What does fatal love mean? Elena Meili: Fatal love is always a karmic merger of two destinies. Femme fatale, fatal man, fatal love - idols, idols of love

Lenka was not among the best students in the class. I didn't see the need for this. In his opinion, to become an excellent student at school, you don’t need a lot of intelligence. The program is designed for an average level of intelligence. To master it, it is enough to show perseverance and discipline. “For now,” he reflected, “there is no need for this.” Fours and even threes suited him quite well. But I didn’t have to strain myself in my studies. I read the books I liked. He played chess until he was stupefied, sometimes twenty-five games at once. He was fond of table tennis, and, of course, preference. I used to sit at cards until the morning. Not for money, but for interest. Parents did not bother him with “strict morals,” and the teachers treated the student tolerantly.

But one day, in the eleventh grade, a student, Vera, came to them from another city. At first, like a new girl, the girl was in the center of everyone's attention for some time. She wasn't attractive. The expressionless face is a little pale. Narrow-set eyes gray. Liquid ash braid. A very ordinary young lady. The character, however, is flexible. Therefore, the new girl easily fit in and soon became an equal member of the student body. Everyone treated her as if they had known her since childhood. The newcomer was no longer entitled to any inflated demands or benefits. In general, I became my own.

And only Leonid saw something in the girl that made him strongly drawn to her. At first there was just sympathy, but then he fell in love, so much so that he could not find a place for himself.

The student liked the way the guy devoured her with passionate eyes, hovered around her, and provided some services. She even encouraged it. Either he will ask to show you the sights of the city, or he will ask for advice on physics or mathematics.
Lenka was given all the subjects without difficulty. And here he went out of his way not to lose face. I studied everything according to the program and read additional literature. He explained the new material to his classmate as well as the teacher.

They spent almost all their free time from classes together. Everyone considered the couple to be the bride and groom. No one guessed what a purely platonic love they had. The guy didn’t take his eyes off the girl, didn’t leave her side, but never kissed her or even made an attempt.

Once Vera started a conversation on this topic:
-Why is it in the movies, and in real life, that all lovers kiss? Is this an essential component of love?
-I think that kissing and sex only vulgarize love. It's something from animals. Man is a higher being, and his feelings should be more perfect. Real love“The substance is not physical, not material, but spiritual,” explained the young philosopher.

It was probably at this moment that Vera became wary for the first time. She didn’t say anything, but she began to have reasons to “break away” from her admirer for an evening or two. Either she went to see a distant relative out of town, or she went with her mother to evening cutting and sewing courses. The gentleman was waiting for her at the entrance. At first he was satisfied with the explanations, and then began to express reproaches:
- You don't love me, you avoid me.
The girl was amused by this, but the reproaches began to develop into suspicions and accusations:
- You probably fell in love with someone else. Do you have someone. You kiss him. Do you think I can't? “Here,” he suddenly hugged the girl and kissed her.
This is where she broke down for the first time:
- What do you allow yourself? Did I give a reason? Did I say that I love you? Leave me alone. Don't follow me. I am tired of this.

Lenya turned pale, slowly took a step back, then, as if stunned, ran away. At home, I locked myself in the bathroom and cried for several hours. The parents tried in every possible way to calm down the loser in love, but he kept fighting in hysterics. The next day I didn't go to school. It is not known what would have happened next, but Vera ran in after class:
- Sorry, Lenechka. I'm probably a mean girl. You good boy. Shall we make peace?

We graduated from school and entered the Polytechnic Institute. Moreover, the guy initially thought about a communications institute, but changed his dream in order to be with the girl. Now they went to college together and returned together. Leonid's love did not go away. But after a while Vera began to avoid her admirer. Reproaches and scandals began again, until one day the girl said:
- I love someone else and get married. And you and I will remain friends. Want?

Leonid ran home, locked himself in the bathroom and opened his veins. The parents sensed something was wrong, knocked down the door, saw their dying son, and called an ambulance. The doctors rescued the unfortunate man and came out. Matchmaking is not fashionable these days. But here the father and mother, neglecting pride, went to the parents of their child’s beloved and began to beg to give their daughter for their son. Everyone together began to persuade the girl, citing the fact that love is a noble feeling, and that she was lucky enough to be loved so much. Persuaded. The young people got married.

But their happiness was short-lived. The husband literally suppressed the will of his wife, deprived her of all freedom, his love was so despotic. The young woman could not stand it and went to her parents. Then he went out onto the balcony and jumped from the third floor. He was seriously injured, but remained alive. He was taken to the hospital with a concussion, broken legs and several ribs. When he regained consciousness, he shouted that he would not live anyway. He only calmed down when his wife began to visit him.

A few months later he was discharged home. All day long I waited for Vera from the institute, asking her about what she was doing and where she had been. Finally he recovered and started studying himself. The young people are together again all day. The husband does not take his loving eyes off his wife.

Soon Vera felt that she was approaching a nervous breakdown. Probably the husband was one of the vampires who feed on the bioenergy of others. She stated that she was breaking up with him, otherwise she would become hysterical. I packed my things to leave. Leonid locked the door, went out onto the balcony, doused himself with gasoline and called his wife. She decided to say something else in parting, went out, but, sensing a strange smell, wanted to run into the room. The husband held her back with one hand and struck a lighter with the other. The flames instantly engulfed the couple, but Vera managed to escape and put out the fire on herself with a curtain from the window. One day she opened the door, called her neighbors, and they rushed to save the suicide. Finally the flames were put out, Leonid fell unconscious on the floor. Arrived ambulance recorded that seventy percent of the skin was affected by the burn. Some areas were simply charred.

This time Leonid spent about seven months in the hospital. What the doctors didn’t do. From the few surviving areas, the skin was transplanted onto the affected areas. She did not take root well, the wounds festered due to kidney failure and blood intoxication. Arrived death. The patient died in terrible agony, but did not say a single bad word about his beloved and did not express regret about what he had done.

And Vera recovered. More or less everything went well. True, hair will not grow on the back of my head, since there was a severe burn there. Well, it’s not scary - you can cover it up with a grown braid or wig. She gradually calmed down and began to regularly visit the cemetery where her husband was buried. She sat silently for a long time, staring at one point with a detached gaze. The parents of the deceased, of course, were pleased that their daughter-in-law constantly brought flowers to the grave. But they felt sorry for her:
- Verochka, dear, don’t kill yourself like that. You are young, alive, you should think about the future. But Lenechka can no longer be resurrected.
Vera usually remained silent or said something about evil fate, and explained to her fellow students:
- I pay tribute to love itself. The misfortune is that I had the opportunity to meet with a fatal passion, but how many people are given the opportunity to be as loved as I was...

This story happened quite a long time ago, a couple of years ago. I was working in another company at the time, and I was still very naive and gullible. Our team was friendly, united, young, so we met not only at work. but also very often outside of it.

A young man, let’s call him Denis, worked on the same shift as me. who was a little older than me. or rather for a year and a half. We never had close communication, because the shifts were different, so communication between us occurred only at the intersection of shifts. But at some point, Denis himself came up to meet me, under the auspices of helping in mastering new software, which, to my shame, I didn’t really understand at the time. Naturally, we started talking, and during the break we went to play table tennis. Thus began our difficult relationship.

Over time, I fell in love with Denis. I liked spending time with him, walking, communicating at work, playing ping-pong. By the way, I never went crazy about him, he was just very pleasant to me. His attitude towards me was completely incomprehensible, on the one hand, he tried to see me more often, on the other hand, he was an incorrigible ladies' man and he always had a lot of girls.

So a lot of time passed, I had already submitted my resignation, Denis had already quit by that time. We continued to communicate periodically. but they met much less often. And so in early autumn, we decided to get together big company, remember your workdays, chat, and generally have a good time. The result of this meeting was that Denis and I were left alone. I was free from a relationship then, so was he, we sympathized with each other and as a result we woke up in the same bed.

We didn't date for long, about two months, right up until the moment I found out that I was pregnant. After that Hell began. I knew in advance that I would have an abortion, that at this stage of life neither Denis nor I needed a child, and no one would experience happiness from his birth. But so, not only I, but also he, participated in the “creation” of the child, I naturally wrote to him, asked his opinion, said that I was planning to have an abortion and had already saved the money.

After this conversation, Denis began terrorizing me. I turned out to be a whore who extracted money from him and wanted to tie him to me as a child. night calls from him and his friends began with threats against me, he kept watch for me near my house, insulted me, and gave me no rest. I stopped recognizing the person who once idolized me and literally carried me in his arms.

I don't know how I survived that time. Firstly, abortion is, in principle, a very difficult situation for a woman, and then there is such persecution. I closed myself off for a long time and was afraid to trust anyone. Denis, as if nothing had happened, continued to spread dirty gossip about me.

Now everything in my life has already improved. I almost forgot all this horror. I would like to advise girls, do not be naive, behind a beautiful shell there is often a devilish essence hidden. Be carefull!



Femme fatale, male fatale - familiar characteristics, isn't it? But for what reason do they appear in our destiny, forcing them to obey? magical attraction? Why are these individuals, with their special charm and magnetism, endowed with a fateful influence on everyone who is nearby? Is love with them fatal, a mixture of burning passions and uncontrollable romance?

An interview with Elena Meili about love, the power of rock in our lives, fatal addictions and the rational power of healing, we continue our special project “Esoterics in Faces”. Elena Meili, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, laureate of the competition “The Best Healer of Russia of the Last Decade of the 20th Century”, heiress of a family of Vedic healers.


Women are afraid of her and secretly hate her. Men dream about meeting her. However, none of them are able to truly unravel It. Or at least for a moment to lift the veil of Her secrets.

Charmingly inaccessible - and therefore endlessly desirable. Insanely tempting - and almost always unattainable. It is this maddening type of women that has generated special, incomparable emotions from time immemorial, causing an inexplicable desire to imitate them in other women - and igniting in men’s hearts the sizzling fire of passion and the thirst to possess. She is in no hurry to reveal her secrets - but only multiplies them. She was born to change the world, and is not always ready to continue its existence in motherhood. She emanates mysticism... That’s why people remember meeting her all their lives. That's why she's the Femme Fatale!


The name Don Juan has long been a synonym for an irresistible heartthrob. But not everyone remembers that the hero’s appearance was very far from ideal. He looked more like a demon than an Apollo. It is in this artistic parallel that lies main secret an unsolved type of Fatal Man. Mystically attractive for women of various tastes, He sometimes becomes contrary to the generally accepted canons of brutal male beauty. What makes him irresistible are completely different traits: strength of personality, temperament, bright character and - of course - a style of communication that can hardly be called anything other than veiled hypnosis.

The incredible talent to create the appearance of his exclusivity, coupled with the skillful ability to play the image of a “knight on a white horse,” is the greatest danger in the fate of the lady he has chosen. He gives a lot, but takes even more. After all, masterfully playing on the strings of the female soul, paralyzing the will and mind with the mystical magnetism of his nature, He takes part of the soul, captivates it and leaves with it, leaving his victim in bitter dreams of his return. Therefore, love for this person remains forever. And not because it was destined to be so, but because we are sometimes very weak before this test...


- Elena, please tell us briefly about the phenomenon of Fatal Relationships.

First of all, you should understand that, when appearing in the life of your partner, the Fatal Man or Woman a priori influences her extremely negatively. Life, built on a painful play of feelings and passions, very often takes a dramatic turn - and sometimes it can even end tragically. After all, even if He (She) leaves you, manic obsession with a partner turns into a serious mental illness.

- What is the basis for such deep dependence and is there anything common in all such stories?

Of course, each story is unique, full of deeply personal experiences. However, if I look at it esoterically, I see that only the details and circumstances change - otherwise the essence remains the same. Everyone who has ever encountered a Fatal Infatuation repeats the same words: “Love for Her (Him) is ALL that was in my life.” A person forever divides his life into “before” and “after”. This is the most difficult aspect. After all, any relationship with the Fatal Half represents, first of all, the deepest mental connection. At my appointments, I very often encounter situations where desperate victims of Fatal Attachment ask to remove this painful and debilitating attachment and tune in to true love.

It was the usual, seemingly light flirting at work. But it somehow grew too quickly, first into a passionate attraction, and then - almost imperceptibly - into almost complete obsession.

By the time Olga completely dissolved in his love manipulations, the situation became irreversible. Even learning about Andrei’s parallel adventures, she could not resist his magnetism - her mind was paralyzed by thoughts only about him. But it was precisely at this climactic moment that he became interested in... Olga’s boss. For him, it was just a game on their feelings and thoughts. And he lived by this game, and for Olga everything was at risk - her family, loving husband, beautiful children, career. She wasted away in her suffering, losing herself and her strength. And only with a monstrous effort of will, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, she chose the only right path - to come to the reception. It was this decision that saved her life, saved her family and career.


- Fatal Love, Elena, tell me what is its main danger?

This is always a karmic merger of two destinies. There is no place for intuition, support and mutual understanding. This is a “Master-Servant” pair, in which the lot of the victim - against her will - is patient participation in the fate of the Master she has placed on a pedestal, for whose sake she is ready to endure endless suffering. Such marriages are always dramatic because the partners ruin each other’s destinies.

A story from practice.

From the very beginning, Natalya understood that she had stepped on shaky ground. But there was nothing I could do about it. Her friends vying with each other insisted that she was making a huge mistake by leaving her stable marriage with Igor for Victor, who had been spoiled by life, that she was just another desired trophy in his victorious collection. Victor looked little like Casanova, but he exuded some special magnetism that made you forget about everything in the world. They spent their honeymoon in the Seychelles, in complete privacy. Victor gave her the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and she completely lost herself in dreams of a cloudless life. Everything was too fabulous to pay attention to the little things. And these were barely over magical days, how a barely perceptible coldness appeared in Victor’s words and glances, and a little later detachment... Natalya stopped feeling loved and the only one.

The world darkened and lost its meaning when she found out about his affairs on the side, but reluctantly, she decided to patiently wait for him to calm down. Receiving in return already rare, but therefore even more desirable watches with him... He left and then came. Time after time, burning herself from the inside, she forgave - if only her beloved was nearby, if only her second marriage did not break up. If her mother had not literally forced her to come to the session, everything could have ended fatally.

- Elena, what is the way out of this situation? How do you resolve such problems?

First of all, each situation has its own karmic order, I see for what reasons the fatal ring was formed and what needs to be done to ensure positive energy exchange in the couple. Being inside a strong Fateful Circle, it is impossible to do this on your own, because the independence of thinking of each partner is reduced to zero. In a fatal Servant-Master marriage, not only the spouses themselves make fatal mistakes, but also their children grow up with fatal passions, completely copying the fate of their parents. I change the situation radically - I return true feelings and harmony to the family. This is the work of a professional, working with the souls of partners, working with the subtle plane of feelings... Therefore, I want to say to couples who are far from harmony - do not follow the lead of Rock, you are created for happiness, it was originally laid down in your destiny, and you definitely need it gain.

Advice from Elena Meili:

I suggest you compare your relationship as a couple through the pairing of zodiac signs (the first sign of the couple is “Servant”, the second is “Master”):

Aries-Sagittarius, Taurus-Aquarius, Gemini-Taurus, Cancer-Leo, Leo-Pisces, Virgo-Scorpio, Libra-Aries, Scorpio-Gemini, Sagittarius-Virgo, Capricorn-Cancer, Aquarius-Capricorn, Pisces-Libra.

The principle of the rhythmic change of activity of the seasons is also subordinated to this schematic: the period of “Servants” - rise; period of the “Master” – decline.

Therefore, during the recovery period, outline for yourself everything that requires activation (health, cosmetology, plans, intentions, dreams). And in times of downturn, get rid of everything unnecessary (extra pounds, bad habits, relationship).

The interview with Elena Meili was conducted by Natalya Zimina

Test name

Test "Passionate or fatal love?"


There are eight types of love for a partner: affection, passionate love, formal, romantic, friendly, fatal, perfect love, no love (or very weak). With this short test you can determine what type of love you have with your partner.

This classification of types of love was developed by Robert J. Sternberg (“Triangular Theory of Love”). The test is intended for amateur self-testing and is not intended to facilitate the making of any decisions. It will help you analyze the nature of your love relationship and the current state of your love a little more deeply.

The test can be used repeatedly, recording its results in your personal diary.

Qualities assessed

Intimacy in relationships. Passion in relationships. Commitment in relationships

Age category



There are 15 questions. Each question consists of 15 pairs of statements relating to your relationship with your partner. In each case, select one of the options. If it’s difficult to make a choice, still choose one that is closer.


1. He (s) does not understand me -1 +1 He (s) understands me

2. I don’t understand him (her) -1 +1 I understand him (her)

3. He (she) emanates cold -1 +1 He (she) emanates warmth

4. I don’t miss him (her) -1 +1 I miss him (her) without

5. We do not have complete mutual trust -1 +1 We have complete mutual trust

6. I am not physically attracted to him (s) -1 +1 I am physically attracted to him (s)

7. I'm not sexy enough -1 +1 I'm sexy enough (sexy)

8. We don’t have sex, or it’s irregular -1 +1 We have sex at least once a week

9. I don’t let him (her) into my fantasies -1 +1 I often imagine sex with him (her)

10. His (her) passion for me subsides -1 +1 We have ardent and passionate love

11. He (s) is an unreliable person -1 +1 He (s) is faithful to me

12. I myself can easily change -1 +1 I remain steadfastly faithful to him (her)

13. We are not bound by obligations -1 +1 We recently exchanged obligations

14. We demand little from each other -1 +1 We are attentive to each other’s demands

15. Family with him (her) is misfortune -1 +1 Family with him (her) is happiness

Processing the results

For each of the three blocks, calculate the final score. The first block is an indicator of the intimacy of relationships, warmth, closeness. The second block is an indicator of passion in a relationship, sexual interest in each other. The third block is an indicator of mutual obligations and reliability of partners. Each block should result in a positive or negative number. If somewhere you get a zero, it means you made a mistake or did not answer all the questions.

What kind of love turned out to be? Let "I" stand for intimacy, "S" for passion, and "O" for commitment.

- - - Lack of love. The absence of love is the absence of all three of its components (intimacy, passion, commitment). The absence of love characterizes the vast majority of our personal relationships, which are merely everyday interactions that bear no resemblance to love.

+ - - Affection. If only the “intimacy” component is present in a relationship, and the “passion” and “commitment” components are absent, then affection arises. A person feels closeness, affection and warmth towards another person without experiencing intense passion or having long-term commitments. A person experiences emotional closeness to his friend, but the friend does not “excite” him or make him think that the person “loves the friend” or is going to love him all his life. If an ordinary friend with whom a person feels affection leaves, even for a long time, the person may miss him, but he is not inclined to think about his loss all the time and does not feel sorry for himself.

- + - passionate love. Passionate love is “love at first sight.” Passionate love, or simply passion, is characterized by the experience of passionate arousal in the absence of the components of “intimacy” and “commitment.” It is usually quite easy to notice passion, although, as a rule, it is easier for other people to determine that a person is passionately in love than for that person himself. Passion is necessarily accompanied by psychophysiological arousal, which manifests itself in such somatic symptoms as cardiopalmus, increased hormonal secretion, erection of the genital organs (penis or clitoris), and so on.

- - + formal love. This type of love arises from the decision that one loves another and is committed to that love, in the absence of both intimacy and passion. This type of love can sometimes be found in stagnant relationships that have lasted many years and during which time have lost both the mutual emotional involvement and the physical attraction that once characterized them. In cases of arranged marriage, marriage partners may begin their relationship by simply making a commitment to love or try to love each other. In other cases, formal love is the result of a more romantic relationship.

+ + - romantic love . This type of love has components of intimacy and passion. Romantic lovers feel not only physical attraction to each other, but also emotional attachment.

+ - + Friendly love . This type of love occurs when there is a combination of the components “intimacy” and “commitment”. In essence, it is a long-term, committed friendship that often arises between spouses after physical attraction (the main source of passion) gradually fades away.

- + + Fatal love. Fatal love is characterized by a combination of the components “passion” and “commitment” in the absence of intimacy. Such love is frivolous in the sense that commitment is made under the influence of passion alone, in the absence of the stabilizing element of intimacy. Although the passion component can develop almost instantly, the intimacy component takes time to develop, and therefore there is a risk of breakup in fatal relationships, and in the case of hasty marriages, the risk of divorce.

+ + + Perfect love. Perfect love includes all three components (intimacy, passion and commitment). Achieving perfect love does not guarantee that this love will last. It can turn into other types of love. However, such relationships take a very long time to break down, and the lovers experience incomparable happiness.

Year of test development


Version number


Permanent link

Bibliographic link

1. Test "Passionate or fatal love?" [Electronic resource] // A. Ya.. 02/19/2010..html (02/19/2010).


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In our cultural tradition, it is customary to consider love to be the highest and brightest feeling that befalls a person. Entering our lives, it brings joy and harmony, serves as a stimulus for development and spiritual growth. Most often this is true, but sometimes fatal love happens, the consequences of which are only destroyed destinies, pain and the ashes of burnt hopes.

Lightning strike

Remembering years later her first meeting with Yuri, Lena always described it with a phrase from the famous book: “Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and struck us both at once. That’s how lightning strikes, that’s how a Finnish knife strikes!”

This happened in the midst of a noisy student party.
She looked at the handsome guy who came in, trying to decide whether his appearance could be called attractive. Then he looked at her crazy gray eyes, and Lena instantly realized that she was missing.

What happened next remained in her memory in some vague fragments.
It seems they danced, drank wine and floated again to a romantic slow melody, squeezing each other in their arms. Then, without opening our arms, we wandered somewhere through the night city. And then there was a crazy night, the first night of love in her life.

A month flew by unnoticed, filled to the brim with passion.
She couldn't think about anything except his demanding lips, his hands sliding over her body. And then Yuri disappeared without warning, and Lena suddenly realized that for a whole month she had learned nothing about her lover, except that he was not a student and was already working somewhere.

A couple of weeks later it turned out that the meetings did not pass without a trace for her: she became pregnant. The friends took the initiative, almost by force dragging the sobbing Lena to a familiar doctor for an abortion. After that, she became quiet, and then little by little she began to return to normal.

Meetings and expectations

Two years have passed. Lena started dating a guy from a parallel group, and things gradually moved towards marriage. Coming out of the institute after classes, she first saw a huge bouquet of scarlet roses, and then those same crazy gray eyes looking at her with hope and love.

Everything repeated itself, just like the first time: a month of unbridled passion and sudden disappearance. True, now she was smart enough to protect herself. A wedding with a classmate, of course, was out of the question: the guy said a lot of harsh things to her, offensive words and left.

Lena waited, but Yuri did not return. After five years, she decided that there was nothing more to wait for, and responded to the advances of a work colleague, and then married him. A son was born, and Lena, immersed in quiet family joys, was happy for the first time in many years. Until I ran into Yuri in the supermarket.

She forgot about everything - about her son, who needed to be picked up from kindergarten, that in a week my husband and I were going to a resort in Spain. This time, fatal love raged in her life for only ten days, and then Yuri took her out of the apartment, kissed her on the cheek and jumped into an approaching taxi.

Life is broken

The husband forgave, although their relationship lost the cozy closeness that had made her so happy before. I forgave for the sake of my son, and life rolled on as usual. Until Yuri's next appearance. This time the passion raged for a whole month and a half, after which Lena found herself in some village, without a penny of money, with a dead phone.

I had to ask my parents for the way back: My husband's phone didn't answer. When she returned, she was unable to get into the apartment - the key did not fit the lock. It turned out that the husband filed for divorce. The court was on the side of the deceived husband and even forbade Lena to see her son. Now she lives in a tiny rented apartment on the outskirts and tries to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.

Fatal love

Psychologists consider relationships, which are commonly called “fatal love,” to be a severe psychological dependence. As a rule, they develop according to the “master-servant” scheme, with the master completely suppressing the will of the servant, subordinating it to his whims. The servant places the image of the owner in his value system at an unattainable height; any desires of the owner are fulfilled with joy.

Intimacy plays a huge role in these relationships. which brings incredible pleasure to the servant. For the owner, these relationships often do not have much value and are perceived either as entertainment or as an annoying nuisance - if the addiction arose against the owner’s wishes and he does not want to take advantage of his advantages.

Women are much more likely than men to become victims of fatal love, Moreover, the objects can be men who do not want this at all - attending physicians, teachers, bosses.

To a woman trapped in fatal love, qualified psychological help. This condition can rightfully be considered a disease, and treatment usually continues for many years. It is successful only in those cases when the man makes no attempt to get closer to the woman in love with him, and the resulting dependence is not supported by pleasant memories.

If fatal love is fueled periodically emerging intimacy, the only means that can keep the victim from continuing a harmful relationship is separation.

Only by breaking all the threads connecting with the past, Having left the city or even the country, she can hope for a normal life for herself and her loved ones. But even a chance short-term meeting with the “owner”, i.e. with the person to whom her feelings are directed, she again resurrects old emotions and restores dependence.

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A story of love or infatuation - Love in an envelope. This story happened quite a long time ago - back when I was a student and was counting my life

Reasoning on the topic: Man and woman, love and relationships. Have you ever wondered what love is? And if you paid attention to couples in love, then