Quotes about friendship. Quotes about true friendship, true friends and best friends! Friendship between girlfriends quotes

How many girls and women can boast that they have a true friend in whom they are as confident as in themselves? Probably not many. But although they say that female friendship does not exist, many real friends have proven that it exists.

We have selected quotes for you. About best and beloved girlfriends, bad ones and exes, quotes are short, funny and meaningful to the point of tears.

Have only one girlfriend, but a real one

Short quotes about girlfriend

I’m not strong, she’s not strong, but together with my friend we are stronger than anyone in the world. Linda McFarlane

A woman always needs a friend to have someone to brag about.

A friend to a friend is like a mirror

Have only one girlfriend, but a real one.

Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart.

You can't do too much for a devoted friend.

In your friend you discover yourself.
Isabel Norton

A friend knows how to hear even the unspoken.

For many women, experiencing love means discussing it with a friend. Alexander (Leszek) Kumor

The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who has no close friend.

A friend is the one who, holding your hand, will hear your heartbeat.

A friend is a part of you and it is impossible not to love her.

If you have a friend, take the time to tell her how good she is

By the way, it’s interesting that men come and go, but girlfriends remain.
Milla Jovovich

Have one and only girlfriend, just know how to choose her correctly.
Muriel Barbery

I love my girlfriend very much. And I know that perhaps she is now reading this status and smiling.

I don’t care what others say about her, she is my friend and I love her, and I won’t give her up to anyone for anything.

I’m ready to quarrel with my beloved friend all my life and listen to injustices and reproaches from her about my own softness, laziness and ostentation - but I knew and know that she has the right to this. And if we ever quarrel forever, it will be exactly the case when best friends will cease to be friends, but will remain best. And I will think about her lightly, and speak proudly, as soon as the conversation comes up!
Vera Polozkova

Love your best friend... The rest will be just good girlfriends...

A beloved friend is the one who will stand up for you, then take you aside and say that you were wrong!

Girlfriend, this is the eighth wonder of the world!

I have few friends, but each of them is an exceptional person

This is the fate of girlfriends: to rejoice when the other ends her unmarried life, even if this promises you loneliness.
Mark Levy, "Seven Days of Creation"

She sometimes imagined a world without men, but she could not imagine a world without these two friends. They were “always” in her life. And although, or maybe because all three of them were completely different, it seemed to her that without them the world would have lost one dimension. It would become flat.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski

I really appreciate those friends who have found a place in their work schedule for my sake, but even more I love those girlfriends who, for my sake, completely forget about the existence of their schedule.

I have few friends, but each of them is an exceptional person.

Tell everyone you're sick. Say you're broke. Say that you have lost interest in life. Look around - those people who are still close to you are your true friends!

How to determine if your life is a success? If you are dying and five true, faithful friends have gathered around you, it means that your life was not lived in vain.
Lee Iacocca

Some girls make a date young man so that tomorrow you have something to talk about with your friends.

My friend's friends are my friends.

That's why they are friends. You fight, make up, and then, as usual, together forever.

Best friends shouldn't fight because they bring out the best in each other.

It’s just that there are “friends” who write every day: “I love you, bunny,” and there are those who silently help you when you really need it.

I have many friends, but few friends, real ones, for life, those who are ready to lend a shoulder to you in difficult times, who rejoice at your luck, perhaps more than you yourself.

Quotes about bad girlfriends

I have girlfriends, but I prefer to be friends with men. Don't trust women. The spirit of competition between women is ineradicable.
Edna O'Brien

A woman is ready to dress up out of sheer love for her worst friend.

It’s terribly infuriating when you tell your friend about your problems, pour out your soul, and she abruptly turns the topic to her troubles and you understand that she doesn’t care.

You can survive your friend's betrayal! You just need to understand that you were not her friend!

Betrayal by a friend is a control shot in the head...

A friend is the best person in life, she will support you and understand, but if she offends you, it will be the worst pain!

Ex-girlfriends are forgotten very easily. And best friends remain forever.
Cecelia Ahern

An ex-girlfriend spreads bad gossip about me, and some of it is not even true...

Every year I become convinced that my friends also have an expiration date.

The most annoying thing is that your ex-best friend becomes the best friend of the one you are feuding with.

Ex-girlfriends are never good, if they were good they wouldn’t be ex-girlfriends...

Just recently it seemed to me that everything in life was just great, but now I don’t even want to live... And all because I lost my friend.

Quotes about friendship between girlfriends with meaning

Friendship is impossible between two women, one of whom dresses very well.
Laurie Colvin

Female friendship still exists! Proven by time and nerves.

She understood her without words. It was real friendship.

Women's friendship is just a joint survival in the world of men. Maria Matskevich

The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third.

Friendship sometimes more important than love. After all, a guy can leave, but a real girlfriend never can.

A true friend won't force you to choose between your boyfriend and your friendship.

Female friendship is a very important aspect of any woman's life. But just like relationships with men, friendships with girlfriends sometimes end. Not because it was “not real”, but because you both grew out of it.
Natalia Krasnova

Friendship is when you send your friend on a date, and then spend the whole evening being angry with her because you have nothing to do.

No female friendship? Lie... A friend is a reflection of my soul.

Every time I look into my friend’s eyes, I forget that we are just friends, not sisters.

She is my best friend!

It happens that a sister does not become a best friend, but a friend, on the contrary, becomes a sister.

It would be a boring life in the world if best friends didn’t play on their nerves from time to time.

Only with a real friend can you walk all day, say goodbye for half an hour, and then talk to her on your mobile the whole way

She is my best friend. She thinks I'm slim and I think she's a natural blonde.

Only your closest and best friend can come straight to your house, calmly open your refrigerator, take out a chocolate bar and turn around and ask: “Will you?”

The best friend is the one who will understand in any situation, even if you are talking nonsense.

The only person who loves you even without makeup is your best friend.

With your best friend there is something to keep quiet about!

Anyway, when we were kids, we all wanted to live in one big house with our best friend. I STILL WANT.

It's true that our best friends can drive us crazy, but without them our lives are not as rich.

Still, sooner or later, the best friend becomes the best enemy.

A woman's tears need a pillow,
For women's holidays- flowers,
And I need a girlfriend,
So cool like you!

Best friend quotes that will make you cry

Let fate break us and beat us,
Don't break us and don't intimidate us!
You and I, friend, together we are strong,
Together we can resist!
Marina Gavrina

We once fell apart in a second towards each other
For thousands of ideas and secrets.
Let us be separated...
I love you, friend!
I love you - know that.
Adel Nurmukhametova

I’m your best friend, I love you, that’s why I’m with you and I feel bad that I couldn’t support you. Never think that you cannot come to me for any reason. I'll always be there.

It is very difficult to find a best friend - after all, the best one is already mine.

A best friend is a person who will tell you to your face everything that pisses her off about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!

I don't care about the prince. I don't care about all the guys. But I don't care about you. I really need a best friend.

A true friend is the one who sees sadness and sadness in your eyes, while others believe in your smile.

If one day, when your best friend hints that she no longer needs you, tell her thank you for your friendship and leave, because it will be better for both of you. Take the first step if you truly love her.

A best friend only comes once in a lifetime. At least sometimes she pisses you off and you want to kill her. But you understand that you won’t love anyone else like her.

I have a friend. She is the best in the world, I thought such friendship did not exist. But I was wrong. We may quarrel, but this quarrel will not last long. I can trust her with the most important things. We never betray each other! I'm lucky to have a friend! Make friends and enjoy life every day!

It's great to have a real friend. When you are tired of betrayal, of another pain, of the whole world, you can simply come to her without words, fall on the bed and silently close your eyes.

If your husband ran off with your best friend, you will miss her very much.

Friends are known in trouble, and girlfriends are on the hunt

There is no such stupidity that my friend and I would not think of...

Take care best friends, close friends, it sucks when you have no one to go to the toilet with or just call while you go to the store.

Are you the only one who is so crazy? - No, I still have a friend.

If you want to know about a woman's shortcomings, say something good about her to her friends.

Everyone has a friend who eats like a hippopotamus for days and never gets fat?

I'll give my friend in marriage! I'm not healthy enough to walk with her so much!

With friends, even a horror movie turns into a comedy.

When my friend says she's depressed, my liver starts to worry...

If your husband ran off with your best friend, you will miss her very much. Murphy's Laws

My girlfriend knows so much about me that either she needs to be eliminated, or not to spoil the relationship with her until she is very old.

She’s like that best friend... You look at her, and she responds, “Yeah, I thought so too.”

I just need one night of crazy dancing with crazy girlfriends and I’ll be an exemplary mother and wife again!!!

Friends are known in trouble, and girlfriends are on the hunt.

Before you cry into your friend's vest, smell if this vest smells of your boyfriend's perfume!

When my friend and I date, we become the ones mom told us to stay away from!

With the right friends, going for milk is a Blockbuster!

We offer you an article with congratulations for your beloved friend:

Watch the video with quotes about girlfriends and enjoy the pleasant song and beautiful melody.

Every person on his life's path wants and strives to find happiness. And everyone puts their own understanding into this word. But probably no one will argue that one of the important components of happiness is friendship. True, true friendship, like real love, the phenomenon is quite rare. And a quote from Marlene Dietrich even says that friendship unites people much more powerfully than love.

Trust, patience and reciprocity are what truly friendly relationships are based on. And quotes about friendship will prove this to you.

In friendship you have to learn to be human. And although no one is immune from mistakes, the main thing is to be able to notice them in yourself.

Everyone wants to see as their friend a faithful and sincere, spiritually rich and comprehensive developed person. And for this you need to be like that yourself. The ancient Greek poet Euripides, who is so fond of quoting, formulated even before our era: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.”

Of course, this doesn't always work. To quote the French philosopher Paul Valéry: “Do not judge a man by his friends. Judas’s were perfect.” But I want to believe that this is still an exception to the rule.

Friendship is such a great feeling that great people often talked about it. Poets, writers and philosophers have often addressed this topic. That's why there are so many wise quotes and aphorisms about friendship.

Sayings of great people about friendships

A true friend with you when you're wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you.
Mark Twain

A friend is a person who knows everything about us and yet loves us.
Elbert Hubbard

Love can be unrequited. Friendship - never.
Janusz Wisniewski

Don’t rush to choose friends, and even less so to change them.
Benjamin Franklin

Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart.
Claude-Adrian Helvetius

In the hustle and bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that matters personal life.
Karl Marx

Sincerity in relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship.
Alexander Suvorov

He who does not look for friends is his own enemy.
Shota Rustaveli

People can drink together, they can live under the same roof, they can make love, but only joint activities idiocy indicates real spiritual and emotional closeness.
Eva Rapoport

How can a saint who has not known friendship live? He is like an empty pearl.
Alisher Navoi

In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome.
Kozma Prutkov

He who is humane gives others support, wanting to have it himself, and helps them achieve success, wanting to achieve it himself.


Friendship is when you feel good with a person for no reason.
Yuri Nagibin

Friendship multiplies joys and crushes sorrows.
Henry George Bon

When extending your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist.

All the honors in this world are not worth one good friend.

We love our friends for their flaws.
William Hazlitt

The Lord has given us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose our own friends.
Ethel Mumford

Without true friendship, life is nothing.

Henrik Ibsen

Friendship penetrates the lives of all people, but to maintain it, sometimes you have to endure insults.

Throughout my life I have become convinced that conversations with friends take up the most and most imperceptible time; friends are the great robbers of time.
Francesco Petrarca

People are born to help each other, just as a hand helps an arm, a foot helps a leg, and the upper jaw helps the lower.
Marcus Aurelius

Who himself good friend, he also has many good friends.
Niccolo Machiavelli

He who wants to have a friend without faults remains without friends.

A friendship that ended never really began.

Friendship is not such a pathetic flame that it can go out in separation.
Johann Schiller

A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart.
Gabriel Marquez

Friendship needs neither a slave nor a master. Friendship loves equality.
Ivan Goncharov

There are people to whom we forgive, and there are people to whom we do not forgive. Those whom we do not forgive are our friends.
Henri Monterlant

You don't have to be a dog to be a friend.
Mikhail Zadornov

It is better to be in darkness than without a friend.
John Chrysostom

Love requires infinitely less than friendship.
George Nathan

Friendship is the haven to which a person strives; it brings joy and peace of mind, it is relaxation in this life and the beginning of heavenly life.
Torquato Tasso

It is not so difficult to die for a friend as to find a friend who would be worth dying for.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Most wonderful gift, made to people after wisdom, is friendship.
Francois La Rochefoucauld

The law of friendship prescribes to love a friend no less, but not more than oneself.
Aurelius Augustine

The best pleasure, the highest joy in life is to feel needed and close to people.
Maksim Gorky

You can never do too much for a loyal friend.
Henrik Ibsen

The friendly collection includes quotes about the friendship of girlfriends and girls:

It's just terrible when you start to see your best friend as a potential rival...

True friendship is when you are not ashamed to repeat to your friend’s eyes what you just said about her behind her back.

Often women are cold towards friendships due to the fact that it seems somewhat dry and insipid in comparison with all-encompassing love.

It is easy to forgive the enemy. But how to forgive a friend?

U normal girl one best friend, not a million.

Yes, I got drunk and accidentally kissed your friend. Come on, I got drunk and accidentally beat her up.

Are you the only one who is so crazy? - No, I still have a friend.

A friend to everyone is a friend to no one. Aristotle

You are the best on the entire planet - I’m not looking for another girlfriend.

Friendship is when you send your friend on a date, and then spend the entire evening being angry with her because you have nothing to do.

Only the best friend understands everything at one glance

Friendship between two women is nothing more than a conspiracy against a third female.

The fact that true female friendship does not exist is everything known fact. The fact that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, either. The question is only one thing: who should women be friends with?

Friendship is when you fall, and your friend laughs and falls next to you.

The most beautiful moment in my life is the moment of realizing that I have a like-minded friend in my life.

If my friend was a guy, I would marry her.

Joys happen rarely, but sometimes a friend is still unlucky.

There are normal, adequate people... And then there are me and my best friends...

A friend is a reflection of your soul.

Female friendship exists, but does not exist.

A true friend is not the one who does everything you say, but the one who does what you really need, even if you are against it.

A woman gives to friendship only what she borrows from love.

Men, playing with friendship like a soccer ball, leave it intact, and women, playing with it like a crystal phase, break it sooner or later.

Life is not always like a fairy tale, that’s why we need friends to survive it all!

The best friend can be called the one who really forgets about her problems, because she sincerely understands that your problems are more serious.

A true friend knows how to hear between the lines, hear what was not said.

A best friend is a person to whom you don’t need to tell anything, because she can see in her eyes what’s happening.

A best friend is a person who doesn’t need to be told anything; she immediately understands what you’ve done...

The best friend is special forces in action: in a pinch, she arrives anywhere in the world with dry rations - wine, sweets and a reliable, moisture-absorbing shoulder.

Who is this girlfriend? A friend is the person whose closet contains half of your wardrobe and vice versa.

Your best friend, when you fall, will not regret it and will not extend her hand to you, but will fall next to you and laugh like crazy.

Sometimes it seems to me that friendship is just the name of processed cheese.

You don't have to tell your man about existing shortcomings, since your beloved friends will do this with great pleasure.

Women are able to give to friendship only that and as much as they borrow from Love and in what amount.

Real female friendship- this is when you stumble and fall, and your friend first laughs at your absurdity, and then falls next to you.

Female friendship can simply be called a non-aggression pact.

Nothing adorns a woman more than a well-chosen girlfriend.

Female friendship has one advantage: a friend will never tell you that you are wrong, but for the hundred thousandth time she will tell you what a bastard your boyfriend is.

As long as the interests of friends do not intersect, female friendship can continue to exist.

If life has given you a friend, be sure to tell her that she is good.

The most common types of female friendship: friendship-hostility and friendship-rivalry.

What makes friendship inseparable and its charm is doubled is the feeling that love lacks: confidence. O. Balzac

There is no need to hide your illness from two people: from a doctor and a friend. Attar

Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful: we praise the one who loves his friends, and having many friends seems like something wonderful, and to some it even seems like being a good man and friend - one and the same. Aristotle

Only your best friend will determine that you have new mascara just by looking into your eyes.

Friendship is content with what is possible without demanding what is due. Aristotle

The third is not superfluous, the third is a spare.

Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one would wish for a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits. Aristotle

You are my friend... we are friends... you are a fool just like me.

For me, the most important thing is to be with my friend first and foremost...

Everyone has it... a friend who eats for days like a hippopotamus and never gets fat.

You can’t imagine how nice it is to hear from a friend: “Did you see how he looked at you?”

It's good to have a dog as a friend. But when your friend is a dog...

War tests the brave, anger tests the sage, and friend the need. Al-Harizi

School will end, memories will pass, doubts will remain, and only our friendship will live on.

The kiss between two friends has something of a boxing handshake before a fight.

Topic of the collection: aphorisms, statuses and quotes about friendship between girlfriends and female relationships.

It is impossible to imagine social networks of today without various statuses, clever expressions and sayings. You shouldn’t ignore like-minded people with whom the brightest events in life happen, leaving pleasant memories. Statuses about your best friend with meaning will definitely be useful for expressing your feelings to this person. The main thing is to find exactly those that are closest to you in spirit.

Touching statuses about your best friend

The closest one, like a relative with whom you can consult, have a heart-to-heart chat and spend hours as if just one minute, is worthy best words. Therefore, statuses in VK about can often be seen. If you want to convey emotions and depth of feelings with your thoughts, then you should do it beautifully. Statuses about your best friend with meaning for social networks will help you do this.

Best friends are like stars in the sky: t You may not see them for years and not talk to them for months, but you are always sure that they are in your life.

Only the best friend replaces the pillow.

When you share your experiences with your best friend, it becomes easier, because a problem divided into two is already half.

In the moments when I talk to mine best friend, it seems to me that I am sitting in front of a mirror.

Only after hearing all sorts of nonsense from my lips will he simply say that he understands me very much.

A star is shining from heaven, how good it is that I have a girlfriend.

She will understand me without words, without unnecessary phrases and unnecessary actions. She will bring me peace, because it is always so interesting to be with her.

Only my best friend drinks from the same mug with me,

Boldly looks into the refrigerator,

Once I fall asleep, the alarm clock will set.

Like a mother or sister, she is very close to me.

A friend sometimes understands better than a husband or boyfriend.

Therefore, cherish your girlfriends.

There is nothing better and more reliable than talking to your reflection.

Talking to your best friend is the same thing. If you open up to her, you will definitely feel better.

Only with your best friend are there so many memories, as if you had lived together your whole life.

When your soul is sad, worries are tormenting you terribly,

You need to meet your girlfriend to feel happiness.

Beautiful statuses about your best friend, with whom you are never bored

Affectionate statuses filled with meaning and tenderness will help express the most different emotions, are presented below.

Only with you can I open my soul with my mouth closed.

You understand me without words, because you know me very well.

You are the most beautiful, the smartest, and you and I are very similar.

Don't be afraid to express your emotions, let your closest friend know that you love her.

Short sayings about best friend

For social networks, many people prefer to give credit to short combinations of words. Therefore, statuses on VK about a best friend often consist of several words, because expressing feelings and emotions does not always require a lot of text.

When I feel bad, I don’t call the fire department or ambulance, I dial my friend’s phone number.

Better than any psychologist is the girlfriend sitting next to you.

Best friends have similar souls. So you can listen without interruption.

I don’t even send my real friend to the bathhouse, because I’ll worry, I know that for sure.

I don't believe those who talk bad about her. They are just jealous that she has me.

Often meetings with a friend cancel all other events for the current day.

And you, too, when you meet a friend for an hour, then at night you can’t order a taxi?

When meeting with a friend, we have so many common topics of conversation that a sharp transition from one to another does not matter.

Thoughts transmitted even over a long distance are true friendship.

Poems about best friend

Sometimes statuses about your best friend cannot meaningfully fit into a few sentences, so only through poems can you express all your emotions. All thoughts and feelings can be included in poems. And it’s not at all scary if statuses about your best friend with meaning are long and lengthy, the most important thing is that they carry the necessary meaning.

My sister, you are like a fairy tale.

I'm glad that you are in my life.

After all, every meeting is wonderful,

There are countless fun events.

And although we are not close by blood,

We are very close in soul.

It's easy and free with you,

Both in noise and in silence.

My best friend

I want to tell you:

I can't imagine without you

How could I exist?

If there is joy in the soul,

I'll go with her straight away to you,

If there are sorrows and adversity,

Support in any weather.

My dear darling,

I love you very much.

Adventures with a friend

Of course, every meeting with your best friend is filled with fun adventures and events. That's why funny statuses about your best friend are also very appropriate in in social networks. Interesting ideas you can take the most daring and different ones. This is the only way funny statuses about your best friend will be noticed and well received.

Just while walking with a friend, the next day each one talks about the other, having difficulty remembering herself.

After traveling with my girlfriend, each photo is a sea of ​​​​memories with conversations lasting an hour for each photo.

Sometimes I only remember the time I spent with my best friend through photographs.

If you collect all the pictures with your friend, you can create a story that will be even greater than “War and Peace.”

Not a single day spent with your best friend and a glass of wine is sad.

Fun moments with your best friend


With you is a sea of ​​memories that only we know.

It’s a pity that we will never be able to tell our children about many of our travels.

Every outing with you is like a zoo. we neigh like horses, make noise like parrots, and act like monkeys.

Sometimes I feel ashamed when you and I walk down the street together. Because we behave in such a way that people turn to us.

Express your emotions. Don't hide your feelings and remind your friend that she is very dear to you.

A true friend will not help you get to your feet if you suddenly stumble and fall - she will fall next to you laughing.

Friendship is not measured by time. Someone just comes into your life forever, that’s all.

There is something in a woman's kiss that is similar to a handshake between two heavyweight athletes.

We are cuties and laughers. Smart beauties. Perhaps, just not Komsomol members... We love sweets, but sometimes we shed bitter tears on sleepless nights... But the main thing is that we are friends who are always together.

Best status:
But I think that a real friend will hit you first, and then ask if she tried too hard.

It would be a boring life in the world if best friends didn’t play on their nerves from time to time.

A true friend wants to see you irresistible, and does not substitute a vest when some boy “dumped” you.

This is an eternal “classic” - when a pretty girl “walks” her monster friend next to her: after all, beauty is known by comparison...

There can be no friendship between women. This is just mutual flattery.

No female friendship? Lie... A friend is a reflection of my soul.

I'm the best in bed, I can sleep for days...

Sex is like salt – you can do without it, but it’s better with it.

When you look into the eyes of a child, a second wind always appears! And for every person, having a baby in your life is the most wonderful thing that can happen to you!

There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one – it’s like there are only miracles all around!

You look purple on me, then I look speckled on you

I am for everything real: sex for love, tears for pain, smile for happiness... BE SINCERE...

Judging by your new girl, I left, taking everything from you... and even the taste...

It's true that our best friends can drive us crazy, but without them our lives are not as rich.

Never argue with guys - cry straight away!

My grannies, I adore you =)))

A true friend is not a chick who wipes your snot when your boy dumps you. A true friend is one who is sincerely happy to see you beautiful!

It's a pity that there is no delete button in the heart...

What difference does it make if female friendship exists? male friendship or friendship between a man and a woman? It happens that without a person it’s impossible. And it doesn’t matter what gender or height you are. Closeness of souls, that's what happens. The rest doesn't matter.

When I grew up, I learned a lot of interesting and vital things starting with the letter T, these are: mascara, foundation, eye shadow, rags and... You..

Your friend forgot about you and she has a boyfriend? Set the status to “Damn! I think I fell in love with my best friend's boyfriend..."

A woman loves her children more than her husband, because she knows that they are probably her children...

The bunny doesn't have enough cabbage.

There are no women friends, there are like-minded women

There are few joys in life, but it still happens that a friend is unlucky.

We are cute... Beautiful... Happy... We love lollipop... Sometimes we cry at night... We smile... We laugh... We are together... We are friends...

My arm is broken, my brain is damaged, my heart is broken, no medicine can take me! Except you…!

I love it when He doesn’t let Him say a single word - and kisses, kisses, kisses... greedily and tenderly, passionately and excitingly...

When you fall, a true friend will not extend her hand to you, but will fall next to you and laugh like crazy..

If my friends can easily do without me when I feel bad, I can easily do without them when I feel good.

Let your dreams be only about love. Where is only me and only you!

Only love creates what is durable and living, and pride is fruitless, because it does not need anything outside itself.

He asked me if I loved him. I proudly answered that no, I don’t like it. He laughed, hugged me and whispered: – but you have to :)

Let them say that there is no such thing as female friendship, let them chatter, but I know that...

I am a mystery! You won’t figure me out right away, a treasure trove of secrets invisible to the eye... I’ll enchant you - you won’t be able to forget. the great art of being a WOMAN

I like myself very much, but others have a problem with this!

Not financially concerned, not puzzled by housing, not limited in mind... sexually secure!

Female friendship does not exist, there are only those who are ready to assent in exchange for the same service.

It doesn't happen beautiful women, there are blind men!!!

A friend is a friend. You will call her at night and tell her that you have fallen in love. And she will simply say in a hoarse voice, “Sleep!” and hangs up. Then he will call back and say: “Open the door for me. Just be quiet.

Try telling a woman that you don't love her and the next ones are yours there will be words you've gone crazy

I always listen to my desires. I always follow the voice of reason. I pray to God for help. And I believe in female friendship...

Where are you, friend?

I hate it when they say: just forget him and move on with your life. Fine!!! Then you just rip your head off and move on with your life!

If a HUSBAND is jealous, it means he LOVES! If he is not jealous, it means he DOESN’T KNOW anything YET!

The average woman prefers to be beautiful rather than smart because average man He sees better than he thinks.

I’ll catch you, fucking Cupid... I’ll tear off your wings!

I want him to call and say: “In short, baby, I don’t care who you’re with now or who your boyfriend is. Tell him that you are only mine and this is not discussed!”

I used to think that I was in love, Now I realized that I loved to think :)

"I miss". A damn banal phrase, a bare fact, a characteristic of a slice of time... But I really miss you... A lot...

The friendship of three girls consists in the fact that two of them discuss the third.

I give a smile to everyone, Friendship to some, Love to one...

True friendship is when, in response to the message “I’M SICK,” they write to you “WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING FUCKING???”

Female friendship: the girl didn’t spend the night at home, the guy frantically called all his friends, but he never found her... Male friendship: the guy didn’t spend the night at home, the girl frantically calls all his friends, in the end he spent the night with two, but has already left, and three are still sleeping...)))

It's a shame that some people don't notice that there are brains under the hair and a heart under the chest...

But for me, a real friend is the one who first cracks and then asks: “Damn, doesn’t it hurt?”

There are two blind people in the world... You - because you don’t see how much I need you; and I - because I don’t see anyone but you.

She: Well, don't be angry... She: Well, don't be offended... She: Well, forgive me... He: Okay. She: Don't do me favors!

- Hysterical! - Fuck you! - Hysterical! - Fuck you! - I love you... - I love you too... - What a hysteric you are! - Fuck you! 🙂

What difference does it make whether there is female friendship, male friendship or friendship between a man and a woman? It happens that without a person it’s impossible. And it doesn’t matter what gender or height you are. Closeness of souls, that's what happens. The rest doesn't matter.

Don't always say what you know, but always know what you are saying.

If you were born in this world, it means that it is lonely without you... It means that in someone’s distant apartment someone is waiting for your sudden call...

The good thing about female friendship is that a friend will never say that you are wrong, but will once again convince you that the guy is an asshole

Running mascara, a shaken psyche, a broken heart - this is only a small part of the pain you caused me!!!

The best friend, just like special forces rolled into one, will come to the rescue anywhere in the world: along with alcohol, smoking, dry rations and a shoulder to cry on.

The secret of happiness: never compare your health, wife and salary with others.