What does it mean to open a man's heart? Five keys that open a man's heart. What happens when the heart is open to love

How to identify closed hearts and why to do it. It might even be safer to live in conditions modern world? Everyone makes the decision themselves. But knowledge aboutWHAT can you lose by closing your heart?, and what benefits can be obtained by opening your heart to the world will be useful to everyone.

What is a closed and open heart

A person with a closed heart is not always a silent and secretive hermit who looks gloomily at the world. And this is not even a dry, insensitive official who strictly follows instructions. Very often such people are sociable, have a family and a wide circle of acquaintances. But not everyone is allowed in. Often they are not even aware of their closedness.

Closed heartis a lack of empathy and energetic involvement. The inability to freely and childishly openly give your warmth without expecting a reward for it. When you communicate with such a person, you understand on a sensory level that his emotional channel is closed.

Sometimes people with a closed heart are not even aware of their “closedness.”

People with closed hearts meetactive and passive.

Active people live by formal communication. They build their lives around material wealth and profit. They may even be kind, but only because the situation demands it. In life they are guided by rules and regulations because they do not hear the call of their heart. It is closed even from themselves.

Passive people blame the whole world for their loneliness and misfortunes. They suffer, but they do itindicative. They often throw themselves into work, running away from their feelings. They feel bad, but they will not allow themselves to be saved, because their life lies in this suffering.

There are also peoplewith excess energy in the heart, but they are also closed. This excess blocks their feelings, it prevents them from experiencing them. They experience a colossal thirst to be needed and loved and thus do not allow themselves to do so. They chase feelings, scaring them away.

A man with an open heartnot afraid of this world. This is felt when communicating. He simply gives and does not expect anything in return, he gives and does not ask for gratitude. He is already internally RICH and self-sufficient. There is no desire for power or constant compassion. He lives with both heart and mind.

A person with an open heart knows how to live with both mind and heart!

The main signs of cardiac closure

Here are the most common signs of closed heart that will help determine whether you or your loved ones have internal blocks:

  • disappointment in love- the certainty that I will never love anyone/they won’t love me
  • rationalization of feelings- a strong belief that love or other feelings are just a sign of weakness
  • relationship automation- participation in relationships according to the “need-do” principle, without investing your energy
  • avoidance long term relationship - conscious or unconscious escape with a search for justifications for one’s actions
  • looking for problems in others and blaming everyone around- reluctance or fear to look at oneself and one’s actions
  • self-criticism and self-rejection- lack of self-confidence and thirst for approval. Constant doubts about one’s abilities and the search for external support
  • physical and mental illnesses- heart disease, psychosomatic diseases, depression, constant anxiety
  • hyperactive desire for love and relationships- too intrusive feelings that suffocate and frighten
  • self-sacrifice- the opinion and goals of another person are always higher than your own

There may be many more signs of cardiac closure. But the ones given here are the most common in our lives. If you find at least one such sign in yourself, then do not waste time and open the flow of energy going to your heart. This will allow you to feel a surge of strength and change your life for the better. Start creating your life right now!

Why do hearts close and why is it dangerous?

People close their hearts for various reasons. Most often thispreviously experienced traumas and grievances, unspoken and uncryed. Once having experienced pain or fear, the human heart closes and is simply afraid that such a situation will happen again.

We can not only close our hearts, but also hide such a situation in our memory. And then it becomes more difficult to get to the root of various life troubles.

The danger of closing the cardiac flow isin blocking the vital energy channel. She does, but in a very limited way and is not enough for all her aspirations and desires.

Deficiency is felt in various areas of life:

  • It’s difficult to build relationships and start a family
  • constant financial difficulties
  • problems communicating with loved ones
  • dissatisfaction with work
  • lack of energy and desires

Now listen to the stories of those who have already opened their hearts:

The best way to open your heart

You have already taken the first and most important step towards opening your heart - this is the awareness of the need anddesire to change your life for the better. This is a very important and difficult step.

Perhaps you have seen similar traits of closed-heartedness in yourself or in your loved ones. Don't be scared! This is even good, because it means that you are able and ready to see changes, let them into your life and open your heart.

The first step to opening your heart is realizing the need and desire to change your life for the better.

Try to analyze all the moments that do not suit you in life. Think about what the reason might be, remember whether such situations have happened before. Write down your thoughts.

To help you fully open your heart, I invite you to my 6-day retreat.

In 6 days, incredible metamorphoses will happen to you, as a result of which you:

  • realize your purpose
  • free yourself from fears and resentments
  • get support from your family
  • gain confidence and enter a state of Abundance
  • learn to open your heart to the world and live in the flow of Love and Luck

A closed heart is the worst of prisons (c) Pope John Paul II

Who are they talking about? "a man with a closed heart"? Many people will think of the image of a cold and calculating egoist or a disillusioned, “beaten by life” loner.

But it is not so. In fact, problems with a closed heart are much more varied and paradoxical, and occur very often.

Perhaps you even have them?!

Read the article and find out what a closed heart is, who has it and what are its consequences consequences.

So. Closed heart– this is a BLOCKED heart chakra.

It's not only energy shortage in this zone (which is most often called the closed heart), but also excess energy in the area of ​​the heart.

In both cases, a person’s heart is closed from real contact with his feelings and from adequate interaction with other people.

This is fraught with various negative consequences. Let's consider both cases.

1. Lack of energy in the heart and its consequences

When there is a deficiency in the heart chakra, the flow of energy passing through it is severely limited.

Heart chakra remains empty, uptight and useless.

This is a classic manifestation of a “closed heart.” Such a person doesn't understand his feelings as if “he doesn’t feel anything at all.”

This has a devastating effect on his health, relationships with others and worldview.

1.1. Refusal of love

This is the main problem of the “deficit people”. As a result of certain injuries, you disappointed in love. Or, more precisely, that you can fall in love or someone will love you.

At some point it was so painful that you decided that nothing was better than this. However, it could have been in such deep childhood that the decision was forgotten. There is only coldness and emptiness in the chest.

People with a deficiency in the heart chakra find reasons for this state of affairs. For example, “Love is evil”, “Love is a fiction”, “Sex is not a reason for dating”, “Women are materialistic and love only money”, etc.

1.2. Fear of deep relationships, loneliness

You may not be formally single and, it seems, meet someone and even live.

But it will only be appearance of relationship, for the sake of social status, sex or other benefits.

There is no sincerity, trust, or understanding in such relationships.

A person with a deficiency in the heart chakra, by the way, usually suffers in this situation(realizing it or not). After all We all have a basic need for love., and if it doesn’t exist, it’s very bad for any person.

But he will most likely blame his partner for this and the fact that “ real love only happens in fairy tales."

This often leads to real loneliness and even isolation from people.

See also Exposing the myth of halves and what is behind it

1.3. Coldness, detachment

Because of these qualities, people with a lack of energy in the heart chakra find it difficult to build trusting relationships.

Due to a lack of understanding of other people's feelings, you consciously or unconsciously manipulate people(especially those who have excess energy in the heart chakra).

This may help you achieve some career or personal goals, but it does not make you happier.

1.4. Judging and criticizing others

It seems that in your troubles others are to blame. They behave incorrectly and unworthily, and because of this all the problems.

But you know exactly what they need to do.

If you have noticed this in yourself, you have a closed heart...

1.5. Self-intolerance

Alas, the root of judging others lies in lack of self-acceptance.

Sometimes it’s even difficult to admit it. But people with a lack of energy in their hearts do not love themselves, scold themselves, and constantly try to prove to themselves and others that they are “worth something.”

This may help in career achievements, but, again, it does not satisfy and does not make you happy.

1.6. Depression

An extreme form of a closed heart. You you don't see the meaning in life, you have nothing to rely on, everything seems gray and empty.

Alcohol dependence may occur computer games and other ways to escape reality.

1.7. Stagnant health disorders

Energy moves poorly, which means that blood and oxygen do not sufficiently enrich this zone.

Health problems in such people they are associated with “stagnation”, “restraint” and “inhibition”.

These are hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis, risk of heart attack, etc. Feel emptiness and coldness in the heart.

2. Excess energy in the heart and its consequences

With excessive activity (hyperactivity) of the heart chakra the energy is too messy to function normally.

An appropriate metaphor for this case: a traffic jam when the movement of cars is blocked due to their large number.

It would seem that since the chakra is moving so actively, the heart is open? But no, it's delusion.

If a deficient chakra can be called a stagnant swamp, then a hyperactive chakra is a whirlpool, a stormy stream that is difficult to control.

From this flickering it may seem that the lives of such people are rich and interesting. But, in fact, “hyperactive” people suffer no less than “deficient” people.

2.1. Fixation on love and, ultimately, its loss

This is the main sign of a closed heart of the hyperactive type. You are promoting that love is everything, that for the sake of love you are ready to do anything, that love-love-love...

Eventually, your love is suffocating and obsessive, partners simply run away from such relationships, and you suffer again and again.

2.2. Constant need for love and approval

We said that energy does not hold in such a chakra. You always receive love from the world and loved ones, but it “slips through your fingers.”

Because of this, it always seems to you that you don’t have enough love, and you demand more and more... No matter how much love they give you, it will fly by like a chimney, and you will experience constant hunger for love.

Also, you will be unsure of yourself and need constant approval from others. You overreact to criticism- if a person makes even one remark to you, you think that he does not approve of you, and therefore does not love you.

2.3. Demandingness, lust for possession, jealousy

This point follows from the previous ones. You believe that you have invested a lot of love in your partner (suffocatingly much), but he gives “not enough.”

This gives you a constant irritation, jealousy(what if he takes away the love due to you to the left?), the desire is completely own a partner.

2.4. Weak boundaries, sacrifice

One of the options for “being willing to do anything for love.” You give your partner or people “all of yourself”, sometimes neglecting your time, desires, interests.

You expect the same “love” in return, but alas. Usually you are attracted to people of the deficit type who manipulate you to the point of complete exhaustion.

Healthy partners cannot stand this very quickly, because they do not need a victim nearby.

2.5. Health problems

“Hyperactive” people can develop a whole range of diseases of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. The most common are asthma, arrhythmia, varicose veins, and angina pectoris. Feel "too enlarged" heart, pressure inside.

Debunking the myths about the closed and open heart

In materials on the Internet people with closed hearts are often judged, they are called callous, calculating and hypocritical.

And, supposedly, they manipulate people with “open” hearts all the time for their own benefit.

This is an imprecise approach.

In fact, a person with a really open heart is very difficult to manipulate– he is sensitive to his feelings and honest with himself and others.

Any manipulation cannot withstand his courage, sensitivity and sincerity.

And people with a closed heart of a hyperactive type become victims of manipulators. We wrote above that sacrifice is in their character, and they always attract tyrants, deceivers, etc.

It’s not worth blaming coldish “deficit people” for all mortal sins. In fact, they have a hard life (although this does not relieve them of responsibility for some actions).

It is important to understand this: what will YOU do, if you see it in yourself or your loved ones signs of a closed heart.

The best way is to admit there is a problem and, strengthening and harmonizing the vibrations of love.

If you think that the problem is not with you, but with your partner, please note that people are attracted according to the compensatory type(for example, a manipulator and his victim). That is, there is something in you that attracted this person.

But. Once you start working on your heart, automatically the energy of the couple's relationship will change, which means your partner will begin to change (or you will simply get out of an openly destructive relationship).

But, most importantly, you yourself will feel more whole, calm and filled with love. I wish each of you dear readers, learn live with your heart and trust yourself!

P.S. How to live with your heart - you will learn from. Get the best practices for working with your heart chakra now!

How to open your heart?The heart is the source of joy and love or sadness and disappointment. When the heart chakra is open, it is pure, you experience unconditional love, happiness, acceptance. You give and receive love.

When there is a block in the form of sorrows, disappointments, fears, only these feelings are available to you.

Opening the heart has always occupied the most important place in any esoteric and spiritual practices. Why? Through the heart, that is, love, there is a connection with God, with the Universe. If this contact exists, then you easily receive the gifts of life and rejoice!
In the context of August, unconditional love (which resides in the heart) allows you to easily connect to the portals of Abundance. In general, through love you can easily connect with any form of Divine energies.

BUT all of us periodically (some people constantly) have a heart that closes. Sadness came, relationships collapsed, apathy prevailed and... the flow of natural unconditional love of the heart was blocked! Along with it, access to the blessings of life was also closed.

Opening our hearts? The practices are simple, the main thing is to do them. And drive away the sadness of the heart.

1. Practice Heart Breathing

Sit back, relax. Let go of all negative emotions.

Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind.

You take a deep breath. As you inhale, imagine how you inhale a stream or ray of golden color into the heart area.

As you exhale, imagine a ray of your love coming out of your heart! It can be white, golden or pink.

Perform this Heart Breathing at least 8 times per set, at least 2 times a day. The more often the better.

2. Breath of Gratitude

We continue the theme of opening the heart. Unconditional Love is the greatest Power, the highest vibration. New energies of August. And in general, 2017 opens up great opportunities for Abundance and prosperity. But to connect to them you need high vibrations!

Love is such a vibration. And when combined with gratitude, it works wonders!

I offer a simple, ancient and powerful practice of Heart Breathing + Gratitude. This technique simultaneously triggers the opening of the heart, the power of gratitude, and unconditional love.


Sit back, calm your thoughts. First, take a few deep breaths in and out.

Now we begin the Breath of Gratitude.

Take a deep breath. As you inhale, mentally say: “Good.”
Exhale deeply. As you exhale, mentally say “I give.”

Feel your heart open, you accept Blah go, and Give Good.

3. Mudra for the Heart

The manifestation of unconditional love and the proper functioning of the heart can be hindered not only by negative emotions, but also by physical heart disease or a weak heart due to overweight, improper sleep, through moderate consumption of coffee or alcohol.

In such cases, one should also use mudras for the heart.

For this case, as well as for those who often worry, get nervous, or experience increased stress, I recommend doing the “Dragon Temple” Mudra.

It not only helps with physical problems of the heart, but also calms the heart, gives peace and serenity, and relieves stress.