing dialogic speech Games: "Blind Man's Bluff", "Engine", "Round Dance". Hats for playing "Engine".

Lesson 2 Purpose: creating a positive emotional background, increasing self-confidence, developing information and communication skills (the ability to negotiate, listen and hear each other). Games: "Zhmurki", "Bug", "Round dance", games of the choice of children (free time). Board games, building material.

Lesson 3 Purpose: to identify the level of claims in children, the features of self-esteem, the removal of aggression, to develop the ability to speak out Games: "It's boring, it's boring to sit like that", "The sea is worried", "Round dance". Relaxation exercises, role-playing games “Family”, “Kindergarten”. Color painting method (A.M. Parishioners, A.N. Lutoshkin). "We draw emotions with our fingers" For playing "Family" and "Kindergarten" a set of dolls, furniture, dishes. Paints, paper, brushes.

4th lesson

Purpose: to learn to act together, relieve emotional stress, develop motor-auditory memory, learn to express your emotions with color. Games: “Remember the movement”, “Country of blots”, “Round dance”. Composition “A fairy tale in a circle” (composition according to the method of D. Rodari “ Bean of fantasy"). "Color painting". Small toys for playing a fairy tale. Paints, paper, brushes.

As a conclusion, I would like to note that the formation of initial communicative competence today is becoming one of the most important priorities in the work of a teacher in the development of speech of preschool children. The implementation of this goal involves the possession of speech as a universal means of communication between a child and other people: an older preschooler can communicate with people different ages, gender, degree of acquaintance. This implies fluency in the language, formulas of speech etiquette, the ability to focus on the characteristics of the interlocutor, take into account the conditions of the situation in which communication takes place. preschool childhood, as well as focusing on meeting certain requirements enshrined in the Standard:  technology is not focused on learning, but on the development of children's communication skills, cultivating a culture of communication and speech; be of a health-saving nature;the technology is based on personality-oriented interaction with the child;implementation of the principle of the relationship between the cognitive and speech development of children;organization of active speech practice of each child in different types activities, taking into account his age and individual characteristics.

If all the requirements are met and properly used, a program containing gaming technologies will make it possible to most rationally organize the work of a group of children of senior preschool age, save the time of the educator and speech therapist to prepare for classes, ensure the unity of their requirements in the formation of a full-fledged communicative and speech activity, and create prerequisites for further education.

Links to sources 1. Elkonin D.B. Child psychology / D.B. Elkonin.M. Academy, 2006.384 p.2. Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education - LLC Azhur Publishing House. 2014.24 p.