We make wooden beads with our own hands. DIY lavender beads

Wooden beads are suitable not only for large ethnic necklaces or sling beads. This is an excellent and environmentally friendly material for creativity, from which you can make both home decor and cute jewelry. Wooden dolls, towel holders, key rings - everything turns out cute and cute, with a minimum of labor and money spent.

Try crafting with your child: natural material and the smooth rounded surface of the beads is an excellent option for children's creativity.

Eco-friendly doll made of wooden beads

For this wooden doll, in addition to beads, you will also need colored yarn to make a hairstyle, and a marker to draw a face. Assembling the doll is easy: simply thread a strong cord through the beads, securing it at the ends.

Towel holder

A handy item for the kitchen or bathroom. String the beads onto a metal wire hoop and bring the ends together as closely as possible. Secure a loop using a strip of leather, thick cardboard, or durable fabric. If desired, the holder beads can be painted.


A hair tie with wooden balls at the ends is a cute and unassuming decoration. Pull the ends of an elastic ribbon 12-15 cm long into the holes of the beads and secure by tying knots at the ends.

Keychain or phone ring

You can make a cute accessory in just a couple of minutes: just thread a piece of thin silk or leather cord through the holes of the beads. Choose beads different lengths and shapes. Make a loop at the end and thread a metal key ring through it.

Boho necklace

The weaving technique is extremely simple. But due to the different sizes of beads, it turns out spectacular summer decoration, which will perfectly complement a floor-length skirt and woven sandals.

All photos from the article

Many girls and women love jewelry such as beads, which can be made from various materials. Do wooden beads doing it yourself is not at all difficult, as it may seem at first, and in addition, this way you will be able to save a lot of money.

The best time to prepare the material is when the autumn pruning of fruit trees in the garden is done, although, in principle, any wood is suitable for such decoration.

Today we will try to make beads not only for women, but also for children, and even for men. The work will not only allow you to make an original piece of jewelry, unlike any other, but will also give you the opportunity to express your creative talent.

Where can I see ready-made wooden beads?

If you are interested in our master class, but, unfortunately, you do not have enough time, we recommend that you pay attention to this website, where you can find ready-made (assembled) models of wooden beads. For visitors to our website there is a 5% discount using the code - rubankom.

What you will need

Before you begin the main process, you should prepare the material and tools ().

The price of the set is small, you already have a lot at home:

  1. Secateurs.
  2. Branches of fruit or other trees.
  3. Penknife.
  4. Hand drill.
  5. Nail file.
  6. Sandpaper.
  7. Fishing line.
  8. Acrylic paints.
  9. Acrylic sealant.


The instructions below will help you complete the task without unnecessary steps:

  1. Select branches of suitable diameter and cut them using pruning shears; we recommend choosing pieces approximately Ø 12-13 mm. You can also use those that were cut earlier for work.

Tip: try to select branches whose diameter matches each other as closely as possible.

Use a pocketknife to remove all the bark from the workpieces, being careful and careful not to damage the layer of wood underneath.

  1. Using pruning shears, cut the branches into pieces slightly longer than the final size.

The best option for oval beads:

  • length – 25 mm;
  • thickness – 12-13 mm.

For round products these parameters must be the same.

  1. Select a drill bit no larger than 6.5 mm in diameter from the drill set, then securely fasten the workpiece. Slowly and carefully drill the last hole through the center with the tool. Please note that such work may require quite a lot of time, but there is no need to rush.

Advice: you should not use an electric drill for this work, it will simply ruin the future bead.

  1. Now we need to dry our preparations well. To do this, place them on a flat surface in the sun, while choosing a place with good air movement. In this case, your future beads will dry much faster. We recommend not moving to the next stage of work earlier than 7 days.
  2. After drying, take a file or nail file, and sandpaper and give the blanks a final shape resembling an egg. However, if you wish, you can give the beads any shape, for example, a ball.

  1. Take the prepared fishing line and string the finished beads onto it, and then lower it into a container with acrylic paint diluted with water. The consistency of the latter should allow the workpiece to be easily coated. Use a soft rag or paper towel to remove excess paint and hang the beads to air dry. The process happens quickly, usually within a few minutes.

Advice: it is better to color all the beads at the same time rather than one at a time, then appearance the decoration will be much more beautiful.

  1. Apply acrylic sealant over acrylic paint and wait for it to dry. Remove the beads from the fishing line, now you can create any jewelry with them.

Men's bead jewelry

Jewelry made from products strung on thread or fishing line can be used not only by women. They appeared in ancient times, when men preferred to use them.

For example, leaders of various tribes or hunters tried to emphasize their status among others with them, using various trophies or exotic objects in the form of preparations. And although beads have become a common women's accessory over time, modern fashion is trying to restore the status quo again, offering options for men.

Short men's beads made of wood

At first they were used only as an additional accessory to clothing for leisure or in a creative environment free from prejudice, but soon they also entered this orbit. Casual style. Today, you can most often find them dressed as celebrities who are trying to be in the forefront of the new trend.

In our country, young people prefer to wear beads creative professions and subcultures.

What is the difference between men's beads and women's

There are several parameters that will allow you to quickly distinguish one accessory from another:

  1. Choker is considered one of the most popular varieties. The length of such beads is short, but it allows the jewelry to freely wrap around the base of the neck.
  2. They are often supplemented with various elements, for example, a pendant that resembles a coin, a blade, or a claw.

Children's beads

Another way to use beads is as an educational toy for young children. As you already know, the beads themselves can be made independently, but in this case they should be made large in size. Also, the hole in them should allow thread or cord to be easily pulled through so that the child can play with them comfortably.

With the help of such a simple toy it is possible to develop fine motor skills in children, improve their coordination, eye, and perseverance. In addition, such products can also be used as a kind of gentle massager.


Today you learned how you can make beads yourself using a minimal set of tools and materials. The accessory can be not only for men, but also for women, and for children it is used both as an educational toy and as a small massager ().

The video in this article will give you the opportunity to find Additional information on the above topic.

Here is a master class on wooden decor. The big plus of MK is that it is suitable for any age, including. The technology is simple, and the scope for imagination is huge! Girls of any age will be happy to paint a few beads together with their mother, from which they will then assemble beads for themselves. Well, adult needlewomen will be able to use the results of their labors both for the manufacture and decoration of any finished handicrafts.

Everything you need for work can probably be found in your “hamster” supplies:

  • Wood beads various shapes
  • Acrylic paints
  • Sponges
  • Wooden skewers
  • Disposable paper plates
  • Paper tape

Tip #1: Place all tools and materials on the table within easy reach. The activity of decorating beads is very exciting and takes a long time, so we recommend turning on some interesting movie and being prepared for the fact that this activity will take some time.

Tip #2: Wrap the skewers with paper tape - this will prevent the beads from slipping and will make it easier for you to paint them.

So let's get started!

How to color round beads.

This is the easiest way. Nevertheless, the result is interesting. Simply place the bead on a skewer, pick up some paint on the sponge, and then apply paint onto the bead from the hole on the bead to the middle of the bead. The bead turns out to be half colored, and in the middle there is a beautiful color transition. See photo:

How to color half a bead.

For this we need paper tape. We wrap the bead with it and color the open part. The second half can be left unpainted. Here's what happens:

How to make painted wooden beads.

Place paint on the tip of a skewer and paint on the beads. Here are some options for simple drawings:

How to make multi-colored beads.

It's not as difficult as it seems! To begin, paint the entire bead one color. Then place a few drops of different paints on a paper plate. Place the colored bead on this plate and tilt the plate in different directions so that the bead turns into different random colors. See photos of how this is done:

How to make fruit beads.

Now that you have mastered the basic techniques for coloring beads, you can combine them to create interesting beads. Use a skewer as a pen to draw leaves and seeds onto the berries. Also, using paper tape, paint the fruits in 2 colors - this is how you can paint, for example, a watermelon or a kiwi. Imagine, experiment!

Here are examples of different beads:

Making jewelry with your own hands is no longer a novelty for anyone. Handmade work is now again in price and many people earn good money from it. But there are also those who do it just for the soul, giving finished goods to relatives on holidays or periodically giving some new craft to your child.
It’s not at all difficult to make original ones with your own hands, both for a child and for an adult fashionista. You can use any material for these purposes. This is also polymer clay, from which even children can sculpt. And also wood, which can then be painted or felted on top of it from wool in the desired shape, or made knitted beads, which look very lively and fun on homemade products.

Beads are also strung depending on the mood and type of beads, and also depending on whether rhinestones, pearls, bows and flowers made of fabric, and other materials are used in the craft. You can string beads onto ribbons, chains or regular ropes.

In this article I will give you an example of how you can easily turn ordinary colorless wooden beads into stylish and fashionable two-color beads for real fashionistas.

Materials for decorating homemade wooden beads:

  • Pliers
  • Special tape for creativity
  • Wood paints
  • Chain
  • Small gold beads
  • Wooden beads for homemade crafts
  • Clasp

Step 1. The first step is to decorate half of each wooden bead dark blue paint. For really smooth and clean lines, you need to wrap the second part of each bead with a special tape for self made. Insert the ribbon-wrapped DIY bead into the toothpick so you can hold it upright so it can dry quickly.

Step 2. After each ball has been wrapped with ribbon, place them carefully in the dryer (sold in specialized stores for handmade items). Or do as

Step 3. After 24 hours of drying, carefully remove the film and your beads are ready to be strung on a chain.

Step 4. Take your gold or gilded chain and with your own hands, one by one, starting with the gold balls, string it onto the craft. There should be 12 wooden beads and 11 golden balls.

Step 5. Last step: Using pliers, attach the clasp to the chain with your own hands.

Step 6. Well, your two-color beads are ready!

As you can see, it was not at all difficult, but in the end it turned out - a homemade product that is in no way inferior to designer products, which not everyone can afford to buy.

If you liked DIY, then to get started you will need various material. For example, to work with polymer clay buy the clay itself, special knives, glue, varnish for coating homemade products, paints.

Stock up on all kinds of rhinestones, gold and silver beads. And also plastic, wool, knitted beads or wool and knitting threads to create such beads with your own hands. Good luck with your creative work!

Wooden beads are suitable not only for large ethnic necklaces or sling beads. This is an excellent and environmentally friendly material for creativity, from which you can make both home decor and cute jewelry. Wooden dolls, towel holders, keychains - everything turns out cute and cute, with a minimum of labor and money spent.

Try crafting with your child: the natural material and smooth rounded surface of the beads are an excellent option for children's creativity.

Eco-friendly doll made of wooden beads

For this wooden doll, in addition to beads, you will also need colored yarn to make a hairstyle, and a marker to draw a face. Assembling the doll is easy: simply thread a strong cord through the beads, securing it at the ends.

Towel holder

A handy item for the kitchen or bathroom. String the beads onto a metal wire hoop and bring the ends together as closely as possible. Secure a loop using a strip of leather, thick cardboard, or durable fabric. If desired, the holder beads can be painted.


A hair tie with wooden balls at the ends is a cute and unfussy decoration. Pull the ends of an elastic ribbon 12-15 cm long into the holes of the beads and secure by tying knots at the ends.

Keychain or phone ring

You can make a cute accessory in just a couple of minutes: just thread a piece of thin silk or leather cord through the holes of the beads. Choose beads of different lengths and shapes. Make a loop at the end and thread a metal key ring through it.

Boho necklace

The weaving technique is extremely simple. But due to the different sizes of beads, the result is a spectacular summer decoration that will perfectly complement a floor-length skirt and woven sandals.