What does the degree of placenta maturity mean 0 1. Placenta maturity, premature aging and late maturation. Placenta maturity by week

The placenta is a unique organ that helps the baby grow, develop, receive all the necessary nutrients and even oxygen. It develops from a thin membrane (chorion) to a dense layer lining the uterine cavity. Since the placenta is the most important for the development of the child, doctors pay close attention to its condition. There are several, which she goes through with increasing pregnancy.

Degree of placenta maturation

The placenta is formed around the 12th week and takes on the functions of feeding the baby and regulating the mother’s hormonal levels. At the same time, the placenta is in the process of changes, adapting to the needs of the child. During screening ultrasounds, which are performed at 20 and 32 weeks, or more often, according to indications, specialists carefully assess the degree of its maturity. The fact is that changes can be not only natural, physiological, but also pathological. In this case, a decision is made to apply medicines or even emergency delivery.

How is the stage of placenta maturity determined?

The placenta in pregnant women has a certain structure, which is assessed by ultrasound. Zero degree of maturity corresponds to the placenta, which has a homogeneous structure without any inclusions. As a rule, such a placenta is observed from the beginning of the second trimester and persists up to 30 weeks. However, already from 27 weeks, changes in the structure of the placenta can be observed, echogenic inclusions appear, and slight waviness is noted. This is stage 1 placenta. Gradually, increasingly strong changes are observed in the placenta, large and small inclusions increase. Closer to childbirth, around 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, the placenta acquires a lobular structure, there are areas of salt deposits, this is the third degree of maturity. If the degree of change in the structures does not correspond to the deadline, then it is diagnosed.

First degree of placenta maturity

Sometimes, when the situation looks dubious, a specialist can record in the ultrasound protocol the degree of placental maturity 0 1 or placental maturity 1 2. If in terms of timing you are at the junction of different degrees of maturation, then this situation is quite normal. If the term is too early, the obstetrician who is monitoring your pregnancy will take all measures to slow down the maturation of the placenta, as well as to carefully monitor the baby’s condition. In addition, it is imperative to assess the state of the uteroplacental blood flow, this will confirm or refute the diagnosis.

However, the maturity of the placenta 1 allows the baby to be well supplied with nutrients, and often at this stage, premature maturation requires only observation. At the next ultrasound, the mother will be sure to check the degree of maturity of the placenta and, if necessary, adjust the treatment regimen.

The opposite situation is also observed, late maturation of the placenta, it is much less common, but still if after 34-35 weeks the placenta still remains in the first stage, experts may suspect disturbances in the development of the baby, as well as problems in the health of the mother. This condition also requires additional examinations.

The timing of placental maturation varies widely, and ultrasound is a subjective assessment method. However, if you suspect early or late maturation of the placenta, you need to double-check the diagnosis, conduct additional research, and, if necessary, treatment. This is the key to the baby's health.

Characterized by more early development placenta (aging), which entails possible conditions threatening the health of the fetus. Most often they talk about fetal hypoxia, that is, insufficient oxygen supply, which leads to oxygen starvation. At the same time, due to insufficient supply of nutrients to the unborn baby, disturbances in brain function are possible, and for the birth process - its premature onset and severe course.

Causes of premature aging of the placenta:

  • diabetes mellitus and other hormonal disorders in the mother’s body;
  • abortions that a woman had before the onset of a real pregnancy;
  • endocrine diseases of the expectant mother (thyroid disease);
  • late toxicosis - gestosis;
  • maternal smoking or alcohol consumption;
  • chronic disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • infections of the genital tract and uterus.

However, despite such alarming data, a woman who is diagnosed with stage 2 placental maturity at less than 33 weeks should not panic. The doctor will definitely prescribe additional tests and studies on the blood flow of the fetus. If no pathology is detected, then the woman has nothing to worry about. If a real threat to the normal functioning of the fetus is confirmed, effective treatment in the hospital. As a rule, the drug course is aimed at restoring the functions of the placenta to fully supply the child with all nutrients. substances.

2 degree of placental maturity at a period that does not correspond to the norm does not always mean the presence of pathology. If the doctor does not notice a real threat premature birth, then, most likely, a course of treatment with Curantil or other appropriate medicines at home. In any case, a woman should strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations and come for appointments regularly.

The mother's womb is a small house of the future baby, in which its formation, development and growth take place. To do this, first of all, breathing and nutrition are necessary. The placenta is the organ that supports life developing baby, protects it from infections and harmful substances entering the maternal bloodstream.

A temporary organ, like the human body, goes through several stages of development - formation, maturation and aging. The afterbirth is formed by the end of the first trimester (week 12) and leaves the mother’s body with the birth of the child.

Placenta maturity

During pregnancy, the “baby spot” changes (in thickness and structure), especially starting from the end of the second trimester. The gradual aging of the placenta affects its functioning, so it is very important that it does not begin prematurely. The degree of maturity of the placenta is determined during ultrasound monitoring:

  • The thickness and echographic density of the placenta are determined.
  • As the baby's place matures, a change in the appearance of the border between it and the uterus is noted.
  • The ability to reflect ultrasound changes.
  • With the onset of aging of the placenta, deposits of salts and calcium appear (in the form of white inclusions).

An indicator of the maturity of the placenta can help predict the onset of labor and promptly draw attention to the threat of premature birth. There are 4 stages of maturation of the “baby place”: zero, first, second and third, indicating full readiness for childbirth.

Placenta maturity by week

Each stage of organ maturation is characterized by changes in its size and structure that occur at certain stages of pregnancy.

Maturity level 0

The stages of maturation of the “children’s place” begin with degree 0, which persists from the moment of organ formation and up to 30 weeks. During this period, the organ grows and increases in thickness. The afterbirth has a homogeneous structure, the membrane is smooth. In some cases, starting from week 27, maturity can be defined as 0-1. Go to power 1 on this period requires additional attention, as it is somewhat ahead of schedule. If deviations are detected, then treatment is prescribed to help normalize the functioning of the organ and placental flow.

1 degree of maturity of placenta

The growth of the organ stops, its tissues thicken - this is an illustration of the next stage of maturation of the placenta. 1 degree of maturity of the placenta is the norm for pregnancy from 30 to 34 weeks. The chorionic tissues are slightly wavy; isolated echogenic inclusions are noted in the structure.

2nd degree of placenta maturity

In the case of a normal pregnancy, the second degree of organ maturity is typical for the period from the end of 34 to 37 weeks. The undulation takes on relief, and numerous echogenic zones are visualized in the form of lines. If this degree of placenta maturity is detected at 32 weeks, additional examination is required, since the development of the organ is ahead of schedule. If a serious pathology is detected that threatens the health and life of the child, the issue of premature delivery is decided.

Placenta 3 degrees of maturity

This stage of maturation of the placenta is characteristic of full-term pregnancy (starts at 37-38 weeks). During this period, the functioning of the organ declines, it prepares for the end of pregnancy and rejection, and its natural aging begins. Pronounced depressions in the membrane reach the basal layer, the “baby spot” has a lobular structure. The placenta has large echogenic zones (salt deposits), merging into irregularly shaped spots, its vessels dilate.

Norms of placenta maturity

The maturation of the “baby place” and its functioning has a direct connection with the development of the baby and its condition in the womb. Therefore, it is very important that this process proceeds in accordance with the course of pregnancy.

Early maturation of the placenta

Aging of an organ ahead of time determined by nature is dangerous because the likelihood of the baby not receiving enough oxygen and nutrients increases. This condition is fraught with intrauterine growth retardation, malnutrition, low birth weight, and hypoxia. Oxygen starvation is especially dangerous, as it can lead to death.

Among the reasons that increase the likelihood of early maturation of the placenta are the following:

  • Bad habits of a pregnant woman - smoking, alcohol.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Previa, placental abruption.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension.
  • Late toxicosis (gestosis).
  • Rhesus conflict.
  • Multiple pregnancy.

If the maturity of the placenta has the second degree for up to 32 weeks or the third degree for up to 36 weeks, we are talking about premature aging"children's place" At the same time, the advance of the development of the placenta is not always identical to placental insufficiency. Such a condition may be individual feature body. To help the baby be born healthy and on time, it is necessary to undergo additional examinations, during which the condition of the fetus is clarified - CTG of the fetus and the functionality of the placenta are performed - uteroplacental blood flow is checked. If deviations are detected, you must strictly follow the doctor’s prescriptions.

Late maturation of the placenta

This pathology is much less common than early maturation. However, it poses no less a threat to the developing fetus. A delay in the development of the placenta leads to the fact that it does not sufficiently cope with its functions and the child’s development is delayed. Most common reasons late maturation of the “children’s place” - chronic diseases of the mother, genetic disorders (may be reflected in the developmental defects of the child).

Placenta maturity table

The placenta maturity table clearly illustrates the periods of organ maturation during pregnancy.

The maturity of the placenta is one of the determining indicators of the course of pregnancy. Timely therapy will help restore organ function and safely carry the baby.

Pregnancy develops, and at the same time specific changes occur in the placenta. Each period of pregnancy is characterized by a certain degree of maturity of the placental tissue. Our article will tell you in more detail what the third degree of placental maturity means, and what week of pregnancy it normally corresponds to.

What does it mean?

Experts distinguish several degrees of maturity of placental tissue. So, the placenta can be from zero to third degree of maturity. This indicator is determined during the planned ultrasound examination, which is carried out for the expectant mother.

Placental tissue performs many very important functions during pregnancy. Thus, through the placenta and the blood vessels located in it, the baby developing in the uterus receives all the necessary nutrients and oxygen for its growth. With excessively early maturation of the placental tissue, this balance is disrupted, and the intrauterine development of the fetus is no longer so physiological.

The reasons that can lead to excessively early maturation of the placenta are very diverse. For example, the appearance of specific changes characteristic of stage 2 placental maturity can be caused by vascular diseases that affect future mom.

Arterial hypertension or severe gestosis can lead to disruption of the functioning of the placenta and its early maturation, which can negatively affect the further course of pregnancy.


Towards the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, specific changes begin to occur in the placenta. They are quite normal and indicate that female body gradually begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. The closer the baby is born, the more changes occur in the placenta. Once the baby is born, it will no longer need to receive nutrients and oxygen through the placenta. His body will already be able to breathe atmospheric air on its own.

In the final trimester of pregnancy, the placenta begins to change its appearance. All characteristic changes indicate that the placental tissue has already fully matured. Natural aging of placental tissue corresponds to stage 3 of placental maturity. This condition is usually diagnosed normally at 37 weeks of pregnancy or later.

Often in obstetric practice there are cases when the final maturation of placental tissue occurs much earlier. Thus, stage 3 placenta maturity can be detected at 35-36 weeks of pregnancy.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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An expectant mother who experiences this should not panic. Minor deviations in the maturation of the placenta in this situation are quite acceptable.

The mature placenta remains virtually unchanged before birth. This means that all changes that appear in the structure of the placental tissue persist until the immediate birth of the placenta.

After its birth, doctors, using histological examination, can study the structure of the tissue and identify various possible defects and anomalies in the development of the organ that formed during pregnancy.

How is it determined?

Determination of the degree of maturity of the placenta is carried out using ultrasound. This examination is painless and quite informative. Using a special sensor, an ultrasound specialist examines the placenta in detail. It determines the thickness of the tissue, its size, the presence of compacted areas and cysts, and also evaluates the presence of various anatomical defects.

The finally formed and mature placenta has a rather uneven surface. It is all covered with grooves that penetrate deep into the placental tissue. The previously smooth and even surface of the tissue becomes bumpy and even rough by the 37th week of pregnancy.

Another characteristic feature of the placenta of the 3rd degree of maturity is the presence of compacted areas in it - calcifications. In their density they differ from ordinary fabric. Calcifications appear in the placenta due to its physiological aging. This process is completely normal and indicates that labor is imminent.

In some cases, maturation of the placenta occurs with severe calcification. The presence of calcifications in the placental tissue on early stages can be dangerous due to the development of a number of complications, one of which is intrauterine fetal hypoxia. A child who experiences hypoxia in the womb cannot fully exist. Oxygen deficiency that occurs during intrauterine hypoxia, leads to increased stress on the baby’s heart and blood vessels. In this case, the fetus, as a rule, changes the functioning of all vital organs.

Change general condition leads to the fact that the baby in the mother's womb changes the heart rate and increases motor activity. In this case, mandatory medical intervention is required. In such a situation, the expectant mother may be hospitalized in a hospital for therapy aimed at correcting the disorders that have arisen.

If the placenta, due to excessively early maturation, does not function well enough, which leads to a deterioration in the overall well-being of the baby, then mandatory treatment is required.

In such a situation, therapy is usually also carried out in a hospital. A pregnant woman is prescribed complex drug therapy, bed rest, and careful medical supervision. If the placenta matures too early, there is a high risk of premature birth. A pregnant woman will give birth under close medical supervision.

If, during an ultrasound examination, degree 3 of placental maturation was detected much earlier than the 37th week of pregnancy, then additional studies are required. One of them is Doppler ultrasound. It is usually performed immediately after the ultrasound, usually on the same day.

By performing Doppler ultrasound, doctors can evaluate blood flow in the vessels that supply blood to the fetus. If the placenta matures early, its functioning may be impaired. One of the main functions of placental tissue is to provide the fetus with nutrients. A decrease in uteroplacental blood flow can lead to the threat of intrauterine hypoxia.

Another diagnostic method that is used for early detection of stage 3 placenta is cardiotocography. This simple examination can assess the fetal vital signs.

If they are violated, then therapy and a choice of tactics for further pregnancy management are required. In some cases, hospitalization in a hospital may be required, where, under certain indications, the expectant mother can stay immediately until the birth.

About premature maturation of the placenta, see the following video.

- This is a unique organ whose life expectancy is only 40 weeks - the gestation period. We can say that the placenta is a temporary organ that is absolutely necessary exclusively for growth and development in the womb. After childbirth, the placenta is no longer needed, so it is also removed from the uterus. However, like any other organ, the placenta goes through all stages - from birth to death. The death of the placenta is the moment of separation from the walls of the uterus after the birth of the child. But the life stages of the placenta - birth, growth, maturity, aging and death - occur within 40 weeks.

The term “degree of maturity” of the placenta reflects a certain stage of development and physiological changes in this organ. In fact, the degree of maturity is the stage of aging of the placenta. Each degree of maturity corresponds to certain structural features of the placenta and thickness. There are currently four grades maturity of the placenta, designated by Arabic numerals 0, 1, 2 and 3. In this case, the youngest placenta corresponds to the degree of maturity 0, and the oldest - 3.

Aging of the placenta occurs gradually, with each of the four degrees of maturity corresponding to a certain stage of pregnancy. This can be compared to the fact that the body at a certain age shows signs of aging of organs and systems. If such signs appear earlier than the age for which they are characteristic, then they speak of premature aging. The same is true for the placenta, its age is simply calculated by weeks of pregnancy.

Thus, at each stage of gestation, the placenta must be of a certain degree of maturity. Today, clear standards have been defined for the correspondence between the degrees of maturity of the placenta and the timing of pregnancy:

  • Before 30 weeks of pregnancy, placental maturity should be 0;
  • From the 27th to the 36th week of pregnancy, the degree of placental maturity is 1;
  • From the 34th to the 39th week of pregnancy, the degree of placental maturity is 2;
  • From the 37th to the 40th week of pregnancy, the degree of maturity of the placenta is 3.
When the degree of maturity of the placenta and the gestational age are normal, this is a sign of the normal functioning of the organ and its ability to fully satisfy the demands of the developing fetus for oxygen and nutrients. When the gestational age and maturity of the placenta do not correspond to the norm, this indicates a pathology of the organ, as a result of which the child may suffer, since its normal development is disrupted.

If the degree of maturity of the placenta at any stage of gestation is greater than it should be (for example, at the 26th week of pregnancy there is 1st or 2nd degree of maturity), then doctors talk about premature aging (maturation) of the organ. Such premature aging of the placenta is a sign of fetoplacental insufficiency, which leads to a deficiency of nutrients and oxygen delivered to the fetus and, accordingly, to a delay in its development. In addition, placental insufficiency can cause the threat of premature birth, intrauterine fetal death and other serious complications of pregnancy. Therefore, premature aging of the placenta requires treatment in a pregnancy pathology department.