Duplicity, hypocrisy - quotes. This is a negative emotional quality of the human soul. A parable about hypocrisy and duplicity

Christian parable

I saw the pity of a drowning man. She rushed into the water, grabbed him by the hair and dragged him to the shore. - What are you doing? - Hypocrisy was indignant. - He’s in pain! But Pity didn’t answer. And she had no time for that! She swam to the shore and rendered first...

  • 2

    Bo Gu mourns the executed man Taoist parable from Chuang Tzu

    Bo Gu studied with Lao Dan, and then asked him for permission to travel around the world. “Leave this idea,” said Lao Dan. - The Celestial Empire is the same everywhere. But Bo Gu asked him the same thing again, and then Lao Dan asked him: - From which edges will you start...

  • 3

    Looking for a teacher Parable from Shalva Amonashvili

    “It’s time to send my little angel to school,” the angel thought. He took it, and they flew straight out of the open window into a huge building. “We must choose a teacher from the Heart and with angelic patience, because my little angel is not yet an angel at all, he is a restless naughty boy with...

  • 4

    Wolf laws Fable by David Ekizov

    It is known: all wolves are robbers, bandits, rogues. Who is not afraid of a wolf's fang? Once upon a time they were threatened with fetters in the forest, and the worst were wolf pits and traps. A search was launched for the fugitives and the animals were seen more than once - on a linden tree, on an alder tree or a birch tree - portraits in profile and...

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    The Duchess and the Waif Modern parable

    A bejeweled elderly lady with stately manners walked out of the London hotel where she had dined and danced all evening at a charity ball in honor of supporting street children. She was about to get into her Rolls-Royce when...

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    Guests of Xue Tzu Taoist parable from Chuang Tzu

    Wenbo Xue-tzu, heading to the kingdom of Qi, stopped for the night in Lu. Lu's people wanted to see him, but Xue Tzu said: “This is impossible.” I have heard that the noble men of the Middle Kingdoms are knowledgeable in the observance of ritual and duty, but ignorant in knowledge...

  • 7

    Sin of hypocrisy Christian parable

    Abba Apollos the Great greatly disapproved of those who wore chains and assumed an air of special, feigned reverence. He said about them: “Those who do this do it for show to people and thus fall into hypocrisy.” It is better to tire the body with fasting, but virtues should...

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    Two villages Parable from Andrey Yakushev

    There were two villages next door in one country. And everything was similar in them, except for one thing: in one village there lived tactful people who weighed their words so as not to offend another person, and in another village people said everything that came to mind, not at all...

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    Farmer's Friend Parable from Ambrose Bierce

    The Great Philanthropist, who had his sights set on the presidency and in these terms introduced a bill into Congress so that every voter would receive from the government an interest-free loan of any size he desired - was once circulated in Sunday school on the...

  • 10

    His Tiny Majesty Parable from Ambrose Bierce

    The distinguished Defender of the Republican Foundation was once seen standing knee-deep in the ocean. - Why don’t you go ashore? - they asked him. - Why did you get your feet wet? “Sir,” he answered, “the arrival of the ship on which His Majesty is expected is expected...

  • 11

    Forgetfulness Fable by Vladimir Shebzukhov

    Injustice triumphs - The innocent soul grieves... Thus I dare to calm down, That it is not the heaviness that awaits this soul! The mouse vole crawled to the mole for the debt... “It’s already unbearable to wait for the debt for so long! He promised to return in a week, but I’ve been waiting for three months!” Her s...

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    Snake and Nightingale Parable from Nikolai Butenko

    She caught the Nightingale Snake and promised to release him alive on one condition, if he taught her to sing. Every evening the Nightingale sang his trills to her, and she repeated them with persistence. After some time, the Snake believed that it sang no worse than the Nightingale and let him go...

  • 13

    Idol of the Fierce King Sufi parable

    There once lived a cruel and ignorant idolater king. He once swore that if his personal idol helped him succeed in one difficult task, he would immediately convert first three people who will pass by his palace. ...

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    Bi Jing's True Essence Parable from Pavel Fedotov

    After his bow to the end of the Celestial Empire, Bi Jing harbored a grudge against the invulnerable master Ji Shi. He began to tell everyone: “Just look at this invulnerable master Ji Shi.” Can someone like him carry his true essence on his shoulders? AND...

  • 15

    Presidential candidates Modern parable

    The president of a large company was talking with his friend. A friend asked him: “Do you know that the vice president is going to run against you in the upcoming elections?” - Scoundrel! But I'm not afraid of him at all. Everyone knows that he didn't go to jail only thanks to...

  • 16
  • This story has been languishing for many years in the thoughts of our old people, and only now is it being presented on a blank sheet of paper, filling the empty corners with old words and new lines. This story is a caricature, and like an artist with a brush, only a writer with a pen, a pen, a typewriter, or anything else, draws your image with ordinary letters and bright words.
    There was a people in the world, like thousands of other peoples, whom Allah covered with the darkness of the sacrament, or destroyed without leaving a trace, only an instructive story for other peoples in the Holy Quran.
    On the good earth, having united the origins of many different tribes, Allah gives birth to new defenders of Islam. For a long time, these people were persecuted, and it all came to the point that most of them lost their faith, while the other part defended it and tried to bring their compatriots to reason. But everything was even.
    Once a woman who wanted to convert to Islam asked the first Muslim she came across about this religion (in fact, he was only a munafik, like many representatives of this people).
    Having greeted each other, she began to shower him with questions, which for our hero seemed like hail from a clear sky, for he answered maliciously. Thinking to myself: “How can this stranger accept the faith of my fathers!? After all, Allah chose only us! We are the chosen ones and there is no need for us to interfere with strangers...” Forgetting the main covenants of Allah, that his religion is open to everyone.
    Decently dressed, with braided hair, she quietly asked questions:
    - Tell me, do your women perform the fivefold prayer in the same way?
    Scratching his chin, the man replied:
    -Some do it, and some don’t, personally I think it’s not obligatory for women, and in general I think that prayer is not obligatory either, I personally pray only on holidays and so does my wife.
    -How come? How do you remember the Lord? I was happy to hear that I can be with God 5 times a day and even more, but you don’t take advantage of these benefits?
    - My faith is within me, and I consider it unnecessary to fulfill any obligations to Him.
    -Your women cover themselves, right?
    -No, our women do not cover themselves, this was invented by the Arabs and propagandists, I don’t see the need for this, and it is so clear that they belong to their fathers or husbands, that’s who I decide to marry and give, the most important thing is that it is a representative our nationality, the opinions of women do not interest us much. I want it to work, I want it not. In general, it is a woman’s duty to sit silently at home.
    -But I heard that your women have a large number of right and you husbands are their protectors, not oppressors. Yes, it’s also written in the Koran! A woman has rights, but also responsibilities, she is lower in position than men, but the Creator also gave men many advantages, which means their responsibility is greater! After all, you husbands will be responsible for your women on Judgment Day!
    -I haven’t read the Koran, because I’m not a mullah to read it.
    At this time, a large number of people gather around these two people, but strangely enough, many stood up for the man’s side, people were blinded by their invented traditions, and even they themselves did not see an explanation for what they were saying. They began to defame the woman, as if it was none of her business and why should she become one of them, because she is a stranger. At this time, an observant Muslim stands up for the woman:
    -She is a stranger, but she knows your faith better than all of you. He points his finger at the women and says: look at yourself from the outside, here you are shouting about your faith, about your nation, but even your clothes show your status, that’s why you are better than other people’s women, you stand in front of me in torn jeans, short skirts and tops and teach faith??? The same thing as coming to a panel and asking a courtesan about innocence.
    The men of these women almost attacked these two with their fists.
    At this time, a fat mullah comes with another dua, licking the fat from his chin. He smelled bad of fumes, he was leading a donkey, everyone ran to kiss his hands and bow to the animal. People shouted in the Muslim's face:
    -Here is our Imam! Here is our mullah! Here is our Prophet!
    Pointing to the donkey...
    The woman was scared, but finally decided to accept Islam, she thought, since true Muslims have enemies even among their own people and this religion is so feared, it means it is really True.
    A crowd of people consisting of alcoholics, despots, lazy people, fools, hypocrites, accessible women, led by a fat mullah and a donkey, went to throw mud at two righteous people. But Allah is Great, he saved these two people.
    The women of this people quietly gave their honor to strangers, married unfaithful husbands and toiled all their lives like horses, under the semblance of a good life, from holiday to holiday, from birth to death. Husbands cheated on their wives. In the end, this people died because of their “faithful” wives and husbands...
    Author: Elvira Kemal

    • The blows of a friend are not as dangerous as the kisses of an enemy.Gnedich Nikolai Ivanovich
    • Hypocrites are the kind of people who pretend to stroke you while wiping their dirty hands on you.Juliana Wilson
    • We are so used to pretending to others that we end up pretending to ourselves.
    • If someone is licking your soles, press them down with your foot before they start biting.Paul Valéry
    • A hypocrite is one who applies standards to others that he refuses to apply to himself.Noam Chomsky
    • It is more dangerous to have false people as friends than as enemies.Jean Jacques Rousseau
    • We often call hypocrisy the rules of decency.
    • Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.
    • How much hypocrisy there is in the human custom of taking advice! The one who asks for advice pretends to treat his friend's opinion with respectful attention, although in reality he only wants someone to approve of his actions and take responsibility for them. The one who gives advice pretends to pay for the trust shown with an ardent and disinterested desire to serve, while in fact he usually expects to gain some benefit or gain honor in this way.
    • The masquerade is organized so that everyone can show their face.Ivan Ivanyuk
    • When a chameleon is in power, the surroundings change colors.Stanislav Jerzy Lec
    • I hope you are not leading a double life, pretending to be dissolute when you are actually virtuous. That would be hypocrisy.
    • A deceitful face will hide everything that a treacherous heart has in mind.
    • Every person is sincere when alone with himself; hypocrisy begins when someone else enters the room.
    • Hypocrite: A man who killed both his parents and pleads for leniency on the grounds that he is an orphan.
    • Honesty in politics is the result of strength, and hypocrisy is the result of weakness.
    • Words that come out of your mouth just like that are always true. Lies and hypocrisy occur in speeches prepared in advance, and not in something you blurt out without thinking, on the spot.Williams Tennessee
    • The web pretends to catch dewdrops, but itself catches flies.
    • Hypocrisy begins from the moment when the intention is not to do good, but to show only oneself doing good. Saint Theophan
    • A person is a complete pretense, a lie, a hypocrisy not only in front of others, but also in front of himself. He does not want to hear the truth about himself and avoids telling it to others. And these inclinations, contrary to reason and justice, were deeply rooted in his heart.
    • Most terrible things are done under the guise of caring about people - for example, about you and me. Edward Norton
    • Beware of those who fall at your feet: they may reach for the corner of the carpet.Anton Sandor LaVey
    • They say the nicest things about you, but only after you die.George Carlin
    • Whoever embellishes himself for people, showing them some of his features, which Allah knows that they contradict his truly inherent features, will be disgraced and dishonored by Allah.Umar ibn al-Khattab
    • From one sincere movement of the soul in the summer, frost will fall, the walls of the city will collapse, metal and stone will melt. In a deceitful person, even if he is healthy in body, his mind is still lost. He is unpleasant to everyone in society. In private he is disgusted with himself.
    • Whoever gossips with you gossips behind your back.Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i
    • You are right, he is not two-faced; but his one face is so disgusting!Charles Percy Snow
    • Music is the only language in which nothing vile or hypocritical can be said.John Erskine
    • I was too straightforward with men and trusted them too much. Every time I wanted to believe them, as if it was the first time. To get rid of this weakness, it was necessary to master the art of hypocrisy. Michel Mercier
    • Some fake flowers are afraid of rain. Krylov Ivan Andreevich
    • People show their real faces... If you are in the right place at the right time. And the paradox is that living faces are much more attractive than the masks that these people wear... Do we lie to ourselves so that others will believe?Rimma Khafizova
    • Hypocrisy is self-deception that leads nowhere; it's something like bad habit, which seems to be on a short time makes life in society easier, but ultimately does not lead to anything good. Vladislava Makarchuk
    • The great evil is hypocrisy, servility, opportunism. Know how to recognize this many-sided evil, be intolerant and irreconcilable towards it.
    • Say what you think about a person, action, phenomenon, event. Never try to guess what words someone expects from you. This desire can make you a hypocrite, a sycophant and, ultimately, a scoundrel. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky
    • Sincerity seems to be a problem these days. But I would prefer to be hated than to be hypocritical and stupid. Kristen Stewart
    • In order not to be disappointed in people, you need to not let scum into your soul, trying to charm us with the motley fibers of their false and corrupt soul. Vladimir Eduardovich Kazaryan
    • There is no greater meanness than to do meanness under the guise of virtue and integrity. Vladimir Eduardovich Kazaryan
    • Yes, I went against the Pope. This happened because I came to the Vatican and saw roofs made of gold. And then I heard the Pope say that the Church is worried about poor children... But, damn it, sell the roof, do at least something! Diego Maradona
    • Better an obvious enemy than a vile flatterer and hypocrite: such a disgrace to humanity.
    • I may not say what I think, but this does not mean that I should say what I think. In the first case it is prudence, in the second it is hypocrisy. Wilhelm Liebknecht
    • Hypocrisy is an essential part of all types of power. A few outstanding people do what they want, and at the same time convince the gullible to follow rules that they themselves flout. Takashi Matsuoka. Autumn Bridge
    • The best of women are hypocrites. We don’t even know how much they hide from us; how vigilant they are when they seem simple-minded and trusting to us; how often their angelic smiles, which do not cost them any effort, turn out to be simply a trap to flatter a person, bypass him and disarm him - I’m not talking about the usual coquettes, but about our exemplary matrons, these models of female virtue. Who has not seen how a wife hides the stupidity of her foolish husband from everyone or calms the rage of her overly divergent master? We take this kind of slavery for granted and praise the woman for it; we call this lovely hypocrisy the truth. A good wife and mistress is, of necessity, a liar. William Thackeray. Vanity Fair
    • I consider hypocrites to be insincere people who are prone to pretense and lies and try to build a beautiful external façade in order to hide their shortcomings, true feelings and intentions behind it.
      Behind their supposedly bright appearance is hidden a dark personality that should not be trusted. It happens that such people theatrically beat themselves in the chest with their fist, proving that they are unfairly offended, but in reality they just want to hide their guilt or true essence.
      Hypocrisy is the source of all prejudices. It interferes with the perception of new non-traditional knowledge. Hypocrisy makes the immoral look like puritans and the atheists look like saints. Unworthy people, devoid of any morality, denigrate those who reprove them, and therefore seem pious and merciful. Criminals in white gloves and ties sit in respectable institutions, sexual perverts hide under the guise of purity and purity. Dario Salas Sommer. Morality of the 21st century
    • The British are known all over the world for their lack of conscience in politics. They are experts in the art of hiding their crimes behind a facade of decency. They have done this for centuries, and it has become so much a part of their nature that they themselves no longer notice this trait. They act with such good manners and such absolute seriousness that they convince even themselves that they are an example of political innocence. They do not admit to themselves their hypocrisy. Never will one Englishman wink at another and say: “But we know what we mean.” They not only behave as examples of purity and purity - they believe in themselves. This is both funny and dangerous. Joseph Goebbels
    • At heart you are an atheist with Scripture in your hand,
      At least I memorized the letters in each line.
      You hit the ground with your head to no avail,
      Better hit the ground with everything that's in your head.

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    Parable about human virtues

    The family of Jan Fishan Khan tells the story of how a certain emir, accompanied by an impressive retinue, undertook a journey across Arabia to visit the great sage. On arrival he was received with honors due to his rank and richly endowed. Many of Jan Fishan's entourage expected that, having overcome such a difficult path, the prince would bombard Khan with countless questions - or, on the contrary, would silently absorb wisdom, extracting it from his very stay in the presence of the great Master. However, a minute before the distinguished guest was officially announced, Khan said: “Watch our conversation carefully, for such an experience is rare.” The emir entered the hall and said: “Confirm my rank, for I do not belong to the Hashemite family.” From time immemorial, the entire aristocracy received such confirmation from the hands of your ancestors. Can Fishan said: “Do you want a ceremony with proper etiquette and presentation of credentials - or are you looking for an answer to a question?” - I would like both, if possible. But if I can only get one thing, then I want an answer to my question,” answered the emir. “Since you showed lack of greed and asked for one thing, you will be given another,” said Jan Fishan Khan. “I will confirm or deny your right to the title with my answer to your philosophical question.” - Here's my question. Why do so many Sufis not take seriously the great deeds, heroism, patience and nobility that are the heritage and glory of the Arabs? Can Fishan said: “Here is my answer.” - We do not approve, and sometimes even ridicule those qualities that many are proud of. Because they are the minimum, not the maximum, of what a person can gain. Heroism, devotion, patience, hospitality or other noble qualities are the point from which a person just begins. Is he an animal or a plant to be proud of his ability to behave decently? Why should people praise him and try to imitate him? On the contrary, he should be ashamed that he does not always behave with dignity, and be grateful that he is capable of great deeds. After hearing this, the aristocrat refused the title of emir, saying: “The word “emir” often denotes people at the lowest level - so why should it apply to me? The one we call" an ordinary person" - that is, one who has almost no noble qualities is not even worthy to be considered a Wanderer until he has risen internally to the stage called "Highness" or "Sublimity." One of those accompanying him exclaimed: “What! You intend to sacrifice kind of glory for the sake of what they could read in books?" The emir replied: “Just because I could read it in books, it did not cease to be true. Perhaps I read about it in books, but did not attach any importance to it. But if If I ever actually read about it, then I am doubly blameworthy, for I betrayed my ability to perceive what I read by ignoring what could have helped me achieve the status of a man, taking me out of the status of a complacent plant.

    Greed - excessive desire to satisfy one's desire.

    Proverbs and sayings

    If you chase two hares, you won't catch one. I chased after a piece, but lost the carpet. I wanted flat cakes from the cat, and pancakes from the dog. The dog lies in the hay, does not eat itself and does not give it to the cattle. The goiter is full, and the eyes are hungry (yes, the eyes are full). The soul does not accept, but the eyes ask more and more. They gave Fedyushka money, but he also asks for altyn.


    Appetite comes with eating. Francois Rabelais Wealth does not reduce greed. Crispus Sallust Greed for money, if it is insatiable, is much more painful than need, for the more desires grow, the more needs they generate. Democritus He who is not satisfied with what he has would not be satisfied with what he would like to have. Berthold Auerbach



    Insatiable, evil

    Destroys, burns, incinerates

    Greed is the root of all evil.



    There once lived a woman who left the religion in which she was raised. She also left the ranks of atheists and turned to another religion. Then she believed another one to be true. Each time she changed her faith, she imagined that she had already acquired something, but not yet enough. And every time she entered new circle, she was warmly received, and her entry was considered as something good and as a sign of her intelligence and enlightenment. However, her internal state was a mess. Eventually, she heard about a famous teacher and went to him. After he had listened to her statements and ideas, he said, “Go home.” I will send you my decision in a letter. Soon after this, the woman met a disciple of the sheikh at the door of her house. In his hands he had a package from the Master. She opened the package and saw there a glass bottle, half filled with three layers of dense sand: black, red and white - and pressed on top with a piece of cotton wool. The package said: “Take out the cotton wool and shake the bottle to see what you are like.” She pulled out the cotton wool and shook the sand in the bottle. Multi-colored grains of sand mixed together, and all that was left was a pile of gray sand.

    Wallet with gold coins

    A beggar, walking through the market, found a leather wallet. Opening it, he discovered that it contained one hundred gold coins. At that moment, the beggar heard the cry of a man in the shopping arcade: - Reward! A reward awaits whoever finds my leather wallet! Being an honest man, the beggar approached the man who had lost his wallet and gave him his find. - Here's your wallet. Can I get my reward now? - A reward? - the merchant grinned, greedily counting the gold. - There were two hundred gold coins in the wallet that I dropped. You've already stolen more than your reward. Leave or I'll call the police! - I - fair man, - said the beggar defiantly. - Let us resolve this issue with the judge. The judge listened patiently to both sides and said: “I believe you both.” Justice is possible! Merchant, you stated that when you dropped the wallet, it contained two hundred gold coins. Okay, that's a significant amount. But the wallet that this beggar found only contained one hundred gold coins. Therefore, it couldn't be the one you lost. And, with these words, the judge gave the wallet and all the gold to the beggar.

    Envy - a feeling of annoyance caused by superiority, the well-being of another, the desire to have what the other has.

    Proverbs and sayings

    The envious eye sees far. A well-fed wolf is more humble than an envious person. In the wrong hands the piece is big, but when we get it, it will seem small. The neighbor won't let you sleep: he lives well.


    Envy torments and is itself tormented. Ovid He who envies others in everything is tormented by unbearable torment. All his life, breathing melancholy and anger, his soul is tied in a knot. Jami


    Parable about envy

    Two people lived next door. One had a nice house, an affectionate wife, smart children, order in the household, and comfort in the house. And the other one was not in poverty, but it seemed to him that the paint on his neighbor’s fence was brighter, and his cow gave half a liter more milk, and much more. He could not tolerate such injustice and went to the local sage. He began to ask him: “Make it, sage, so that your neighbor doesn’t have everything better than me.” The sage answers him: “Here is a jug of water for you.” Go home with him and every time you notice something good from your neighbor, take a sip of water from the jug. The man returned home and began to do as the sage told him: when he saw something good from his neighbor, he took a sip from the jug. And the water in the jug does not decrease, but with every sip taken it becomes more and more. And the man began to pour water into mugs, jugs, and bowls. And soon all the dishes in the house were filled with water, and it kept coming and coming. The man was afraid that water would pour over the edges and flood the house. He ran to the sage and said to him: “Why did you, sage, give me this jug of water?” I have so much of it now that I could drown. AND The sage answered him: “I gave you this jug of water so that you would only want to drink when you are thirsty.”

    TO What is life like for someone tormented by envy?

    There is no black envy, no white envy. There is one - poisonous green. Envy has no bottom: it is deep like the sea. And how the sea is treacherous and unpredictable. In ancient times, it was believed that the terrible demon Leviathan (the demon of Envy), half crocodile, half snake, lived in the depths of the sea. But the monster disappeared into the mists of time, and in its place was this nervous and thin girl - Envy-Envy. Envy is nimble, curious and assertive. But her mind was lost in her thick, luxurious hair, and there was no logic at all. In her hands, in memory of Leviathan, she holds a snake that strikes Envy’s real and imaginary enemies with a poisonous sting. And Envy herself has the same poisonous and deceitful tongue. She also has - evil eye. She spread the train of her dress like a net. Woe to the one who steps on the edge of this net: he will certainly slip, and then depending on his luck... People compare Envy with a snake, and with a scorpion that kills itself, and in best case scenario- with a dog that barks at the moon and stars, being unable to harm them. There is always desolation and ruins around Envy, and she herself is barren and lonely. She is sure that her affairs are worse than those of all other people in this world. And her life seems to be the focus of world injustice. That’s why she doesn’t wish well for anyone except herself. Her envious eye sees far. With her black eye, she finds those who are happy, prosperous, beautiful, wealthy, successful, talented, smart, and satisfied with life. A happy family, new purchase, well-deserved fame - these advantages, real or invented by her imagination, seem to her to be humiliation, a threat, a danger to her “I”. Envy is a weak person. They are led by their feelings and do not want to understand and accept the real world. Her self-criticism is mixed with hatred of people, which is why people are afraid of Envy. And they are afraid for good reason. Her actions are always directed against the source of envy - another person. Her goal is to destroy him, and she is not shy about the means. At best, she destroys the enemy symbolically: she curses him, casts a spell on him for illness or poverty, smoothes him and his loved ones. It’s worse when it affects his psyche: he curses him in public, humiliates him as painfully as possible, or slanderes him. The worst thing is that Envy, having lost her head, is capable of eliminating the enemy physically with the help of all kinds of meanness and crimes, from incriminating evidence and arson to murder. This is how she realizes her misunderstood sense of justice. But let's return to our Envy, her tormented soul. She would do well to look at the world rationally. See what is there and the best people, and worse circumstances. That the successes of others are deserved. That she herself is the same as everyone else, no worse and no better, no happier and no more unhappy, and that other people’s wealth and happiness are not an obstacle to her life. By recognizing these truths, she can calm down, become stronger, learn to love, and earn the love of other people. But... how to convince her to change? May you never meet an envious girl named Envy on your way.

    Art - a test, a long-term reality check of someone's qualities.

    Proverbs and sayings

    “Food is known by taste, and holiness by skill.”


    The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it. O. Wilde It is lawful to pray to God that he will not allow us to fall into temptation; but it is unlawful to avoid the temptations that visit us. R.L. Stevensson I can resist everything except temptation. O Wile - Don’t you think it means to tempt Providence? - Oh, he’s been tempted so many times already. It's probably gotten used to it. About Wilde


    Seductive, sinful

    Seduces, leads away, crosses all boundaries

    Temptation is the strictest examiner of morality.


    Parable of Temptation

    IN in the apple orchard, under the most beautiful tree in the world with beautiful plump apples, Temptation cried with grief. Knowledge walked past, with a heavy knapsack over his shoulders, with an expression of fatigue on his face, and next to him, lightly, smiling at ease, walked Ignorance. Due to natural curiosity, Knowledge inquired about the reason for the sadness of Temptation, which answered, not without resentment in its voice: - Since the day of the Fall of man, everyone has considered me the root cause of all troubles and misfortunes in the world - Temptation, and this is unfair. It’s not my fault that I can reflect a person’s hidden desires, expose his weaknesses and his unpleasant sides. When faced with me, a person looks into the most honest mirror in the world, reflecting his true nature. By blaming me for all sins, a person relieves himself of responsibility for the CHOICE MADE. The choice is between you - KNOWLEDGE and IGNORANCE! Due to the fact that a person cannot figure out what is the greater good for him - knowledge or its absence, I have been tormented here from time immemorial and everyone who is not too lazy throws stones at me when they encounter me. Ignorance, not understanding what it was about, stupidly blinked its eyes and was already sitting under the apple tree and enjoying the views of nature, deciding that it was time to rest on the road. Knowledge smiled cynically and asked Temptation: “And what do you think is good for a person?” Knowledge or lack thereof? Temptation sighed heavily and answered: “If a person lived alone in the whole wide world, I would confidently say that he should know everything about everything, because knowledge makes a person powerful and the more extensive and deeper human knowledge, the degree of his superiority.” above all living things in this world. But there are too many people in the world. Knowledge sows discord between people and determines who is more powerful. The struggle for superiority over each other and over nature leads to all troubles and misfortunes. In addition, the most desperate struggle unfolds inside a person, where the revealed Knowledge inclines to the need to choose between vice and chastity, between spirituality and unprincipledness, between the bitter truth and the sweet deception of oneself. Such a struggle is ineradicable " by-effect" Knowledge. Therefore, oddly enough, “peace” carries Ignorance within itself, and Knowledge carries within itself “war”. You are walking hand in hand, side by side, balancing the order of things in this world, when crowds in happy or unhappy Ignorance follow those who possess Knowledge, and I, TEMPTATION, suffer! And where is the justice, I ask you, Knowledge? Knowledge remained silent and took away the Ignorance that did not understand anything, without disturbing the order of things that had developed over centuries of the universe, when, in order to distract the attention of the ignorant, the blame for all the troubles and misfortunes in the world was UNFAIRLY attributed to Temptation. Culture - the totality of material and spiritual values ​​created and being created by humanity and constituting its spiritual and social existence.

    Proverbs and sayings


    The cult of power is the weakness of culture. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov) It seems that only monuments will soon remain of culture. (Leonid S. Sukhorukov) Cultures rejoice in the multicoloredness; from lack of culture - only dust. (Georgy Alexandrov) Culture is approximately everything that we have an accurate idea of. (Evgeniy Kashcheev) Culture is when all the pigs in the pigsty live exclusively like pigs. Culture is not the number of books read, but the number of things understood. (Fazil Iskander) Culture is approximately everything that we do that monkeys do not do. (Lord Raglan)



    Public, social

    Educates, ennobles, elevates

    Culture is what remains when everything else is forgotten.


    Love - a high degree of positive feeling towards someone or something.

    Proverbs and sayings

    A person who lies in love does not even deserve hatred. You won't be nice by force. What does not burn cannot be ignited. Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.


    In this world, love is the adornment of people. To be deprived of love is to be without friends. The one whose heart has not clung to the drink of love is a donkey, even though he does not wear donkey ears! Omar Khayyam To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. Leibniz G. Love is one of those sufferings that cannot be hidden; one word, one careless glance and even silence are enough to give him away. P. Abelar.


    Poem by A.S. Pushkin

    I loved you: love is still, perhaps,

    My soul has not completely died out;

    But don't let it bother you anymore;

    I don't want to make you sad in any way.

    I loved you silently, hopelessly,

    Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;

    I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

    How God grant you, your beloved, to be different.


    “How important is Love in life”

    A long time ago... A long time ago there was an island on which all the Feelings and spiritual values ​​of people lived: Joy, Sadness, Knowledge and others. Love lived with them. One day, Senses noticed that the island was sinking into the ocean and would soon sink. Everyone boarded their ships and left the island. Love was in no hurry and waited until last minute. And only when she saw that there was no hope for saving the island, and almost all of it had gone under water, she began to call for help. A luxurious ship of Wealth sailed past. Love asked to take her on the ship, but Wealth said that there were a lot of jewelry, gold and silver on his ship and there was no room for Love. Love turned to Pride, whose ship was sailing past... But in response, Love heard that her presence would disrupt order and perfection on Pride’s ship. Love turned to Sadness with a plea for help. “Oh, Love,” answered Sadness, “I am so sad that I must remain alone.” Joy sailed past the island, but she was so busy having fun that she didn’t even hear Love’s plea. Suddenly Love heard a voice: “Come here Love, I’ll take you with me.” Love saw the gray-haired old man, and she was so happy that she even forgot to ask his name. And when they reached the Earth, Love remained, and the old man swam further. And only when the old man’s boat disappeared, Love realized it... after all, she didn’t even thank the old man. Love turned to Knowledge: “Knowledge, tell me who saved me?” “It was Time,” answered Knowledge. "Time?" - Love was surprised - Why did It help me? Cognition answered: “Only Time understands and knows how important Love is in life.” Courage - calm courage, presence of mind in trouble, danger; mental fortitude and courage; in general, a set of qualities expected from a man.

    Proverbs and sayings.

    The dog barks at the brave, but bites the cowardly. It is better to fight as an eagle than to live as a hare. Strength overcomes courage.


    Courage is the guardian and support of all other virtues, and one who is devoid of courage can hardly be firm in the performance of duty and demonstrate all the qualities of a truly worthy person. (J. Locke) People need courage and fortitude not only against the weapons of enemies, but also against any blows. (Plutarch) True Courage is a man of few words; it costs him so little to show himself that he considers heroism itself a duty, not a feat. (A. A. Bestuzhev - Marlinsky) If you lose good, you will lose a little, if you lose honor, you will lose a lot, if you lose courage, you will lose everything. (N. Goethe)

    Good behavior and good deeds of people is one of the most important topics on which special emphasis is placed in the Holy Qur'an. Due to the fact that people have both positive and negative character traits, Heavenly Scripture directs people on the path of perfection, calling on them to develop everything that is beautiful in themselves and avoid what contributes to the moral decay of a person.

    Duplicity and hypocrisy are evil character traits condemned by Islam. Verse 266 of Surah “Cow” tells a parable about hypocrisy.

    And who wants to have a beautiful garden?
    From date palms and vines, ]
    Which is washed by abundant streams,
    Where are all kinds of fruits for his satisfaction,
    While old age befalls him,
    But children are weak, -
    So that a fiery whirlwind hits the garden
    And swallowed everything in it to the ground?
    This is how the Lord explains His signs to you,
    So that you may understand.

    This parable, taking into account the 264th verse, calls on people not to waste previous good deeds through hypocrisy. In that verse, the Almighty commands: “O you who believe! Do not make your alms in vain by reproach and insult, like one who spends his wealth out of hypocrisy before people and does not believe in Allah and the Last Day. He is like a rock on which there is earth: but the rain fell upon it and left it bare. They do not own anything that they have acquired.”

    In the moral code, "hypocrisy" means "attempting to gain power and respect from people by pretending to do good deeds." In this shameful way the hypocrite tries to gain recognition from people.

    In the holy Quranic verses and hadiths, hypocrisy is mentioned as a terrible disease that leads to polytheism (polytheism). A hypocrite makes a person selfish and arrogant. If duplicity takes root in a society, then the death of that society is inevitable.
    Anyone who gets used to duplicity commits useless social actions, dressed only in a beautiful shell.

    A prominent interpreter of the Koran, Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, says: “He who does good deeds in the name of the Lord cares about the true essence of his act, and about bringing benefit to people. However, the one who commits hypocritical acts thinks only about the external effect of his act - he does not care about the essence of the act and about helping those in need. Of course, a terrible fate awaits a hypocrite and a hypocritical society.”

    Imagine blooming garden, which, thanks to the great efforts of the gardener, abounds in fruit and awaits the harvest. This gardener has several small children who are unable to help their father maintain the garden. The old gardener hopes that thanks to the garden he and his children will have a good life. And suddenly a fiery hurricane falls from the sky and burns the entire garden to the ground. And then the gardener will face complete disappointment and despair.

    This Quranic parable is a colorful and excellent description of the situation that a hypocrite finds himself in when he gives alms and then reproaches with them. Thus, the hypocrite nullifies all his past good deeds. And on the day of the Last Judgment, when the gardener needs the fruits of his many years of effort, he realizes that the hurricane of hypocrisy has turned his garden into ashes.
    Some interpreters of the Koran believe that the Koranic parable of duplicity tells about the fate of people who performed many good deeds - performed the Hajj, read namaz, kept a fast, took part in jihad, helped in the construction of a mosque, hospitals and orphanages - but unfortunately a hurricane of hypocrisy destroyed the fruits of all their past deeds.
    Another group of interpreters is convinced that this parable does not concern only hypocrisy, but refers to all sins and vices. They believe that this parable warns Muslims - watch your actions so that your sins do not turn them into ashes.

    According to this Quranic parable, if people do not take care of their deeds and prayers, then they will suffer the same fate as that gardener who lost the fruits of his entire life and doomed his little children to suffer.

    One day a man went to visit a noble man. It's time for dinner. Contrary to his custom, the man ate less than he always ate. After dinner it was time for prayer. The man began to pray, but contrary to his custom, this time he read the prayer longer than usual.
    When the man returned home, he told his wife to bring him something to eat. His son, who accompanied the man, asked in surprise: “Didn’t you eat enough while visiting?” To which the father replied: “I ate little so as not to look like a glutton. This will help me in the future."
    Having heard the explanation of his father’s hypocritical act, the son told him: “Father, I think you should read the prayer again, because the previous one will not be counted.”

    According to the hadith, the great Prophet of Islam (may Allah bless him and his family) commanded: “Whoever says “La-illahi-illallah” (i.e. There is no god but Allah), he will be given a tree in paradise.”

    A man sitting not far from the Prophet said: “Oh, God’s Prophet! It turns out that I will have many trees in paradise, since I read this prayer very often.”
    His Lordship Muhammad replied: “Yes... but on condition that you do not cause a fire that will consume all your trees.” Those. provided that your sins do not destroy the reward for your good deeds.

    This hadith shows that heaven and hell are created from our deeds, and not so that it was created in advance. So we must be careful that vices such as hypocrisy do not block our path to heaven or condemn us to hellish torment.