Psychic ability to test. How to test psychic abilities at home. Find out about the presence of extrasensory abilities in the hand

Although many do not know about this, each person has the ability to subtle extrasensory perception. It's just that not many managed to reveal them in themselves. What does this ability include? It is a gift that manifests itself in a combination of strong intuition, telepathy, and anticipation. And no magic, just the ability to feel the bioenergetic vibrations of the earth's field in a different range. People who have managed to discover this potential in themselves, manage to “recognize the signs of fate”, more subtly feel the reality surrounding them, since the threshold of their perception is much lower.

The subject of extrasensory perception excites and intrigues. Therefore, some people are interested in how to check psychic abilities at home. This can be done quite simply by resorting to simple methods.

There are several exercises that can tell you where your ESP is in development.

We offer a test to check psychic abilities. You need to answer the following questions:

  1. Do you think you have a well-developed intuition?
  2. Place your palms opposite one another at a distance of 20 cm. Can you feel warmth between them?
  3. Have you ever had people in your family with any unusual abilities - witches, sorceresses, etc.?
  4. Are you light asleep?
  5. Can you easily convince a person of something?
  6. Can the sick person next to you feel better?
  7. Have you ever had the feeling that there is someone in the room, although this is not so?
  8. Do you feel uncomfortable in certain places, as if something bad happened here?
  9. Do you sometimes talk to things?
  10. Are you lucky?

If you have the majority of positive answers, then this is probably a sign of enormous psychic potential.

By the way, it is believed that women, whose age is about 30 years and older, have the opportunity to show their psychic abilities much faster. During this period of life, high energy potential and sufficient life experience. And this is a great base for discovering uncharted boundaries in yourself.

How to use cards to determine the presence of psychic abilities

There are a number of tests and techniques that you can take online on the Internet and find out the result immediately. But, you can use simple objects or even limit yourself to your own imagination to test yourself.

There is a way to test psychic abilities at home using just an unplayed deck of cards. Take out, without looking, the first card that comes across. Now try to guess her suit, color, property. Any of this. Take your time, concentrate. Even if you didn't succeed the first, second or third time, it doesn't matter. Try again and again. The main thing is to remain calm and not lose patience. After all, testing your psychic abilities is not an easy task. Over time, you will start to succeed. When you notice that you are guessing one card after another, it means that your intuition has begun to work harder.

If you succeed in identifying the cards quickly enough, then your extrasensory perception is at its best.

Quite a few people with well-developed extrasensory perception have learned to use tarot cards, which suggest intuitively the right decision to them.

Meditation techniques and dream solving

You can simultaneously test and engage in the development of psychic abilities using meditative techniques. These methods consist in opening the "third eye". All you need to do is provide yourself with a quiet and calm environment that encourages concentration.

The "third eye" is located between the eyebrows. Close your eyes and imagine a purple dot flaring up in this area. Mentally look at this point without looking up. If you can increase your energy, you can also strengthen your intuition. This is one of the simplest yet most effective meditation techniques.

Solving dreams is another effective method... Analyze your dreams carefully. You can even keep a diary in which you will write down everything that you dreamed about. Thus, if you can notice that something is coming true from your dreams, then you definitely have a strong sensitive perception.

What will help develop psychic abilities: effective ways

We offer several more ways to check the presence of extrasensory abilities and, at the same time, give a powerful impetus to their development:

  • Use your left hand. If you are right-handed, then you need to "load" your left hand with drawing or writing. By training it, you will train the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for creativity and intuition. Don't try to write or paint beautifully. Just learn to clearly control her movements.
  • Learn to feel colors. Prepare several pieces of colored paper, put them in separate envelopes, mix and place them in front of you. Raise your hand to them, try to recognize colors using your intuition.
  • Feel your aura. Place your palms opposite one another and feel the warmth between them. This is the aura. You can even spring them at a distance, feeling the movements of the aura.

Do these exercises regularly, and you will notice how your intuition becomes your faithful assistant. You can trust her by listening to her prompts.

Develop tactile sensitivity through exercise

Prepare three pieces of cloth with a completely different structure. It can be silk, velor and wool. Close your eyes and touch them with your left hand. Remember your feelings. Repeat the exercise many times.

You also need to learn to feel other materials as well. Plastic, wood, glass, iron emit different vibrations that can be distinguished from each other.

Now you know how to check if you have psychic abilities. Use these tips and you will be amazed at the potential hidden within you.

Everyone has some kind of ability, but not everyone has psychic abilities. Scientists claim that all people are endowed with a sixth sense from birth. How to test psychic abilities yourself? For this, there are special methods that reveal the presence or absence of a supernatural gift. They are simple, but able to reveal in you distinctive features that you didn’t know about.

What counts as psychic abilities

Psychic abilities are a special, phenomenal gift that allows a person to see what is not given to others. He can look into the future or find out information about the past, predict future events and how to act in a specific situation. Such a person has a special connection with the immaterial, subtle world at the energetic level. Psychic abilities are considered:

  • The gift of healing.
  • The ability to predict the future.
  • Seeing information about objects at a great distance.
  • Transmission of thoughts at a distance.

This is far from full list abilities, each person endowed with a supernatural gift can have different talents.

How psychic abilities are manifested

How do I know if I'm a psychic or not? Many people ask this question. Psychic abilities can manifest in different ways, but there are basic signs that will let you know that you are endowed with a special gift:

  • You have vivid prophetic dreams.
  • You can sense other people's feelings.
  • The person who offended you always gets what he deserves.
  • You are often lucky.
  • When you get close to technical devices, their work changes.
  • Animals behave strangely in your presence.
  • When you touch the sore spot with your hand, the pain disappears.
  • Your thoughts often materialize.
  • You feel addicted to the paranormal.
  • You don't like it when doors are open in your room.
  • After death loved one, you felt inexplicable strange things.
  • You often see something out of the corner of your eye.
  • Hear strange sounds in another room when no one is in the house.

If you have noticed any of the listed signs in yourself, then you probably have extrasensory qualities.

How to know if you have psychic abilities

There are many ways to determine the presence of supernatural abilities. Let's consider the most effective ones.

How to find out about superpowers by date of birth

To take the test and detect the presence of psychic abilities, you only need your date of birth. Supernatural abilities can only have a person's date of birth, which, when adding up the numbers, has the numbers 66 or 666. So, we write your date of birth, for example: 12.1999. Now we add the numbers of your date of birth like this: 26 + 12 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 66. It turned out as a result of passing the test that a person born on 12/26/1999 has a talent for witchcraft, because the number 66 is hidden in the date of birth.

Find out about the presence of extrasensory abilities in the hand

You can recognize superpowers simply by looking at the open left palm. The following signs indicate that you are a clairvoyant:

  • Under forefinger you see a pronounced cross.
  • A horizontal straight line runs through the palm.
  • You see the letter "M" below your middle finger.

If you notice one of the signs, this indicates the presence of psychic qualities. If you find two or all three signs in yourself, you definitely have superpowers and can predict the future, you need to develop this ability.

How to test psychic abilities using maps

Your intuition will tell you a lot, for this you need to take a deck of cards, any will do. You need to discard all unnecessary thoughts and concentrate, then shuffle the deck. Draw any card face down and try to guess what color the suit is. If after several tries everything went well and you manage to guess, make the exercise a little more difficult. Now try to guess the suit of the card along with the color. In such a simple way, you can easily find out if you have superpowers.

How to know if I have the gift of clairvoyance through dreams

Dreams are usually deciphered using dream books, but in fact they are inaccurate. To identify psychic abilities, you will need to compose your personal dream book. To do this, you need to wake up, write down your dreams every morning. This should be done immediately after waking up, dreams are quickly forgotten. Every evening in the evening, analyze all the events that happened during the day and compare them with the recorded dreams.

After a while, you will be able to understand what signs dreams give and learn to predict future events, if you cannot do this, then you do not have extrasensory talents. You can understand this after a week of the experiment.

How to develop psychic abilities

Well-known psychics claim that it is necessary to develop psychic abilities starting with tuning exercises, they will put them on the right track. You need to close your eyes and imagine that you have a point in the middle of your forehead, on which you need to concentrate all your thoughts, doing developmental exercises. To learn how to concentrate, start with simple tuning exercises:

  • In the morning after waking up, try to grasp what information you will receive today, negative or positive, and what problems or joyful events you will have to face today.
  • When the phone rings, try to guess who is calling without looking at the screen.
  • The moment you are about to go outside, try to guess who you will meet first, a woman or a man. Gradually complicate the task by anticipating what kind of clothes the person will be wearing.

By doing such simple exercises regularly, it will take only one week, and you will feel that your level of extrasensory perception increases.

Psychic abilities can be tested in the described ways, and there are many free and paid tests on the Internet, but after identifying them, it is imperative to develop such a rare gift. You can start on your own by doing simple exercises, and then you need to sign up for courses of famous psychics. They conduct individual trainings. A person must develop any ability.

Check yourself for these signs of psychic abilities and determine which channel of perception you have developed better!

What you will find out about now:

1. Why should you test yourself for signs of psychic abilities?
2. Attention! The main signs of psychic abilities!
3. Checking ourselves for clairvoyance!
4. Do you have signs of clairaudience?
5. Are you capable of clairsentience?
6. Do you have the ability to know clearly?

Signs of psychic ability can be overt and subtle! Now you can test yourself for both!

Why should you test yourself for signs of psychic ability?

To know and get more from life than others get, while spending a minimum of effort!

Judge for yourself:

  • someone draws knowledge from books and the Internet, and can work on some idea for decades, while someone receives sudden insights and all the necessary information enters the brain in a matter of seconds - all that remains is to write it down!
  • someone has been working on a "brilliant picture" for years, and someone is constantly writing masterpieces, makes exhibitions and sells their works for big money, having already received recognition and fame during their lifetime.
  • the same with the bestsellers ... Take, for example, J.K. Rowling and her book "Harry Potter", which has become one of the highest-grossing books of our time, and, according to rough estimates, brought the author 107 million dollars (excluding film adaptations).

But even in ordinary Everyday life psychic abilities allow you to receive more information, anticipate future events, get answers to your questions, "spread straw" or, conversely, get the most out of what is happening.

Therefore, let's determine what abilities you have the makings for! Evaluate which signs of psychic abilities are right for you personally!

Checking ourselves for clairvoyance!

There are four main methods of extrasensory perception (extrasensory perception): clairvoyance, clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairvoyance.

Let's start with clairvoyance!

Clairvoyance - Clairvoyance is the ability to receive intuitive information through the visual channel. Images and symbols that carry certain information appear either before the eyes or somewhere in the mind (mental clairvoyance).

Most often, visuals and people with a developed creative imagination are predisposed to clairvoyance.

If at least a few signs of this psychic ability suit you, then you clearly have the makings of clairvoyance:

  • you have vivid dreams;
  • you need to see first in order to understand;
  • Have you ever seen flickering dots in the corners of your eyes;
  • when you close your eyes, you see colored lines, dots, shapes in the dark ...
  • you have a developed imagination, you know how to dream;
  • you appreciate everything beautiful, you have an impeccable taste;
  • you are attracted by art, works of artists and sculptors;
  • you can imagine anything vividly;
  • sometimes you see subtle things that others do not see;
  • you have visions or insights.

Do you have signs of clairaudience?

Clairaudience (psychic hearing) is the ability to perceive a wide range of sounds with the “inner ear”. The psychic hears the inner voice of his Higher Self and can receive sound messages from the subtle world - messages from spiritual guides, subtle entities, etc.

Signs of this psychic ability:

  • extreme sensitivity to various noises;
  • discomfort from loud noises that are normal for others;
  • often some song or melody sounds in the head;
  • ear for music, the ability to compose melodies;
  • tinnitus;
  • there is a feeling that someone is calling by name, although there is no one around;
  • information is perceived better by ear.

Are you capable of clairsentience?

Clairvoyance is receiving information (reading information) through your own feelings and intuition. Empathy and telepathy are varieties of clairsentience.

If you have noticed the following signs of clairsentiment, then you should probably develop this ability:

  • you feel the state and emotions of other people;
  • you try not to listen to or watch the news, they upset you;
  • you get upset or cry when you watch a sad movie;
  • you are worried next to an irritated person;
  • you are sensitive to your surroundings;
  • you feel and can describe the person at the first meeting;
  • you have a presentiment of the situation and can predict where it will lead.

Do you have the ability to know clearly?

Clarity is a cross between a presentiment and intuition, it is an inner conviction in the reliability of this or that fact or event. A person who possesses clairvoyance simply knows about something, but cannot logically explain where he got this knowledge from.

These signs of this extrasensory ability will help you check yourself for clarity:

  • spontaneous ideas appear in the head;
  • if someone tells a lie, it is immediately understandable, even if there is no evidence;
  • the outcome of the situation is often known in advance;
  • a penchant for analysis.

So, you checked yourself for signs of extrasensory abilities and understand which superpower suits you best.

And if you want to know even more precisely about your capabilities and your innate gift (and at the same time about those areas of activity where you can find yourself and become a rich and successful person), go through your short personal diagnosis for free >>>

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Extrasensory perception is a term used for many supposedly existing paranormal forms of perception or human abilities (


Psychic abilities can manifest themselves in different ways, so there is no single criterion for assessing their presence. Healing is easier for some, others have the gift, others can influence events, etc. etc. It is possible to reveal unusual abilities through a series of simple experiments.

Many people have the capacity for bioenergetic healing. On occasion, try to help your loved ones relieve any illness - for example, headaches with high blood pressure. To do this, stand behind the patient sitting on the chair and with smooth hand passes, drive the energy clot located in the head area downward, evenly distributing it over the body. Then measure the pressure - it should drop noticeably.

Try to assess your ability to receive information about the future through sleep. Traditionally used for interpretation. But you should know that they work badly enough for a person trying to learn from dreams useful information, you should compose your own. To do this, you need to write down dreams every morning, then, in the evening, compare them with the events of the day. Gradually, you will be able to identify typical plots and signs for you that indicate the approach of certain events.

Put a paper spiral on a vertically installed needle, cover it on top with a glass or transparent plastic cap - this can be a vase, an aquarium, etc. When the spiral stops completely, try to mentally rotate it in one direction or another. If the spiral obediently follows your thought, then you have certain abilities.

Go to the park, sit on the bench. Look at the clouds. Relax, then choose a suitable cloud and try to mentally cut it in half. You can try to dissolve the cloud, but remember that the cloud must not be alone, otherwise the experience will not be pure. Small, solitary clouds melt on their own, so choose one of several similar ones. If “your” cloud has dissolved, and the same clouds nearby remained intact, then you can be congratulated on having extraordinary abilities.

Sitting on a bench, try to mentally manipulate the birds. Make the bird sit on a branch or fly in a certain way. You can try programming a situation in which someone comes up to you and asks for a smoke or tell you the time. If the world responds to your requests and fulfills its plans, you have unusual abilities.

Try scanning people you meet. Namely, looking at a person, try to understand who he is, what he is. Do not guess, do not fantasize, just register the images and impressions that pop up in your mind. On occasion, if possible, check them. Over time, you may find that your "guesses" become more and more accurate, which indicates your ability to "capture" information.

Take a deck of cards. With it upside down, try splitting the deck by suit without looking at the front of the cards. According to the theory of probability, you should guess at least 25%. If this result is noticeably higher, then you can get information about the suit of the card without looking at it. Then you can try to guess not only the suit, but also the value of the card. You can feel the face of the card, this increases the percentage of guessing.

Many people are telepathic. Find a partner for working together, better than the opposite sex. The further apart you live, the better. At the chosen time, preferably in the evening, mentally broadcast any images to each other. First one to another, the next day vice versa. After the session, analyze the information - what was transmitted and what was perceived. Allow four minutes to broadcast one image, then a minute of rest, then broadcast a new image. It is better to limit the number of images to five.

In the modern world, the services of psychics, magicians, fortune-tellers are very common. On television there are such programs "Battle of Psychics", "Black and White" people constantly encounter this phenomenon and sometimes, perhaps, everyone has a question how to become a psychic, check and find out whether I am a psychic or not.

Become a psychic- means to be able to use more layers of consciousness than we usually need, and to influence through this on the world around us. Extrasensory perception gives not only such interesting abilities to many as mind reading and the ability to guess the number of a winning lottery ticket, it is also a great responsibility. By stepping on this, a person is deprived of many simple joys, he must be ready for a lifetime of learning. The energy that the Cosmos gives him must be renewed constantly, it makes him react sharply to someone else's misfortune. Many people have psychic abilities by nature, but not many people guess about them and develop them. In this article, you will find a free test and tips on how to become a psychic.

Psychic test for hidden abilities

This free test will be able to determine if you have psychic abilities and if you can become a psychic. Read carefully and answer these questions:

1. Have you ever guessed what other people are thinking?
2. Do you often have prophetic dreams?
3. Do you trust your intuition?
4. In a dream or in reality, have you ever heard voices?
5. Did you predict events that were destined to come true in the future?
6. Have you ever anticipated the events of others?
7. Do you often focus on what is happening in your subconscious mind?
8. Can you mentally force the interlocutor to say what you wanted to hear from him?
9. Do you know how to guess and predict the future for more than 3 years?
10. Looking at someone who is not showing signs of discomfort, can you tell if they are in pain?

If you answered “yes” to all the questions, you have strong psychic abilities, which will be quite easy to develop;

If you have 5 - 6 "yes" - you have good abilities for extrasensory perception, which need to be diligently developed;

If the answer is "yes" to points 2 - 3 indicates the presence of some abilities that need to be persistently developed for quite a long time;

If you answered “no” to all the questions, either you have absolutely no psychic abilities, or you simply did not pay attention to the cases of their manifestation; try to track such situations, take the survey again after a few months. Or perhaps you are simply skeptical of the paranormal and this leaves an imprint on your perception of the world.

What signs does Fate give us?

The cosmos constantly interacts with each of us, giving signs, hints, but only a few notice and interpret them correctly - they are psychics. To learn to see them, at first you need to pay attention to everything that happens around, perhaps even make notes about unusual, strange things, pleasant and unpleasant. After about a month, re-read the notes, comparing your notes with things that happened later, try to identify patterns and connections. So you will gain the ability to see the clues of the Universe and interpret them correctly.

Become a psychic and work with intuition

Intuition is given to everyone, but it is not an invariable parameter - it can be developed. All the basic skills of a psychic depend on the degree of intuition, it is the very sixth sense that helps to see the essence of things, the psychic passes all the information received through the prism of intuition. Good intuition that you keep working on will lead you to clairvoyance. First, try to guess simple things - the contents of a sealed envelope, call the person who is calling you without looking at the phone screen. After you become proficient in these things, you can move on to more complex ones.

The ability to identify someone else's pain

One of the most valuable qualities of a psychic is the ability to heal with his hands. But before embarking on training directly in healing, you need to learn how to determine what exactly hurts the patient. Here you will need the help of friends and family. When they have something in pain, they should offer you to identify the source of pain. Make your helper more comfortable while you try to catch the patient's energy waves and find the source of the pain. Some people manage to do this just by looking at another person, others need to “examine” him with their hands. In that case, do not touch the patient, run your palms a couple of centimeters from his body. If you feel warm in some places, or your fingertips start to tingle when your hands are near a sore spot, you are on the right track! Just do not rush to heal people without sufficient experience, you can harm them. Incorrectly directed energy can have a destructive effect. Without the protection that you learn to build around yourself over time, you can take the disease for yourself.

Seeing living and not living

Often people who are looking for loved ones turn to psychics. From their photographs or things, you can determine whether they are alive or not. To learn how to do this, you need a lot of practice, during which you will need to remember the sensations from photographs of living and dead people. Training in this case is simple - you need a few photos of people, living and dead. Lay them out in front of you on the table, picture down, mix. Holding your hand over the photograph, try to understand who is depicted on it, capture and try to remember your feelings. Turn the photo over and analyze your feelings. Most likely, the cold coming from photography speaks of the death of a person, fear - of a violent death. The heat radiated from photography means that the person is alive. If you feel anxious, he may be sick at that moment. When you learn to determine whether a person is alive or dead in a picture, try to see through photographic paper his floor, clothes, hairstyle, facial expressions.

Conversations with the subconscious

To learn how to correctly predict the future, to interpret the images received from other people, you need to correctly understand your own subconscious. A crystal ball can help in this. Choose a ball with a diameter of at least 11 cm, working with a small ball, you will always be distracted by what is around it. You will need two candles - a small (floating) one in a flat metal candlestick and a regular candlestick in a simple neutral shade. Bright colors and overly décor will keep you from focusing. Place the candles so that the large one illuminates the top of the ball, and the small one is exactly in the center. Turn off the light, sit comfortably, relax, peer into the ball. Try to let go of your thoughts so that they flow as if independent of you. It takes 15-60 minutes to spend in this state. The first three times after the session, just remember the images and sensations that arose in you, and during the next sessions write them down, as well as the associations that these images awakened. This way you will not only understand your fears, but also overcome them. When you feel that the ball is working well, try attracting someone close to you. Let the other person look into the ball and describe their feelings and emerging images, you need to - write down and analyze this. It is best to perform the described exercises comprehensively, set aside time in your schedule in order to repeat the exercises twice a day. Following only these recommendations does not become a real psychic, this is only a description of the first step of the path. But when you are ready to move on, the Universe itself will give you a hint, your task is not to miss it!